Why would Li Xu’an come to Jiang Ci’s hospital room? Ye Ming couldn’t figure it out. Right now, his mind was pretty much completely blank. There was only panic and fear.

Three years ago, he had come to this city alone. If it hadn’t been for his senior schoolmate’s care and help, he never would’ve been able to have his current job. Li Xu’an was such a good person. He had always respected him as an older brother. 

He hid his past and came to such a distant place, drawing a resolute line between himself and his past. He didn’t want to face people’s sympathetic or pitying gazes, and he was even more afraid of facing people’s disappointment and hatred.

If Li Xu’an knew what awful things he’d done and how hopelessly entangled with Jiang Ci he was now, how would he look at him? Would he think he’s disgusting?

Would he regret being so kind to him?

Ye Ming looked at Jiang Ci pleadingly, his eyes sorrowful. He basically had nothing; he didn’t want to lose any more people who were important to him… 

Jiang Ci looked into Ye Ming’s eyes. Jealousy once again bubbled up in his heart.

Li Xu’an’s regard for you is different, isn’t it? That’s why you’re so afraid of being discovered by him.

You were clearly pretending to be indifferent earlier, but you’re actually not as brave as you pretend to be, right? You’re afraid of me treating you like this, afraid of Li Xu’an witnessing our relationship, afraid of people discovering your past…

You’re actually very scared…it’s just because you have no other choice that you pretend you don’t care.

Jiang Ci suddenly smiled and looked at Ye Ming meaningfully with the gaze of a hunter hunting his prey.

What’s the fun in knocking you down into the dust in one go? Of course I want to make you slowly get a taste of despair.

Jiang Ci relaxed the hand that was holding Ye Ming in place. He said clearly, “Please come in.”

Ye Ming finally broke free from Jiang Ci’s restraint, but now he was caught in another predicament! Because he’d already heard the sound of the door opening—Li Xu’an was about to come in. If he went out now, Li Xu’an was bound to see his disheveled, wretched appearance! 

Stuck at an impasse, he caught a glimpse of the half-opened door of the nearby restroom and hastily hid inside. He couldn’t lock the door because his hands were tied, so he could only use his shoulder to push the door closed as best as he could. He pressed himself tightly against the wall, afraid to make a single sound.

Just as Ye Ming managed to hide, Li Xu’an walked inside.

The Li family had had some business dealings with the Jiang family in the past, and they were considered to be in the same circle, so when Li Xu’an heard that Jiang Sheng’s son had come over to handle affairs and then gotten into an accident and was being treated at his own hospital, he came to visit him out of courtesy.

Li Xu’an’s impression of Jiang Ci was from a few years back. At the time, Jiang Sheng had just found the son he’d lost, and he had itched to announce it to the world. So this Young Master Jiang was very well-known. Back then, when Li Xu’an went over there, he had met him briefly. He could only remember that he was a somewhat cold and solemn boy. 

Li Xu’an walked inside and casually set down a flower basket. He smiled and said, “Young Master Jiang.”

Jiang Ci gave him an impeccable, polite smile. He said courteously, “Director Li.” Although they’d only met once, he recognized him.

Li Xu’an looked at the domineering young man in front of him. He seemed to be much more mature than he had been in the past. He said, smiling, “I only just heard that you were staying at this hospital. Is your body a bit better now? Our hospitals are humble and crude and can’t compare to yours over there. If there’s anything we haven’t been attentive to, don’t hesitate to let us know.”

Jiang Ci smiled. “Director Zong is too polite. It’s excellent here. The hospital staff are all very hardworking. If I were to complain, I would be nitpicking.” 

The two praised each other while remaining modest. They weren’t familiar with each other, so they didn’t talk to each other like close friends and merely exchanged perfunctory greetings.

Li Xu’an knew that this young master Jiang was young, but the way he spoke and acted was immaculate. His attitude was neither subservient nor overbearing, and he had the bearing of someone from a distinguished family. Li Xu’an felt some appreciation in his heart.

Although he was a child that had only been brought back at an older age, he hadn’t been raised into having a weak or timid disposition, and he hadn’t become arrogant and willful to the point of not knowing himself, just because he had suddenly reached the heavens in a single bound. Jiang Sheng truly had a son who’d grown up into a useful person and didn’t make people look down on him.

Don’t mention Jiang Ci, who had encountered such adversity. Even among those rich second generations who were born with silver spoons in their mouths, it was uncommon to encounter such a remarkable person. 

Although they had only exchanged a few words, Li Xu’an already didn’t feel the slightest bit of contempt toward him.

Li Xu’an had only come over to fulfill his host’s duty to greet his guest, and soon, he stood up and got ready to leave. Suddenly, he heard Jiang Ci say, “Your doctors here are quite conscientious. There’s a Doctor Chen…he should be named Chen Zhao. He’s pretty good.”

Li Xu’an was momentarily taken off guard, but then his eyes revealed a tender and happy look. “Is that so?”

Jiang Ci noticed the subtle change in Li Xu’an’s expression. He felt even more jealous, but he didn’t reveal even the slightest change, and instead said, “Yes, I have a bit of an impression of him. He treats patients very patiently and diligently.” 

He didn’t say too much, just touched on it and left it at that.

But people of their status had to listen for the implied meanings within other people’s words. Li Xu’an knew that Jiang Ci probably didn’t merely have a slight impression of Chen Zhao, but rather had an extremely positive impression of him, or else he wouldn’t have specially mentioned him to Li Xu’an…He wasn’t aware of the relationship between Chen Zhao and himself, so he was probably just doing Chen Zhao a favor by offhandedly mentioning him and letting Li Xu’an think more highly of him.

Li Xu’an smiled. “I understand. Rest well. I’ll come visit you again another day.”

Jiang Ci watched Li Xu’an leave. He turned his head and looked in the direction of the restroom, his eyes ice-cold. 

Just now, he had deliberately been sounding out Li Xu’an’s attitude toward Chen Zhao.

He couldn’t miss Li Xu’an’s tender expression when he’d heard Chen Zhao’s name. His feelings for you are obvious to anyone…Do you know about it? You probably should.

If you didn’t have Li Xu’an’s help, as a fugitive who hadn’t held a formal job for many years, how could you have smoothly and steadily remained at his hospital?

You pretended to be harmless to gain his goodwill, to obtain what you wanted to obtain…that’s why you’re so afraid of your true colors being exposed. 

Ye Ming had hidden in the restroom the whole time. Even his breaths were exhaled very, very carefully for fear that Li Xu’an would discover that he was here.

He didn’t expect that Li Xu’an and Jiang Ci would actually know each other. He even specially came to visit Jiang Ci. But at least he hadn’t come to find him…This allowed him to let out a relieved breath. He just hadn’t thought that Jiang Ci would take the initiative to mention his name.

During that moment, his heart had practically leapt up into his throat. Luckily, Jiang Ci didn’t say anything in the end…

Ye Ming knew he should get out of there as quickly as possible, but he didn’t know if Jiang Ci would let him leave. He thought of what Jiang Ci had just done to him, and then he was even more unwilling to come out and face him. 

Aera jr tf kjr tfrlajalcu ecfjrlis, tf tfjgv Aljcu Jl’r wbmxlcu nblmf vgloa lcrlvf. “Lbk ibcu jgf sbe qijcclcu bc rajslcu lc atfgf?”

Tf Zlcu raloofcfv jii bnfg. Mlcjiis, tf ribkis kjixfv bea, yea tf vlvc’a ufa mibrf ab Aljcu Jl, kjamtlcu tlw jifgais ogbw jojg.

Aljcu Jl rjk Tf Zlcu’r ofjg jcv ecfjrf, ibbxlcu jr lo tf kfgf rbwf fzagfwfis vjcufgber atlcu. Vevvfcis, tf mbeivc’a tfiq yea rwlif. Ktf vjgxcfrr lc tlr fsfr kjr jr vffq jr atf rxs. Pa kjr jr lo j teuf cfa tjv mibrfv lc bc tlw, ifjnlcu tlw cbktfgf ab frmjqf.

He smiled and softly said, “You should know that you can’t get away.” 

Ye Ming tightly pressed his lips together. The stack of photos that Jiang Ci had given him was actually meant to signify this, wasn’t it? To indicate that his every movement was under his observation, and there was nowhere for him to run.

Jiang Ci quirked up the corners of his mouth. After a moment, he chuckled. “What are you doing standing so far away? If you don’t come closer, how can I help untie you? Unless you aren’t planning on leaving?”

Ye Ming remembered that his hands were still tied up. He really couldn’t leave like this, but he also really didn’t want to go over there. He was truly stuck in a dilemma. After a while, he finally grit his teeth and walked over. The longer he wasted time here, the more dangerous it was. It was pointless to resist, and meaningless, too.

Jiang Ci calmly watched Ye Ming walk over, as if he were watching his prey walk step by step into the trap he had set up. He said, “Turn around.” 

Ye Ming turned around, his back to Jiang Ci. His back was stiff, and because he couldn’t see Jiang Ci’s movements, he felt even more uneasy.

A short moment later, he felt the binds on his wrists loosen. Jiang Ci actually didn’t do anything. He sighed in relief and immediately wanted to shy away, but suddenly a hand forcefully pinched his nape. At that moment, his hair stood on end, and an indescribable fear enveloped him.

Jiang Ci stroked Ye Ming’s neck. He looked at the graceful curve of his back and the faintly exposed sliver of a smooth shoulder. His eyes darkened and he languidly said, “I didn’t realize before that your body is actually so alluring. I really hate to let other people see it.”

Ye Ming’s heartbeat sped up. He thought that those words were really strange. Jiang Ci’s actions made him feel like a poisonous snake had coiled around him. “What do you mean…” 

Jiang Ci smiled slightly. “But if you try to run or if you’re disobedient…I’ll hire a good photographer and have them take photos of you. I’ll send them to Li Xu’an, your coworkers, and your friends and let them all see how good you look unclothed. What do you think of this idea?”

Ye Ming paled. He was both angry and anxious. He simply couldn’t believe these words had come out of Jiang Ci’s mouth. He turned his head around and glared. “You—”

Jiang Ci looked into his eyes. Although a smile hung on his lips, the glint in his eyes was dangerous and utterly frigid. “You’d better not engage in any wishful thinking because I’m not joking around.”

Ye Ming’s throat closed up. He saw Jiang Ci’s serious gaze and the profound, cold hatred in them. It was like a veil of darkness. His heart couldn’t help but sink. He would do it…After all, Jiang Ci hated him this much. 

Jiang Ci released his hold and walked back. Lazily, he said, “You can leave now.”

Ye Ming’s shirt had been torn apart. He could only wrap his white coat around himself to cover it up. He turned around and left, cutting a sorry figure. In this state, he couldn’t stay at the hospital. Ye Ming hurriedly made up an excuse and went home early.

The entire way home, he felt a bit unsettled. He looked left and right, as if he wanted to pick out where the people Jiang Ci had tailing him were. He looked at everyone with suspicion; he didn’t feel any sense of security to speak of. Only after he returned home, tightly shut the door, and closed the blinds did he finally let out a sigh of relief.

He didn’t need to keep pretending. 

Ah, the feeling of skipping work was really too satisfying! He’d gotten such a scare and was feeling depressed, so he could probably find an excuse to take a few more days off, right?

Ye Ming changed his clothes and looked at himself in the mirror. Geez, was this stinking brat a dog? He’d been bitten so hard the corners of his mouth were bleeding, and there were teeth marks on his neck.

[888: You’re really planning on agreeing to his request? Not going to resist him again?]

[Ye Ming: Haven’t I been resisting this whole time?] 

[888: Are you sure this counts as resistance? Aren’t you wanting to refuse but acting willing?]

[Ye Ming: Big bro, you even know “wanting to refuse but acting willing”? You’ve been taught wrong!]

[888: …] Fuck off.

[Ye Ming: Plus, what’ll I do if I really resist too hard and my family’s Xiao Ci takes my photos in a fit of anger? I’m so scared, ne.] 

[888: …] This spicy chicken didn’t know that Jiang Ci wouldn’t really take his photos? Fuck off fuck off fuck off!


Ye Ming rested at home for a few days, all righteous and proper, until he was too embarrassed to keep taking days off, and he finally got ready to go back to work.

He saw that although the marks on his neck had faded, there were still faint imprints. So he put on his shirt and buttoned it all the way to the top, barely covering them up. Then he finally returned to the hospital. 

Doctor Liu asked Ye Ming with great concern, “Are you better now?”

Ye Ming nodded his head and smiled with difficulty. “Much better. Thank you for your concern. These couple days, I’ve troubled you.” While he was gone, Doctor Lui had helped him do a lot of his things.

Doctor Liu laughed, “It’s nothing, it’s nothing. Chen ge, you normally always look after me; this is as it should be, this is as it should be!”

Ye Ming shot him a grateful look. He felt very warm. He truly treasured everything he had now. But when he remembered that Jiang Ci wasn’t far away and how dangerous he was, his eyes dimmed. 

Ye Ming was a little preoccupied while working, afraid that at the next moment, everyone would know about him, and then they’d all change beyond recognition and look at him with disgust, loathing, and pity.

As if he were some pitiful, despicable thing…

With great difficulty, he finally got off work. Ye Ming packed up and got ready to go home, but suddenly he seemed to hear someone knocking on his window.

When he lifted his head, he saw York standing outside, leveling him with a look of implied threat. Then he immediately turned around and left. He’d only stopped by for a short moment, so no one else noticed. 

Ye Ming’s movements suddenly halted.

Doctor Liu turned around and asked, “How come you’re not leaving? Work is over.”

Ye Ming’s hands tightly clenched his knees under the table. He smiled stiffly. “I just remembered I have something else to do. You guys can leave first.”

Doctor Liu didn’t think any more of it. He still had to go and pick up his girlfriend, so he cheerfully left first. Soon, only Ye Ming remained in the office. He grit his teeth and stood up to go to Jiang Ci’s room. 

Jiang Ci saw Ye Ming arrive. He put down the things in his hand. His expression natural, he smiled a little and said, “Did you recover well?”

Ye Ming’s expression was complicated. Jiang Ci knew he wasn’t sick at all and was just avoiding him, but why didn’t he say it? At one moment, he was so vicious and frenzied; at another, he behaved so tenderly. This child…when did he become like this?

He wasn’t at all like the child in his memory.

Ye Ming had come here with no other choice under Jiang Ci’s threat, but on the inside, he didn’t want to have that kind of relationship with him at all. Don’t say he doesn’t like men, he even more so couldn’t accept the child he’d raised having those sorts of intentions toward him. 

All of it made him feel ashamed. He couldn’t endure it.

When Jiang Ci saw Ye Ming’s appearance, he knew he felt very resistant inside. He wasn’t planning on going too overboard at once either, pushing Ye Ming to the point of taking desperate action. But it was still necessary to first collect interest on his loan. He’d thoroughly missed the taste of this person.

Jiang Ci coolly said, “Are you going to come here yourself, or do you need someone to help you?”

Ye Ming could practically feel the vicious gaze of the bodyguard behind him. A look of fierce struggle flashed across his face. 

If he didn’t go himself, he’d be tied up and delivered to Jiang Ci in the end. That would be putting himself in an even worse situation…Finally, he walked over, step by step.

Ye Ming looked at Jiang Ci in a complicated and pained way. He slowly opened his mouth and said, “I know you hate me, but does using this method to retaliate against me really make you happy? Don’t you feel disgusted…”

Jiang Ci quirked up the corners of his mouth. I don’t feel disgusted. The person that feels disgusted is you…Yet he said, “It’s pretty disgusting…How about this: take off your clothes and let me take a look, and I won’t touch you. After all, you’re such a disgusting person. I don’t want to wrong myself either by touching you again.”

Ye Ming immediately flushed in anger. Time and time again, Jiang Ci’s words trampled on his bottom line. It made him feel incredulous. 

Jiang Ci watched as Ye Ming’s expression turned even more humiliated, and he gave an insincere smile. He said with a dangerous tone, “It looks like you want to decline my proposal? Then I can only use a different method of revenge, such as finding a couple of other men to satisfy you…You pick.”

Ye Ming was so angry his lips quivered. He really wanted to escape from here, but the bodyguard at the door was clenching his fists so hard they made a grinding noise. His eyes became more and more desperate.

Jiang Ci’s voice was harsh and cold. “My patience is limited. Have you made your decision?”

Ye Ming’s body shuddered. His hands tightly gripped his lapels. Finally, he slowly took off his coat and undid his buttons one by one. 

The bodyguard turned around and guarded the door from outside.

Jiang Ci’s black eyes were filled with a profound darkness. Concealed in the depths of his eyes, a deeply insatiable gaze fixed onto Ye Ming’s fingers. All he could see was the man’s long, slender fingers slowly taking off his shirt. His body was already so excited it reacted, but he didn’t show a single sign of it on his face.

Ye Ming pitifully turned his head away. Ashamed and resentful, he turned completely red. He said hoarsely, “Is this enough?”

But Jiang Ci wasn’t satisfied. Word by word, he said, “Keep going.” 


Ye Ming hadn’t experienced anything this hard to endure in his entire life. He had to face Jiang Ci with such an unbearable demeanor—even if Jiang Ci was only looking at him, he still had the embarrassing feeling of tossing all of his dignity onto the ground and trampling it.

Jiang Ci stared at Ye Ming. These past few days, he thought of the feel of Ye Ming’s lips every minute of the day, yearning for him, yearning for his everything. Even now, seeing this body, that intense desire once again violently surged up.

He couldn’t hide his intentions any longer. He couldn’t conceal his desire for this person. 

He wanted him.

Even if this person had heartlessly abandoned him and betrayed him and was a liar…he still had such a deadly attractiveness.

But right now still wasn’t the most appropriate timing. Jiang Ci slowly retracted his gaze, lifted the outer white coat, and threw it onto Ye Ming’s body. He coolly said, “Put it on.”

Ye Ming tightly clutched his clothes. Although it was only a single coat, at least he’d finally gotten out of that even more embarrassing situation. He hastily put it on. 

Jiang Ci smiled faintly. Seeing this man’s lost, flushed appearance, he suddenly thought it was kind of cute. Did he think it was a bit better this way? In fact…it was merely more alluring.

Jiang Ci kept his promise and didn’t touch Ye Ming. He just had him attend to him and ordered him to do some trivial tasks. After an hour, he mercifully let Ye Ming go.

But that hour had been incomparably torturous for Ye Ming. The subsequent innocuousness didn’t make him feel the slightest bit of security, yet Jiang Ci had enjoyed ordering him about and didn’t let him sit down. One minute, he had him pour a glass of water; the next minute, he had him peel fruit; and the next, he had him help him sit up…

He was purposefully humiliating him, wanting to see him make a fool of himself. 

Ye Ming left Jiang Ci’s room and let out a long-suffering sigh.

[Ye Ming: My family’s Xiao Ci hasn’t recovered from his illness, and there’s nothing to be done. I really feel pained for him…]

[888: You can still go up and move yourself, hehe…]

[Ye Ming: …] What the fuck, has his system been infected by a virus!!! 


A month passed like this. From time to time, Jiang Ci had Ye Ming come, but each time, he only looked at him and didn’t touch. Ye Ming couldn’t avoid it; he’d been threatened by him. He seemed to have thinned some. His complexion wasn’t too good, and his eyes were melancholy.

His coworkers all thought Ye Ming had run into some difficulties, but when they asked, he wouldn’t say anything. Doctor Liu and the rest even thought Ye Ming was feeling lonely from being single for so long. They declared that they wanted to set up blind dates for him, but Ye Ming turned them down. At a time like this, how could he still be in the mood for blind dates? Also, he didn’t want to let down his late wife and child.

One day, Jiang Ci was finally discharged from the hospital. At first, Ye Ming thought that Jiang Ci might do something after being discharged, but he didn’t expect Jiang Ci to leave without doing anything. On the contrary, it made Ye Ming feel apprehensive. 

But at long last, he wouldn’t have to suffer harassment at work anymore. This allowed Ye Ming to let out a sigh of relief.

One day, Li Xu’an was a bit busy, so he called Ye Ming and asked him to pick up Li Siyang for him. After dinner, he would then go pick him up himself. Ye Ming agreed at once. Li Xu’an had always taken very good care of him; it was only right that he occasionally helped out. Plus, he really liked Li Siyang.

Li Siyang was a first-year student at the city’s experimental middle school. This child had a combination of his parents’ good genes, a grade A handsome little guy. Although his personality was cool, Ye Ming felt that he was very lovable.

He didn’t know that Li Siyang actually wasn’t that easy to get close to. He only behaved lovably because he liked Ye Ming. The people whom he didn’t like all felt that this bear child was very awful and hard to manage. 

Ye Ming went to wait at the school entrance very early. When he saw Li Siyang come out, he waved at him.

Li Siyang arrived in front of Ye Ming comfortably. This wasn’t the first time Ye Ming came to pick him up in place of this dad. His dad was a bit strict and difficult to talk to; Ye Ming was better. He happily said, “Uncle Chen, you haven’t come to see me in a long time.”

Ye Ming said a little guiltily, “I’ve been too busy recently.” In truth, because of Jiang Ci’s matter, he hadn’t been in the mood for anything else and had neglected this side. He paused, then said, “To make up for it, Uncle will take you out to eat today. You can pick where!”

Thus, Li Siyang was happy. He cheerfully said he wanted to eat hotpot. 

The two of them arrived at the hotpot restaurant. Ye Ming placed the menu in front of Li Siyang. His smile was gentle and warm. “You order.”

Li Siyang didn’t hold back. He lowered his head and began ordering.

Ye Ming looked at the child in front of him. He couldn’t help but smile. At that moment, the haze of humiliation that Jiang Ci had put him through dispersed some. He couldn’t have his own child, and he later wrongly tried to steal his enemy’s child…It was just a pity that they were both destined not to be his.

Later, he thought it through. It probably wasn’t in his fate. Someone like him wasn’t qualified to encumber another woman. It was fine to just let it be in this life. 

Despite this, it was hard for him not to feel sad and regretful. When he saw other people’s children, he couldn’t help but take extra glances at them. He was still rather envious…

If his wife and child were still here, how good would it be?

Ye Ming was lost in thought. He couldn’t help but think of Jiang Ci again. When Jiang Ci was this age, he was very lovable and obedient, but he didn’t live as willfully as Li Siyang. He was a bit overly sensible. At such a young age, he always worried about Ye Ming, and he wasn’t willful or headstrong. He never caused Ye Ming to clean up his messes for him. He really didn’t make people worry…

But sometimes, he wished this child wouldn’t make people so worry-free, because he was so good it made people’s heart hurt. The harm Ye Ming had once caused him probably made him fear him deep down, so no matter how good Ye Ming was to him later, he never stirred up trouble or threw tantrums in front of him… 

Sometimes, once you make a mistake, you can no longer make amends.

After the truth was revealed, it was natural that he would hate him so much…This was all his fault.

Ye Ming covered up the loneliness and sadness in his eyes. He watched as Li Siyang finished ordering and beckoned for a waiter to serve their food. The child’s mouth became smeared with oil from eating. Ye Ming grabbed a napkin and helped him wipe it, then stroked his head, displaying endless tenderness.

After they finished eating dinner, Li Xu’an also finished his work. He asked Ye Ming for their location over the phone and drove over. He saw Li Siyang sitting there, swinging his legs, and smiled helplessly. “You don’t look mannerly at all.” 

Li Siyang grinned. “Uncle Chen is one of our people. What are you afraid of?”

Li Xu’an’s expression shifted. He wished Ye Ming was one of them, but there was still a ways to go. He could see that Ye Ming really liked Li Siyang; maybe this kid could be of help.

In truth, he wasn’t actually that busy; plus, he had a secretary. How could he not even have the time to look after his child? He’d just wanted to find more opportunities to get in contact with Ye Ming.

But this stinking kid was quite clever. Maybe he’d already seen through him… 

Li Xu’an smiled at Ye Ming and said, “I’ve troubled you again. Next time I’ll invite you to eat.”

Li Siyang rolled his eyes. His dad used him as a tool to freeload a meal, and he even had the next meal conveniently planned out. He was really shameless. Uncle Chen was the only one who couldn’t see through it.

Sure enough, Ye Ming was unaware. He repeatedly waved his hands, saying, “What is this? Li ge, you’ve helped me so much; you’re too polite.”

Li Xu’an earnestly said, “These are two different things.” 

Ye Ming had declined once in vain and could only agree afterwards. His senior schoolmate was such a gentle and reasonable person, but sometimes he was also a little stubborn, making it hard for people to turn him down. He’d already received too much of his kindness, and he really felt like he couldn’t return the favor.

After eating, the two people took Li Siyang to stroll around together. Finally, Li Xu’an reluctantly drove Ye Ming home.

Jiang Ci sat in an inconspicuous black car, coldly watching it all.

He saw Ye Ming help Li Xu’an pick up his child and take the child out to eat. He was gentle and kind the entire time…He was so tender toward that child. The two of them got along so harmoniously, and then Li Xu’an came, and they seemed just like a family of three. It was beautiful as a painting. 

Jiang Ci was so envious blood was about to drip from his eyes. He looked extremely unhappy, and his expression was beginning to twist.

So you left me heartlessly, yet you’re so good to other people’s children.

Was I not obedient enough? I never made you angry, I never let you down, I studied earnestly, I never stirred up trouble…While other kids went out to play, I stayed with you at home. While other kids fought and caused trouble, I helped you do housework. While other kids whined about wanting this and that, I never opened my mouth to ask you for anything,

I tried my hardest to do everything perfectly and impeccably, all because I didn’t want you to dislike me… 

I hoped you would like me and be proud of me, so I put in all of my effort for that reason, but the result?

You still abandoned me.

Later, I finally understood something. It would’ve been useless no matter how much better or how much more I did—because your heart is cold. Because I’m not your child.

Ye Ming got out of the car outside of his apartment. He watched Li Xu’an’s car leave. Li Siyang waved at him from inside the car, and he waved back, smiling. Today’s interaction had lifted his mood a bit and melted away some of his recent unhappy memories. 

He turned around and went upstairs. He exited the elevator and lowered his head to fish out his keys. Just as he opened the door, someone pushed him into the wall from behind and then pressed down hard on his throat!

Ye Ming thought he’d encountered a robber and raised his head in a panic. Who would’ve thought he would come face to face with Jiang Ci’s grave features? The look brewing in those deep, black eyes made him feel an instinctive fear. His voice trembled faintly. “It’s you—”