“How did you—get here?” Ye Ming’s throat was being squeezed tightly; he could only choke out words with great effort.

Jiang Ci lowered his head and fixed his gaze on Ye Ming’s face, seeing the panic in his eyes. 

He couldn’t help but once again recall what he’d just seen. Ye Ming had given Li Siyang and Li Xu’an gentle smiles, while he stood in a shadowy corner, like a lowly beggar, and watched him treat others tenderly.

If I can’t make you stay by my side no matter what, if I can’t make you keep loving me, why should I still curry favor with you sparing nothing, like I did before?

I should have understood this a long time ago.

It was hard for Ye Ming to breathe. He reached out to pull away Jiang Ci’s hand. He kept feeling like he was going to just kill him like this…but unexpectedly, he pulled him away with a gentle tug. Ye Ming stared blankly. Immediately after, he was pushed onto the couch. 

Jiang Ci bent on one knee and knelt next to him. He reached out a hand and pinched his chin. His voice was insipid. “You really know how to put on an act.”

Although Jiang Ci’s tone was very flat and level, Ye Ming had the inexplicable feeling that he was angry, though he didn’t know why.

Jiang Ci lowered his head slightly. His hot breath blew onto Ye Ming’s ear. He smiled softly. “You’re still so good at deceiving people. You’ve coaxed them into running around in circles. Say, if I were to tell Li Xu’an that you’re actually a kidnapper that abuses children, he might not be so at ease letting you pick up his son, would he?”

Ye Ming paled. He had already agreed to many of Jiang Ci’s excessive demands in order to keep him from doing that. But he didn’t have the ability to act of his own accord—if Jiang Ci was determined to do that, then he couldn’t do anything about it.

Jiang Ci gently stroked Ye Ming’s cheek and looked at his slightly wan face. His eyes revealed a look of intense thirst. Suddenly, he couldn’t suppress his desire. He lowered his head and kissed his lips.

In this respect, he’d already endured for very, very long. And now, he didn’t want to endure anymore.

This person could only belong to him!

Ye Ming’s eyes immediately widened. Without thinking, he reached out to push Jiang Ci, but Jiang Ci wrapped an arm around his waist, and he couldn’t struggle free at all. He was kissed until he nearly suffocated. 

Jiang Ci found Ye Ming’s struggling too annoying, so he directly pulled off Ye Ming’s clothes and tightly bound his hands together. Then, he pressed him into the couch, lowered his head, and bit down on his nape.

Ye Ming could feel Jiang Ci’s brazen actions, and his scalp went numb. He struggled desperately. “Let me go! You’re crazy!”

Jiang Ci let out a low, mocking laugh. “Let you go? Is it because you think that I can’t satisfy you by myself? Do you need me to find more people to come over?”

Ye Ming was so indignant and angry that he shook all over. His eyes were sorrowful and despairing. He said, “Do you have to do this? Just to get revenge against me, you’d do things even you yourself think is disgusting…You definitely aren’t this kind of person…” 

In my memories, you were a very good child—kindhearted, reliable, and gentle.

But now what I see instead is a depraved beast controlled by hatred, madly hurting others and hurting itself.

Jiang Ci’s eyes turned cold and his voice apathetic. “Oh? Then what kind of person do you think I am?”

Ye Ming turned his head slightly. The rims of his eyes were faintly red. He said, “I’ve done you wrong…You can get revenge against me, but I don’t want you to become someone even you yourself will loathe just because of hatred. That just wouldn’t be worth it.” 

I really don’t want you to be like me, changing beyond recognition because of hatred, committing wrongs, and in the end, spending the rest of your life paying the price for your mistakes.

Back then, I didn’t understand this. It’s a pity that when I realized it, it was already too late to regret it.

I know that you still have a good side in your heart, just like before. You’re the person I deeply love, so I hope you can live well, instead of turning into a vengeful demon and indulging in your cravings just because of a momentary impulse.

Don’t follow me down the path to ruin. 

Jiang Ci looked into Ye Ming’s eyes. When Ye Ming said those words, he was extremely sincere, and his eyes were utterly earnest. It was as if these were words coming from the bottom of his heart. He hoped that he could be well, that he could let go of his hatred and live happily.

In this moment, he felt like he’d returned to the past, returned to the time when they were still together, returned to when he had still loved him…The past and present blended together.

Jiang Ci almost couldn’t continue. What was he doing? He had clearly once loved and respected this person as his father, but now his heart was filled with dirty desires, and he only wanted to follow his instincts and revel in the pleasure brought by revenge.

But the stupor in his eyes only lasted for a moment. It was quickly covered up by coldness once again. 

Do you think that the suffering I went through can be effortlessly erased with one sentence? A “let it go,” and you want me to let you off?

Clearly, you wanted to escape from me before. Now, to avoid my retaliation, you can shamelessly continue pretending you care about me? I won’t believe you again!

Jiang Ci’s fingers trailed down Ye Ming’s neck. He laughed lowly. “What you said is very reasonable.”

Ye Ming revealed a faint look of pleasant surprise. He was really worried Jiang Ci wouldn’t listen to what he said. He really didn’t want them to reach this stage. 

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming’s face. He smiled like a cat playing with a mouse, then said, “It’s just that you got one thing wrong. I’m not disgusted with my current self. On the contrary, retaliating against you is what makes me happiest.”

The joy in Ye Ming’s eyes disappeared in an instant. He looked into Jiang Ci’s vicious eyes. Suddenly, he bent his legs and rolled off the couch. He had a premonition that what was about to happen was something he wasn’t willing to bear.

But before he could stand up, his ankles were caught, and he was mercilessly pulled back.


The torment felt to him like it had lasted a very long time. The one who had assaulted him was like a cruel tyrant; no matter how much he wept and begged, swore and struggled, he remained unmoved.

In the end, Ye Ming could barely move a finger.

He stared blankly, lying on the ground. Blood flowed down his thighs. His body was covered in marks. He seemed battered and exhausted.

Why did it come to this? 

Was all of that just now his nightmare? Had he returned to that hopeless world that he couldn’t break free from?

Jiang Ci stood to the side, leisurely buttoning up his shirt. The corners of his mouth quirked up a little. He had finally taken complete possession of this person. This event brought him an immense feeling of satisfaction, and exceeded his expectations.

He finally understood that he didn’t just want to tie this person to his side, he also wanted to completely own this person, from his body to his soul, inside and out!

This was what he really wanted! 

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -10, current blackening value 70]

Aljcu Jl uba vgfrrfv jcv tjeifv Tf Zlcu ab atf yjatgbbw ys atf jgw, abrrlcu tlw ab atf ugbecv.

Tf Zlcu tjv ibcu rlcmf ibra jii ragfcuat ab gfrlra. Ktf qjlc atja atja gbecv bo olfgmf qiecvfg ygbeuta ab tlw wjvf tlw qgjmalmjiis cewy. Dea ktja tega atf wbra kjrc’a tlr ybvs, yea tlr tfjga…Ktf wbra qjlcoei qjga kjr atf qfgrbc ktb tjv tega tlw.

This was the person whom he loved deeply and whom he once treated like his own son. 

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming’s blank, numb, miserable appearance that seemed as if he had been utterly defeated, and he patted his face. He laughed softly. “What are you pretending for? You’ve obviously been fucked very pleasurably by me. You said you didn’t want it while having a reaction; it really makes people feel disgusted…I really should’ve recorded it to let you see what you looked like—”

He hadn’t finished speaking when suddenly there was a quiet pa sound, bringing Jiang Ci’s words to a stop.

Ye Ming had raised his hand and slapped him.

He was clearly tired out, and he didn’t know where the burst of strength came from, but he raised his hand to hit Jiang Ci. That slap had no force behind it at all, and when it hit Jiang Ci’s face, it was like a tickle, brushing past as lightly as a feather. 

But the disappointment and anger it contained was deeper than that of any harsh words or actions.

Ye Ming looked at him. The disappointment and grief in his eyes were profoundly heavy, and they were as frigid as the northernmost land; they could freeze all the blood in a person’s body. He slowly opened his mouth and said in a broken, flat voice, “Are you happy…like this…?”

Jiang Ci was motionless. After a moment, he finally seemed to recover his wits from that slap. Although the oppressive pain in the depths of his heart made him feel incomparably stifled, he said out loud, “Yes, I’m very happy.”

Ye Ming heard this sentence, and seemed to finally let go of all hope. He exhaustedly closed his eyes. 

This was the consequence of his mistakes…

But the most miserable part was that the person he hated most wasn’t Jiang Ci, but himself. It was he himself who turned this child into this…

Perhaps from the instant he took him away from the hospital in a moment of desperation, or maybe when he hurt him, or maybe just when he left without saying goodbye…from everything, today had long ago been doomed to arrive.

He once tried to make up for his mistakes, but it was probably already too late… 

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming and saw that he had finally hurt him. He’d thought he would feel really happy, but maybe he wasn’t actually all that happy. A feeling of gloom swelled in his chest instead.

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -10, current blackening value 60]

Jiang Ci’s hand clenched into tight fists. After a while, he turned and left in large strides.

When Ye Ming heard the door close with a peng, he slowly opened his eyes again. 

[Ye Ming: I can’t anymore. I have no strength left. He flung the door open and left without even helping me wash. This child isn’t as considerate as before…]

[888: …] Couldn’t this spicy chicken shut up? There wasn’t a bit of atmosphere left. He had only just been feeling like Ye Ming was a bit pitiful, but now he just wanted to give him another beating, beating him up so badly he wouldn’t even be able to recognize his mom.

Ye Ming sprawled across the floor, sighing deeply. He fell asleep, and when he woke up, he found that he had caught a cold from the chill. Only then did he take a shower, trembling, and then crawl into his bed.

This body was no good. Just one round made it get sick. 


However, right now was a very good time to get sick and seem pitiful. Ye Ming didn’t go out. He lay at home, his breaths as fragile as gossamer.

888 saw that he was so lazy he couldn’t even bother ordering takeout, and he also didn’t want to get out of bed to make food. 888 was afraid he would torment himself to death like this, and he was filled with internal struggle and hesitation. He wondered if he should give this bastard something to eat, but luckily Jiang Ci came back on the second day, and 888 felt greatly relieved.

It wasn’t known when Jiang Ci even got a hold of Ye Ming’s home keys, but he directly opened the door and came inside. 

Yesterday, he’d left in a hurry, because for a moment, he didn’t know what exactly he himself wanted.

Since the moment he saw Ye Ming, he had decided he wanted to get revenge against him and make him unable to leave him again, but when he really hurt him like this, he began to feel a bit regretful. He didn’t know why he still felt hesitant and conflicted.

There was clearly no need to hesitate.

Jiang Ci thought of Ye Ming’s appearance when he’d left yesterday and was worried something would happen to him while he was at home by himself, so he came back after only one night. 

It was extremely quiet in his home. The living room looked just as it had yesterday, in complete disorder, and not yet cleaned up. Jiang Ci opened the door to the bedroom and saw a man lying on the bed with his eyes closed. He seemed to have already fallen asleep.

He quietly walked over. He lowered his head to take a look and discovered that Ye Ming was flushed an abnormal red. He reached a hand out to touch his forehead. Sure enough, a fever.

Jiang Ci paused for a bit, then made a call to have his subordinates send over food and medicine.

Then he took off his shoes and sat on the bed. He held Ye Ming in his arms. 

Because he was asleep, this man was utterly peaceful. He didn’t resist or struggle. Jiang Ci suddenly felt very relieved. This person was right by his side…For an entire eight years, he had longed to be able to embrace this person again.

In these eight years, he had constantly fantasized about seeing him again.

If you weren’t this kind of person, how good would it be…

Jiang Ci closed his eyes, pained. His mood returned to that of eight years ago. That painful, helpless time was engraved in the depths of his soul. 

He would never be able to forget that day.

That day, Ye Ming had bought him a cake. Although the cake was very plain, he didn’t mind. What he cared about was the person spending his birthday with him. He relied on him and loved him so, and they depended on each other, and they shared everything with each other.

He vowed to never part from him.

But the person who had just been warmly celebrating his birthday with him a second ago suddenly said just one simple sentence: I’m going out for a bit. 

And then never returned.

All alone, he sat in that house. He wanted to wait for Ye Ming to come back so they could blow out the candles together, but even when the candles were all burnt out and the wax formed solid clumps on the cake, and it became dark outside, and rain began to fall, that person still didn’t return.

He was suddenly very, very scared. He was scared something might’ve happened to Ye Ming, otherwise, why wouldn’t he come back? He definitely wouldn’t have abandoned him!

In the rainy night, he spent the entire night searching. He went to every place he thought Ye Ming might’ve gone, but he came up empty. When he got back, he fell ill. 

He was the only person left in the house. It was as quiet as a graveyard.

He didn’t want to go to the hospital for fear that if Ye Ming came back and couldn’t find him, he’d be anxious. He thought that if he stayed where he was and didn’t leave, then when this person came back, he could find him, and he would hold onto his hand again.

But these were all just delusions. The reality wasn’t that complicated, and there weren’t that many secret troubles. He simply didn’t want him anymore.

The one he’d thought would never abandon him had left just like that, without any warning. 

For a long time, he couldn’t figure out why, until he later found out everything.

Jiang Ci closed his eyes. His lips pulled into a bitter smile.

Why did he think of those things again?

Jiang Ci lowered his head and gently kissed Ye Ming’s forehead. His eyes were filled with a deep longing. 

Did you know? Originally, I didn’t want to believe you were the kind of person that Father said you were. Even if all of the facts and evidence were placed in front of me, I didn’t want to believe it. But…I probably waited for too long.

Waited until I gave up all hope, and I could only believe it.

I needed a reason.

Jiang Ci held Ye Ming and rested for a while. Soon, his subordinates sent over food and medicine. 

Jiang Ci kissed Ye Ming and said, “Wake up.”

Ye Ming was groggy. It felt like he was being held in a warm embrace, and there was someone calling him. He dazedly opened his eyes and saw Jiang Ci’s face. But this time, his eyes held no surprise or struggle, only apathy.

Jiang Ci said to him, “It’s time to take your medicine.”

Ye Ming didn’t resist. He moved closer to Jiang Ci’s hand and ate the medicine, and then forced down some food. 

Jiang Ci saw the porridge staining the edges of Ye Ming’s mouth, and he suddenly felt incredibly moved. He lowered his head and licked at it, then kissed him deeply.

Ye Ming’s body trembled slightly. He closed his eyes and didn’t struggle.

All of this made him feel unbearably ashamed. Jiang Ci’s actions continuously reminded him of the sins he’d committed. He desperately wanted to resist in spite of everything, but he didn’t have the strength…

If this is really what you want, then I’ll make it up to you. If this can make you happy, then I’ll comply with you…No matter how painful it is, it’s all fine. 

When you’re done with your revenge, when you feel like you’ve had enough, leave me.

And let us never meet again.

Jiang Ci rarely had the opportunity to see such a compliant Ye Ming. He deepened the kiss, wishing to continue.

He knew Ye Ming didn’t like being treated this way by him. He most likely didn’t struggle just because he’d given up. At this moment, his heart seemed to split into two halves: one half tried to stop his actions, telling him that this wasn’t right; the other half violently thirsted, thirsted to have this person. 

In the end, thirst and hatred won out, shattering his rationality.


Ye Ming didn’t take time off, so he skipped work, making Li Xu’an worry. He finally called, but Ye Ming’s phone was in Jiang Ci’s hand. Jiang Ci saw Li Xu’an’s call, and his eyes turned somewhat chilly. He lifted the corners of his lips and said, “Tell him you aren’t feeling well and you’ll go back after a few days.”

Like a puppet, Ye Ming listened to Jiang Ci’s instructions and answered the call. Li Xu’an’s concerned voice came through. “What happened to you? Why didn’t you come to the hospital?” 

Ye Ming’s voice was hoarse. “I’m feeling a bit unwell. I forgot to call in sick. Nothing’s wrong, you don’t need to worry.”

Li Xu’an immediately said, “Are you home? I’m coming over to see you.”

Ye Ming’s hand clenched slightly. He said emphatically, “I’m fine. You don’t need to come.”

Li Xu’an was still worried, but seeing as Ye Ming was so staunch, he couldn’t keep pressing. He decided that if Ye Ming still didn’t come after two days, he would definitely go visit. He said, “Alright, I won’t disturb your rest anymore. If something happens, don’t hesitate to tell me.” 

Ye Ming said he would, and then he hung up.

Even without Jiang Ci’s instructions, he still wouldn’t selfishly pull Li Xu’an into their mess.

Jiang Ci held Ye Ming from behind. He kissed his neck and laughed lowly. “You’re very obedient. I want to praise you.”

After he said that, he took him once more. 

Ye Ming shut his eyes and didn’t make a sound. He bit down hard on his lip. The inside of his mouth tasted like blood.

Whenever he thought of who the person moving in and out of his body was, the pain was like a frigid tide washing over him; there was only darkness and no daylight; there was only despair and suffocation.

It dragged him back into that bottomless abyss.

Two or three days passed shortly, yet to Ye Ming, it felt nearly as endless as two or three years. 

Finally, his cold went away.

Ye Ming said to Jiang Ci, “I want to go back to work now.”

Jiang Ci smiled and nodded. He didn’t intend to keep Ye Ming from working. As long as he didn’t try to escape, he wouldn’t completely deprive him of his freedom. He believed Ye Ming should already know how to behave, but just in case, he said a few words, gazing at him deeply, “Don’t think about running, understand?”

Ye Ming smiled self-deprecatingly. “I understand.” 


This was originally the home where he could rest, but because of Jiang Ci’s presence, it turned instead into a cage that imprisoned him. When he left his home, Ye Ming let out a breath. He felt as if it had been a lifetime ago since he had last stepped outside.

He went back to the hospital. His coworkers were all very concerned about him, and everyone told him to take care to rest and to not force himself.

In the afternoon, Li Xu’an got the news and came over to visit him. 

When Li Xu’an saw Ye Ming’s appearance, he furrowed his brows. He hadn’t seen him in only a few days, but he seemed to have thinned a lot. His eyes looked serene, but they also carried an intangible sorrow. His entire person was covered in a heavy air.

He didn’t seem fine at all. In fact, he seemed to have experienced a terrible misfortune.

Li Xu’an suddenly really regretted that he hadn’t insisted on going to see him. He asked Ye Ming solemnly, “Are you really fine?”

Ye Ming lowered his eyes, avoiding Li Xu’an’s gaze. He sounded hoarse. “I’m fine.” 

Li Xu’an was a bit angry now. How could Ye Ming not notice how Li Xu’an treated him? Or did he not think of himself as his friend in the first place? That’s why he wouldn’t tell him anything?

Word by word, he said, “If something’s wrong, you don’t need to hesitate to tell me, got it?”

Ye Ming could hear Li Xu’an’s dissatisfaction. He was blaming him for not treating him as one of his own people. But he really didn’t want to trouble Li Xu’an anymore, and he also didn’t want him to find out about his wrongdoings, so he insisted, “I really am fine.”

Seeing Ye Ming being so obstinate, Li Xu’an felt both helpless and powerless. In fact, three years ago, he had already felt that his junior schoolmate had a story, he just didn’t want to say anything. At that time, they weren’t that close, so he didn’t dig deeper. 

But after three years, Ye Ming still wouldn’t tell him anything. They seemed to be getting closer, yet he kept a distance. This gave Li Xu’an an intense feeling of defeat. Three years of effort, and he couldn’t enter this person’s heart even the tiniest bit.

Ye Ming seemed to be good to everyone, gentle and easy to get along with, but when you really wanted to get close to him, you’d realize his heart was surrounded by a cold wall, not leaving a single crack.

What he kept bundled up inside must be a very painful past that he didn’t want anyone to discover.

After Li Xu’an was done being angry, he felt a bit sympathetic. He was scared that if he kept asking, he’d scare this person away. After thinking it over, he could only say, “Lately, Siyang has been talking about you a lot again. He said he wants to go to that theme park that just opened up. Plus, I still owe you a meal. Let’s go out and eat this weekend.” 

Li Xu’an had long since noticed that Ye Ming loved little kids the most. Every time he came across a child, his heart would soften. At this time, he brought up his son without the slightest hesitation. He’d always felt previously that this stinking brat would be a hindrance in his search for a partner; he didn’t expect that one day, he’d have to rely on him…

Recently, Ye Ming had been both mentally and physically exhausted, and he was worried Jiang Ci would make it difficult for him. He hesitated for the first time, and said, “I’ll have to see…I don’t know if I’ll have the time…”

Li Xu’an looked at him intently. He said, “Then I’ll wait to hear back from you.”

Ye Ming arrived home from work. Jiang Ci was indeed waiting for him at home; he was at ease there as if it were his own home. He had even prepared dinner. He glanced at Ye Ming indifferently and commanded, “Come eat.” 

Ye Ming walked over and sat down. He had only taken a few bites before he couldn’t stomach any more. He didn’t have any appetite. He thought for a moment and then said to Jiang Ci, “I have something to do this weekend…”

He didn’t know why Jiang Ci was so hostile toward Li Xu’an, but he felt that it’d be better if he didn’t mention Li Xu’an, otherwise Jiang Ci might get angry again. If he got angry, he’d torment him, and Ye Ming didn’t want to stir up more problems.

Jiang Ci asked, “What things?”

Ye Ming said, “My coworker invited me out to eat. If you…don’t agree, then I won’t go.” 

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming meaningfully. There was a strange look in his eyes that Ye Ming couldn’t understand. He suddenly smiled and said, “It’s not a problem. Go. I just happen to have something this weekend as well. Did you think I have the time to look after you all day?”

Ye Ming gently let out a breath. He said, “I understand.”

Jiang Ci saw Ye Ming’s expression, which looked as if he’d been freed. His eyes turned cold. Nevertheless, he didn’t ask any more, but that night, he did him very roughly, until Ye Ming finally couldn’t help but cry.


[888: Reminder that Jiang Ci knows you’re going with Li Xu’an.]

[Ye Ming: I know, ah, after all, he has such a strong desire for control~ He definitely knows my each and every move la~]

[888: Oh, and you’re still heading toward your death?]

[Ye Ming: This isn’t heading toward death, this is advancing the storyline la, muah, muah!] 

[888: …]

Jiang Ci indeed seemed very busy. He left the day before the weekend.

Ye Ming felt like he was on the verge of suffocating, but now he could finally breathe. He wore long sleeves and long pants. Luckily, it was cold out, and it was perfect for him to put on a scarf. Like this, he could cover up all the marks on his body, and he finally went out the door.

Ye Ming went out and called a taxi. He arrived at the hotel Li Xu’an had booked. When he entered the lobby, he saw Li Siyang. Li Siyang happily made a silly face in Ye Ming’s direction. He joyfully said, “Uncle Chen, how come you arrived so late? I’ve already been waiting for you for half a day.” 

Ye Ming’s face finally broke into a small smile. He said guiltily, “Sorry.”

Li Xu’an knocked Li Siyang’s head. He said helplessly to Ye Ming, “Ignore him; you’re not late at all. Quickly, take a seat.”

Ye Ming sat down across from Li Xu’an. Then he noticed an extra set of tableware next to him. He was taken off guard for a moment, then said, “Are there other guests?” Before, when the three of them were together, there were almost never outsiders with them.

Li Xu’an sighed and said, “I have a friend who said he also wanted to come.” 

Li Xu’an was actually a bit begrudging too. He really didn’t want other people disturbing him and Ye Ming’s meal together, but the other party was a guest, and his attitude was sincere, and he also said that he was about to leave and wanted to eat a meal with him no matter what. He couldn’t change the date and just chose today. Furthermore, he said he didn’t mind eating with other people. Li Xu’an thought about it and could only agree. He might as well just treat this as a normal meal.

Li Xu’an smiled and said, “You don’t need to mind him; just treat him like an ordinary friend. We’re just eating a meal together…”

Just then, Ye Ming felt someone sit down next to him. He automatically turned his head to look, and his face immediately turned deathly white. For a moment, he was so nervous and frightened he could barely think. He tightly clenched his knees with his hands.

Jiang Ci, however, didn’t even spare Ye Ming a glance, as if he were just a stranger. He smiled politely at Li Xu’an. His voice was clear and bright. “Sorry, I came late.”