Ye Ming lay on the bed with his eyes closed. Because the blinds were pulled down, the room seemed very dim.

Jiang Ci slowly walked over. He dipped his head, fixing his gaze on the person on the bed. He reached out his hand and gently touched Ye Ming’s cheek. 

The man had become a lot thinner. His eyelashes cast faint shadows below his eyes, and his lips were white. Jiang Ci suddenly really wanted to ask him, What hatred and what desire for revenge is there between you and my father…?

Jiang Ci had never thought about this question before. He’d put away the fuzzy, painful, nearly forgotten memories from his youth…Ye Ming had never shown such a hateful side of himself to him before. He was just like a normal father, lovingly raising his child. And gradually, Jiang Ci only remembered his good side, using his tenderness to soothe those wounds.

And it was precisely those years of interaction between them that caused him to invest all of his feelings in this person, devoutly treating him as his most beloved person.

So when Ye Ming abandoned him, when the harsh reality unfolded before his eyes, he had once crumbled, unable to accept it. It turned out that he had stolen him from his biological father. This person was like a demon who had shown him the face of an angel…and instead heartlessly abandoned him in the end. 

His innermost heart struggled unceasingly. One part of it missed him; the other hated him.

He couldn’t figure out why.

But now, when Jiang Ci closed his eyes, what he thought of was Ye Ming’s hate-filled, desperate gaze yesterday. What he thought of was what the doctor had said. What he thought of was those memories that he had long since forgotten.

What exactly happened that year to make someone this desperate?

And why did you steal me away? Why did you keep me, when you obviously hated me…?

Jiang Ci really wanted to ask these things directly, but when he opened his mouth, he found that he couldn’t speak. It was as if he’d lost his voice…There seemed to be a voice in the deepest part of his heart telling him, Don’t ask. You won’t be able to bear the answer.

You won’t be able to bear it.

Ye Ming slept very lightly. Faintly, he sensed someone’s presence. He opened his eyes blearily and saw Jiang Ci standing in front of him. His handsome face and pitch-black eyes contained an indescribable, complicated emotion. 

Ever since he had woken up today, Jiang Ci’s behavior had been very strange, but Ye Ming didn’t think Jiang Ci was planning on letting him go.

Jiang Ci looked at Ye Ming somewhat absently. Just when he wanted to retreat, another voice inside of him shouted, Ask, ask. Unless you want to deceive yourself for the rest of your life? You can’t continue on like this.

No matter how cruel the truth is, there will always be a day when you’ll have to face it.

Finally, that voice won out over the cowardly part of himself that wanted to run away. His heart slowly steadied. 

Jiang Ci opened his mouth slightly. His throat felt tight. He asked, “Back then…why did you steal me away?”

Ye Ming was startled. He didn’t seem to have expected Jiang Ci to suddenly ask this question. He lowered his eyes and said flatly, “No reason.”

If he wanted to say it, he would’ve said it back then, instead of leaving without saying goodbye. No matter what this child became, it still wouldn’t be an excuse to continue hurting him and using him.

Jiang Ci clenched his fists and looked at him deeply. “How could there not be a reason? Unless…you just won’t tell me.” 

But Ye Ming closed his eyes, intending to ignore him.

Jiang Ci stood there, his eyes suffused with darkness.

It’s fine if you won’t tell me…Even if you don’t say it, I’ll still figure it out.


From that day onwards, Jiang Ci let Ye Ming stay at home by himself at all times, except for when they were eating, and he never touched him again. Ye Ming’s state of mind seemed to have stabilized quite a bit; it was just that he was still as silent as before.

Jiang Ci began to have his subordinates reinvestigate what happened that year, checking the event’s happenings and records. But there was no progress. Everything was the same as it had been in the past investigation.

Back then, the incident had been very widely publicized, and the matter was very clear-cut.

Twenty-four years ago, the chauffeur Zheng Shan had driven his father’s car to pick him up. On the way back, he accidentally hit and killed Chen Zhao’s wife. Zheng Shan was his father’s trusted aide; furthermore, the accident had happened while he was working for his father, so his father helped him pay compensation. Thus, the incident came to a conclusion. 

But later—and no one knew why—Chen Zhao seemed to believe that his father had something to do with the accident. After he met with his father once, his attitude suddenly changed dramatically, and he tried to murder his father, losing his job as a result. Later, he stole Jiang Ci away from the hospital and then disappeared.

Jiang Ci had asked his father about this matter before. His father had told him that because the vehicle that had caused the accident was his, Chen Zhao had always suspected that the car accident had something to do with him. While he was being hounded, he lost his patience and verbally humiliated Chen Zhao, so Chen Zhao harbored hard feelings toward him.

Did the car accident have something to do with Jiang Sheng in the end? Jiang Ci had once suspected so, but all of the evidence indicated that it was Zheng Shan who was driving the vehicle, while Jiang Sheng had a strong alibi. From start to finish, this incident had nothing to do with him.

And the reinvestigation didn’t change anything. 

Aljcu Jl tjv jc jyregv rerqlmlbc, yea tf mbeivc’a mbcnlma rbwfbcf bnfg j mbcpfmaegf, jcv oegatfgwbgf, Tf Zlcu kbeivc’a rjs jcsatlcu…

Aljcu Jl qgfrrfv j tjcv ab tlr obgftfjv. Llr fsfr kfgf j yla rbifwc. Mlcjiis, tf vfmlvfv ab qjs Itfcu Vtjc j nlrla.

Itfcu Vtjc kjr Aljcu Vtfcu’r agerafv jlvf jcv tjv kbgxfv ecvfg tlw obg wjcs sfjgr. Lf bcis gfalgfv j sfjg jub ab ibbx joafg tlr ugjcvrbc ja tbwf. Aljcu Vtfcu kjr nfgs ufcfgber ab tlw, rb vfrqlaf yflcu gfalgfv, Itfcu Vtjc kjr ralii ilnlcu nfgs mbwobgajyis.

All year round, he lived in his son’s house in the neighboring province. On this day, he just so happened to be taking a walk in the park. When he saw Jiang Ci approaching, he was very surprised. 

After Jiang Ci returned to the Jiang home, Zheng Shan was very good to him, but because Zheng Shan was Chen Zhao’s wife’s murderer, Jiang Ci was not close to him. Zheng Shan knew that Jiang Ci didn’t like him, and later no longer tried to get close to him. He even eventually avoided seeing him.

Jiang Ci shot him a complicated look. His voice low, he said, “Uncle Zheng, I came because there’s something I wanted to ask you.”

Zheng Shan asked deferentially, “If the Young Master has something to ask, please do not hesitate to do so.”

Jiang Ci said, “Back then, you were the one who was driving and hit someone, but why didn’t Chen Zhao come to you to look for trouble, and instead went to my father? It doesn’t make sense.” 

Zheng Shan’s eyes flashed. In a deep voice, he said, “How does Young Master know that he didn’t come looking for trouble with me? He did also come to me, but he later realized that he wouldn’t benefit from coming to me, so he switched his target to President Jiang. Is the Young Master still thinking of that person? Think about it, could someone who can kidnap and abuse children be a good person? Don’t be fooled by him. President Jiang and the Madam will be deeply saddened.”

Jiang Ci’s eyes turned slightly cold. He said, “I can see what kind of person he is myself. But Uncle Zheng, you don’t seem to feel guilty at all about hitting and killing someone. Other people can speak this way, but perhaps it’s not too appropriate for you to be speaking this way.”

Zheng Shan’s expression shifted slightly. He bowed his head. “I am at fault…but he got the money and still did such a thing. His conduct was not proper.”

Jiang Ci looked at him. This person’s attitude was deferential, and his words were watertight. He wouldn’t be able to get a genuine answer from him. After a pause, Jiang Ci said, “Excuse me.” 

Zheng Shan did not urge him to stay. He watched as Jiang Ci left. When he got home, he made a phone call, his expression grave. “President Jiang, Young Master came to find me today.”

“Yes, he asked about Chen Zhao’s matter again, and his expression seemed off. It seems he still has suspicions about what happened back then. Furthermore, he has doubts about whether or not I was the culprit.”

“I think…he might have run into Chen Zhao.”

“Yes, yes, I know what to do…You can rest assured. Moreover, he won’t be able to find anything out.” 


It was already very late by the time Jiang Ci hurried home that night. In fact, he should have directly gone back to the Jiang home, but halfway there, he received a call from Jiang Sheng. Jiang Ci wasn’t surprised. Jiang Sheng told him to come back home for a while, but Jiang Ci still wanted to see Ye Ming first.

Jiang Ci pushed open the door and looked at the man who had already fallen asleep. His eyes were filled with longing and complexity.

I’ll figure it all out soon… 

Jiang Ci didn’t stay for too long. Instead, he went back to the Jiang home straight away.

Although it was already twelve o’clock at night, Jiang Sheng was still waiting for him in his study. He had someone bring him directly there.

Jiang Sheng was sitting at his desk. He was already over fifty, but his features were still handsome and calm as ever, and he possessed a dignified air about him that made him difficult to ignore. It was clear that he had been in a position of power for a long time. With a profound gaze, he said to Jiang Ci, “Sit.”

Jiang Ci respectfully sat in front of him. 

Jiang Sheng gazed at his son. Although he’d always thought of himself as a rather cold person, he still appreciated and loved this son of his, and offered him plenty of affection, because this was the child that the woman he loved the most had given to him. He was the realization of their love.

At one point, this child’s disappearance had pushed his family to the verge of collapse. For that, Jiang Sheng couldn’t deny that Chen Zhao’s revenge had been effective.

His wife didn’t know the truth, but she was still resentful and disappointed in him because of this matter; she believed that it was his indifference that led to such consequences. He had no choice but to acknowledge that that kind-hearted, innocent woman had a sharp sort of sixth sense.

After sixteen years, he and his wife had already completely given up hope. But just at that moment, someone called to tell them Jiang Ci’s whereabouts. 

In the past ten-something years, countless people had made similar calls for the hefty reward money. At first, he was full of hope, but gradually, only despair and weariness remained. There was no hope…There were only countless money-hungry liars, one after the other. They dared to lie for even his money!

But although he wasn’t completely convinced, Jiang Sheng still sent people over, just in case. Who would’ve thought that this time, it was for real?

At that time, he and his wife were endlessly happy, happy that they had regained the child they once lost. But they quickly received another blow. This child thought of Chen Zhao as his father, and he wouldn’t get close to them at all; instead, he tried to run away many times.

Jiang Sheng was furious then. If his wife hadn’t stopped him, he might have done something he would regret. When he finally calmed down, he began to work out a plan. Little by little, he turned Jiang Ci’s thoughts around. The process was very difficult because those ten-something years’ worth of affection wasn’t easily erased. 

Fortunately he had his wife. It was her motherly love that finally moved Jiang Ci, allowing him to return to their embrace once again.

Eight years had passed, and Jiang Ci already no longer mentioned Chen Zhao. Gradually, he walked away from the past and became his distinguished heir.

He was immensely proud of him.

Even though Jiang Sheng was a cold-hearted, selfish person, he was nonetheless very caring towards his son. He had always been extremely doting and tolerant because of guilt. 

But there was one thing he couldn’t tolerate—and that was Chen Zhao.

With a deep, low voice, Jiang Sheng spoke, “You haven’t been home for a long time now. Your mother really missed you.”

Jiang Ci said, “I apologize. I’ve been too busy recently. I’ll do my best to find the time to come back.”

Jiang Sheng folded his hands across his stomach and looked at him with cold, sharp eyes. “Is that so? I heard that you went to visit Zheng Shan today. Why? You still can’t let go of that person’s matters?” 

Jiang Ci’s expression turned surprised and angry. He pursed his lips. Then he said, “Uncle Zheng told you? I was just exchanging a few words with him, and he still reported it to you?”

When Jiang Sheng heard that, his eyes turned angry. He yelled, “What are you thinking?! Tell me! Did you or did you not meet Chen Zhao?”

A look of alarm appeared in Jiang Ci’s eyes, but he stubbornly said, “No, I just remembered the past all of a sudden, so I just wanted to ask Uncle Zheng a little. I didn’t have any other intentions…”

Jiang Sheng noticed the fleeting change in Jiang Ci’s expression and was so angry his chest heaved. This stinking brat still wanted to deceive him? After so many years, he no longer brought up that person anymore, so how could he have just suddenly remembered him? In addition, considering he wouldn’t come home for a while now, perhaps he wasn’t busy with work, huh? Jiang Sheng had actually been careless. 

Jiang Sheng coldly said, “How I treat you and how your mother treats you—can you not feel it? If you still behave irrationally because of that criminal, it will only make us disappointed. Think about it carefully.”

Jiang Ci looked like he was struggling internally. Finally, he nodded and said, “I understand.”

He seemed to be a bit preoccupied with his own thoughts and was quiet as he left.

After he left Jiang Sheng’s study and returned to his own bedroom, Jiang Ci’s expression no longer carried a single trace of his previous alarm and anger. Instead, it was ice-cold and dignified. 

Within his pants pocket, his fingers gently stroked something. He thought of the bug he had just left behind in Jiang Sheng’s office, and his eyes turned dark.

He was very clearly aware of Zheng Shan’s loyalty toward his father and hadn’t expected to be able to get any useful information out of him in the first place. The reason he had gone to see Zheng Shan was just to let Jiang Sheng know that he had once again begun to pay close attention to the incident. Considering Jiang Sheng’s suspicious nature and squeaky clean style of handling things, it was impossible for him to ignore it. He would definitely make a move.

Now that you know Chen Zhao has returned, what will you do?

And exactly what grudges did you have back then? 

If I still can’t successfully investigate anything, then I can still listen to you say it yourself.

Jiang Ci stayed at home for a few days and accompanied Mrs. Jiang out to eat and shop, coaxing her until she was happier, before finally announcing that he was going to go on a business trip for a few days.


Before returning home, Jiang Ci had already secretly had his men transfer Ye Ming to a different location. Their former home was no secret, and Jiang Sheng could easily think of it—it wasn’t safe. Jiang Ci couldn’t take any chances. 

Now, Ye Ming was being taken care of by his men and was living in a villa.

When Jiang Ci arrived home, Ye Ming was absent sitting alone in the living room. When he saw him return, his expression remained as indifferent as before, as if he were a stranger.

In fact, he was like this on the inside:

[Ye Ming: I really missed my good son, yingyingying. He finally came back.] 

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: He’s going to find out the truth soon, what to do, I’m distressed QAQ]

[888: …] Fuck off.

Jiang Ci walked over and looked at Ye Ming, but he pressed his lips together and didn’t speak. He found that he didn’t know when it had started, but they were always in a silence together. 

When Jiang Ci wasn’t there, he had sent Doctor Zhang to visit Ye Ming a couple of times. Doctor Zhang suggested that Jiang Ci let Ye Ming leave, and let someone who he was better able to accept take care of him. This would be more beneficial to Ye Ming’s recovery.

This solution made it extremely difficult for Jiang Ci to make a decision.

He knew he should let him go. Regardless of whether or not Ye Ming and his father had any grudges, he couldn’t continue to hurt him, couldn’t continue to have him. He should let him go…But as soon as he thought about that, he felt a heart-wrenching, bone-deep pain.

As if he were going to once again experience the despair of the past. 

That night, while Ye Ming was sleeping, Jiang Ci went to see him again. He was somewhat despondent.

He knew Li Xu’an hadn’t given up on following Ye Ming’s tracks this entire time. He would definitely be very willing to take care of him in his place, but…I still haven’t figured everything out…and it’s all just going to come to nothing, just like that.

I really can’t accept that, but besides that, what other options do I have?

With great difficulty, Jiang Ci got up. Just as he was about to leave, he noticed that Ye Ming appeared to be dreaming. He grabbed his hand and slurred, “Xiao Ci…” 

Jiang Ci’s lips trembled. Wistfulness and pain intertwined in his eyes. How many years had it been since he’d last heard Ye Ming call him that…? He’d even thought he would never get to hear this person call him that again for the rest of his life.

He thought of many years ago…all the beautiful memories of them together. But their separation had, in the end, smothered all of that beauty in shadows, turning it ugly, no longer the way it used to be.

But who knew…how much I missed all of that?

I really…truly missed you. 

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -10, current blackening value 20]

Jiang Ci turned over the hand holding Ye Ming’s, anguish and grief in his eyes. Why…aren’t you my true father? Why did you have to leave? Why…did things have to turn out like this…

I don’t want to leave you, but if my staying with you can only bring despair to us both, then maybe I should let you go…

Jiang Ci lowered his head. He kissed Ye Ming’s forehead gently. 

Just then, a sound came from his earphones. In the quiet of the night, it was ever so clear.

First was the sound of someone opening and shutting a door. Then, the sound of someone sitting down on a chair. Then, the sound of talking.

Jiang Ci couldn’t be more familiar with those voices. One was his father Jiang Sheng, one was Zheng Shan.

Jiang Sheng’s voice was icy, and it carried a killing intent. “You still haven’t found Chen Zhao’s whereabouts?” 

Zheng Shan said, “I’ve already arranged for people to go, but at the moment we haven’t. It looks like Young Master hid him well. Perhaps he already anticipated this, so he deliberately kept you in the dark.”

All at once, Jiang Sheng was unable to restrain his fury. “So he’s ready to spread his own wings! He even dares to act dutiful to my face but oppose me in secret!”

Zheng Shan soothed deferentially, “Don’t be angry. After all, he was raised by Chen Zhao for sixteen years. It’s normal for him to care about him; it shows that he’s not a fickle person. Right now, you need to take it slow. You mustn’t be anxious.”

Jiang Sheng stood up and paced a bit. He said, “Ultimately, it’s all Chen Zhao’s fault. I should have killed him back then!” 

Zheng Shan sighed. “You didn’t expect that an insignificant, docile person would do something so crazy…I completely didn’t expect that back then either.”

Jiang Sheng was still embittered, his voice cold. “He’s just a poor doctor. I gave him money; what more does he want? Does he really want me to compensate his wife and child’s lives with my own? Is his wife’s life that valuable?! He’s really overestimating himself!”

Zheng Shang couldn’t respond to that, just carefully said, “We didn’t expect it either…Speaking of, how did he know it was you who hit her? It should’ve been impossible…”

Jiang Sheng was also immensely regretful when he thought of that. Back then, he had been young and red-blooded. He acted ruthlessly, not yet understanding that when dealing with people, you had to leave them some face. What’s more, he hadn’t taken Chen Zhao seriously, so his confession had slipped out in front of him…If he had known earlier, he would’ve pretended to kindly console Chen Zhao and sent him off, instead of arrogantly admitting to it and humiliating him. In the end, he had hit him while he was down; otherwise, Chen Zhao wouldn’t have been desperate enough to steal his child away. 

If it were today, he would never make such a rudimentary mistake. Either he’d leave him face, or he’d exterminate him. He wouldn’t carelessly let this person go.

He made a mistake in the past, and now that person had come to take revenge.

This mistake had to be fixed! He couldn’t let Chen Zhao bewitch his son again!

With a bone-deep frostiness in his voice, Jiang Sheng slowly said, “What does it matter if he knows? He couldn’t do anything to me back then, and he still can’t now! As long as he dies, this matter will come to a complete end, and Jiang Ci won’t disobey me because of him anymore. He should have died a long time ago!” 

Zheng Shan’s voice trembled. “You mean?”

Word by word, Jiang Sheng uttered, “Find him, kill him!”