Jiang Ci stood there, rooted firmly in place. His earpiece had stopped transmitting any noise long ago. The lonely night was like a silent tomb, and he had been trapped inside, surrounded by darkness, with no way out.

After a long time, he slowly raised his hand and removed his earpiece, gripping it tightly in his palm. He twisted around and looked at the man on the bed. 

So this was the truth?

Jiang Ci closed his eyes. Everything that hadn’t made any sense before now became clear. Everything now had an explanation.

My father killed your pregnant wife, but he escaped punishment. Not only that, he also humiliated you and finally pushed you nearly to the edge. 

You hated my father, but you were unable to force him to receive the punishment he deserved. You must have felt very hopeless and pained…so in the end you chose this kind of method to get revenge against him.  

You couldn’t get revenge against the chief culprit. You put on a ghastly visage, hating Jiang Sheng, hating me, hating yourself.

Now I finally understand why you hate me…

But despite this, you still chose to let go in the end. Even though you experienced such hardships, you were still kind-hearted. Even though you bore such hatred, you still gave up on revenge.

You could’ve told me the truth earlier. If you told me…I would definitely have believed you.

You could have chosen to use my affection for you against Jiang Sheng, turning us father and son against one another, but from beginning to end, you didn’t do that.

You didn’t say anything not because you don’t care about me, but because you care about me too much, and you didn’t want me to turn into a means to your revenge.

Yet only now do I finally understand.

Jiang Ci blinked. The rims of his eyes seemed to feel wet, and they stung a little. 

My father hurt you, and I continued to hurt you…This version of me—what right does he have to blame you, to keep you? I was the one who owed you to begin with.

I am unworthy of you.

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -10, current blackening value 10]


In the middle of the night, Ye Ming opened his eyes in the darkness.

[Ye Ming: There’s not much blackening value left (⊙v⊙)]

[888: Yes, but I think Jiang Ci’s about to let you go. What do you plan to do about the rest of it?]

[Ye Ming: First eliminate some, as much as I can. It’s alright if he leaves temporarily. He just needs time to settle Jiang Sheng’s matter first. With his love and attachment to me, I figure he’ll want to atone for what he’s done, so we’ll definitely have the chance to get in contact again~] 

[888: Hehe.] So this was why you were deliberately allowing him to make mistakes before? You turned an originally innocent person into a guilty one, and even though he had some of his own faults, this couldn’t have happened without you to fan the flames. This way, when the truth comes out, you can use “atonement” to bind him to yourself and continue eliminating his blackening value.

[Ye Ming: This child is actually very pitiable. On one side is the person he loves dearly, on the other is the birth father who loves him dearly, but the person he loves is his enemy, and his father wants to kill his most beloved person. This is just the saddest stuffed meat pie on earth. The worst mother-in-law-daughter-in-law relationship is nothing compared to this. Sigh.jpg]

[888: And you still treat him this way? Do you have any sympathy at all?]

[Ye Ming: His fate is just no good…I’m just—okay…fine, I used him to complete the task once, but it wasn’t me who stole him. Plus, I let him bully me this whole time. Wronged.jpg] 

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: I’ll definitely use love and forgiveness to loosen all the rest of the knots in his heart! Baba loves him!]

[888: …] He didn’t want to say anything. He just wanted to be calm.

When Ye Ming walked out of his room in the morning, he saw Jiang Ci waiting for him in the living room on the first floor. 

Jiang Ci seemed to have returned to normal already, and he looked completely put together. But in fact, his heart was not at all as calm as he appeared on the surface. He looked at Ye Ming with longing and reluctance to part with him. He lowered his eyes to hide the pain in their depths. He said, “I was waiting for you to eat.”

Ye Ming looked at him and didn’t respond. He was like a soulless shell of a person. In this span of time, he had become more and more reticent.

Melancholy and pain surfaced in Jiang Ci’s heart. He did this…He pushed an innocent person, who loved him, to this point. Just like his father, he had become a cold-hearted evildoer.

Qlat ugfja vloolmeias, Tf Zlcu tjv ygbxfc ogff ogbw tlr obgwfg vfrqjlg jcv kjr jyif ab gfrajga j cbgwji ilof, yea Aljcu Jl bcmf jujlc obgmfv tlw lcab remt j vfrqfgjaf rlaejalbc. 

Lbk mgefi.

C rlwqif ygfjxojra tjv jigfjvs yffc rfa eq lc atf vlclcu gbbw. Dfmjerf tf vlvc’a xcbk ktfc Tf Zlcu kbeiv kjxf eq, tf tjv xfqa atf obbv tfjafv atf ktbif alwf. Aljcu Jl ygbeuta bnfg j mtjlg jcv rja cfza ab Tf Zlcu, ibbxlcu lcafcais ja tlw. Llr nblmf kjr vffq jcv ibk, jcv la tlv tlr rbggbk jcv qbkfgifrrcfrr. “Sja. Coafg sbe fja, P’w ifaalcu sbe ub.”

When Ye Ming heard this, there was finally a change in his expression, and he looked at Jiang Ci with surprise and unease. He didn’t really seem to believe what he’d said.

Last night, Jiang Ci had called Li Xu’an. He couldn’t keep holding onto Ye Ming selfishly, and because of his father, he was worried that there would be trouble soon…He might not be able to protect Ye Ming even if he kept him here. Jiang Ci believed that right now, placing Ye Ming at Li Xu’an’s side was the best option. 

Determination flashed in Jiang Ci’s eyes. I won’t let anyone else hurt you anymore…not even my father.

Ye Ming, however, did not know what Jiang Ci was thinking about. He didn’t believe Jiang Ci would really let him go; he just silently ate his breakfast. He was actually gradually getting used to this hopeless life, but he just sometimes couldn’t remember who he was, couldn’t remember why he had become this way…

Perhaps some memories were too painful, so he wanted to let them go.

Jiang Ci only ate two bites before setting his food aside. He didn’t have much appetite. Honestly, he just wanted to look at Ye Ming for a bit longer. Making the decision to let go was not easy for him, but he’d already made too many mistakes because of his bullheadedness, and he couldn’t keep making more. 

At this moment, his phone suddenly rang. When he picked it up, he saw that Jiang Sheng was calling. Jiang Ci’s eyes darkened. He didn’t intend to pick up the call. Since Jiang Sheng was trying to think up every possible method to kill and silence Ye Ming, he would definitely try to look for leads around him.

Jiang Ci pressed the mute button and was just preparing to put his phone back in his pocket, when he suddenly noticed that Ye Ming had ceased his movements and was staring fixedly at his phone. His hand shook slightly as it held his spoon.

Jiang Ci glanced at the two eye-catching characters, Jiang Sheng, on his phone screen. “Not good,” he muttered. He was too careless; he shouldn’t have let Ye Ming see! But it was too late to undo it now.

Ye Ming slowly raised his head, his eyes reddening slightly. He suddenly remembered why he had become this way, remembered why he was trapped here—it was all because of Jiang Sheng! 

It was all because of him! How could he have forgotten? That devil not only killed his wife and child, he also locked him up here and tortured him! Did he think that if he changed his appearance, Ye Ming wouldn’t be able to recognize him?

Jiang Ci looked at this familiar, hate-filled gaze. A chill spread all throughout him, and his body felt a bit numb and stiff. This was the same situation again, but his mentality was completely different. Back then, he had just felt guilty for hurting this person because he loved him…so even if he’d been abandoned by him, he still didn’t want to see him become this way.

But now…the pain in his heart was a hundred times, a thousand times greater than before. He hadn’t wronged him; he had never wronged him…

He was the one in the wrong. 

Ye Ming didn’t know why Jiang Sheng was sitting there, staring at him foolishly and looking so sad, but he must kill this person! He was the source of all of Ye Ming’s suffering! He suddenly grabbed the dinner knife on the table and thrust it at the man in front of him!

Jiang Ci watched as Ye Ming grabbed the knife with a venomous look in his eyes and thrust it at him, not the slightest bit surprised.

But this time, he didn’t dodge at all. Those hate-filled eyes and that bone-chilling gaze made his entire body freeze, and he couldn’t move at all.

This is right. You should have hated me like this from the start, instead of swallowing down your hatred and escaping far away by yourself in order to protect me. Sometimes…people ought to be a little more selfish, and not be so hard on themselves, and be fiercer to their enemies. 

I wish you could be a little bit more selfish. You don’t need to bear those hardships for my sake—it’s not worth it at all. 

Jiang Ci felt the ice-cold blade of the knife pierce his stomach. It wasn’t very painful; instead, it felt almost freeing.

Honestly, he had always been quite tired of living…He loved a person he shouldn’t love, made his birth parents disappointed in him, and with great effort, managed to convince himself that this person wasn’t worthy of his love, but now he discovered that it was his father that was the wrongdoer. The victim turned into the wrongdoer, and everything he knew turned completely upside down…He wanted to demand justice for Ye Ming, but doing so would hurt someone who sincerely loved him. But no matter how painful it would be, he couldn’t not care about it…otherwise, what difference would there be between himself and his father?

He was really so tired… 

If my death can free you, then it doesn’t seem so bad…You can just let me pay for this crime.

Jiang Ci lifted his head slightly. He smiled, his voice low and hoarse. “If you want to kill someone, you should aim at the chest. Right…here.”

He took Ye Ming’s other hand and gently pressed it to his solar plexus. From it came the slow and steady sound of his heartbeat…His eyes were as sorrowful as the heavy skies. Look what I forced you to become…As a doctor, you don’t even know how to kill people now.

How…can you take revenge like this?  

I’d better help you. 

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -2, current blackening value 8]

Ye Ming met Jiang Ci’s eyes blankly.

Why didn’t he run, why didn’t he hide? Was this another way to trick him? Ye Ming’s thoughts were in utter chaos…He staggered back a step, and the knife he held in his hands was pulled out along with it. Blood rushed out from Jiang Ci’s belly, dyeing his clothes red. 

But Jiang Ci still didn’t move. Instead, he gazed deeply at Ye Ming with intense affection and adoration, interwoven with immeasurable pain and sorrow. He parted his lips and said, “Kill me, and you can be free.”

The hand that Ye Ming had wrapped around the knife shook. This person wasn’t resisting at all. He could finally kill him. But why couldn’t he bring himself to do it?

Blood flowed down Jiang Ci’s belly and dribbled to the floor, forming a pool of blood. Yet he was still smiling at him, his eyes ever so gentle and loving, as if he really, really loved him…

How could that demon Jiang Sheng look at him like this? 

Ye Ming would never forget that moment in Jiang Sheng’s office. That person had looked at him with a cold and detached gaze, as if he were looking at an insignificant little ant. To him, human life wasn’t even worth mentioning. He looked at him with contempt and effortlessly knocked him down into hell.

He would absolutely never…look at him like this.

Ye Ming’s hands went limp, and the knife fell to the ground with a clatter. He cradled his head in his hands and let out a shriek, staring unwaveringly at the person in front of him. He wasn’t Jiang Sheng…Then who was he? Who was he?

The villa’s housekeeper came over to take a look after hearing noises, and saw this bitter scene. She screamed in fright. 

Jiang Ci heard her voice and turned his head toward her. Calmly, he ordered, “You’re not to spread this outside. Send York over to handle this.”

If they called for help, what happened here would definitely be exposed. Ye Ming would be arrested for deliberately harming someone…and if his father found out, he definitely wouldn’t let Ye Ming walk away alive. He hated Ye Ming to death, and on top of that, he was afraid Jiang Ci would continue to be influenced by him, so he would definitely kill and silence him.

At least until Li Xu’an got here, he had to keep this situation under control.

Ye Ming stood there, trembling slightly. He stared blankly at Jiang Ci, then looked at the blood on the ground…His eyes looked a bit dazed. 

He suddenly saw a woman appear in front of him. The woman had a cute baby face, but at present, she was standing next to that pool of blood and looking at him with tears in her eyes. She seemed so very disappointed in him.

Ye Ming staggered over to her, wanting to grab a hold of her, but he couldn’t. Instead, he bumped into Jiang Ci. At a loss, he asked, “Did you see your mother? She came just now…”

Jiang Ci’s eyes were sad. His consciousness was slowly fading because of the blood loss, but he could still tell that Ye Ming was talking about his original wife. He must love his wife a lot. How would he have been willing to use money to measure how much her life was worth?

Jiang Ci was so foolish… 

Jiang Ci slowly closed his eyes. Just as he was ready to give up, he suddenly felt Ye Ming embracing him. He could hear his panicked voice saying, “What happened to you? How did you get injured?”

Jiang Ci was stunned, then chuckled softly. “I’m fine…”

But Ye Ming seemed extremely panicked. He held him sorrowfully, his eyes desperate. “It’s Jiang Sheng who hurt you, isn’t it? It’s all him…He killed your mom, and he wants to kill you too. I’ll protect you. I won’t let him hurt you again!”

Jiang Ci pulled the corners of his mouth into a small smile. Who do you think I am now? Your son? It’s too bad I’m not… 

I’m Jiang Sheng’s son.

Distressed, Ye Ming pressed down on Jiang Ci’s wound to stem the bleeding, but it was useless. Instead, his hands were covered in blood, and his tears streamed down. “What do I do? What do I do…Xiao Ci, it’s all Dad’s fault for not protecting you…”

Jiang Ci said, “It’s not—your fault.”

But Ye Ming wouldn’t listen. He looked at the blood on his hands and screamed. This wasn’t right…It shouldn’t be like this…He had wanted to kill Jiang Sheng, but why was Jiang Sheng completely fine, while his own child was about to die? 

What was going on? Was this another nightmare?!

Jiang Ci really wanted to keep comforting Ye Ming, but he couldn’t keep his eyes open. He wanted to reach out and grab Ye Ming, but he couldn’t lift his hand…

York rushed over, bringing a doctor along, and saw just this scene. His expression rapidly shifted, and he quickly carried Jiang Ci to the couch and yelled to the doctor, “Quickly stop the bleeding!”

Ye Ming stood dazedly in place. After a long moment, he walked over and asked the doctor, “Did he die?” 

The doctor didn’t have the time to answer him, but York angrily grabbed his collar! His clenched fist trembled, but in the end he didn’t strike. This madman! What did he have to argue over with a madman?!

He had long ago advised the young master not to get entangled with this person. Now, he was going to lose his life over it; was he satisfied yet?


Jiang Ci’s head felt foggy. Everything was dark. There were only him and Ye Ming. One moment, Ye Ming looked at him with hatred in his eyes, stabbing him over and over, telling him to drop dead! But when he blinked, Ye Ming became gentle and kind, and looked at him like he was his most beloved person… 

Jiang Ci didn’t want to wake up. It turned out that he wasn’t as strong as he thought he was. It turned out that everyone had the desire to escape.

If living was too much to bear, then perhaps death could bring a sense of freedom.

But there seemed to be someone calling for him by his ear. He missed that voice. He was drawn to that voice. In the past eight years, he had always hoped this person would be by his side, but every time he woke up from his dreams, he would find that his hopes were fruitless.

He didn’t want to open his eyes, but that voice wouldn’t give up. Finally, he couldn’t help but be snared by it. 

Maybe he would just take a little look. What if this time, it was real?

Jiang Ci slowly opened his eyes and was met with a pale and exhausted face. The man didn’t seem to have slept for a long time and was a bit unkempt and disheveled. Only the warmth and love in those two eyes were just the same as before.

Every time he got sick, this person would patiently look after him just like this, and look at him just like this.

Jiang Ci had once wished he could return to his carefree past, to that time when he didn’t know anything and didn’t have to be in pain…Escape reality like a coward and just stay with his dearly beloved person. 

Had he died and therefore returned to the past?

Ye Ming clutched his hand tightly. He sounded worried, and he looked deeply concerned. “Xiao Ci, you finally woke up. Do you want some water?”

Jiang Ci stared at him. After a long time, his lips pulled into a faint, self-deprecating smile.

He remembered now. He had driven his most beloved person insane. 

He went insane, so he’d forgotten his painful memories and returned to the past, still thinking he was his son…but he didn’t deserve his tenderness at all. He was the person who had hurt him. He was the son of his enemy.

The both of them, father and son, owed too much to this person.

Ye Ming poured a glass of water and very carefully held it to Jiang Ci’s lips, saying, “Slowly now.”

Jiang Ci slowly asked, “Why are you being so good to me?” 

Ye Ming said, “Dad being good to you is the way it should be. You’re Mom and Dad’s most beloved child.”

Jiang Ci smiled, eyes sad.

Before, he couldn’t understand why Ye Ming would keep him, take care of him, treat him as his own son…Why would he put in the effort of raising a stolen child? A child he loathed? Now, it seemed there wasn’t anything to be confused over. Perhaps he just wanted a child of his own.

Replace the son he had lost with another one. 

From beginning to end, none of this love had belonged to him. He was just a replacement who was basking in the love that shouldn’t be his.

Ye Ming stroked Jiang Ci’s forehead and gently asked him, “Are you hungry? Do you want to eat something?”

Jiang Ci thought about it and said, “Not very hungry.”

Ye Ming was still looking at him worriedly. He smiled and said, “Then if you get hungry, just tell me. Don’t worry about school, I’ll request time off for you. It’s fine if you can’t finish your homework either.” 

Jiang Ci stared blankly for a moment. His eyes stung a little.

Why was he thinking about the past like a coward again? Why was he thinking about the memories he couldn’t forget again…thinking about this person’s earnest, caring gaze?

Though that love wasn’t rightfully mine, after being together for so many years, you had to have truly cared about me, right? Even if you didn’t want me in the end…you still must have loved me once.

I believe this. 

I guess I shouldn’t hope for any more. This is enough.

[Ding, Jiang Ci’s blackening value -2, current blackening value 6]

Jiang Ci slowly raised his head and looked over Ye Ming’s shoulder at the man standing by the door.

Li Xu’an stood there quietly.