Zong Jun’s ice-cold gaze landed on the man in the jade coffin.

Ye Ming didn’t avoid his gaze. He stared right back at him. His eyes, which were like black jade, were blank and confused, as if he’d just woken up from a long dream, or as if he were a completely innocent newborn. His eyes were so limpid and pure one practically could see right to the bottom of them. 

After a long time, Zong Jun was finally certain that Ye Ming truly did not recognize him.

Actually, this was not far outside of his expectations. Ye Ming died three thousand years ago. His body was long gone. Zong Jun had defied the natural order of things in order to change that, using rare treasures to reconstruct a physical body for him and reassemble his soul. Then another two thousand years passed before he was finally able to reawaken him.

Ye Ming, who had now come back to life, still possessed the same soul, but it was very likely that he would experience some unexpected aftereffects…

The look in Zong Jun’s eyes was cold and somber. 

But so what if he has amnesia?

I spent thousands of years to bring you back from the dead so that you would never be able to leave me again…From now on, I’ll be the only one in your heart and your sight. You will be my devotee and my liege. Even as a wandering spirit, you will still belong to me.

You will never escape.

Zong Jun gazed down at Ye Ming. His lips curved up slightly. His voice was deep and low, husky and bewitching, like a melodious echo in a dark abyss. He said, “I am your master.”

[Ye Ming: …]

[888: Calm down. Since you have amnesia, then of course what he says goes, hehehe.]

[Ye Ming: No, I wasn’t trying to imply anything. I just didn’t think…Zong Jun’s changed. He used to be such a shy, honest, introverted, pure child. He would call me shixiong so respectfully…Now he opens his mouth and the first thing he does is call himself my master and deceive pure, unsullied old me. Bitterlygrieving.jpg]

[888: Pure and unsullied?] He needed to go and barf really quickly before coming back and fighting this spicy chicken. 

Ye Ming heard those words and continued to simply watch Zong Jun. There were no memories at all in his mind; it was all blank. He seemed to have been in a deep sleep for a long, long time and finally woke up from that infinite stillness.

Zong Jun was the first person he saw upon waking up. Even though he didn’t remember him, he seemed to find him familiar from somewhere deep down in his heart, as if he’d met him a long time ago…He could instinctively feel that Zong Jun was a very, very important person to him, so he didn’t doubt Zong Jun’s words.

Ye Ming tried to sit up from inside the coffin, but he couldn’t control his body very well. He fell over as soon as he sat up.

He looked perplexed, his eyebrows slightly scrunched up. A trace of fragility crossed his cold, beautiful features, like a crack in a block of ten-thousand-year-old ice, revealing a soft, fragile side of him. It was extremely endearing. 

Zong Jun looked at him profoundly, contempt and apathy buried deep in his eyes. He stretched out his arms and carried Ye Ming out of the jade coffin.

They were in the Devil’s Palace in the demonic domain. Huge and vast, it spanned a thousand miles. To attract Ye Ming’s soul, he set up a large soul-gathering array in it. Then, deep underground, he used precious spirit jade and mystical iron to build an underground palace. Finally, he used extremely rare chalcedony to forge a coffin.

Even so, Ye Ming only awoke after two thousand years.

Zong Jun carried Ye Ming out of the underground palace and to his bedchamber in the Devil’s Palace. It was very spacious. In the middle of it was a large bed a couple meters wide, covered in soft, expensive water dragon muslin. A curtain of pearls hung above it. It was exceedingly lavish. 

Ye Ming lay weakly in Zong Jun’s arms, his eyes half-lidded. He felt Zong Jun set him down on the soft bed. His mind and body still didn’t feel like they were quite in cohesion; it was difficult to maneuver his body the way he wanted to. His long black hair spilled across the bed. He turned his head slightly to look at Zong Jun with confusion. His voice was like a stone falling into a cold spring. “I…don’t remember anything…”

Zong Jun knelt on one knee next to Ye Ming. His tall body loomed over him. He reached out a hand, tilting Ye Ming’s chin up to face him.

This was the body he specially reconstructed for Ye Ming. Apart from the jade embedded between his brows, he looked exactly as he did before…This was the person he deeply, deeply loved, but also hated.

It’s just that you don’t remember anything now. 

Zong Jun’s dark blue eyes were chilly. His thumb stroked Ye Ming’s cheek. He parted his thin lips and said, “You’re called Yu Hun.”

He bowed his head and laughed lowly next to Ye Ming’s ear. “It’s fine that you don’t remember the past. You just need to remember that I’m your master and to obey, trust, and love me…”

Ye Ming listened to Zong Jun speak. His deep, low voice seemed to travel through his eardrums and into his heart, like a bewitching spell that had come through to him from far away, telling him that he must love and obey this man.

In a daze, he nodded. “Yes.” 

So his name was Yu Hun.

Zong Jun gazed into Ye Ming’s limpid, docile eyes, and the corners of his lips tugged up into a faint curve. He couldn’t help but think of Ye Ming in the past.

In the past, this person was so cold, aloof, and out of reach, like the moon shining up in the sky. Zong Jun would’ve loved to pluck out his heart and offer it to him if it meant he would give him a glance…A single glance, a single smile from this person would make him feel like he’d received a priceless treasure. He would’ve been completely delighted to walk through fire or water for him.

That was how much he loved him. 

But in return? To this person, love was nothing more than a barrier on his path to immortality.

Zong Jun risked his life to search for resources for Ye Ming’s cultivation to help him reach a breakthrough…but who could’ve expected that when this person finally did break through and dujie was right in sight, the first thing he did was to kill him?

Zong Jun would never forget the heartlessness in Ye Ming’s eyes as he pierced him with his sword.

The Zong Jun who loved Ye Ming had died when Ye Ming’s sword pierced him, in the split second that his body was destroyed. All that was left was something that had crawled its way back out of hell—a devil. 

My lover, if you can be so heartless, then why should I continue to cherish you like that?

I might as well clip your wings, imprison your soul, and bind you to my side…

Tf Zlcu ugjvejiis ofia tlr ybvs yfmbwlcu wemt wbgf jilnf. Pa kjr cb ibcufg jr qbkfgifrr jr la kjr ktfc tf’v pera kbxfc eq. Llr ybvs jcv rbei kfgf ugjvejiis yfulcclcu ab kbgx lc tjgwbcs. Lf yfca tlr fiybkr, qgbqqlcu tlwrfio eq. Ktf ibbx lc tlr fsfr kjr bo qifjrjca regqglrf. “P mjc wbnf cbk…”

Zong Jun laughed lowly. “I know.” 

He had already waited two thousand years. Every minute, every second, he hoped this person would wake up. Now, he was finally awake. He could open his eyes, talk, laugh, and move. He wasn’t an ice-cold corpse within a jade coffin…

This was the one thing in his entire life that he would do anything to possess.

Zong Jun thrust his fingers into Ye Ming’s long black hair, keeping his hand against his head. He gently kissed the jade between his brows.


Ye Ming lay in Zong Jun’s arms. This all made him feel a vague sense of shame deep in his heart, as if he should loathe becoming this way…But in the end, his instinct won out. From his heart to his soul, he should belong to Zong Jun. He liked when he treated him like this.

And he wanted more.

Ye Ming’s hands snaked around Zong Jun’s neck. He struggled to lift his head up and kiss Zong Jun’s lips…

Unfortunately, Zong Jun didn’t plan on continuing to indulge him. He grabbed Ye Ming’s hands and pressed them above his head. He dipped his head and said next to Ye Ming’s ear, “So greedy…” 

Ye Ming’s eyes were covered in a wet sheen, He gazed at Zong Jun adoringly, longingly, and perhaps a bit upset.

But Zong Jun’s gaze only contained indifference. He sneered, released Ye Ming’s hands, and stood up, pitilessly leaving him.

Look at you now. Wouldn’t it have been nice if you had loved and needed me like this? Then I wouldn’t have to treat you like this.

But this is fine too, because you will love me forever. You will never be able to leave me again. You will live and die for me…You will serve at my feet and beg me to take pity on you. 

Beg me to love you.

Ye Ming faintly perceived that the unfathomable complexity in Zong Jun’s gaze was tinged with something that frightened him. He didn’t dare move again. Cautiously, he said, “Yu Hun doesn’t dare anymore.”

Zong Jun’s gaze was indifferent. He said coolly, “I’m one who chooses to give or not to give. You don’t get to choose whether you want it or not. Do you understand? If you behave so inappropriately again, I will punish you.”

Ye Ming recalled the pain he had experienced previously, and he paled a little. He lowered his eyes and pursed his lips. He said, “Yu Hun understands.” 

[Ding, Zong Jun’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 95]

This finally pleased Zong Jun. He glanced at him meaningfully, then got up and left.


[Ye Ming: I-I really didn’t expect it to be even more stimulating than in the previous world…too stimulating…] 

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: But wait, there seems to be something wrong with my body. What’s going on, ge? (⊙v⊙)]

[888: Hehe, I thought you’d forgotten about this problem.]

[Ye Ming: How could I? I was just too busy and didn’t have a chance to ask about it until now. Hurry and tell me.] 

[888: When you were ‘busy’ just now, I already found all the information. You can take your time looking it over.]

Ye Ming immediately began to earnestly read the information 888 sent him. The more he read, the more he felt that Zong Jun was seriously creative—he could even come up with something like this.

His original body had died unexpectedly three thousand years ago in pursuit of the treasure, and in the chaos of the fighting, not even his corpse remained. So his current body was one that Zong Jun had reconstructed for him.

Zong Jun used a ten-thousand-year emerald vine, an extremely rare and fine spiritual artifact,  to refine this body for him. In fact, he was no longer human; rather, he was basically a spiritual tool made from ten-thousand-year emerald vine. 

This ten-thousand-year emerald vine had many uses apart from creating treasures. It also had a special quirk.

Emerald vine was in itself extremely rare; one that had managed to grow for ten thousand years was even rarer. After ten thousand years, the emerald vine would grow a heart. This heart was one of the most valuable treasures and could be used to refine pills or cultivation treasures. It was no less precious than the spirit jade.

Importantly, the vine heart was the core of the emerald vine and absorbed into itself all of the vine’s essence. Once it was plucked, the emerald vine would wither and die. The emerald vine was a wholly subsidiary existence to the vine heart and couldn’t part from it. It could only exist in conjunction with the vine heart.

Ye Ming’s body was refined from the ten-thousand-year emerald vine. As long as Zong Jun consumed the vine heart, Ye Ming would only be able to survive by relying on him. Apart from Zong Jun, no one would be able to soothe his pain. 

Because his body was the finest spiritual tool, he had the strength of someone at late-stage Nigh Immortality without even having to cultivate, which meant he was now a little bit stronger than he was when he’d died. But the tradeoff was that he couldn’t cultivate at all. His cultivation base would never change. He was a vessel created with the utmost care—he couldn’t even be considered a person, much less have anything to do with cultivation and the great Dao. Furthermore, this vessel couldn’t be apart from Zong Jun, or it would go through torment worse than death.

As for the jade between his brows—that was precisely the spirit jade. It was the core that contained his soul and was the most vulnerable part of him.

[Ye Ming: So in order to survive, I now need to be periodically nourished by Zong Jun, or else I’m gonna have a really bad time?]

[888: Yep.] 

[Ye Ming: Ah, vine heart is such a priceless treasure, and instead of using it to refine pills or tools, he just straight up ate it! What an awful waste! Bitterlygrieving.jpg]

[888: …That’s what you’re worried about?] Wasn’t he worried about the wrong thing?

[Ye Ming: Well, what else should I be worried about? (⊙v⊙)]

[888: …] 

Ye Ming happily thought about how he never had to cultivate again. He was a master as soon as he was resurrected! Amazing! He kind of felt like a whale. His cultivation base wouldn’t rise anymore, but didn’t he still have the golden thigh, Zong Jun? He wouldn’t let him leave, anyway.

He thought for a while and finally seemed to remember something he’d forgotten. He suddenly smacked himself on the forehead.

[Ye Ming: I almost forgot something important! I died once, and now I’ve switched bodies, so what about Ye Yin, that old monster? Where’d he go? He didn’t die, did he?!] The blackening value depended on this pot-carrying hero!

[888: Hehehe, you still remember him? I thought you were too busy having fun and forgot about doing your mission.] 

[Ye Ming: How could I be that kind of person…]

[888: Don’t worry, not only is he not dead, he’s living quite pleasantly. See for yourself.]

Eight-ge is such a dedicated quick transmigration assistant, Ye Ming thought to himself. Whatever info Ye Ming wanted, he had. He prepared it all for him without him even having to say anything. Very satisfied, Ye Ming started looking over the information on Ye Yin.

Back then, Ye Yin attached himself to Ye Ming through the spiritual spring. His soul was too weak to do anything at the time, so he just borrowed Ye Ming’s body to nurture the remnants of his soul, waiting for the perfect time to take over his body and successfully be reborn. 

Ye Ming had practiced the cultivation techniques Ye Yin left behind in the ruins, making his body more and more suited for Ye Yin to take over. If he hadn’t died, Ye Yin would most likely have succeeded by now.

Only, when he’d maxed out the affection value and found an excuse to die so he could leave, of course he hadn’t given much thought to whether or not Ye Yin would also die. Fortunately, Ye Yin didn’t. And not only did he not die, he was now very powerful. In the midst of the fighting, he left Ye Ming’s body and attached himself to an unremarkable Tianhai Palace disciple who had also been present.

Of course, that disciple’s body was far inferior to Bai Qianhong’s, but Ye Yin had no choice but to make do. So not long after, he consumed that disciple’s soul, took over his body, and came back to life under a different identity.

The Master Sage Ye Yin was the formidable, undefeatable tyrant of the Immortal Cloud Realm ten thousand years ago. After taking over the body of that disciple, it was like a max-level legend had been reborn. He was covered in Gary Stu vibes and spent all his time powering up and slapping faces. After a thousand years, he went from being an unremarkable disciple to the new palace master of the Tianhai Palace. 

But that was only the beginning.

To the far west of the Immortal Cloud Realm was the Boundless Sea. In the sea were countless islands and an ever-increasing number of sects.

Tianhai Palace was an upper-middle level power in the Boundless Sea. After unifying the Tianhai Palace, in order to plunder the Boundless Sea’s resources, Ye Yin began an unending slaughter. The other sects could only swear allegiance to the Tianhai Palace and offer tribute every year, or their entire sect would be wiped out. They seemed to be the most powerful, evil force in the sea.

The remaining sects had no choice but to join forces against the Tianhai Palace, but they were not very successful. Ye Yin was himself very powerful, and on top of that he had countless cultivation techniques and treasures. The strong grew stronger, and the weak grew weaker. Nowadays, the Tianhai Palace was unrivaled in the Boundless Sea. Even some of the sects on land near the Boundless Sea were alarmed; they feared that the Tianhai Palace might attack at any moment. 

Ye Yin understood that no matter how powerful he was, he was useless alone. So he generously bestowed treasures and techniques to train up his subordinates. He taught a cultivation method that he had developed, called the Unified Path, to his disciples.

The Unified Path was a preeminent cultivation method. In the early stages of cultivation, one would improve by leaps and bounds. If it weren’t for its drawback, it’d totally be a protagonist’s special cheat. The drawback was that one improved rapidly in the early stages, but by the seventh stage, one would reach a bottleneck that was hard to break through. Furthermore, those who cultivated the Unified Path would become heartless.

Three thousand years later, the Immortal Cloud Realm was no longer the peaceful Immortal Cloud Realm of the past. It was in turmoil everywhere.

In the Boundless Sea, the Tianhai Palace suddenly rose to power. The palace master was mysterious and cold, an ambitious tiger eyeing its prey. 

Over in the demonic domain, the Devil’s Palace commanded numerous demonic practitioners. The Demonic Lord was wicked and cruel. Wherever he went, bloodbath followed. Those who served him prospered, but those who opposed him perished. Panic spread in all directions.

Even the powerful Xuanguang Sect suffered many losses to the Devil’s Palace and was greatly weakened. The cultivation sects became deeply alarmed. The righteous sects began to quietly put aside their former grievances and join forces against these two new formidable forces.

Trouble with even one of them would mean disaster for the entire Immortal Cloud Realm.

[Ye Ming: This world’s a little bit weird…How come there are two Gary Stus? And one of them’s a blackened version…] 

[888: So do you have a plan yet? Seems to me Ye Yin might not be happy to carry the pot for you, and he’s not someone that’s easily fooled.]

[Ye Ming: Emmm, even if he doesn’t want to carry this pot, he’s gonna have to. I cultivated his Unified Path, so he can’t escape the blame! I didn’t want to kill Zong Jun. It’s all because the cultivation method was weird! ^_^]

[888: …] Why did he recall shielding him from all the effects at the time?

[888: As far as I know, even though there are some problems with this cultivation method, it can’t force anyone to kill their husbands. At most, it’ll just affect people’s temperament. Even if you really want to pretend you were influenced by the cultivation method, you still wouldn’t necessarily have been forced to kill your husband. Why not just break up? Out of all those people cultivating the Unified Path, I haven’t seen anyone kill their wife, husband, or kids, hehe.] 

[Ye Ming: Oh, it’s probably because my Daoist's heart is stronger than theirs…After all, the protagonist is very unique.]

888: Does this spicy chicken have any goddamn face? Huh?!


So Ye Ming lived “happily” at the Devil’s Palace. Every day, he ate then slept, slept then ate. He ate the finest divine fruits and spirit beast meat. He slept until he woke up naturally. He didn’t need to do anything at all. It satisfied his indolent, lazy nature to the fullest. Zong Jun showed no signs of treating him poorly; rather, he pampered him to the extreme. As the Demonic Lord’s most favored, Ye Ming’s life was exceedingly luxurious. And on top of that, his laogong would periodically come to provide him with nourishment. He was positively glowing with health. 

Watching him, 888 lamented that the heavens were blind for allowing evil to go unpunished.

Also, he seriously suspected that Ye Ming, who was pretending to have amnesia, was putting on a performance too similar to his true colors.

Today, Ye Ming was happily strolling in the rear mountains, which were basically the back gardens of Zong Jun’s palace. They had steep, overhanging cliffs and plentiful streams and peaks. It was a beautiful sight. It was also home to many spirit beasts and medicinal herbs, as if it were an immortal paradise on earth.

Ye Ming picked a thousand-year divine fruit and bit into it like it was an apple, clicking his tongue. 

Delicious! The finest delicacy!

[Ye Ming: See how bold my family’s Zongzong is? Now this is someone who understands how to live it up. If you have the money and the means, you should enjoy life. What’s the point in always acting like the paragon of virtue? Are you trying to win employee of the month? The demonic path is sure worthy of being called the demonic path. Look at this divine fruit. It’d probably cost over a thousand experience points in the system store! Hedonistic, so hedonistic! I approve!]

[888: So are you dissatisfied with a benevolent paragon of virtue like Cossen?]

[Ye Ming: No, never. I still really like Keke ^_^] 

[888: You like this, you like that. In human terms, that’s called being fickle, isn’t it?]

[Ye Ming’s voice was low-pitched: You don’t get it. It’s called universal love. My heart’s as vast as the ocean; it has room for everybody. Plus, it’s not like I was with all of them at the same time. I’ve died and switched worlds by now. Look at today’s young women—they’re always changing husbands, latching onto idol after idol. As for me? I’ve barely had any. Even when dating, you’re not required to love the same person until you die, are you?]

888: How was that the same thing? Bah!

Also, Zong Jun really was blind for loving you until he died. 

Ye Ming’s days were extremely carefree. A life like this, where he only relaxed and never had to work, was truly beautiful. And Zong Jun seemed perfectly happy to pamper him and watch as he became someone who depended solely on him.

Every day, whenever he had time, Ye Ming would look at the information 888 provided him to better understand the people and the layout of the Devil’s Palace. After all, he did still have to complete the mission, so he had to know himself and the enemy.

Though this kind of life was very nice, he couldn’t continue on like this forever. The blackening value hadn’t lowered since those first five points went away. Feeling very sad and begrudging, Ye Ming began preparations to move the plot along.

As he would put it, this was called the end of a vacation. He had to get ready to make his brilliant appearance in this world. 

Zong Jun was the Demonic Lord. Although he was unscrupulous and licentious, he was still the master of the demonic path, and there was always business he needed to attend to. His subordinates could take care of minor matters themselves, but they still had to report to him about the more major matters.

One day, Zong Jun was once again in his bedchamber with Ye Ming, when his ears suddenly twitched. He let go of Ye Ming and left.

He arrived at the palace’s antechamber and took a seat on the chair made of black jade up on the dais, and looked down at the woman kneeling on one knee below.

The woman had long red hair that reached her ankles. Her features were beautiful but lofty. There was a bewitching red mark on the right side of her face. Her eyes gleamed like stars on a cold night; they looked unfeeling, but when she saw Zong Jun, a look of fanatical adoration immediately appeared in her eyes. 

She was Zong Jun’s number one demonic envoy, Han Sha.

Respectfully, Han Sha said, “My Lord, our branch hidden in Kuiyu has recently been besieged and crushed by people from the Xuanguang Sect. Should I lead an attack against them?”

Zong Jun’s eyes gleamed faintly. There was a cold smile on his lips. The Xuanguang Sect…

His voice was frosty as he said, “Not at the moment. If we attack the Xuanguang Sect directly, we’ll probably strike one of those righteous cultivators’ sensitive nerves and cause them to band together even quicker. Even if we won’t attack them directly, however, we can’t let them ruin the reputation of us demonic cultivators and let them think we’re an easy target. Since they dared destroy one of our branches, take people with you to go destroy three of the Xuanguang Sect’s subsidiary sects.” 

Han Sha respectfully agreed with a bloodthirsty gleam in her eyes. She didn’t understand why the Lord wouldn’t directly wipe the Xuanguang Sect out, but if that was his wish, then she would of course comply. The Lord was her god. She used to be nothing more than one of the lowliest slaves of a demonic sect. The Lord saved her from that and gave to her everything she had today. Her life belonged to the Lord.

It was a pity that the Lord had no interest in her. Han Sha had no way to get close to him, even if she wanted to. But she didn’t dare be presumptuous in the slightest, so she could only stifle her affection.

When Zong Jun finished issuing commands, he wasn’t interested in talking to Han Sha any longer. As he got up, he said, “You may go.”

“Yes.” Han Sha obeyed, rising to her feet. Just when she had almost left, she suddenly saw a man leisurely walking out of the bedchamber in the back. 

The man was tall. His feet were bare. He was dressed in white muslin, and his black hair was loose. His features were cold and aloof, like the snow on a mountain peak or the moon in the sky. One couldn’t produce any blasphemous thoughts when looking at him.

Only, at that moment, the moon and the snow seemed to have been dragged by force into the secular world. His collar hung open, revealing the marks on his body…

The corners of his lips were also red and swollen.

Han Sha’s eyes flashed with violent envy and killing intent. Recently, the Lord had been spending every day in his bedchamber. He didn’t leave it for a very long time, and he’d stopped caring about a lot of the palace matters…Originally, she’d thought he was cultivating in seclusion, so she didn’t dare disturb him in the slightest. Could it be that the Lord had been with this person all this time?! 

[Ye Ming: Was my entrance beautiful?]

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: But the assistant little sister I carefully selected is quite beautiful. I like her.]

[888: Hehe.]