When Zong Jun saw Ye Ming come out, his deep blue eyes glinted darkly, and he pulled him into his arms. He laughed jokingly against his ear, “It’s only been such a short time and already you can’t bear to be apart from me?”

Ye Ming could feel Zong Jun’s breath on his ear. He looked down, a look of confusion flitting through his ink-black eyes. He hadn’t meant to come out initially, but he just so happened to hear a mention of the Xuanguang Sect…and couldn’t resist the urge to come out. 

But he didn’t remember anything anymore. Why would he be affected by this name?

Did the Xuanguang Sect have something to do with him?

Zong Jun gripped Ye Ming’s chin and fixed his eyes on his face. This person was now completely and utterly his. He would never leave him again…The corners of Zong Jun’s lips curved upward, and he lowered his head to kiss Ye Ming’s lips.

Han Sha was standing just below them. As she watched the man she was deeply in love with hold another man in his arms and kiss him wantonly, while treating her as completely beneath his notice, she felt so embittered she nearly ground her teeth to bits. She stood there in a daze, motionless. 

Seeing that Zong Jun and that man were about to engage in those sorts of activities, Han Sha grew even more envious. She hated that she couldn’t take that man’s place. Suddenly, she saw Zong Jun look back at her, his gaze bone-chilling. With a wave of his hand, she was sent flying, hard. Coldly, Zong Jun asked, “Still not leaving?”

This aerial strike of Zong Jun’s was quite offhanded and couldn’t be considered very lethal, but it was unrestrained and unfeeling, and it was by no means merciful. Han Sha was flung straight into a column in the antechamber. She spat out blood and hurried to kneel down, bowing her head. “Yes, your subordinate will leave right away.”

Zong Jun was too lazy to mind Han Sha anymore. He turned back around and pressed Ye Ming against the chair.


Han Sha miserably wiped away the blood at the corners of her mouth and quickly retreated from the antechamber. She stood at the entrance to the hall and soon heard the sounds of passion coming from inside…Her eyes immediately shone with bloodthirst as soon as she thought of how the Lord was currently with that man, of how he would kiss and embrace him.

She paused, then finally left unhappily.

An alluring ambience blanketed the antechamber. Zong Jun held Ye Ming. Gazing into his eyes, he asked, “Do you love me?”

Ye Ming looked at him adoringly. Without hesitation, he replied, “I love you.” 

Zong Jun couldn’t help cracking a small smile. As he smiled, an unconcealable pain once again emerged deep in his eyes. He stroked Ye Ming’s hair and thought, Now you say you love me…but this isn’t real love. It’s nothing more than an instinct I’ve ingrained into you. You’ve probably never truly loved me before.

If you can be so heartless, then why did you agree to be my cultivation partner?

In reality…you don’t love me at all.

Or perhaps your love, in the face of your Daoist’s heart, isn’t even worth mentioning, like dust, or old worn-out shoes. 

You are the most cold-hearted person in the world.

Zong Jun suddenly released Ye Ming and stood up.

Ye Ming didn’t expect Zong Jun to suddenly get up. He looked at him, a little bit confused, and said softly, “Master?”

Zong Jun’s cold gaze landed on the person in front of him, and the smile on his face disappeared completely. 

He had originally wanted to torment this person. He spent an entire two thousand years to bring him back to life just to make him pay, to trap him by his side in eternal suffering, to make him regret what he did.

But…this person lost his memories.

Without his memories, he readily trusted and loved Zong Jun, like a puppet being manipulated, mindlessly obeying him.

Tormenting such a person made his actions seem ridiculous and pointless. 

Or did you realize what you were about to face, and so you forgot everything?

On one hand, Zong Jun hoped this person would remember, so that Zong Jun could get revenge against him and make him suffer. On the other hand, he hoped this person would never remember, so that he would look at him with such wholehearted adoration forever…

And never hurt or betray him again.

Coafg j ibcu wbwfca, Ibcu Aec ijeutfv delfais ja tlwrfio, atfc aegcfv jcv ifoa. 

[Ye Ming: Looks like it’s time to change up the status quo. I can’t go on like this forever. How can I stay stuck in the back palace as an inflatable doll? An inflatable doll won’t be able to quell Zongzong’s anger. The physical body is only the surface; he’s after the spirit.]

[888: Oh, you’ve finally realized this. Congratulations.]

[Ye Ming: …]

[Ye Ming: I had no other choice. If I had all my memories intact from the beginning, it’d be hell mode right now. How could I still live such a comfortable life? QAQ] 

[888: …] All this spicy chicken was concerned about was living a comfortable life?

[Ye Ming: I definitely still need to recover my memories. After all, the knot in Zong Jun’s heart can only be undone by the Bai Qianhong who has his memories. But not right now. His hatred has been stewing for three thousand years. I can’t let it all burst out at once. Anger is something that’ll weaken over time as it’s vented. I’ll first whittle away at it a little bit at a time. By the time I do recover my memories, maybe Zong Jun won’t be so cranky anymore ^_^]

[888: Then you’d better jiayou, since his blackening value’s only gone down by five points so far, hehe.]

[Ye Ming: I’m counting on my assistant little sister to help me get out of my current circumstances so I can continue lowering the blackening value! I hope she’ll work hard!] 


Ibcu Aec vlvc’a gfraglma Tf Zlcu, yea tf vlvc’a jiibk tlw ab ifjnf tlr yfvmtjwyfg bg atf gfjg wbecajlcr, flatfg, rb Tf Zlcu mbcalcefv ab rajs lcrlvf atf Gfnli’r Ujijmf.

Snfgs vjs, tf kbeiv kjix jgbecv atf gfjg wbecajlcr. Ktfrf wbecajlcr kfgf fcbgwber; fnfc joafg rb ibcu, tf ralii tjvc’a rffc jii bo la—atbeut tf kjrc’a ybgfv bo la.

On this day, he was walking around outside again, looking at a spirit beast in front of him. Just as he was wondering if it would ruin his character to cook it, he suddenly heard 888 inform him that the person he had been waiting for had finally come. Ye Ming immediately gathered his spirits and stood there looking cold and serene. He seemed to be enveloped in an icy, distant air. 

Han Sha had led her subordinates to destroy two of the Xuanguang Sect’s subsidiary sects. Then, on the way to the third sect, she secretly returned to the Devil’s Palace.

She had never forgotten the sight of Zong Jun kissing Ye Ming. She was unbearably jealous. As a ruthless demonic cultivator, she was neither generous nor tolerant. If she saw something she didn’t like, she would kill it! Considering how nonchalantly Zong Jun treated Ye Ming, she was nearly certain he was some pet he’d grown fond of lately. Among demonic cultivators, there was nothing strange about keeping human cauldrons to play around with. Even Han Sha herself had kept plenty of human cauldrons before.

As long as she killed Ye Ming, he wouldn’t be able to befuddle the Lord anymore!

Han Sha, as Zong Jun’s head demonic envoy, had a powerful cultivation base and a vicious reputation. While Zong Jun was gone, she directly took the opportunity to sneak inside. 

Ye Ming was standing among a cluster of purple flowers. He looked at Han Sha with some surprise. He remembered seeing this person before. She was one of Master’s underlings. Only…this was Ye Ming’s first time seeing anyone else here. He looked at her suspiciously. His thin lips gently parted, and in his clear, lofty voice, he asked, “Are you looking for me?”

Han Sha looked at Ye Ming and sneered. He looked so untouched by worldly things, but so what? All he was good for was climbing onto the Lord’s bed and wailing beneath him. How could someone like this be worthy of snatching the esteemed Lord?!

Her right hand closed into a fist, and within it appeared a sharp, all-black scimitar, as long as half a person’s body. Without saying anything further, she thrust the blade toward Ye Ming!

Ye Ming didn’t expect Han Sha to attack him without any warning. They both served Master, so why did she want to kill him? But right now, in this moment of life and death, he didn’t have the chance to think more of it. He quickly dodged, and his spiritual force flared throughout his body. He was about to attack her back when he suddenly realized that he was weaponless. 

On the other hand, Han Sha’s demonic scimitar was sharp and unyielding. It split open a huge chasm in the ground!

Ye Ming dodged pitifully, forming a string of hand seals in quick succession. His cultivation was no weaker than Han Sha’s—they were both late-stage Nigh Immortality. But Han Sha, with her demonic scimitar, was ever more powerful, while he seemed to be unable to exert any of the power building up inside of him. He kept feeling like something was missing…Where was the flying sword that was interlinked with his spirit?

At that moment, he had the inexplicable feeling that he was a sword cultivator before he’d lost his memories. Unfortunately, there was no sword in his hand, so he couldn’t exert even fifty percent of his power, and he could only be one-sidedly struck by Han Sha.

Han Sha’s blade was fierce and relentless. It was clear she wanted to kill Ye Ming off in the shortest time possible! 

Ye Ming could only use his spiritual power to resist, but he was still surrounded by peril. A lock of his black hair was cut off. Finally, he was running out of strength. Blood dripped out the corner of his mouth! Han Sha struck him in the chest, and he was flung a great distance away.

Han Sha leapt up, her long red hair sweeping through the air, and raised her scimitar to take Ye Ming’s life!

The strong gale tangled Ye Ming’s hair. He lifted his head. He seemed not to have any strength left to dodge and could only watch helplessly as Han Sha drove her blade down!

I didn’t expect to die like this… 

But I don’t seem to be afraid or have any regrets…as if I’ve already died once, a long time ago.

Right at that perilous moment, there was a white light. Han Sha shrieked and fell on the ground. The arm that had been holding the scimitar had been chopped off! Blood splattered onto Ye Ming’s face.

Ye Ming dazedly looked back and saw Zong Jun slowly walking toward them. His movements seemed unhurried and his gait steady, but in the blink of an eye he was already right in front of them—it seemed he had used a spell to warp the earth he was walking on.

Han Sha clutched her shoulder, which was spurting out blood. She watched as Zong Jun ambled toward her and didn’t dare to even reach for her severed arm. Trembling faintly, she knelt, unable to speak and deathly pale. 

Zong Jun’s voice was as cold as the frozen lake of the ninth circle of hell. “Who gave you the courage to touch my person?”

Han Sha knelt on the ground and stared at Zong Jun’s boots. She was so frightened she practically couldn’t speak. She stammered, “This—this subordinate…”

Zong Jun’s right hand clenched into a fist, and Han Sha’s right arm rose up from the ground to the air in front of him. She watched as it turned into dust, the black scimitar falling to the ground. Now Han Sha couldn’t retrieve her arm even if she wanted to.

Zong Jun cast her a sideways glance and finally said dully, “Get lost.” 

Han Sha looked up, astonished. She hadn’t expected Zong Jun to let her live. She immediately looked extremely grateful and kowtowed respectfully before leaving. She didn’t even dare look at Ye Ming again.

Zong Jun watched coldly as Han Sha left. When he recalled what had happened just a moment ago, he could hardly contain his rage. If he’d returned only a moment later, Ye Ming would’ve been killed…It was so difficult for him to wake Ye Ming up; how could he let him die?

If Han Sha hadn’t served him for nearly two thousand years and made many great contributions, he would’ve killed her!

Zong Jun turned around, his cool gaze landing on Ye Ming. 

He hated this person, but only he was allowed to hurt him, no one else! His life belonged to him, too. He was the only one who could decide if he lived or died!

Ye Ming had thought he was going to die for sure. Who could’ve thought Zong Jun would unexpectedly return right on time? It was like he’d dropped from the sky. The sight of him was burned into Ye Ming’s eyes. As he thought of the way Zong Jun had protected him, he looked even more touched.

After he’d reawakened, Master had been very strict and indifferent toward him. He’d initially thought he meant nothing to Master and hadn’t expected that he would punish his competent subordinates for his sake.

Ye Ming gazed at Zong Jun reverently. His voice was soft. “Master…” 

Zong Jun stroked Ye Ming’s brows. He looked into his black eyes.

When Ye Ming was being knocked around by Han Sha so pitifully he nearly lost his life, Zong Jun suddenly felt very remorseful. He didn’t want someone like this—he didn’t want someone that could only stay inside his palace, a plaything for him to vent himself on and that others could easily shame and kill.

He wanted that proud cultivator, the one like the cool breeze and glowing moon, the one with robes white as snow, the one who could wield his sword and conquer all the land under the skies.

Zong Jun suddenly took out a set of clothes from his storage ring and ordered, “Change into this.” 

Ye Ming was momentarily stupefied before finally realizing that his muslin robes were covered in blood. Master must not like that. He deferentially took the clothes from Zong Jun—their fingers touched—and then he noticed that these robes were not so simple. Rather, they were a magical item. On the subtle but thick and luxurious fabric was a silver design, which was actually a complex array. Not only was it dust-proof, it could also defend against attacks. If he had been wearing it, he wouldn’t have been so easily injured by Han Sha.

Master actually bestowed such precious clothes upon him. Ye Ming’s eyes filled with gratitude, and he took off his blood-soaked muslin robe and changed into the white robes as Zong Jun watched. Finally, he fastened his belt before finally looking up at Zong Jun.

Zong Jun gazed at the man in front of him. He was wearing spotless white robes. His hair was like a waterfall, his skin like burnished jade, his eyes like stars…In the split second when he lifted his head, time seemed to turn back three thousand years, to the moment this person, from far, far away, turned back to look toward him.

It stole away all his attention with total ease. 

But what was it still missing…?

Zong Jun thought for a moment and finally took out a green longsword.

The moment the longsword appeared, it began to hum urgently and restlessly, as if in response to its master’s presence. It rattled unceasingly in Zong Jun’s grasp.

Meanwhile, Ye Ming stared at the sword in Zong Jun’s hands. He felt a pull in his soul. He could feel that they were so very close—closer than anyone else. That feeling of connection running through his blood…This was his…In that moment, he had no doubt about it. 

Zong Jun released his grip, and the spirit sword impatiently flew forth.

Ye Ming reached out and grabbed it, and the sword made a cheerful noise, as if overjoyed at returning to its master’s possession. Ye Ming stared dazedly as the sword in his hand. Even without thinking or doing anything, Ye Ming remembered how to use it.

This was his fated spirit sword.

Zong Jun looked at Ye Ming, who was dressed in all white and holding Cangxuan. Now, the man from back then could finally be considered to have been reborn. 

He spoke, his voice low and deep, “From now on, you’re my head demonic envoy.”

Ye Ming grasped the sword in his hand and knelt down respectfully on one knee. Heartfelt loyalty was written across his cold, aloof face, and his eyes were sincere. He bowed his head. “Yes, Master.”

Zong Jun’s eyes were murky as a bottomless abyss.

This is how it should be. This is what you should look like. This is the proud darling of the heavens that I loved…But even if you still look like you used to, even if you’re the same person you used to be, you’ll serve me loyally and never betray me. 

The one I love…

Since I’ve turned to the demonic path, you’ll become the sword in my hand. You’ll be at my beck and call. You’ll accompany me for the rest of our lives.

We will never be apart.

[Ding, Zong Jun’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 90] 


Han Sha left the Devil’s palace and returned to her own immortal cave, where she finally dared staunch her bleeding. She had lost her right arm, her cherished spirit weapon, and too much blood; her cultivation base suffered a heavy blow. Here was the chaotic demonic domain, where the strong trampled the weak and people killed and plundered. For the most part, those of the righteous path were also like this, but they still cared deeply about face, while in the demonic domain, face didn’t hold the slightest importance. People were often killed over the slightest things.

Han Sha typically had many enemies; they just didn’t dare attack her because of her high cultivation base. Right now, she had to remain unobtrusive and go into seclusion to recuperate as soon as possible.

But less than two days later, a summons came from the Devil’s Palace asking all the demonic envoys to enter the palace and pay respects to the Lord. 

There were many envoys under the Lord’s command, all of whom were very competent. But they were usually dispersed outside of the Palace. Rarely were they called to gather together. Could there be some important matter? Han Sha didn’t dare to defy Zong Jun’s orders, and she was very curious as to what was going on, so she promptly left seclusion and hurried to the Palace.

On the way there, she ran into many ‘friends.’ They looked at her mockingly. “Well, if it isn’t Han daren. What happened to your hand?”

Usually, this envoy didn’t dare speak to Han Sha this way. Han Sha was the head demonic envoy and commanded the Lord’s men for him. Her position was highly exalted. But he’d heard that Han Sha had fallen out of favor and that her arm had been chopped off by the Lord. They were being summoned today to meet the new head envoy.

As for Han Sha…who’d both fallen out of favor as well as lost her weapon and cultivation base, perhaps she would manage to live for a few more days—that would speak to her good fortune. 

Han Sha’s eyes grew frosty, but right now, she didn’t dare come to blows with others as she pleased. She coldly scoffed and went inside first. At least within the Devil’s Palace, these cruel, ruthless devils didn’t dare kill each other and instead became like obedient little sheep, though outside of these walls, nothing was for certain.

Many people had already gathered in the main hall of the Devil’s Palace. Soon, all of the envoys had arrived.

A long time after that, Zong Jun slowly walked out from the back. He sat on his chair, his languid, unrestrained gaze sweeping over the crowd. They all quickly knelt and chorused, “Greetings, my Lord.”

Han Sha knelt among the crowd and immediately caught sight of the man dressed in white who had come out together with Zong Jun and was now standing next to him. 

The man was dressed in all white. He was tall, and his black hair was worn loose. He wore a silver mask that covered his entire face, but Han Sha could still recognize him with a single glance—he was Ye Ming!

But apart from Han Sha, no one else recognized Ye Ming. They sized him up with prudent, curious gazes. Why was this person allowed to not kneel? Who was he, that he could stand so calmly next to the Lord?

Very quickly, they received their answer.

Zong Jun looked at Ye Ming indulgently and pulled him in front of himself by the hand. 

He turned around and apathetically glanced down at the crowd. His deep, low voice resounded through the main hall. “This is Yu Hun. From now on, he is my head demonic envoy. You should obey his orders and offer him the utmost respect. Understand?”