The clear tea splashed on their feet, like trampled kindly intentions.

Ye Ming’s gaze was sorrowful. He didn’t want to do something like this, but there was no way he could drink this cup of tea. 

This body of his was specially created by Zong Jun to revive him and imprison him. Had everything he’d experienced in this span of time not been enough for him to understand the crucial points about it? If any randomly brewed magical panacea tea could relieve his pain and free him so that he no longer needed Zong Jun…then how could his condition still be called incurable?

Apart from that method, what price would Zong Jun have to pay in order to relieve his pain?

No matter what was inside of that tea…he didn’t want Zong Jun to hurt himself.

Ye Ming’s voice was cold, but his gaze was resolute. “Don’t do this in the future, either. I won’t drink it.” 

Zong Jun stared at the broken teacup shards on the ground. It hurt more than taking blood out of his own heart. Perhaps…even if he offered him his heart’s blood right to his face, he wouldn’t be willing to drink it now.

He wasn’t willing to give him even the chance to make up for his mistakes.

What made Zong Jun even sadder was that he understood why Ye Ming refused. Ye Ming would rather suffer than let him get hurt. That was how much he cared about him…and yet he’d always been hurting him…

How great would it have been if he only realized everything sooner?

Zong Jun bent over, rigidly picking up the broken shards on the ground. Then, he silently walked out.

Ye Ming watched Zong Jun’s back as he left.

[Ye Ming: 5555, how come he left just like that? If I won’t drink it, he’ll just leave? I’m so concerned about him, and he won’t even comfort me with his love?]

[888: It’s all because you protested too fiercely. You did too well maintaining your cold and aloof character, hehe.] 

[Ye Ming: So this is my fault?]

[888: Yes. So you actually possess some self-awareness, congrats!]

[Ye Ming: …]

Aggrieved, Ye Ming turned back and prepared to rest. In any case, he wouldn’t drink Zong Jun’s heart’s blood even if you beat him to death! Zong Jun would surely go along with his method! He wasn’t a vampire. He didn’t have the strange hobby of drinking blood, okay? 

Because he didn’t drink the medicinal tea, he began to suffer another attack by nighttime.

Ye Ming grabbed his collar and curled up on his side. A thin layer of sweat covered his forehead. His expression spoke of the pain he silently bore, but he tenaciously bit his lip and refused to make any noise.

In the middle of the haze, he heard a door creak open, and a tall figure walked in with its back to the light.

Ye Ming recognized this familiar figure immediately. 

Zong Jun was back.

Involuntarily, Ye Ming’s cheeks flushed a pale pink. He turned his head to avoid Zong Jun’s gaze. He knew what shameless things he was capable of doing while in pain. No matter how many times he went through it, he still couldn’t get used to it…

The depths of Zong Jun’s eyes were filled with sadness. A long moment later, he gently pulled Ye Ming into his arms.

As soon as Ye Ming got closer to Zong Jun, he began to tremble involuntarily. He tried to push Zong Jun away. He gritted his teeth and said, “You—stay away.” 

If Zong Jun weren’t there, he would be able to brace himself through it. He could manage it.

Zong Jun looked down at the person in his arms. Ye Ming’s typically aloof face was flushed from arousal. His black eyes shone bright and clear. He was like the most unsullied of immortals, now fallen into the mundane world. This was the man he loved most…He wanted to take possession of him without regard for anything, but he couldn’t ignore the forbearance in Ye Ming’s eyes.

To him, this wasn’t pleasure. It was nothing but pain.

How could he bear to continue to take this person in such a despicable way? 

A bitter smile hung on the corners of Zong Jun’s lips. Suddenly, he began to exert more strength through his hand, holding Ye Ming firmly in place. Then, he laid his other hand on his own chest. He paled at once.

Zong Jun stayed like that for a couple of seconds. The foreheads on his veins pulsed from the pain. Even with his willpower, he couldn’t maintain a look of calm. The muscles of his face went taut.

Ye Ming had already realized what Zong Jun was doing, and he started to look anxious. After he failed to stop Zong Jun, his eyes grew red, and he exclaimed resolutely, “I said I don’t need you to do this!”

Only now did he understand what was in that cup of tea. It was Zong Jun’s heart’s blood! 

To take out one’s heart’s blood, the source of a one’s cultivation, was nothing but torture. And because it damaged the source of one’s cultivation, it was difficult for one to recover. After losing too much, one’s entire cultivation base would even be destroyed! And once one’s potential was gone, there would be no chance to return to the immortal path!

But right now, Ye Ming was so weak. How could he stop Zong Jun? He could only watch as after a while, Zong Jun seemed to finally shake himself out of the pain, then lowered his head and kissed Ye Ming’s lips.

Ye Ming clenched his jaw as hard as he could. Tears pooled at the corners of his eyes. He knew it was already too late…but he didn’t want to drink it. He didn’t want…

He didn’t want Zong Jun to pay such a price for him. 

Zong Jun could sense Ye Ming’s resistance. He took a firm hold of Ye Ming’s chin and forced his mouth open, and then he slowly passed the spiritual blood from his mouth to Ye Ming’s.

When the spiritual blood entered Ye Ming’s mouth, it instantly melted into his body, alleviating all of his pain. And the powerful spiritual power contained in it made him feel a renewed strength.

In contrast, Zong Jun looked slightly pale and haggard.

Ye Ming laughed sadly. In his perpetually tranquil eyes, there was now anger and sorrow. “I said you didn’t need to do this!” 

Zong Jun turned away miserably. His chest rose and fell, and he gently put Ye Ming down. His voice was low and hoarse. “Rest well.”

Then he turned around and left.

[Ye Ming: …]

[888: Surprised? Happy? Looks like he isn’t taking your bait.] 

[Ye Ming: Hm, I didn’t expect him to get tough. Looks like I’ll need to change tactics…]

[888: What tactic are you going to try next?]

[Ye Ming: Since Zong Jun’s unmoved by both force and persuasion, I’ll play the affection card. We’re husband and wife anyway. What is there to be shy about?]

[888: …] 

[Ye Ming: But it can’t be here. I have to go somewhere else to carry out the storyline. And I don’t have much time left…]

[888: Hehe.]

Tf Zlcu tjv ajxfc Ibcu Aec’r tfjga’r yibbv, yea lc ageat, la mbeiv bcis jiifnljaf j qbgalbc bo atf qjlc. Ktf kbgra kjr atf vjwjuf ab atf rqlgla pjvf.

Dfmjerf tf’v obgmfv tlwrfio lc yfakffc atf yjaaif yfakffc Ibcu Aec jcv Tf Tlc, Tf Zlcu’r ybvs kjr yjvis vjwjufv, jcv fnfc atf rqlgla pjvf kjr mgjmxfv. Lf kjr qgfaas wemt tfjvlcu abkjgvr vfjat, rafq ys rafq. Ibcu Aec xcfk atlr jr kfii. Lf erfv eq jii rbgar bo gjgf tfgyr jcv wlcfgjir, jcv mbcalcefv ab agjcrofg Tf Zlcu tlr bkc meialnjalbc yjrf jcv rqlglaeji qbkfg, yea Tf Zlcu’r ybvs mbcalcefv ab ugjvejiis vfafglbgjaf. 

Furthermore, Zong Jun’s forcefully giving Ye Ming his blood made him feel powerless and despairing.

He was doomed to die. Was he going to have to drag Zong Jun to die with him one more time?

Mu Yuanqing continued to visit every day, but he didn’t stay too long. Typically, he only checked up on Ye Ming before leaving. In this way, their days maintained a subtle balance. If they ignored the bitter pain lying underneath, ostensibly things seemed rather calm and peaceful in a way it rarely was.

One morning, Zong Jun came to Ye Ming. Just as he was about to wake him, he suddenly noticed that on the jade in between Ye Ming’s brows, a few more tiny cracks had appeared. Zong Jun stilled. He couldn’t stifle the pain in his eyes no matter what. He tightly clenched his fists and trembled. 

He’d already done everything he could…but was he still unable to stop it…?

This was all his fault. He was the one who melded Ye Ming’s soul with the spirit jade so that they could never be separated. He’d thought that he could protect Ye Ming forever, that this way, he could have this person forever, but in truth…he was only sending himself and Ye Ming down a hopeless path.

He didn’t even have the chance to regret it.

Once the spirit jade shattered completely, Ye Ming’s soul would dissipate along with the jade. He wouldn’t even get the chance to reincarnate… 

If Ye Ming died again, Zong Jun wouldn’t have even a shred of hope left.

Zong Jun couldn’t bear to wake Ye Ming up. He gently held him in his arms, his gaze pained, vacant, despairing. He didn’t know what else he could do…He didn’t even know why he’d stepped foot on this immortal cultivation path.

Cultivators cultivated the heavenly path and tried in vain to break free of the reincarnation cycle, to transcend their fetters, to stand beyond the three realms.

He staked everything to grow stronger and defy the natural order, but not only was he unable to ascend, he couldn’t even protect the one person he loved. He couldn’t even protect him for this one lifetime, to say nothing of eternity. Why was he even cultivating? 

Mu Yuanqing anxiously hurried inside and was met with the sight of Zong Jun holding Ye Ming. He looked like an ancient statue, weathered by wind and mournful.

All of a sudden, his eyes began to grow red. In the time he’d spent here, he’d witnessed plain and clear how Zong Jun treated Ye Ming. He couldn’t forget what Zong Jun had done, but he was also unable to hate him as he used to, because Zong Jun was the one who loved Ye Ming most in the entire world, and he was also the one who least wanted to hurt him…

The heavens had played a terrible joke on them.

Mu Yuanqing knew that there wasn’t actually any point in staying here any longer. Zong Jun was the only one in Ye Ming’s heart, and he was just a superfluous presence. But at the same time, he was reluctant to leave, which caused him to waver. 

But he would have to leave in the end. This Devil’s Palace wasn’t a place for him to stay for the long term. He still had his shifu and his sect. How could he hide out at the Devil’s Palace, drifting along without a purpose, while they were suffering a calamity?

Mu Yuanqing quietly told Zong Jun, “Ye Yin has wiped out the Lietian Sect. Now he’s attacking the Xuanguang Sect. I…must leave.”

Zong Jun didn’t react, as if he hadn’t heard Mu Yuanqing at all.

Mu Yuanqing sighed quietly and gave the two of them a long, intense look, as if he was trying to engrave this scene into his very heart. 

With the Xuanguang Sect now in dire straits, it was likely that he wouldn’t be able to do much even when he did go back. But even if he died, he was determined to die on the grounds of his sect. This might be…the last time they would see each other.

Mu Yuanqing looked away. He summoned his resolve and left.

A long time after Mu Yuanqing left, Zong Jun finally reacted. He looked warmly at Ye Ming and softly asked, “Qianhong, do you want to go back to the Xuanguang Sect?”

Ye Ming was fast asleep. Nowadays, he was sleeping for longer and longer, and it was difficult to wake him up. 

Zong Jun lowered his head, kissing Ye Ming’s eyelids. He said, “Three thousand years. A blink of the eye, and we’ve already been gone for such a long time. You’d surely want to go back.”

The Xuanguang Sect is where you lived. It’s where your friends and loved ones, your brothers and sisters still remain. If you were to choose where to stay in the end, I think you’d choose the Xuanguang Sect and not this cold, wicked Devil’s Palace.

That’s where you want to go…


Mu Yuanqing had used up a lot of rare herbs and minerals in this span of time. Zong Jun wasn’t stingy toward him. Not only were his injuries now fully healed, the herbs and minerals had also boosted his strength and cultivation. With his flying sword going as fast as it could, he managed to finally arrive back at the Xuanguang Sect in half a day’s time.

The Tianhai Palace cultivators had surrounded the Xuanguang Sect. The brilliant glow of all sorts of magic weapons in the midst of battle was dazzling and made for a devastatingly beautiful sight, when in truth, it was only devastatingly cruel.

Mu Yuanqing watched as Xuanguang cultivators fell in battle, one after another, and his eyes went wide and red. Without a shred of hesitation, he urged his flying sword into the middle of the battle!

Yuan Ming shangren looked delighted when he saw that Mu Yuanqing had suddenly returned. The other Xuanguang disciples were overjoyed as well and watched Mu Yuanqing in excitement. They hadn’t expected that in this critical moment, Mu Yuanqing could escape the Demonic Lord’s clutches and return to aid them in battle. Morale surged, and with renewed vigor, they continued to fight the Tianhai Palace disciples. 

Mu Yuanqing was truly powerful. He would take on practically ten opponents all on his own. His flying sword was unstoppable, and he was indeed a difficult opponent.

Ye Yin stood among the horde of Tianhai Palace cultivators, watching on leisurely. When he caught sight of Mu Yuanqing, he raised his eyebrows and mused, I wonder where this little guy came from. He’s got some skill, but he won’t be able to make much difference.

Ye Yin flicked his fingers and sent a wisp of sword qi rushing toward Mu Yuanqing!

Mu Yuanqing hastily dodged. His gaze went cold, and he charged at Ye Yin! 

Ye Yin sneered. He was truly overestimating himself! He was sending himself to his death! He saw that the Tianhai Palace had gained the upper hand in battle and no longer wished to continue sitting passively. A longsword appeared in his hand. He was prepared to kill Mu Yuanqing first!

Ye Yin’s strength far surpassed Mu Yuanqing’s. His sword carried behind it an unstoppable force that couldn’t be dodged!

When everyone saw that the mysterious Tianhai Palace Master was finally making a move and that his sword had the might to destroy the skies and wreck the earth, each of them went deathly pale. Had Mu shixiong just come back only to die by this devil’s hand? Was the Xuanguang Sect doomed to be unable to escape this calamity? Would they follow in the footsteps of the Lietian Sect?

Right in the moment of the Xuanguang disciples’ despair, an even more frightening sword light suddenly met Ye Yin’s in a loud clang. A shockwave swept outward for a thousand miles in all directions…A black-haired, blue-eyed, cold-hearted man suddenly appeared in midair. The black longsword in his hand exuded a cold, bloodthirsty killing intent, blocking Ye Yin! 

When everyone saw the man who’d suddenly appeared, they were shocked speechless, and their eyes went wide with fear. W-wasn’t this the Demonic Lord?

How could he appear here? They couldn’t even fend off the Tianhai Palace; with the Demonic Lord here as well, they were sure to die! But very soon, doubt arrived on the heels of their fear. Why did the Demonic Lord block the Tianhai Palace Master’s attack? Hadn’t he come to help the Tianhai Palace?

But they very quickly understood the Demonic Lord’s intentions and were flabbergasted.

The Demonic Lord was fighting the Tianhai Palace Master! 

What—what was the meaning of this? Hadn’t they only just struck up an alliance? Why did they fall out?

Zong Jun had arrived late, but not too late. He was only a step behind Mu Yuanqing.

Back then, if it hadn’t been for Ye Yin, Ye Ming wouldn’t have been poisoned by his cultivation method…Now, if it weren’t for Ye Yin taking Ye Ming away, Ye Ming wouldn’t have sustained deadly injuries. And now, he actually wanted to destroy the Xuanguang Sect.

Zong Jun’s gaze was ice-cold. He was the one who released this person in the past, so now he would be the one to send him back! 

Ye Yin studied Zong Jun with a steely gaze. From Zong Jun’s eyes, he could see a resolute killing intent! Fine, then only one of us can live today! Once I kill you, who would be left in the Immortal Cloud Realm that can still oppose me?!

Their eyes met, and they simultaneously raised their swords and charged at each other!

This battle shook the earth and skies. Even the Tianhai and Xuanguang cultivators below them ceased their fighting. They put up defensive shields, pulled out protective magical treasures, and hid far away for fear of losing their lives on the sidelines.

Before it was determined who would win between Ye Yin and Zong Jun, no one had the heart to fight. 

The Tianhai Palace cultivators all felt anxious. They weren’t sure if the Palace Master was a match for the Demonic Lord. Meanwhile, the Xuanguang cultivators weren’t sure how to feel. Right when they were about to be destroyed, their most hated enemy, the Demonic Lord, unexpectedly came to their aid…

Zong Jun was enshrouded in killing intent and a vigor that made it clear he was determined to take his enemy down with him. He forced Ye Yin back, little by little.

Finally, Ye Yin’s expression began to change. In the split second that his mind wandered, his arm was cut open, and blood gushed out from it. His gaze hardened, and he finally resorted to using his ultimate skill!

Zong Jun, however, didn’t care if he got injured. He charged headfirst into the midst of those countless threads of sword light! He grabbed Ye Yin by the throat and ran his sword through his chest! 

Ye Yin felt a burning sensation in his body. He looked down in disbelief. He didn’t seem to have had the chance to react yet…How did Zong Jun get over here in only the blink of an eye? Was he going to die just like this?

Not by the heavenly tribulations, but by the hand of an arrogant cultivator of a younger generation?

How was that possible? How could he accept that?

He had slumbered for ten thousand years. After all that careful planning and those unscrupulous actions…he was finally going to aim for the great Dao again—but he failed at the final step. 

He really couldn’t accept that…

Zong Jun watched Ye Yin coldly. His sword was enveloped in the flames of the nine underworlds, burning Ye Yin into ashes in a flash. The black ash scattered gently in the wind; ashes to ashes, dust to dust…

Below, the cultivators watched Ye Yin die. Above, Zong Jun stood drenched in blood, like a demon god that had crawled out of hell.

Even if everyone knew that Zong Jun was already heavily injured and was perhaps an arrow at the end of its flight, no one dared try to kill him now. Their gazes were all filled with reverence and fear, and no one could muster up any semblance of resistance. 

An indiscernible amount of time later, a Tianhai disciple leapt onto his magical treasure and fled. Soon after, everyone else fled in a panic after him, like a retreating tide leaving behind only wreckage in its wake.

Zong Jun didn’t pay any attention to it. Instead, he slowly descended to the ground.

Under the vigilant, grateful, hostile, and complex gazes of the Xuanguang disciples, he walked off into the distance as if no one else were present and picked up Ye Ming. Then he walked step by step up to the gates of the Xuanguang Sect.

They silently watched as Zong Jun left and then came back, now with Ye Ming in his arms, all with suspicion in their eyes. They weren’t certain what this devil was planning. He wouldn’t have chased away the Tianhai Palace just so he could reap the benefits himself, right? 

As the sect leader, Yuan Ming shangren had to take charge of the situation at a time like this. In a calm tone, he said, “Thank you for your assistance, but may I ask what brings the Demonic Lord to our doors?”

Zong Jun gazed tenderly at the person in his arms. Without so much as lifting his head, he replied dully, “I’m bringing someone back.”

Yuan Ming shangren looked at Ye Ming, whom he carried in his arms, and said, “If the Demonic Lord is bringing Qianhong back, then this old man thanks you. You may leave now.”

Zong Jun didn’t seem to have any intention of letting go, however. He stood there motionlessly. 

Because of Zong Jun’s unusual behavior, the Xuanguang disciples who had only just been saved began to grow tense again. This devil wouldn’t turn around and attack them, would he?

Among these people, only Mu Yuanqing understood Zong Jun’s intentions. He leveled him with a complicated look and finally stepped out from the crowd. He said to Yuan Ming shangren, “Shifu, let him stay as well.”

Yuan Ming shangren furrowed his brows. Mu Yuanqing had always been a sensible child. How could he suggest something so ridiculous?! What kind of person was the Demonic Lord? Wicked, bloodthirsty, and temperamental. Even if he’d helped them today, that was no guarantee that he would never attack them…To let him into the Xuanguang Sect would be no better than letting a tiger into a sheep pen!

Mu Yuanqing understood his shifu’s concerns. He grit his teeth and finally asked, “Shifu, do you still remember shixiong’s cultivation partner, Zong Jun?” 

Yuan Ming shangren gave a slight start and nodded. “I remember.”

Mu Yuanqing said, “That’s him.”

Everyone fell silent when he spoke those words. These people’s reactions were just like Mu Yuanqing’s had been—and some were even worse. Their eyes nearly popped out of their sockets! The Demonic Lord was Zong Jun? That was why he’d come back to help them kill Ye Yin?

But if the Demonic Lord was Zong Jun, then wasn’t he the one responsible for the Devil’s Palace’s massacre against the righteous cultivators? He was very clearly already on the demonic path! 

They felt deep hatred for Zong Jun. Many of their fellow sect members had perished that day. Their hatred could be considered one that would last until the grave…but if Zong Jun hadn’t offered his assistance today, the Xuanguang Sect would’ve been destroyed. One favor and one enmity tangled up their hearts into a knot of conflict.

Mu Yuanqing thought for a moment. If he didn’t provide sufficient reason, it might be difficult to persuade his shifu. But those matters…he couldn’t go against Zong Jun and Ye Ming’s wishes and publicly air their affairs. A beat of silence later, he quietly whispered something to Yuan Ming shangren.

No one else could hear what Mu Yuanqing was saying. They could only see Yuan Ming shangren’s expression changing and changing again, as if he were extremely shocked. They were all terribly curious, but they didn’t dare ask.

Finally, Yuan Ming shangren gazed deeply at Zong Jun and said, “You come in too.” 

Zong Jun’s expression revealed neither sadness nor happiness. He just continued to gaze down at Ye Ming as he walked inside.

Because the sect leader had ordered it, the disciples trusted their sect leader’s judgement. Though they did not look at Zong Jun in a friendly way, they didn’t obstruct him either. They just couldn’t resist asking Yuan Ming shangren, “Sect Leader, is it really alright to let that de…to let the current Zong Jin into our Xuanguang Sect? He’s already joined the demonic path, after all!”

Yuan Ming shangren’s gaze was sorrowful. He sighed. “Let him go.”

When they saw that they couldn’t get anything out of him, they moved to surround Mu Yuanqing to ask spiritedly, but Mu Yuanqing wouldn’t say anything either. They could only leave resentfully. 


Zong Jun walked into the familiar sect, looking around at the scenery…even with his eyes closed, he knew where their immortal cave was, and he knew that that was where he should go. Carrying Ye Ming, he climbed up the limestone path toward the mountain summit wrapped in clouds and mist. The bamboo forest around him was thick and verdant. So this place…had been empty all along…

At the entrance of the cave, Zong Jun suddenly came to a stop. For a moment, his thoughts wandered.

He was standing in the same spot back then… 

That day, he waited outside for a long, long time. Ye Ming’s seclusion was finally going to come to an end. He must have made another breakthrough. How should he congratulate him? At the time, he stood there and waited nervously and eagerly, and finally the cave door opened, and the man he loved came outside…but his expression was cold in a way it had never been before.

Ye Ming didn’t offer him any response. All he gave him was a ruthless strike of his sword.

Pain reemerged in Zong Jun’s eyes.

He once thought he would never return to this place ever again…but he did, in the end. 

Zong Jun shut his eyes and gently pushed the door open.

Cultivators’ caves were typically equipped with dust-proof arrays. As long as there were still spirit stones present to power the array, this place would remain sparkling clean. Perhaps someone had taken care of this place and had always made sure the array was still up…so that three thousand years later, the sight in front of him was exactly the same as it was before he left.

As if they had never left in the first place.

Zong Jun gently set Ye Ming down on the bed. I brought you home. Wake up and take a look…This is our home. We’re back. 

He gently took hold of Ye Ming’s cold hand and held it to his cheek. He couldn’t restrain the grief in his eyes. His gaze swept across the cave, and on a wooden rack he spotted a silver longsword.

This was once his fated sword, Zhushui.

Back when his corporeal body was destroyed and his soul was scattered, all that he left behind was this sword.

It turned out that Ye Ming had always kept it… 

Zong Jun couldn’t resist walking over to it. He gently stroked the blade and felt a familiar blood connection from his palm…

Just then, he heard Ye Ming’s gentle voice coming from behind him. “This is your sword.”

Zong Jun whipped his head around and looked at Ye Ming. His lip quivered.

You finally woke up. 

Ye Ming looked around with a hint of emotion in his gaze. He seemed a little surprised, but not very much…He’d only taken a little nap, and during that time Zong Jun had taken him home. He was always so tender, and he always knew what Ye Ming wanted. It didn’t seem so bad to die here…

He looked at the sword in Zong Jun’s hand and seemed to return way back into the past.

In the past, he was bewitched by the heavenly Dao and stepped on a cruel and heartless path. He thought that if he could break free from this sole restraint, he could attain the great Dao unfettered. But when he really did kill Zong Jun, when he saw the sword he left behind…he finally realized that that wasn’t what he wanted.

A look of reminiscence and anguish appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes. Softly, his voice like a gust of wind blown in from far away, he said, “I once thought that if I gave you up, there would be nothing left in this world that I would have an attachment to, but I was wrong…Maybe…not being able to let go…is the sole restraint that exists.” 

To attain the Dao is to give up what is most important to you for the sake of the supreme heavenly Dao.

The restraints of emotion were most important to me, and they were also what I was least capable of giving up. I tried to, once, but I failed…but I don’t regret it.

The hand Zong Jun had wrapped around the sword shook slightly. Only now did he truly understand what Ye Ming had been thinking at the time.

While under the influence of the cultivation method, he gave up everything in order to seek the Dao. He chose to abandon him…not because he didn’t care about him, but because he cared about him too much. Because he was what was most important to him, as well as the one thing he couldn’t let go of. 

How could one prove one’s devotion to the Dao?

The more one couldn’t let go of something, the more one had to let go.

Ultimately, the two of them were nothing more than insignificant creatures struggling bitterly under the heavenly Dao.

[Ding, Zong Jun’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 5]