Ye Ming got up from the bed, but after taking barely a couple of steps, he was overcome by a spell of dizziness.

Zong Jun hurried to his side to support him. He croaked, “Don’t get up.” 

Ye Ming shook his head and smiled. His black eyes were warm, but his tone was stoic and laced with wistfulness. “It’s been a long time since I’ve been back…I want to have a look outside.”

If he didn’t go out now, he might not have another chance to in the future.

There was immense pain in Zong Jun’s eyes. He’d done everything he could, but in the end he still couldn’t undo everything. The one thing he could do was to stay by this person’s side in his final moments.

Ye Ming nestled against Zong Jun and slowly made his way out of the cave, passing by the verdant bamboo forest. 

As the head of the Xuanguang Seven and Yuan Ming shangren’s most beloved disciple, he once had access to the Xuanguang Sect’s most precious resources. His immortal cave was located on the summit of Wanyun Peak, which towered high in the sky, overlooking a boundless sea of clouds. From far away, it looked like a paradise floating up amongst the clouds. When you looked down from the top of the peak, you would get the feeling that you’d transcended the world. As you looked out at the mists and clouds that went on as far as the eye could see, you couldn’t possibly imagine anything more beautiful than that.

Ye Ming slowly took a step forward and stood right at the precipice of the summit. He looked steadily off into the distance. A long moment later, he looked away and said to Zong Jun, “It’s very beautiful here.”

All of Zong Jun’s attention was fixed on Ye Ming. He would never forget the first time he came here and looked at this man from far away…At the time, Ye Ming was standing at this very precipice. The winds blown in from some distant place swept the ends of his white sleeves upwards. He looked as if he might take off towards the heavens like an immortal, drifting away with the wind, ignorant of the smoke and fires of the mortal world.

He turned around, revealing a cold, beautiful face. That moment was forever engraved into his heart.

At that time, Zong Jun’s heart held only admiration. He still had no idea then that later…this man would step out from that paradise-like painting and into his heart, developing such a bond with him.

Ye Ming turned around and tilted his head back. He broke into a small smile. “I remember the first time I saw you.”

Zong Jun gave a start. Ye Ming remembered?

Ye Ming’s gaze grew sentimental. He quietly began, “You were only an ordinary disciple then, and you had come with your shifu to see me. You stood off to the side with your head bowed. You were quiet and not very noticeable.” 

Zong Jun looked shocked. He looked at Ye Ming in disbelief. At that time, the difference in status between the two of them was as great as the distance between the clouds and mud. He could only gaze up at this person from his lowly position down below. He’d never even dreamed that Ye Ming would notice him…

But not only had Ye Ming noticed, he’d even remembered it perfectly.

Ye Ming gently took hold of Zong Jun’s hand. He let out a little cough. “Come with me as I go for a walk outside.”

Zong Jun could hardly react. He let Ye Ming pull him outside. His heart was still immersed in the emotions that that matter had stirred up in him and was unable to calm back down for a long time. 

They slowly made their way down the mountain and gradually came across other Xuanguang disciples.

Those Xuanguang disciples looked at Zong Jun with vigilance, fear, and other mixed emotions, their attitudes completely alienating…but when they looked at Ye Ming, their gazes were admiring and full of excitement. Each of them respectfully greeted, “Bai shixiong.”

Every time, Ye Ming would smile and nod.

When those Xuanguang disciples saw that Ye Ming had actually responded to them and had smiled, even, their hearts began to race…Bai shixiong was a very aloof person. It was said that in the past, when he was in the Xuanguang Sect, he was always solemn and serious. Very few people had ever seen him smile. 

Now they finally realized just how beautiful Bai shixiong was when he smiled…

Their venture down the mountain left quite a number of people amazed.

Zong Jun held Ye Ming’s hand tightly and followed him out. Finally, the two of them arrived at a relatively remote foot of a mountain, and Ye Ming came to a stop.

When Zong Jun saw where they were, his lip quivered ever so slightly. He recognized this place. 

This was where he and Ye Ming had their first interaction.

He was still very weak then. He had only just received the spiritual stones issued out by the sect and ended up cornered and robbed here by a couple of other disciples. To the Zong Jun of the past, those few low quality spiritual stones were immeasurably important to his cultivation. Just when he was overcome with grief and despair…this person appeared.

This time, the two of them were very close together, close enough that he could clearly see this person’s face, his eyelashes, his thin lips, his straight nose, and his ink-black hair…

Ye Ming didn’t even need to take out his sword. Just by standing there, he caused those disciples’ legs to quake. They quickly admitted their wrongs and fled. Even the spiritual stones they’d only just taken possession of lay scattered and forgotten on the ground. 

Ye Ming’s gaze was indifferent. He dipped his hand, and the spiritual stones floated off the ground and landed in his palm. He glanced at them, then took out a couple of his own middle grade spiritual stones and put them all in Zong Jun’s hand.

Ye Ming’s cold fingers brushed past Zong Jun’s palm. His cold, emotionless voice reached his ears. “Cultivate well, and no one can bully you anymore.”

And then Ye Ming left without so much as asking his name.

But from that day on, Zong Jun knew that he’d probably fallen in love with this person. Not simply because he was beautiful and powerful, but also because there sometimes seemed to be a tenderness underneath his cold outer shell that made one feel most willing to follow him. 

Ccv rb tf meialnjafv gfjiis, gfjiis tjgv…

Mbg atf gfra bo tlr ilof, jii tf kjcafv kjr ab rajcv ys atlr qfgrbc’r rlvf.

Tf Zlcu revvfcis aegcfv jgbecv jcv qgfrrfv j ufcaif xlrr ab Ibcu Aec’r ilqr. Lf ibbxfv ja Ibcu Aec’r qeqlir, yibkc klvf klat jrabclrtwfca, jcv j ojlca rwlif fwfgufv lc tlr bkc fsfr. Lf’v rwlifv rb wjcs alwfr abvjs atja la ilxfis beacewyfgfv jii atf alwfr tf’v rwlifv lc atf qjra tecvgfv sfjgr mbwylcfv.

It was probably that he’d simply come to realize that…if life was bound to be as short as a queen of the night’s bloom, there was no point in being so forlorn. Now that their misunderstandings were resolved, he naturally ought to be happier. 

This kiss was so soft it felt like a feather bushing past Zong Jun’s lips. And then Zong Jun heard Ye Ming quietly say into his ear, “Your name was Zong Jun. I heard them call you that.”

Zong Jun eyes burned. So you knew my name ever since then.

Zong Jun held Ye Ming tightly. He wanted to say something, but he choked up and was unable to speak.

Ye Ming allowed Zong Jun to hold him. Wistful and melancholy, he murmured, “After that…you often appeared in front of me. Even though at that time…we rarely spoke to each other, I couldn’t help but pay attention to you, wondering if you were being bullied by the other disciples, whether or not you were cultivating well…and what happened after that. Only, I’m not very good at taking care of others. All I could do was to give you some resources from time to time. On the immortal cultivation path, the only person you can rely on is yourself. 

“Fortunately, you didn’t let me down. The speed at which you caught up to me was even quicker than I expected…

“I was very happy, and I was willing to help you. You were just like an unpolished jade I’d discovered. Only I knew how outstanding and dazzling you would become in the future…I’ve always been watching you.”

One by one, Ye Ming spoke of these past events, voicing his thoughts. The tiny matters that Zong Jun thought Ye Ming no longer remembered, the things that he thought Ye Ming had only done offhandedly turned out to have been engraved firmly in this person’s heart…It turned out it was all intentional.

He’d always thought he was the only one who remembered these things. He’d always thought this was all a wishful, one-sided pursuit, but today, he finally realized that Ye Ming had always been looking right back at him. 

None of it had ever been just his wishful thinking.

Ye Ming listed off all the little details of their past—he knew everything like the back of his hand. When he was done, he began to laugh. His eyes curved into crescents, and a smile danced in his eyes. “I thought you must’ve liked me, but you never behaved presumptuously. You were completely different from those who audaciously tried to woo me. So I also doubted whether or not you actually liked me…”

Zong Jun blushed, embarrassed and unable to meet Ye Ming’s eyes. It was as if this person had seen right into his heart, and he had no way to hide.

Were his feelings that obvious? 

Ye Ming laughed quietly. “Who knew that you would soon confess to me?”

Zong Jun recalled that mission as well. At the time, they’d run into danger, and he risked his life to save Ye Ming. They hid in a ravine to recuperate. In order to treat Ye Ming’s wounds, he had no choice but to touch his body. That was the first time he’d ever gotten so close to Ye Ming’s body. He gazed down at the man in his embrace and stared at his lips. The longing inside of him swelled uncontrollably, but still he didn’t dare do anything remotely disrespectful.

Later, Ye Ming woke up. He seemed to be a little uncomfortable, but he didn’t look angry, nor did he criticize Zong Jun’s inappropriate actions.

At the time, Zong Jun decided that he wanted Ye Ming to know his feelings. It wouldn’t matter if he was rejected—he would just continue to love this man in silence. He could no longer contain his affection… 

So he said it.

Ye Ming seemed to be thinking of that event as well. He looked off to the side. Quietly, he said, “I thought then: it turns out that to be loved by you…didn’t feel disgusting. Instead, my suspicions were confirmed, and I was delighted…Maybe as early as then, I started liking you, and that was why I was so happy that you liked me too.”

This was the first time in his life that he was speaking so openly, laying his heart bare, as if he were putting on display the most unspeakable side of him, no longer keeping it hidden.

Zong Jun’s eyes brimmed with love. His chest heaved. Finally, he could no longer hold back, and he landed a heavy kiss on Ye Ming’s lips! 

Ye Ming flushed red, but he didn’t move and instead welcomed Zong Jun’s kiss.

He was always too restrained and wasn’t good at expressing his emotions. Even if he liked this man, he never expressed it clearly. He’d always just been passively accepting and watching him pursue him. In his view…the lack of rejection was love enough. By accepting Zong Jun’s love, he was demonstrating that Zong Jun was different from everyone else to him. Furthermore, someone of his disposition wouldn’t say the word “love” so easily.

But in fact, why should he be embarrassed to say he loved someone?

Shouldn’t he bravely declare it to let the other party know about his feelings? Or else even if he died, he wouldn’t know that Ye Ming loved him…This would not only be regrettable for the other party; it would be his own regret as well. 

Ye Ming was kissed until he was gasping for breath. His body was weak, and he could only lean into Zong Jun’s chest. “I’ve never told you before…”

Zong Jun held Ye Ming tenderly. “Hm?”

Ye Ming gazed into his eyes and slowly stated, “I love you.”

Zong Jun’s eyes promptly turned red. 

Some people appeared to be deeply in love, when in truth their affection was very shallow. That kind of love was quick to arrive and quick to leave. But there was also another kind of person, one that appeared heartless and cold, but in fact their love was as deep as the sea; they just didn’t show it.

His love was like the wind and the mist. You couldn’t see that it was there, but it was.

Now, Zong Jun finally understood that the depth of Ye Ming’s love for him was perhaps no less than his own love for Ye Ming. Because ever since long, long ago, he’d loved him back.

It had never been a one-sided love. It had always gone both ways. 

[Ding, Zong Jun’s blackening value -2, current blackening value 3]


The next day, Mu Yuanqing came to visit Ye Ming. He asked, “Shixiong hasn’t been back for a long time. Were you able to settle in?”

Ye Ming looked at him warmly and said, “Have you been taking care of this place for me this whole time?” 

Truthfully, the fact that he’d been dead for three thousand years, yet his cave was well-preserved without a single item inside of it having changed surprised him.

There was a suspicious pink tinge to Mu Yuanqing’s cheeks. He turned away and said, “I didn’t do much.”

Ye Ming couldn’t help but smile.

Zong Jun was well aware of Mu Yuanqing’s feelings, but he didn’t mind. In the past, he was always uncertain and fearful that Ye Ming would one day stop loving him and fall in love with someone else…Thinking about it now, it was just ridiculous. 

There were so many people that liked him. If he really was going to fall in love with someone else, why would he wait all the way until now? Wasn’t the fact that he was willing to become cultivation partners with him an affirmation of his love for him?

Someone as cold and dedicated to the Dao as Ye Ming was willing to be with him…

Yet he’d been so muddleheaded. He’d already obtained this person’s one and only love, yet he hadn’t believed that he loved him.

Zong Jun’s gaze was agonized. 

Seeing that Ye Ming’s body was weak, Mu Yuanqing didn’t stay for long. He soon bid farewell and left.

Zong Jun helped Ye Ming to the bed and pulled the blankets over him, his movements gentle. Then he lay down next to Ye Ming and said, “If you’re tired, rest.”

But Ye Ming shifted onto his side and propped his head up on his hand, staring at Zong Jun. His ink-black hair draped below him. In contrast, his pale skin and dark eyes were as pretty as an immortal’s. Zong Jun’s face was reflected in his beautiful, clear eyes.

Ye Ming gently parted his thin lips with a smile in his eyes. “I’m not tired yet.” 

Zong Jun studied Ye Ming’s face from up close. Suddenly he felt his heartbeat speed up, and a look of unease appeared in his eyes, as if he were a young man still wet behind the ears and taken over by love. Whenever he faced this person, he was always so cautious…With just one look, one movement, Ye Ming could make him lose control over his own emotions.

As Ye Ming gazed into Zong Jun’s eyes and saw the emotion deep in his eyes, his own gaze grew more tender, but there was also a nearly imperceptible sorrow present.

Tomorrow, he would have another attack, according to schedule. In order to alleviate his pain, Zong Jun would take out his heart’s blood again. In this span of time, Zong Jun had paid a heavy price in order to maintain Ye Ming’s constantly deteriorating body. And in order to protect the Xuanguang Sect, he killed Ye Yin and sustained heavy injuries. These traumas he bore in succession caused damage to his cultivation. Even though he always acted nonchalant…

Ye Ming knew that if he continued on like this…not even Zong Jun would be able to bear it. 

He would die.

Would he have to watch the man he loved die for him once more before he himself died?

Ye Ming suddenly tilted his head up and brushed his lips against Zong Jun’s. His bright, limpid, jade-like black eyes were warm with affection. He said, “We haven’t dual cultivated in a long time.”

Zong Jun stiffened. He looked at Ye Ming in disbelief. 

As Ye Ming spoke, his skin like white jade flushed a pale pink. His eyelashes fluttered, and there was a slight unease to his expression.

As an immortal cultivator, he’d never cared much for carnal desires and was always indifferent to these things. In the thousand plus years he was cultivation partners with Zong Jun, he was never the first to bring this up. This was his first time speaking so blatantly, so naturally he would feel somewhat uncomfortable.

But…this was the man he loved. What was there to be embarrassed about when you loved someone this deeply?

At that moment, he didn’t want to think about those misunderstandings or their mutual torment…He was dying. Once he was dead, he would never have another chance to see this person again. Before he died, he didn’t want to leave behind so much regret and pain between the two of them. 

Zong Jun’s hand shook slightly. He gently cupped Ye Ming’s cheek and looked into his eyes.

In Ye Ming’s eyes, he saw affection, shyness, and nervousness, but this time there was no sign of suffering. He was saying this not because his instincts were controlling him but because he wanted him, and nothing more…

Even if the reason he wanted him was because he didn’t want him to get hurt, he still couldn’t deny his love for him.

No humiliation, no coercion. Right now, they were simply two people who loved each other wrapping themselves around each other in their final moments of despair. 

Zong Jun shut his eyes to cover up the boundless pain and despair in them. When he next opened his eyes, all that was left was a strong, burning passion. Like lava, it was ready to burn everything and disperse any cold loneliness, wanting to set free the emotion that filled his heart but had nowhere to be vented.

Zong Jun lowered his head. He pressed his forehead against Ye Ming’s. He could feel the coolness of the jade in between his brows and the tiny shudders wracking his body…He suddenly kissed him on the lips.

This kiss was full of yearning and tenderness, yet at the same time it was fierce and rough, as if he were pouring all of his love into it!

[Ding, Zong Jun’s blackening value -2, current blackening value 1] 


When Ye Ming woke up again, another day had passed. Time really flies, he thought.

[Ye Ming: A round of applause for love, please. It allowed my laogong to use up less of his heart’s blood. Truly the best of both worlds, right? Heeheehee.]

[888: Cold.jpg] 

[Ye Ming: Actually, it’s very important for a husband and wife to have a harmonious sex life. He used to worry about me too much, while I couldn’t break character. I didn’t have it very easy either, right?]

[888: …]

No, he didn’t want to say anything at all.

Ye Ming thought for a moment and then slowly opened his eyes. Only, as soon as he opened his eyes, he noticed that something was wrong. 

He was a cultivator; night vision was among the most basic of skills he learned. Plus, even at night there was the moonlight and night pearls. There was no way it could be as pitch black as this.

Ye Ming nearly lost control of his expression, but fortunately he quickly schooled his features. Internally, however, he shouted for 888 in a panic.

[Ye Ming: Ge! What’s wrong with my eyes? Why can’t I see ahhhhhh? Did I go blind?]

[888: Yes.] 

[Ye Ming: Why didn’t you say anything?!]

[888: Oh, because it’s nothing important. Don’t you know now?]

[Ye Ming: …]

[Ye Ming: So why am I like this?] 

[888: So you muddled your way through this world for over a thousand years without paying any attention? You don’t have any general knowledge of cultivation worlds? You’ve never once properly studied before, have you? If it weren’t for me, would you have been able to muddle your way through???]

[Ye Ming forced a laugh: Well don’t I have you…?]

[888 sneered: So even if you could see it wouldn’t be any use.]

[Ye Ming: QAQ] 

[888 only explained once he was about done ridiculing him: Your body can’t last much longer. Your five senses will disappear little by little before you die. Going blind is the first step.]

[Ye Ming: …Why so troublesome? Can’t I just die all at once, clean and simple? Zongzong will be so sad to see me like this.]

[888: A clean and simple death is easy. See, you can just jump off the cliff.]

[Ye Ming: Oh, after giving it a bit of thought I’ve decided against it. I almost forgot there’s still a little bit of blackening value left ^_^] 

[888: …]

After receiving an answer from 888, Ye Ming immediately felt at ease, and then began to pretend he was unperturbed.

Zong Jun embraced Ye Ming. Last night’s beautiful experience took him back to three thousand years ago. At that time…they were still loving cultivation partners. That sword strike and the following revenge and torment still had yet to come. They were two people in love, nothing more, nothing less.

He felt Ye Ming waking up, and he slowly opened his eyes. He looked down at the person in his arms, his gaze filled with warmth and yearning. But when he caught sight of Ye Ming’s face, his expression froze on his face, and his heart went cold. In a flash, he was pulled out of that fantastical dream and back into cruel reality. 

Another crack had appeared in the jade between Ye Ming’s brows, and now it was less lustrous than before. And his eyes…which used to be like black jade, bright and limpid, now looked as if they were covered in a layer of ash, like gemstones hidden under a blanket of dust, unable to shine bright anymore.