Lu Xiuwen wrapped an arm around Ye Ming’s waist, leaning his boneless body against his chest. His serene gaze swept past the small patch of smooth skin and delicate collar bones that were left visible behind his slightly open collar…Finally, he slowly shifted his gaze to Feng Shuo, leveling him with a bone-chilling glare.

When he thought of the hand Feng Shuo had put on Ye Ming, Lu Xiuwen even had the urge to chop it off. 

Feng Shuo was stunned stupid by this unforeseen event. His first reaction was surprise. Who had suddenly burst inside and ruined his fun? But he quickly noticed that Ye Ming recognized this person and called him Uncle. In other words…this imposing man who possessed a bearing that was obviously out of the ordinary was very likely Ye Ming’s elder. Now Feng Shuo really started to panic.

Initially, he was sure that Ye Ming was the type to keep silent even if he was suffering, which was why he made a move on him. But if he just so happened to be caught red-handed by Ye Ming’s family, then the repercussions would be totally different.

Feng Shuo stood there with a terrible expression on his face. At the end of the day, he was just a student. As he faced Lu Xiuwen, his instinctive vigor was dashed. Furthermore, because he knew he was in the wrong, he felt apprehensive and wasn’t sure what to say.

Lu Xiuwen’s piercing gaze swept over the cups on the table. His tone was dangerous as he said, “You shouldn’t have made a move on him.” 

Feng Shuo’s scalp went numb under Lu Xiuwen’s gaze. He stammered, “S-sorry, I was wrong…”

Lu Xiuwen sneered. If he weren’t afraid of scaring Ye Ming, he wouldn’t spare him right now!

Lu Xiuwen disdained to grace Feng Shuo with a response. His previous words had already expressed his fury. He half-carried Ye Ming out; Ye Ming’s condition was his main worry right now, and he had no time to waste on Feng Shuo.

As soon as Lu Xiuwen left, the bodyguards behind him immediately entered and closed in on Feng Shuo from both sides. Coldly, one said, “Mister Lu asked us to send you home.”

Feng Shuo’s expression changed. Were they going to bring this issue to his parents? He immediately angrily and anxiously cried, “Move out of the way! What are you trying to do?”

But the bodyguards had already received Lu Xiuwen’s orders. How could they let Feng Shuo escape? Feng Shuo must learn his lesson!


Lu Xiuwen could feel that Ye Ming kept sliding downward powerlessly and decided to simply carry him horizontally in his arms. They got into the car, and he ordered his driver to drive them home. 

Ye Ming had thought he wouldn’t be able to escape Feng Shuo. He hadn’t expected that Lu Xiuwen would appear out of the blue to save him. As he leaned on Lu Xiuwen’s chest, he felt an unprecedented sense of ease. He felt scared and wronged, and tears kept streaming down his cheeks. He held onto Lu Xiuwen tightly, refusing to let go.

Lu Xiuwen watched Ye Ming, who looked like a frightened little white rabbit. His gaze landed on his flushed cheeks and the lost, panicked look in his teary eyes. His heart couldn’t help but soften, and he patted him on the back comfortingly.

In his last life, the same thing had happened, except when he’d come to pick up Ye Ming, he just so happened to have discovered Feng Shuo’s intentions, and he immediately prevented everything. And in order to keep Ye Ming from feeling traumatized by college life, in order to keep him from being hurt and scarred, he only quietly warned and punished the Feng family afterward so that Feng Shuo would no longer dare mess with Ye Ming.

All along…Ye Ming didn’t know that Feng Shuo had such vile intentions toward him. 

At the time, Lu Xiuwen was very confident that he could protect Ye Ming for his entire life and allow him to be carefree and happy. Thus, he didn’t want him to come into contact with too much messy business. Lu Xiuwen could take care of those things for him…But in the end, he was taught a bitter lesson: he wouldn’t be able to protect Ye Ming from the dark side of the world forever. One’s life was very long, and there would always be people who would take advantage of the moments during which he wasn’t paying attention. And his own overprotectiveness left Ye Ming too naive and easily fooled—this wasn’t actually a good thing.

This time I’ll let you learn just how many bad people are around you who covet you. I’m the only one who’s good to you and selflessly protects you. You can only love and trust me.

Since you tossed away my sincerity like worn out shoes, I can still use this method to obtain you.

The car quickly arrived at the Lu residence. With Ye Ming in his arms, Lu Xiuwen got out of the car and put Ye Ming in his bedroom. 

Ye Ming was really hot. He bit his lip and rolled around in the bed, uncomfortable. He peered up at Lu Xiuwen helplessly. He didn’t know what Feng Shuo had given him to drink. His voice shaky and scared, he asked, “What…what do I do…?”

Lu Xiuwen looked at him, his gaze abstruse and tender. He gently leaned Ye Ming against his chest. He said deeply, “Don’t be afraid. I’ll help you.”

Ye Ming looked blankly at Lu Xiuwen. He didn’t know how Lu Xiuwen could help him. Just then, he suddenly felt a chill on his lower body. Lu Xiuwen had pushed his pants directly down to his knees.

Ye Ming’s face immediately began to burn red. Normally this would be nothing; Lu Xiuwen was practically family anyway. But the current circumstances made him instinctively feel shy. 

Lu Xiuwen lowered his head and said next to Ye Ming’s ear, “This is the only way you can be helped. If you object, you can do it yourself, okay?”

Now Ye Ming kind of understood. So by “help,” this is what Lu Xiuwen meant. Even though he really was quite innocent, he was still a grown man and had done this sort of thing before. It couldn’t be any more normal…and his roommates did this even more frequently…

But right now, his entire body was weak. He couldn’t so much as lift a hand. Where would he find the strength to do it himself?

Lu Xiuwen didn’t look impatient at all. He gazed at Ye Ming calmly and considerately, obviously very ready to respect his decision…When Ye Ming saw Lu Xiuwen like this, he immediately decided he was overthinking things. They were both men. Uncle just wanted to help him; what was he thinking?! 

But even still, Ye Ming’s face was still burning. He buried his face in Lu Xiuwen’s chest and refused to let out any noise. His shoulders shook a little.

The corners of Lu Xiuwen’s lips quirked up ever so slightly. A dark look slowly appeared in his eyes. He dipped his head, and his lips brushed against the hair on the top of Ye Ming’s head so gently that Ye Ming didn’t even feel it.


Ten minutes later, Ye Ming sagged limply in Lu Xiuwen’s arms. 

Lu Xiuwen could tell that Ye Ming was uncomfortable right now. His voice was soft and low as he said, “Everything’s fine now. You’ll feel better after some sleep.”

Ye Ming buried his face in the bedsheets and mumbled a muffled agreement.

Lu Xiuwen finally couldn’t resist anymore and let out a very quiet laugh. He turned around and walked out, closing the door behind him.

Only when he left the room did Lu Xiuwen look at his hand, remembering everything that had just happened…A profound hunger appeared in his eyes. No one knew just how much strength it had taken him to overcome his impulses, to not do anything to Ye Ming. 

He wanted Ye Ming to be completely willing to become his. Now still wasn’t the right time yet; he was only collecting on a bit of interest for now.

Ye Ming lay on the bed, utterly quiet in a way he rarely was.

[888: Ye Three Minutes, Ye Three Minutes, what’s wrong? Why aren’t you saying anything?]

[Ye Ming: Who are you calling Ye Three Minutes???! Angry!] 

[888: You! I counted for you, you only lasted three minutes.]

[Ye Ming: There’s no way it was only three minutes! You can’t create false rumors just to dishonor me!]

[888: Yeah, you didn’t actually last much longer than that. I rounded to the nearest integer for you.]

[Ye Ming: …] 

[Ye Ming: This isn’t my problem, this is this body’s problem. How long can you count on an innocent little virgin to hold out for in these circumstances? This is something that needs to be practiced, okay (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻]

[Ye Ming: Think about my previous bodies! Every one of them was powerful and majestic!]

[888: Hehe.]

Tf Zlcu kbgf j vfjv fzqgfrrlbc, jr lo tlr tfjga kfgf wjvf bo mbiv jrt. 

Lf gfjiis tjv yffc rtjwfv lcab yiertlcu, yfmjerf tlr vluclas jr j wjc tjv yffc mtjiifcufv, cba yfmjerf bo jcsatlcu firf!


Ktf cfza vjs, Tf Zlcu vlvc’a ufa bea bo yfv ecali atf rec kjr tlut lc atf rxs. Dfmjerf bo ktja tjv tjqqfcfv sfrafgvjs, tf xlcv bo kjcafv ab jnblv Oe Wlekfc. Dea jr rbbc jr tf mjwf vbkcrajlgr, tf rjk Oe Wlekfc kjlalcu obg tlw, rb tf mbeiv bcis obgmf tlwrfio ab ojmf tlw.

Lu Xiuwen set down the newspapers in his hands and gazed at him warmly. With a natural smile, he said, “You’re up. The food has been kept warm for you this whole time. Quick, come eat.” 

As if nothing had happened yesterday.

Ye Ming’s face was slightly pink. He silently took a seat at the table. He didn’t dare to look at Lu Xiuwen at all. Not only had Uncle Lu witnessed something like that happening to him, Uncle Lu also had to personally help him solve his problem. He couldn’t bear to think about it! It was too embarrassing! How could he let Uncle Lu help him with his own hands?!

Ye Ming wanted to just slam his head into the table.

Lu Xiuwen noticed Ye Ming’s shyness, but he was in a fine mood. In his last life, he had always silently restrained himself. Even until he lost this person, he’d never been so intimate with him. In this life, he finally managed to touch this person, even if it was under a false pretense…but sooner or later, this person would truly and completely become his. 

Ye Ming was silently eating with his head bowed, putting the principle of not eating at the dining table perfectly into practice.

When Ye Ming was nearly done eating, Lu Xiuwen slowly said, “From today onwards, you should move back home.”

Ye Ming suddenly looked up at Lu Xiuwen in surprise. He hadn’t expected Lu Xiuwen to bring this matter up again. Because of what happened yesterday, he was even less willing to live at home; he always felt a little embarrassed. He immediately opened his mouth to refuse.

But Lu Xiuwen didn’t give him the chance to refuse. He gazed intently at Ye Ming and said in a serious tone, “I already told you before, not everyone out there is a good person; many are dangerous. If you can’t take proper care of yourself, you have to move back.” 

Ye Ming gaped, at a loss for words.

The reproach in Lu Xiuwen’s eyes was mixed with worry. His jaw was clenched tight, and he said, “If I hadn’t hurried there just in time yesterday, do you know what would have happened?”

Ye Ming went white, thinking about Feng Shuo’s actions. There was lingering fear in his eyes. If Uncle Lu hadn’t promptly shown up, Feng Shuo would have…

“You trust other people too easily, and you lack caution. You can’t protect yourself at all,” Lu Xiuwen said solemnly. Finally, he made a straightforward decision. “In the future, not only do you have to live at home, I will also send a driver to pick you up and drop you off at school every day.” 

Ye Ming didn’t want that, but he also didn’t have the words to refuse. It looked like Uncle Lu was angry…

When all was said and done, it was only because Ye Ming had been too careless that someone had gotten the chance to take advantage of him, plus he wasn’t cautious when making friends. Uncle Lu not only didn’t blame him, he was also so concerned about him. How could he refuse? Knowing he was in the wrong, Ye Ming could only agree reluctantly.

As Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Ming, who hung his head in self-reproach and sadness, his eyes darkened.

I’ve said before: you will come back. 

See, things are actually very simple. All I needed to do was to indulge Feng Shuo a little bit and let you know what repulsive things he would do, and not only did I get to touch you, I can also make you stay obediently by my side, unable to leave my line of sight.

This is the correct way to treat you. Blindly pardoning and pampering you, on the contrary, would only make you hate me.

After Ye Ming ate, he left. Sure enough, there was a car waiting for him. Although Lu Xiuwen had forcefully made arrangements for him, he gave consideration to Ye Ming’s adaptability and prepared a very low-profile car, not his usual vehicle. Ye Ming finally was able to accept the situation a little more.

When they arrived at school, Ye Ming didn’t let the driver drive up to the school and instead had him drop him off not far away. Only then did Ye Ming return to his dorm. 

[Ye Ming: Uncle Lu’s tactic was very clever, like pushing the boat with the current and killing two birds with one stone. Not only did he make me hate Feng Shuo, he himself got a taste of sweetness, and he’s also made it so that I can only obediently go back home and stay under his supervision all day. If he wants a little something to happen, it’ll be easier now. I admire him.]

[888: You’re not so bad either. You thought of everything.]

[Ye Ming: You flatter me.]

[888: You just need to work on your stamina more, otherwise it’ll affect the quality of your nightlife.] 

[Ye Ming: …]

[888: I recommend pairing it with suitable kidney supplementary products.]

[Ye Ming: …] Was he never gonna be able to live this down? Ugh!

Ye Ming weakly arrived at his dorm. Hu Lei was the only one inside. His family lived in a different part of the country, and this summer he was planning on staying over here to intern instead of going home. The other two students had already left. 

Seeing Ye Ming arrive, Hu Lei beamed and asked, “What did Brother Feng say to you after asking you to stay behind on your own yesterday? Seems to me that Brother Feng has always taken good care of you. If he’s willing to let you intern at his family’s company, that’s a great thing. Tsk tsk tsk, it’s different having a thigh to grab onto.”

Ye Ming was fine initially, but hearing this made his expression twist and turn unsightly, laced with a little anger. “Don’t talk about him anymore.”

Hu Lei was shocked. Ye Ming had always been gentle and good-tempered. Had he eaten dynamite today? Somewhat uneasy, he immediately asked, “What’s wrong? Did—did he offend you?”

Ye Ming took a deep breath, and his face flushed a suspicious red. How could he have the shamelessness to tell people about this sort of thing? Also, he didn’t know why, but…when he thought of that event, what he thought of most wasn’t Feng Shuo but Lu Xiuwen helping him with his hands afterwards. He twisted his head to the side and said, “Nothing, I just think there are issues with his conduct.” 

Hu Lei scratched his head. Though he was very curious, he couldn’t press if Ye Ming didn’t want to talk. As for issues with conduct, he’d heard that Feng Shuo was a little promiscuous, but that wasn’t anything too bad. Could there be other issues?

Mischievously, Hu Lei said, “Oh right, I was just waiting for you. I found a part time job position as a private tutor, and I even set up a position for you too. Pretty good of your bro, huh.”

Ye Ming smiled. “Thanks.”

Although yesterday’s events were very embarrassing, fortunately nothing happened in the end. Ye Ming didn’t want to be hung up over it forever. He would just keep away from Feng Shuo in the future. 

A few days passed.

[Ye Ming: Why am I bothering? Isn’t summer break supposed to be spent at home sleeping and playing games? I don’t need such a rich and full life. Please let me just be a salted fish.]

[888: Be a good boy. If you’re a salted fish, your character will collapse.]

[Ye Ming: 555555] 

On one hand, Ye Ming acted as a sunny and hardworking young man living a rich college life. On the other hand, he was awaiting his assistant’s appearance.

Uncle Lu was too composed. If Ye Ming didn’t stimulate him a little, he had no idea how long he could continue to restrain himself. He really didn’t have the heart! Plus, if the plot didn’t progress, how could the blackening value go down?

Another week passed. 888 told him that Feng Shuo finally came back to school. Excited, Ye Ming prepared to “accidentally” run into him and let his senior continue to exude excess heat and illuminate the broad road of Ye Ming and Uncle Lu’s love!

It could be said that Feng Shuo hadn’t had it very easy the past few days. He’d been escorted home by Lu Xiuwen’s bodyguards, and that was when he finally realized that everything about himself had likely long been completely uncovered by Lu Xiuwen. But what made him most shocked was Lu Xiuwen’s identity. 

It was all Lu Xiuwen’s fault for being too low-profile. Even when he accepted interviews, he rarely showed his face, so Feng Shuo didn’t recognize him. If Lu Xiuwen had announced his grand identity at the time, he could have scared Feng Shuo directly down onto his knees! He’d actually made a move on Lu Xiuwen’s most precious darling!

The Feng family couldn’t afford to offend such a powerhouse.

Lu Xiuwen didn’t even show up; he just had his bodyguards pass on a message, and Father Feng beat Feng Shuo half dead, humbly promising that nothing like this would ever happen again! But even still, their family’s business had still been hit pretty hard.

Feng Shuo really did kind of like Ye Ming, but definitely not enough to risk encumbering his family. Thus, he didn’t dare provoke Ye Ming anymore. 

He was shut up at home for many days, and he had only just been released. He just didn’t expect to run into Ye Ming at school again.

Ye Ming caught sight of him from a distance as well. With a disgusted look in his eyes, he turned around, ready to leave.

Feng Shuo stood in place, looking embarrassed. His expression changed again and again. Finally, he chased after him and caught up to him in the grove, where he stopped him and said, “Gu Ran, wait. I have something to say to you.”

As soon as Ye Ming saw Feng Shuo, he remembered what he’d wanted to do to him. He took a step back and looked at him warily. “What do you want to say?” 

When Feng Shuo saw how much Ye Ming loathed him just now, he quickly formed a plan. Since what was done was done, he now needed to figure out a way to recover his losses. If Ye Ming continued to bear a grudge, what if one day he says something in front of Lu Xiuwen? The Feng family wouldn’t be able to bear it…so Feng Shuo had to beg for Ye Ming’s forgiveness. This was how his father taught him. He absolutely must not let Ye Ming hate him.

Lu Xiuwen wasn’t easy to fool, but Ye Ming was naive and kindhearted. If he just pretended to be sincerely sorry, Ye Ming certainly wouldn’t bother about him anymore.

When he thought of this, Feng Shuo showed an expression of self-reproach and guilt and said to Ye Ming, “I—I wanted to say sorry to you.”

Ye Ming truly didn’t like Feng Shuo. This senior was formerly so elegant and gentlemanly. Whenever he thought about his conduct, he found it even harder to accept. He just thought it was disgusting when someone pretended to be a certain way but was actually an entirely different person. Coldly, he said, “No need, please move out of the way.” 

How could Feng Shuo just let Ye Ming go? He grabbed Ye Ming’s wrist. His handsome face seemed to have thinned a lot, and there was a bruise that hadn’t yet faded on his chin. It was clear he had been beaten.  He pleaded, “Sorry…I—I really like you. I only did something like that because I couldn’t control myself. I already paid the price.”

“You like me?” Ye Ming sounded like he couldn’t really believe it.

Feng Shuo gazed intently into his eyes and said, “Yes, I really like you. I’ve liked you for a really long time, so…I’ve always been trying to get closer to you. It really was just a momentary impulsiveness. I promise I’ll never do anything like that again. Please forgive me.”

Ye Ming still wanted to leave. 

Seeing that Ye Ming remained unmoved, Feng Shuo’s gaze became pained. He quietly said, “I know everything’s my fault…and I shouldn’t say anything, but because of this, even my family’s company has been implicated. I swear I know I was wrong now…”

He seemed extremely sad, and the emotions in his eyes looked ever so sincere, as if he truly had only made a mistake in a moment of impulsiveness because he liked Ye Ming. And Ye Ming found it hard to bear looking at that sad, plaintive appearance of his.

He finally hesitated. He couldn’t forgive Feng Shuo’s actions, but had Uncle Lu attacked his family’s company? Looking at Feng Shuo’s appearance, it really did seem like he’d recently gone through an ordeal. Ye Ming’s heart softened slightly.

Since Feng Shuo had already paid the price, Ye Ming didn’t need to be so merciless. Plus, his truly pitiful appearance… 

Ye Ming sighed. “Forget it. I won’t give you a hard time. You can go.”

Feng Shuo looked almost hesitant to believe it. He looked at Ye Ming with excitement.

Ye Ming paused and said, “I’m leaving.”

This time, Feng Shuo didn’t stop him again. Instead, he watched as Ye Ming left, his gaze growing cold and calm. What a soft-hearted, easily deceived person. He didn’t have any idea that many people in this world weren’t who they pretended to be…He believed whatever people said. 

It was just a pity that even though he liked Ye Ming, Ye Ming really wasn’t something he could touch. It was already enough that he could obtain his forgiveness.

Ye Ming left Feng Shuo and arrived at the school gates. The car Lu Xiuwen sent was already waiting for him there and ferried him home.


At the moment, Lu Xiuwen was in a company meeting. By the time the meeting ended and he left, his underlings had already placed the reports of Ye Ming’s whereabouts throughout the day on his table. 

Lu Xiuwen looked through them with concentration. Everything in the beginning was normal, just some internship stuff with his roommate Hu Lei. But on his way back in the evening, he ran into Feng Shuo.

Thinking of Feng Shuo, Lu Xiuwen’s expression grew chillier. He’d already strictly warned the Feng family, and Feng Shuo had surely been disciplined already and shouldn’t be getting any ideas about Ye Ming anymore.

Sure enough, the report said that Feng Shuo had gone to apologize to Ye Ming and hadn’t done anything inappropriate at all. He seemed to be very sincere.

But when Lu Xiuwen read what Feng Shuo had said, his gaze grew even icier. This kid hadn’t fully learned his lesson, it seemed. He was still pulling tricks behind his sweet words. He hadn’t sincerely admitted to his mistakes. Instead, he used his affection as an excuse to brush over his actions, and he also acted pitiful to evoke Ye Ming’s sympathy. It was clear that he was doing so purposefully to take advantage of Ye Ming’s naivete and soft heart. 

Lu Xiuwen would never accept such a completely insincere apology, but Ye Ming had.

Even though only a few days ago Feng Shuo had done such a thing to him, Ye Ming was still persuaded by his brief apology and forgave him so easily. Anger and disappointment bubbled in Lu Xiuwen’s chest, making him remember what had happened in his past life.

At that time, had Song Qin also deceived Ye Ming with no difficulty, just like Feng Shuo?

Lu Xiuwen was very furious. The child he raised with sincere affection for over a decade had betrayed and left him just like that. He would rather believe outsiders than believe him…He couldn’t accept it. It hurt. It felt as if there were some shadowy emotions developing deep inside him, making him nearly lose control. 

If even Feng Shuo’s actions can be forgiven, then will you magnanimously forgive me as well, no matter what I do? You’re so softhearted and easily deceived, anyway.

Lu Xiuwen slammed the reports on the table, his expression pained and torn.

Lu Xiuwen sat motionless for a long time. He took a deep breath and began to deal with his work affairs. He didn’t exit the doors of his company until very late at night.

All the way home, Lu Xiuwen sat in the back seat with his eyes closed and rested. When he arrived home, he suddenly opened his eyes and told the driver, “Park the car in the garage. You can get off first.” 

Though the driver was a little confused, he obeyed.

Lu Xiuwen tapped his long, slender fingers on his knee. His black eyes were dark and stormy. He’d already held himself back for a long, long time now. To watch the one he loved run around in front of him day after day, yet he wasn’t allowed to touch—he was the only one who knew what this torment felt like.

Since he had already decided that he would have this person in this lifetime, there was no way things could continue this way forever. He had to make Ye Ming gradually accept him.

Like a hunter closing in on his prey little by little, sounding his prey out, cornering his prey until it had nowhere to run. 

Lu Xiuwen calmly opened the refrigerator in the car and took out a bottle of strong foreign wine. He took a sip and kept it in his mouth, only swallowing a good while later. Then he poured some of the wine on his collar. Finally, he opened the car door and walked inside.

Because it was rather late by now, Zheng Sao had already gone back to rest. Only Ye Ming was sitting downstairs and watching TV. The reason he was waiting there was because he wanted to ask Uncle Lu not to do anything to the Feng family anymore. After all, nothing had actually happened to Ye Ming, and Feng Shuo had already been disciplined. He felt like it was going a little bit overboard to be so ruthless to a classmate…

But Lu Xiuwen still didn’t come home. Just when Ye Ming was feeling a little sleepy, he heard a door opening, and he caught sight of Lu Xiuwen, who was obviously drunk and walking unsteadily inside.

Ye Ming stared blankly for a moment, then quickly hopped off the couch to lend an arm to support Lu Xiuwen. Had Uncle Lu had too much to drink while at a social gathering? 

In Ye Ming’s memory, Lu Xiuwen was always cool and collected. And with his status, no one dared pour his wine, so he’d practically never been drunk before. He couldn’t help but feel a bit worried. Exactly what had happened to make Uncle Lu so drunk?

Lu Xiuwen’s entire body was leaning on Ye Ming. Who knew that someone who looked so slender could be so heavy? Ye Ming almost lost his footing and went down with him, but he quickly clenched his jaw and steadied Lu Xiuwen. Anxious, he asked, “Uncle, are you okay? I’ll take you to your room to rest.”

Ye Ming thought to himself that today wasn’t a good time to talk. It would be better to wait for another day. With great effort, he supported Lu Xiuwen up the stairs.

Lu Xiuwen draped one arm around Ye Ming’s shoulder and rested his chin in the crook of Ye Ming’s neck. His dark gaze was fixed on Ye Ming’s pale, slender neck. So close…just a little closer and he would be able to kiss it. 

And Ye Ming’s sweet smell was luring him in like some sort of deadly poison…Lu Xiuwen’s gaze darkened even more.

Ye Ming dragged Lu Xiuwen to the second floor with great difficulty. He opened the bedroom door with one hand and shuffled toward the bed.

Now that Lu Xiuwen’s bed was right in front of them, relief appeared on Ye Ming’s face. Just when he was about to lift up Lu Xiuwen’s arm and set him down, he suddenly felt like the world was spinning. By the time his brain finally caught up, he was already pressed underneath Lu Xiuwen.

Ye Ming almost couldn’t breathe under him. He reached out to push Lu Xiuwen away. 

But Lu Xiuwen wouldn’t budge. Those black eyes, which were usually warm and indulgent, were now full of emotions that Ye Ming couldn’t understand at all. They were blurred with intoxication, making them seem hungry and dangerous, unfamiliar and frightening.

“Uncle?” Ye Ming anxiously called out, failing to push Lu Xiuwen off.

Lu Xiuwen stared at Ye Ming’s lips. Those pale pink lips parted and closed as if in invitation, tearing what remained of his self-control into shreds, little by little…Lu Xiuwen suddenly grabbed Ye Ming’s hands and pressed them forcefully above his head, then dipped his head down and kissed him!