Before Ye Ming could even react, the man had already pried open his mouth forcefully. The strong alcoholic scent mixed with intensive invasion assaulted his senses. Ye Ming widened his eyes in disbelief, and he instantly struggled with all his might.

But Lu Xiuwen had tightly locked his hands above his head. The man’s grip was so powerful that pain shot up his wrists. He had absolutely no way to break away from Lu XiuWen’s suppression. The man’s weight pressed against his chest and his breath was constantly being stolen from his mouth. Ye Ming almost couldn’t breathe. His face was scarlet red, his eyes were shy yet worried. 

Just when Ye Ming thought that he was about to die from suffocation, Lu Xiuwen finally pulled away from his lips. Ye Ming gasped violently with his open mouth. Before he could even react, a searching kiss landed on his neck, and his body went stiff.

At this moment, Ye Ming finally recovered from his shock. Uncle Lu must be drunk and had mistaken me for someone else. He anxiously said, “Uncle Lu, it’s me, Gu Ran! Let me go!”

The man buried his head in his neck, kissing him wantonly. The short hair tickled Ye Ming’s chin…All this made Ye Ming feel terrified.

Ye Ming’s struggle was in vain. He let out a few screams, but Lu Xiuwen didn’t react at all. At this instant, this man was like a frightful stranger. He was like a dangerous beast who relentlessly wanted to tear him into pieces and swallow him. He had stripped off his usual gentle and harmless mask, exposing his true nature which was savage and predatory. 

Ye Ming had never seen this side of Lu Xiuwen before. He couldn’t help but showed a frightened expression.

However, at Ye Ming’s blindspot, Lu Xiuwen’s eyes were bright and clear. He was not drunk at all. He drank but he was not drunk. The young man underneath him had long intoxicated his heart, gradually making him irrational and driving him mad.

He had loved and yearned for him so much, but he had always suppressed his emotions and impulses.

But now, he didn’t want to suppress himself anymore…He could use the excuse of being drunk to own him and make their relationship into a fait accompli. Of course, Ye Ming would be sad and pained, but as long as he apologized and comforted him well, it was highly likely for him to give in and forgive him. At that time, he would take the opportunity to make up and pursue him…changing their relationship.

If Ye Ming refused to forgive him, he would simply shut him in, so that no one else can ever see him. That way, others would not be able to deceive and exploit him, and he would be his forever.

Regardless of the result, Ye Ming would only be his.

The demon in Lu Xiuwen’s heart kept enticing him. Don’t hesitate anymore, don’t suffer, make this person yours.

You had treasured him with all your heart in your previous life, and yet he abandoned you. This life, you might as well break his wings so that he will be stuck by your side. There’s no need to go through so much trouble, you could have easily had this person, yet you lost him because you were softhearted…  

The Lu Xiewen who was indecisive and did wrong was already dead!

Lu Xiuwen turned a deaf ear to Ye Ming’s cries and resistance. He finally kissed the neck that he longed for, feeling its moving pulse. As if biting onto the slender neck of a swan, he was in control of his life and death now. Despite how Gu Ran struggled, he would devour him heartlessly!

Ye Ming had never felt that this man was so frightening. Lu Xiuwen’s kisses became fiercer. He finally couldn’t help but let out his cries when his clothing was lifted up. His voice was choked with sobs. “Wake up, Uncle…Wake up, it’s me, Gu Ran!”

A film of tears formed in his eyes. Finally, things were about to get out of control, and a look of despair showed in his eyes. He didn’t understand why this happened and why Lu Xiuwen was drunk, and the drunk Lu Xiuwen turned out to be so scary. 

Ye Ming was completely in despair, but he still instinctively attempted to struggle out from Lu Xiuwen’s control. But it was a pity that his strength against Lu Xiuwen was like a mantis trying to stop a chariot. But what surprised him was that when he totally did not expect to be able to push Lu Xiuwen away…he suddenly pushed him off.

Lu Xiuwen suddenly fell to one side and closed his eyes as if he had fallen asleep.

Ye Ming’s mind went blank. What happened? The strong man that he couldn’t resist just now fell asleep just like that? And it was he who pushed him!

Ye Ming stared in shock at Lu Xiuwen, who was sleeping, and he hurriedly staggered outside! When he was back in his bedroom, he slammed the door and finally let out a sigh of relief! 

Although it was very irresponsible to leave Lu Xiuwen there while he was still drunk, what just happened had caused Ye Ming to have no courage to go back there. As soon as he closed his eyes, he would recall Lu Xiuwen’s oppressive aura and the scene of him pressing him down firmly and kissing him…

He felt complicated and scared.

Lu Xiuwen closed his eyes and lay on the bed. He listened to Ye Ming’s footsteps as he fled in a panic and the sound of him slamming the door. At last, he slowly opened his eyes and they were as dark as the ocean.

He’d really wanted to continue with it just now. He just wanted to have that person, regardless of everything. His thirst had made him irrational and he didn’t want to silently endure it anymore. But when he heard Ye Ming’s cries and saw his despairing and frightened look, in the end, he wasn’t able to bring himself to be ruthless. 

He was unwilling to see the boy that he loved dearly suffer pain and sadness.

Even if it meant death for him, he was unwilling to see him sad like this…

Lu Xiuwen sat upright from the bed and clenched his fists tightly. His face still as water and his jawline was taut. After a while, he stood and walked to the bathroom. The sound of cold water gurgling was heard.

The next day, Ye Ming woke in a daze. He looked into the mirror as he was brushing his teeth. The reflection of the person inside the mirror looked exhausted. Dark circles hung below his eyes, his lips were chapped and a little swollen, and his neck was covered with obvious love bites that were unconcealable. 

Ye Ming ran his fingers over his neck and thought that Uncle Lu must have been restraining himself hard. It was nothing but kissing and yet he kissed so hard. This was the long-term effect of seeing but not eating and being discontented with his desires.

[Ye Ming: Bro, do you think it would be inappropriate if I went downstairs to eat now in a relaxed state?]

[888: Don’t you already know the answer?]

[Ye Ming: But I am quite hungry. I wanted to go down to eat QAQ] 

[888: Bear with it.]

[Ye Ming: Sigh, life is too cruel. Not only did I not manage to ‘get filled’ yesterday, today I still have to bear with hunger.]

[888: If you didn’t cry yesterday, you could have ‘gotten filled’ already?]

[Ye Ming: I had to cry. Not only would it not match my character if I didn’t, if Uncle Lu really continued with it, the rest of the plot also would be a forced series. But the most important element of Uncle Lu’s mental shackle is not here. He still wants me to love and trust him, so yesterday is really not the right time. Sigh.jpg] 

[888: Hehe.]

[Ye Ming: Anyway, overall there are still improvements! At least Uncle Lu started trying to change our relationship. I’ll definitely cooperate with him ^_^]

[888: …]

Tf Zlcu ijs bc tlr yfv klat jc fwqas rabwjmt. Pa kjr cluta alwf ktfc tf olcjiis rcemx bea ogbw atf gbbw ab ub ab atf xlamtfc ab olcv rbwfatlcu ab fja. 

[Ye Ming: Where’s Uncle Lu? How come I didn’t see him? Is he not worried about me? I only snuck out now to deliberately act as if I don’t want to see him.]

[888 felt annoyed: He is watching over you. You’ll see him once you finish eating. If he stops you for a talk as soon as you appear, won’t you start pretending that you can’t eat? How can he be relieved if you don’t eat?]

[Ye Ming: …I nearly forgot that he had always been mature, steady, and considerate. I love him so much.]

[Ye Ming: Moreover, that day I discovered that he’s really big.] 

[888: …] mmp

Tf Zlcu kjixfv lcab atf xlamtfc jcv obecv atja atf obbv lc atf xlamtfc kjr jyrbieafis rewqaeber. Lf bcis cffvfv ab gftfja la; atfc la kjr gfjvs ab yf fjafc. Ktfs kfgf rlwqis qgfqjgfv obg tlw! Tf Zlcu jaf ab tlr tfjga’r mbcafca jcv atfc aglfv ab rcfjx yjmx lcab tlr gbbw.

But as soon as he was on the stairs, he saw Lu Xiuwen standing on the first floor’s corridor looking at him with dark and complicated eyes.

Ye Ming stared at Lu Xiuwen in a daze and he suddenly raised his hands to cover his neck and lips. 

His mind went into chaos. Yesterday’s scene kept flashing before his eyes. Lu Xiuwen’s intense kiss, his fierce actions engraved deeply in his heart, he simply couldn’t forget it. But…Uncle behaved like that because he was drunk. Perhaps he didn’t even remember it. If he had been able to recognize it’s him, it would’ve been  impossible that he would do such a thing to him.

With this idea in mind, Ye Ming didn’t want Lu Xiuwen to find out about his predicament. If Uncle Lu knew that he had done such a thing, how could they continue to get along as if nothing had happened? Won’t that be so embarrassing and awkward?!

The best way would be to pretend nothing had happened.

But…Lu Xiuwen had already seen him. Wouldn’t it be impolite if he turned around and walked away? 

Ye Ming was confused. His cheeks were hot and he was embarrassed. He stood there not knowing if he should go take a step forward or retreat. He was in dilemma.

Lu Xiuwen stood on the first floor’s corridor looking at the person downstairs. Ye Ming’s thoughts were written all over his face. He was hiding from him, acting like a turtle or ostrich, hoping that he wouldn’t recall what had happened yesterday and letting it slip by so that they could maintain their current relationship.

But Lu Xiuwen would not allow this. What happened yesterday had happened. He wanted to gradually change their relationship, so how could he give Ye Ming the opportunity to get away with it?

Lu Xiuwen fixed his gaze on Ye Ming and slowly walked in front of him. He parted his thin lips to say, “Sorry.” 

The moment Ye Ming heard what Lu Xiuwen said, his eyes widened. He panicked, Uncle Lu…why, why did he say sorry? Could it be that he remembered what happened yesterday? How could he remember when he was already drunk?

When he thought about this, Ye Ming could no longer stand still. The oppressive aura from the lofty man in front of him made him recall everything that happened yesterday. He turned around and wanted to run away, but Lu Xiuwen suddenly grabbed his wrist.

The hand that was on the neck was pulled away, exposing the love bites on the fair skin. Ye Ming’s face was scarlet red, his body was slightly trembling.

He saw it, what should he do…what should he do… 

He and Uncle Lu had actually…this sort of thing had actually happened between them. Not only that, Uncle Lu still remembered. They…they shouldn’t even be like this!

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Ming’s trembling body, scarlet red embarrassed face, and he couldn’t help but feel sorry and feel tenderness toward him. But he couldn’t help but feel a bit happy because Ye Ming’s reaction was better than what he had expected.

In fact before seeing Ye Ming, Lu Xiuwen had already gotten ready for the worst. If Ye Ming expressed disgust and distanced himself from him, this meant that he was instinctively disgusted with getting intimate with him. If that was the case, the road ahead would be an uphill battle.

But Ye Ming only showed unease and embarrassment and did not express hatred or disgust. 

This had proved that deep inside him, perhaps he wasn’t that resistant to getting intimate with him.

And most importantly, Ye Ming was like he had predicted. He did not blame him a single bit.

Soft-heartedness and kindness were really scary yet contradictory things.

A part of him was in pain and disappointment because Ye Ming was unable to differentiate right from wrong, soft-hearted and kind. The other part of him was using his soft-heartedness and kindness to achieve his own motive. At this moment, he was not much different from those people. 

A lot went through Lu Xiuwen’s eyes. A sadness from blaming himself showed on his face, and he said in remorse, “I’m sorry, I drank too much yesterday…”

Ye Ming’s heart was still beating fast. The scene yesterday had left a deep impression on him that he couldn’t easily forget. But he still forced himself to calm down. He was already an adult, and nothing had really happened. If he blamed Uncle Lu who had always cared for him because of this incident, wouldn’t it show that he was ruthless and unruly?

Ye Ming stammered for a while and lowered his head. “It…it’s okay. I knew that you were drunk.”

Lu Xiuwen gently let out a sigh. “I had a bit too much as I wasn’t in a good mood yesterday. I won’t do that again.” 

Ye Ming did not doubt Lu Xiuwen at all. He had never seen Lu Xiuwen drunk like that before. He must have come across a very difficult situation? Lu Xiuwen didn’t intentionally do that, it was just an accident…If he failed to see the big picture and continued to make a fuss, wouldn’t it make Uncle Lu sadder?

Ye Ming forced himself to smile. “It’s really okay, I understand that you didn’t do it intentionally. Uncle…Did you come across something unhappy?”

Lu Xiuwen stared at Ye Ming deeply. “I came across something difficult, and I don’t know how to make a choice.”

Ye Ming became more worried as he heard this. As he recalled, there was nothing that had troubled Lu Xiuwen before. It seemed like he was omnipotent…For Lu Xiuwen to say that he had difficulties in making a choice and to put on such an expression, could it be that the company had come across a crisis? He carefully asked, “Is it really that difficult?” 

At this moment he was in no mood to think about his own business. The idea of Lu Xiuwen met with such a crisis had made him worried.

Lu Xiuwen’s heart became softer. The eyes that stared at Ye Ming were filled with repressed love that he had for him. It was a pity that Ye Ming couldn’t see it.

You only make me love you more when you’re like this. No one in this world could replace your position in my heart. You are my one and only precious angel. It would be so good if you’d never betrayed me and stayed like this forever...

Lu Xiuwen’s voice was low and hoarse, and he fixed his stare at Ye Ming. “It’s very difficult. I have never come across such a difficult matter. But don’t worry, I’ll be able to resolve it.” 

How could Ye Ming not worry? Lu Xiuwen was like a father to him. They had lived together for so long. Although they were not related, their relationship had surpassed that of a real family. It was a pity that he was too useless. He couldn’t help Lu Xiuwen with anything and could only say, “Uncle, no matter what you came across, I will always support you.”

Lu Xiuwen looked at Ye Ming in despondence. After a long time, he let out deep and low laughter. “Alright, I understand.”

[Ding, Lu Xiuwen’s blackening value -5, current blackening value 65]

Lu Xiuwen had already reached his goal. He reached out to touch Ye Ming’s head and said gently, “Rest early, but…remember to come down to eat tomorrow, ok?” 

Ye Ming’s face turned red once again. Since Lu Xiuwen remembered what happened yesterday, he definitely knew that he had been avoiding him today. He nodded in embarrassment and said softly, “Okay.”

He fled in a flurry back into his bedroom.

In order to show that he really wasn’t bothered about Lu Xiuwen’s drunk incident, he woke up on schedule the next morning to eat. But because the love bites on him hadn’t disappeared, he didn’t get out of the house as he was afraid that someone might see it and it would be hard to explain.

Although Ye Ming had told Lu Xiuwen that he didn’t mind and he had always told himself that it wasn’t a big deal, that love bite constantly reminded him of what had happened. Whenever he closed his eyes, an entirety different Lu Xiuwen from that night would appear before his eyes. 

Ye Ming felt that he was going crazy. This morning during breakfast, he secretly glanced at Lu Xiuwen’s handsome side profile. And he was thinking about Lu Xiuwen’s dangerous, invasive look from the other night and that intensive robbing kiss. He slapped his head hard. Stop thinking about it! Why keep thinking about that scary and embarrassing moment!

But…how could he forget that sort of Uncle Lu!

Lu Xiuwen saw that Ye Ming suddenly knocked on his own head out of the blue, and he asked in concern, “What happened?”

Ye Ming avoided Lu Xiuwen’s eyes. He mumbled while he ate his rice quickly, “Nothing, I felt itchy just now, I thought there was a mosquito.” 

Lu Xiuwen, “…”

It took a lot of effort for Lu Xiuwen to choke down his laughter and not ruin his expression. He then put on a dignified expression and ate his breakfast elegantly. A faint smile was hidden in his eyes.

Ye Ming fled in defeat after he was done with breakfast. He stayed at home like this for a few days. Besides eating, he spent most of his time hiding inside his bedroom. He succeeded in living like a salted fish.

Hu Lei called to check on Ye Ming. Ye Ming told him that he was sick and he declined Hu Lei’s request to visit him. He told him he would be returning to school in another few days. His classmates didn’t know about his family background and they thought that he was the same as them, coming from an ordinary household. 

A few days had gone by, and the love bites on Ye Ming’s neck finally disappeared. He could go out to proceed with the next step.

It had been days since Hu Lei last saw Ye Ming. When he finally saw Ye Ming at school, he asked caringly, “Ran-ran, how come you’re sick?”

Ye Ming, who was not good at telling lies, said with a blush, “I caught a flu.”

Hu Lei patted his shoulder and said, “You’re too weak, you need to do more work outs. It’s okay that you look good like a girl but it’s no good if your constitution is like that of a girl.” 

Ye Ming slapped his hand away and narrowed his eyes. “Go away. Who’s a girl? Are you jealous of my good look?”

Hu Lei said bitterly, “You can tell that I’m jealous of you?”

Ye Ming was so popular with the girls, and those girls never cast their eyes on him. When they saw Ye Ming, they were all bursting with maternal love, revolving around Ye Ming. Hu Lei was so jealous.

Ye Ming was speechless and did not bother to say more to him. 

Time passed by very quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it wa about time for school reopening.

Although Ye Ming had repeatedly said that he wasn’t bothered about what happened the other day and Lu Xiuwen had already apologized sincerely, somehow, they simply couldn’t get along as naturally as before. After all…what happened had already happened.

As he was having dinner with Lu Xiuwen, the idea of moving back to the dorm had once again come across Ye Ming’s mind. He felt that he really couldn’t live like this anymore.

Thus Ye Ming did not leave in a hurry after dinner. He wandered around the living room before he finally had the courage to talk to Lu Xiuwen. “Uncle, I’m about to go back to school.” 

Lu Xiuwen already saw through Ye Ming’s mind. But he said without changing his expression, “And?”

Ye Ming pursed his lips and lowered his gaze. “There’s a lot of lessons after school reopened, I think it’s more convenient for me to stay at school…Don’t worry! I won’t have contact with Feng Shuo. I will go home on time at night so nothing will happen.”

Lu Xiuwen’s expression fell slightly. This time, he did not criticize Ye Ming for not taking good care of himself but he showed a hurt expression instead. “Are you still bothered by what happened the other day?”

Ye Ming’s expression went stiff and was embarrassed as Lu Xiuwen saw through his excuses. He looked away and said, “That’s not true! I just feel that it’s more convenient if I stayed in the dorm.” 

Lu Xiuwen looked at him and showed a bitter smile. His voice was hoarse. “Really?”

Ye Ming heard the disappointment in Lu Xiuwen’s voice. He couldn’t help but turn around to face Lu Xiuwen, and his eyes met Lu Xiuwen’s deep and dark eyes. At this very moment, this man who had given him endless support, who was seemingly powerful and invincible, had an indescribable look of exhaustion in his eyes. It was if his words had made him sad…

On the surface, it looked like he wasn’t bothered, but is he still blaming himself over what happened the other day? Hence he immediately sensed that I wanted to get away from the house because of that incident…

Did my request really hurt him? Ye Ming suddenly regretted it. He felt that he was still too insensible and too selfish. 

Isn’t it just a small matter? What’s the big deal about it! I can’t help Uncle Lu but at the very least, I shouldn’t make him sad! Ye Ming encouraged himself silently. Eventually he said, “It really wasn’t because of that. I…I’ll just stay at home. Actually it’s not really that inconvenient…”

Lu Xiuwen stared at Ye Ming for quite some time and it seemed that he was finally convinced that Ye Ming wasn’t distancing himself because of that incident. His voice finally sounded a little cheerful. “Okay.”

Ye Ming’s plan to move out was once again unsuccessful. Forget it…I’ll stay at home for the time being. Anyway, the day will come for me to leave this house. Whether it’s Uncle Lu getting married or myself getting married, there will be a day for us to separate.

Speaking about getting married and having a family had always left Ye Ming bewildered. All these years, there was no one beside Uncle Lu, it was not logical at all. 

It wasn’t that he was a politician or he had unresolved matters in his heart; he was a freeman. He smiled as he said to Lu Xiuwen, “When are you getting a girlfriend, Uncle Lu?”

The smile in Lu Xiuwen’s eyes suddenly disappeared, and his eyes darkened. But Ye Ming was oblivious  and didn’t notice the subtle change in his expression. Instead, he continued to say happily, “You’re actually very famous. In fact, a lot of girls in my school are your fans. If they knew that you were so handsome…Haha, they would have died from excitement.”

Ye Ming couldn’t help but get a little excited thinking about it. Uncle Lu was simply too low profile. With his looks and build, he had no problem going into entertainment and showbiz. There were even some who suspected that Uncle Lu was a fat and old uncle. Ye Ming was totally offended by that.

But to be honest, even if Lu Xiuwen really was a fat pig, women who fancied getting married to him could gather together to form a Miss Universe Beauty Contest. It was unbelievable that he had remained single all these years. 

Lu Xiuwen slightly pursed his thin lips and said calmly, “In order not to get them overly excited, it’s better for me to remain low profile. Otherwise, it would be unfortunate that I couldn’t enjoy it.”

Ye Ming couldn’t help but laugh Uncle Lu was still just as humorous.

He didn’t think too much and just casually chatted and returned to his room.

[888: You intentionally irritated him just now.] 

[Ye Ming: You’re able to tell?(⊙v⊙)]

[888: It’s so obvious. Only an idiot couldn’t tell.]

[Ye Ming: I feel that Uncle Lu is starting to slowly lay his cards on the table toward me. Gosh, I’m looking forward to it. Shy.jpg]

[888: …] Why hadn’t this spicy chicken died already? 

Lu Xiuwen seemed like he wasn’t bothered by that matter. He still continued to treat Ye Ming like usual. Because of the conversation that day and the fact that it had been a long time since that incident, the shadow from the forced kiss had mostly dissipated. They once again got along naturally.

Ye Ming lived a worry-free life. In the blink of an eye, school had already started. That night, he got up in the middle of the night to go to the washroom. Suddenly, he found that the study’s door was left ajar and there were lights appearing from inside.

That was Lu Xiuwen’s study. Did he forget to switch off the light? Without even thinking, Ye Ming walked over, preparing to switch off the light. When he got close, he noticed some distinct, strange sound coming from inside.

Ye Ming listened to that sound for a while and his face suddenly turned red. It couldn’t be what he thought, right? How could it be possible? 

Could it be that Uncle Lu was not yet asleep? Was it him inside?

An intense curiosity urged Ye Ming to quietly walk over. He peeped from the ajar door and saw Lu Xiuwen sitting in front of his computer. The computer screen was playing some indecent footage.

Ye Ming’s heartbeat suddenly sped up. Actually his roommates also enjoyed this..this sort of movie, but they were watching male-female in action. Although he was not interested, he also passively recognized a lot of love action movie artists.

But this is the first time he saw male-male in action. 

Lu Xiuwen’s image had always been perfect in his heart; he was flawless like a god. But now, this perfect man was secretly watching such a movie in the middle of the night. Ye Ming was so shocked that his eyes almost popped out from their sockets! It was as if the sun had risen from the west.

Did he just discover a great secret?

This is not good, I should leave. Ye Ming was confused and intended to flee. If Uncle Lu knew that I know his secret, it would be so awkward. It was better for him to pretend that he didn’t know.

He heard a low voice behind him before he even managed to run two steps. “Don’t move.” 

Ye Ming stood stiffly there. He turned around after a long while, looking embarrassed. The computer was still broadcasting those videos and the sounds that came from it had made Ye Ming very uncomfortable. He lowered his head to look at his leg and felt remorse for being so meddlesome and curious!

Lu Xiuwen walked in front of Ye Ming. His tall figure loomed over him and the oppressive aura forced Ye Ming to take a step back. Lu Xiuwen stared straight at him and slowly asked, “You saw it?”

“I…” Ye Ming opened his mouth. Wasn’t it too fake if he said that he had not seen it?

Lu Xiuwen leaned forward slightly to get closer to Ye Ming. 

Ye Ming instantly drew back and eventually leaned on the door, as there was no place to run anymore. Lu Xiuwen pressed his hands over his shoulders and the heat of his palms passed through his clothes. He once again recalled the scene of him being stifled underneath this man’s body the other night and the noise from the laptop suddenly made the atmosphere ambiguous.

Lu Xiuwen lowered his head slightly. The tip of his nose almost touched Ye Ming’s forehead. His originally low voice was even more sexy now. “Since you have already found out, there’s no need for me to hide anymore. I actually like men.”

Ye Ming’s pupils dilated. He looked at Lu Xiuwen in disbelief. Because he was too embarrassed and panicked just now, he didn’t have much time to think about it. Now that he heard what Lu Xiuwen had said and recalled the footage on the computer, he finally had no choice but to believe in this reality.

Lu Xiuwen might really be gay! 

Lu Xiuwen looked deeply into Ye Ming’s eyes. His penetrative gaze was about to pierce through him completely, not letting a single change of emotion in Ye Ming slipped by.

He asked, “Do you feel disgusted?”