Being so close to him, Ye Ming couldn’t help but replay the scene where Lu Xiuwen kissed and pressed him under his body. The sound ringing in his ears made it impossible for him to stay calm. His heart was racing uncontrollably.

He lifted his head slightly and was able to see his own reflection in Lu Xiuwen’s eyes. At this moment, Lu Xiuwen’s expression was deep and resounding as if his answer was of great importance to him. 

Ye Ming drew in a deep breath and said stammeringly, “No, it’s not disgusting. It’s your freedom to like…whoever your heart desires.”

Yes, it was nothing but a matter of sexuality. What was there to be disgusted about? Furthermore…why would he find Uncle Lu disgusting?

He was just shocked by the fact that Uncle Lu was homosexual. To him, Uncle Lu had always been perfect, no matter what he did; he would never find him disgusting!

Lu Xiuwen stared hard at Ye Ming. After a long while, a very faint smile formed on his lips and he slowly loosen his grip. “You can go now.” 

Ye Ming was so nervous just now that his legs went soft as jelly. Hearing such a statement was like being granted an amnesty. He dashed out at lightning speed and closed his bedroom door with a loud ‘bang’.

Lu Xiuwen chuckled as he looked at Ye Ming fleeing. But his eyes were deep, hidden with pain. In the previous life…you said that I was disgusting and you despised me. In this life, I will not let this happen again.

You will not escape from me.

Ye Ming was cooperative and participated in Lu Xiuwen’s act. He returned to his bedroom and continued sleeping.

The next morning, he woke up in high spirits.

[Ye Ming: I knew it, this world is easy. Hehe, I didn’t need to do anything but play my role well. I’ll follow the path of my previous life and wait for Uncle Lu to take action. I’ll then pretend to fall in love with him and that should be able to dissipate a lot of blackening value!]

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: That’s why it’s better to find someone older to fall in love with. Older men are more mature, they will pamper me as their own son. No matter how I make a fuss, he simply won’t argue with me O(∩_∩)O~] 

[888: Since you already knew that’s the case, why are you still making a fuss?] Whoever has a son like you must be extremely unlucky.

[Ye Ming: …]

[Ye Ming: Yeah, I know I was wrong QAQ]

[888: Hehe.] Oh no you don’t. 

Ye Ming went downstairs for breakfast after he washed up. As usual, Lu Xiuwen was already up, sitting there, waiting for him. He smiled at him naturally. “You’re awake.”

It seemed that he was not embarrassed at all after his secret had been discovered last night. Upon seeing this, Ye Ming was less nervous. It seemed that Uncle Lu didn’t mind him discovering his secret.

No wonder Uncle Lu never had any girlfriends all these years. It turned out that he was homosexual! But…why was it that he also never had any boyfriends?

Lf kjr tbwbrfzeji jcv cfnfg tjv jcs ybsoglfcv. Lbkfnfg, tf vlv atbrf atlcur abkjgv tlw ktfc tf kjr vgecx. Ciatbeut tf xcfk atja Fcmif Oe kbeiv cba tjnf atbrf rbga bo offilcur abkjgv tlw, tf ralii ofia nfgs jkxkjgv. Lf tjv abiv tlwrfio atja la kjrc’a j ylu vfji jcv tf rtbeiv ifa ub bo ktja tjv tjqqfcfv…yea la rffwfv atja jii tlr qgfnlber foobgar tjv ubcf vbkc atf vgjlc, jcv wbgf atlcur mgbrrfv tlr wlcv lcrafjv. 

Ye Ming was a little embarrassed to face Lu Xiuwen. He finished his meal and hurriedly went to school.

Because a new term had started, his two other roommates were back already. They were curious to find that Ye Ming would not be staying in the dorm anymore. After they learnt that he was requested by his guardian to stay at home, they all mocked him for being a baby. Ye Ming stated that he would not bother with those senseless people.

Hu Lei was a great friend. Knowing that Ye Ming would not be staying in the dorm, he took the initiative to reserve a seat for him in class that morning. As soon as Ye Ming entered the classroom, he saw Hu Lei waving at him. “Here, here.”

Ye Ming smiled as he walked there and sat down. He said to Hu Lei, “Thanks.” 

Hu Lei said in a carefree manner, “There’s no need to be modest. You should treat me to a meal if you really wanted to thank me. You are a local tyrant.” Although he was not sure about Ye Ming’s family background, he could tell that Ye Ming’s family was well off based on his daily spending habits and attire. He wasn’t the least sorry for eating off a local tyrant.

Ye Ming smiled faintly. “Sure.”

Just as he was talking to Hu Lei, a beautiful girl wearing a gown sat beside them. She smiled at Ye Ming in a natural and unrestrained manner. “Hi, Gu Ran.”

Ye Ming’s mind went blank for a while and he smiled. “Hi.” 

Hu Lei’s eyes were looking straight at Ye Ming in jealousy. Even An Xiaoqi liked Ye Ming…Goddess Xiaoqi was the sexual fantasy among the otaku gang. But she didn’t like rough fellows like them but was fond of pretty boys like Ye Ming. This world had been too cruel to them.

If it wasn’t because Ye Ming was in the same dormitory as him, Hu Lie might possibly have said something sarcastic to him out of jealousy.

Although Ye Ming had a relatively simple temperament, the girl had shown such obvious signs that she was fond of him. It was impossible that he couldn’t feel it. He was a little too embarrassed and nervous to speak much.

The more An Xiaoqi looked at Ye Ming, the more she felt that his shyness was adorable. She sat beside him, cupping her chin with her hand, glancing at Ye Ming from time to time. 

The classes started after a while. Ye Ming lowered his head to take notes as he listened attentively in class. Because he was nervous, he didn’t speak to An Xiaoqi throughout the lesson. It wasn’t because he had absolutely no feelings toward An Xiaoqi. As a normal university student, it was perfectly normal to have good feelings toward girls like An Xiaoqi. But it was a guy thing…sometimes, the more you have feelings for that individual, the more uneasy you feel when you are together.

An Xiaoqi pursed her lips and smiled. When the lesson was about to end, she said to Ye Ming, “I only focused on listening to the class just now and didn’t manage to take proper notes. Can you lend me your notes?”

Ye Ming promptly replied, “Sure!” He passed his notes to An Xiaoqi.

An Xiaoqi took Ye Ming’s notes with her delicate long fingers and looked at him with her beautiful eyes. She smiled and said, “Thank you. I’ll treat you to lunch next time.” 

Ye Ming blushed slightly. “There’s no need to be modest, it’s just a small matter.”

An Xiaoqi stood up and squinted, then stooped over and smiled. “If you don’t accept my offer, I will be embarrassed to seek help from you next time.” After she finished her words, she turned around and left with a few other girls while laughing.

Hu Lei saw her goddess leaving and sourly said, “You have to go for that lunch date!”

Ye Ming asked, “Why?” 

Hu Lei put his hands on Ye Ming’s shoulder and looked at him slyly, “You are about to get yourself a partner and have a wonderful and blessed university life. But your brother, me, is still single, you’re not going to be so unkind right? Goddess An Xiaoqi has a few besties who are all beauties. If you bring me along for lunch, she will for sure bring her friends along right? Hehe…”

Ye Ming said, “If I bring you along, won’t it be inappropriate since she’s the one paying the bill?”

Hu Lei almost died from being infuriated, “If you bring me along, do you think I will let her pay???”

Ye Ming, “…” 

At the end of the school day, Hu Lei kept reminding Ye Ming to remember to bring him along if he went to the lunch date. Ye Ming has no choice but to agree.

By the time he reached home, Lu Xiuwen was already home. He smiled and patted the seat beside him on the sofa. “Come have a seat, Xiao Ran.”

Ye Ming obediently went over and sat down. “Uncle.”

Lu Xiuwen turned his head slightly and stared at Ye Ming with his deep eyes. “Is everything going smoothly at school lately?” 

Ye Ming quickly replied, “Everything’s good, it’s all smooth…Hmm, Feng Shuo didn’t look for me.”

Lu Xiuwen nodded. “That’s good.”

After a moment of silence, he suddenly raised his hand to touch Ye Ming’s head. With a low, gentle voice and profound smile on his face, he said, “Then what about your love life? If you have a girlfriend, don’t keep it a secret from me.”

When Ye Ming thought about An Xiaoqi, an unnatural look showed in his eyes. But they were not yet in that sort of relationship yet, so he said softly, “No, I don’t have a girlfriend.” 

Lu Xuiwen noticed the unnatural look in Ye Ming’s eyes and recalled today’s report. He appeared calm but his eyes gradually became colder. Although he changed some things after he was reborn, there were still some events that inevitably would happen the same as the previous life.

An Xiaoqi liked Ye Ming, and very soon they would get into a relationship. After he learned about their relationship in the previous life, he was in extreme pain. But even so, he never did anything to destroy their relationship as he was afraid that Ye Ming would resent him if he did anything to stop them from being together.

Luckily, this relationship did not last long. Before Lu Xiuwen almost couldn’t control himself anymore, they’d already broken up. It was the same as most university relationships, coming and going quickly, ending by itself…But this time, Lu Xiuwen would not allow them to be a couple again, even if it was only for a short period of time.

He had always been considerate toward Ye Ming. In order not to affect his life or trouble him, he would rather suffer and watch him date another woman. But what happened in the end? You still betrayed me and left. 

It was my mistake to indulge you so much that you got further and further from me.

Lu Xiuwen stood up and smiled as if nothing had happened. “Let’s eat.”

Ye Ming also stood up and was slightly relieved. He couldn’t figure out why he felt stressed when Lu Xiuwen sat beside him just now. It wasn’t like that before, they had always been close family members. But since what happened the other night, and after learning that Lu Xiuwen was homosexual, he didn’t feel comfortable like before when he was around Uncle Lu.

Ye Ming returned to his own room to finish some assignments given by the teacher after he finished dinner. 

Just as he lowered his head, deep in thought, someone suddenly knocked on his door.

Ye Ming said without lifting his head, “Come in.”

Lu Xiuwen pushed the door open and came in with a plate of fruits. He placed it on Ye Ming’s desk. He saw that Ye Ming was a little distressed, so he bent over behind him with both hands on the edge of the study desk, looking at Ye Ming’s assignments. Ye Ming was shrouded in his embrace and from that angle, it looked as if he was hugging Ye Ming from behind. His steady breath fell on Ye Ming’s neck, and he asked, “What are you working on?”

Ye Ming blushed. Lu Xiuwen breathing on his neck tickled him and made him feel numb all over his body. He recalled that night again. 

It was such a normal thing, why did he always think so much lately!

Ye Ming was so nervous that his voice sounded stiff. “Nothing much, it’s just some assignments from the teacher.”

Lu Xiuwen let out a soft laugh “Okay, don’t stay up too late, rest early.”

He straightened his back and closed the door as he walked out. 

After Lu Xiuwen left, that weird repressive atmosphere also disappeared. Ye Ming touched his neck with a complex look in his eyes.

[Ye Ming: Uncle was very unhappy. I think there’s no chance for me to be in a relationship with this girlfriend of mine.]

[888: I think so too.]

[Ye Ming: It’s such a pity. Actually An Xiaoqi is really a suitable candidate for a girlfriend. Previously, because I was in a relationship, it triggered Uncle Lu to increase some affection value. But this time around, I can’t be in a relationship, otherwise it would increase the blackening value.] 

[888: …]

Although he kept telling himself to not bother about it, what happened the other night and Lu Xiuwen’s sexual preference still made Ye Ming feel uneasy. Since he was also a man, he couldn’t be intimate with Uncle Lu like before anymore. He should keep an appropriate distance from him. After all, they were no longer in a pure homosexual relationship, thus this mean they are open to a heterosexual relationship mode with each other!

Moreover, he was no longer a child, he had his own circle of friends and life. In order to hide from Lu Xiuwen, Ye Ming spent even more time in school.

Lu Xiuwen obviously sensed Ye Ming’s changes. Although he didn’t show any reaction to this, the feeling that he constrained in his heart had gradually become twisted. This time you still wanted to break free from me and live your own life? How can this be…I should be the only one in your life. I am your everything, you must rely on me. 

You can only stay by my side.

A few days later, Ye Ming went to school as usual. On his way to school, he suddenly found that there was something not quite right with how others looked at him.

When he reached the classroom, he found that Hu Lei was also staring at him with a complicated look. He finally couldn’t help but ask, “What’s with you?” 

Hu Lei sized up Ye Ming and said, “Take a look at the school’s forum.”

Ye Ming immediately opened the school’s forum. The hottest post was: Shocking! Rich child’s low profile school life!

He clicked the link and saw his picture on the top, followed by his biography. Although he was not from the Lu Family, he was brought up in the Lu Family. Moreover, Lu Xiuwen does not have any other younger generation; thus it was very likely for him to be the heir to the Lu Family.

There were also pictures of Ye Ming going to school in a private car. The insider made a detailed summary, reporting that the car looked very low profile. It wasn’t a very expensive ride but it definitely wasn’t something that ordinary people could afford. 

All sorts of evidence added up to prove that Ye Ming was indeed the child from a super rich family and that he was from a different world from ordinary people.

In the comment section below, there were all kinds of comments expressing their shock that such a person existed right beside them! There were comments of wishing to be kept, to cling on to such a rich family, and there were also some who were envious. The comments were piling up as high as a few storeys high.

Hu Lei was in doubt. He asked Ye Ming, “Are you really the young master of the Lu Family?”

The reason why Ye Ming was unwilling to let anyone know about his identity was because he didn’t want to be looked at like this wherever he went. He had never thought about being the heir to the Lu Family, thus he never mingled with those wealthy children. He went to an ordinary school, made some ordinary friends, because he wasn’t a Lu Family’s member…But he didn’t expect that eventually it would be exposed. He hesitated for a while but eventually nodded.

Hu Lei said, “Atta boy! You actually hide it so well and didn’t even let us know!” As he spoke, he almost patted Ye Ming’s shoulder as usual but he withdrew his hand halfway as he still couldn’t really accept that there was such a huge change to the difference in their statuses.

Although it was as if he had unintentionally clung to a rich and influential figure, this gap was too big. It was the difference between heaven and earth…Could they really still be friends?

Ye Ming was a bit awkward. “Sorry…”

Hu Lei smiled awkwardly. “It’s alright…” Before he had thought that Ye Ming was good looking, but he didn’t think that he was not even comparable to him in terms of status. 

Ye Ming felt complicated throughout the lesson. He couldn’t focus at all, as he kept feeling that everyone was pointing at him. He finally made it through to the end of the school day and he found that the car that had always waited for him outside the school drove inside the school. Two bodyguards and the driver stood there and waited for him. When they saw him, they greeted him respectfully, “Young Master Gu.”

Ye Ming’s expression finally changed and he said in a bad manner, “Why did you come inside?”

The driver explained respectfully, “The school had informed the master that your identity was exposed. He was worried about your safety and asked us to come inside to fetch you.” After all, everyone knew that Ye Ming was of high importance to Lu Xiuwen. It wouldn’t be nice if Ye Ming came across danger or was kidnapped.

Ye Ming tried to resist. “I’m alright, there’s no need to do this.” 

But the driver remained unmoved. He examined Hu Lei who was standing beside Ye Ming, as if trying to see if there was any problem with him. Hu Lei immediately took a step back and his legs went weak. He was not used to such an attitude.

Judging by the situation, Ye Ming knew that he was unable to stay at school today. He had no choice but to get inside the car and go home.

By the time he reached home, Lu Xiuwen was not home yet. Ye Ming didn’t go to sleep, but he waited outside until Lu Xiuwen came back late at night.

Ye Ming was displeased. “Uncle, did you instruct the driver to come inside to fetch me?” 

Lu Xiuwen calmly nodded. “I heard that someone exposed your identity in the school forum, and now everyone knows who you are. I’m worried about your safety so I asked the security to do this. I will arrange for security to escort you from now on.”

Tf Zlcu ofia atja tf tjv cb ogffvbw jcv tf kjr cba erfv ab yflcu obiibkfv mibrfis ys rbwfbcf. Lf mbeivc’a tfiq yea rjs, “P jw gfjiis olcf. Ktfgf’r cb cffv ab bnfggfjma.”

Oe Wlekfc’r fzqgfrrlbc kjr rilutais qgbobecv. “Ljnf sbe obgubaafc atja sbe kfgf xlvcjqqfv ktfc sbe kfgf ralii sbecu?”

Ye Ming was suddenly speechless. 

Lu Xiuwen looked at him in concern. “It’s just a few bodyguards. It’s not going to affect your studies. How could I be at ease if I don’t send someone to protect you?”

Ye Ming still wanted to resist. “But the school is really safe…”

Lu Xiuwen sighed but his tone remained firm. “There is no room for negotiation.”

Ye Ming immediately drooped his head, feeling dejected. This was one of the reasons why he was reluctant to expose his identity. He just wanted a normal life…Lu Xiuwen didn’t make an unreasonable request; it was just a few bodyguards which was a common practise among those wealthy families…but he still felt that his life had been disrupted. 

Ye Ming was unable to reject Lu Xiuwen’s arrangement, so he could only accept his new lifestyle.

But ever since that day, he always felt that something had changed unknowingly. The way students talked to him, the way teachers looked at him, and all sorts of other things…were a little different from before.

It was as if there was a layer separating him from everyone else.

Very quickly, An Xiaoqi asked someone to return Ye Ming’s notes. Her attitude toward him was cold, and she didn’t raise the topic of treating him to lunch or even get close to him anymore…Ye Ming couldn’t understand why. He was actually fond of An Xiaoqi, but was it because of the fact that his identity was exposed that An Xiaoqi didn’t like him anymore? 

In fact, it was not only An Xiaoqi. Other girls who had expressed their fondness toward Ye Ming had all alienated themselves from him.

Eventually, Hu Lei’s attitude toward Ye Ming was also not close like before. He no longer helped Ye Ming to reserve a seat and when he met Ye Ming, he greeted him modestly with a strange tone, “Young Master Gu is here.”

Initially, Hu Lei had wanted to continue to be friends with Ye Ming. But every time he saw those bodyguards beside Ye Ming looking at him emotionless as if staring at those who harboured evil intentions, he gradually didn’t want to hang out with Ye Ming anymore as he felt it was meaningless. Although his family was not very wealthy, he was not someone who seeked wealth, okay? When he first met Ye Ming, he hadn’t even known his identity.

On the contrary, with these friends distancing themselves from him, a new batch of people started to worm their way into being friends with Ye Ming. There were even a lot of girls indirectly asking Ye Ming about Lu Xiuwen. 

Everything was undergoing secret changes.

It was not obvious in a day or two, but after a month, Ye Ming suddenly realized that everything had changed since his identity was exposed…Although teachers and classmates seemed as warm toward him as before—in fact, they were even warmer to him than before—others were careful and flattering when talking to him. He didn’t want all this, and he was unable to seek that comfortable and contented feeling that he felt before anymore.

He understood that this wasn’t their problem, it was him who couldn’t adapt to the changes. After all, his status was different now, and the things that he needed to bear would be very different. But he really liked how things were before, and not being watched by others wherever he went now, like a celebrity. Everybody was discussing him and people often took pictures of him with their cellphones. Every little thing about him would be posted on the forum and social media.

Besides those who envied him, there were also those who wanted to smear his name, exposing all the ugliness of a human’s heart…Ye Ming was not a true family member of the Lu Family, yet he was being pampered and raised by Lu Xiuwen, thus all kinds of offensive rumours surfaced and there was no limit to it. Someone even made a detailed analysis suggesting that Ye Ming’s relationship with Lu Xiuwen was not pure. 

He really enjoyed the relaxing environment of the school before, but now, he suddenly disliked crowded places.

Aside from school, he would be home. Basically he would not hang out at school anymore. He was also home during the weekends. It’d been a long time since he last hung out with his classmates. He looked moody and gradually became a bit anti-social.

[Ye Ming: Uncle is really a control freak. He is using this method to limit my personal space and put his label on me. I have nowhere to run besides staying around him.]

[888: Who told you to hang around school everyday and even wanting to have a girlfriend?] 

[Ye Ming: …]

[Ye Ming: Great! This time there’s finally no need for me to get a girlfriend. Everytime I am around girls, I tend to have that sisterhood feeling. I’ve suspected that An Xiaoqi broke up with me previously because she sensed it too! The sixth sense of a woman is indeed scary!]

[888: …]

[Ye Ming: Actually, I quite enjoy the celebrity treatment of being sweet-talked and focused on. It is so challenging for me to pretend that I am not used to it. Let me live up to the solitude of the well-known. I am a born actor. Let me become one of the most searched users on Weibo! QAQ] 

888: He didn’t want to say anything. He was even too lazy to type an ellipsis.

Ye Ming spent most of his time at home if he was not at school. Sometimes if he was not in a good mood, he would even skip classes. The teachers would not criticize him and wouldn’t even point out his name. Ye Ming was even more not used to it. He was disappointed as he felt that he had been labelled as one of those upper class students with special privileges.

Even if he didn’t take the exams, was it possible that he might not even get into trouble? As he was thinking about this…he suddenly felt that his university life was meaningless.

Lu Xiuwen pretended that he didn’t know anything, like a hunter monitoring his prey who had no place to run to but eventually returning to his side. 

It was another weekend. Ye Ming finished his meal and was ready to take a rest in his bedroom. Lu Xiuwen saw that it was about the right timing, and he took Ye Ming’s hand and asked gently, “Xiao Ran, are you unhappy lately?”

Ye Ming forced a smile. “No.”

Lu Xiuwen looked disbelieving and asked in concern, “Are you having difficulties getting along with your classmates?”

Ye Ming shook his head. He had no issue getting along with his classmate, it was just that it was not like before… 

Lu Xiuwen sighed. He stared at Ye Ming’s eyes and said seriously, “If your friends changed their opinions toward you because of your change in status and neglect the fact of your actual personality, then that is their problem and not yours.”

Ye Ming eyes reddened. These words had triggered all the disappointments and grievances that he had bottled up all this while to burst out in an instant. He actually understood that this is not a big deal but merely just the changes that occured when his identity was exposed. It was possible that all those public figures had always lived like that…But he was still very upset over the fact that he had lost his friends and peaceful life.

He just hasn’t adapted to it yet, he needed more time to reconfigure himself.

Lu Xiuwen pitied him and hugged Ye Ming’s shoulders. His voice was low and gentle, “Since there’s nothing to do this weekend, I’ll bring you out for a stroll.” 

Ye Ming nooded since he had no friends now and had nothing going on.

Lu Xiuwen took Ye Ming to the camp in an off-road car. Since Ye Ming graduated from high school, he’d spent most of his time hanging out with his friends, and it’d been a long while since he went out with Lu Xiuwen. After all, boys at his age didn’t really hang out with their parents, they had their own lives.

But what Lu Xiuwen wanted was not to be Ye Ming’s elder, he wanted to be his lover.

Throughout the journey, Lu Xiuwen saw that Ye Ming’s mood was down and he was quiet. His eyes darken and he turned around and said to Ye Ming, “Xiao Ran, I think you will have new friends very soon.” 

Ye Ming still lowered his head, dispirited.

Lu Xiuwen didn’t say anything and focused on driving. Soon, they were in the woods. Lu Xiuwen parked the car beside the mountain road and set up the tent. He then went into the woods with Ye Ming.

Because it was an outdoor activity, Lu Xiuwen was not in his usual formal attire but was dressed in casual attire. However, with his tall build and handsome features, he looked great in anything.

Initially, Ye Ming was indeed not in a good mood, but after being with Lu Xiuwen and chatting casually with Lu Xiuwen on the road, he slowly put down those unhappy things. Compared to being with others, he didn’t feel uneasy when he was around Lu Xiuwen, and Lu Xiuwen would not look at him like those others. This made Ye Ming relaxed. 

Before, he always felt uneasy around Lu Xiuwen because of what happened the other night. But now, it seems that he was most comfortable when around Lu Xiuwen.

However, the weather was not favorable today, and it suddenly rained. The both of them decided to head back. Lu Xiuwen turned around to look at Ye Ming’s profile, his expression gloomy. It’d been a long time since he got intimate with Ye Ming; after all, he couldn’t repeat the tactic he used when he was drunk as it would raise Ye Ming’s suspicions.

By the time they returned to the tent, they were both wet. Summer was already over and the weather was gradually turning cold. It was even cooler on the hill. The rain kept pouring and they were unable to start a fire. Ye Ming shivered and said, “Uncle, should we go home?”

Lu Xiuwen nodded and said, “Alright.” 

They packed up their stuff and got in the car. However, when Lu Xiuwen wanted to start the engine, he found that he was unable to start the car. He turned around and looked at Ye Ming in apology. “I think the car broke down, we are unable to leave now. I’ll get someone to come fetch us but they might not reach here until tomorrow morning.”

Ye Ming didn’t expect for them to be so unlucky, but it wasn’t a big deal. He obediently said okay and sneezed after he finished his words.

Lu Xiuwen frowned. “Your shirt is wet. Take it off, otherwise you will catch a cold.”

Ye Ming also agreed with him, so he took off his shirt and curled in the backseat with his arms around him. He didn’t expect it to be so cold on the mountain. Just as Ye Ming was shivering from the cold, Lu Xiuwen suddenly strode to the backseat. He took off his shirt and drew Ye Ming into his arms. 

Ye Ming’s body went stiff and he was startled. “Uncle.”

Lu Xiuwen hugged him from behind and lowered his head to whisper beside his ear with a smile, “It’ll be better like this.”

Ye Ming felt the warmth of Lu Xiuwen’s body. His face turned scarlet red. He’d said that, but they were both men; wasn’t it strange to be like this? Moreover…was he really overthinking? He kept feeling that Uncle was a bit…

Hold it, hold it! I must be overthinking! It’s not like that! 

Ye Ming clenched his teeth and said, “I…I’m alright, there’s no need for this.” With that said, he wanted to break away from Lu Xiuwen’s embrace.

Lu Xiuwen didn’t hold a strong grip over him, and Ming broke away very easily. But he remained unmoved and only looked at Ye Ming with a hurt expression. A complicated emotion showed in his eyes, and he said, “Is it because you think that I liked men that you are unwilling to let me get close to you?”

Ye Ming opened his mouth. He wanted to tell him it wasn’t like that. He didn’t want Lu Xiuwen to feel sad. But was it really not the case? That incident did affect him because he tended to overthink and feel uneasy…But how could he bring himself to tell Lu Xiuwen that he sensed that Lu Xiuwen had feelings toward him? How embarrassing was that!

Seeing that Ye Ming didn’t say anything, Lu Xiuwen let out a bitter laugh and he opened the door and was about to get out. 

It was pouring heavily at that time, so Lu Xiuwen would be drenched if he went out. Ye Ming couldn’t bear to let Lu Xiuwen go out like that and he realized that he’d gone overboard just now. He anxiously held onto Lu Xiuwen’s waist from behind and stammered, “I…That’s not what I meant! Don’t go!”