Ye Ming paused for a long while before saying, “Nothing, I just suddenly thought of asking you if you wanted to go out for lunch tomorrow. I heard there’s a nice place.”

Zhang Hongzhi agreed. “Okay, see you tomorrow.” 

Ye Ming didn’t say anything more. He hung up the phone, squinted slightly and turned around to go home.

[888:…I thought you wanted to make a scene]

[Ye Ming: That would be too impulsive. I would be no different from a fool. With Uncle and Zhang Hongzhi’s intelligence, even if I catch them lying, they can easily come up with an explanation to deceive me. All he needs to say is that he cares about me, so he wanted to find out how I’m doing through my friends and only kept it from me because he didn’t want me to overthink. He still won’t let me find out what he has really done. This will instead give him the opportunity to cover his tracks…How can I give them such a chance~]

[Ye Ming: Since the goal is to discover the truth, you have to land a fatal blow so that he can feel that pain. Otherwise, what’s the use? Hehe.] 

[888: What’s your grudge against him?]

[Ye Ming:…]

[Ye Ming: Ahem, no grudge…]

[888: Then why are you doing this?]

[Ye Ming: I wanted to ask you, why did you choose him as the target? Can you blame me for this? He can only blame his own lousy fate. Feeling wronged.jpg]


When Ye Ming arrived home, he did not switch on the TV as he usually did and instead sat on the sofa and played with his phone.

On his phone was the text message that Lu Xiuwen had sent him earlier, informing him that he would be back a little late today. Ever since he’d confirmed his relationship with Lu Xiuwen, it had always been this way. Whenever he would be home late, he would inform Ye Ming, and sometimes, he would also tell him what he did and where he’d been…even though Ye Ming never asked. 

These were the discreet, thoughtful little details that made him feel that he was sincere. It made him feel respected, and he wouldn’t even suspect that he would lie or hide anything.

But at this moment, Ye Ming stared at the text message without a smile on his face. He just sat there in silence.

Soon, Lu Xiuwen was home. Actually, he wasn’t late. The moment he walked inside, he saw Ye Ming quietly sitting alone in the living room, looking a bit lonely. Something flashed in his eyes as he took off his coat and hung it on the coat hanger. He walked over and gave Ye Ming a gentle hug. He asked gently, “What’s wrong? Are you upset?”

Ye Ming gazed at Lu Xiuwen and managed to squeeze out a smile. He was still thinking about what had happened today. 

Actually, he’d wanted to give Lu Xiuwen a surprise because Lu Xiuwen had told him that he had a meeting and would be home a little late and to go home by himself to wait for him to come home. Perhaps he really liked and cared for this person, so he wanted to spend more time with him, thinking about him every minute and every second…

But in the end, he didn’t go, because he saw Zhang Hongzhi going into Lu Xiuwen’s office. Zhang Hongzhi had lied to him, telling him that he was going home.

Who did Zhang Hongzhi meet at the office? Ye Ming didn’t know. But his instincts told him that this had something to do with Lu Xiuwen, for there was absolutely no reason for Zhang Hongzhi to be at Lu Xiuwen office unless it had something to do with himself…

Tf Zlcu rjlv, “Fcmif…” 

Oe Wlekfc ujhfv ja tlw qjalfcais, tlr fzqgfrrlbc jr ufcaif jr ereji. “P’w tfgf.”

Tf Zlcu kjcafv ab jrx tlw lo tf xcfk atja Itjcu Lbcuhtl kjr ja tlr boolmf abvjs. Dea atf kbgvr cfnfg ifoa tlr wbeat. C ragjcuf jczlber offilcu fcnfibqfv tlw, jr lo tf jigfjvs xcfk atja lo tf jrxfv jcv vlvc’a ufa atf jcrkfg atja tf kjcafv, atf qfgofma kbgiv yfobgf tlr fsfr kbeiv mgewyif.

In the end, Ye Ming only said, “Why are you home so late? I’ve been waiting for you for a long time.” His expression was a bit upset and wronged.

Of course, Lu Xiuwen was late because he had something to attend to. But Ye Ming had always been sensible and well-behaved. He was delighted that Ye Ming would occasionally throw a bit of a tantrum. He pinched his cheeks and said in a pampering tone, “I’m sorry, I’ll try to be home earlier next time.” 

He then carried Ye Ming into the bedroom and lowered his head to kiss him. He teased, “Do you want to shower with me?”

Ye Ming knew what Lu Xiuwen wanted to do. If it was before, he would love to do things together with Uncle…but now, all that was on his mind was how his best friend had betrayed him and he was in no mood for anything. He lowered his gaze and said, “I still have to wake up early for tomorrow’s class. The teacher for this class is strict and attendance will be taken. I don’t want to miss the lesson again.”

Lu Xiuwen sensed that something wasn’t right about Ye Ming. But since Ye Ming didn’t want to talk about it, he also didn’t want to talk about it or force him. He released his hold on Ye Ming and said gently, “Okay, then get some rest early.”

Tonight, Lu Xiuwen didn’t do anything but just hugged Ye Ming to sleep. 

Ye Ming felt Lu Xiuwen hugging him and he buried his head in his chest, listening to his steady heartbeat. In the past, his hugs always made him feel safe and steady. But today, it was a little different.

Zhang Hongzhi…why did he go to Lu Xiuwen’s office? Why did he lie?

Actually, it didn’t even matter if he really knew Uncle Lu. He could tell him so directly, so why did he lie?

Ye Ming fell asleep with lots of questions on his mind. The next day, Zhang Hongzhi really came looking for Ye Ming at school. He smiled. “Let’s have dinner together tonight. I’ve invited some friends along. The more the merrier.” 

He dragged Ye Ming along.

Actually, he didn’t really want to dine there. It was just an excuse that he’d made when he called Zhang Hongzhi yesterday out of impulse. He kept thinking about how Zhang Hongzhi had lied to him yesterday as he stared at Zhang Hongzhi’s passionate smile.

He really wanted to ask him about it, but he hesitated and was unable to open his mouth for a long time. Perhaps he subconsciously understood that if he asked, he would lose this friend.

Zhang Hongzhi could sense that Ye Ming was distracted. But he couldn’t figure out why he was unhappy. He was with Ye Ming almost every single day and he was well aware of his every single action. Nothing had happened and everything had been fine when they parted other yesterday. 

Soon, everyone arrived at the restaurant. They were all good friends of Zhang Hongzhi’s. Because they hung out frequently, they were very familiar with Ye Ming too. Everyone could see that Ye Ming was not in a good mood, and they patiently cracked jokes, trying to cheer Ye Ming up.

But it was a pity that Ye Ming really was not in the mood. He was still thinking about how Zhang Hongzhi had lied to him yesterday. He wanted to ask him but couldn’t bring himself to do it. And now that there were more people around, it wasn’t the right time to talk.

Halfway through dinner, Ye Ming felt that he could not bear it anymore. He stood up and said, “I’m going home.”

The whole room was filled with silence. Zhang Hongzhi was the first to react. Concerned, he asked, “Young Master Gu, are the dishes not to your taste?” 

If it was in the past, Ye Ming might tell him directly that he didn’t want to be there any longer. But today, when he stared at Zhang Hongzhi’s seemingly sincere face, he suddenly didn’t want to let him know about his true feelings. He lied, “Yesterday, Uncle asked me to be home early tonight.”

Zhang Hongzhi never doubted Ye Ming’s words, for Ye Ming was a pure child who never lied. Whatever he said was the truth. Since Lu Xiuwen wanted him to be home early, he certainly would not stop him. He stood up and said, “Let me walk you out.”

Ye Ming said, “It’s okay. My ride is just downstairs, I can go back on my own. You guys can continue on with the dinner.”

Zhang Hongzhi smiled. “Okay.” 

Ye Ming nodded to the others and turned around to walk away, closing the door behind him softly.

He made a turn at the corridor, and while waiting for the lift, he felt his pocket and realized that his mobile phone was not with him. He must have left it in the private room just now. He turned around and went back to get it.

The door of the private room was just slightly ajar. He hadn’t closed it properly when he’d left just now. The noise of laughter that was very different from before could be heard indistinctly from the private room.

After Zhang Hongzhi saw Ye Ming out, he turned around. He raised his eyebrows and gave a smile to his friends. He no longer wore that polite gentleman’s demeanor on his face and said loudly, “Everyone, let’s eat and enjoy ourselves. I understand that everyone has been holding back with Young Master Gu around and I feel sorry for that. Today, I’ll be paying the bill. You can order whatever you want!” 

Everyone let out a roar of laughter. “Zhang-ge, so you do know to feel sorry for us for putting on a show with you everyday, acting pure with that kid. Do you think you can pay us off with just a meal? Isn’t that too perfunctory? That won’t do!”

Zhang Hongzhi chuckled. “Do I look like that sort of person to you? Everyone, just eat and drink to your heart’s content. I’ll treat all of you to unwind at Lake Garden Club later. That should be good enough, right?”

Lake Garden Club was the typical money-squandering establishment, especially for rich children like them. It was a very expensive place and they were still students, after all. Their families were wealthy, but they had not yet inherited their family businesses.

This time round, Zhang Hongzhi managed to get off the hook. Because Ye Ming was not around, they all began to speak without refrain. It was obvious that this group of wealthy kids had been holding themself back badly in front of Ye Ming. 

One of the guys said, “Zhang-ge, you are really good at tolerating because you are with Young Master Gu every day. Your entertainment lifestyle is practically nonexistent. You could become a Buddha with your pure heart and lack of desire.”

Zhang Hongzhi opened another bottle of wine and sneered. “How is that possible?”

Another guy laughed as he said, “There’s something you don’t know. You hardly hang out with us, so you don’t know the rules. This Young Master Gu is an obedient baby. He has to go home before nine o’clock every night. We only kick off our nightlife after he leaves. There’s absolutely no impact on it at all.”

That guy suddenly came to a realization and gave a thumbs up. “So that’s how it is. This is a worthy business.” 

Zhang Hongzhi smiled and said with pride, “Of course this is a worthy business. All I need to do is accompany this kid at school and pretend to be his best friend, and President Lu will then invest in my family’s business and even provide us with a lot of privileges. Did you all know that I even went to meet President Lu yesterday?”

Everyone was staring at Zhang Hongzhi with envy, for he was the one selected by Lu Xiuwen to become Ye Ming’s friend. How much benefit did the Zhang family get? Furthermore, being favoured by such an influential person would allow the Zhang family more resources than others when they intend to develop something in the future. They could only wish that they had been the ones selected by Lu Xiuwen. Fortunately, Zhang Hongzhi needed someone to help him accompany Ye Ming, and so he shared some benefits with them.

Someone said emotionally, “It looks like President Lu really likes Young Master Gu. He really put in so much effort.”

Someone was unconvinced and said disdainfully, “I don’t see how much he really likes him. If you really liked someone, will you use such a trick? Don’t tell me that all of you have forgotten how Young Master Gu ended up hanging out with us?” 

One of the girls smiled. “Isn’t it because his identity was exposed and he was alienated by his original friends? Everyone knows about this.”

That person said mysteriously with a smile, “Then tell me, why do you think his identity was exposed? Why did his friends distance themselves from him?”

The girl was a little surprised. “Could it be that President Lu was behind it?”

The other party laughed. The answer was obvious. 

That girl was still in disbelief. She then asked Zhang Hongzhi, “Zhang-ge, did President Lu really set that up? Why did he do that? I don’t think there’s any need to do that.”

Zhang Hongzhi was in a better mood when he was looking at beautiful girls. Seeing as she was a newcomer, he put on the expression of an authority figure and smiled as he explained, “What else could it be, if it wasn’t because he wanted to sleep Yong Master Gu?”

“I also admire President Lu’s tactics. I think Young Master Gu was supposed to be a straight guy, but he was foolishly kidnapped to the bed. He was betrayed but is still grateful to the person who betrayed him.”

A tall guy slapped his thigh, unable to hold back his laughter.“That’s right. In order to get Young Master Gu drunk that time, I was the one who went around to look for backup.” 

When Zhang Hongzhi recalled the incident last time, his face darkened. “That was also President Lu’s order. Besides, we asked you to find someone to force us to drink, just a bit of acting would be good enough. But Young Master Gu didn’t drink much, whereas I ended up being the one who got really drunk. I had headaches for several days.”

The guy laughed. “But after that, President Lu treated you generously. That round of drinking was worth it.”

Zhang Hongzhi only laughed when he thought about that. “I say, why does he need to go through so much trouble? With Young Master Gu’s small body, what’s the problem with President Lu taking him directly? There’s really no need for the trouble.”

“President Lu is into this sort of thing. Zhang-ge, boring individuals like you shouldn’t be commenting.” Everyone covered their mouths and laughed. Speaking of this incident, this was really the hottest gossip. They all said excitedly, “This Young Master Gu is also one of a kind. He got himself into such a relationship with the uncle that raised him and even foolishly got taken to bed. And after being taken to bed, he still thanked President Lu for saving him. I’ve never seen such a foolish person.” 

“Yeah, but President Lu really put in a lot of effort. He arranged for us to be friends with Ye Ming. Even my dad doesn’t put in this much effort for his favourite mistress.”

“Because he is President Lu’s child bride.” (T/N: Child Bride refers to China’s ancient tradition of taking a girl, usually orphaned or from an impoverished background into a family and raised to become the wife of one of the family’s members.)

“What child bride, haha…are you trying to make me die from laughing?”

“Sigh, why do you think President Lu wants to do this? Could it be that he really likes him? Tsk, tsk, tsk…Young Master Gu is really in a favourable position. In the future, he’ll be living off the Lu family and won’t have to worry about being swept out of the house. Do you think that he deliberately seduced President Lu?” 

“Who knows? But I don’t think he would be swept out of the house. Did you guys forget about Young Master Gu’s background? I can tell that President Lu can’t even bring himself to chase him out, hehe…”

“That’s true though.

“Come, Young Master Gu is not around, so everyone can let loose and have fun. Let’s not go home tonight without getting drunk!”

Ye Ming stood at the door, listening to everything. The classmates who used to be courteous and friendly in front of him all seemed to have changed into their new faces now. They showed their hideous fangs and hateful expressions, mercilessly tearing apart the fake illusions like a group of dancing demons. 

Ye Ming suddenly pushed the door open!

The door suddenly opened and the cold air from outside gushed inside. Everyone inside the smoke filled room turned their head toward the door. All of them were dumbfounded with words stuck in their throats, unable to speak anymore. The expressions on their faces became ridiculously distorted.

Zhang Hongzhi looked at Ye Ming in shock. He stood up suddenly and he lost the usual calmness in his voice. “Y-Young Master Gu…how come…”

Ye Ming stared at him with the rims of his eyes turning red and his lips slightly trembling. 

He swept his eyes across this group of people, the group of friends that he had always trusted and relied on. In front of him, they were such good friends…but he never knew that behind his back, they’d been making such malicious and despicable remarks about him.

Making those…filthy statements that he could never have imagined.

It was as if he didn’t know them at all.

It turned out this was the truth. So this was how others talked about him…behind his back…

Ye Ming slowly walked over and bent his body over the couch to take his mobile phone that was left in between the cushions. His voice was slightly trembling as he tried extremely hard to remain calm. “I forgot my phone.”

He turned around and walked out as soon as he finished speaking.

Before Ye Ming could take a few more steps, Zhang Hongzhi finally reacted and dashed outside to stop him. He said hesitantly, “You, you’ve heard everything?”

Ye Ming didn’t even look at him. He turned around and walked away. 

Zhang Hongzhi tried to stop him again and said anxiously, “Wait.”

Ye Ming glared at him. His eyes were fierce but fragile at the same time. His eyes were wet with tears and he was like an anxious rabbit, forcing itself to extend its claws desperately as he said in a hoarse voice, “Go away.”

Seeing Ye Ming reacting in such a manner, Zhang Hongzhi could finally confirm that he had heard everything. His face turned pale and he really wanted to give himself a few slaps across the face! It was all because he had gotten too familiar with Ye Ming and he had let his guard down that he made such a careless mistake.

“It’s not what you think, listen to me—” Zhang Hongzhi was growing more anxious. 

Ye Ming smiled suddenly. “There’s no need for that. I’ve heard it clearly. There’s no need for you to repeat it again. Also, when I called you yesterday, I was in front of the office. What I didn’t expect was that you were there to meet my uncle.”

I never expected that you were actually judging me like this.

Itjcu Lbcuhtl’r fzqgfrrlbc mtjcufv mbwqifafis. Lf tjv jikjsr yffc ubbv klat kbgvr, yea ja atlr wbwfca, tf kjr rqffmtifrr. Lf abbx j ibcu alwf ab eaafg j rfcafcmf lc jc jaafwqa ab gfvffw Oe Wlekfc. “Ugfrlvfca Oe mbcajmafv wf sfrafgvjs lc bgvfg ab ecvfgrajcv sbeg rlaejalbc bea bo mbcmfgc. P kjr jogjlv atja sbe wluta bnfgatlcx rb P ilfv ab sbe. Lf jmaejiis mjgfr j iba jybea sbe. Gbc’a yijwf tlw…jr obg ktja kf rjlv pera cbk, vbc’a ajxf la qfgrbcjiis. Ktja yecmt bo yjrajgvr tjr jikjsr yffc ilxf atlr, vbc’a ajxf atflg kbgvr rfglberis…”

Ye Ming stared at him and put on a sad smile. “Really? I got it.” 

Zhang Hongzhi’s heart kept sinking. His hands were trembling slightly out of fear…of course, he was not afraid of Ye Ming. It was Lu Xiuwen whom he was afraid of.

He had totally messed things up. With Lu Xiuwen’s character, would he forgive him? Zhang Hongzhi didn’t dare to have such extravagant hopes, nor did he dare to pay the consequences.

Ye Ming pronounced each word clearly, “Please step away. I want to go home. Otherwise, I’ll tell Uncle that all of you were talking behind my back.”

Zhang Hongzhi took a step back in fright and let out an embarrassed smile, “Young Master Gu, can you please…not tell President Lu about all this…I beg you.” 

Ye Ming felt his heart go cold and he was utterly disappointed. He turned around and left. This time, Zhang Hongzhi didn’t dare to stop him.

He went straight into the car when he arrived downstairs. When the driver saw Ye Ming in such a state, he frowned and asked anxiously, “Young Master Gu, what happened to you?”

Ye Ming rubbed his face with his sleeve and said, “Nothing. Let’s go home.”

The driver dared not ask more and carefully drove Ye Ming home. He immediately called Lu Xiuwen to inform him about the strange situation. Sure enough, Lu Xiuwen quickly hurried home. 

Ye Ming knew that Lu Xiuwen would be home very soon. After all, everyone around him was an accomplice of Lu Xiuwen’s. He had planted all of these people.

First of all, Lu Xiuwen exposed his identity to his school and alienated him from his original friends so that Zhang Hongzhi could approach him, guide him, and control him…He planted his accomplices all around him, spying on his every move.

That’s right, that drunk incident at the bar. It turned out that he had set it up…

Ye Ming was the only one who was acting like a fool, being deceived and yet still feeling grateful. 

Ye Ming watched as Lu Xiuwen rushed in. This tall and handsome man made him so sad that he almost couldn’t breathe anymore.

When Lu Xiuwen saw Ye Ming’s eyes, his expression immediately became solemn. He sensed something wrong with Ye Ming’s expression.

He slowly walked over and with a gentle expression. He asked, “Weren’t you going out for dinner with Zhang Hongzhi tonight? Did he upset you?”

Ye Ming stared at Lu Xiuwen’s gentle and tolerant expression. Whenever he felt helpless and sad, Lu Xiuwen always comforted him like this and gave him support, making him feel that he was not alone and helpless. But now…he only felt cold all over. That gentle smile had turned hideous, and Lu Xiuwen was terrifying, like a cold-blooded beast wearing a mask. 

He couldn’t see his true face clearly.

What he had thought was true was all fake.

Ye Ming’s chest heaved and his lips parted slightly. This was the first time he said something that was laden with sarcasm. “If he has upset me, you can replace him with a new friend who can make me happy, right? Anyway, friends are easily replaceable when you no longer like them anymore.”

The smile on Lu Xiuwen’s face immediately vanished. 

He’d already realized that something was wrong the moment he saw Ye Ming just now. And what Ye Ming said confirmed this. Something must have happened today. But Lu Xiuwen was uncertain how much Ye Ming had found out.

Lu Xiuwen paused and probed gently, “It seems like you don’t like him anymore.”

Ye Ming stared at him coldly and said, “Zhang Hongzhi lied to me yesterday. He said that he was heading home. But in fact, he was meeting you. I saw it with my own eyes.”

When Lu Xiuwen heard this, his expression became even more solemn. But in fact, he secretly let out a sigh of relief. If Ye Ming had merely found out about this, it was not hard to deceive him. 

He was quiet for a while. He said apologetically, “I’m sorry. I actually wanted to understand your situation from him. I never expected that he would lie to you.”

When Ye Ming heard Lu Xiuwen’s answer, the last sliver of hope in his heart disappeared.

He was unwilling to believe those people’s malicious words, unwilling to believe that Lu Xiuwen was such a person, playing such tricks on him. But up to this point, Lu Xiuwen was still trying to deceive him…

Similar to Zhang Hongzhi, he just briefly used the pretense of ‘care’ to cover up what he had done. 

Did Ye Ming’s life, his friends…not even matter to him?

The sadness in Ye Ming’s heart was about to overflow. But what saddened him the most was…when he thought about it carefully, hadn’t Lu Xiuwen always been like this?

When Ye Ming was upset over his identity being exposed, he was there to comfort him. When Ye Ming was feeling down over his friends distancing themselves from him, he seemed to be caring for him sincerely. When Ye Ming was…drunk and bullied by others, he still appeared beside him, caring for him.

He had always been caring for him…but hidden underneath was a cold scheme that couldn’t see the light. 

The care that he had trusted with all his heart had slowly changed into something he no longer recognized. None of the words spoken by this person were real.

He had been lying to him all along. If it weren’t for him, he would not have lost his friends and wouldn’t be alienated or harassed by anyone…He would hurt and lie to you first, then he would appear with a caring facade so that you would fall in love with him.

In this world, how come such a despicable liar existed?

Moreover, could one believe in the love that came out of the mouth of such a person? What sort of love was supposed to be like this? This simply was not love, this was possession. 

Lu Xiuwen’s deception was a hundred times more painful than the ridicule and mocking words from Zhang Hongzhi and the others. Because this was the person that he trusted wholeheartedly, the person that he trusted would never hurt or deceive him. But it turned out that this was the person who deceived him the most.

Even all of this was a plot that he had set up, a scheme. Watching him act like a fool, a prey, obediently entering his trap.

Lu Xiuwen had always thought that everything was under control. But at this moment, as he stared at Ye Ming’s increasingly cold, sad, and distant eyes, he finally had a feeling that things were gradually spiraling out of control…It was the same as the previous life; things suddenly slipped beyond his control when he didn’t expect it.

He reached out his hand to hug Ye Ming, drawing him into his arms. He gazed deeply at him. “Xiao Ran, what else have you heard?” 

Ye Ming struggled to open his mouth while he stared at him coldly. “Whatever needs to be heard has been heard.”

Lu Xiuwen stiffened. His heart sank slowly. After a long while, he said, “Are you willing to hear it from me personally? I’ll tell you everything that you want to know.”

However, Ye Ming suddenly broke free from Lu Xiuwen’s embrace. He stared at him with furious, disappointed, and pained eyes. He said in a hysterical voice, “I’ve told you, I know everything! You’re a liar!”


Lu Xiuwen’s face turned slightly pale and he looked at his empty arms. This was the first time that Ye Ming had refused him like this.

Ye Ming stared at Lu Xiuwen and couldn’t hold back his tears. Everything was a lie, everything was a lie. The person that he was so in love with was a lie…this home…the place that he really loved was now like an exquisite cage that this man had built for him.

This wasn’t what he wanted. And this wasn’t the love that he had in mind.

This was a scam that was carefully planned. 

Lu Xiuwen’s eyes became darker and he clenched his fists. He had not expected that Ye Ming would find out about this now. He didn’t even expect that his reaction would be so intense or that he would be in such a rage…He thought that he had time to let Ye Ming slowly rely on him more, until he couldn’t do without him.

“Xiao Ran, listen to me.” Lu Xiuwen struggled to speak in a gentle voice. He reached out to grab Ye Ming’s hand.

As Ye Ming stared at Lu Xiuwen’s hand, he was thinking that this person wanted to do what he’d previously done once again. He wanted to deceive and control him, right? He used to trust and rely on him. But now, he only felt that this person was scary and unfamiliar. Pain and rage invaded his chest.

Ye Ming suddenly pushed off Lu Xiuwen’s hand! He spun around and walked out! 

He wanted to get away from this place!