Ye Ming slapped Lu Xiuwen’s hand away and dashed outside with his reddened eyes!

Lu Xiuwen lowered his head and stared at his hand in a daze. That slap was more like a blow to his heart and it was really painful. 

He pursed his lips tightly and chased after Ye Ming. It only took him a few strides to catch up with Ye Ming. He hugged Ye Ming from behind and gently said, “Xiao Ran, calm down. Tell me what exactly you heard, okay?”

Ye Ming was pulled into Lu Xiuwen’s arms. He leaned against his firm and warm chest, listening to his gentle and deep voice. However, he felt even more upset and aggrieved. Big droplets of tears came flowing down and he couldn’t stop them. He clenched his teeth and trembled as he said, “Let me go!”

How could Lu Xiuwen let him go? He knew that he must calm Ye Ming down now and not let his imagination run wild. He patiently said, “I know that some of the things that I’ve done were wrong and I shouldn’t have hidden them from you. But I loved you and I won’t hurt you.”

Love? Your love was to control my everything and interfere with my life without my consent, forcing me into this sort of relationship with you…and even letting someone get me drunk so that you could get me in bed? You are my uncle…the one that I trusted the most, but you behaved immorally. This is your love? 

This is what you mean when you claim you won’t hurt me?

Ye Ming eyes were bloodshot as if he had a brain hemorrhage. Suddenly, he lowered his head and bit Lu Xiuwen’s arm. He struggled with all his might and frantically screamed, “Let go of me! Let go of me!”

Ye Ming really bit him hard. Lu Xiuwen felt a sharp pain in his arm, but it was nothing compared to the pain in his heart. No matter how sad Ye Ming was before, he was able to comfort him because he knew that he was special to Ye Ming. But now…his words could no longer comfort this person.

It made him even more upset and pained instead.

Because he didn’t trust him anymore.

Lu Xiuwen felt Ye Ming was struggling harder and he was worried that Ye Ming would injure himself. Finally, his eyes darkened and he loosened his hold on him.

Ye Ming never looked back. As soon as he freed himself from his hold, he dashed outside without hesitating!

Lu Xiuwen watched as Ye Ming left. His expression was heavy and he did not even care about the injury on his hand as he followed him out. 

Ye Ming was still in a fit of anger. Before he could fully understand what happened, he shouldn’t be forceful. It was a good idea to let Ye Ming calm down by himself. But Lu Xiuwen was worried about Ye Ming leaving in such a condition. Fortunately, he still wore the necklace, so Lu Xiuwen followed Ye Ming’s trail from afar.

Ye Ming dashed outside the house, stumbling. This road was long and there was nobody around. It was quiet and deserted.

As he was walking alone down the road, he suddenly recalled that not long ago, on the day that Lu Xiuwen confessed his feelings to him, he had also dashed out due to fear and panic.

At the time, he had not expected that Lu Xiuwen had those sorts of feelings for him. He couldn’t accept such a change in their relationship and attempted to escape. But the moment he left the Lu residence, he realized that after he left Lu Xiuwen, he had nowhere to run to…his love and reliance on that person had eventually brought him back to that house. 

Lu Xiuwen’s kindness toward him made him open his heart little by little. He mustered the courage to love that person, even if it meant going against the world. He wanted to be with him…He thought that the love between them was strong and sincere. He thought that they could face all sorts of challenges.

But only now did he realize that Lu Xiuwen was never as sincere as he appeared to be.

He was the only one who had really loved with all his heart.

Ktlr gbjv kjr fcvifrr. Lf tjv kjixfv obg j ibcu alwf yea ralii tjvc’a gfjmtfv atf fcv bo atf gbjv. Tf Zlcu ofia tega, mbiv, rjv. Ktf kfjx rlvf bo tlw xfqa afwqalcu tlw ab rabq yflcu raeyybgc jcv ub yjmx…ab mbcalcef ab yf atf obbi atja kjr vfmflnfv. Lf kbc’a vlf ogbw la, jcskjs, jcv Oe Wlekfc kbeiv qgfafcv ab ibnf tlw. 

But no. He couldn’t go back. This time, there was no way he was going back.

The little self-esteem he had left didn’t allow him to continue to be an innocent fool that others could mess with.

Ye Ming walked until his legs were shaking. He walked and stopped, walked and stopped. Finally, he got out from there. He stood at the traffic light, staring at his surroundings blankly. In the end, he got into a car and went to school. In this big world, beside Lu Xiuwen’s house, he had nowhere else to go. Everything was so unfamiliar…

Eventually…he went back to the dormitory. 

Ye Ming had left in a hurry. Besides a little pocket money, he had nothing else on him. Because he had moved out earlier on and did not have the dormitory’s key with him, he stood in front of the door in a daze. In the end, he couldn’t stand any longer, so he sat down and leaned against the wall.

Not long after, class ended and people started to come upstairs. They were shocked when they saw the confused Ye Ming sitting on the ground. One of the classmates went over and asked kindly, “What happened, Gu Ran? Do you want to go into our dorm to rest for a while?”

Ye Ming huddled into himself and buried his head in his arms without replying.

When he didn’t get a response, the classmate who made the offer left, embarrassed. But seeing Ye Ming in such a state, he wondered, could it be that something had happened to him? Wasn’t he the young master of the Lu family? What could have troubled him? Why was he in such a pitiful state? 

After a long while, Hu Lei, Zhao Xing, and Wei Weicai were back. When they saw Ye Ming at the door, they were really shocked. “Why are you back?”

Ye Ming hadn’t lived in the dorm for a long time now, and he had not contacted them. Hu Lei was really surprised to see Ye Ming.

Actually, Hu Lei was not really bothered by Ye Ming’s identity. However, the people beside Ye Ming always made him feel uncomfortable, as if they were not from the same world. This made him feel unhappy and uneasy…And because of that, Hu Lei gradually drifted apart from Ye Ming. When he saw him here looking pitiful, he felt his heart go soft. This rough guy was not so petty.

“Hello? What happened to you? Why aren’t you talking?” Hu Lei patted Ye Ming’s shoulder and smiled as he said, “Is it the end of the world?” 

Ye Ming heard Hu Lei’s voice and after a long while, he lifted his head in a daze. His face was tearstained and his black eyes were filled with helplessness. He was like a small animal that had been abandoned. Hu Lei was stunned. The smile on his face froze.

He sensed that something bad must have happened…Although Ye Ming didn’t do well after he got rich, as his loving classmate, he couldn’t leave him alone. So, he pulled Ye Ming up and pushed him into the dorm.

Zhao Xing and Wei Weicai stared at each other and went to pour Ye Ming a glass of water without saying anything. They looked at him in concern.

Ye Ming noticed his classmates’ concerned gazes. Even though he had not contacted them for so long, they were willing to offer him shelter and help. At this moment, any sort of warm gesture would cause him to lose control of his fragile side. Tears came rolling down again. 

Hu Lei was really speechless. Why hadn’t he realized that Ye Ming was a cry baby before? Although Ye Ming always seemed to be gentle and quiet, he’d never cried before! They were all men, what was there to cry about?

He scratched his head and said, “What happened to you…sigh, forget it. It’s okay if you don’t want to talk about it.”

Ye Ming held the glass of water in his hands and kept quiet for a long time. He lowered his head and croaked, “I…I wanted to come back and stay. Can I…”

Hu Lei was dumbfounded. “I don’t see why not. You haven’t relinquished your bedspace. It’s been there all this while, see—” The moment he turned his head around and looked at the upper bunk next to him, he suddenly felt embarrassed. 

Being in a mixed male dorm and with Ye Ming having been away for a long time, his bed had already been upgraded to a garbage heap from all their dirty clothes and stinky socks.

Hu Lei made a signal. Zhao Xing and Wei Weicai immediately removed all the dirty piles and stuffed them in the bathroom.

Zhao Xing glanced at the empty bed. He fetched the beddings and helped Ye Ming fit it. Of course it wasn’t the best, considering it was set up on such a short notice. He let out a forced laugh. “This is all we can do for now. Young Master Gu will have to make do…”

Ye Ming was overcome by sadness and burst into tears again. 

Zhao Xing, “…” Was it because of something he said just now? Why was he crying again?

Ye Ming raised his hand to wipe away his tears. After a long time, he took a deep breath and managed to stop his tears. However, his voice was still unsteady. He said, “Thank you.”

Really, thank you…

Thank you for still being willing to take me in. 

Seeing that Ye Ming finally stopped crying, the three lords let out a sigh of relief. They thought for a while and figured that Ye Ming wouldn’t want to go out. So they went out for dinner together and decided to bring some food back for Ye Ming.

Ye Ming saw that they had left, and he climbed on the bed, sitting there and staring blankly.

[Ye Ming: You see who your true friends are when you go through difficulties. These few brothers of mine are wonderful. I like them.]

[888: You never showed that you liked them before and you had never treated them as good friends. Didn’t you say that it’s okay that you drifted apart, and you only think about them when you need to use them?] 

[Ye Ming:…]

Would his system die if he gave a bit of support just for a day?

In fact, Lu Xiuwen had never gone far. He watched as Ye Ming went into the dorm. He stayed there for a long time before leaving.

When he got in the car, Lu Xiuwen’s expression turned completely gloomy. The line of his jaw was cold and stiff. He tapped his finger lightly on his knee and his cold voice was filled with anger. “Where’s Zhang Hongzhi?” 

The bodyguard answered respectfully, “He’s waiting for you at the office.”

Lu Xiuwen pursed his thin lips slightly,  eyes dark. “I’ll meet with him now.”

Zhang Hongzhi was scared out of his mind when he was suddenly brought to the office by Lu Xiuwen’s men. He sat inside the conference room with his hands clasped together. The longer he waited, the more fearful he became.

How did it turn out this way… 

Everything had been going smoothly and he got what he wanted. But suddenly, everything fell apart.

Zhang Hongzhi waited for a long time. Lu Xiuwen finally came over at nighttime.

Zhang Hongzhi lowered his head and found that Lu Xiuwen’s arm was still stained with blood. It looked as though he had been bitten. Lu Xuiwen probably hadn’t rested, as he hadn’t changed his clothing…Zhang Hongzhi’s mouth went dry. He stared at Lu Xiuwen’s dark eyes and sensed that he was screwed. 

Ye Ming was almost done resting in the dorm when Hu Lei and the rest came back with the takeaway dinner. Because they had previously lived together for a long time, they knew Ye Ming’s tastes and had ordered the food that they used to eat.

Although the food from the cafeteria was simple and the take-away food was slightly cold and not outstanding, Ye Ming held the food in his hands and ate quietly. He felt very touched.

It was so good to have such friends during his most helpless time.

At night, Ye Ming slept alone on the narrow bed. The rest of his classmates were still up, playing games below his bunk with earbuds in. 

This bed was very narrow and hard. The quilt was not soft nor warm. The warmth of that man’s body was missing and there was no one there to hug and kiss him, for him to rely on…he was all alone.

He turned over, the pendant of the necklace he wore around his neck exposed. That beautiful, precious sky blue gem was like an ocean’s teardrop. Ye Ming stared at it in a daze. Tears came streaming down uncontrollably.

He was thinking about him.

After leaving that man, he realized how much he loved and cared about him. And because of that, his deceit caused him so much pain. 

It was as if his heart had turned hollow with nothing left.

To him, Lu Xiuwen was no longer just a guardian that he respected but someone who he loved with all his heart. He was his entire world. But this world had collapsed and instantly left him utterly defeated.

Hu Lei and the others played games until midnight. Once they quietly slipped back into the bed that night, they realized that Ye Ming was not asleep. They thought that he had fallen asleep long ago. He let out a sigh in his heart when he saw Ye Ming like this…

Because Ye Ming wouldn’t talk about it, these classmates came up with a lot of tragic scenarios. They heard that Ye Ming was not Lu Xiuwen’s son and they had no blood connection. He was merely the son of Lu Xiuwen’s foster sister. He brought him to the Lu family to raise him because he pitied him. In fact, he had nothing to do with the Lu family. 

With such a relationship, it was good if he was willing to treat him well, but if he was unwilling to…it all probably came down to one word only.

During this period of time, at school, besides those who admired and wanted to curry favor with Ye Ming, there were also those who felt sour and hated him, saying that Ye Ming had everything he wanted now because Lu Xiuwen was still interested in him. He wasn’t a family member of the Lu family. If one day he was swept from the house, how was he going to act like a young master?

Hu Lei secretly thought, What the f*ck? Could it be that those haters were right? Ye Ming was indeed swept out from the house by Lu Xiuwen? This is too cruel. The more Hu Lei thought about it, the more he pitied him. A paternal love suddenly sprouted within him and he decided that he would make breakfast for Ye Ming tomorrow.

When Hu Lei and Zhao Xing woke up in the morning, they noticed that Ye Ming was indeed still lying motionless on the bed. He asked uneasily, “Gu Ran, are you okay?”

Ye Ming remained silent for a long time before replying, “I’m okay.” 

Hu Lei let out a sigh of relief and hesitated before asking, “Are you going to attend Professor Zhang’s class this morning?”

“I’m not going.”

Hu Lei said, “I’ll help you out with the attendance. What do you want to eat today? I’ll grab it for you.”

Ye Ming finally sat upright and lowered his eyes, gazing at Hu Lei with a complex expression. 

Hu Lei felt his scalp go numb. What was the matter? Right now, Ye Ming was the key person in the dorm that needed to be taken care of. Everyone was extremely nervous.

Ye Ming stared at him for a long time and in the end, he only said, “Thank you.”

Hu Lei let out a sigh. “There’s no need to thank me over something so small. Just wait, we’ll be back shortly to bring you some food.”

And just like that, Ye Ming lived a life of being pampered by his roommates. He never left the dorm and didn’t attend any classes. Hu Lei and the others helped him buy his meals everyday and even washed his dirty laundry. They did that because they pitied poor Ye Ming!

However, because Ye Ming appeared in the dorm in a sorry state the other day, the news spread very quickly. Everyone was saying that Ye Ming was swept out of the Lu family and that they’d just known that the fox that exploited the tiger’s might would not last for long! (T/N: the fox that exploited the tiger’s might refers to someone who used powerful connections to intimidate people)

All sorts of rumours came out. A lot of people who envied him seized the opportunity to destroy him. Although there were those who sympathized with him, there were only a handful of them.

Ye Ming had once again become the talk of the school. But the topic this time was about him being the abandoned child of the wealthy family; a phoenix with its feather removed was comparable to a chicken.

Hu Lei and Zhao Xing were still alright, but Wei Weicai’s attitude toward Ye Ming gradually turned into disdain. Previously when he learned that Ye Ming was a young master from a rich family, he was really jealous. After that, he did try to curry favor with Ye Ming but Ye Ming completely ignored him. 

He pretended to be concerned about Ye Ming because of Ye Ming’s identity. But if Ye Ming was really kicked out of the Lu Family, there was no reason for him to curry favor with him.

If he knew that this day would come, why did he act all arrogant? Hadn’t he been kicked out in the blink of an eye? Wei Weicai looked at Ye Ming’s pitiful appearance and felt a little superior.

Ye Ming was aware of what Wei Weicai thought of him. After this blow, his observations toward others were sharper than before and he could vaguely sense others’ evil intentions toward him. He no longer foolishly thought that everyone in this world was a good person. Furthermore…Wei Weicai’s behaviour just now was very obvious.

From this incident, he was able to see the various faces of others. 

It looked like previously, he was the only one who foolishly thought that everyone was good and genuine. But in fact, that was not the case. Most people acted differently behind one’s back. They were waiting for him to make a fool out of himself. And once the opportunity arrived, they would show their true colors.

So wasn’t it normal for Zhang Hongzhi and the others to comment about him like that? He shouldn’t blame anyone because it was he who was acting foolish.

In this world, how many people were trustworthy? Who could be certain that the person that they had trusted with all their heart would not suddenly change their tune one day and glance at them sinisterly?

Who could he trust… 

Today, Hu Lei bought dinner for Ye Ming after class as usual. He said, “Gu Ran, wake up, dinner is here.”

Ye Ming climbed down slowly and ate dinner in silence.

Zhao Xing laughed and said, “Eat more, you look like you’ve gotten thinner. Even a gust of wind can sweep you away!”

Qfl Qflmjl rja yfrlvf atfw klat tlr ifu bc atf mtjlg. Lf uijcmfv ja atfw jcv revvfcis rjlv, “Vqfjxlcu bo ktlmt, ybat bo sbe tjnf yffc yeslcu tlw obbv jii atlr alwf, gluta? Lf cfnfg qjsr obg la. Tbe uesr jgfc’a glmt, atfgf’r cb cffv ab jma ufcfgberis lc ogbca bo atf glmt sbecu wjrafg.” 

Hu Lei’s face turned unpleasant when he heard him. He had long felt that Wei Weicai was strange and uncomfortable to be around. But it was too much to say such a thing in front of Ye Ming! Couldn’t he see that Ye Ming hadn’t walked out from the shadows yet?

He said coldly, “A meal only costs a few dollars. It won’t make me broke. There’s no need for you to worry about this.”

Wei Weicai let out a mischievous laugh, “It costs a few dollars each time. But as days go by, a few dollars can really add up.”

Hu Lei said, “Bro, I am not short of small change like this.” 

Wei Weicai smiled. “I can tell. I see that Gu Ran was also eating at ease. Perhaps it wasn’t because he didn’t want to pay…it was simply because he didn’t have any money.”

Ye Ming put down the chopsticks and his eyes became dull.

It wasn’t because he was penniless. He had a lot of money. But it was Lu Xiuwen’s money and the card was at home…He absolutely wouldn’t use Lu Xiuwen’s money anymore.

So…Wei Weicai was right. He was indeed penniless. And prior to this, he was so focused on his sadness that he had never thought about this issue. 

Zhao Xing also felt that Wei Weicai had gone too far. He stared at him coldly and said, “This has nothing to do with you, what are you nagging about? Do you have a problem?”

Wei Weicai saw that his two roommates were not on his side and chose to protect the poor creature who was kicked out of the house instead. Upset, he stood up and said, “Why? Do you think that by doing this you are actually helping him? Why don’t you take a look at your own status? You weren’t even worthy of carrying his shoes around in the past. Now you’re trying to show the spirit of friendship? But too bad that he’s now unable to repay you because he was kicked out from the Lu family and can’t even take care of himself.”

A lot of people made such statements behind his back, but this was the first time someone dared to say it out loud in front of Ye Ming.

Ye Ming’s face went pale and he was on the verge of collapsing. 

Hu Lei scowled. He clenched his fists, preparing to have a fight with Wei Weicai. Wei Weicai was unwilling to back off because he had long thought that Ye Ming was an eyesore. Why was he still acting like a young master, waiting to be served by others, at a time like this?

It seemed as though both of them were about to start fighting. Suddenly, someone knocked on the door and the voice of the class teacher was heard coming from outside. “Open the door.”

The voice instantly extinguished their anger.

Zhao Xing was the nearest one to the door. He hurriedly walked over and opened it. A few people were standing outside the door, and he was shocked. Besides Teacher Wang who’d called out to them just now, there was also the principal and an anonymous man with a calm manner. 

The man was dressed in a suit. He looked stern and had an extraordinary aura. He could make others feel reverent just by standing there.

The principal was accompanying that man in a friendly manner. The principal and Teacher Wang stood beside the man. It seemed that they were here because of that man.

Who’s that man? Zhao Xing thought.

Lu Xiuwen had been paying attention to Ye Ming’s news everyday. He wished he could be by his side…But after he learned about everything from Zhang Hongzhi, he knew that Ye Ming must really hate him now. He knew that his presence would make him angrier, so he resisted his urge to come over to see Ye Ming and let him be alone for a while. 

But Lu Xiuwen could not tolerate the gossip around the school. He couldn’t tolerate those people slandering Ye Ming, and he was worried about him locking himself in the dorm, not attending classes nor going out. As he was worried about him, he really couldn’t wait any longer so he finally went to school to look for Ye Ming.

He felt that it was about the right time and he simply couldn’t bear to see Ye Ming outside, facing all this alone.

Lu Xiuwen stared at Zhao Xing and gave him a gentle smile. His voice was deep and hoarse, “I am Gu Ran’s uncle. I came to see him.”

Zhao Xing stared at him blankly and stepped aside. “Oh, okay.” 

The moment he stepped aside, something suddenly struck him, and he almost screamed. My goodness, that’s Ye Ming’s uncle! Besides Lu Xiuwen, who else would be escorted by the school’s principal with such respect? He is really Lu Xiuwen!

God! He came to the school. What’s going on?

Because of the commotion, students from the other dorm rooms opened their doors and craned their necks to watch the gossip in silence.

Hu Lei and Wei Weicai were dumbfounded. At this moment, they didn’t care about their personal grudges… 

Lu Xiuwen slowly walked up to Ye Ming and gazed at his haggard appearance. His heart ached and he clenched his hands slightly to restrain his urge to hug him. He lowered his hand and said gently, “I’m sorry, will you come home with me? I am really worried about you.”

He missed him every minute and every second of the day. He knew that there was no way he could let go of him but he had to force himself to stay cool.

Ye Ming has been sitting there motionless, expressionless…Over these past few days, there wasn’t a single moment that he did not think about this person. He wondered why didn’t he come to find him, why didn’t he come over to explain himself. Was his love really that cheap? Didn’t he want him anymore?…But when this person really showed up, he felt really angry and hurt. He didn’t want to see him again and didn’t want to face his weak side.

Ye Ming gripped his knee so tight that he was trembling. He lifted his head and said very clearly, “That is not my home.” 

Listening to those words, painful emotions once again surfaced in Lu Xiuwen’s heart. Painful emotions swept past his eyes. But he understood how angry and upset Ye Ming was now…This was all his fault. The method he used was wrong. He should have been more patient.

Lu Xiuwen kept quiet for a moment before saying, “It’s alright if you can’t forgive me now. I’ll wait for you to come home. That place will always be your home.”

Ye Ming studied Lu Xiuwen, who looked ready to accept and tolerate him no matter what his response was. It seemed as if nothing in this world could bring any changes to his expression…Suddenly, he grit his teeth loudly and shouted, “Get out!”

Actually, you don’t even care, right? Even if things are already like this, you are still keeping your cool. I am the only one who’s upset and in pain…I’ve already had enough of your fake face! 

Lu Xiuwen saw that Ye Ming was getting more upset. He quickly lowered his voice and smiled bitterly. “I’m going away now. Don’t be angry anymore, okay?”

And then he really turned around and walked out.

The principal and Teacher Wang watched this scene awkwardly and thought that this child had a really hot temper for not giving any face to President Lu. They stood there not knowing if they should stay or leave.

Lu Xiuwen could tell that they were embarrassed. He said slowly, “I’m sorry for causing you trouble. You can leave first, I can wait here.” 

The principal had already escorted him here and knew that it was inappropriate to stay., so he left with Teacher Wang.

But Lu Xiuwen had no intention of leaving. He stood outside the dorm; it seemed like he intended to wait here!

The students who were watching opened their eyes wide in astonishment. How did it come to this? They couldn’t understand it! This was getting stranger and stranger…Didn’t Lu Xiuwen kick Ye Ming out? How come it was Lu Xiuwen coming here to beg for him to go home?

As time passed, the curiosity of human beings finally won over everything. One of the dorms discussed it and sent a guy over to offer a conventional greeting. 

The guy said politely, “Hi President Lu, I am Gu Ran’s classmate. May I ask what is going on?”

Lu Xiuwen did not look impatient. His eyes were deep and his voice was low, “It’s nothing. It’s just that I’ve done something wrong and upset Gu Ran, so he ran away from home.”

“Oh…I see…”

He didn’t dare to ask more and ran back in a hurry. A lot of people heard Lu Xiuwen’s words. They all saw him standing in front of Ye Ming’s door, not feeling impatient nor overconfident about his identity. Even if he was treated that way by Ye Ming, he still stood at the door, waiting patiently and humbly. It could be seen that he spoiled Ye Ming to the bone! This obviously didn’t match up with the rumors about Ye Ming being kicked out from the Lu family. It was obvious that Ye Ming was riding roughshod over Lu Xiuwen! He could have been Lu Xiuwen’s ancestor!  . 

They didn’t know what made Ye Ming so furious that it even got Lu Xiuwen to come over to personally apologize. But it was no use. He just left President Lu waiting outside the door.

Wei Weicai was utterly embarrassed after seeing all this. He stood quietly in a corner, not daring to make a noise. Although nobody paid him any attention since just now, treating him like an invisible person, he still felt as if he had been slapped across the face.

Hu Lei was slightly relieved. Although Ye Ming still appeared to be upset, at least he was not kicked out by the Lu family. Moreover, judging by Lu Xiuwen’s attitude, he must really pamper him like the apple of his eyes, so he wouldn’t make him feel wronged.

So what exactly happened? 

His curiosity was about to kill him!

Ye Ming stood still on the other side of the thin door that separated them.

The door blocked his vision but couldn’t block his hearing…so he heard what Lu Xiuwen said just now.

He knew that Lu Xiuwen had been waiting behind the door, not leaving. 

See…all it took was a few words and he was able to win over people’s hearts and turn the situation around. Even Hu Lei also thought that he was a good person…everyone thought that he treated him very well.

Yes, he treated him well. And he had always been so perfect without any flaws. When he wanted to treat a person well, the whole world would feel that he was treating you well.

Even now, it was the same.

But Ye Ming could never forget that when he was good to him, everything that he said might be a lie. Perhaps ruthless schemes were lining up behind his back…Even now, he still controlled everything so easily. 

Hidden beneath his gentle appearance was an extremely cold heart.

He was such a scary person…If he still returned to his side, he would never be able to break away from his control or escape from his palm.

When he finally got tired of him or got bored playing this pampering game, what would become of him?

Not only would he lose his life, but he would also lose his heart too. He really would be left with absolutely nothing…When the time came, would he still have the courage to leave? Perhaps he might cry without dignity, begging this person to have mercy on him… 

This was what he was truly afraid of.

At this moment, Lu Xiuwen’s persistent waiting and gentle words were like knives cutting his heart..Restlessness and fear made him unable to throw himself into this person’s embrace without reservation. Once the lie was exposed, once trust was lost…it was very difficult to set things right.

Why were you so good to me?

Why did you make me feel torn, make me hesitate, make me feel pain, and make me struggle? 

Ye Ming clenched his fists and couldn’t stop trembling. He suddenly opened the door and lifted his head to look at Lu Xiuwen.

Lu Xiuwen saw him and he let out a surprised and delighted expression. His voice was hoarse and deep. “Xiao Ran…”

Ye Ming gazed at him with a determined look. He spit out each word coldly, “Scram. Don’t ever appear in front of me again.”

Lu Xiuwen’s face instantly turned pale.