Yang Qian said to Ye Ming indifferently, “Come here.”

As soon as Ye Ming walked over, Yang Qian grabbed onto the chain and yanked it in front of him. Ye Ming couldn’t help staggering a bit, and almost fell into Yang Qian’s arms, but quickly caught himself. There was some nervousness in his lowered gaze. He didn’t understand what Yang Qian wanted to do.

Yang Qian lowered his head slightly, gazing at Ye Ming’s side profile. His fingers lightly caressed his neck as he took off his collar with a kacha, and he said with a smile, “I’ll give you one opportunity… you’d better prove that you’re useful, otherwise you should just obediently be a slave ba.”

Ye Ming appeared a little nervous. From the start, he hadn’t actually expected Yang Qian to agree. After all, Yang Qian resented him that much for abandoning him back then. But he hadn’t imagined that he would still be willing to give him a chance. 

Yang Qian’s gaze was indifferent. He took a step back, then turned around and strode out.

Ye Ming hesitated for a moment, then immediately followed him out as well.

The team members were all waiting outside. When they saw Yang Qian bring Ye Ming out, they were all somewhat surprised, but, since this was the boss’s decision, it wasn’t good for them to say much. Only, their attitudes toward Ye Ming weren’t too good.

Ye Ming sat in the back of the ATV. Shi Yang tossed a gun to him, then asked in a cold voice, “Do you know how to use it?”

Ye Ming nodded.

Ktfc, cb bcf ybatfgfv klat tlw jcswbgf.

Vlaalcu lc ogbca bo tlw, Tjcu Hljc rilutais cjggbkfv tlr fsfr jr tf ibbxfv lcab atf vlrajcmf. Llr rafgc mbecafcjcmf rffwfv ab kjgc batfgr jujlcra jqqgbjmtlcu tlw.

Ktfs gjc lcab delaf j ofk hbwylfr rmjaafgfv jibcu atf kjs, yea cb bcf abbx atfw rfglberis, jcv vlgfmais vgbnf bnfg atfw. Lbkfnfg, lc atf joafgcbbc, atfs fcmbecafgfv j yla bo agbeyif. Ktf gbjv jtfjv kjr yibmxfv ys rfnfgji ojiifc agffr. 

But, it wasn’t a huge problem for Yang Qian and his team. Shi Yang went straight over, directly picked up the tree trunk that was thicker than a human being, dragged it aside, and cleared the way. It was obvious he was a strength-type ability-user… at this time, a zombie came from the side, and another man in the car directly shot an arrow over, covering Shi Yang while he was clearing the road.

The small town was still a distance away. It was extremely dangerous to travel on the road at night after the apocalypse, so after the sun went down, everyone stopped to rest.

It was apparent it wasn’t the first time these people had gone out together to carry out a mission. Each of them had a high level of tacit understanding with the others. Only Ye Ming was like an outsider, somewhat on tenterhooks as he didn’t know what he was supposed to be doing. Everyone turned a blind eye to him. In the evening, when they divvied up the food, no one paid any attention to him as before.

Ye Ming felt incredibly awkward and embarrassed. Just as he was hesitating incessantly, he saw Yang Qian beckoning him over. 

Yang Qian flung a can in front of Ye Ming, his thin lips raised, “Eat, ba.”

Ye Ming looked at him with a complicated expression.

Yang Qian glanced at Ye Ming, and faintly smiled, “Don’t think too much. Since I said I’d give you an opportunity, then I’ll really give you an opportunity. If you can prove that you have the ability to obtain food, then I don’t mind letting you do some other work. Or do you actually think I’m willing to raise a useless piece of trash like you? After the apocalypse, food became rather valuable. You’re not nearly as valuable.”

Ye Ming’s eyes were dim. He looked at the man in front of him, the image of the Yang Qian in his memories fading away bit by bit… replacing it was this man with a grim countenance who no longer cared about him. 

It was as though the final treasure hidden in the depths of his heart had also changed colors, and was covered in ashes.

Ye Ming bent down to pick up the can, remaining silent.

Yang Qian didn’t pay any more attention to Ye Ming, and shut his eyes to rest since he had already arranged for other people to keep watch that night. Ye Ming looked around a bit, then simply found a spot not far from Yang Qian and lay down.

It’d already been two years since he last left that base. Although he lived a stable life in the base without worrying about food or clothing, the price he needed to pay was his dignity and individuality. 

Perhaps a lot of people had already completely given up on these useless things, but… he didn’t want to.

If someone didn’t want even the most basic self-respect as a human being anymore, then what was the point of staying alive? But he was unable to resist, so he could only bury these attachments deep in his heart, longing for a day when he could regain his freedom. Now was his only chance. He wouldn’t give up.

There were a few incidents that night, but nothing dangerous, only a few zombies that had wandered over by accident. They were all easily dealt with by those keeping watch last night. At sunrise the next day, they continued to advance.

It wasn’t long before they could finally spot the small town from a distance. 

Yang Qian commanded everyone to stop. They looked at the town in the distance with heavy gazes. This small town really had too many zombies in it. Most likely, these zombies had been passing through, but because the road ahead was blocked, had stagnated here. The densely packed zombies were like ants covering the entire area. Even for the ability-users, if they went in, they’d also be overwhelmed.

Yang Qian turned his head, and said, “Zhao Jin, take a few people and draw the zombies away. There are too many, we can’t kill them all.”

Zhao Jin nodded, “No problem.”

Their group got on a truck with a horn, drove to the other end of the road, rammed the vehicles blocking the road aside, then blasted the horn, emitting a blaring noise, instantly attracting the attention of all the zombies. 

The stream of zombies slowly moved along the road in the truck’s direction, and the small town was gradually emptied, only leaving behind a few zombies that were scattered around. They were slow to follow, and couldn’t hear the sounds in front. After walking a few steps, they were confused again and stayed, continuing to occupy the area. For these, they had to personally clear them out.

On Yang Qian’s command, everyone drove into the small town, got off, and began to get rid of the zombies. Then, they checked inside the supermarkets, stores, and warehouses, anywhere there might be food.

Ye Ming also jumped out of the car with a gun in his hands, his grip very tight, and his palms covered in sweat. Although he had killed zombies before, he hadn’t actually done it that many times, and was still far from those fighters who had been through countless battles.

He went into a supermarket to check the shelves. He turned around, just in time to see a female zombie coming at him from the side! That rotting face and those yellowed teeth made his stomach churn. No matter how many times he saw it, he still felt very disgusted. Especially at such a close distance, it really made his scalp tingle. He raised his hand and took a shot, but his marksmanship wasn’t too great, and the recoil numbed his wrist. It took several shots before one finally hit the zombie’s head. The dark blood splattered onto his face, and his nose was filled with a scent that made him gag. 

【Ye Ming: F*ck me, it’s so disgusting ahhhhh, the difference between watching it on TV and seeing it in reality is really huge! It’s really ten thousand times more disgusting ahhh!】

【888: …】

【Ye Ming: My hands are trembling, my legs are quivering, I’m about to pee out of fear!】

【Ye Ming: When it’s actually time to make the kill, it’s absolutely not as easy as it looks, okay?! I’ll never look down on those weak chickens that can’t kill zombies and drop dead in a few seconds on TV ever again! I also want to make headshots, but I keep missing! Once I’m nervous, it’s even harder to make the shot 55555】 

888 really wanted to die. This was absolutely not his host. A protagonist would never be like this. Only cannon fodder acted like this.,

Ye Ming wiped his face off, about ready to leave this place. However, because of the gunshot sound from before, a few more zombies had struggled to crawl out from a corner, and were staggering his way. Ye Ming pulled the trigger and found that there weren’t any bullets left. He immediately drew his dagger, one hand clutching the neck of the zombie in front of him, then stabbed its head!

The sensation of sinking his fingers into rotting flesh almost made Ye Ming throw up on the spot. He used an entire lifetime’s worth of willpower just to prevent his expression from completely collapsing, but the panic was real, so at least he didn’t have to act it out.

Ye Ming finally managed to kill two zombies. Seeing there were more and more, he finally turned around and fled.

But to make matters worse, two more zombies appeared in front of him. Because Ye Ming was nervous, he stumbled over a bucket on the ground, instantly falling to the ground. As the zombies lunged at him right then, he thought, it’s over! Husband, save me, ah! If you don’t come then I’ll really be finished! Don’t just watch the show!  

When the zombie’s saliva was about to drip onto Ye Ming’s face, Ye Ming’s eyes filled with despair. At that moment, the head of that zombie suddenly exploded, like it had been crushed by thin air, and the foul-smelling brain matter splattered all over Ye Ming’s entire face and body. He held his breath, barely managing to avoid swallowing any of it, because that would just be awful!

Ye Ming vigorously wiped his face off, before getting up from the ground while panting. The heads of all the zombies around him had exploded, as though they’d all been killed at the same time.

He turned his head and saw Yang Qian leaning against the wall, watching him lazily, eyes filled with jest.

Ye Ming had long been waiting for Yang Qian to lend a helping hand and save him, but at the moment, his face exposed a surprised and complicated expression, as though he hadn’t imagined Yang Qian would lend him a hand. He paused, then walked over, wanting to thank him, but Yang Qian turned around and left, and seemed to not want to bother paying any attention to him at all.

Ye Ming’s expression dimmed. Then, he followed him out in a hurry.

The fighting was still going on. It really wasn’t the time to talk.

There were still many zombies outside. Several of Yang Qian’s men were ability-users. One of the female ability-users pressed her hands against the ground, and suddenly, a large sheet of ice covered the ground, freezing the zombies’ feet and slowing their movements. The other man with a bow and arrow on his back used one hand to draw the bow, while an arrow pierced through the heads of more than a dozen zombies.

Yang Qian walked over, his hands up in the air as they closed. The heads of countless zombies were crushed by the air. The way they died was the same as those few zombies who had attacked Ye Ming just now. 

There was one who used fire, one who used wind, as well as Shi Yang who had boundless strength. The zombies weren’t even able to bite through his skin, almost like he was a human tank.

An ordinary human like Ye Ming could only hide in the back with a gun and a knife, and kill the sporadic few that had slipped through the net. He watched the group of ability-users, and couldn’t help but reveal an envious look. These powerful human beings were actually the last ray of hope left for humanity by the heavens, ba. They possessed enough strength to protect even more people, enabling human beings to survive through this predicament.

Lbkfnfg, nfgs ofk qfbqif kfgf kliilcu ab tfiq batfgr, jcv j wjpbglas kfgf bcis kliilcu ab qgbafma atfwrfinfr. Yg atfs kfgf ilxf Leb Tl, jcv erfv atflg qbkfg ab ufa jcsatlcu atfs kjcafv, jmalcu ilxf bnfgibgvr joafg atf jqbmjisqrf.

Ktf jqbmjisqrf yfrabkfv eqbc atfw ragfcuat, yea jirb wjvf tewjcxlcv aegc lcvloofgfca, rfiolrt, jcv geatifrr. 

Back then, if either he or Yang Qian could’ve awakened their powers, then they wouldn’t have fallen to such a state. Although right now, he was still weak, Yang Qian had already become very powerful… Ye Ming was really happy for him.

Under the leadership of this powerful group of ability-users, they cleared the place with hardly any casualties, and then began to collect supplies separately.

The good news was that there were plenty of supplies here, and most of them were still there. They even found a few trucks filled with various boxes of food. But, because it was dark again, everyone decided they might as well stay here for a night. When Zhao Jin and the others came back, they would set off together and go back.

With these supplies, they would be able to help support the base for a period of time. 

They found a house, lit up the fireplace, and sat down in the living room to take a break. Yang Qian was sitting alone on an empty sofa. No one else was sitting with him, and it was apparent what his status was among these people.

Ye Ming stood in the corner and hesitated for a long time, giving Yang Qian a complicated look. He originally thought that he’d die, but Yang Qian had actually rescued him, and he couldn’t help but recall the past.

After struggling for a good while, he finally walked over, then whispered, “Thank you for today.”

Yang Qian lifted his gaze and glanced at Ye Ming, a chill in the depths of his eyes. Only, it was concealed deeply, and could hardly be seen. He knew that Ye Ming had only been trying to get away from him, so he’d said that he was going to kill zombies. So you’re this unwilling to stay by my side then?  

Actually, I could’ve directly refused you from the start, but doing it like that is too boring… giving you hope, then letting you despair, I find, is far more interesting. 

No matter how much you resist and struggle, you’re nothing more than a weak ant in the end. It’s completely impossible for you to break free of my control.

Yang Qian stood up from the sofa, and used his thumb to lightly wipe away the blood from Ye Ming’s face. He let out a low laugh, “It was nothing much, only a little bit of effort.”

Listening to Yang Qian’s voice, a touched look finally appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes. Actually, at the time, he’d put forward this request with the idea that he’d probably die in mind. He didn’t want Yang Qian to look down on him, and think that he was someone who only wanted to sell himself. Although, it was probably too late for some things…  but, he still wanted to prove himself a bit. It didn’t matter even if he died. He had no worries or regrets left, after all. 

But, he’d never imagined that when he was in danger, it would still be this person who saved him. He couldn’t help the wild hope at the bottom of his heart that Yang Qian also had a trace of affection from the past left in his heart.

Just when Ye Ming was feeling a bit moved, Yang Qian lowered his head, and slowly said in his ear, “But a piece of trash like you, as expected, is of no use at all.”

Ye Ming’s face stiffened. That cold voice froze the sliver of hope in his heart into ice, and he returned to reality all at once.

Yang Qian’s voice said teasingly, “Only by selling your body, will you have a tiny bit of value left.” 

Ye Ming looked at Yang Qian’s emotionless, cold eyes. When he thought of being put back in chains and trapped in a small room, he bit his lips and staunchly said, “I can kill zombies!”

Yang Qian said indifferently, “Can you? You have to know… I don’t have the time to specially watch over you and protect you. Today, if it wasn’t for me, you’d be dead.” Actually, he’d been deliberately following behind Ye Ming at the time. He hated how he actually still couldn’t let go of this man. He was afraid that he’d die, afraid that he’d be in danger.

Ye Ming’s face flushed, and he seemed to be ashamed. But, he was silent for a long time before saying, “I don’t need you to protect me. I can do it myself!”

Yang Qian’s gaze thoroughly chilled. 

Originally he’d only had the intention to ridicule him, but now he was incomparably angry. Do you even know what you just said? You don’t want me to bother with you? A weak human like you can easily be killed by zombies. Without my protection, you wouldn’t have even lived until now!

Or are you saying that even if you die, you still want to get away from me? Such backbone ah… then two years ago, why didn’t you have the backbone to refuse Huo Yi back then? You like putting on airs in front of me this much?

At this moment, the hatred in the depths of Yang Qian’s heart began to boil again. His expression, on the contrary, became even calmer, and his eyes were dark.

He looked at Ye Ming, and slowly said, “I think there’s something you don’t understand.” 

Ye Ming couldn’t help but take a step back, then raised his head and looked at Yang Qian.

Yang Qian looked steadily at him, the scar on his cheek making his cold face seem even more cruel. He let out a low, sarcastic laugh, “I’m just telling you the answer. I’m not asking for your opinion.”

“The rules of this world are established by the strong. If I say that you’re only fit to be a slave, then you can only be a slave.” Yang Qian took a step forward, forcing Ye Ming back with nowhere to retreat. He pinched his chin, the corners of his lips raised, his eyes dangerous, “Or is it that you prefer being Huo Yi’s slave, and when it’s me… then you can’t stand it?”

“Turns out someone like you actually still has a sense of shame, ma? I’m really quite surprised.” Yang Qian’s eyebrows were slightly raised, his deep voice carrying laughter. 

Ye Ming’s lips paled with indignation. He said, “No—” just as he’d opened his mouth, his world spun, and he was pressed down onto the sofa by Yang Qian.

Yang Qian raised his right hand and motioned a bit, then his men immediately withdrew.

Then he lowered his head, his gloomy and unfeeling gaze falling onto Ye Ming’s face. He clutched his neck with one hand, and tore his clothes off with the other.

Ye Ming looked up at Yang Qian’s face that was close within reach. Back when the world had yet to become this cruel, they’d already been together. Later, the arrival of the apocalypse also couldn’t separate them. He’d loved this person so profoundly. He used to believe that their love would continue on forever… no matter the difficulties, they wouldn’t be able to separate them. 

But in the end, it had still been shattered by merciless reality.

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with pain and helplessness. He could only incessantly repeat, “It’s not, it’s not…”

It’s not like that.

Because I love you, I don’t want you to think of me as a lowly person without any dignity.   

But you don’t trust me anymore.

And you don’t love me anymore.