Ye Ming opened his eyes, disoriented. He suddenly realized that, from the very start, Yang Qian may have never intended to give him his freedom.

He hated him this much, so how could he possibly let him off so easily?

So, this so-called opportunity was nothing more than a ruse for the sake of letting him have a taste of despair, letting him know that he’d never be able to escape from the palm of his hands. Yang Qian blamed him for choosing Huo Yi back then, so once he had the ability to return, he used these kinds of methods to torment him, wanting to make him regret his decision.

The depths of Ye Ming’s heart was ice-cold… but, if he hadn’t done that back then, and resisted with his supposed backbone, the ones who would’ve died would’ve been the two of them. Was it wrong to sacrifice himself in exchange for giving the other a chance, then? 

But now he was thinking, maybe he was wrong…

In this hellish world after the apocalypse, if all of the persistence and hope inside of him were gone, then what was the point of being alive?

If holding on to hope was this painful, and he could only thoroughly sink into depravity, and either transform into a demon, or be reduced to an ant without the slightest dignity, then what was the point of being alive?

Yang Qian pinched Ye Ming’s chin, forcing him to turn his head, and softly chuckled, “You don’t look happy at all. Do you not like me treating you like this? Or are you just used to it being someone else?”

There was a faint smell of blood coming from between his lips. Ye Ming shut his eyes, and said in a hoarse voice, “Whatever you think, ba.” No matter what I say, you won’t believe it anyway.

Tjcu Hljc’r fzqgfrrlbc mbcvfcrfv, jcv revvfcis, tf gjlrfv tlr tjcv jcv jygeqais rijqqfv Tf Zlcu jmgbrr atf ojmf!

Ktlr rijq rfca Tf Zlcu yjmx bcab atf rboj, tlr ojmf yegclcu klat rfnfgf qjlc. Ktlr rijq kjr ogbw atf qfgrbc tf ibnfv atf wbra.

Lf kbeiv cfnfg obgufa tbk wemt atlr qfgrbc tjv bcmf ibnfv tlw. Rb wjaafg tbk vjcufgber atf rlaejalbc uba, tf kbeiv jikjsr vfrqfgjafis oluta ab qgbafma tlw klat tlr ilof. Snfc lo atfgf kjr bcis bcf ylaf bo obbv ifoa, tf kbeiv qfgrbcjiis rjnf la obg tlw. Pa kjr fzjmais atlr qfgrbc… ktb ifa tlw offi atja atlr vjgx kbgiv joafg atf jqbmjisqrf kjr cba mbwqifafis klatbea tbqf. 

Living was still something worth looking forward to.

But now, it was exactly this person who had slapped away all of his dignity and persistence, taking back all of the very things he had once given him.

Yang Qian grabbed on to Ye Ming’s hair and dragged him in front of a mirror in the living room. That grim face with a scar on it glowed with the dim light from the fire, resembling a merciless demon. He spat out heartless and callous words, “Look at your lowly appearance. There can’t be anyone more disgusting than you.”

Ye Ming looked at the person in the mirror. That person who cut a sorry figure without clothes on to cover his body that had marks on it from head to toe, and a face with a palm print on it, truly was filthy and disgusting. 

Ye Ming couldn’t bear to look anymore, and shut his eyes. He hated what he was like right now.

Yang Qian’s jaw was clenched tight, his gaze piercing and cold. He knew that he was being very cruel right now, but this was who he was now. When he’d returned from that deadly predicament, the only thing left in his heart was hatred.

He used to be full of hope for this world. He protected the person that he loved. As long as this person was still there, he felt that no matter how difficult things got, he would still have the motivation to persist onwards. Being alive was not completely without meaning.

But in the end, he lost him. In this world, if only ruthless demons could survive, if only being cruel to others could prevent himself from getting hurt, then he would just become a demon then. 

Wouldn’t it be far more relaxing to abandon unnecessary compassion and sympathy, to give up on those useless and ridiculous things?


Daybreak the next day, Zhao Jin and the others came back.

Ye Ming opened his eyes in a daze. He was sore all over, and practically couldn’t stand up. Yang Qian patted his face, casually wrapped him up inside his coat, then directly picked him up and flung him over his shoulder, and walked out just like this. 

Ye Ming’s stomach was uncomfortable in this position, and he struggled for a while, but he couldn’t get away from Yang Qian at all. He looked at those people’s contemptuous gazes, sizing him up as though he was a commodity, making him feel ashamed and pained.

This time, Ye Ming wasn’t given the right to sit by himself in the back. He was carried over by Yang Qian and flung onto the back seat. Then, he held onto him and placed him on his lap as they set off on a bumpy ride.

On the way back, they didn’t encounter large groups of zombies, while the small groups of zombies were cut down like melons and chopped up like vegetables by Yang Qian’s team, and didn’t pose a threat at all.

When they stopped for the night, Ye Ming was like an appendage of Yang Qian, and could only stay together with him. 

Because there were so many people nearby, Yang Qian didn’t actually do anything to him, but Ye Ming didn’t feel any relief on the inside, because he knew this was only temporary, and he couldn’t see any hope or a way out of such a life.

It was very cold at night, and Ye Ming couldn’t help but curl up a bit. Yang Qian noticed it and reached out to pull Ye Ming into his arms.

Yang Qian’s embrace felt solid and warm, instantly dispelling the night’s chill, just like a long time ago, when he’d also held him like this for warmth. Ye Ming shut his eyes in pain. He didn’t want to be this weak any longer. He didn’t want to keep recalling how warm this person had been to him in the past, anytime he was just a little good to him.

That was all in the past now. 

Ye Ming struggled to get away, but as soon as he moved, he was held down by Yang Qian with force. He lowered his head and laughed into his ear, “Really disobedient. Are you hoping for me to do a little something to you? I don’t mind doing it here. A slave like you is just for people to vent themselves on anytime and anywhere.”

Ye Ming’s face turned pale. He didn’t know if Yang Qian’s words were to threaten him or if he would really do it…

If this were the past Yang Qian, then he would never do it. But, the current Yang Qian would probably do it, ba?

Ye Ming didn’t dare to gamble, so he could only obediently stop moving, an embarrassed look in his eyes. 

Yang Qian gave a low, teasing laugh. He seemed to think that it still wasn’t enough, and kissed Ye Ming’s lips, his gaze not containing the slightest bit of warmth. He said, “It’d be best if you learned how to please me. If you can’t even please your owner, then I’ll send you over to someone else, although you probably don’t even mind who it is you’re with… but, the other person may not be as generous as I am, and let you eat your fill, and put on clothes. Since you want to sell it, then you might as well sell it to the strongest one, wouldn’t you say so? After all, you’re a smart person, just like how you chose Huo Yi back then.”

Ye Ming’s chest heaved for a bit, and he wanted to say something. But, he didn’t say anything in the end. If humiliating me like this can make you feel happy, then so be it, ba. 

Yang Qian saw Ye Ming not refuting, and derision emerged in his eyes.

You see, this is the correct way to obtain you. With people like you, sincerely cherishing them is of no use at all. Instead of wasting those useless emotions, it’s better to become strong.  

In this post-apocalyptic world, just being powerful makes it possible to obtain everything.

Including you.

And the weak deserve to lose everything, to be enslaved and humiliated. This is the reality, and I should’ve recognized it a long time ago.

Ye Ming felt that he ought to be very sad and pained. But Yang Qian’s embrace was too warm, so in the end, he unknowingly fell asleep. When he woke up the next day, they were already on the road.

Ye Ming was jolted awake by an abrupt braking. Ye Ming’s nose hit Yang Qian’s body, and he woke up muddleheaded.

It turned out that two people had suddenly rushed out, blocking the front of the convoy.

There were two young men, but one of them was injured, and had lost a leg. He’d been in a state of distress and despair, but, at the moment, he was watching the convoy, his eyes revealing a look of excitement like he’d been snatched from the jaws of death. He was waving his hands excitedly, and saying, “Save us, save us! 

They’d run into zombies before, and his companion had been bitten, so in order to preserve his life, they could only cut off his leg. Now he was severely injured and in a coma. He’d thought that the two of them were doomed, but didn’t expect that he’d see this convoy. Since there were this many people, now they could finally be saved!

Shi Yang turned around and asked Yang Qian, “Boss, should we save them?”

Yang Qian indifferently cast a glance over, “That person is injured. With this degree of injury, even if he’s brought back, the possibility of saving him is very small. Even if he survives, he’ll just be a piece of trash. There’s no need to waste medical resources. The other person is just an ordinary human being, and won’t be very useful. Just drive on.”

Shi Yang hesitated a bit, “Just drive on? Why don’t I go down and make them get out of the way?” Actually, he thought about asking for that uninjured person. If it was okay with him, bringing him back wasn’t something that couldn’t be done.

The corner of Yang Qian’s lips lifted up, “It’s not necessary, they know to get out of the way.”

Shi Yang no longer said anything else. Although he felt some sympathy for those two people, they indeed weren’t a charity. Since the boss refused to bring them, then they wouldn’t bring them, ba. After the apocalypse, no one was under any obligation to help others.

Ye Ming propped up his upper body and also saw that the two people outside were still very young. At the moment, he was looking at them with a face full of hope, a ‘finally, we’re saved’ expression on his face. But what they didn’t know was… their fate had been given up on so easily like this.

Ye Ming’s heart couldn’t bear it, and he said to Yang Qian, “The base… the base could still use some more manpower. If you bring them back, there’s still some use for them…” 

Yang Qian gave him a meaningful look, “You already can’t fend for yourself, but you still have the mindset to be concerned about others.”

Ye Ming’s face was pale, “I just… thought that bringing them along would take little effort…”

Yang Qian looked at him steadily for a short while, then suddenly raised his head, and said with a smile, “Go.” Although his voice carried a smile, it was unfeeling and left no room for doubt.

Once Shi Yang received this command, he stepped on the gas, and drove forward. 

That person was originally full of hope and waiting to be rescued, but he never expected that the cars that had stopped would suddenly start up again, and were accelerating forward without evading at all, and actually seemed to be ready to run over them directly!

Seeing that a vehicle was about to hit them, the man hurriedly held on to his injured companion, then rolled over to the side, and dodged. He watched helplessly as the convoy soon left, a look of despair written all over his face, just like falling from heaven to hell.

Why, why wouldn’t they save them?

Ye Ming looked back until he couldn’t even see their figures anymore. Finally, he turned back and looked at Yang Qian, the depths of his eyes filled with irrepressible disappointment and fury. 

Why wouldn’t he save them?

Back when we were desperately struggling after the apocalypse, how much did we hope for someone who’d lend us a hand. But, there were always too few kind-hearted people, and too many people who’d already become demons for the sake of survival. The strong ones always wantonly bullied the weak… and turned a blind eye to other people’s cries for help.

Ca atja alwf, atfs’v qgbwlrfv fjmt batfg. Po atfs mbeiv jirb yfmbwf ragbcu, jcv tjnf qbkfg, atfc atfs’v ub jcv tfiq atf qfbqif atfs mbeiv.

Tjcu Hljc bcmf rjlv ab tlw, “Po P tjv atf jylilas, P kbeiv mbcragema j yjrf jr beg cfk tbwf, jcv jmmfqa atbrf qfbqif ktb cffv tfiq”… tf’v bcmf rb fjgcfrais tbqfv ab yeliv j qjgjvlrf lcrlvf atlr qbra-jqbmjisqalm kbgiv jr j qijmf obg atfw ab rajs. Ciatbeut la wjs tjnf yffc cjlnf, la kjr kjgw. 

But now at present, he could actually callously and heartlessly watch as others died.

Ye Ming suddenly felt incomparably sad. Before, I thought that you just detested me, so no matter what you did to me, I could accept it all. This was the price for me leaving you. But, now I know that things aren’t like that. What you hate isn’t only me, but also this entire world.

You detest it all.

What was it that made you become this way, was it really only because I abandoned you? 

Yang Qian looked at Ye Ming’s eyes, and suddenly curled his lips and laughed, his voice low and teasing, “Are you blaming me for not saving them?”

Ye Ming articulated each and every word, “You can save them.”

I won’t ask you to do anything beyond your ability, and won’t let you risk your life to rescue others. Because, in my heart, your life is the most important… but this is plainly just an easy thing to do in passing. It’s within your power, not dangerous, and not something that puts you in a difficult position. But, you still chose to stand by, without the slightest bit of humanity. 

Sitting high up above and loftily watching as others plunge into an abyss of despair, is this fun for you? 

Yang Qian’s laughter gradually grew louder, as though he’d seen something very amusing. He pulled Ye Ming into his arms, and said, “I can, but why should I save them, it’s not like there are any benefits.”

This answer made Ye Ming’s heart feel incessantly cold. He said bitterly, “You weren’t like this before…”

Yang Qian’s fingertip rubbed across Ye Ming’s lips, and he chuckled, “How interesting. It can’t be that you’re just now discovering that I’ve changed?” He lowered his head, and gazed into Ye Ming’s eyes from a very close distance. Those gloomy eyes seemed to contain an endless darkness, “You’ve no idea what I’ve been through.”

While you were by Huo Yi’s side, enjoying your comforts, you had no idea what kind of hell I was living in. 

And why is it that you get to maintain a childish naivety like this? A person who sold himself for the sake of survival still pretending to be some kind of a saint, is simply the most ridiculous thing in this world.

Tears glimmered in Ye Ming’s eyes. He looked at the scar on Yang Qian’s face, and looked at his grim face.

I don’t know what you’ve been through, but it must’ve been very difficult, very painful… but becoming this way now, are you really happy?

Before dark, they finally returned to the base. Seeing the convoy return with a bountiful harvest, all the people in the base were overjoyed. Even if Huo Yi left, and they’d changed to a new leader, it didn’t look like anything would really change. They were still just looking for a way to survive under these ability-users in the end. Whether it was Huo Yi or Yang Qian, what was the difference? 

As long as they could protect them, and could hold onto the base, they didn’t care who became the new owner. Anyway, it’s not like life would be any better, so it was enough as long as it didn’t become any worse.

Yang Qian brought Ye Ming back to the villa, took the chains and put them back around Ye Ming’s neck again, and then pushed him into the room.

Ye Ming staggered, and almost fell to the ground. The chain around his neck felt extremely heavy, like an incomparably heavy shackle, trapping him in this hopeless place.

A contemptuous smile appeared on Yang Qian’s lips. 

Ye Ming never left that villa again. Yang Qian locked him up in there, gave him food and drink, and had him whenever he wanted to. He disdainfully humiliated him verbally, trampling all over his dignity.

It was as though tormenting Ye Ming like this would be able to make him happy.

Ye Ming never resisted again, and didn’t say much of anything. He just endured everything in silence. Sometimes, he wouldn’t even say a single word for several days.

【Ye Ming: I was this accommodating for almost half a month, and only reduced the blackening value by 10 points.】 

【888: He he.】

【Ye Ming: Ai… boring ah. My family’s Yang Qian used to be a good young man full of love. Now he’s changed. Ying ying ying, it’s all because this merciless society changed him.】

【888: …isn’t it because you betrayed him?】

【Ye Ming: It wasn’t me! It’s this society’s fault!】 

【888: It’s your fault.】

【Ye Ming: Society’s fault!】

【888: It’s yours.】

【Ye Ming: Society’s!】 

【888: Yours.】

【Ye Ming: …】

【Ye Ming: Okay ba, I guess I’m maybe a tiny part of the reason, but am not I trying hard right now to awaken the truth, goodness, and beauty in his heart? I believe that he’s different from Huo Yi!】

【888: He he he he he.】 

Yang Qian didn’t have the time to stay at home all day to watch over Ye Ming. He was still quite busy, and not only was he responsible for going out to search for supplies, but occasionally also had to fight against other hostile forces. Whenever Yang Qian went out again, he never once brought Ye Ming with him, but locked him up at home instead.

But Ye Ming’s food and drink were never less than his. Even if Yang Qian wasn’t there, he would still make his subordinates responsible for delivering food to him.

Besides the addition of a collar around his neck, it was no different from the days he spent next to Huo Yi in those two years, just like a canary raised in captivity. As long as Ye Ming didn’t attempt to escape, it wasn’t like there’d be anyone staring at him all day.

Every day, Ye Ming only ate a small portion of his food, hiding the rest. Then he’d sneak to the garden to give it to two children. 

These two children were orphans. Their parents died under zombies when they were outside carrying out a mission. After the apocalypse, there weren’t any orphanages, nor any welfare agencies. No one would charitably give their extra food to these two children. Everyone could hardly take care of themselves as is.

So, they scrounged up leftover garbage from others, or stole things as they struggled to live. Once, they actually snuck into the garden of this villa Ye Ming was in, and were discovered by Ye Ming. Ye Ming felt sorry for them, and gave them some of his own food.

The two children had dirty, yellowed skin and skinny limbs. This was the first time they’d seen someone actually give them food— clean, piping-hot food. At first, they couldn’t quite believe it, but soon, they became much closer with Ye Ming. Exactly because of all the indifference in this world, once someone showed goodwill, it appeared that much more valuable.

Ye Ming sighed in his heart. 

【Ye Ming: This is what post-apocalyptic worlds are like. It’s this easy to buy a person’s heart, just a piece of bread is enough. If they were placed in peaceful times, who even knows what kind of difficult-to-handle bear-children they’d be.】

【888: I must give you a reminder, you’ve eaten too little recently.】

【Ye Ming: It should be fine ah. I don’t feel hungry ah.】

【888: Haven’t you forgotten something?】He suspected that this spicy chicken had already forgotten about his hunger being shielded. 

【Ye Ming: Be at ease la, it’s good enough as long as I won’t die~】

【Ye Ming: You see, it’s not easy at all for me to starve myself and still give alms to others. This is a post-apocalyptic world ah… heavens ah, even I’ve almost been moved by my own actions. How can there be such a good person like me in this world, virtually a holy light that illuminates all things.】

【888: …】Don’t be like this, I really can’t bear it.

888 decided to go play a few games to calm himself down. 

Ye Ming had finally found something interesting again. Looking at the two children’s expectant and grateful eyes every day, he felt an overwhelming sense of accomplishment. Although he’d only helped these two children, it was still helping others, ma.

The most important thing was, it wasn’t like he had any other interesting things to do.

After a few days of this had gone by, Ye Ming thought about it, and figured it was about time for Yang Qian to find out. He had to let him discover the truth, goodness, and beauty in his heart! Although he was mired in adversity, his innermost self had never changed before ma. He certainly wasn’t the kind of person who’d fall into depravity.

Yang Qian didn’t particularly keep a close watch over Ye Ming, and wasn’t worried that he’d be able to run away. After all, the base was only this big, and no one would dare disobey him to shelter Ye Ming. 

This day, Yang Qian came back from the outside, and saw Ye Ming obediently staying at home as usual.

Yang Qian took off his clothes that were stained with blood, revealing his strong and graceful upper body, then went to the bathroom and took a bath. After a while, he came out and lightly said to Ye Ming, “Come here.”

Ye Ming was sitting on the edge of the bed, his eyelids lowered, looking indifferent. After a long pause, he walked over, his movements somewhat sluggish. As soon as he approached, Yang Qian pulled him into his arms.

Yang Qian held onto Ye Ming, his brow wrinkling a bit. The person in his arms seemed to be getting thinner and thinner, and his bones seemed to be faintly palpable. He was as light as a feather, as though he could crush him with just a little extra force. He had never skimped on his daily necessities, so logically, he shouldn’t have become so thin. Or did being together with him just make him that miserable? 

The hatred and unwillingness inside Yang Qian’s heart began to rear its head. Now he’d finally reclaimed this person, took revenge on him, and tortured him, but was he happy inside?

It seemed that he wasn’t particularly happy, nor was he particularly satisfied, but regardless, he wouldn’t let go.

The world is just like this. No matter how much you hate me, you can only stay by my side.

With a cold laugh, Yang Qian pressed Ye Ming down onto the bed. 

But this time, not long after, Yang Qian suddenly found that the person under him was not reacting at all. Ye Ming had still been faintly struggling at first, but after, he hadn’t moved at all. He turned Ye Ming over, and discovered that he’d already fainted, his face pallid, and his breath feeble.

Yang Qian’s heart thudded in his chest. He looked at Ye Ming’s emaciated face, and his tightly shut eyes. Suddenly, an inexplicable uneasiness arose in him. How could this happen?

Yang Qian let go of Ye Ming, his brow wrinkled as he immediately arranged for a subordinate to go call for the doctor on the base. Then, he started pacing back and forth in the room.

Where exactly did a problem arise in the end. 

In less than a quarter of an hour, the doctor was brought to the villa trembling with fear. He examined Ye Ming carefully. After a while, he said to Yang Qian fearfully, “He, he doesn’t really have much wrong with him… he has just been starved for too long, and hasn’t had enough to eat, so he fainted.”

Yang Qian’s eyes were cold as he glared at the doctor, “Check again.”

The doctor was flustered by this stare, “Okay… then, I’ll check again, but our current medical equipment can’t be compared with before, and may not necessarily be able to find anything…”

After a long time, Yang Qian spat out one word, “Okay.”

The doctor wiped the sweat off his forehead. He suspended a bottle of IV saline for Ye Ming, and took a blood sample before leaving. When he got outside, he was still shaking, inwardly thinking that this new leader was much more terrifying than Huo Yi was in the past. A normal person had almost been tormented to death by him. He wouldn’t even give the person enough to eat, and was also this fierce-looking.

Yang Qian watched Ye Ming deeply for a while. He turned around and walked out, then called for his men to inquire about Ye Ming’s whereabouts during this period of time.


Ye Ming hadn’t realized that he’d actually fainted from hunger in bed. He really hadn’t felt anything at all! He woke up leisurely, then discovered there was an IV attached to his hand, and he was lacking in strength from head to toe. He thought, he’d played too much, he wouldn’t really starve to death, ba? 

En… probably not, Yang Qian had already found out. He definitely wouldn’t allow him to act this recklessly again.

He lay down for a while, then heard the sound of the door being pushed open. Yang Qian came in with milk and bread, then placed them down next to the head of the bed. He looked at Ye Ming with an icy gaze.

He didn’t mention a single word about Ye Ming fainting from hunger, and only indifferently said, “You’d better take good care of yourself. If you stay this frail, I suppose you won’t even have the qualifications to be a slave anymore.”

A self-deprecating look surfaced in Ye Ming’s eyes, and he didn’t make a sound. 

Yang Qian then said, “This is your breakfast.”

Ye Ming woodenly glanced at the plate, slowly sat up, then nibbled at the piece of bread. He really was hungry. Besides, Yang Qian was right in front of him, so it wasn’t possible for him to try anything.

Yang Qian watched as Ye Ming obediently finished his food before standing up and saying, “I’m going out on a trip today, and won’t come back until tomorrow.”

Ye Ming nodded, expressionless as before. 

Tjcu Hljc ibbxfv jrxjcmf ja tlw, atfc aegcfv jgbecv jcv ifoa.


Coafg olclrtlcu ygfjxojra, Tf Zlcu ijs lc yfv jcv gfrafv obg j ktlif. Lf tbcfrais rajsfv lc atf tberf jcv vlvc’a ub jcsktfgf.

【Ye Ming: Ge, what about my family’s Yang Qian? Where is he?】 

【888: He’s waiting by the tree for the hare.】

【Ye Ming: Oh, oh, oh, just thinking of having an audience today makes me even more excited!】

【888: …】

【Ye Ming: If you don't break out of the silence, then you’ll perish in silence!】 

【888: Vtea eq!】

Pc atf fnfclcu, Tjcu Hljc’r reybgvlcjaf ygbeuta tlw obbv yfobgf ifjnlcu jr ereji.

Tf Zlcu kjamtfv jr atf batfg ifoa, atfc rajgfv ja atf obbv lc ogbca bo tlw obg j ktlif yfobgf raeoolcu atf ygfjv lcrlvf tlr mibatfr jcv ublcu ab atf ujgvfc. Ktf fcalgf pbegcfs kfca nfgs rwbbatis, jcv tf vlvc’a gec lcab jcsbcf firf.

But once he arrived at the garden, he didn’t see the usual two children, and Ye Ming’s face revealed a slightly worried look. He hadn’t had time all day to come out and see them, and didn’t know if something might’ve gone wrong. 

Just when Ye Ming was feeling restless, a soft voice called out, “Xiaofei-gege, we’re over here.”

Ye Ming turned his head, and saw a thin boy with big eyes currently hiding in the bushes and beckoning to Ye Ming. This garden had been neglected for a long time, so the weeds had already grown very tall.

Ye Ming immediately breathed a sigh of relief, his face revealing a gentle expression, then walked over and squatted down in front of him, “Sorry I came late, you’re probably starving ba. Where’s Xiao Feng? Why don’t I see him today?”

The boy’s head drooped as he said sadly, “He was beaten for stealing today, so he wasn’t able to come here…” 

Ye Ming was extremely worried, “Is he badly injured?”

The boy shook his head and said, “It’s not too bad. Those people saw that he was young, so they weren’t too harsh. Only, his ankle was sprained so he couldn’t come here.”

Ye Ming was finally relieved. He fished out the bread he snuck out and handed it to the boy. He said softly, “Bring this back ba. Be more careful along the way, don’t get discovered by others.”

The boy looked at the piece of bread in Ye Ming’s hand, and swallowed a bit. He was so terribly hungry and could only get a bit of decent-looking food from Ye Ming. There was no one better than Ye Ming in this world after the apocalypse, but… if he ate these things, then what about Ye Ming? These past few days, they’d continued to accept Ye Ming’s help, unable to resist the temptation of food, but they were also really worried about Ye Ming. 

For once, the boy hesitated for a while, and didn’t immediately reach out to accept it. He said pitifully, “Xiaofei-gege, if you give your food to us, then what about you?”

Ye Ming looked at the boy’s eyes filled with worry and unease, and couldn’t help but laugh. He rubbed his head, stuffed the bread into his arms, then said, “I’m fine, I still have a lot to eat.”

The boy asked, “Really?”

Ye Ming nodded seriously, “Really.” 

The boy tilted his head and thought about it. Maybe Ye Ming really had a lot of food. After all, he lived in such a large and luxurious villa. This was also the leader’s villa, and he was also one of the leader’s men. Perhaps he really wouldn’t lack food then, ba?

Yang Qian was standing upstairs not far away, coldly looking down at this scene.

So this was why Ye Ming had fainted… in order to save his food for others, he’d ended up starving himself.

Yang Qian looked down at the two people below, one big and one small, and saw the tenderness in Ye Ming’s eyes, the smile on his lips… it was like a beautiful painting. He suddenly thought, how long ago had it been since he last saw Ye Ming smile like this? 

When Ye Ming was in front of him, he always wore no expression on his face. If there was one, it was merely him being forced to reveal one of pain after being tormented by him.

Just like a lifeless shell of a body, only after its suffering had reached an extreme, would it allow others to realize that he was still a living, breathing human being.

Yang Qian had almost forgotten what Ye Ming used to be like, just like how he’d forgotten what he used to be like.

But when facing that child, Ye Ming would actually smile, and his eyes would become warm and gentle, just like the appearance he used like the most. Even in this dark and hopeless world after the apocalypse, he could still maintain his optimistic and sunny side, making people feel warm inside their hearts. 

So, in the end, have you changed, or have you not changed?

Why is it that, on one hand, you can do whatever it takes to survive, selling yourself, then selling me out… but on the other hand, you can still hold onto the kindness in your heart. The depths of Yang Qian’s eyes revealed a look of pain and struggling. But after a while, the struggling in his eyes was covered once again by ruthlessness.

Truly ridiculous. Your so-called kindness is actually just built on a foundation of hurting others, isn’t it? Once you have everything you want, then you pretend to be kind. Does this allow your inner self to feel a bit more at peace then?

Have you forgotten exactly how you betrayed me? Since you already chose to be a base person who sells himself, then why bother acting so pretentious! 

It’s really hypocritical and nauseating!

Ye Ming seemed to have no idea that his each and every move was being watched by someone. He whispered to the boy, “Go quickly, don’t let Xiao Feng wait for too long.”

The boy nodded, then hid the bread Ye Ming gave him before crouching down and tunneling into the bush, preparing to leave. Suddenly, a strong gust of wind struck, and the boy flew through the air, then fell onto the ground, while the bread in his arms also rolled out.

He anxiously crawled over, wanting to pick the bread back up. But then, he saw a foot stepping on top of the bread. He raised his head, then saw a tall, grim man, startling him until his entire body was shivering! He trembled violently. 

All of this happened in a flash. By the time Ye Ming recovered, he saw Yang Qian standing over there. Ye Ming’s expression stiffened, an uneasy look appearing in his eyes while he thought, not good.

He’d been discovered!

Yang Qian slowly turned his head, his dark eyes looking at Ye Ming, and lifted the corners of his lips, “Who allowed you to arbitrarily give my things to others?”

Ye Ming felt that Yang Qian at this moment was extremely frightening. His lips moved, “I…” 

Yang Qian walked step by step until he was in front of Ye Ming, his icy countenance and gloomy eyes bringing a tremendous pressure that seemed to cause the very air to stagnate. His voice was dangerous and low, “Say… what exactly should I do with this little thief who has stolen something?”

Ye Ming looked at the ruthless chill in Yang Qian’s eyes, and his lips paled as he pursed his lips and whispered, “Sorry… but, he didn’t steal anything. I gave it to him, don’t blame him…”

Yang Qian suddenly laughed, then looked into Ye Ming’s eyes, his gaze like ice, “You are mine. Everything I give you is also mine. Since he dared to take it, then he’s stealing my things. These are the rules after the apocalypse… there isn’t anything that just falls from the sky. Anytime you want to obtain something, you have to pay the price.”

Yang Qian’s subordinate lifted the boy up by his collar, and the boy exposed a horrified expression. 

Yang Qian indifferently spoke up, “Throw him out. Let everyone know, this place isn’t somewhere just anyone can secretly sneak into.”

That subordinate answered affirmatively, then started walking out with the boy.

The boy listened to Yang Qian’s command, and looked at these fiendish and terrible men. They were ten-thousand times more terrifying than those ordinary people outside. They said that they were all murderous demons who even peeled the skin off zombies. He was so scared that he cried out, tears and mucus all over his face, “Xiaofei-gege, Xiaofei-gege, save me!”

Ye Ming rushed over to save him without even thinking about it. However, Yang Qian grabbed him by the waist and pulled him into his arms. He couldn’t get over there at all. 

Seeing that the boy was about to be taken away, and looking at his weeping and struggling small face, Ye Ming suddenly felt incomparable grief and powerlessness in his heart.

What did he do, he’d only just given out a share of his own food. He also knew that he couldn’t save that many people, just that he couldn’t turn a blind eye to these things… he only wanted to do a little something with his own strength.

That was just a child, ah. He still remembered how much Yang Qian had liked children in the past. The Yang Qian he knew would never be this ruthless to a small child.

Ye Ming felt incredibly sad. He’d kept on enduring and enduring like this… what was the point of him enduring? Just for this kind of person who’d completely changed like this? 

Or was it that even until now, he still wasn’t able to acknowledge reality? Wasn’t able to acknowledge that this Yang Qian, for a long time now, hadn’t been the person he’d been waiting for?

What was the difference between the Yang Qian now and the Huo Yi before?

They were the same…

He’d already had enough! 

The rims of Ye Ming’s eyes were red, and he suddenly backhanded Yang Qian across the face. His eyes glowed with fury and despair, and his voice was hoarse with agony as he glared at him, “You’re no different from Huo Yi!”

“Let go of me!”