Ye Ming returned to the system space. Seeing the clean and tidy space, he was almost moved to tears. Dealing with piles of rotten meat every day truly had greatly strengthened his psychological tolerance. He was actually a person who rather valued cleanliness ah!

Ye Ming: “Speaking of, is there some kind of conclusion for that world? Will the zombies be wiped out?”

888: “You actually care enough to ask follow-up questions?”

Ye Ming: “Yes ah, I’m really super curious. I’ve watched so many zombie movies and TV shows, and played so many zombie video games, but I’ve rarely seen the zombies get completely exterminated… it’s almost as painful as watching a movie halfway and not being able to see the ending!” 

888 was silent for a while, then asked, “So you only care about the ending for that world, and not Yang Qian’s ending?”

Ye Ming’s expression stiffened for a moment, and he gave a dry laugh, “What difference does it make whether I care or not…” Besides, even if he didn’t ask, he could probably still guess.

888 said, “There’s no ending.”

Ye Ming was stunned: “Why?”

888 said, “No reason.”

Ye Ming figured that 888 was probably too lazy to explain things to him in detail. He pouted a bit, but also stopped asking. Some things were beyond the scope of his capabilities. It was useless to think too much. It wasn’t like he really wanted to know anyway. It was better for him to finish up his missions properly then head on home.

Thinking of how this was the last world he had to go back to, Ye Ming scoffed, “Oh right, you mentioned that the main system will select a new body for me, therefore bringing me back from the dead, then? So, can I choose the type of body myself?”

888 rjlv, “Tfr.” 

Tf Zlcu: “…”

Tf Zlcu mbeutfv j yla. Lf kjr nfgs regqglrfv! Lf’v atbeuta atja atf tjgrt jcv jgylagjgs wjlc rsrafw kbeivc’a ulnf tlw atf bqqbgaeclas ab mtbbrf, yea ecfzqfmafvis, tf jmaejiis mbeiv! Vemt j ubbv bqqbgaeclas jyrbieafis mbeivc’a yf kjrafv, rb Tf Zlcu tegglfvis rjlv, “P kjca ab mtbbrf j ybvs atja’r flutas-qfgmfca rlwlijg ab Ljc We!”

Ye Ming had already thought about how he’d approach Shen Ye again in the fastest and most convenient way possible to achieve his goal. He’d never let go of anything he’d be able to put to use.

Data flowed along the walls swiftly. After a while, 888 replied, “It’s been selected. Do you want to depart now?” 

Ye Ming laughed heihei, “Let’s set off ba!”

【Ding. Transmission Complete.】

Ye Ming opened his eyes, and found himself lying in a place similar to a university dormitory. He closed his eyes to recall some of his memories. Too much time had passed, and he’d transmigrated to so many worlds. Some things should still be reviewed, lest he forget anything.

In this world, his name was Han Xu, an adopted son of the Shen family. 

Both of Han Xu’s parents died when he was six, so he was adopted by his father’s close friend, Shen Dayao. At that time, Shen Ye had just been born, while little Han Xu was six years old.

Shen Dayao conducted himself in a serious manner, and didn’t have a close relationship with Han Xu, acting more like a dignified father. But, Shen Dayao’s wife, Xu Yasu, was a very gentle and kind-hearted woman. She raised Han Xu as if he were her own biological son, treating Han Xu the same as Shen Ye ever since they were young. Sometimes, out of concern and pity, she’d even treat Han Xu better than Shen Ye, worrying more about his feelings.

Thus, although Han Xu had lost both of his parents, his life with the Shen family wasn’t too bad.

Although Han Xu was young, he still understood he ought to repay their kindness, and held the Shen couple in high regard, as though they were his own real parents. And out of gratitude, he sincerely cared for his younger brother, Shen Ye, and was always very accomodating, maintaining an extremely harmonious brotherly relationship with mutual respect. 

When Ye Ming transmigrated over, Han Xu was 16 years old, while Shen Ye was 10.

Because Shen Ye was still very young at the time, Ye Ming didn’t do anything excessive, and continued to act out the role of a good big brother. He was also very tolerant and attentive with Shen Ye, and lived with the Shen family peacefully.

But, Ye Ming wasn’t actually a child. He was acutely aware that Xu Yasu was sincerely good to him, while Shen Ye truly liked him, but Shen Dayao, not necessarily so. He felt that Shen Dayao actually didn’t like him, and sometimes, he’d even gaze at him with a cold look in his eyes.

But, Ye Ming didn’t care whether Shen Dayao liked him or not. He only cared about Shen Ye’s favorability value. 

As Shen Ye slowly grew up, Ye Ming took on the role of a trustworthy big brother. When Shen Ye fought with someone outside, Ye Ming would take the blame for him. When Shen Ye didn’t do well on an exam, Ye Ming would speak up for him in front of Father Shen, while making time just to patiently tutor him on the side.

It was practically impossible for a somewhat proud, but fairly pure young teen to withstand these kinds of schemes. Shen Ye liked Ye Ming more and more, and in the face of Ye Ming’s masculine charms that had seemingly been unintentionally revealed, eventually sprouted feelings that went beyond that of brotherhood.

Shen Ye discovered that he’d developed a crush on Ye Ming, and Ye Ming was also his first love. Shen Ye had a bold disposition, and enthusiastically confessed to Ye Ming.

After Shen Ye made his intentions clear, Ye Ming pretended to hesitate and struggle with this for a while, before honestly confessing his feelings for Shen Ye, saying that he’d actually also liked him all this time. 

Shen Ye hadn’t imagined that Ye Ming would just so happen to like him as well, and was elated, while they naturally became a couple. But, at this time, Ye Ming felt that his feelings weren’t stable enough, and was unwilling to let someone else ruin their relationship. If the Shen couple discovered that he and Shen Ye had gotten together, then it’d definitely cause an uproar… so, he pretended to be uneasy and guilt-ridden, and asked Shen Ye to keep their relationship a secret, and not let the Shen couple find out.

Although Shen Ye wasn’t too willing, he still listened to Ye Ming, and concealed their true relationship, commencing their underground romance.

But, Shen Dayao wasn’t someone gullible. Both Ye Ming and Shen Ye lived at home, while their feelings were becoming stronger and stronger. Time went by, and with his favorability value almost completely full, how could he possibly remain completely unaware?

Shen Dayao couldn’t tolerate such a development, and became even more displeased with Ye Ming, then began to deliberately suppress and exclude him. 

Ye Ming wasn’t surprised at all about this. When he’d first arrived in this world, he’d already discovered that Shen Dayao didn’t like him, so he’d specifically asked 888 to investigate the reason behind this. The truth had truly opened his eyes, just that he’d pretended not to know anything.

Shen Dayao had actually murdered Han Xu’s parents!

Back then, Shen Dayao and Han Xu’s father, Han Qi, had been good friends. The two of them had made a name for themselves in the underworld, and were both vicious figures. But, evidently, Shen Dayao had much greater ambitions. In order to monopolize their company, he’d killed the Han couple ruthlessly, and taken away everything under Han Qi’s name, before developing and expanding it into the present day Shen company.

At the time, Shen Dayao had originally wanted to kill Han Xu as well, and completely eradicate their entire family, but Han Xu had been lucky enough to escape this catastrophe. Coincidentally, Mother Han had asked Xu Yasu to help pick up her child that day. Thus, Han Xu had been picked up by Xu Yasu from kindergarten. 

Xu Yasu couldn’t get in contact with Mother Han, then learned of the tragedy that had befallen the Han family. She was very shocked and upset, and seeing little Han Xu’s pitiful appearance, she couldn’t bear it and decided to take him in. She had no idea her own husband was the culprit behind this tragedy.

Although Shen Dayao was a callous person, he loved his wife very much. Seeing how much Xu Yasu cherished Han Xu, and how determined she was to bring him back home and raise him, he could only agree for the time being. Plus, in those kinds of circumstances, Shen Dayao couldn’t act too peculiarly, and still had to pretend as though he was also very sorry to hear about Han Qi’s death back then.

So, Xu Yasu brought Han Xu back home with her, and was patient with him in every possible way. She took care of him personally like he was her own son, leaving Shen Dayao with no opportunities to take advantage of the situation and get rid of him.

Eventually, Shen Dayao completely took control of the company, and buried everything that had happened in the past. Since Xu Yasu liked Han Xu this much, he gradually gave up on his idea of killing Han Xu. 

The Han family tragedy had ultimately been classified as a burglary gone wrong. No one would learn of that secret ever again. What kind of threat could a six-year-old possibly bring to him? If he made a move and killed Han Xu now, it’d inevitably arouse Xu Yasu’s suspicions, and upset her, while he’d also have to take on a certain amount of risk.

So, Han Xu ended up living with the Shen family in this way. In the blink of an eye, twenty years had passed by.

This situation continued on until Han Xu (Ye Ming) and Shen Ye got into a relationship, which was something absolutely unacceptable for Shen Dayao! He would never forget how he’d killed the Han couple back then, plus his son needed to carry on his family line, and succeed him, so how could he become entangled with Han Qi’s son?

Absolutely not! 

Twenty years later, Shen Dayao’s murderous intent towards Han Xu had been ignited once again.

Although Ye Ming was aware of these matters, he had no intention of taking revenge for Han Xu, single-mindedly focused on raising Shen Ye’s favorability value. So despite this knowledge, he never took the initiative to expose him.

Shen Ye loved Ye Ming very deeply. Although Ye Ming had been adopted, he was a few years older than him and already held an important position in the company. Many people gossiped about Ye Ming outside, but Shen Ye unflaggingly trusted him and liked him without fail. He truly believed from the bottom of his heart that a portion of everything in this family belonged to Ye Ming, and wasn’t as guarded against Ye Ming as Shen Dayao was.

Although Ye Ming didn’t want to make any trouble, only wanting to fill up his favorability value before leaving, Shen Dayao had no intention of letting him off. He felt that he was a serious threat, and was convinced that this unknown variable that had seduced his son had to be eliminated, and that he should’ve killed him twenty years ago. 

Ye Ming detected that Shen Dayao’s patience was gradually dwindling, as he clearly made greater efforts to expel him from the company, and knew that Shen Dayao was ready to make his move.

Because of Shen Dayao’s actions, many people knew that he was dissatisfied with Ye Ming. Shen Ye caught wind of this news at school, and rushed back in a hurry to make his stance clear. He reassured Ye Ming, letting him know that he’d never be like his father and those other people. He absolutely trusted him and was willing to share everything with him.

Shen Ye’s favorability value was merely one point short, so Ye Ming asked Shen Ye to meet up with him at a hotel.

When Ye Ming arrived at the hotel, Shen Ye said he’d go explain everything to Shen Dayao, and tell him about their relationship. He absolutely wouldn’t let Ye Ming bear everything alone, because he was a part of the Shen family too.

The young man’s eyes were filled with determination, his feelings very sincere. He had really set his mind on doing so, naively believing that they’d be able to last until the very end, thinking that his courage alone would be able to break through all the obstacles in their way.

Of course, Ye Ming believed in Shen Ye’s sincerity. He thought, perhaps if their two families hadn’t had such a blood feud, they’d definitely be able to stick together and work through all difficulties, especially with Shen Ye’s abilities and staunch beliefs. The feelings between them couldn’t be so easily destroyed.

A pity… he’d only come here for his mission, while Shen Dayao’s dislike for him wasn’t merely because he disapproved of their relationship. What separated them wasn’t simply a question of compatibility, but something impossible to surmount.

The moment his favorability valued was filled, Ye Ming knew that it was time for him to leave again. He’d already transmigrated to so many worlds. Every time, he always had to leave right when the other party loved him most, something unbearably cruel. 

But, this was a rule set by the system, never giving anyone the right to make their own decisions.

Ye Ming greatly disliked this rule, and didn’t like to act according to the rules anyway. At first, his heart just hadn’t been able to stand it, but towards the end, maybe he’d been doing it just for the sake of doing it. Perhaps he’d just been born rebellious by nature, ba.

Although, to begin with, he never would’ve considered staying behind for any of these worlds.

So, right when Shen Ye expressed his feelings to him, his heart brimming with love, Ye Ming fired a shot at Shen Ye’s chest, and coldly said, you don’t actually think that I really love you too, ba? I’ve been lying to you this entire time. I pretended to treat you well all for the sake of the Shen family. As long as you die, everything will be mine. The Shen family should’ve belonged to me to begin with. 

This is my breakup gift to you.

After this, Ye Ming left.

He didn’t really want to kill Shen Ye. After he left, he made a call to the police, and prepared to leave. He figured that the people Shen Dayao had dispatched to kill him ought to have arrived already.

Sure enough, before he could even eat supper, they got rid of him. 

Ye Ming’s recollections ended here, and he exhaled.

【Ye Ming: If I’d known I’d have to come back here, then I wouldn’t have done something so drastic, yingyingying.】

【888: I seem to have heard things like this several times already, it sounds pretty familiar by now… en, it looks like you’re actually self-reflecting.】

【Tf Zlcu: …】 

Ciatbeut Vtfc Gjsjb kjr lcvffv jc fcfws bo Ljc We’r, Vtfc Tf tjv ageis ibnfv Tf Zlcu jcv tjvc’a xcbkc j atlcu jybea atlr wjaafg, rb tf kjr gjatfg lccbmfca. Snfc lo tf kjcafv gfnfcuf, tf rtbeivc’a tjnf aglfv ab xlii Vtfc Tf.

However, what was done had already been done, so he could only look ahead, and get the ball rolling with his whitewashing plans from this point forward… fortunately, he’d gone out of his way to call the police back then. Leave yourself a way out, in case you need to meet again in the future ma! But, as for this being a blessing in disguise…

Tf Zlcu atfc jrxfv 888 ab afii tlw ktja tjv tjqqfcfv joafgkjgvr.

It turned out, ten years had already gone by! 

Back then, right when Ye Ming had finished calling the police, an ambulance soon arrived, saving Shen Ye’s life. If Ye Ming hadn’t made that call, then Shen Ye would’ve actually died… but, Shen Ye didn’t know that Ye Ming was the one who’d made that call.

For him, the person he’d loved with all his heart and soul, someone he could even surrender everything he owned to, wanted to kill him with his very own hands.

After Shen Dayao’s men killed Ye Ming, they buried his body to make it look like Ye Ming had gone missing. Then, they told the rescued Shen Ye that Ye Ming’s attack on him had been revealed, so he’d run away after finding out.

Shen Ye had never given up on looking for Ye Ming, but he couldn’t find him at all. Ye Ming never came back again, and he gradually gave up all hope. That person would never appear in his world ever again, leaving just like that with all of his love and hatred. 

Ten years went by, and Shen Ye, currently thirty years old, had matured a lot. That painful experience had turned his personality reticent, and he could no longer placed his trust in others so easily.

Now, Shen Ye had already assumed control of the Shen company. Shen Dayao was very satisfied with his son’s abilities, and handed his company over to him without any worries, as he gradually let go of his responsibilities. He rarely even visited the company, and went off to enjoy his retirement.

【Ye Ming: It’s actually already been ten years ah, time really does fly!】

【888: …】 

【Ye Ming: Ten years have gone by, and my family’s Shen Ye has already become an old man, while I’ve actually become the boyish heartthrob instead. I’ve really hit the jackpot! Hahahahaha!】

He got out of bed, and looked at himself in the mirror. The body he was currently occupying was named Tao Xu. There was a character in his name that was the same as Han Xu’s, his appearance good-looking with elegant features. He was now 22 years old, a fourth-year in college, practically the spitting image of a younger Han Xu!

When Ye Ming had died, his body had only been 26 years old, and now, he was four years younger.

Although Tao Xu was a college student who had yet to enter the workforce, his appearance slightly young and immature, while his temperament was far inferior to Han Xu’s, since Ye Ming was back with a face that looked eighty-percent similar to his, of course he could easily give himself his old temperament and bearing with no difficulty at all. He highly doubted that he’d fail at attracting Shen Ye’s attention! 

Shen Ye was now the president of a large company after all, so there was a vast difference between their statuses. If he didn’t use a few tricks, it’d be very difficult to even get close to him. Although Ye Ming also had some other methods up his sleeve, they weren’t as convenient and easy to use as this was.

Tao Xu’s family was from out of town. Because of the impoverished conditions at home, he always had to work several jobs to earn enough for his tuition. Although his family was poor, he was kind and easygoing, and had pretty decent looks. He was still rather popular at school, and had a boyfriend, Zhou Jiaping, who he was currently dating.

They had a pretty good relationship, and were already about to graduate, but still hadn’t broken up yet.

Zhou Jiaping was a local here. He had decent living conditions at home, but was also just part of an ordinary family, miles apart from Shen Ye. Ye Ming felt that it was about time for them to break up. But, not right now. He still needed to wait for a more opportune moment. 

Ye Ming cleared his mind. He took a look at his schedule, immediately preparing to find himself a new part-time job that would allow him to meet Shen Ye by chance!

He was a poor student now, ma. According to Han Xu’s persona, after opening his eyes and finding out that he’d been reborn ten years into the future, and had become another person, he’d definitely be shocked for sure. He’d failed to take revenge on Shen Dayao, and had gotten killed instead. For Han Xu, these were things that had just happened, so he’d definitely try to find a way to get his revenge. But, even if he wanted to take his revenge, he still had to eat ma. Now that he had nothing to his name, he’d better get a part-time job first ba.

Ye Ming thought happily, anyway, once he met up with Shen Ye, he wouldn’t have to run about working so hard anymore. This was merely the darkness before dawn!

【Ye Ming: Ge, can you please check which hotel Shen Ye usually likes to go to for me?】 

【888: Okay, just sent it to you.】

Ye Ming looked at the information, then left excitedly. He’d decided to apply for a job as a waiter!

【888: It seems you’re not going to give moving bricks a try, then? What a pity. I truly thought you actually wanted to try it out.】

【Ye Ming: No, no, no, that’s a misunderstanding. I’ve already moved more than enough zombies. I’ve found that physical labor like that isn’t suitable for me. I’m better at making money with my head!】 

【888: Are you sure you’re not making money with your black heart? Like those unscrupulous businessmen who make money with no conscience ma.】

【Ye Ming: What do you mean, I’m obviously very kind QAQ.】

【888: He he he.】


Since Tao Xu was already a senior, he didn’t have that many classes to attend. Everyone had been looking for jobs outside, and Tao Xu had been as well. His family conditions wouldn’t allow for them to support him through his postgraduate studies, so he’d been taking exams and submitting his resume everywhere. He spent all his spare time working part-time jobs to earn money.

After Ye Ming arrived here, he had no interest in job hunting at all. He only cared about when he’d be able to meet Shen Ye by chance.

After more than a week, Ye Ming finally received good news from 888. Shen Ye was coming over for dinner tonight! Ye Ming was almost moved to tears. His blissful life was right around the corner!

With his current appearance, he refused to believe he wouldn’t be able to attract Shen Ye’s attention! 

Ye Ming went over early in the afternoon, utilizing 120% of his energy, just waiting for the big show tonight.

Around six o’clock that night, the kitchen busied itself again, saying there was an important table of guests coming. The head chef came out in person to take care of the dishes, then hurriedly called a waiter over to  serve them up as soon as he finished.

Originally, another waiter had planned on going over. Upon seeing this, Ye Ming walked over, then said with a smile, “Zhang-jie, you’ve been busy all day. I’ll bring it over for you ba.”

Zhang-jie had always had a good opinion of Ye Ming. He was nimble when doing his work, but also clever and sensible, without being too talkative. She nodded, then said with a smile, “Okay, thank you, then.” 

Ye Ming grinned, “It’s nothing, it’s what I should do. Usually, you’re always the one taking care of me.”

He took the dishes to the most luxurious private room on the top floor, knocked on the door, then went in.

There were about a dozen people sitting at the table in the private room, an extraordinary atmosphere surrounding each and every one of them. All of them were obviously successful people in high society, every single individual a big shot anyone out there would eagerly fawn over.

But, at this moment, these people were politely sitting on either side, with a man sitting at the head seat in the center. 

The intense man had a handsome appearance, with long, narrow eyes, and thin, sharply-defined lips. He was dressed in a designer suit befitting his status, without a shadow of a smile on his face, exuding an aura that kept others at a distance… he looked up at the sound, instantly meeting Ye Ming’s gaze.

【Ye Ming: Back when I left, he was still a vigorous and blazingly passionate boyish heartthrob. Now, he’s already become a ten thousand year old lifeless iceberg. He looks hard to deal with at first glance. My boyish heartthrob is gone forever /(ToT)/~~】

【888: Yes ah, and why is that?】

【Ye Ming: …】 

【Ye Ming: Ke, what’s his blackening value?】

【888: Congratulations, a full 100 points oh.】

【Ye Ming: Ke, good thing it probably won’t be too hard to get rid of o(∩_∩)o~】

【888: …】 

Ye Ming looked at Shen Ye, a shocked, complicated look flitting through his eyes.

This exchange felt as though it lasted an eternity, but in fact, was very short, occurring within moments.

Ye Ming’s heart was drowning in endless waves of love mixed with hatred, and he swiftly shifted his gaze to the side to avoid Shen Ye’s. His body trembled slightly, and in a moment of unsteadiness, the dishes abruptly fell off. The plates immediately shattered to pieces, soup spilling all over the ground!

In an instant, everyone turned to look at Ye Ming! 

The middle-aged man sitting near the entrance had a cold look in his eyes. Today, they’d finally managed to invite President Shen out for dinner, yet somehow, the waiter serving the dishes had managed to break the plates, how inauspicious! President Shen had always been rather unforgiving. What if this offended him?

The man immediately scolded him fiercely, “What’s wrong with you?”

Ye Ming’s face turned pale, and he bent over to pick up the fragments on the ground, as he whispered, “I’m sorry, I’ll clean it up right now…”

Ye Ming pressed his lips together tightly. This private room was actually very big, but at this moment, the space seemed to be distorting, and the air felt thin, like it was hard to breathe. The sounds of him being chastised echoed in his ears, but he couldn’t talk back. He had to be patient. 

Now, he… couldn’t blow his cover, especially not in front of Shen Ye.

He hadn’t imagined that their reunion would come so suddenly, taking him by surprise.

But the man was extremely furious, and was evidently unwilling to let things go at that. “Where’s your manager?! Go and bring your manager over here!”

Ye Ming’s fists were slightly clenched. 

Just then, a cold voice sounded in the room, “Enough.”

This voice was very soft, but it acted like some sort of switch, silencing the entire room in an instant.

In the next moment, Ye Ming watched as a pair of legs approached him, before a hand grabbed his wrist. Ye Ming’s startled gaze fell on that hand.

The fingers on that hand were long and slender, with a graceful arc to them. On the cuff of his dark blue suit was a luxurious, but low-key gemstone cufflink… this hand held onto Ye Ming’s wrist tightly, the temperature of it practically scalding his skin, the strength of his grip seemingly not granting him any room for escape. 

In a voice that seemed to have gotten a bit deeper, he spoke clearly, word after word slowly entering his ears.

“It’s okay. Raise your head.”