Shen Ye tightly clutched the wrist of the person in front of him, his sharp, profound gaze landing on the other person’s side profile. The tumultuous waves stirred up in his heart from that shocking glimpse a moment ago still had yet to subside. At that moment… he seemed to have seen Han Xu reappear in front of him.

For ten years, he had never forgotten that person. He’d always been looking for him, waiting for him to come back… but cruel reality had forced him to acknowledge that the person who’d betrayed him and abandoned him would never come back, and had ruthlessly left him behind like an old shoe, never to return, leaving him without an opportunity for revenge.

It was only his ridiculous self that was still frozen in that moment, unable to let go.

Ye Ming lowered his head, his lips pressed together until they whitened. He hadn’t imagined that he’d once again see Shen Ye so unexpectedly. In the blink of an eye, ten years had already passed by in this world. But for him, what had happened that night felt just like yesterday. 

Just a short month ago, he’d accidentally learned the truth behind his parents’ death. His world had been turned upside down… his heart tormented by implacable hatred.

He couldn’t forgive himself. He’d called the murderer who’d killed his own biological parents ‘father’ for 20 years. He couldn’t forgive Shen Dayao for all the things that he’d done… but, he couldn’t deceive his own heart either, and was unable to cope with Shen Ye’s love.

A look of intense pain surfaced in Ye Ming’s eyes. He’d never be able to forget the look of despair in Shen Ye’s eyes that night, when he’d collapsed in a pool of his own blood… for him, Shen Dayao was his mortal enemy, but for Shen Ye, he was his most beloved father.

If we’re destined to be enemies, if you’re destined to watch someone you love kill another person you love with your own eyes, to shoulder the self-blame and suffering borne from this inconceivable hatred… then it’s better if you just hate me ba, if you believe that everything was just for the money.

Ye Ming took a deep breath, trying to calm down the disorderly feelings in his chest, before slowly raising his head. His gaze was already tranquil like a deep pool of water, devoid of any ripples or waves.

Shen Ye watched as the person in front of him slowly raised his head, his familiar profile turning toward him bit by bit, those dark eyes of his reflecting in his.

Vtfc Tf xcfk atja atlr qfgrbc kjrc’a Ljc We. Lf kjr wemt sbecufg, qgbyjyis bcis lc tlr fjgis akfcalfr, jqqfjglcu ab yf j mbiifuf raevfca. Dea… atlr kjr atf nfgs olgra alwf atja tf’v ofia rbwfatlcu rb ojwliljg ogbw jcbatfg qfgrbc, cba pera yfmjerf bo tlr fzagfwfis rlwlijg ojmf, yea jirb yfmjerf bo tlr ujhf.

It felt as though Han Xu was looking at him. 

But… this wasn’t the person he was waiting for, after all.

Shen Ye stared at Ye Ming, then slowly released his hand, his voice low, “What’s your name?”

Ye Ming lowered his gaze, and said, “Tao Xu.”

Shen Ye’s eyes were frozen in amazement, and he almost couldn’t maintain his composure. His name just so happened to have a “Xu” character in it as well… how could there be such a coincidence? 

Shen Ye was no longer the naive young man he used to be, and was already accustomed to concealing his feelings. He’d sealed away his wounded heart, so that he wouldn’t get hurt as easily anymore, no longer allowing others to see through him so effortlessly… however, after only a few short moments today, he could barely keep calm anymore.

But, he ought to wake up. This person wasn’t Han Xu. No matter how much he resembled him, he wasn’t the person that he hated, yet had once loved so deeply. He was nothing more than a stranger.

There was no way for him to fool himself like that.

The indifference in Shen Ye’s eyes was slowly restored once again, and he glanced at Ye Ming, then said, “It’s fine. Go out, ba.” 

Ye Ming didn’t give Shen Ye so much as another glance, seeming to avoid him as much as possible as he retreated.

Shen Ye watched Ye Ming’s back as he left, his gaze passing over the overturned plates on the ground. He turned around, and after returning to the table, sat down, a calm expression on his face as though absolutely nothing had happened just now.

The man who’d been scolding Ye Ming prior to this was at a complete loss. He’d had dealings with Shen Ye before, and understood him fairly well… and, as for what kind of person Shen Ye was, how could everyone here not understand? Putting it nicely, he wasn’t a busybody. Putting it impolitely, he was heartlessly indifferent, and wasn’t the type of person who was overflowing with kindness. With a waiter like that who’d done something wrong, how could Shen Ye speak up just for his sake? Even taking the initiative to ask for his name?

This was too abnormal! 

He hesitated for a while, when suddenly, he had a flash of inspiration. He chuckled heihei, “President Shen, are you interested in him?”

This reason actually sounded extremely absurd, because Shen Ye had always been someone difficult to get close to. The number of people who wanted to climb into his bed was too many to count, yet no one had ever seen him take kindly to any of them, so how could he become interested in a waiter with a single glance? But, if that wasn’t it, then what other reason could possibly compel him to personally come forward and help that waiter out?

Shen Ye lifted his gaze, and gave that man a look.

That man’s expression suddenly became a little worried, and he wondered if perhaps he’d said something wrong? 

Shen Ye stared at him, tapping his fingers against the table, before he said in a detached manner, “President He, didn’t you want to talk with me today about that plot of land under development?”

The man was stunned. He indeed had invited Shen Ye out for dinner because of that matter, but before he could speak up and mention it, unexpectedly, Shen Ye had actually taken the initiative to bring it up first. He quickly said with a smile, “Yes, yes.”

Of course, business was the most important. That brief incident from before was immediately shoved to the back of his mind.


Immediately after Ye Ming returned to the kitchens, he was furiously scolded by the manager, who was pointing at his nose, “Good thing the guests have no complaints, otherwise everything you’ve done this month would’ve been in vain. Do you know how important that table of guests is?”

Ye Ming bowed his head, and said, “I’m sorry. I’ll be more careful in the future.”

The manager hadn’t finished venting his anger yet, and snapped, “Really now. Normally, you’re still okay, but now at such a critical moment, you can’t do anything right. You’re already a college student, but can’t even carry some plates properly. How useless!”

Ye Ming’s fists were clenched tightly, and his face was slightly pale. He gritted his teeth as he said, “It’s my fault. I’m feeling a little uncomfortable today. I’d like to take the rest of the day off, and go back to rest a bit.” 

The manager said coldly, “You did something wrong, and also want to ask for leave, so this’ll all be deducted from your salary.”

Ye Ming whispered, “But, I’m really feeling uncomfortable. I really can’t hold on anymore.”

The manager looked at Ye Ming’s pale face, and felt a little nervous in his heart. This kid couldn’t have actually gotten sick, ba? If something went wrong while he was in the hotel, then things would really be troublesome. The manager finally said, “So bothersome. Go, ba.”

Ye Ming apologized again, then bid the others farewell, before leaving the hotel early. 

He stood at the foot of the hotel, then raised his head and looked up. There was a light coming from the private room on the top floor, like a lamp in the night sky. And Shen Ye was in there… although he hadn’t dared to look at him too much back there, Shen Ye’s appearance had still been deeply engraved into his heart.

The Shen Ye of his memories was very young and energetic, flashing him an unrestrained, bright smile. The current Shen Ye was still handsome, and had acquired a steady and self-possessed air, but had lost that relaxing feeling of comfort… unfathomable emotions seemed to brew within his dark eyes, and he appeared aloof and unsmiling. Even among a crowd, he still gave off an impression of existing independently from the world.

Ten years. In his heart, he was probably nothing more than someone he hated ba…

Their love had originally been a mistake to begin with. 

Ye Ming paused a bit. Then, he turned around, and disappeared into the dark night.

Soon after Ye Ming left, the hotel workers came in to clean up the broken dishes. No more issues occurred during the rest of their meal.

President He had a very pleasant discussion with Shen Ye, and by the time he left, he exuded the stench of alcohol. Suddenly, he recalled that back when he’d joked around about Shen Ye being interested in the waiter, Shen Ye hadn’t actually denied it, ba?

But, on the other hand, how could he have possibly become interested in him? Perhaps it’d just been too insignificant a matter to him, that he hadn’t bothered answering him then, President He thought.

When Shen Ye returned home, he was still fairly sober, because he hadn’t drank too much. The inside of his home was pitch-black, so he reached for the light switch by the door. With a kacha, the dark house was illuminated in an instant, but… no matter how bright it was, it was still empty and lifeless. 

This was his apartment outside. He had moved out several years ago, and now lived by himself.

He went to his bedroom, and opened a drawer, reaching deep inside to take out a tin box. He was silent for a long time, a painful yearning surfacing in his eyes, before he finally opened it slowly.

There were a few old photos inside the box. These were the only memories he had left of Han Xu that he brought with him from his home.

Shen Ye gently flipped through the photos, before his gaze finally landed on a certain photo. Han Xu and him were both very young in this photo. That time… Han Xu had picked him up from school, so they’d taken this photo together on the way home.

He was staring at the person in the photo, but his mind had returned to earlier that night, when Ye Ming had pushed open the door and entered…

After a long while, Shen Ye let out a disparaging laugh, then put down the photo. What was he thinking?

I’m involuntarily thinking of you once more, merely because there’s someone who bears a slight resemblance to you. But, what about you? You’ve probably never thought of me. All those times you treated me well were nothing more than a deception, and all the words of love you spoke to me were nothing more than lies… and when you ruthlessly wanted to kill me, mercilessly leaving me behind, you probably also… never thought of how painful it’d be for me.

Even if you actually unintentionally remembered me during these past ten years, you’d only scornfully mock me for my stupidity ba, for mistaking scheming for sincerity. 

Why won’t you come back?

Because you don’t dare to come back, isn’t that right.


Ye Ming left the hotel early, and fell fast asleep as soon as he returned to his dorm room, snoring away. Because there was no class the next day, and no one else was in his dorm room, he slept all the way until noon, before going to the cafeteria to eat. 

【888: Shen Ye isn’t planning to do anything to you. It seems that your grand schemes weren’t all that useful, after all. Even if you want to offer yourself up, you still have to be someone that can pique the other person’s interest ah.】

【Ye Ming:  No rush, no rush. You have to give him some time to think things over, ba. It’s not like he’s so frustrated that he’ll just try to get with anyone that looks even a little bit similar. But, I’ll let him know that I’m different from the rest~ xixixi.】

【888: …】This spicy chicken.

Tf Zlcu kjrc’a lc j teggs, jcv ilnfv bea tlr iflregfis mbiifuf ilof. Lf’v gfpfmafv jii atf qtbcf mjiir ogbw Itbe Aljqlcu atja tf’v gfmflnfv atfrf qjra ofk vjsr jrxlcu tlw bea. 

【888: Cgfc’a sbe ublcu ab ygfjx eq klat tlw? Qts kbc’a sbe jcrkfg atf qtbcf?】

【Ye Ming: Yes, of course we have to break up. No matter how we break this down, this shell of mine no longer houses Tao Xu inside, so it’s impossible to keep on dating Zhou Jiaping. Breaking up is a matter of course.】

【888: If you’re going to break up, then just give it to him straight, and I’ll still respect you for being a true man.】

【Ye Ming: …】 

【888: What?】

【Ye Ming: This is the very first time you’ve ever said that you’ll respect me as a man. I was so excited that I couldn’t speak QAQ.】

【888: Then hurry up and break up with him ah.】

【Ye Ming: But what really makes me distressed is that I can’t break up with him right now. I mean, for such an important matter, I have to hesitate a while for it to appear normal, ba? After all, I’m not that heartless!】 

【888: …try saying that again with a clear conscience.】

【Ye Ming: o(∩_∩)o~】

After spending a few relaxing days of his pleasant and carefree college life without any classes, Ye Ming once again received a call from Zhou Jiaping. After several rings, Ye Ming finally picked up.

“Xiao Xu, you didn’t answer your phone yesterday either. What’s wrong?” Zhou Jiaping’s anxious voice rang out through the phone. 

Ye Ming was silent for a long time, before he said, “Let’s go out for dinner today ba.”

Zhou Jiaping immediately replied, “Okay, still the usual place ba? I remember you really like the Sichuan fish with pickled mustard greens in that restaurant.”

Ye Ming said, “Let’s go somewhere else for today.”

Zhou Jiaping had finally managed to wait until Ye Ming answered his phone. Naturally, he wouldn’t argue over such a trivial matter, and readily agreed. 

Ye Ming changed into a t-shirt and pair of jeans, looking fresh and neat, before taking a taxi and setting off. He arrived at the hotel first, choosing a well-lit location by the window, then waited for Zhou Jiaping there.

Zhou Jiaping soon arrived. He was a tall, handsome, and sunny young man. At first glance, he appeared to be the very popular type. Zhou Jiaping walked over and directly sat across Ye Ming, asking him uneasily, “Xiao Xu, why have you been ignoring me recently, did I do something to make you angry?”

Ye Ming looked at him with a complicated look in his eyes.

He could see that Zhou Jiaping really liked him. The emotions in Zhou Jiaping’s eyes were very sincere. Even though he was clearly the one in the wrong, he was still reflecting on his own mistakes, ingratiating himself to coax him. He’d never even considered that… perhaps he wasn’t at fault at all. 

He subconsciously thought of Shen Ye. Back then, Shen Ye had been just like Zhou Jiaping right now. No… he’d loved him more than Zhou Jiaping, believing in him and loving him wholeheartedly.

And he’d failed him.

Ye Ming had agreed to come out with Zhou Jiaping today in order to break up with him. This was the decision he’d made after careful consideration.

He didn’t know why he’d come back to life. He’d already been dead for ten years. He should’ve been laid to eternal rest, but had been reborn in another person’s body instead. Maybe even the heavens themselves were unwilling to see him die just like that, so they’d given him this chance to crawl back from hell for revenge… 

There was nothing but hatred left in his life. How could he drag down another innocent person? And my apologies, but the person you like is no longer here…

So, he’d decided to break up with Zhou Jiaping. But at this moment, facing Zhou Jiaping’s expectant gaze, it became hard for him to speak up. His decision was very cruel to someone like him who knew absolutely nothing ba.

But with some things, dragging them on wasn’t the solution. After the truth was revealed, it would only hurt that much more.

Ye Ming was silent for a while, before he said slowly, “You haven’t done anything wrong, the problem lies with me.” 

Zhou Jiaping immediately looked at Ye Ming with concern, and comforted him, “Is the job hunt not going smoothly? Don’t worry, take your time. I’m sure you’ll be fine.”

Ye Ming instinctively chuckled. In their eyes, the most difficult thing was nothing more than whether or not their job hunt was going well… relentless hatred wasn’t a part of their world. It was ordinary, warm, and made others incomparably envious.

Ye Ming’s gaze softened, and he said, “Let’s eat, ba.”

No matter what, their talk could wait until after this meal. Zhou Jiaping acting like this really made him a little softhearted, but the person he loved wasn’t him. Instead of waiting for him to discover this cruel fact on his own, it was better for them to break up, ba. 

And bring their relationship to its premature end.


Shen Ye had come to the shopping mall today to choose out a birthday present for his mother. But, while he was browsing around, he inadvertently thought of that person again, his gaze slightly dimming.

In the past, Han Xu had always personally chosen out gifts for his mother’s birthdays. No matter what he gave her, his mother was always very happy, but… now, the only person left who could do this was him. 

After that incident when Han Xu had attacked him ten years ago, before subsequently disappearing, his mother had become depressed for a very long period of time, that matter turning into a knot inside her heart. The person she’d loved and cared for like a son for 20 years had actually wanted to kill her other son for the sake of the company instead, before finally disappearing in the end…

A self-deprecating smile lifted at the corners of Shen Ye’s lips. He chose out a silk scarf and a coat. When the assistant helped wrap them up for him, he sat there and shut his eyes with some exhaustion.

But, what emerged uncontrollably in front of him instead was the image of Ye Ming unexpectedly opening the door in the hotel a few days ago, appearing in front of him.

In the past ten years, it wasn’t as though he’d never seen people who resembled Ye Ming. Walking amongst the vast sea of people, ebbing and flowing like the tide, he’d occasionally brush past others, catching sight of a similar figure, thinking it was Ye Ming… and couldn’t help but catch up with them to check. 

But, it’d lead to nothing more than disappointment, time after time.

None of them were him. None of those people were him. Even if someone looked really similar to him, after a single glance, Shen Ye would know that it wasn’t him.

But this time, it actually took him a long while before he could come to this realization.

“Sir, your clothes,” the female assistant cautiously said. Although this man looked very handsome and magnanimous, he didn’t seem to be in a very good mood. 

Shen Ye opened his eyes, then took his things, before leaving without saying a single word.

Truly ridiculous… had it been too long, had he hated this person for too long, so long that even his memory of him had blurred… that even a person who merely bore a slight resemblance to him could become this unforgettable? They only looked alike, what was the use of that.

He wouldn’t understand how much suffering he’d been through.

After all, he was nothing more than a passerby. Perhaps they would never meet again. 

Shen Ye was thinking this, his lips curving up into a self-abasing smile, when the elevator doors slowly opened in front of him. When he walked out, his gaze fell on the restaurant across. A person with a gentle and handsome side profile that was sitting next to the window appeared in front of him.

Shen Ye abruptly stopped in place.

The young man in the glass window was sitting with another young man, smiling tenderly, the corners of his lips slightly raised into a pretty arc. His hands were resting on the table, and he seemed to be saying something, the atmosphere warm and harmonious…

At this moment, he seemed to traverse time and space, going back more than ten years ago to see the person he used to love appear in front of him once again… he once also looked at him just like this, sitting across from him, smiling gently. 

But this time, the person by his side wasn’t him, but someone else.


Ye Ming and Zhou Jiaping were getting along very well with each other. Zhou Jiaping was a humorous young man, and really understood how to take the other person’s mood into account when conversing and handling affairs. It was apparent that he really liked Tao Xu. Without this unexpected incident… perhaps, they really could’ve stayed together until the very end, ba.

When Ye Ming thought of this, his happy mood was dampened, and his gaze dimmed a bit. What he was enjoying right now didn’t belong to him. 

Time seemed to pass by quickly, yet also drag along during this meal. Finally, when they were almost finished, Ye Ming seriously looked at Zhou Jiaping, slightly pursing his lips. In the end, some things still had to be said.

Ye Ming wet his lips, just about to speak, when he was suddenly interrupted by a deep voice coming from above him.

“What a coincidence.”

This voice traveled into Ye Ming’s ears, making his entire body freeze in place. He slowly raised his head, then saw Shen Ye standing behind him, staring at him with a kind of profound, gloomy look in his eyes. “I didn’t think we’d meet again.”