Shen Ye strode over, snatching away the photo in Ye Ming’s hand. With dense anger in his eyes, and an unprecedented, spine-chilling look on his face, he spat out, “Get. Out.”

Ye Ming was slightly stunned. He met Shen Ye’s dark, furious gaze, finally realizing that his hands were empty.

Originally, he’d only been randomly looking around trying to pass the time, but had accidentally come across his old photos instead. At that moment, he’d experienced an indescribable sense of shock, so he’d gotten lost in thought, and hadn’t noticed that Shen Ye had already returned home… 

Shen Ye was still preserving his photos so carefully. Was he still in love with him?

Was he still unable to let go of him even though he’d treated him like that… Ye Ming’s nose soured. Things shouldn’t have turned out this way. Shen Ye was supposed to thoroughly hate him and completely forget about him, but they were stuck inside this strange loop instead. No matter which way he went, he’d still run into Shen Ye in the end.

But, they could never be together.

He’d once believed that the thing hindering their relationship was the guilt he’d felt since the elder Shen couple had so graciously raised him. Later on, he found out that the thing hindering their relationship was far from something that simple, a deep blood feud that could never be resolved.

Seeing Ye Ming standing there motionless, merely giving him an incomprehensible, complicated look that was seemingly filled with sorrow, Shen Ye frowned and stepped forward to glare at Ye Ming, his tone even more impatient as he tried his best to restrain his anger, “I told you to get out. Did you not hear me?”

Ye Ming looked at Shen Ye, but suddenly laughed. You’re so angry now. Is it because I discovered your secret?

If you’re this angry, then why don’t you just go ahead and let me leave?

Tf Zlcu mibrfv tlr fsfr, jcv rffwfv ab wjxf eq tlr wlcv jybea rbwfatlcu. 

Pcrafjv bo ifjnlcu, tf ibbxfv ragjluta lcab Vtfc Tf’r fsfr, jcv jrxfv lc j nfgs rfglber abcf, “Pr atlr atf qfgrbc sbe ilxf?”

Vtfc Tf’r ujhf mtliifv. Olxf? Rb, atlr kjrc’a atf qfgrbc tf ilxfv. Ktlr kjr atf qfgrbc tf tjafv wbra!

The killing intent emanating from his body almost seemed to freeze the very air around them, but Ye Ming wasn’t afraid in the slightest. Instead, he opened his mouth, and continued aggressively, “So, the reason you absolutely have to make me stay is because of him, right? Is this enjoyable for you?”

“Shut up!” A stern shout left Shen Ye’s throat, and he abruptly grabbed onto Ye Ming’s wrist and pressed him face-first against the wall! He lowered his head and whispered dangerously into his ear, “You’re— provoking me.” 

Ye Ming felt Shen Ye put a lot of strength into his grip, his face turning white with pain, but his mouth twisted into a self-deprecating smile. Yes, ah. You’ve realized that I’m provoking you. If any mention of me is unwelcome because you hate me this much, it’s probably very embarrassing and painful for you to hear me speak so bluntly, ba?

Now… you won’t continue keeping me around, ba…

“Is that not it?” Ye Ming slightly pursed his lips, giving him a sad look filled with pity, “You’re satisfied just finding a lookalike since you can’t have him?”

“I told you to shut up!” Shen Ye’s eyes were bulging with anger, like he was practically ready to eat him alive! Dangerous and ferocious like a cornered beast! 

A pained expression appeared on Ye Ming’s face, but he was unwilling to show any weakness, looking back at Shen Ye with a fiery, unbending will as if mocking his pathetic state.

Shen Ye’s eyes were red. It was this face… this was the exact same face as Han Xu’s.

Han Xu betrayed me and left me. Now even you want to laugh at me and look down on me… how dare you. Who do you think you are, how dare you try and make fun of me too?!

Shen Ye flung Ye Ming to the ground. His tall figure towered over him, his frigid, mocking gaze landing on his face. His voice was cold, “So what if it’s true? At the end of the day, you’ll still get f*cked by me anyway. Did you think I’d just let you leave if you said these things?” 

He directly tore off Ye Ming’s clothes, leaning down to sneer into his ear, “Since you like talking so much, let’s see how much talking you’ll be able to manage in a bit!”

Ye Ming’s eyes were filled with sadness and self-mockery. This was his fault. He’d made Shen Ye become this way. He’d thought that leaving like that would make Shen Ye hate him, and finally let go of the person who’d ruthlessly betrayed and hurt him like that, starting his life anew.

But, ten years had passed by, yet Shen Ye still hadn’t moved on…

Ye Ming struggled desperately. It wasn’t that he hadn’t gotten physical with Shen Ye recently, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that he couldn’t stand it anymore. 

This was the person he loved most ah, but he’d ended up being treated like his own substitute. He’d much rather Shen Ye just telling him outright that he hated him over the two of them torturing each other like this in despair.

But, he couldn’t reveal his identity to him. He wasn’t afraid of Shen Ye taking his revenge, but… he hadn’t completed his own revenge yet.

How could he be content with that?

Shen Ye’s actions were merciless and ruthless. He pinched Ye Ming’s chin, fiercely kissing his lips. There was a cruel smile on his lips. He knew that he was in the wrong for doing this. He was merely venting his hatred on an innocent person, and hurting an innocent person. 

And he wasn’t a good person. Sooner or later, someone like him would receive his retribution. But, he didn’t care anymore…

He was like a dying man struggling in this hopeless world, uncaring of whether his behavior would drag others into the abyss or not.


Shen Ye gently wiped away the tears at the corners of Ye Ming’s eyes, moving his lips close to his ears, slowly saying, “Did you know? There was something you said that was wrong.” 

Ye Ming’s gaze was somewhat blank, a look of pain on his face. He slowly shifted his gaze to look at the grim expression on this man’s face.

Shen Ye said, “He’s not the person I like. He’s just someone who left me.”

Ye Ming looked at Shen Ye, a trace of clarity gradually emerging in his eyes. Shen Ye’s tone was heavy and dispirited, suffused with unspeakable grief and helplessness, but Ye Ming almost couldn’t hold back his laughter… Shen Ye actually didn’t know that he was already dead.

So… you don’t even know that I’m dead ah. 

When Ye Ming woke up the next day, Shen Ye was already gone.

He took his time getting up. The first thing he did was check the study. The study was indeed locked now.

【Ye Ming: Tsktsktsk, is he trying to keep out thieves. There’s nothing much to see anyway.】

【888: If there’s nothing much to see, then why’d you look so hard yesterday?】 

【Ye Ming: That’s just to sprinkle a little bit of fun in my clever little brother’s conservative and monotonous life. The key to eliminating his blackening value still lies with Shen Dayao. I’ve been waiting for so long that the flowers are beginning to wilt. He’s so reclusive now. Is it because he’s done too many bad things and has started to repent?】

【888: You’re mistaken. His body just isn’t doing as well as it was before.】

【Ye Ming: So, when exactly will he come to the company…】

【[888: I’m in a good mood today. Let me tell you some good news. Shen Dayao will make a trip to the company today.】

【Ye Ming: (⊙v⊙) I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time!】

An excited Ye Ming set off for work, but when he was halfway there, he suddenly thought of something.

【Ye Ming: O(∩_∩)O Ge, did something good happen to you today? Why are you in such a good mood?】

【888: I’m anticipating watching you court death.】 

【Ye Ming: …】

No, their friendship shouldn’t be like this!

Ye Ming dejectedly arrived at the company. His colleagues were as “friendly and polite” to him as always. He returned to his post in silence and sat down. It was another boring day. It wasn’t until 888 gave him a reminder that he got up and left the office.

When a coworker walked in, he just so happened to run into Ye Ming was he was going out, so he asked him with a smile, “Xiao Tao, where are you headed to?” 

Ye Ming said, “The internet is down on the 20th floor. I’ll go take a look.”

This coworker quickly said, “Why’re you going there over such a small matter. Just let someone else go!”

The corners of Ye Ming’s mouth twitched, while a self-deprecating look appeared in his eyes, but he still insisted, “I’ll go, ba. There’s nothing else for me to do anyway.”

His coworker was just being polite anyway, so he immediately went on inside. 

Ye Ming took the elevator to the 20th floor to check on the network problem. The connector was merely broken, so he soon finished repairing it. He didn’t particularly want to go back to the office. Living like this felt meaningless to him. He’d stayed inside the company and learned a lot about its current situation, but he never came across the one person he wanted to see.

Ever since a few years back, Shen Dayao had almost completely stopped coming to the company. When he wasn’t inside his home, his whereabouts basically remained a complete mystery. It’d be extremely difficult to approach him.

A trace of powerlessness appeared in Ye Ming’s eyes. He became a little absent-minded while waiting for the elevator. Right then, the elevator door suddenly opened in front of him, and one person came out.

This person was about 60 years old. The hair on his temples was a little gray, but he seemed to be in good health. His gaze was clear and sharp, with no signs of dullness. The moment he walked out, he also noticed Ye Ming. He stopped in place, his gaze falling on Ye Ming. 

Tf Zlcu rabbv atfgf, rajglcu ja atf qfgrbc lc ogbca bo tlw. Mbg j wbwfca, tf fnfc atbeuta atja tf kjr pera tjiiemlcjalcu, yfmjerf atfgf kjr cfnfg j alwf ktfc tf kjrc’a ojcajrlhlcu jybea xliilcu atlr wjc! Vb, wjsyf tf kjr pera rfflcu atlcur.

Vtfc Gjsjb tjv jygeqais jqqfjgfv lc ogbca bo tlw pera ilxf atja.

Ye Ming tightly clenched his fists, a chilling look slowly surfacing in his eyes. His body was slightly trembling. Kill him… kill him! Who cared about anything else, nothing else mattered. Even if he had to sacrifice his own life, he’d kill this man!

It was this person who’d killed his parents, hypocritically bringing him home, treating him like one of the Shen family’s dogs, thinking he could keep him around or kill him at will! 

He’d also… killed him!

Shen Dayao’s gaze darkened as he looked at the young man before him. The young man was giving him a complicated, profound look, and for a moment, it felt as though Han Xu had reappeared in front of him. But… this person was too young. Besides the fact Han Xu was already dead, even if Han Xu were still alive, it was impossible for him to be this age.

Therefore, the person in front of him wasn’t Han Xu, merely a person similar to Han Xu, but… his hostility surprised him.

Ye Ming’s hands were tightly clenched into fists behind him, his hatred practically pouring out from within! He slowly lifted his foot, taking a step forward… like this, he’d be closer to Shen Dayao! 

Just when Ye Ming’s mind had been completely dominated by his hatred, leaving him nearly incapable of controlling himself, a hand suddenly gripped his wrist tightly. A slightly cold voice came from above his head, “What are you doing here?”

Shen Ye had heard that Shen Dayao was coming over, and was just coming out to greet him. But, he hadn’t expected to find Ye Ming standing right in front of Shen Dayao, looking like he was about to walk right towards him! At this moment, Shen Ye didn’t have the time to think about why Ye Ming had just so happened to show up here. He just wanted Ye Ming to leave immediately, so he could put a stop to all of this!

Because of that incident back then when he’d almost died, his father despised Han Xu the most and didn’t even allow anyone to mention Han Xu in front of him. If his father saw a person who looked so similar to Han Xu appear in the company, it wouldn’t be good for Ye Ming.

Shen Ye felt that his father wouldn’t tolerate Ye Ming’s presence here, just as he hadn’t been able to tolerate Han Xu’s back then. Now, his top priority was to let Ye Ming leave first. 

Shen Ye said coldly to Ye Ming, “Is this a place where you can come and go freely? Go down ba. You’re not allowed to randomly come up here without my say-so.”

Ye Ming lowered his gaze, his arms trembling slightly. He very, very much wanted to just kill Shen Dayao and get it over with. It didn’t matter even if they had to die together. He no longer had any relatives or loved ones… he had nothing at all. He was merely a resentful spirit who’d come back from the dead.

Whose only desire was to drag Shen Dayao into the abyss with him.

But… right now, he couldn’t kill Shen Dayao. At least, not yet. If Shen Ye hadn’t shown up just in time to stop him, he probably would’ve done something irreparable, merely throwing away his life in vain. 

Ye Ming’s lips moved, and he whispered, “I understand.”

Shen Ye let out a small sigh of relief. He watched as Ye Ming left, while Shen Dayao didn’t stop him. Then, he said to Shen Dayao, “Father, why have you come?”

Shen Dayao retracted his gaze from Ye Ming.

Even his back… was very similar to Han Xu’s. 

This son of his was discreet in all other matters, but once Han Xu was involved, he’d become so very transparent. Although he’d acted like he had nothing to do with Ye Ming, like they weren’t close, and had even treated him coldly… the concern and protectiveness he’d shown for Ye Ming at that moment couldn’t escape his notice.

All of this reminded Shen Dayao of the times when Han Xu had still been around. Han Xu had made his son fall head-over-heels for him. Even though he was now dead… his spirit was practically still lingering here!

Shen Dayao’s gaze was slightly cold. He didn’t even answer Shen Ye’s question, and went directly inside Shen Ye’s office.

Shen Ye’s expression shifted. He also followed him in, and closed the door. 

“Today, I just wanted to come over and take a look at how the company has been doing,” Shen Dayao said slowly. He gave Shen Ye an unreadable look, but there was a touch of fury in his voice, “However, you’ve made me greatly disappointed.”

Shen Ye’s expression was calm, “The company has been doing well, and our business has expanded exponentially, while our holdings are stable. This is our most recent half-year financial report. Would you like to see it?”

Shen Dayao waved it away, and said coldly, “You know that’s not what I was referring to.”

Shen Ye slightly lowered his gaze, shifting his fingers a bit. After a while, he looked up and stared straight into Shen Dayao’s eyes, then asked, “Then, what was it that you were referring to?” 

Shen Dayao was beyond furious with Shen Ye’s attitude! This brat was feigning ignorance. How could he not know exactly what it was he was referring to? He was keeping a person who looked so similar to Han Xu by his side, defending him however he could. Could he still not let go of a person who’d tried to take his life?!

Ten years had passed, and Shen Ye still couldn’t let go of Han Xu. This fact made Shen Dayao sick to his stomach! The reason he hadn’t said anything before was only because he hadn’t wanted to push his son too hard. But, now that he’d seen Ye Ming today, Shen Dayao could no longer stand by and do nothing!

“Han Xu wanted to kill you, and he won’t be coming back! Don’t you understand?” Shen Dayao’s voice was bone-chilling, and the look he directed at Shen Ye was full of disappointment and anger.

Shen Ye’s face turned slightly pale, while the muscles in his face had tensed up, his jawline hardening. He paused for a bit, before asking slowly, “How do you know he won’t be coming back?” 

Because he’s already dead! I saw his corpse with my own eyes, I nipped that dangerous thing in the bud, so… of course Han Xu won’t be coming back!

It was a pity Shen Dayao couldn’t tell Shen Ye this, because he knew about the feelings his son had for Han Xu. If he learned that Han Xu had died by his hands, he’d still hold a grudge against him even knowing that Han Xu had betrayed him first. It was better to let him believe that Han Xu had abandoned him.

Shen Dayao sneered, “If he was going to come back, then sometime during these last ten years… he would’ve come back long ago.”

Hearing these words, there seemed to be a voice echoing inside Shen Ye’s heart. Yes ah… if he was going to come back, he would’ve come back long ago. How could he not understand something like this… but, understanding was one thing, while doing something about it was another. 

He’d always hoped that perhaps after waiting and waiting, who knew if that person would suddenly come back one day?

But, this was just his wishful thinking.

Shen Ye opened his mouth, a self-deprecating look in his eyes as he said, “There’s no need for you to worry. I don’t like him anymore.”

Shen Dayao snorted coldly, and walked over to poke at Shen Ye’s chest, exactly where his scar was located, his gaze chilly, “That would be ideal. Don’t forget what he did to you and don’t disappoint me!” 

He flung up his hands and left, unwilling to stay here for even a moment longer!

Shen Ye stood there in place, listening to the sounds of the door opening and then closing. Now, he was the only one left in the office again. He closes his eyes in pain. The place where that scar was had begun to ache again.

He didn’t want to think about these problems, but Shen Dayao’s words today had forced him to face them once again.

He no longer loved that person anymore. He didn’t love him at all. He merely hated him and was waiting for him to come back so he could put an end to their relationship once and for all. 

But, he hadn’t even been given the chance to do so.


Ye Ming went back to his office and could hear the others discussing something in the distance. They said that the old President Shen had actually come here today, but had left in a fit of rage not long after. It seemed that he was unhappy with President Shen. Everyone was busy gossiping, tossing out all kinds of wild conjectures. Someone even said that he’d failed to force an arranged marriage on him.

Only Ye Ming knew the most probable reason for his unhappiness. 

It was merely because of him.

Shen Dayao abhorred him. He’d finally gotten rid of him and had constructed a façade of him absconding, just to find out that Shen Ye had found a lookalike to keep around instead. It’d be strange if he weren’t angry.

【Ye Ming: What do you do if your son is disobedient? Just give him a good beating. If one isn’t good enough, then try two.】

【888: …what if two beatings aren’t enough?】 

【Ye Ming: Then, you can only leave it up to fate. Sigh.jpg】

Ye Ming had successfully shown his face to Shen Dayao once, so he returned home satisfied. However, it was already very late, and Shen Ye still hadn’t come back yet.

【Ye Ming: Where’s my lovely younger brother? Why hasn’t he come back yet, was that actually too great a blow for him?】

【888: Why is it that you like asking questions you already know the answer to?】 

【Ye Ming: Because this one thinks you’re most reliable ma~~~ it just feels different when you’re the one saying something~】

【888: …】

Ye Ming inwardly thought that even if Shen Ye still wouldn’t come back, he had to be resolute and not go to bed. He had to tenaciously increase his presence in front of Shen Ye, especially with such a great opportunity like today!

Only, Shen Ye really didn’t return until very late at night. It wasn’t until one o’clock in the morning that the sound of an opening door could be heard. 

Ye Ming was sitting on the sofa, and turned around to look. He saw Shen Ye leaning against the door, appearing at the doorway exuding the stench of alcohol. His pitch-black eyes reflected a strange, cold gleam in the darkness, and he looked completely drunk.

Shen Ye didn’t drink too often, and the number of times he’d actually gotten drunk could be counted on the fingers of one hand.

But, he’d gotten drunk today.

He felt very pained and sad. He’d lost the person he loved most. That person didn’t want him anymore, and had tried to kill him… he was a pathetic fool for keeping a lookalike around, trying to deceive himself into thinking he could live on just like this… 

But, it wasn’t true. Everyone knew what a huge fool he was. Everyone knew…

Even his father was utterly disappointed in him.

He was nothing more than a failure.

Shen Ye felt his sight blurring. He looked at the person inside the room. Someone was sitting on the sofa and looking right at him. 

Who was it, who was in his house?

Didn’t he live by himself? How could anyone else be inside his house…? Shen Ye wasn’t too clear-headed. He staggered over, the cold moonlight shining through the windows, and gradually, he was able to see this person’s face.

This person had the familiar face he’d been dreaming of. At the moment, he was giving him a compassionate look, as though he felt pity for his powerless and pitiful state…

Shen Ye suddenly pressed down on Ye Ming’s shoulder, pushing him down onto the sofa. He glared at him like he wanted to slice him to pieces, and tear him limb from limb! Yet, there also seemed to be a misplaced sense of overwhelming affection. 

“So, you’re finally willing to come back? Why wouldn’t you come back? Why wouldn’t you come back…” Do you know how long I’ve been waiting for you?

Shen Ye slightly lowered his head, his alcohol-infused breath landing on Ye Ming’s ear. But, his gaze seemed to travel right through him as he saw another person he both loved and hated. His eyes were filled with unparalleled nostalgia and longing at first. But, in the next moment, like someone had flipped a switch, they became filled with bitter hatred. He looked at the person beneath him with a bloodthirsty gaze, and said in a hoarse voice, “But… how dare you come back!”

How dare you come back?!

Or… did you also come back to ridicule me, to laugh at me?!