Shen Ye glowered at Ye Ming, bitter hatred smoldering in his dark eyes. His thumb rubbed past Ye Ming’s lips hard, before he covered them with a kiss that tasted of alcohol, as though he wanted to swallow this person whole!

Do you know how much I hate you, how much I missed you.

You don’t know… and you probably don’t care to find out, ba.

Shen Ye had great strength. Ye Ming’s wrists made cracking sounds from being gripped so tightly, his face turning pale with pain. Looking up at Shen Ye’s crazed gaze filled with hatred, he realized that Shen Ye was drunk, and started struggling desperately to escape. 

But, how could Shen Ye allow Ye Ming to escape? He dragged Ye Ming back, and a frigid voice rang in Ye Ming’s ear, “Do you want to leave me again?”

His gaze fell on Ye Ming’s pale face with its delicate features, a deep longing surfacing in his eyes. He’d been thinking about this person for ten years. For ten years, he could only rely on his memories to prevent himself from forgetting this person’s appearance… this time, even if you die, can only die by my side.


Ye Ming resisted and struggled desperately at first. He knew that Shen Ye was drunk, and was evidently confusing him for his old self. However, Shen Ye was too powerful, and Ye Ming couldn’t get away from him at all. On the contrary, the more he struggled, the greater the torment he suffered. In the end, he simply gave up resisting.

His lips curved up into a self-deprecating smile. This time… Shen Ye wasn’t treating him like a substitute. He was just treating him as himself.

Now, I know exactly how much you hate me.

But, I’m not surprised. You should’ve hated me just like this from the start…

Ye Ming slightly raised his head, looking into Shen Ye’s eyes. In those eyes, besides his drunken haze, there was hatred, an unwillingness to give up, and agony that couldn’t be concealed… 

You’re also suffering this much ah.

“I’m sorry…” Ye Ming’s gaze was a little empty, and he murmured this almost inaudibly.

I’m sorry. Actually, I knew things would turn out this way.


Vtfc Tf rtloafv j ilaaif. Lf ribkis bqfcfv tlr fsfr. Pa abbx j ktlif yfobgf tf mbeiv ugjvejiis gfujlc rbwf wfcaji mijglas. Lf iloafv j tjcv jcv qgfrrfv la jujlcra tlr obgftfjv. Lf ralii tjv j rqilaalcu tfjvjmtf yfmjerf bo tlr tjcubnfg.

Vtfc Gjsjb tjv mbwf bnfg ab atf mbwqjcs sfrafgvjs. Ktfs’v qjgafv bc yjv afgwr bcmf jujlc rlcmf Ljc We tjv yffc ygbeuta eq. Ktlr kjr jc ecwfcalbcjyif abqlm obg atf ojatfg-rbc qjlg. Vtfc Tf tjv yffc lc j yjv wbbv jcv tjv vgecx j iba bo jimbtbi. Lf mbeivc’a gfwfwyfg fzjmais tbk tf’v wjcjufv ab raewyif tlr kjs yjmx tfgf. Ktfc… tf’v vgfjwfv bo Ljc We jujlc.

When Shen Ye recalled this, his eyes flashed with a trace of confusion. He seemed to have dreamt of Han Xu also feeling sorrowful and agonized… and he’d apologized to him.

But, how could Han Xu possibly apologize to him? 

Shen Ye would never forget Han Xu’s ruthlessness at the time. How could he ever feel guilty if he could hurt him like that? In the past ten years… Shen Ye had never seen Han Xu like this even in his dreams. In his memories, what kept replaying itself was that single shot. What kept appearing was Han Xu’s cold-blooded smile, and his callous words…

It was like being stuck in a neverending nightmare that he was unable to wake himself from.

He didn’t even dare to have the extravagant hope of Han Xu regretting his actions, but this time… the Han Xu in his dreams hadn’t been like this.

The corners of Shen Ye’s mouth tugged downwards. Had he actually reached such a pathetic point, fantasizing about that person regretting everything and coming back? If he was going to regret his actions, then he would’ve come back long ago… 

Shen Ye sat up on his bed, ready to wash up, but his arm unexpectedly touched something warm. He was slightly startled and turned his head. Then, he found a person lying next to him.

The young man’s entire body was covered in bruises. The corners of his mouth were a little torn, and there were some blood stains underneath his body. It was obvious that he’d suffered some kind of abuse last night. He was still in a deep slumber and hadn’t woken up yet.

Shen Ye’s expression froze for a moment. He suddenly remembered that after he’d gotten drunk, he’d thought this man was Han Xu, and then…

Shen Ye wasn’t a soft-hearted person. But, at this moment, looking at Ye Ming’s miserable appearance, a rare trace of guilt appeared in his heart. He’d mistaken Ye Ming for Han Xu. He must’ve gone way too far last night ba. But, Ye Ming… wasn’t Han Xu. He was only an innocent person, after all. 

Because of his own selfishness, he’d kept on hurting another innocent person. This realization made Shen Ye acknowledge once again that he couldn’t let things go on like this.

But… he looked down at Ye Ming’s face, indecision warring in his eyes. Finally, he let out a deep sigh.


Ye Ming had fallen asleep in a daze. It was almost noon by the time he woke up. He shifted his body a little, actually feeling refreshed for once. Although he still felt a bit uncomfortable, he’d probably been cleaned up already. 

【Ye Ming: Unbelievable, ah. Who knew my lovely baby brother could be so considerate? Didn’t he not care about me before?]

【888: His considerate actions from before were already eaten by dogs along with your conscience, right?]

【Ye Ming: Kekekekeke… I mean, after all, he doesn’t know who I am ma, and things are no longer the way they used to be…】

【Ye Ming: Also, how do I not have a conscience, QAQ.】 

【888: And here I thought your conscience was worthless to you, he he he.】

【Ye Ming: You’ve wronged this one. I’m obviously very distressed, okay? If I don’t do this, how am I supposed to finish my mission? Can my experience points be unfrozen? I just have no choice 555…】

【888: What’re you calling 555 for? He’s not your system. Even if you keep on complaining, he won’t be able to hear you.】

【Ye Ming: …】 

Ye Ming’s stomach growled with hunger. He got up, ready to go out and get something to eat. Suddenly, he smelled a nice aroma coming from the kitchen, and instantly felt his hunger increase!

When Shen Ye heard the sounds of movement, he came out of the kitchen. His sleeves were casually rolled up to his elbows, and his shirt collar was open. He looked over with a stern face, raising a sharp eyebrow as he said, “Come eat since you’re up ba.”

Ye Ming stood there, slightly stunned. He seemed very surprised that Shen Ye would actually cook for him.

Shen Ye had made some porridge and brought out a serving. His voice still had no warmth to it, and it sounded more like he was giving him an order, “Come and sit down.” 

Ye Ming was silent for a moment. Then, he sat down at the table and gave Shen Ye a complicated look.

An uneasy look quickly flashed across Shen Ye’s face. In fact, he actually did feel a little uncomfortable. After all, he hadn’t taken care of Ye Ming like this before, let alone cooked for him. But, when he thought of his behavior last night, he couldn’t just ignore his conscience like that. If he was determined to keep this person by his side… then he should probably be a little nicer to him. After all, Ye Ming didn’t owe him anything.

Ye Ming took back his gaze, and silently drank his porridge. He suddenly remembered something that’d happened in the past. At that time, he’d still been together with Shen Ye. One time, he’d fallen sick, and Shen Ye had taken care of him just like this… Shen Ye’s cooking skills weren’t actually that great. He seldom cooked, but Ye Ming had still eaten his food very happily then, because it wasn’t only a meal that could warm a person’s heart, but someone’s intentions…

He truly cherished the time they’d spent together. 

Ten years had passed by in a flash. Shen Ye’s skill still hadn’t improved all that much, and was still at a level where it was enough to make do with. Now that he was living all alone, could he really take good care of himself?

Ye Ming suddenly realized that he’d never thought about this problem before. There had only been hatred in his heart. He’d abandoned and betrayed this person, unable to see much else aside from his revenge. Or maybe… it wasn’t that he’d forgotten, but that he hadn’t wanted to think too much about it.

If he’d thought about it for too long, it would’ve been more difficult for him to face this person in front of him. It was better to continue on just like this, pretending that Shen Ye could live well without him.

Shen Ye looked at Ye Ming. The young man’s head was lowered, so he could only see his smooth forehead and delicate nose. He looked very similar to Han Xu, but also not that similar, ba. 

Shen Ye paused, and seeing that Ye Ming had finally finished eating, he took out a card and key and placed them in front of Ye Ming. He said indifferently, “This is a house and some money for you. You can bring your parents over so they can live there, and let your father go to a better hospital.”

Ye Ming slightly frowned, “You’ve already given me money.”

Shen Ye’s gaze sank. He pursed his lips, and said, “You deserve it.”

Ye Ming was taken aback when he heard him say this, but then immediately revealed a self-deprecating smile. Right… not only was he living with him and sleeping with him, but he also had to deal with Shen Ye’s occasional bouts of madness. This job really wasn’t too easy. It looked like… Shen Ye was a very generous boss. 

Unfortunately, he didn’t want to receive his pay.

However, Ye Ming remained silent for a long time. Finally, he took the key and card, and said, “Okay.”

He’d already taken over Tao Xu’s body, and had already been forced to do such shameless things. What qualifications did he even have to be so stubborn? It was better to get as many benefits as possible so that when he died, at least Tao Xu’s family would be able to live well.

Shen Ye let out an inaudible sigh of relief when he saw that Ye Ming hadn’t insisted on refusing him. However, the dull and oppressive feeling in his heart hadn’t dissipated all that much. 

He knew that he couldn’t do something like this. Keeping this person with him was just like drinking poison to quench his thirst. It’d only be that much more painful in the end. But, he couldn’t stop himself. He really couldn’t help himself.

Ye Ming went back to work after a few days of rest. Shen Ye never got drunk again. He wasn’t especially gentle to Ye Ming, but he also wasn’t particularly cold, and things actually remained rather peaceful.

【Ye Ming: Ah, time sure flies. In the blink of an eye, nearly three months have passed by since I  first returned.】

【888: Yes, but your identity hasn’t been exposed yet. The blackening value hasn’t even dropped by 1 point.】

【Ye Ming: It’s not that I don’t want to be exposed. The main issue is it’ll look phony if I make it too obvious. Since I want to hide my identity for revenge, based on my familiarity with Shen Ye, if I still carelessly revealed some flaws for him to discover, it’d look really stupid, right?】 

【888: …】

【Ye Ming:‌ Things really aren’t that easy for me ah. Not only do I have to make him inadvertently feel like I’m similar to Han Xu, but I also have to make sure not to raise any doubts in him so that he won’t become suspicious of me. It’s really a great test of my acting skills!】

【888: What a shame you’re not an actor.】

【Ye Ming: Hahahahahaha, you’re exactly right! After training my way through all of these worlds, once I get back to the real world, I guess I’ll even be able to enter the entertainment industry then, hahahahahaha!】

【888: …】This spicy chicken probably had no idea what sarcasm was.

【Ye Ming: Having said that, after such a long period of preparation, the opportunity I’ve been waiting for has finally come! It’s time to take my relationship with my good little brother to the next level!】

【888: …】

Another day passed by. 

In the evening, Shen Ye took Ye Ming out for dinner. When they returned home, he carried him to bed.

Tf Zlcu’r fzqgfrrlbc kjr gjatfg jqjatfalm. Llr tfjv kjr aliafv eq, jr tf ibbxfv boo rbwfktfgf lcab atf vlrajcmf. Ciatbeut tf kjr erejiis nfgs qjrrlnf lc yfv jcv cfnfg gfrqbcvfv jii atja wemt, bcis ifaalcu bea j ofk reqqgfrrfv wbjcr ktfc tf mbeivc’a tfiq la, abvjs, Tf Zlcu… kjr qjgalmeijgis jyrfca-wlcvfv.

Shen Ye stopped halfway. No man would actually be in the mood after seeing someone act like this. He frowned slightly and asked, “What’re you thinking about?”

Ye Ming lowered his gaze, and murmured, “Nothing much.” 

Shen Ye was actually already used to Ye Ming’s attitude, so he wasn’t angry. He’d discovered that he was unwittingly beginning to care more and more for this person, occasionally even willing to spoil him a bit.

Instead of directly leaving this time, Shen Ye said into Ye Ming’s ear, “Is it really nothing? You can tell me whatever it is you’re thinking.”

As long as you don’t try to leave, I can give you whatever it is you desire.

Ye Ming’s expression subtly changed. He slightly turned his head, and without looking into Shen Ye’s eyes, slowly said, “I want to take the day off tomorrow.” 

Shen Ye asked, “What’s the matter?”

Ye Ming said, “There’s some paperwork that needs to be dealt with for graduation, so I have to make a trip to my school.”

Shen Ye looked steadily at the side of Ye Ming’s face. After a moment, he said, “Okay.”

After saying this, he got up and left, leaving Ye Ming alone by himself. 

The next day, Shen Ye didn’t wait for Ye Ming to get up for them to leave together. Instead, he left first by himself, giving off the appearance that he was leaving Ye Ming to do his own thing. But, in reality, Shen Ye hadn’t actually gone to the company, and had stopped halfway there.

He’d found that he was already used to having Ye Ming by his side. When Ye Ming had mentioned going back to his school yesterday, his subtle attitude pushing him away had made him unhappy.

Why did Ye Ming suddenly want to go back to his school, was there actually something he needed to do there? Or… did he want to meet up with someone else? Like Zhou Jiaping?

Shen Ye didn’t believe that Ye Ming would try anything with Zhou Jiaping. After all, he was already his, and had always been very sensible. He’d gotten his hands on all of the benefits he could, and would hardly ever do anything to provoke him… except that time when he’d found that photo. 

But, whenever he thought about Ye Ming going to his school, possibly going to see whoever it was he actually liked, Shen Ye suddenly found that he couldn’t remain indifferent, his gaze slightly sinking.

He was silent for a long time. Suddenly, he changed directions to drive his car to Ye Ming’s school.

To Shen Ye’s surprise, after waiting at his school for a long time, there was no sign of Ye Ming. Shen Ye’s expression gradually chilled.

Ye Ming hadn’t come to school at all. Or maybe he was hiding something from him. 

Ye Ming’s obedience during this period of time along with his clean background had almost made Shen Ye forget that there was a high likelihood of him trying to escape from him… and now, Ye Ming was lying to him.

With cold amusement in the upturned corner of his lips, Shen Ye took out his phone to call his assistant. After giving his orders, he began to wait patiently.

Not too long after, Ye Ming’s precise location was sent right to Shen Ye’s phone.


Ye Ming didn’t go back to his school. This was just an excuse he’d made up to deceive Shen Ye. He was actually going somewhere else.

In the blink of an eye, he’d already been dead for so many years.

Ye Ming would never forget that on this day eleven years ago, he and Shen Ye had met at a hotel. He’d shot his most beloved person in the chest, ready to face-off against Shen Dayao for revenge. Instead, he’d been killed first. He’d been one step behind him in the end.

Eleven years later, he still didn’t know how his corpse had been dealt with. It’d probably already rotted away in some corner no one else knew about ba. He hadn’t given up on investigating this matter, but he was struggling, and hadn’t made any progress at all. Right now, he had no money, no power, and no resources he could really use. 

He didn’t know where his dead body was, but at least he still knew where his parents were…

He’d already been dead for so many years. There probably weren’t that many people left who’d visit them or even remembered them anymore.

Ye Ming came to the cemetery, and followed the winding path until he arrived at a tombstone. It really hadn’t been maintained, leaving overgrown weeds around with no flowers or grave offerings in sight. It looked completely desolate, the wind blowing over some dead tree branches, just like a corner long forgotten.

Just like him. 

Ye Ming slowly knelt on the ground, using his hand to brush away the dust in front of the tombstone. He raised his head to look at the names on the gravestone, his eyes stinging as they gradually reddened. His lips moved a bit, and a sorrowful look appeared in his eyes, “Mom and Dad. Do you guys still recognize me? It’s me, Han Xu.”

“I’m sorry… for only coming back now.”

“Actually, I’ve always wanted to come… ”

But, I was very scared. I was filled with guilt, and felt like there was no way I could face you guys. 

Not only did I fail to avenge you guys, but I also fell in love with the enemy’s son.

Do you guys blame me?

I’m so useless. I wanted to avenge you guys, but was killed by the enemy instead.

I thought that because I’d died, I’d be able to reunite with you guys. But, somehow, I actually came back to life again. Perhaps I’ll be able to see you guys again soon… but, before that, someone has to pay! 

I absolutely won’t let you guys down this time.

Shen Ye arrived with a cold expression. As expected, he’d found traces of Ye Ming here. But, before he could even take a single step forward, he just so happened to overhear what Ye Ming had said. He abruptly stopped in place, a look of disbelief appearing on his face!

For a moment, it felt as though some terrible force had suspended time itself on Earth!

Shen Ye looked fixedly in that direction. The rims of his eyes began to heat up as his vision began to blur. An endless amount of complicated, repressed emotions inside him seemed ready to rip right through his chest, tearing him apart! 

A thin figure was kneeling there at a distance, vaguely revealing a handsome and gentle side-profile…

It felt as though Han Xu had appeared in front of him once again.