The system’s name was 888, and it showed him a system store which could satisfy his wildest dreams. The store had a product called the Soul Rejuvenation Pill, which could resurrect the dead, let alone someone who was only in a coma. As long as he had one Soul Rejuvenation Pill, his boyfriend would go back to being alive and well.

Ye Ming felt that all of this was unbelievable, he was always on guard, feeling that the existence of the system was too unscientific. He went back and forth asking questions such as how to do tasks, how to get experience points, how to return, the flow of time, and so on. 

System No. 888 was very professional and patient. It told Ye Ming that all he needed to do was travel to different worlds created by the fantasies of other people, capture the protagonists of those worlds, and raise their favorability to 100% in order to gain experience points; and, returning to the main world couldn’t be simpler. He had the right to return at any time with no consequences. His body wouldn’t be affected either, the flow of time between the mission world and the real world were different. Even if he spent hundreds of years in the mission world, just under an hour would’ve passed back in the real world.

With all these benefits, Ye Ming could barely believe it, wasn’t this a pie from heaven?

Not only did the tasks hold no danger to him, but if he didn’t want to do them anymore, he could go back at any time?

The system saw his hesitation and took out a sparkly golden contract on the spot, saying that all of the terms and conditions were written on it so that he could feel at ease. Ye Ming took a look at the spirit contract, and after reading through it word for word several times, he was finally convinced that this really was a pie from heaven. 

With a swipe of the pen, he signed his name and embarked on his journeys with 888.

And now, it was all over.

888 had left him, the mission worlds had disappeared, and he had returned to the real world. The Soul Resurrection Pill lying in his pocket was the only thing that served as evidence of his transmigration.

Ye Ming let out a sigh and rubbed his face. He suddenly realized that he had what he wanted, and that Yue Ling was still in a coma at the hospital. Without bothering to change his dirty clothes, Ye Ming quickly ran downstairs and took a taxi to the hospital.

It was night-time and there weren’t many people at the hospital. Only a few staff were on duty in the inpatient department.

Ye Ming nervously walked in, he was about to slip into Yue Ling’s ward and secretly feed him the Soul Resurrection Pill when he suddenly heard a low, lighthearted voice calling to him from behind, “Ye Ming.”

Ye Ming stopped like a thief who had been caught. He turned back stiffly and gave out a dry laugh, “Director Xie, are you on duty today?”

Pc atf mbgglvbg rabbv j wjc lc j ktlaf mbja. Ktf wjc kjr ajii jcv tjcvrbwf, klat cjggbkfv qtbfclz fsfr atja ibbxfv ja tlw klat j rwlif atja kjrc’a j rwlif. Pa kjr Wlf Lf, Tef Olcu’r jaafcvlcu vbmabg. 

Wlf Lf rwlifv rilutais, “Tbe mjwf ab rff tlw rb ijaf, la ibbxr ilxf sbe mjgf jybea tlw j iba.”

Ye Ming righteously said, “Of course! He’s my boyfriend, and he got hurt because of me!”

Xie He hooked the corner of his mouth, “Then what if he never wakes up?”

Ye Ming thought to himself, Young master, I’ve spent a lot of effort into redeeming a Soul Resurrection Pill. Wouldn’t it be a waste of my time and energy if he didn’t wake up? Ye Ming didn’t even bother to think about any ‘what ifs.’ Life was too unpredictable, no one knew what would happen in the future, and he didn’t like thinking too far ahead. For now, his only wish was for Yue Ling to wake up. 

With a serious face, he said, “I believe he will wake up.”

Xie He gave him a deep look and slowly said, “If he knew how much you’ve done for him, he probably wouldn’t…”

Ye Ming was stunned, “Probably wouldn’t?”

No…what did Director Xie mean by this? How did he know what he’d done? It was impossible for anyone to know, right? 

Xie He smiled and raised his eyebrows slightly, “It’s nothing. I’ll go check on the other wards, you should go inside.”

After saying that, he turned around and left.

Ye Ming watched as Xie He’s figure disappeared down the corridor. He didn’t have much heart to think about the meaning of his words and quickly put the chance encounter in the back of his mind. He excitedly went into the ward, closed the door, and walked to Yue Ling’s side.

On the hospital bed lay a handsome man, with a high nose bridge, slanted eyebrows, and deep facial features. At the moment, he was pale, with an infusion tube connected to his hand. His eyes were closed, and he was as still as a statue. 

Those who didn’t know him would think that he was just sleeping, but Ye Ming knew that he had been lying still like this for one month and three days.

He clutched the Soul Resurrection Pill in his pocket and suddenly felt a little nervous.

Even though he had experienced many worlds and knew that the system could do anything, and wouldn’t lie to him about such a trivial matter, he still felt uneasy when the critical moment came. If the Soul Resurrection Pill didn’t work, there was nothing else he could do.

Ye Ming’s emotions finally settled down. Ye Ming walked over to the person lying on the bed, looked down at him, opened his mouth, and stuffed the Soul Resurrection Pill inside. 

The moment the Soul Resurrection Pill entered Yue Ling’s mouth, it melted and disappeared.

Ye Ming stared at him nervously.

After a few minutes, the man’s eyelashes fluttered and he slowly opened his eyes.

At that moment, Ye Ming only had one thought circling in his brain, What the hell? It actually worked! 

He grabbed Yue Ling’s hand, tears welling up from his excitement, and was about to say something along the lines of ‘Darling you’ve finally woken up, I was so worried about you wu wu wu.”

He saw a trace of confusion in Yue Ling’s pitch black eyes as they focused on his face. His eyes were alienated and unfamiliar.

Ye Ming’s heart froze, and he suddenly had a bad premonition.

The next second, he heard Yue Ling’s hoarse voice asking, “Who are you?” 

Ye Ming, “…”

No, don’t play this trick with me, I’m tired of messing around with amnesia, okay? Damn it!

Having said that, he knew that his family’s clingy boyfriend wasn’t the type of person to play tricks. It seemed as if he had really lost his memory after hitting his head, again! But it was alright, Young man, you had no memory the first time I met you. We’ve already gone through this once, we can take it slow!

Ye Ming quickly changed his expression into a confident smile and looked at him tenderly, “What do you remember? Do you still remember your name?” 

Yue Ling looked at him for a while, then frowned slightly and said, “My name is Qin Yi.”

Ye Ming’s smile solidified, “…”

Help! I never saw this coming, how is this possible? Maybe I’m still dreaming and haven’t returned to the real world yet?!

This is so scary! 

Brother 8! Grandpa 8! Help me! AHHHH!!!