Ye Ming frantically called to 888 in his heart, but there was no response. He had to accept that 888 had really left him, and that he could only rely on himself from now on!

He wanted to take back everything he’d said before. Brother 8 wasn’t a responsible system at all, it had dug him such a miserable pit…after ruthlessly throwing him back to the real world, he hadn’t bothered to tell him that his boyfriend would turn into one of his previous capture targets! 

Ye Ming, no, Qin Yi frowned as he looked at Ye Ming. He seemed calm on the outside, but his heart was actually going through turbulent waves..

After speaking just now, he’d realized that his voice was off. The voice was obviously much younger and completely different from his own voice. He lowered his eyes and stared at the hand that Ye Ming was holding. The hand was thin and strong with smooth skin that had no signs of aging.

When he’d died, he’d already been in his sixties. His adopted son and daughter had already married and established their own families. He’d had no regrets when he finally closed his eyes at the end of his lonely, endless life.

But he didn’t expect to open his eyes again in a strange place with a strange person looking at him with complicated eyes. 

The young man was very good looking. He had fair skin, a handsome place, and beautiful dark eyes which seemed to speak to your soul. He seemed to have received a huge shock and looked like he was about to cry at any second.

Qin Yi didn’t know who he was, but couldn’t help but feel agitated, it was as if he was very very very familiar with the person in front of him…

He finally showed a confused expression, he’d just said his own name without thinking too much about it, but it seemed as if he was occupying someone else’s body.

He suddenly thought of Fang Xiao again, and of the letter that he had read over countless times. He could recount every single word of that letter, and could even recite it backwards.

Fang Xiao wrote that he hoped Qin Yi could live a good life, and that he would wait for him in another world. He hoped…that he could help him see the things he didn’t get to see, and help him do the things he couldn’t do, so that when they met again, he could recount his stories to him.

I’ve done everything I promised you, and I’ve really traveled to another world…so does that mean you’ll be in this world as well?

As soon as Qin Yi thought of this, his heartbeat couldn’t help but speed up.

Right at that moment, the nurse on duty pushed through the door and saw that Qin Yi (Yue Ling) was awake. She exclaimed in surprise, “You’re awake!” 

Qin Yi and Ye Ming looked over at the same time.

Ye Ming thought this isn’t good! From the very beginning, he’d thought that Yue Ling would be the one to wake up. Ye Ming would be able to gloss over everything by saying that he didn’t know why Yue Ling woke up. After all, no one could be sure about the outcome of a head injury. But he didn’t expect Qin Yi to be the one to wake up. If Qin Yi didn’t cooperate with him, he feared that he would have a hard time explaining things.

This wasn’t one of the fantasy worlds, this was his real world, and if he messed anything up…

Jbiv rkfja aglmxifv vbkc Tf Zlcu’r obgftfjv. 

Ktf cegrf kjixfv bnfg ab ulnf tlw j delmx mtfmx eq jcv rjlv tjqqlis, “Jbcugjaeijalbcr Wljb Tf! P’ii mjii atf vbmabg bnfg rb tf mjc ajxf j ibbx.” Geglcu atlr qjra wbcat, Tf Zlcu tjv yffc ogfdefcais nlrlalcu atf tbrqlaji. Lf’v kbc bnfg jii atf tbrqlaji’r cegrf rlrafgr jcv jecalfr klat tlr rkffa wbeat jcv ilxjyif afwqfgjwfca. Vb ja atlr wbwfca, rtf kjr ufcelcfis nfgs tjqqs obg tlw.

Ye Ming: “…” No! *Throwing Erkang hands on the inside

Seeing that the nurse auntie had happily gone out, Ye Ming cast a sad glance at Qin Yi. Would it be too late to tell him his identity now?. But what kind of excuse could he use to tell Qin Yi his current identity without exposing himself? If Qin Yi found out that he was Fang Xiao…Ye Ming felt that he would need to get another pill for himself…

No way! I can’t let him find out! 

The two looked at each other for a while.

Ye Ming was worried that his identity would be exposed, and he was also scared that Qin Yi’s appearance in the real world would cause some sort of backlash. His brain was in a rare state of confusion. Meanwhile, Qin Yi was troubled over how he should face Ye Ming. It was quite obvious that the person in front of him had a close relationship with the owner of the body, and now that he had possessed the body, he felt guilty and uneasy.

The two stared at each other silently. Xie He arrived before Ye Ming could come up with a fool proof plan.

Xie He was in the same white coat as earlier. He approached with a calm attitude, as if nothing out of the ordinary had happened. He smiled at Ye Ming after seeing that Qin Yi was awake, “It seems as if you were right, he woke up.” 

Ye Ming let out a light laugh, not sure what he should say.

The nurse auntie enthusiastically added in, “I just knew this young lad would wake up. He’s so young, how could he just go down like that…sigh, Doctor Xie, please give him a quick check up to see how his recovery is going.”

Xie He smiled lightly and walked over to do some procedural check ups on Qin Yi. He asked, “Are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere? Do you still remember what happened to you?”

Qin Yi pursed his lips and glanced over at Ye Ming who was ‘in the dark,’ and said in a low voice, “I’m okay.” He’d accidentally said his own name when he first woke up, but it was better for others to not know that he had possessed this body. 

And so two people who had started off at different places reached a rare agreement.

Xie He withdrew his hands and put them in his pockets before smilingly saying, “That’s good. You’ll need to stay in the hospital for observation. If everything goes well, you’ll be able to go back in two days.”

Ye Ming let out a sigh of relief and politely sent out Xie He and the nurse before returning back to the ward.

He stayed silent for a while, brewing his emotions, before tearfully bursting out to Qin Yi, “What’s going on with you? Darling, did you get a concussion? Have you forgotten everything? Even me?! What were you talking about earlier?” 

This set of tearful accusations and dramatic outbursts were truly unbearable!

Qin Yi: “…” He’d been feeling quite guilty at first, but somehow, after seeing Ye Ming like this, he couldn’t bring himself to feel guilty anymore.

The corners of his mouth twitched. After an excruciating amount of time, Qin Yi spat out one word, “Sorry.”

Ye Ming put on an even though you’ve forgotten me, I’ll never leave you look and said, “Forget it, go back with me.” 

Qin Yi mulled over it and said, “Thank you, but no need.” This world didn’t seem much different from his original world, he’d be able to survive on his own as he thought of ways to find Fang Xiao.

The corners of Ye Ming’s eyes immediately turned red, and he demanded, “Are you throwing me away?”

AHHH! I have to keep this time bomb by my side! How can I just let Qin Yi run around? What if he notices something? Or, what if he starts suspecting the truth behind the existence of his world? Or…no, no, no, I have to keep him next to me! I won’t be able to relax unless he’s in my line of sight!

The person in front of him was so ‘heartbroken’ that Qin Yi really couldn’t say no, “But…” 

“No buts, I’ll never let you go!” Ye Ming declared!

Qin Yi: “…”

And so, Ye Ming ignored Xie He’s directions to keep Qin Yi hospitalized for observation and took him home immediately! He didn’t feel safe letting Qin Yi stay in the hospital, it was better for him to stay out of contact with other people!

Ye Ming lived in a high-end apartment located downtown. Even though it wasn’t a very large living space, it was more than enough for two people to clean up. There were dirty socks at the end of the bed, and unwashed dishes in the sink. It did not look good. 

Of course, it was quite a different image from the role of Fang Xiao he had once played. Ye Ming gave a rare blush, feeling guilty, and pretended to not see the mess. He hurried into the second bedroom and found a place suitable for human sleep before saying to Qin Yi, “You can stay in here. Don’t worry, I won’t abandon you even if there are problems with your brain! Sometimes people with mental issues will think that they’re someone else.”

Qin Yi: “…” I think my brain is perfectly fine, I think you’re the one who has something wrong with his brain.

His gaze silently swept over the barely inhibitable house and looked at Ye Ming who was eagerly watching him. He let out a breath and said in a low voice, “Thank you, I’ll stay here for now.”

He was still unfamiliar with this world and shouldn’t reject Ye Ming’s kindness without knowing his situation first. But he wasn’t the type to eat and sleep for nothing. He immediately rolled up his sleeves and started tidying up the room. 

The handsome and cold man had his sleeves rolled up to his elbows. His slender legs were longer than his upper body, and he bent over to pick up the dirty clothes on the ground before throwing them into the washing machine. He walked into the kitchen to wash the dishes which were dirty to the point of almost molding, and swept the crumbs under the table into the trash. It didn’t take long for the house to be clean and tidy.

Ye Ming watched on with tears welling up in his eyes…both happy and scared.

He was happy because no one had cleaned up the house since Yue Ling had fallen into a coma. He’d missed the times when Yue Ling was home, and the movement of Qin Yi’s back was exactly the same as before, which made him feel both happy and relieved. What was the difference between a silent Qin Yi or Yue Ling doing housework?

But he was scared because…he’d suddenly come up with a very terrifying conjecture. Why did Yue Ling become Qin Yi when he woke up? Why were the two so similar? 

Generally speaking, even if someone gets amnesia after being hit on the head, they should still remember their own identity. How could they suddenly become another person? Could it be that Qin Yi was Yue Ling? No, no, no, then… could it be that Qin Yi had something to do with Yue Ling?

This must be a system conspiracy! And 888 didn’t even bother to warn him! He’d misjudged 888, wuwuwu!

After Qin Yi finished cleaning, he turned back to see Ye Ming watching him with a complicated and nostalgic expression. He couldn’t help but let out a sigh, and his expression softened a little. “It’s getting late, you should rest early.”

He didn’t know what else he should say, so he turned around and headed back to his room. 

Ye Ming unblinkingly stared at the closed door of the second bedroom in front of him. He suddenly had the strong urge to ask his husband to hold him to sleep. The weather had been especially cold lately, and sleeping alone was neither warm or comfortable! But Yue Ling had turned into Qin Yi, so he had to make do with himself, sigh…

God, why?!