Ye Ming’s footsteps stopped, his heart pounding with guilt, did Qin Yi find something? But soon, he calmed down again. Everything that had happened in those worlds had just been an act, and he’d almost never OOC’d from the character design. There was no way Qin Yi would be able to recognize him!

Ye Ming’s eyes were innocent and pure, “What’s wrong?” 

Qin Yi had grabbed Ye Min on a moment of impulse. He suddenly let go of his hand as if he’d been hit by an electric shock. He wore an unnatural expression on his face as his lips moved, but he didn’t speak.

If Fang Xiao had transmigrated into Ye Ming, why didn’t he recognize him? Or, if he was a reincarnation, he wouldn’t even know him…how was he supposed to find the love of his past life?

A look of frustration flashed in his eyes, and he said, “It’s nothing.”

Ye Ming let out a sigh of relief inwardly. He was very happy on the inside, but still had to put on a worried look on his face, “Are you really alright? Is your brain feeling better? Are you still having those crazy thoughts? Don’t worry too much, I’ll be back by tonight!” 

Qin Yi: “…”

Fang Xiao was probably not Ye Ming, he must’ve been imagining things just now!

Ye Ming smilingly patted Qin Yi’s shoulder, “I’m really leaving now, call me if you need anything, ok?”

After saying so, he walked out with a loaf of bread in his mouth.

Woo…life was so relaxed when I was with Qin Yi! Why is it that I’m feeling so much pressure all of a sudden?

Sure enough, you can’t be reckless in your own world.

Tf Zlcu jaf atf ygfjv jr tf vgbnf tlr mjg, jgglnlcu bc rfa yfobgf clcf b’mibmx.

Mjcu Vtfcu tjv obeuta tjgv ab ktfc Tf Zlcu tlr gbif, jcv tjv olcjiis tfiqfv tlw klc la joafg j qjlcrajxlcu foobga. Lbkfnfg, lc bgvfg ab rjnf Tef Olcu, Tf Zlcu tjv jugffv ab agjcrwlugjaf klat 888. Ccv rb, klat bg klatbea Mjcu Vtfcu’r qfgwlrrlbc, Tf Zlcu tjv eclijafgjiis jrxfv obg ifjnf jcv fnjqbgjafv lcab atlc jlg, ifjnlcu Mjcu Vtfcu ab mifjc eq joafg tlr wfrr. Rb kbcvfg Mjcu Vtfcu kjr rb jcugs. 

This was a large-scale historical production, The male protagonist was played by Li Muxun, currently the hottest movie star. Li Muxun had the acting skills, the looks, and the reputation to be the big brother of the movie industry. He had barely any black material on him; if he was the sky, then Ye Ming was the ground.

The female protagonist was played by the popular pure goddess, Xia Yan. She was beautiful, Ye Ming had seen her without makeup before, and he could say for a certainty that he would’ve liked her if he wasn’t gay.

As for the other supporting roles, #1, #2, #3, and #4, they were all first-tier stars. It hadn’t been easy for a star like Ye Ming, who had no talent or popularity, to have squeezed his way into playing a small role.

Of course, this had only been due to the fact that Ye Ming didn’t rely on his family background. Otherwise, it wouldn’t have been difficult for him to invite the entire cast to play as supporting characters for him. 

But that would be too boring.

What’s more, after transmigrating, Ye Ming was brimming with confidence. He’d gone to nine different worlds, and felt as if his acting skills had improved by leaps and bounds. If you wanted him to cry, he could cry! He was completely engrossed in the drama!

Li Muxun played the emperor first male lead role in this movie. Meanwhile, Ye Ming played the little eunach who had been favored in the harem. He was a cannon fodder with few scenes. After all, this was just a normal drama, so a role like his was destined to not have much impact.

Fang Sheng had used a lot of effort to get him this role. After all, with a face like that, and a role that didn’t require much acting skills, he only needed to stand out a bit to be noticed. 

Ye Ming had received the script beforehand, but he hadn’t obediently memorized it yet. At this moment, he suddenly missed 888 very much. When did he ever have to memorize a script by himself when 888 had been around? All the hardships he faced had been so easily overcome.

Ying ying ying, I miss the days when I had a plug-in.

Without the plug-in, Ye Ming could only honestly memorize the script. When he finally wandered onto set, he was reprimanded by an angry deputy director Zhang, “You aren’t even famous, yet you’re already playing like the big names. Why don’t you take a look at what time it is already? You’ve made us all wait for you.”

Ye Ming laughed dryly. He was indeed at fault for being late, so he just smiled, “I’m sorry, I won’t do it again.” 

Deputy Director Zhang snorted coldly, “Go and get your make up done!”

If it weren’t for giving Fang Sheng face, he would have driven this guy out of the crew long ago. As a gold medal agent in the entertainment industry, Fang Sheng had a lot of big stars under his name. Since he was willing to take on a burden like Ye Ming, it must mean that his relatives were…

But just because some people didn’t like Ye Ming didn’t mean that there weren’t people who did like him.

Despite his cheap mouth, Ye Ming was quite a ladies man with his good looks. The makeup artist was very gentle with him. She lovingly touched his face and softly said, “Ming Ming, don’t worry, sister will make you so beautiful that I garantee you the audience will be amazed!” 

Ye Ming was pet so much that all the hairs on his body stood up. He blinked at her and said, “Sister, I’m going to be late.”

The makeup artist reluctantly withdrew her hand and started to touch up Ye Ming’s face and put on his wig. It didn’t take long for her to finish. Not only was Ye Ming quite good looking, but he was also very suitable for ancient costumes. The makeup artist couldn’t help but take out her phone and snap several pictures of her masterpiece before letting Ye Ming go.

Ye Ming was dressed in all white, his long black hair was flying around, eyebrows straight, and a pair of eyes that flowed like waves. He looked handsome and tall, straight and soft, just looking at his face was enough to amaze people.

But the moment he got on set to start filming, his heart started beating like a drum. 

The thing is, today’s scene was a rival scene between the actress who played the queen mother empress dowager and himself. The plot of the scene was that the queen mother didn’t like the emperor favoring someone who neither felt like a man nor a woman, and happened to use bumping into him at the palace as an excuse.

But that wasn’t the most important thing. The most important thing was that the actress had quite the reputation. Although she wasn’t very young, her status in the entertainment industry was quite high, and she happened to have some history with Ye Ming.

About half a year ago, the two of them had participated in a variety show together. At the time, the actress had noticed Ye Ming and wanted to take him in. However, Ye Ming hadn’t put her under his eyes at all, and said to her, Auntie, you have crow’s feet at the corners of your eyes, and your face is a little stiff from botox. Maybe you can fix it if you go to a better hospital for your next plastic surgery.

After hearing that, the face of the other party had become even stiffer. 

After going over that memory, Ye Ming’s smile became a little embarrassed, and he met the eyes of the other party for a moment.

The empress dowager looked at him and said, “Little Ye, we meet again.”

Ye Ming: “Hello, it’s a great honor to see you again! Your smile looks more natural than before!”

The empress dowager’s face suddenly turned cold, hehe…he’s laughing at me for overdoing plastic surgery. Such a cold and dark expression came from the bottom of her very heart, she didn’t even need to get into the act. 

Ye Ming felt a chill.

Later, as it turned out, his bad premonition had been right.

The translator has something to say:

I can’t even feel bad for him, he does this to himself lol 

I love how the entire premise of the story centers around Ye Ming continously digging pits for future him to deal with.