The scene where Ye Ming fell on his knees to greet the empress dowager was met with more than a dozen NGs, none of which were Ye Ming’s fault. In fact, after transmigrating into the ancient times and becoming the emperor’s childhood sweetheart, Ye Ming had become so good at ancient etiquette that his performance could only be called devoted and excellent, no one could pick out a single flaw! Even the director had to admire him. On the other hand, the empress dowager’s performance was relatively unprofessional…there was always a problem with one or two small details which ended up affecting Ye Ming, forcing them to reshoot the entire scene.

Eventually, the director began to get a little grumpy. But the empress dowager had a relatively large fanbase, and had good temperedly said that she wasn’t feeling too well, making it hard for people to lose their tempers at her. And, she’d controlled her movement within a bearable amount, making small actions that were barely noticeable, and that didn’t completely slow down the filming process. It was just a few NGs…had Ye Ming been the one to do this, he would’ve been scolded into a dog already. 

In this stumbling way, he finally managed to pass the scene. The later scenes started to get a little smoother until they started doing the major scenes – that’s when the issues started up again.

A gaggle of concubines accompanied the empress dowager to the imperial gardens to admire the flowers and asked Ye Ming to accompany them. After reaching a small hillside, the empress dowager got angry and knocked over the cup of tea that Ye Ming was holding. The tea spilled onto Ye Ming’s body, and he knelt down pleading his guilt, setting off an endless cycle of NGs…

Eventually, people finally realized that the empress dowager might not like Ye Ming that much, but…this kind of occurrence was way too common.

Big name actors often looked down on smaller actors, and deliberately made things difficult for them. People will always have some conflicts with other people, and the director started thinking that if this continued on, it might be better to just replace Ye Ming to make the filming process smoother…but Ye Ming’s performance today had been really good, amazing even. He was a little hesitant to give Ye Ming up and felt some dissatisfaction with the actress who played the empress dowager, thinking that she lacked professionalism. 

Every time Ye Ming got soaked, he had to change his clothes and redo his makeup. Even though he was just acting, he still felt very tired. He wanted to go home and complain…

Just as he was off to redo his makeup for the nth time, there was a sudden commotion outside and he curiously turned around to see a handsome, tall man, walking onto set. With such an attention grabbing temperament, it could be none other than the great movie emperor, Li Muxun.

Ye Ming lowered the corners of his mouth. He and Li Muxun had never been on the same page. Last time, he’d seen the empress dowager’s anger at him and turned around and left. He hadn’t bothered to understand the situation at all, and had assumed Ye Ming didn’t know how to respect his seniors, thinking of him as frivolous and ignorant. From then on, he’d disdained him and judged him by his appearance. Fortunately, the two were in two very different positions in the entertainment industry and didn’t have to meet each other often…otherwise, Ye Ming couldn’t imagine how unpleasant it would be.

He’s good looking, but just because someone is good looking doesn’t mean they get to be arrogant, does it?

The people outside began to chatter in excitement and surprise.

Ktf vlgfmabg kjixfv bnfg jcv qbilafis lcdelgfv, “Zezec, tjr sbeg lcpegs ubaafc yfaafg? Qts jgf sbe tfgf? Qf mjc rtbba atf batfg rmfcfr olgra, sbe vbc’a tjnf ab yf rb fcaterljralm.”

Ol Zezec uijcmfv atgbeut atf mgbkv ja Tf Zlcu yfobgf rwlilcu ja atf vlgfmabg, “Pa’r cbatlcu, P’w olcf cbk.”

A few days ago, Li Muxun had accidently hit his head while filming a flying scene and was sent to the hospital. He’d been in a coma for a while, and even stopped breathing for a bit, so for his safety, he’d been staying in the hospital for a couple of days. 

“Really?” the director asked.

Li Muxun nodded and smiled.

The director let out a laugh, “That’s great! Since that’s the case, we can speed up our filming progress. You can sit down for a while and I’ll talk to you after I’m done.” He turned around to continue shooting the previous scene.

“You can go do your work, I’ll just stay here and watch.” Li Muxun said in a low, easy-going voice. 

Ye Ming liked good looking men very much, but he didn’t like good looking men who looked down on him. After glancing over a bit, he started walking with his teacup again. This time, he didn’t have as good of an attitude as before. He was feeling a little impatient now, and seeing that the empress dowager was about to slap him again with the wrong expression on his face, he poured the tea onto her skirt, “Aiyah, I’m sorry, my hand slipped.”

Empress dowager: “…”

She hadn’t expected Ye Ming to be bold enough to confront her in front of so many people. She finally dropped her act and let out a cold chuckle, “Do you want to end your career?!”

Ye Ming raised an eyebrow, regretting that he hadn’t just thrown the tea into her face. Just as he was about to speak, Li Muxun strode over under the surprised gazes of everyone! 

There was an uproar all around. Everyone thought this was going to be the end of Ye Ming. After all, Li Muxun had just arrived on set and hadn’t seen the whole situation. As a person, how could he stand seeing a small actor who was neither professional, or good at acting? If Li Muxun said anything right now, Ye Ming really might not be able to keep his role.

Ye Ming also clearly realized this and let out a disdainful sneer. Although he liked acting very much, he didn’t like certain people or certain things in the entertainment industry. It was fine if he really lost the role.

If Fang Sheng were here, he would’ve vomited blood, again. Young Master Ye wanted to be in the entertainment industry but refused to rely on his identity and go through the backdoor, but he didn’t have a very good temper and was bad at holding back. The amount of people he’d offended could make up the cast of several plays!

Do you know why you have so many anti-fans?! 

The empress dowager also thought Li Muxun had come over to help her, and immediately lamented, “Muxun, just look at him, the attitudes that young actors have nowadays are really…”

Who would’ve thought that Li Muxun would give her a cold look before grabbing Ye Ming’s wrist and pulling him over. He leaned his face close to Ye Ming’s ear, and with a low, magnetic voice, asked “Are you alright?”

Empress dowager: “…” Am I hallucinating? When did Li Muxun become so close with this little third-rate star? And why do you care about him so much?!

Ye Ming was stunned speechless, not knowing how to react. 

Li Muxun pulled Ye Ming over to the side before saying to the director, “I was watching everything during filming just now, and it wasn’t his fault. The actresses movements and expressions were off, you should make her practice a few more times before shooting again so as to not waste everyone’s time.”

The director was just as confused as everyone else as to why Li Muxun was speaking up for Ye Ming. If it had been any other day, he would’ve said no. But he’d already been displeased today, and the person who was asking him was Li Muxun, so he nodded his head and said “Ok.”

The empress dowager was dumbfounded. Why did she have to practice alone in the hot afternoon sun while that little bastard got to drink refreshing beverages and watch her from under the cool breeze? Her face turned blue from anger.

Her acting skills were originally average, and her current position affected her performance quite a bit because she was seething in absolute rage! 

Li Muxun pulled Ye Ming aside into the shade and stared at the dust on his clothes. He thought to himself, after I left, this guy has already been bullied and forced to retake his scenes multiple times, it looks like he really needs me. He let out a pitying sigh, “Are you okay?”

Ye Ming stared at his face with a weird look on his face. He suddenly remembered the gossip about Li Muxun hitting his head…they hadn’t been familiar with each other before the accident, Li Muxun had even found him not pleasing to the eye, but now he was suddenly standing up for him in a crowd of people? Don’t tell me, has he gone mad too?

Suddenly thinking of the person back at home who also happened to have brain problems, Ye Ming finally turned pale. With a voice full of lingering fear, he asked, “Did you break your brain too…?”

Li Muxun: “…” 

I must’ve been having brain seizures earlier, I was actually feeling pity for this guy? I haven’t learned my lesson yet, I should just let this spicy chicken die!

The translator has something to say:

888 my love!!!