Ayaka Ayukawa.

She is my classmate, a cheerful gal, a girl who has always looked at me as an enemy.

She is standing in front of me wearing a dainty maid outfit.

“W-W-W-W-Why are you here?”

“I’m going to start working here today. During the summer vacation.”

But I didn’t think she was working at the same place as me.

She seemed to be my “senior”. She was dressed in a mini-skirt and maid’s outfit. I’ve only seen her in her loose-fitting school uniform, so this is a new look for me.

Her make-up, which is thick at school, is subdued here.

I had always had the impression that she was a “harsh, flamboyant beauty,” but seeing her like this, I realized that she has a surprisingly innocent and pretty face.

Above all, her “tea-colored hair,” which she wears in a ponytail at school, is unbound and hanging down here.

This made her look much more glamorous—-.

“Seriously, this is the worst. I’ve been keeping it a secret for so long, and now this creepy guy of all people is showing up. ……!”

Ayukawa’s face is bright red.

“Laugh if you want!? W-why don’t you laugh at how funny it is that I dress like this!”

I shook my head.

“I’m not laughing. I don’t laugh at people who work hard.”

“Haa? I don’t care……, I’m just doing it because it pays well.”


I looked around the store.

“For what it’s worth, you’ve been cleaning very diligently. Behind the hoods of the lights, all the corners of the windows, and–“

I shifted the sofa that was right next to me. The hidden floor was exposed. The floor was just as shiny and polished as the floor we could see.

“Everything is clean, even the parts that customers can’t see. I don’t think there are many part-timers who go this far.”

“W-who knows. Maybe another girl did it.”

“Then why are your hands so red?”

She rushed to hide one hand behind her back.

“Those must be the hands that have squeezed the rag so many times so tightly, right? Your knees are a little dirty. You don’t get them dirty like that unless you crawl over them to squeeze the rag. That’s a fine job.”

“……Idiot! Don’t say that”

Ayukawa’s cheeks reddened again.

It is evident that it was not due to anger, as evidenced by the mascara-filled eyelashes that were downcast.

“I mean, who are you? Have you ever had a part-time job like this?”

“I used to do something like imitating a butler.”

In the summer of the first year of junior high school – yes, that was also summer vacation – I was forced to live and work in that pig’s mansion. I was told that I was there to serve the Takayashiki family in the future, and an elderly woman who looked like a head maid trained me in cleaning, courtesy, and many other tasks.

I thought I was wasting my skills by insulating myself from the pig, but it saved me from missing her work.

“Anyway, I need to change, where’s the changing room?”

“…… there, the door next to the kitchen.”

I thanked her and walked out.

Just as I was about to close the door.

“……T-thank you …….”

I thought I heard such a voice, but I did not verify it.

From day one, the store was a battlefield.

From 11:00 a.m., when the restaurant opened, there was a steady stream of customers, customers, and customers. Ayukawa and I faced the crowd of customers like a May rain that came around lunch time. Yes, it was just the two of us in the hall. The kitchen was staffed by only one manager, an old lady. Only three of us had to run the restaurant.

Ayaka Ayukawa’s workmanship was superb here, too.

“Yes. The Neapolitan set A, with iced coffee after dinner, no milk, right? Yes, sir!

“I received 1,500 yen, so I’ll give you 45 yen in return. Thank you very much! Please come again!”

“I’m very sorry customer. The store is crowded right now. I think I can help you in about 5 minutes, so please wait while looking at this menu! “

No, no, to be honest, I was surprised.

In the classroom, she would sit at her desk with her legs thrown out, and her language was not the best behaved, but in this restaurant, she was a perfect customer service representative.

She is not a “good-looking,” “spoiled,” or “catty” person.

Her lively smile and the sweat glistening on her forehead cannot be created by such “mimicry.”

She is simply passionate about her work.

I couldn’t afford to lose.

“I’ll go down to tables three and five. Don’t worry. I can handle that much by myself.”

“Tables No. 1 and No. 7 are waiting for orders. I’ll take both of them. I’ll take care of the cash register.”

“The male customers over there, I’ll take care of them. Ayukawa, you stay in the kitchen for a while and wash the dishes.”

In this way, I was devoted to supporting Ayukawa.

It was my first day and some aspects were unfamiliar, but at the very least, I think I didn’t get in her way.

A little past 2:00 p.m. –.

Finally, lunch time is over and the wave of customers has died down.

“Ahhhhh, seriously, I’m tired. ……”

Ayukawa said, plopping down on the counter. Her brown hair was rustling on the table.

The manager went out for a late lunch and it was just the two of us.

“There was a huge crowd. Is it always like this at lunchtime?”

“No, it’s because it’s summer vacation, I guess. I don’t know, I don’t come in on weekdays.”

“What kind of shift do you usually have?”

“On Saturdays, I work from open to close. Then Monday and Thursday from 5:00 to 9:00 p.m.”

“That must be tough, working with the dance club.”

“It is. Well, I’m a prodigy, aren’t I? This is fine.”

Ahaha, she laughed in a light voice.

…..This feels strange.

To be able to spend a moment like this with a girl far above my caste, whom I’ve hardly ever talked to before.

Having gone through the hellish busyness together, there is a strange sense of solidarity.

Part-time work has this effect ……

Hey, can I ask you one question?”

“Anything you wish, my lady.”

Like a butler, I bowed reverently. She laughed and said, ” Idiot.”

“Remember that male customer who came in at the end? Why did you take over for me?”

“The dishes were piling up. I thought I’d let you do the dishes so I could take the easy part of serving the customer.”

“—-That’s a lie, right?”

Ayukawa was sharper than I had thought.

“You may be a creepy guy, but you’re not one to cut corners like that. …… Hey, why?”

I sighed. It seems there’s no point in hiding it.

“That customer was probably after you, right? And that’s a sneak peek, too. He was rummaging around in his bag unnaturally, and his gaze was suspicious.”


Ayukawa reflexively held the front of her skirt. The uniforms here are short. The white thighs adorned with garter belts are just about to burst.

“I know what you mean. You’re probably right.”

“Are you an esper?”

“Hmm ……. I’ve had a few weird hunches in the past.”

“Why don’t you kick him out? What happened to your bullheadedness at school?”

She slumped and blurted out.

“Because ……, it’s a customer. …….”


She’s too serious about her job, I guess.

Her lip-glossed lips are quivering faintly. She is probably afraid to pay attention to it. Somehow, she’s a girl.

“From now on, when that customer comes in, you tell me right away.”


She nodded with a red face.

Then, in a small voice, she whispered.

“……….You’re so kind,…………Suzuki………….”

This time, I heard her.

I also heard my name. Wasn’t that the first time she called me?

It was as if she was a different person from the classroom. Which one is the real her? I can’t help but wonder what all the hostility she had been showing me was all about.

Apparently, there must be something going on. ……

“Hey, can I ask you something?”

“If I know the answer to your question.”

“Why are you hiding your powers from school?”

I stared back into her face.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Don’t play dumb with me. If you’re so good at your first job, why are you serving as Rua’s slave?”


The word “Slave” is a word that expresses disgust.

“It’s a long story.”

“This restaurant will be closed for the night for a while. I’ll be free for the rest of the night. ……, tell me. Why do you keep quiet when people call you “No-brand”?


What should I say?

And just then,

The doorbell rang with a clang.

Reflexively, she stood up and said, “Welcome!” Ayukawa’s face froze in a flash.

I turned around a step later to see a short girl standing there.

Her bangs were open, exposing her kitten-like eyes.

She was a new voice actress who was now completely famous.

She is rapidly gaining popularity on campus, on the Internet, and in the anime industry, and she was standing there smiling in a white one-piece dress.

“Ufufu, Kazu-kun. Ama-nyan is here!”

……You really are here.

“—-By the way. Who is this girl?????”

….Will she listen?