“Who is that girl? She seems very friendly.”

How could I answer the question posed by Amane?

It would have been easier if Ayukawa herself had answered the question. It was the same when I came here, but it seems that she doesn’t want anyone to know that she is working here.

Amane, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to realize that this maid is Ayaka Ayukawa.

She is a well-known member of the dance club, so I would think that she would at least recognize her face, but she probably doesn’t because of her frilly outfit, which bears no resemblance to her gal uniform, and her let-down hair.

If that’s the case, my answer should be—-

“She’s my senior at my part-time job. Today is my first day, so I’m learning a lot from her.”

“…… Is that so?”

Amane’s cheeks puffed up with a muffled puff.

Huh? My answer, did I make a mistake ……

“Now, senpai . Leave this to me and go take a break.”

I tapped Ayukawa on the shoulder as she stood there.

Ayukawa nodded like a robot and quickly disappeared into the kitchen.

“Now Amane. Please take a seat here.”


I showed her to her seat and brought her her favorite cream soda. A heap of cream. I’m sure Ayukawa will scold me, but she’ll let me off this much.

“Kazu, you look good in a tuxedo! You look like a real butler!”

“It’s just an outfit.”

“I wonder. The way you stand and behave, you look so real!”

Have you ever seen a real butler? I thought, but let’s not go into it.

“I’m going to a recording session today. Before that, I thought I’d see Kazu’s face and get some energy from it.”

“You look busy.”

“Yes! I’ve got three regular roles lined up! They are only minor roles.”

Her voice acting business seems to be going extremely well. Ever since she left that pig’s office, she’s had a string of good luck.

“By the way, has President Kocho been here yet?”

“No, not yet.”

“Hehe. Then I’m the first person! I see!”

As usual, she seems to have a rivalry with President Suzuka Kocho. I’d be more grateful if they got along better.

“Then, did Rua-san come?”

“Piggy? No, she didn’t come. I didn’t even tell her I was going to work part-time.”

Why do I have to tell her?

In a restaurant where we were the only ones, Amane-chan kept her voice low.

“The people at the office told me that Rua-san is taking two weeks off from work. She hasn’t put in any work at all.”


I wonder if she’ll take off from around me, too.

“It’s very rare for such a successful artist to take a long vacation. She might be up to something strange again. Please be careful.”

She had been through a lot in her life, so her advice had a seriousness to it.

“Thank you. I’ll be careful.”

She drank her melon soda and asked for a kiss ( but I gave her a break by kissing her forehead), and she headed off to the recording studio with a full tank of power.

“Yo, charmer.”

I put away my glass and turned around to see Ayukawa standing there with her arms folded.

“That’s the voice actor Amane Minase, isn’t it? It’s true what they say, that you and Minase are dating.”

“We’re not dating.”

“You’re full of lies. She’s crazy in love with you.”

“How do you know?”

Earlier, she asked me who I was, right? I think she meant ‘what kind of relationship do we have? She was super jealous. Scary.”

I see. I see. So that’s what that pouty face means.

“We get along well, but we are not boyfriend and girlfriend. We haven’t gone through that process.”

“What? Why not?”

“I’m new to this.”

Ayukawa sighed in disappointment.

“She’s that cute, and she’s a voice actress, why not go out with her?”

“I don’t want to like a girl just to show off to someone.”

That’s the same as using her as an accessory.

“What a cool thing to say. All guys think of girls as accessories.”

“I don’t think so.”

If I had a girlfriend, I would not show her off, I would cherish her.

But Ayukawa’s view of love is different.

“Even Asano has a different view of love. He was embarrassed to go to a fireworks display by himself. He was rejected by Rua, the most popular girl, so he just asked me in turn. Who would go to such a thing?”

“Come to think of it, Ayukawa has a college student boyfriend, right?”

She stiffened her cheeks.

“That’s right? I don’t have any interest in men my own age. At the very least, he has to have a car.”


I was deeply impressed.

“What’s so great about it?”

“You’re so mature. I’ve never even had a girlfriend, so to me, you’re a master of love.”

“That’s…..w-well! When you’re as experienced as I am, you can’t get enough of ordinary people!”

She slapped her chest. The slap was so hard that she coughed. How cute.

“I want to be that ‘normal guy'”

“You? Isn’t it difficult~? The level of normality in Teikai is very high. But, well, it doesn’t mean there aren’t any sights to see, so go for it.”

“I understand. Senior.”

“Hehehe. Good luck, junior!”

The difference between a good mood and a bad mood is so drastic that it’s a little tiring in some ways —- but she’s not a bad guy.

I’m enjoying my part-time job during the summer vacation.

[Posting Almost Everyday] Princess Rua-sama Saves the Day! ~Please understand~

1.12 million subscribers

[Good evening♪]

[I’m a voice actor in a lot of different anime!  This is Rua Takayashiki, aka Princess Rua!]

[I’ve taken a summer vacation. I’m going to spend two weeks with my grandfather.]

[For a while, I thought I’d relax with my grandfather. I invited him to stay with me.]

[He loves me so much, you know. He’s so excited, I’m worried his blood pressure will go up, hahaha.]

[But in return, Grandfather has to listen to me.]

[Lend Rua the best of the best from the Takayashiki family’s secret service♪]

[There’s a former Self Defense Force officer, a mercenary, and some special forces guy I don’t understand…]

[Some of them seem to be a little bit bad-tempered. Well, as long as they’re strong, it’s no problem.]

[So, what am I going to do with them—]

[Of course, I’m going to ask them to guard that girl friend of mine!]

[Her name is Kazuko, remember?]

[Kazuko is extremely popular, but she is unaware of her own attractiveness.]

[She attracts so many bad bugs, it makes me nervous to watch her!]

[Summer vacation is the season of temptation, isn’t it?]

[So, I’m going to ask those wicked creatures to protect Kazuko!]

[I can only do so much. Nothing more]

[As expected, I want to protect my precious childhood friend. Twinkle twinkle ♥]

[…… they should know …… what will happen …… if you mess with my Kazu…]

[……….. amane or Suzuka or …… anyone else, …… unforgiveable….]

[So, this is Rua-chan enjoying the summer!]

[See you later!]

[Comment 1054]

Babamucho – 1 minute ago

I’m glad the Princess is doing well~!

Rua-sama’s servant #5 – 1 minute ago

Princess Rua, who thinks of her grandfather, is precious!

Dodolcoffee – 1 minute ago

Childhood friend LOVE Rua-chan, tee-tee-tee yo …… tee-tee-tee yo ……

Apostle of Truth – 1 minute ago

Kazu was a girl! I see!

Sazanka-san – 1 minute ago

Isn’t guarding too much of an exaggeration?

Hong Kong – 1 minute ago

You’ve been talking to yourself a lot lately, haven’t you?