Face to face.

Facing a beautiful girl as inorganic as a doll.

The stance taken by Rei Hikami, is the “cat’s paw stand”. She bends her knees like a cat, lifts her heels, and lowers her center of gravity in a posture that responds immediately to any movement. She moves her knees up and down slightly to keep rhythm. It seems that she intends to counter when I make a move.

“I practiced karate until I was about 10 years old. From there, Nikken and Taekwondo were mixed in, and then I dabbled a little in tai-do.”

The doll’s eyebrows moved slightly.

By looking at the stance of the opponent, one could roughly determine the martial arts background of the opponent. Her specialty is probably kicking. There is a good chance that she has something in her black shoes. That’s the only thing to watch out for.


The pig’s voice, which reduces the tension, echoes in the dimly lit restaurant.

“Leave Kazu alone! You only go after Ayaka! Understood?!”

The doll gave a small nod. The words of the Takayashiki family daughter are the same as those of the head of the family. Orders are absolute. Even if that dowager is a pig in human skin.

“Master is a difficult person when it comes to giving orders, huh?”


Ayaka Ayukawa, whom the pig want to kill, is frightened on the sofa behind me. I have to protect her.

“Wanna give it a try? I wonder if you can break through me and get your hands on Ayukawa. You are the new “10 greatest,” right? Enough to be recognized by Mira–“

The doll leapt.

Using only the spring in her knees, she leapt to nearly the ceiling and kicked with her right leg in a beautiful arc.

A sharp needle-needle protrudes from the toe of the shoe.

A kick with such a deadly weapon would be fatal. Even if I guarded against it, I could not avoid serious injury. But if I avoided it, Ayukawa would be in danger. That was the attack she was anticipating.


I’m sorry.

I didn’t even have to avoid it.


Her eyes widened like a mannequin’s.

The tip of the needle she had planted in her toe had vanished cleanly.

I had smashed it with my hand.

The shards bounce off the wall on the other side and fall directly into the trash can below. I had cleaned up the store, but it was no use to have it strewn all over the place.

“I never thought I’d have to do a “bottle slash” twice in one day—.”

The doll’s kicking leg was grabbed, and the whole body was thrown into the air. This is the Ipponjo-yakuwari, which is done by holding the legs.

The deep secrets of komiya-ryu jujutsu, the kata of Shippu.

butcher’s knife–

“!!! Kahaha……”

Anguish escaped from the mouth of the doll, which had been silent for a long time. It was slammed hard against the wall from behind.

A normal person would not have been able to breathe for a while, but that is just what happens when you are selected to guard a pig. Her shoulders were rising and falling in agony, but she got back up.

The blood-stained lips are just slightly loose.

It was the first facial expression this doll had ever shown.

“R-Rei, she’s smiling ……?”

Piggy shouted in surprise.

I can tell.

“It makes you happy, doesn’t it? It’s about fighting strong opponents.”


“I understand. It’s the only freedom a mechanical machine is allowed. Fighting.”

I used to be one of those.

I used to be the one behind the pig, the one who stood out. I wasn’t allowed to give it my all, whether it was a school event, a test, or anything else. Everything about themselves was secondary to their education, or rather, they were “brainwashed”. This is what it means to work for the Takayashiki family.

“Rei wasn’t it? Why don’t you isolate yourself from the Takayashiki family, too?”


“You’ll be free and get a part-time job like me. “Wouldn’t you like to try on a maid’s uniform? I think you’d look pretty good in it.”

The doll’s red eyes caught Ayukawa’s figure on the sofa.

It is not the eyes that aim at the prey target.

The seductive miniskirt maid outfit she wears. It was the gaze that gazed at it.

“Sttoooppppp! Don’t be so gullibleeeeeee!”

Boo-hihin! And the pig gets up to her feet.

“Rei! Kill her quickly! Kill that woman! Can’t you listen to my orders?”


The doll took a fighting stance again. She starts to get into a rhythm with her knees again. The eyes are no longer emotional, and the gaze is fixed on Ayukawa.

–Can’t be helped, huh.

If people could change their way of life with just a few words from others, no one would have a hard time. Like me, I need some kind of trigger.

At that moment, the door to the store opened again.

“Yes, yes. That’s it. That’s it~”

The woman who entered with a leisurely voice was dressed in a cherry-red kimono.

She was a calm and beautiful woman with a long brown wavy hair that caught the eye.

She was holding a cherry-blossom colored fan in her hand.

She crept into the bleak space as if she were creeping up to it. Then, she blends in naturally. It was idyllic, out of place, and as if strolling through a minefield with a smile – “fearless.”

The woman looked around the store and sighed exaggeratedly.

“Rua-chan. I don’t care what you do, this is just not right. It’s too much. I could hear it from outside, but killing is too much. Gozai will say the same thing, right? I’m not going to cover up such a stupid reason.”

“……, B-but, I just can’t allow it…………”

The piggy slumped down awkwardly.

The doll quickly knelt down in front of the calm beauty.

I almost followed suit. The habit has been ingrained in me over the years.


She is the first of the 10 greatest

She is my mentor and also Piggy’s cousin.

Mira Takayashiki.

She opens a fan with cherry blossoms on it to hide her mouth and giggles.

“It’s been a while, Kazu-kun. I heard you and Rua-chan broke off the relationship?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t greet you before.”

“I knew this would happen someday. You don’t have the eyes to be kept by anyone. You’ve turned out to be just like your nickname, “Lone Wolf” after all.”

“Haa, well”

I feel out of sorts when I talk to this person.

I was caught up in this relaxed pace.

I learned strategy, tactics, and martial arts from her, but I could not learn this unique “atmosphere.”

“Ah, anyway, Rua-chan? I’ll take care of this matter. You’ll have to pull out for today, won’t you?”

“Ugh …… but, but ……”

“I’ll take care of this for you, okay?”

Master smiling softly.

The pressure of a smile.

It is full of power to make even the beloved granddaughter of the head of the Takayashiki family listen to what she says.

But you never know what a pig will do when she gets mad, so even master can’t stop her when she can’t be stopped.


It was Ayukawa, who had been silent for a long time, who raised her voice.

She got up from the sofa and bowed her head.

“I’m sorry, Rua. I’m sorry. “

“Hmm? What is it?”

“I’ve been lying all the time. To Rua and to everyone in the class. You’re so pretentious and chic. Rua is right, I have no right to be friends with Kazu after all this trouble.”

“It’s a given!”

The pig yells at her.

But Ayukawa was not intimidated.

“I have a favor to ask. Let me start over again. I’ll atone for my lies and start all over again. I’ll be honest with myself and start over. Please!”


Master put her hand on the shoulder of the pig pushed by force.

“There you go, Rua. This is what your friend is saying”

“She’s not my friend! That person!”

The pig glared at Ayukawa.

“Well, you’re stripped off. Ask homeroom baldie to change your class. Also, you must keep a distance of at least two meters from Kazu at school. If you break the rule, I’ll kill you this time. Is that clear?”

“……Yeah. Okay.”

“The special scholarship you’re getting for the dance club is also off the table. You will have to go through the screening process again.”

Ayukawa gave a nod.

Well, I guess that’s the point.

Ayukawa chose this atonement on her own. It’s not my place to say anything about it.

“Well, I’m going home!

Piggy flipped her blonde hair. After saying what she wanted to say, she felt better.

“So long, Kazu! See you again?”

“Never again!”

“You’ re embarrassed again. Cute♥ I’ll give you the kiss that that ugly b*tch stole from me someday, I promise!”


Unbelievable, what a very stubborn pig.

That’s enough for today. 

If you are going to inflict an even harsher punishment on her at a later date — that’s when I’ll crush you.

Even if it means making enemies with master and the other “ten greats”.