The piggy and the doll left the store.

As they were leaving, the piggy threw a kiss at me, which I dodged by doing a backflip. [Kazu you are embarrassed again♥]. I’m not embarrassed. I don’t do backflips when I’m embarrassed. Ayukawa saw that and rolled her eyes. Damn. I’ve been seen doing something out of the ordinary once again.

“Well, let’s see…”

Mira Takayashiki finished as if she wanted to settle the matter.

Facing her like this, she looked perfectly normal. She is an ordinary, demure beauty.

But what about her true identity?

As far as I know, she is one of the top five “aiki” masters in the world. [TL: aiki (principle that allows a conditioned practitioner to negate or redirect an opponent’s power)]

But how out of the [ordinary] is it that she looks so normal?

I hope I will eventually reach that state of being.

“Hey, Kazu-kun. Let me ask you something.”

“Yes, Master.”

“…………Huh~? What was I going to ask you?”


I don’t know.

Well, she is always like this. From the past speaking.

“I remember now. Kazu-kun, do you have any intention to return to the Takayashiki family?”


There was no hesitation in answering that.

“I’m sure Gozen hasn’t given up on you. I think he’s going to do everything he can to make Rua his son-in-law.”

“It’s a nuisance.”

“Even so, he is the most powerful man in this country, you know? It’s going to be tough from now on~?”

“I’m prepared for that, that’s why I insulated myself from them.”

Master covered her mouth with her fan and sighed.

“You really have been unshackled, I see. The ‘brainwashing of obedience. It’s not supposed to be easy to break, is it? You must have met a very good magician.”

“A magician? I don’t remember him.”

“Lies lies~. No matter who you are, Kazu-kun, you can never do it on your own. Unless someone gives you the key word to unlock it.”


“Yes. The keywords must be said by Rua, the main master, or it will not be effective. What did she say to you when you isolated yourself?”

“[I don’t like just being childhood friends with you].”

The master master struck her forehead with a fan.

“That’s definitely it~! Kazu-kun’s brain recognized that it was a ‘termination of the master-slave relationship’~! Aah mou, why do you say that~ Rua-chan!”

” It was probably just a slip of the tongue, with no intention of doing so.”

In the heat of the moment, she overstepped the line he shouldn’t have crossed. There is such a thing as a pig. Just like she tried to kill a classmate just a few minutes ago, she breaks the law or whatever, just because she’s in the mood.

“What are you going to do? Do you want to take me back and brainwash me again?”

“Will you quietly allow me brainwash you~?”

“No way.”

I can’t let go of the freedom I’ve won.

“Well, it’s too late for that. Brainwashing can only be done by imprinting on a person from the time he or she is a child. Once they grow up to high school age, it’s impossible to brainwash them again.”

“Is that girl Rei also brainwashed?”

“Yes. I heard that she is a confident work that has been rated SS by the Cho-Jin Agency.”

I lightly beat her up a short while ago.”

” ………… I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.”

Master turned away.

“The brainwashing has been lifted, and the limiter of potential ability will also be removed. Be careful, will you?”

“Is there any danger?”

“Not you, but the world around you. Or rather, the world.”

“Don’t be so dramatic.”

“Is it an exaggeration? If Kazu-kun gives his all, this Japan will be destroyed.”

Fuum, I don’t know if that’s true.

Even if it is true, it has nothing to do with me.

“Don’t worry, master. I intend to live a normal life.”

“Normal? You “normal,” I see~?”

Master stared at me. She was extremely suspicious of me.

“I’m going to leave now. I’d like to come as a guest next time.

“I’d love to. I’ll be at your service, Master.”

“Maybe we’ll be enemies this time.”

“Even then, I will do my best to serve you.”

“You’re right, my little apprentice!”

Shaking the sleeves of her cherry-red kimono, master left this time.

The only people left in the restaurant were me and Ayukawa.

In the quiet air, Ayukawa murmured.

“Somehow, it was amazing ……. The story of that master, and Kazu’s Super Smash Bros-like movements, didn’t seem real.”


That’s the first time I’ve ever heard anyone call me a Super Smash Bros character……

“I’m sorry. I got you into this weird mess.”

Ayukawa laughed and shook his head.

“The origin is the seed I sowed. It’s because I lied all the time. I understand Rua’s anger, so it can’t be helped.”

“Are you really going to accept the conditions she gave you?”

“Of course. I’ll go through the screening process again. I will win the scholarship again with my dancing.”

”But,” she laughed. It is a smile of strength.

“But, but ………… I’m going to be sad …… to be separated from Kazu”

I hugged the maid’s thin waist.

“Don’t worry. Ayukawa is strong, so it will be fine.”

“…… Ung …….”

I told her, gently stroking her brown hair.

“I’m sorry Kazu. I haven’t properly apologized to you for that karaoke session. I’m really sorry for laughing at that time. I’m not qualified to be friends with you.”

” Do you need a qualification to be friends with me?”

I asked from the warmth I held in my heart.

“I don’t know, I never had any friends. Is that ‘normal’? If so, then there is a very shitty normal. Kazu Suzuki respects Ayaka Ayukawa. That’s reason enough to get along.”

Ayekawa smiled happily, then batted down her eyelashes.

“But that doesn’t make me feel better.”

She was being very disciplined, as is typical of her. I was pleased to see that she had such a teasing sincerity, and that I was the only one who knew about it.

If that’s the case, then…

“I have a favor to ask of you. That karaoke night, I dressed up as well as I could. I went all the way to the beauty parlor to be a part of the hot corps. I thought I looked cool, but people laughed at me. That’s because I was lame, right?”

“Hmm. ……. Well, maybe you were a little too tall. I think it was fine to just be normal and fashionable.”

“That’s the thing.”

I don’t know what “normal” is.

Thats why.

“Ayukawa, can you make me look normal and cool? It doesn’t have to be, ‘I cut my hair and go to school and suddenly I’m in an uproar. Just be normal. I want you to make me look cool.”

Ayukawa smiled.

“Leave it to me! I’ll coordinate your clothes and hairstyle! I’ll make you the coolest guy in the world!”

“No, I want to be the most normal person in the world. “

I feel like I’m no longer normal when I’m the best in the world, but that’s okay. I’ll leave it to Ayukawa-sensei.

“Let’s go out on our next holiday, shall we ……hehehe.”

Ayukawa blushed and squirmed in my chest. The maid and butler uniforms make the sound of rubbing garments. The clean smell from her brown hair made me aware of the opposite sex.

“Uhm. T-T-That kiss you just gave me… ……”

“I’m sorry. Are you mad at me?”

“It’s okay. It’s fine,……, but it was my first time, you know,…….”

I’m right in front of her, and her eyes are moistening.

“I want to start over properly and in the mood ……. Not good?”

“No. I’d be honored.”

She smiles happily.

I waited for her to close her eyes and then put my lips on hers.

We melted together for a while.

I slowly let go, and her eyes, more heated than before, were staring at me.

“…… sorry, one more time …….”

For the third time, I did not wait for her to close her eyes.

“…………, one more time. ………….”

For the fourth time, we collapsed onto the couch in a tangled heap.

That night.

I gave her five “first” kisses.

I was going home after a part-time job, on that dark night road.

My phone vibrated in my pocket.

Displayed on the screen was a message from the student body president, Suzuka Kocho, a senior student.

It said–.

“Dear Kazu-kun.”

“I request you to attend the “Genius Conference,” the pride of Teikai Academy.”