Chapter 5: fever

In a few nights of self-study, Zhu Tong finished reading the entire novel.

"Waiting for the day you fall in love with me" tells the story of a girl who bravely pursues a male god.

The female protagonist is beautiful, and is remembered by the male protagonist at a glance. Since then, every move of the female protagonist has affected the male protagonist's mood.

This is a sweet and easy essay for everyday life.

The female protagonist's strategy for the male protagonist is simply smooth sailing.

The same "Wen", why is his treatment so different?

He doesn't have the lofty pursuits of the heroine, he just wants to be a friend and just save his life.

But why is Shao Ming so difficult to serve?

Zhu Tong puzzled: "Why is my mission target Shao Ming?"

This was actually the question he had always wanted to ask.

What does the heartthrob Bai Yueguang have to do with him?

Why is his life tied to Bai Yueguang's favorability?

The system said: "Because he is the only person who is related to the heartthrob who is not attracted by the heartthrob."

Zhu Tong: "…"

In the original text, Shao Ming's attitude towards heartthrobs is similar to his, or even worse than him.

But Shao Ming's ending was the exact opposite of his.

After graduating from high school, Shao Ming also went to City A. In order to get rid of the entanglement of the heartthrob, he single-handedly brought down the company of the heartthrob's family.

No one knows how he did it.

And after he did this, not only was he not hunted down by the illustrious suitors, but he also left the country safely and went abroad to live and work in peace and contentment.

The world is so unfair.

So just because of Shao Ming's excellent luck and personality, he, the villain, must hug Bai Yueguang's thigh if he wants to survive?

Zhu Tong sighed deeply again.

It's a lifeline anyway.

He quietly turned his head and looked to the side, only to find that the seat at his table was empty.


Zhu Tong was startled: "Where's Shao Ming?"

666: "By the time you read the finale of the novel, he was already out of the classroom."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He could only simply pack his things and plan to go back to the dormitory first.

The dormitory of Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, Zhu Tong had seen it on the campus briefing before transferring to another school.

Although it is an eight-person dormitory, the space is not small, the beds and lockers are neatly arranged, and the environment is also considered clean.

Since I came to this school, I still have to learn to integrate into campus life.

It's just accommodation, so it shouldn't be a problem.

Wish Tong thought so.

The system thought complicatedly: his host was still too naive.

At the door of the dormitory, Zhu Tongcai realized that there was a big problem!

He doesn't care how narrow the corridor is, or how noisy the dormitory building is before the lights go out.

But where did the clean and tidy dorms on the briefing go?

Of the eight beds in the dormitory, only six of them had quilts. Except for one bed near the door, the quilt was folded, and the other five beds were just like the bells of a Luohan, each with its own pattern.

The bed with the quilt folded seems to be the bed that the head teacher arranged for him.

And the people in the dorm.

Someone just came out of the bathroom with water dripping from their hair, and stepped into the dormitory with their water-soaked slippers, each with a watermark.

In the middle of the dormitory, two people set up a small table, squatted directly on the ground, and ate Mala Tang with great enjoyment.

The smell of chili oil spread throughout the dormitory.

The other two slept on the top bunk, playing with their phones while hanging their legs on the edge of the bed, dangling their feet.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Young Master Zhu, who had never seen such a battle, was dumbfounded.

It happened that someone saw him at this moment and greeted him warmly: "Zhu Tong? Here? Eat Mala Tang?"

"And hot dog sausage, would you like some?"


Zhu Tong's face turned pale.

He tried his best to squeeze a smile on his face, and said politely: "No, you eat, I... I suddenly remembered that I had something left in the classroom, I'll go get it."

He almost ran away.

"System system system system!"

He summoned 666 as he scurried down the hallway.

The 666 system responded in a timely manner: "What's wrong with the host?"

Zhu Tong said: "Didn't you say that Bai Yueguang is a person who pays great attention to his image? He lives in this place?"

The system said: "When did I say that Bai Yueguang lives here?"


Shao Ming doesn't live here? Where does he live?

666: "...Don't you know that there is a kind of reading called day reading?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He went to boarding school from childhood to adulthood.

And he didn't go to school a few times throughout the year.

The hospital is his second school.

What is day study?

Totally didn't think about it!

He also specifically explained that his grandfather should not give him special treatment!

What has he done?

Zhu Tong suddenly decided: "I'll go to the principal."

He is also going to study.

The system reminded him: "It's night."


I can't go to school at night.

Except for privileges.

What would others think of him when he found out?

Zhu Tong looked at only 5% favorability left.

The progress bar, which is not rich, is probably going to make things worse.

The system comforted him and said, "Accommodation is more important or life is more important?"

Zhu Tong said: "It's just as important."


Finally compromised.

After turning off the lights, lying on the hard wooden bed, all the cells in Zhu Tong's body were restless.

The bed was too hard and uncomfortable.

Snoring, unpleasant.

Foot odor, unpleasant smell.

Can't sleep at all!

After lying down until the middle of the night, Zhu Tong couldn't bear it anymore, quietly got up from the bed and stood on the balcony.

The moment he breathed the fresh air, he suddenly felt that he was alive again.

He took out his phone and checked the time.

Four o'clock sharp.

Very good, there are only more than two hours before the morning self-study.

He decided not to sleep.

In the early self-study, Zhu Tong appeared in the classroom with two dark circles under his eyes.

As soon as Zhu Tong returned to his seat, he slept directly on the table.

There are many people in the classroom who are afraid of being late and come to the classroom early to catch up, so he is not very abrupt.

At first, no one noticed that something was wrong with him, until after a whole session of self-study, the crowd in the cafeteria trampled the teaching building like an earthquake, and Zhu Tong remained unmoved.

Tang Nuan was about to go to breakfast after reciting a text. When she looked back and saw Zhu Tong still lying on the table, she smiled helplessly and pushed Zhu Tong's arm, "Zhu Tong, let's go to eat."


no response.

Tang Nuan was slightly startled, and called out again: "Zhu Tong?"

"Hmm." Zhu Tong tilted his head and responded with a grunt.

As soon as Shao Ming took off his hearing earphones, he heard someone nervously calling him to be at the same table. When he lowered his head, he saw an abnormally red face.


Zhu Tong was short of breath, and it was difficult to see breathing.

I haven't seen each other for just one night, and Shao Ming feels that his deskmate seems to be weaker than yesterday.

He reached out and probed his forehead, frowned slightly and said, "I have a fever."

"Fever?" Tang Nuan was startled and reached out his hand subconsciously, "Oh my God, why is it so hot?"


Zhu Tong was finally awakened completely, and he waved his hand weakly: "It's okay."

Maybe it was a cold wind last night and I had a cold.

Shao Ming: "…"

Where does this look like it's okay?

Tang Nuan also hurriedly said: "It's all burnt like this and you say it's okay, let's go, I'll take you to the school doctor's office."

This is a responsible class leader.

And also an activist.

As she spoke, she walked around to Zhu Tong's desk and reached out to help him up.

Helped a bit, did not help.

She turned her head and said, "Shao Ming, help me quickly."

Shao Ming: "…"

Is his helpful image too deeply rooted?

He smiled wryly and stood up resignedly.

The body was suddenly lifted up, and the unfamiliar breath made Zhu Tong subconsciously struggle, "It's okay, I can walk by myself..."

As a result, before he could break free, he stumbled under his feet and fell back heavily.

Shao Ming caught it subconsciously, and the two were stunned at the same time.

Zhu Tong leaned into Shao Ming's arms, an unfamiliar aura came over him, he seemed... not as disgusted as he thought.

Shao Ming supported him, the scalding temperature clinging to his body, unable to tell what it was like.

"Where are you going? What are you trying to do at this time?"

Tang Nuan scolded him, interrupting the momentary weird atmosphere between the two.

Young Master Zhu, who had never been spoken harshly by anyone, was reprimanded by her, and was helped out of the classroom by two people in a daze.

In the school doctor's room, Zhu Tong was arranged by the school doctor to lie down on the bed.

The condition that dragged on for a morning seemed to have deteriorated, and when he lay down, his consciousness was a little blurry.

"If you have a cold or a cold, hang two bottles of drip and you'll be fine."

The school doctor briefly checked, and then took a look at his collar, "I still have some skin allergies, so pay more attention to hygiene."

Tang Nuan had gone out long ago when the doctor said he was going to be examined, and now only Shao Ming was guarding the bed.

He watched as the collar of the person on the bed was peeled off, revealing a delicate collarbone, and a few patches of redness and swelling were particularly obvious on the cold white skin.


Looking at the person on the bed, a few words popped up in Shao Ming's mind: petite and weak.

At first glance, this kind of young master who grew up in a greenhouse, why did he transfer to their school?

Shao Ming was sure that he had never seen this person before.

What is the purpose of him being the same table with himself?

Learning this kind of rhetoric, he doesn't believe a word of it.

An inexplicable burst of irritability surged in his heart, he frowned inaudibly, and quickly regained his indifference.

He didn't stay long in the school doctor's office, and left after the doctor put water on Zhu Tong.

With a cold and skin allergies, Zhu Tong did not return to the classroom all morning.

"I heard that your roommate is very ill?"

In the school cafeteria at noon, Rosso and Shao Ming sat face to face at the dining table and took a mouthful of rice.

Shao Ming's movements were much more elegant. He took a piece of potato and put it in his mouth, chewed it slowly, and said, "Fever, thirty-eight degrees three."

Also skin allergies.

Thinking of the red mark on the man's neck, it seems quite easy to cause misunderstanding.


Not knowing what to think, Shao Ming's face suddenly became strange for a moment.

Rosso looked at him and said, "Why do you feel that you are not very friendly to your new tablemate?"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "It's okay."

Rosso: "…"

Well, what does it mean?

He took another bite of the meal, and suddenly stared at him: "Could he really come after you?"

Shao Ming was silent and said, "He came from City A."

"What happened to the one from City A..." Rosso said for a while, frowning and said, "You suspect that he is your father..."

Shao Ming glanced at him suddenly.

Rosso immediately changed his words: "Is it arranged over there?"


Shao Ming did not speak.

Luo Suo said: "Impossible, just the one we found last time, they dare to repeat the same trick? They want to monitor you and arrange to be at the same table with you? Are they stupid?"

Shao Ming smiled again and said, "Maybe, maybe it's because I'm here? After all, I'm so handsome."

Rosso: "…"

Rosso pouted and said again: "If you want me to say that Brother Ming, you are too sensitive, there are so many people in City A, you can't be so vigilant to everyone in City A, right? The rest of City A didn't provoke you."

Shao Ming said: "Cherish your brain and stay away from City A."

Rosso: "...You are geographical discrimination."

Shao Ming did not deny it either.

Rosso felt that he could not talk to him, so he concentrated on cooking.

Shao Ming put down his chopsticks and waited for him to finish eating.

He's not really racist.

It's just that there are too many somersaults, and it is inevitable to have a few more hearts.

He didn't like the sudden uncertainty around him.

And that person was clearly coming with a purpose.

If that person really came to learn and not to provoke him, and if the two of them were not in trouble, he wouldn't mind maintaining a friendly relationship at the same table.

But if others can't figure it out first, that's another story.

In the school affairs office, Zhu Tong went to Shi Wenshu as soon as he finished his drip.

Because of skin allergies, the school did not even ask the reason, so they went through the day-study procedures for him.

It saved him having to go to the headmaster.

After class in the afternoon, he asked Uncle Liu to help him find a place to live off-campus.

Uncle Liu is very efficient and arranges things quickly.

After the evening self-study get out of class, Zhu Tong followed the navigation sent to him by Uncle Liu and found the place that had been set.

It's a homestay not far from the school.

The B&B is a courtyard-style design. Although the conditions are not as good as that of a five-star hotel, it is cleaned very well.

The owner of the homestay was a woman in her thirties. She took Zhu Tong to the reserved room. After unlocking the door, she pushed open the door and said, "Little handsome guy, are you also a student in No. 1 Middle School?"

The room was on the first floor, facing the courtyard. Zhu Tong followed her in, nodded and said, "Yes."

"It's just a coincidence." The proprietress smiled and said, "The room next to you is also a student from No. 1 Middle School. He is from Class Two and Three of Senior High School. Which class are you from?"

Zhu Tonggang was about to say, "I'm also in the second and third class of high school", but he was stunned for a moment when he suddenly thought of something. wouldn't be so coincidental would it?

When he went to go through the day-study procedures today, he casually asked, and it seems that there is only one person in the third class who is still staying outside besides him.

Zhu Tong's heart tightened: "Can I ask, what's the name of that student...?"

"Oh, his name is..."

The proprietress was about to speak when the courtyard door was suddenly pushed open from the outside, and a person walked in pushing a bicycle from the outside.

The proprietress' eyes lit up immediately: "Hey, Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived, Shao Ming, we are talking about you."

Zhu Tong's heart sank suddenly.

Madam, can you speak clearly?

"I" said it, not "we" said it!

He didn't even know that Shao Ming lived here!

Shao Ming was standing at the gate of the courtyard, and when he looked up, he saw his deskmate standing with the proprietress.

He was stunned for a moment, and a trace of coldness flashed across his eyes.

He smiled and said, "Zhu Tong? Such a coincidence?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Yeah, what a coincidence.

What a coincidence!

How would he explain it!

Zhu Tong roared furiously in his heart, and appeared calm on the surface.

He paused, and was about to speak when a system prompt sounded in his mind: "Bai Yueguang's favorability has dropped by 5%, and the current favorability is 0."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Not even trying again.

Is he going to see the King of Hell?


The author has something to say:

Bottom out, Oye~

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-25 16:00:43~2021-09-26 17:14:09~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 wheat shop;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Ahuai and Houxixi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!