Chapter 6: study

The young man standing in front of the courtyard did not reveal a single flaw in the smile on his face.

Zhu Tong can see that the more troubled Shao Ming is in his heart, the more joyful his face is.

Hidden knife in laughter.

Needle hidden in cotton.

Can never believe the attitude he showed!

The system said: "You should be thankful that your mother gave you such a face, or you will really see the King of Hell now."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He felt that the system should be renamed Lao Tie.

Old iron 666.

Worried old man.

But the system makes sense.

Without the 5% initial favorability, his current progress bar is already negative.

Thank you mom, thank you Yan control.

While he was still in a daze, the proprietress gave a surprised "Huh", looked at Zhu Tong and said, "Do you know each other?"

Zhu Tong: "We..."

"Understood." Shao Ming said not far away. He parked his bicycle beside the courtyard gate and walked over with his head up. "We are not only in the same class, but also at the same table."


If it was obviously normal, Zhu Tong could hear it a bit cold.

The proprietress continued to be surprised: "Really? What a coincidence?"

Zhu Tong wanted to cover her mouth immediately.

I beg for peace, let's take a break!

He opened his mouth to speak, but suddenly there was something wrong with his throat, and a gust of air rushed up.


He couldn't help but coughed. This cough was like turning on a switch, and he couldn't stop.

"Cough cough cough..."

Zhu Tong coughed out of breath, and subconsciously supported the door frame with one hand.

The proprietress was frightened by the sudden situation, so she quickly leaned over and said, "Are you all right, classmate? What's the matter?"

Shao Ming, who had just walked over, also frowned.

Thinking that Zhu Tong still had a high fever in the morning, and his suspicions were temporarily covered by worry, he also stepped forward.

Zhu Tong had already covered his mouth with force and forcibly stopped his coughing.

He took a deep breath and waved at the proprietress, "'s fine, I'll just take a rest."

He didn't care to see what Shao Ming's expression was now, and said to the proprietress, "Can you...can you go out first?"

The proprietress was stunned for a while, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, you have a good rest."

She walked out of the room and closed the door.

As soon as the door closed, Zhu Tong leaned on the door wearily, thinking complicatedly, "Is this a punishment for lowering your favorability?"



Zhu Tong looked at the palm of his hand covering his mouth again.

Luckily, I didn't cough up blood this time.

After being happy, he was a little annoyed.

The sudden onset of the disease, he didn't have time to tell Shao Ming clearly.

The goodwill is gone.

Still so embarrassed!

But with the situation just now, even if he explained it, Shao Ming wouldn't believe it, would he?

Really... I finally got out of the ICU, and in a blink of an eye, I went back to before liberation.

The system said: "What is the host's plan?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while, "I plan to ignore him."


Zhu Tong didn't explain it any further. He suffered from insomnia one night and caught a cold for one day. He was so sleepy that he fell asleep after washing up.

Outside the door, Shao Ming comforted the proprietress who seemed to be frightened. After seeing that there was no movement in the room, he also returned to his room.

He was a little puzzled.

Reason tells him that too many coincidences are unreasonable.

The same school, the same class, the same table, and now even the place where he lives.

It is a fact that Zhu Tong is frail.

It is also true that he is delicate and expensive and gets sick easily.

He should stay in a place with good conditions, warm and comfortable, and take good care of his body.

Instead of coming to Gongshui No.1 Middle School to suffer.

What purpose is it worth paying such a high price for?

Look at the way he was coughing out of breath before and could burp at any moment... Is this a life-threatening attack?

Unknown is trouble, Shao Ming decided to stay away from him.

However, there is no need for him to "go far". In the morning self-study the next day, Zhu Tong will stay away from him.

The desks where the two were close to each other had been separated by an aisle in the middle.

There were originally fifty-three people in the third class, and fifty-four children were added.

The desks are grouped in pairs, with eight people in four groups in a row.

There are only three groups in the last row.

Originally it was a combination of 2+2+2.

It is now a combination of 1+1+2+2.

Shao Ming walked into the classroom and found a volume of "Left Books" in the pen holder that he had placed at the corner of the desk.

—I didn’t know you lived in that homestay, it was just a coincidence last night, I’ll move out today.

Shao Ming intuition that this "leaving book" should have unfinished words.

And Zhu Tong completes that sentence with actions: believe it or not.

Shao Ming: "…"

He looked at the message written on the post-it note in his hand, and raised his eyebrows slightly.

Was his mood last night so obvious?

Shao Ming has always been very confident in his own expression management, he thinks it should be someone else's problem.

too sensitive?

Still guilty?

Also, why do you care so much about his emotions?

Just because he didn't show any dissatisfaction at all, he simply changed seats.

Also move.

In such a hurry to clear the relationship.

How afraid was he that he would misunderstand him?

Did you really misunderstand him?

All of a sudden.

Shao Ming folded the post-it note and stuffed it into the desk.

On the other side of the aisle, there was still a sick profile face.

Zhu Tong did not look at him and was concentrating on his endorsement.

This is his strategy.

His little life couldn't stand the toss, and he didn't dare to try.

Accidentally backfired, then he just got cold.

As the saying goes, all roads lead to Rome.

The matter of brushing good feelings does not work on Bai Yueguang, you can start with yourself.

Improve yourself and make Bai Yueguang impress.

As a student, if you want to improve yourself, learning is the first priority.

He has to study hard every day.

Shao Ming looked at him thoughtfully for a while, then withdrew his gaze in silence.


Do not interfere with each other.

Isn't that what he wants?

Shi Wenshu came in from the front door of the classroom and saw that Zhu Tong's seat had shifted, and asked in confusion, "Why did you sit here, Zhu Tong?"

I wish Tong Tairan: "Look at the blackboard more clearly here."

Shi Wenshu: "…"

Sitting in the last row, it doesn't seem to make much difference where to look at the blackboard.

The head teacher was puzzled, and neither did the others.

"Didn't Lao Yang say that he himself asked to be at the same table with Shao Ming? Don't sit down so soon?"

"Did Yuan Shaozhou do something to him?"

"No way? He didn't give in in such a big battle that day when the school started... It doesn't look like he was injured."

"Doesn't he like to study anymore?"

"He is sitting in a good position now. Lu Zheyu is in front. Although he is not as good as Shao Ming, he is also the second in the grade."

"Have pity on my schoolmates, the new tablemate has two days and then disappeared."

"The school day doesn't count, it's just one day."


The students' discussion was quickly stopped by Shi Wenshu.

As the head teacher, it is not the first time that Shi Wenshu has faced such a situation.

Before the second year of high school, several students also came to him and asked to share the table with Shao Ming, but almost all of them asked to change seats after sitting for less than a week.

He also knew Yuan Shaozhou's style at school.

He still has a way in school, but some things outside of school are beyond his reach.

He only thought that Tong Tong was also the same as the previous students, and he didn't care about his unauthorized seat change.

In the following classes, other teaching teachers also looked at Zhutong, a new student, because of the novel seating arrangement of Class 3.

I wish Tong Tong was obsessed with studying all day and put tasks out of his mind.

After listening to one day's class seriously, he suddenly realized...he couldn't understand any class except English!

What is electromagnetic field motion?

Why are there so many formulas for trigonometric functions?

Why is genetics so complicated?

He seemed out of touch with the school.

Since childhood, because of his poor health, no one has ever cared about his grades, and no one has urged him to study.

Anyway, what he learned might not be useful.

If you can't keep it together, it will hang up one day.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Now let him be a scumbag to impress a scholar by studying?

He felt that dreaming was more realistic than this.

The system comforted him: "You can convince him with your perseverance."

Zhu Tong thought about it.


A dead horse becomes a living horse doctor.

Anyway, he has no other way now.

In the classroom, Zhu Tong was devastated in order to study, and he was in the 20th class. The matter of Zhu Tong changing seats had already spread to Yuan Shaozhou's ears.

There were several younger brothers around him.

"Okay, Brother Zhou, what have you done secretly? That guy named Zhu Tong is willing to change his seat."

"Just a joke, it's just a transfer student. With our Zhou brother's reputation in the No. 1 Middle School, if you ask any questions, you'll be scared to the ground."

"When the school started, I pretended to be pretentious. I didn't expect it to be so fast."

"By the way, Brother Zhou, do you know who the transfer student is? I heard that he knows Xia Yang, will his family..."

"What if the family has money? Is Brother Zhou still afraid that he will fail?"

Little brothers, you said something to me, but Yuan Shaozhou didn't talk to me.

Because he knew very well that he didn't do anything at all.

Probably haven't started doing anything yet.

Why did Zhu Tong change his seat by himself?

Did you hear some rumors and regret it?


Thinking that if he moved the table by himself, the previous things could be written off?

He Yuan Shaozhou has never lost such a big face in front of others since he entered No. 1 Middle School.

Since he offended him, he must pay the price!

I heard that the man moved out of the school dormitory by himself yesterday.

People have sent it to the door by themselves, but they can't blame him.

At ten o'clock in the evening, the school finished the evening self-study, and Zhu Tong did another math problem before leaving the teaching building slowly.

At noon, Uncle Liu had already helped him move the house.

The homestay where Shao Ming lives is the most suitable place for students to live near the school.

Now that we can't live in homestays, we can only do the next best thing—hotels.

The highest hotel in Gongshui County is only four stars. It is in the same direction as the homestay, but it is 500 meters farther from the school than the homestay.

A few hundred meters away, Zhu Tong did not ask Uncle Liu to pick him up, and planned to walk back to the hotel by himself.

When he was about to pass the B&B, he raised his eyes and looked forward, suddenly a little puzzled.

He remembered that it was mentioned in the original text that Shao Ming was a native of Gongshui County.

His family also lives in Gongshui County.

Since he has a home in the county town, why would he come out to live in a homestay?

Probably near the school.

Thinking of Zhu Tong, he sighed again.

He was quite satisfied with the accommodation at this homestay.

Unfortunately can not live.

"Yo, what is the little handsome guy sighing alone? What's wrong, tell my brother?"

As soon as Zhu Tong sighed, the road ahead was blocked.

The smell of cigarettes and alcohol rushing towards him made Zhu Tong frown before he could see the person clearly.

He looked up.

Under the dim light of the street lamp in front, the leader was wearing a vest and ripped trousers, with a cigarette in his mouth, and was walking towards him in his pocket.

Zhu Tongli didn't even care, and turned around.

Someone immediately surrounded him on the side, and opened his hands to block his way.

"Don't leave in a hurry, it's fate to meet you, to play with your brothers?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


play your sister!

Oil is dead.

This situation is not difficult to understand at the moment. Zhu Tong has read so many novels, and almost every campus article will have a plot of the protagonist walking on the road and being surrounded by gangsters.

But he's not the protagonist, so what are you doing to block him?


Suddenly thinking of something, Zhu Tong frowned, looked up and said, "Yuan Shaozhou asked you to come?"

The gangsters were stunned at the same time, as if he didn't expect him to guess the buyer so quickly.

At the same time, a bicycle on the road next to it slid past like a wind.

Shao Ming stepped on his luxury car and whizzed past, just as he was about to step directly into the courtyard of the homestay, he suddenly hit the brakes at the entrance of the courtyard.

He steadied the car with one foot on the ground and looked back sharply.


The author has something to say:

Here comes the one who sent the experience.