Chapter 7: good impression

The reason why Zhu Tong suspected Yuan Shaozhou was simple.

On the road from the school to the hotel, the streetlights are unclear, and it is not dark either, and it is also close to the school.

It was the time for self-study at the school next night, and the crowd at the school gate was surging, and people frequently passed by on the road next to it.

For a group of gangsters who are not drunk, blocking people near the school at this time is not a wise choice.

Because someone may call the police at any time.

But since they are blocked, it shows that they have a clear goal.

And it was done on purpose to show other students.

It is for revenge, killing chickens to warn monkeys.

Zhu Tongchu came, and the only person who offended was Yuan Shaozhou.

The gangsters were only stunned for a moment, and the man in the lead suddenly smiled and said, "Oh, it seems that you are quite self-conscious. Since you know that you have provoked people you shouldn't provoked, are you going with us yourself? Or are we here to do it? ?"

"Do you want to break your leg? Or do you want to break your arm?"

"If you are willing to play with us, maybe we can let you go?"

A group of people said that they had completely surrounded Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong raised his hand and sent a signal to Uncle Liu with his smart watch.

He looked up and said, "I don't plan to go with you."

The headed gangster's face changed slightly.

It's not the first time they've done this kind of thing.

It's just a high school student. Often when they block people, those students turn pale with fright, some people turn around and run, and some people blurt out for mercy.

No one is as calm as the child in front of him.

I heard Yuan Shaozhou say that their target this time is a sick seedling.

So they didn't even bring anything with them today.

The gangster looked at Zhu Tong up and down.

Sick face, thin body as if the wind blows over.

He sneered and looked at Zhu Tong gloomily: "You don't want to toast, eat and punish."

Zhu Tong said calmly: "Before I start, let me remind you of a few things. First, I can break a bone if I fall without being hit."


What does it mean?

Show weakness?

Someone immediately snorted: "Classmate, it's a little late to beg for mercy now."

Zhu Tong ignored him and continued: "You hurt me intentionally, and you will be detained. If I am injured, you will be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment ranging from six months to three years. If the situation is serious, you will be sentenced to three More than a year or even longer, if you think about it, you can do it."

Bastards: "…"

I've only heard of lying down and ridiculed, but I've never seen lie down and any fight.

Fuck the law, they do this business, how many times do they go in and out of the police station, how many times do they need a high school student to teach them law?

Shao Ming, who came back on a bicycle on the road behind, happened to hear Zhu Tong's "hard-hearted" words.

This young master... still intends to convince people with reason?

He suddenly felt complicated.

If this person grew up in a place like them... I wonder if he can grow up safely?

Finally a gangster ran out of patience: "Brother, what nonsense are you talking to him?"

The headed gangster grinned suddenly, "Pawfa? I'll show you what it's called!"

He didn't take a sick seedling in his eyes at all.

Reaching out to Zhu Tong's forehead, it seems that he intends to directly press the person's head into the wall behind him.

Shao Ming immediately dropped his bicycle and rushed towards the crowd.

He just didn't wait for him to make a move, only to hear an "ah", and after a heart-piercing cry, the gangster who made the move covered his eyes with his hands and took a few steps backwards.

"Big brother!"


The **** exclaimed.

At the same time, Zhu Tong stepped back again and again and backed up to the wall. Holding the anti-wolf spray in one hand, he quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the phone: "Hey, is it 110? The location is Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, 200 meters east of the school gate, I was blocked, the lead was wearing a white vest and black ripped trousers, and the others were dyed colorful hair, if I am admitted to the hospital today, please arrest them and bring them to justice!"

Bastards: "…"

Shao Ming: "…"

There were seven gangsters in total, two of them supported their boss at this moment, and the other four looked at Zhu Tong in shock and vigilance.

The anti-wolf spray is a shock. Seeing how miserable their boss is now, no one dares to try it.

The boss of the gang received a shot of anti-wolf spray, and now his eyes are tearing and sneezing and his respiratory tract is burning.

Before he finished speaking, a foot came from behind.

There was another scream, and the gangster boss suffered a heavy blow in the back, and the whole person rushed forward and prostrate at Zhu Tong's feet.


Everyone present was stunned.

Especially the two responsible for supporting the boss.

The boss who fell to the ground was extremely embarrassed, he struggled to get up and said, "Who the hell..."

"Yo, stay safe, everyone."

Before he could finish speaking, he heard a familiar voice.

After Shao Ming spoke, all the gangsters who were arrogant just now were as quiet as chickens.

Including ripped pants on the floor.

After rubbing on the ground, the ripped pants got worse.

Zhu Tong quickly analyzed the situation according to the context.


There is a holiday.

The **** can't beat it.

Several **** looked at each other.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "You still haven't helped your boss to the hospital? Why don't you leave it here to salute?"


Then, under Zhu Tong's dumbfounded gaze, the gangsters fled.

The boss of the gangster who couldn't open his eyes was still scolding when he was running on the rack.

Shao Ming watched the gangsters run away, looked back at the person leaning against the wall, and walked towards him.

Zhu Tong still maintained the action of holding the anti-wolf spray.

Shao Ming looked down at the thing in his hand and smiled: "What? You want to spray me?"

Zhu Tong lowered his head blankly, and immediately shrank his hand: "No."

Shao Ming looked at him with complicated eyes.

Zhu Tong was stared at by him for no reason and became flustered for a while, then blinked and said, "What... what's wrong?"

Shao Ming said: "Is it every time someone wants to beat you? You stand like this and let people beat you?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

No one dared to hit him before.

"I can't beat them," he whispered.

Rescue can't come so fast, if you can't beat it, you can only be beaten, otherwise what can you do?

Shao Ming was almost amused by him, "Can't you run if you can't beat it? Isn't the school gate over there?"

Two hundred meters sprint.

He totally had this time before being surrounded.

However, Zhu Tong is also very self-aware, "I can't outrun them either."

Shao Ming: "…"

He looked even weirder.

Zhu Tong felt that he looked at himself like he was looking at trash.

Fearing that his favorability would drop again, the desire to survive made him straighten his back, weakly defending himself, "I brought a wolf-proof spray to delay the time."

Shao Ming said: "Then you have quite a plan."


Shao Ming reminded him, "Can you smell this?"

If you spray too much anti-wolf spray in the same place, you will also be affected.

Injuring the enemy one thousand and self-injuring eight hundred?

Zhu Tong: "…"

He lowered his head in frustration.

He seems to be really trash.

Shao Ming saw that he was immersed in the training like a child who did something wrong, he couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted, looked him up and down, and asked, "Is it okay?"

Zhu Tong shook his head: "It's okay."

Depressed mood.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining 3% favorability of Bai Yueguang."


Zhu Tong suddenly raised his eyes.

Shao Ming had already turned around, "Let's go then."

Zhu Tong subconsciously followed: "Where to go?"

Shao Ming said, "I'll take you back."


After walking to the side of the road, Zhu Tongcai recovered from the surprise that his favorability suddenly rose back to his senses, and asked after two beats, "Why are you here?"

Shao Ming said casually, "Passing by."

Zhu Tong saw his bicycle parked on the side of the road at a glance.

The front of the car is facing the direction of the school.

Passing by after returning from the homestay to the school?

Before he could understand, Shao Ming had already turned his bicycle around, sat on it himself, turned his head and asked, "Where do you live now?"

Zhu Tong said: "The hotel in front."

Shao Ming raised his head and glanced at the location, then turned his head to indicate the position of the back seat: "Come up."

Zhu Tong has been stunned since Shao Ming appeared.

He looked at the back seat of the bicycle, stunned for a moment, and didn't move.

Shao Ming waited silently for a while, looked back, smiled and said, "Have you ever sat on this?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."


This kind of young master is estimated to be picked up by a special car when he goes out.

While thinking about whether to send someone on foot or help call a car, the headlights in front suddenly came on, Shao Ming subconsciously raised his hand to block the light, and the car stopped beside him.

Soon the lights went out, and a person hurriedly got out of the car, "Master, are you alright?"

Uncle Liu came slowly, clasped Zhu Tong's shoulders, and checked it from top to bottom.

Zhu Tong was dizzy by his shaking, and hurriedly reached out and patted the hand on his shoulder, "Uncle Liu, I'm fine."

He glanced at Shao Ming subconsciously, and he was relieved when he saw nothing unusual on his expression.

Uncle Liu also breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's okay, it's okay."

When he received the message from the young master, he was draining the water and ran out of the hotel without putting on his trousers. Unexpectedly, he was still late.

Fortunately people are fine.

Otherwise, the chairman will have to burn him to ashes!

"Then I'll take you back to the hotel."

Leave the rest to him.

Dare to touch him and their young master? Really impatient to live!

He hadn't noticed another person on the side of the road since he got out of the car.

Shao Ming didn't care either.

Someone picked it up just fine, he saved his troubles.

Just as he was about to say hello and walk away, he saw a slender finger pointing towards the back seat of his bicycle.

The finger was long and slender, with well-defined knuckles.

Zhu Tong said, "Uncle Liu, I want to sit here."

Uncle Liu looked over his hand and saw a twenty-eighth bar.


Let the young master sit here? How about that!

What should I do if I bump into it?

He was about to persuade, and Zhu Tong said again: "And I just called the police. The police may be coming later. Uncle Liu, wait here for a while."

Uncle Liu: "…"

After speaking, Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming again: "Is it okay?"

When the boy asked him, there was a question on his face.

It wasn't that Xia Yang deliberately approached him, showing shyness and anticipation, or the people who were arranged to monitor him, deliberately trying to please him when talking to him.

Zhu Tong looked at him with curiosity about bicycles in his eyes.

Shao Ming: "…"

He could absolutely refuse.

But it was a ghost, and he motioned to Zhu Tong: "Come up."

Zhu Tong's eyes brightened slightly and he sat up cautiously.

"Hands tight."

Zhu Tong was at a loss: "Where to catch?"

Shao Ming deliberately teased him, "Where do you want to catch?"

Zhu Tong is serious: "Where can I... catch?"

There doesn't seem to be anything to grab on this bike.

Shao Ming: "…"

"Grab my clothes."

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming's new shirt, and reached out to grab both sides of his waist.

"Sit down."

After he finished speaking, he directly stepped on the pedal, and Zhu Tong leaned back inertialy. The hand that was just a virtual grip clenched suddenly, and the body quickly leaned forward again, and the person was attached to the back of the cyclist.


At this moment, Uncle Liu was so frightened that his heart almost jumped out.

Zhu Tong was shaken so his eyes were sparkling.

He has never had this experience.

From the momentary sense of weightlessness, it took less than a moment to panic and regain a sense of security.

But... so exciting!

There was a constant wind blowing by my ears, the cool breeze gently patted my face, and there was an indescribable comfort.

That's what it feels like to ride a bike.

Shao Ming stepped on the car suddenly, thinking that he would scare the weak young master, but unexpectedly, this person seems... quite enjoyable.

The fabric that was gripped on his waist was a little tight in front of him, and the temperature passed to him through the fabric was slightly cool.

But the temperature behind it is warm.

Shao Ming stepped on the bicycle leisurely, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

The distance of 500 meters was soon to come, and Shao Ming sent the person directly to the downstairs of the hotel.

Zhu Tong got out of the back seat with a little bit of excitement on his face.

He looked at Shao Ming and said, "Thank you."

It seems that Director Yang said that Shao Ming is helpful, not a lie.

Shao Ming saw that his complexion seemed to have improved a lot because of the ride on the bicycle, and his mood was inevitably a little complicated.

He smiled and said, "No thanks, just this one time."

The alienation in the words is obvious.

Zhu Tong nodded and said, "I know."

He still understands the principle of taking it as soon as you see it.

Turn around immediately after speaking.

As soon as I walked into the hotel lobby, I received another system prompt: "Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability of 2%, and the current favorability of 5%."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Disgusting honesty?

Sure enough, Shao Ming's attitude could not be trusted.


The author has something to say:

There will be another baby~╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Another distance changed.