Chapter 8: physical education

When Zhu Tong returned to the hotel room, the first thing he did was to change the clothes that had been in close contact with the wall.

After taking a shower, he put on a dressing gown and lay on the bed, and Zhu Tongcai began to check his favorability.

The 5% value on the progress bar seems negligible.

But it does exist.


He was surrounded by gangsters, and Shao Ming passed by to help him.

Then Shao Ming's favor towards him increased.

Zhu Tong: "…"

What is the principle?

Is it because his strategy of actively keeping his distance worked and gained Shao Ming's trust, so he came back to his face value filter?

Beauty is not Zhu Tong's narcissism, but because someone instills his thoughts.

He and Zhu Xin are twins, and Zhu Xin loves to be beautiful, so he was not allowed to say that he was not good-looking since he was a child.

I don't know if my sister has calmed down now.

Zhu Tong took out his mobile phone and opened WeChat, hesitated for a while, and then backed out.

Let's talk about stabilizing your own life.

"Old iron, after today's events, I realized a truth."


Who is the old iron?

The system said: "What's the reason?"

Zhu Tong said: "I don't seem to have to brush my presence in front of Shao Ming."

Whether it is to use Yuan Shaozhou to achieve a united front to make a good impression, or to study hard to make Shao Ming change his opinion of him, all of them need Shao Ming to pay attention to him in order to achieve the goal.

But in fact, he doesn't necessarily need to be explicit.

He can help Shao Ming solve something, and then "accidentally" let Shao Ming know.

"Is there any trouble Shao Ming can't solve now?"

As a person who is liked by heartthrobs, he should have a lot of troubles, right?

However, the system said: "I don't know."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"Don't know? Why don't you know?"

System: "The original text doesn't focus much on Bai Yueguang, and all the main lines are mainly based on the heartthrob protagonist."


According to the original text, there were only two things they could know.

The heartthrob protagonist is liked by Bai Yueguang.

Bai Yueguang brought down the company of the protagonist Shou.

The original text describes how disappointed the protagonist is when he is rejected again and again. After the company went bankrupt, he hated Bai Yueguang because of his love and hatred, but he didn't mention anything about Bai Yueguang being targeted by his fascinated suitors.

Bai Yueguang's family, unknown.

Bai Yueguang's past is unknown.

Even Bai Yueguang's interpersonal relationship is unknown.

After just two days of understanding, Zhu Tong only knew that Shao Ming had a friend named Rosso.

There is also Xia Yang's entanglement and Yuan Shaozhou's targeting.

Is he taking Yuan Shaozhou away now?

But Yuan Shaozhou has a direct conflict with him now, and what he can do can't help Shao Ming.

As for Xia Yang...he's afraid that he won't be able to do the halo of the heartthrob protagonist.

To complete the task, he had to know more about Shao Ming.

His routine has always been regular, he sat and thought for a while, then turned off the bedside light and fell asleep.

The nightlife of other students has only officially begun.

On the forum, someone shared a post.

[Jimei people, Kangkang, I found something good! attached drawings]

I don't know which assassin's perspective the picture was taken from, but it is two people on a bicycle.

The cyclist is not clearly photographed.

But the faces of the people in the backseat are very clearly photographed.

【Fuck! Isn't this a bike of the gods? 】

【what? Is there someone in the back seat of Xue God's bicycle? 】

[It seems to be the new transfer student from Class 3! 】

A post turned 10, 10, 100, and was quickly topped as a hot post.

[Mom, what is the plot shooting scene of a novel of pure love for youth? 】

[This picture... If I say that Zhu Tong is not interested in Shao Ming, I definitely don't believe it! 】

[Isn’t it interesting for transfer students to learn the gods? For the first time in a year, I have met someone in the back seat of Xue God! 】

【! ! ! 】

Soon another person came forward to clarify and posted a photo taken from the perspective of the school gate.

[Don't misunderstand everyone, it was Zhu Tong who was blocked outside the school, and the scholar came bravely, and sent Zhu Tong back for the sake of safety. It was pure love of classmates! 】

[Fuck, Zhu Tong was blocked? not…】

[Ah ah ah I don't care, I agree to this marriage! The handsome guy is so eye-catching! 】


Although the misunderstanding was clarified, some people still couldn't restrain the carnival restlessness.

Xia Yang was also a day student at school. At this time, he was sitting alone by the head of the bed. He originally wanted to open his and Shao Ming's CP building to see how to change his mood.

Since he publicly stated that he was transferring for Shao Ming, someone in the school forum opened a cp building for him.

But when I opened the forum today, the first thing I saw was a photo of Shao Ming and Zhu Tong together.

In the photo, Shao Ming is facing the camera sideways, his face is blocked by the shadow of a tree.

On the back seat, Zhu Tong sat sideways, holding Shao Ming's waist tightly with both hands, with a faint but obvious smile on his face.

The posture of the two people is very intimate, and they look particularly dazzling.

Xia Yang's hand holding the phone clenched tightly.

I wish children.

He really came for Shao Ming.

Originally, he was quite happy after hearing that Zhu Tong moved his seat away.

Because Zhu Tong was not an exception, he was frightened by Yuan Shaozhou once and gave up Shao Ming's position at the same table.

He has always known that Yuan Shaozhou deliberately "isolated" Shao Ming. Although he also knew that it was not good, he did not stop it.

Because he was selfish, he didn't want Shao Ming to have the same table.

Shao Ming has always refused to accept him. Although he was lost, he was not too hit.

There are so many people in the school who like Shao Ming, and there are many people who have publicly confessed, but Shao Ming has never responded to anyone.

He ruthlessly rejects anyone.

But as long as there is no one around him, he still has a chance.

But now Zhutong appeared.

Shao Ming helped Yuan Shaozhou when he was trying to find fault, and even took him back.

He stared at the photo on his phone and bit his lower lip.

The next morning, after Zhu Tong finished his morning self-study, he did not rush to the cafeteria like everyone else.

He went to the school cafeteria once, and was scared away before the entrance of the cafeteria.

In the cafeteria of the big pot of rice, there is a lot of noise in the cafeteria, there is food falling on the table, and the ground is covered with oil and there is nowhere to go.

So he decided to bring his own meals every day.

Uncle Liu helped him prepare the breakfast. He finished it in the morning and brought the lunch box back during the lunch break.

Not only does not delay class time, but also saves time to run to the cafeteria.

After drinking a cup of seafood porridge, Zhu Tong sealed the lunch box and put it in the paper bag of the lunch box.

At this time, in a restaurant outside the school, Shao Ming and Rosso ordered two bowls of wontons together.

Shao Ming had just put a wonton in his mouth with a spoon, and when he looked up, he saw Rosso staring at him strangely.


Shao Ming said: "If you have a fart, let it go."

Rosso couldn't hold back, "I said, what's the matter with your tablemate? What happened last night?"

Shao Ming continued to eat wontons: "Nothing happens, I will act bravely."

"You can pull it down." Rosso said with contempt, "Are you brave enough to serve one stop to the end?"

Shao Ming said: "I'm happy."

Rosso: "…"

You were suspicious the day before yesterday, but are you willing to send them home today?

Why are you so capricious?

"Then why did he suddenly change seats?" Rosso wentssips, "playing hard-to-get with you? And then you got hooked?"

Shao Ming smiled: "You don't have to copy your homework today."

Rosso's face changed suddenly: "Brother Ming, I was wrong."

Shao Ming nodded his grace.

Rosso bowed his head to dry.

The coincidence in the homestay Shao Ming did not tell Rosso.

He didn't intend to say why he sent Zhu Tong back to the hotel.

The first class in the morning of Class 3 is Chinese.

The class teacher's class is the easiest.

Because Shi Wenshu is good to students, the students also respect him.

"One thing to say before class, one week later, the school will organize a thorough examination to check your learning results during the summer vacation. Let's take advantage of this week to review it."

As soon as the words came out, the classroom screamed incessantly.

"The test for the bottom line? Why is the test only a week after the start of school?"

"I haven't studied in summer, so I'll take the pill."

"Teacher, I have no results, can I skip the test?"

Shi Wenshu is very good at dealing with this kind of joke, looking up and saying, "Do you think I can do it?"


Suddenly there was another burst of laughter.

Zhu Tong looked around and couldn't help but laugh.

He liked the atmosphere in the class.

Shao Ming looked at him from the side, and when he saw him, he looked left and right. This look was novel. It was not like Young Master Jiao came to experience life, but it was like a poor child entering the city for the first time.

He smiled and shook his head.

In the afternoon of this day, Class 3 had a physical education class.

There are many outdoor activities in Zhutong's previous school, but there is no so-called physical education class.

Originally, he didn't have to go down to do exercises in the classroom.

Out of respect for the physical education teacher, he went down to gather.

Sun exposure overhead.

The students were sweating profusely.

The boys in the class seem to have a special love for physical education classes, and they have already come down to warm up in the ten minutes between classes.

When gathering, they were divided into four rows. Zhu Tong stood on the far right of the third row and looked behind him. He didn't see the person he wanted to see, so he subconsciously turned his head to look for it.

"Brother Ming is a sports committee member, in front."

Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Wish Tong looked back.

It is Rosso who has a good relationship with Shao Ming.

How did he know that he was looking for Shao Ming?

Seeing him turn around, Rosso gave him a grin.

Zhu Tong nodded politely, and when he turned around, he saw Shao Ming came out of the administrative building with a whistle in his mouth.

"Do you know why Brother Ming is a sports commissioner?" Rosso said again.

Zhu Tong shook his head honestly: "I don't know."

Rosso: "Because the collection doesn't need to be exposed to the sun."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming stood under the eaves on the first floor of the administrative building and blew his whistle: "It's an old rule, girls who run 800 meters and boys 1000 meters, whoever runs first will be rewarded with a joule."

"All of them, turn right and run!"

There is no rest for a while.

Passwords are very arbitrary.

Zhu Tong was almost stunned.

He had already retreated consciously when the others started, and glanced at Shao Ming, unable to withstand the sun's exposure, he also hid in.

He didn't talk to Shao Ming, and turned to look at the running classmates.

On the other side of the playground, there is also a class of high school students who are also taking physical education classes.

Zhu Tong watched for a while, then took out his phone and took a photo.

"What are you doing taking pictures?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously said, "Give it to my sister..."

He wanted Xiaoxin to see a different campus life too.

Just before he finished speaking, he turned around quickly.

The sports committee did not know when to stand next to him.

He made his surprise too obvious, Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and said, "You seem to be afraid of me."

Is he so scary?

Zhu Tong immediately denied: "No."

Shao Ming smiled and said again: "I'm going to buy Choles, will we go together?"

Zhu Tong was at a loss: "What is Choledz?"

Shao Ming: "…"

"Forget it, I'll go by myself."

He ran straight to the canteen.

People were running under the sun, and Zhu Tong felt very hot when he saw it. He looked at his palms again, and after a while, his palms were already hot and sweaty.

He was immediately disgusted.

Looking up and looking around, he saw a sink under the teaching building, and he was going to wash his hands.

The wash basin is made of stone, and a piece of moss has grown under it over time. Fortunately, the faucet has just been replaced and is still very new.

Zhu Tong bypassed the moss and stood above the water channel, turned on the faucet and started washing his hands.

With his back to the playground, he didn't see anyone following him.

The man approached the pool.

"Zhu Tong, long time no see."


The author has something to say:

It's the end of the month, do you have any excess nutrients? ╭(╯3╰)╮

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-2816:28:46~2021-09-2915:00:09~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Zilaner;

Thank you for your support, I will continue to work hard!