Chapter 9: Xia Yang

The students in the teaching building are working hard in class, and the students in the two classes in the playground are running earnestly.

The side of the pool was relatively quiet, and suddenly a voice came out. Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, his hands still dipping under the faucet, and he turned to look.

This is incredible.

Under the sun, beside the moss and stones, the speaker seemed to be shining.

Bring your own filter?

Zhu Tong slightly frowned: "Xia Yang."

The person who came was Xia Yang.

Hearing him call out his name, Xia Yang froze for a moment, then smiled: "It seems that you still remember me."


I didn't remember it.

When the system gave him the popular science plot, he remembered it by the way.

But they seem to have only met more than a week ago. Where did it come from?

He glanced at Xia Yang lightly.

As the heartthrob protagonist in the book, Xia Yang's appearance is still stable.

He has soft black hair, almond eyes, a high nose bridge, fair skin as beautiful as porcelain, and his facial features are delicate and handsome.

But Zhu Tong didn't have the heart to admire his face.

He didn't want to have anything to do with heartthrobs.

After washing his hands in three or two, he turned around and left.

Xia Yang didn't expect him to walk so quickly, so he hurriedly reached out to stop him and said, "Zhu Tong."


Looking at the hand in front of him, Zhu Tong showed impatience and looked up at him: "Is something wrong?"

Xia Yang met his eyes and was stunned.

That look again.

This kind of lofty, disdainful look at anyone.

Xia Yang couldn't help but pursed his lips and still smiled: "Last time at my dinner party, I accidentally spilled wine on you. I always wanted to apologize to you."

I wish Tong did not speak.

Xia Yang said again: "At first they told me that the new transfer student was you, but I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be you. A place like Shui County…”

"This has something to do with you?" Zhu Tong lightly interrupted him.

However, there is no need to create such an atmosphere of reunion of old friends for the relationship that has been met at the banquet.

Xia Yang's face froze suddenly, and his smile was a little forced: "...I'm sorry."

Zhu Tong patiently said: "I received your apology, I will go first if there is nothing else."

He turned around to avoid Xia Yang and walked towards the place where Class Three gathered.

Hurry away.

It would be bad if Shao Ming saw that he and Xia Yang had misunderstood something together.

Explanation is also cumbersome.

He was full of "running", but he didn't expect the sudden change.

Seeing that he was leaving, Xia Yang followed up subconsciously, "Wait... ah!"

Zhu Tong only heard an exclamation, and when he turned to look over, he had slipped on the moss stone, and fell flat on the wet ground.

With a "bang", Zhu Tong was taken aback, "You're fine..."

"Wish Tong! What are you doing!"

Just as he was about to stretch out his hand, he screamed not far away, and a person rushed over from the direction of the playground, pulled Zhu Tong away, and lowered his body to help Xia Yang.

"Yangyang, are you alright?"

The man helped Xia Yang up and looked back at Zhu Tong angrily: "What did you do to him?"


Zhu Tong was pulled back a few steps back and forth by him, and just as he stood firm, he smashed a pot over his head and covered his face.

What did he do?

Before he could speak, the man looked at Xia Yang again.

Xia Yang seemed to have fallen hard, and his face was white with pain.

The boy who was supporting him looked very distressed and angry. He asked Xia Yang, "Did he cause you to fall?"

Zhu Tong also looked at Xia Yang.

Xia Yang frowned and supported the boy, "Xiang Chuan, he didn't do it on purpose, don't..."


Zhu Tong suddenly widened his eyes.

"Isn't it intentional?" Xiang Chuan said angrily, "You've fallen like this, and you still say it wasn't intentional?"

Zhu Tong's eyes were slightly cold, and his face sank.

He didn't expect Xia Yang to say that.

What do you mean he didn't mean it?

Does it mean that the person fell down because of him?

He said coldly, "I didn't touch him."

"You fucking…"

Before he finished speaking, Xia Yang stepped forward.

Xiang Chuan grabbed Zhu Tong's collar with one hand, dragged him and slammed into the wall behind him.

There was a sudden shock behind him, blood surged up in his chest, and Zhu Tong's face turned pale.

Xiang Chuan said, "You didn't move him. Could it be that he fell like this?"

He moved too fast, and Xia Yang didn't react.

He was about to let Xiang Chuan let go, when several people came running on the playground.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

"What's the matter with you, Xia Yang? Why is your knee hurt?"

"Where did the mud on him come from?"

Shao Ming came back with a popsicle and water. Class 3 had finished the long run and regrouped. He rewarded the two fastest runners. Shao Ming glanced at the team, "Where's Zhu Tong?"

Rosso took a sip from a bottle of water and pointed in the direction of the sink: "I saw him going over there... Huh? Why are there so many people over there?"

"Fuck! Is that Zhu Tong? Why is he surrounded?"

Shao Ming followed, frowned, and walked over quickly.

A few sparse people could not stop the situation by the pool, and more and more people ran over to join in the fun after seeing it.

Xia Yang didn't expect Xiang Chuan to act directly.

I didn't expect things to get worse.

He didn't want to make things worse.

However, things have gotten out of hand under Xiang Chuan's help.

Xiang Chuan had released Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong leaned against the wall with all his strength, his chest was full of dull pains, and his chest continued to churn. He was speechless and could only listen to others.

"Bullying Xia Yang? Why can't you push people?"

"Can a sophomore in high school bully anyone casually?"

"Is there anything you can't say well?"

Zhu Tong listened silently to the buzzing discussions around, sneering in his heart.

History is always strikingly similar.

He vaguely remembered that it was the same at the banquet last time.

He was spilled by Xia Yang, and after he left the venue with a cold face, what he heard when he went back was the same sound.

"That child from Zhu's family is too rude. Who is showing a cold face?"

"Isn't it just spilling some wine? Everyone has already apologized?"

"It's really hypocritical."

Obviously he was the victim.

But it became the target of public criticism.

Just because he didn't greet the protagonist with a smile?

Why does everyone have to revolve around the protagonist?

What happened to this world?

Oh, the world is taken over by heartthrobs.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but sneer.

He suddenly made a sound, and the surroundings instantly fell silent.

Finally someone noticed his abnormality and whispered: "He... why is his face so ugly?"

"Is he all right?"

Xiang Chuan was standing in front of him, and when he saw him clutching his chest, he snorted coldly, "I didn't use much force at all, what are you pretending to be? Hurry up and say..."


Before he could finish speaking, blood suddenly flashed across his eyes.

Zhu Tong finally spit out a mouthful of blood that he choked, smashing it in front of Xiang Chuan, and splashing a few drops on his white sneakers.

The color of blood is unusually dazzling.

Xiang Chuan was stunned.

The chatter around stopped.

Xia Yang, who had been wanting to speak but didn't know how to speak, was dumbfounded.

As soon as Shao Ming ran to the sink, he encountered the scene of the sick beauty vomiting blood.

Seeing that Zhu Tong's body was unstable, his heart tightened, he pulled away the crowd with all his strength, and quickly stepped forward to take the person into his arms.

"Blessed child!"

Zhu Tong almost thought that he was going to hit the wet and dirty ground, and he fell into an embrace because he was not doing what he deserved.

He looked up subconsciously and saw a beautiful face.

"Thank you." Zhu Tong said.

Shao Ming: "…"

What are you thanking for now?

Shao Ming frowned at his recent dazzling blood color, and supported him: "I'll take you to the hospital."

Zhu Tong held him and said, "Wait a moment."

Shao Ming took a step.

When he lowered his head, he saw the person in his arms slowly taking out a tissue from his pocket, raised his hand and wiped his mouth.

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Xia Yang.

When Xia Yang met his gaze, she involuntarily shivered.

Zhu Tong's eyes were cold.

From the moment Zhu Tong vomited blood, Xia Yang felt a chill in his heart. Seeing Shao Ming appearing and heading straight for Zhu Tong, there was no blood on his face.

His expression at the moment was even more pitiful than being helped up after a fall.

But Zhu Tong has no sympathy.

He looked at Xia Yang and said, "You said it yourself, how did you fall?"

There were more and more people around, and the people from the second and third classes of high school also rushed over after Shao Ming ran over.

As soon as he saw a pool of blood dazed by the water on the ground, and then looked at the blood that had not been wiped off Zhu Tong's lips, someone suddenly shouted, "Who? Who made Zhu Tong vomit blood?"

Xiang Chuan: "…"

Xia Yang: "…"

Xia Yang felt very sorry.

It's not that he doesn't want to explain.

After Xiang Chuan started, he wanted to explain.

But more and more people came to care about him, and more and more people blamed Zhu Tong.

Xiang Chuan had already beaten Zhu Tong.

What if he explained that he fell by himself, and others turned the blame on him?

What if others scold him and blame him?

He dare not.

He was afraid.

But now he is still pushed to the cusp of the storm!

All eyes were on him.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Xiang Chuan protected him and said, "Don't be afraid, Yangyang, you said, did Zhu Tong push you!"

He beat people for Xia Yang, and now people are vomiting blood, as long as it can be proved that Zhu Tongxian did it, he need not be afraid.

Xiang Chuan desperately wants Xia Yang to tell the truth.

Xia Yang said hesitantly: "I...I..."

"If you don't say it, it will be faster for us to check the monitoring."

Shao Ming spoke coldly.

Xia Yang was startled, his face changed again, he lowered his eyes and gritted his teeth and said, "It's all my fault. I originally wanted to apologize to Zhu Tong. Last time at my banquet..."

"No one asked you about the banquet." Zhu Tong said, "I ask you, you fell, did I touch you?"

Xia Yang: "…"

"Xia Yang, say it."

"what happened?"

The voices of the surrounding questioning became louder and louder. Xia Yang bit his lower lip and said with humiliation: "No, I was not careful..."

"Yangyang, make it clear, you don't have to be afraid of him, does it have anything to do with him when you fall?" Xiang Chuan slammed Xia Yang's shoulders.

Xia Yang looked at him aggrievedly and said, "Xiang Chuan, I was really careless. I know you misunderstood me because you saw me being injured, but you really shouldn't do anything to Zhu Tong."

Xiang Chuan looked at him in disbelief.

There was a sudden sneer next to him, and Zhu Tong leaned weakly into Shao Ming's arms and said, "Xia Yang, are you Biluochun from Dongting Mountain?"


The author has something to say:

There must be some controversy about the charisma, which will be explained later~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-09-29 15:00:09~2021-09-3016:44:54~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 14 bottles of Maizidian; 10 bottles of Sixi; 1 bottle of Ahuai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!