Chapter 11: Apologize

The examination in the hospital has become a habit for Zhu Tong.

After filming, he came out of the hospital, and Zhu Tong's body has recovered a lot.

At least it's not like the three-step, two-step, two-step coughing when he just vomited blood.

His face was still not good, but his expression was the same as usual. With such serious blood vomiting, he didn't seem to be worried about any major problems with his body.

I didn't even plan to tell my family.

Shao Ming didn't support him anymore, and said casually, "Aren't you going to call your parents?"

Zhu Tong said: "What call?"

Shao Ming: "…"

When the doctor just checked Zhu Tong's face, he suggested that he do a few more tests, as if he might have some terminal illness.

Zhu Tong always listened calmly, with no emotion on his face.

As if not caring at all.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "You went to the hospital for an examination before, and you went alone?"

Zhu Tong said: "Almost."

He has regular check-ups every month, arranged by his family doctor at his private hospital.

The family doctor was found for him by his grandfather, and he was much more reliable than his father.

He said it indifferently, and Shao Ming's smile narrowed slightly.

Going to the hospital to check such an important matter, without family accompany?

His health is so poor that his family is relieved that he will leave City A alone?

If he didn't accompany him to the hospital today, would he plan to register for the examination by himself?

Or not planning to check at all.

Shao Ming's brain made up for the scene where he was sitting alone in the hospital corridor queuing up numbers.

Really... so miserable, young master.

When the two returned to school, it was already the last class in the morning and afternoon.

Shi Wenshu was not in the classroom, and the third-class students who usually consciously talk about discipline in self-study classes are noisy now.

As soon as Zhu Tong entered the classroom, someone stopped him and said, "Zhu Tong, Teacher Shi asked you to come back to the office."


Zhu Tong paused and asked politely, "Do you know what's going on?"

Someone grabbed the words from the back: "It's the head teacher of the first class of high school. I brought Xiang Chuan to apologize to you. The school has issued a notice that Xiang Chuan will be punished for a serious demerit. It is estimated that he is here to ask you for mercy."

"Hey, he's too embarrassed to come to intercede? Isn't he quite arrogant when he does it?"

"Everyone vomited blood. Now come to apologize? If an apology is useful, why do you need school rules?"

Everyone in the class knew what happened in the gym class, and each one was more outraged than the other.

Perhaps it was because of the white moonlight of Shao Ming in the third class, and the halo of the heartthrob did not shroud the second and third classes of senior high school, and they all had a clear sense of right and wrong.

Zhu Tong turned his head to look at Shao Ming, and felt that the Buddha's light was shining all over him.

All the demons that approached retreated.


"You look at me like that, do you want me to go with you?"

With an ambiguous ridicule, the Buddha's light immediately dissipated.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He coughed and said, "No."

Then turned around and walked to the office.

The teacher's office is on the second floor.

Beside Shi Wenshu's desk, now standing Lu Shiman, the head teacher of the first class, and the two students she brought.

Xia Yang and Xiang Chuan.

"Mr. Shi, this is a misunderstanding." Lu Shiman looked at Shi Wenshu and said, "Xia Yang's fall by the sink was indeed his own accident, but when he fell, Zhu Tong in your class was there. It's also a fact around him, right? He didn't help Xia Yang when he saw Xia Yang fell. Of course, I believe he definitely didn't mean it. Xia Yang also meant the same thing at the time, but he didn't have time to explain, Xiang Chuan misunderstood his words and acted on impulse. It's just such a small thing, it won't make the school record a big demerit, right?"

"Small thing?" Shi Wenshu almost laughed at her, "It turns out that in Teacher Lu's mind, it's just a trivial matter for a student to vomit blood openly against others in school?"

Ten minutes.

Lu Shiman took Xia Yang and the others and talked for ten minutes in the office, constantly emphasizing that Xia Yang's wrong words were unintentional mistakes, and Xiang Chuan's actions were unintentional.

Are they all heartless? So did the students in his class vomit blood and go to the hospital?

Seeing that he was unmoved, Lu Shiman smiled and said, "Teacher Shi, I..."

"Mr. Lu, needless to say." Shi Wenshu interrupted him: "I still say that, since you have entered high school, you are almost an adult, and an adult should be responsible for his words and deeds, and remember his deeds. It's because the school gave him a light punishment because he was a freshman, if Zhu Tong really does anything wrong today, then he should be expelled!"


Hearing the word "expelled", Lu Shiman's expression suddenly changed.

The reason why she is standing here now is to revoke the school's demerit against Xiang Chuan.

The conduct of the students in a class is linked to the performance of the head teacher.

It won't be long before the city will conduct the selection of outstanding teachers in various counties. The teachers who are successfully selected will have the opportunity to directly transfer to the city, and she also signed up.

If at this time there is a problem student who has been recorded in her class, she will not even think about the selection.

Not to remember, not to be fired.

But she said all her good things, Shi Wenshu just refused to let go.

She frowned and turned to look at Xia Yang.

Xia Yang hesitated for a moment, then stood up and said: "Mr. Shi, I know that this is our fault, I can apologize to Zhu Tong, but Xiang Chuan did it for me, if he is wronged, then I'm also responsible, and Xiang Chuan really didn't try too hard."

Next to Xiang Chuan saw Xia Yang defending himself, and was so moved: "Yang Yang..."

Xia Yang glanced at him and lowered his head again.

Although he was worried about Xiang Chuan on the face, he felt that he deserved it.

If Xiang Chuan hadn't suddenly attacked Zhu Tong, he wouldn't be so passive now!

Lu Shiman took advantage of the situation and said, "Yes, Teacher Shi, you know that Zhu Tong's body is not very good, so Xiang Chuan just nudged him..."

"So I grabbed the person's collar and threw the person to the wall more than one meter behind him and held him down. Is it a gentle push?"

A cool voice rang from the door of the office.

Several people looked at them at the same time, and their expressions changed.

Shi Wenshu was sitting behind the desk and his eyes were impatient. When he saw the person appearing at the door, his eyes lit up, and he got up and said, "Zhu Tong?"

He walked over: "How's the inspection? Are you okay?"

Zhu Tong smiled at him, "The results of the filming have to be picked up after class."

"How are you feeling now?" Another voice suddenly asked.

Zhu Tong made a smile disappearing technique, looked at Lu Shiman with an eager face, remembered what he had just heard at the door, and asked, "Is this teacher teaching Chinese?"

Lu Shiman's face stiffened.

What's the meaning?

Shi Wenshu said: "Mr. Lu teaches English."

Zhu Tong said: "Oh, this person who has made big things into small things is so good at using words and skills, I thought she was teaching Chinese."

Shi Wenshu: "…"

His student seems to have forgotten that he also teaches Chinese.

Lu Shiman's face immediately flushed: "You..."

Zhu Tong stared at her expressionlessly: "Isn't it?"

Xia Yang's "not on purpose" became his "not on purpose".

Xiang Chuan used violence against him, which became a "nudge".

He was hit and vomited blood, and it became his own health.

Everything is his, isn't it?

"Mr. Lu brought the students here today to apologize to me?" Zhu Tong glanced at Xia Yang and Xiang Chuan, raised his lips and smiled.

Lu Shiman was inexplicably chilled by his smile.

Zhu Tong said slowly: "I'm sorry, I don't accept your apology."


The author has something to say:

I traveled by car on the National Day, the navigation and positioning were wrong, and the high-speed national road cement road ran all over the country road, the update was driven by me on the high-speed, don’t think it’s too short ( ̄ε(# ̄)

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-10-0116:18:18~2021-10-0216:57:21~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 3 bottles of Hansexiao; 1 bottle of Hongjas;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!