Chapter 12: tough

Apologies are not accepted.

Only accept penalties.

His merciless refusal silenced the office for a few seconds.

Lu Shiman's hand on her side tightened, she took a deep breath, smiled again on her face, and reached out to pull Zhutong's hand: "Zhutong classmate..."

Zhu Tong shrank his hand, looked at her and said, "Mr. Lu, it's better not to touch me. I'm not in good health. If you touch me lightly, I may vomit blood again."


Lu Shiman clenched his posterior molars immediately.

This is what she said before replying to her!

She had never met such a difficult student before, and her face was swept away after three times of soft gestures, and her face became cold, "Zhu Tong, you have to be forgiving and forgiving, you know How much will a student's demerit affect him? That's a lifetime stain, everyone is a student in the same school, you can't..."


Zhu Tong said indifferently: "I don't know how the demerit affects him. I only know how being thrown on the wall affects my body."

Lu Shiman: "He... he didn't know that you were not in good health. He didn't do it to you on purpose."

Zhu Tong: "I didn't know that vomiting blood would make him suffer such a big punishment, and I didn't mean to vomit blood."


Lu Shiman's face suddenly turned black.

Zhu Tong sneered in his heart.

It wasn't intentional, was it?

Those who don't know are not guilty, right?

He also played moral kidnapping with him.

Sorry, he has no morals.

Seeing that Lu Shiman was speechless, Zhu Tong said again, "If there is nothing wrong with Mr. Lu, I will go back to class..."

"Then what do you want?" Lu Shiman said suddenly.

Zhu Tong paused.

Lu Shiman looked at him and said, "How can you agree to cancel Xiang Chuan's demerit punishment?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is this meant to be… privately dealt with?

Shi Wenshu frowned beside him: "Mr. Lu, what do you mean?"

Lu Shiman ignored him and just stared at Zhu Tong, with a proud look on his face, "No matter what you want, the teacher will try his best to satisfy you, as long as you agree."

Xiang Chuan's family background is very good, no matter what conditions Zhu Tong proposes, he should be able to meet.

Otherwise, there is the Xia family.

Xia Yang is a sensible and obedient child. As long as she talks to Xia Yang, it is not a problem for the Xia family to help.

And Xia Yang's family is not a secret in Yizhong. If Zhu Tong is smart, he should accept it as soon as he sees it.

She was full of confidence, but she didn't realize that Xia Yang, who was standing beside her, had quietly frowned.

He deliberately reminded Lu Shiman: "Mr. Lu..."

"I'm afraid I'll disappoint the teacher." Zhu Tong said, "I don't lack anything, but I lack justice. If Teacher Lu is not satisfied with the school's decision, he can go to the principal and tell us about it. If you delay again, the teacher will give it to us. In class, then I can only ask the principal to judge."


Lu Shiman didn't expect him to be so soft and hard, and was stunned for a while.

Zhu Tong had already turned her head to look at Shi Wenshu. Different from being aggressive towards Lu Shiman, she had a polite and sincere attitude towards Shi Wenshu, "I'm sorry Teacher Shi, I've caused you trouble."

Shi Wenshu was also worried that Zhu Tong would compromise, and wanted to speak for Zhu Tong several times.

As a result, he was completely speechless from beginning to end.

Although Zhu Tong is weak in body, his temperament is not soft.

He nodded in relief, "It's not a problem, don't worry about it, go back to class, the teacher will be there in a while."

Zhu Tong nodded, and glanced at Xia Yang vaguely when he left.

Xia Yang's scalp was numb when he saw him.

Others don't know Zhu Tong's family, but he does.

He didn't expect that Lu Shiman would come up with such a stupid way.

Want to buy Zhutong with material? Aren't you humiliating yourself?

Even he was mocked.

He shouldn't have come here today!

The three were stunned in the office, and Shi Wenshu had already taken the lesson plan and got up, "Mr. Lu should go back. Instead of asking the victim's forgiveness here, it is better to teach his students not to make mistakes."

After saying that, he walked out of the office.

The three Shiman teachers and students were left in the office.

Xiang Chuan was lost and confused.

Xia Yang was full of impatience.

Lu Shiman's new manicure was almost embedded in the palm of his hand.

Zhu Tong returned to his seat and breathed a sigh of relief.

He could feel how unreasonable it is for people around the heartthrob to "protect their shortcoming".

The people around him are short-sighted, and from the point of view of heartthrobs, they are cool texts.

But it was a disaster for the cannon fodder.

He came to Gongshui No. 1 Middle School in just a few days, and the trouble continued. He didn't know how Shao Ming came here in the past six months.

Xia Yang transferred to Gongshui County in the second semester of junior high school.

Although Gongshui County is not an integrated junior high school, the junior high school where Xia Yang transferred to is located next to the county one.

He is good-looking, has good grades, and has a good family background. He is very popular in middle school and high school, and he is blatant in pursuing Shao Ming.

Shao Ming in the eyes of others is favored by Xia Yang, an existence that makes most people jealous and envious.

But Zhu Tong knows that being pursued by people he doesn't like and making a fuss about it is actually a very troublesome thing.

Especially loved by heartthrobs.

Xia Yang only expresses his enthusiasm, but he doesn't care how much trouble his enthusiasm will bring to Shao Ming.

The originally good life was broken because of being liked by others.

Really... what a miserable white moonlight!

Shao Ming has been paying attention to Zhu Tong since he returned to his seat.

After being stared at silently for a long time, he finally couldn't bear it anymore, and turned to ask what the person wanted to say looking at him across the aisle, but met a pair of eyes full of sympathy.

Shao Ming: "…"

Who is he sympathizing with?

Shao Ming couldn't help laughing.

This person, who has just been slandered and vomited blood into the hospital, where did he get the energy to sympathize with others?

He looked at Zhu Tong with one hand on his head, and was about to say something when he suddenly realized that the two were a little far apart.

One aisle plus one seat distance.

If you speak lightly, you cannot hear it, but if you speak too heavily, everyone around you can hear it.

He paused for a while, but still didn't speak.

It would be much more convenient if Zhu Tong's seat was next to him.

Shao Ming thought.

Suddenly realizing what he was thinking, Shao Ming was stunned.

It was obviously because he wished Tong Tong that he moved the seat away.

It's also that he doesn't want to have the same table.

Is he now... regretting it?

He suddenly laughed, and he didn't even know why he laughed suddenly.

On the contrary, Zhu Tong was shaken by his smile, suddenly regained his senses, and blinked his eyes back.

But the previous scene has been frozen.

Someone took a photo and sent it to a small group that some girls privately pulled.

[Browsing, the two of them definitely have something to do! 】

[I just said that the previous thing was that two people were jealous, right? But obviously, our new classmates won! 】

[But why hasn't Zhu Tong's seat been moved back? What kind of weird play is flirting across an aisle? 】

[Student God, what is your ability to stare at your head with one hand? People's desks won't run back with long legs! 】

[I really want to put the table back for them...]

Zhu Tong vaguely heard a sudden commotion in the classroom.

He subconsciously raised his eyes and looked around.

I didn't see the riots, but I got a few glances that were still unexplainable.


Before he could react, those people quickly looked away.

Soon Shi Wen Shu also entered the classroom.

Zhu Tong quickly took out his textbook and concentrated on class.

Shao Ming has been staring at him from time to time. Seeing his serious face, he thought with interest: He really loves learning.

The mock exam is imminent, but because it is not an important exam, other than the class teacher, the teachers of the class didn't take it too seriously.

This is very hard to wish young master.

You can only take the time to review secretly.

He memorized chemical equations all night and ended up feeling a little sleepy in English class the next morning.

The English teacher is a young female teacher who has just joined the job. She likes to wander around the aisles on both sides when she is lecturing, and she just happened to be next to Zhu Tong's seat.

He watched Zhu Tong fish with his hands on the head of the desk, and suddenly tapped his fingers lightly at the corner of his desk.

Zhu Tong was awakened by a light tap.

He looked up at the "shadow" beside him.

His eyes were sleepy, his demeanor was lazy, the corners of his eyes were still a little wet from yawning in the morning, and he stared blankly at the person who disturbed his sleep.

Like an ignorant little beast.

The young English teacher was caught off guard by a cute crit and felt a little weird guilt about himself for waking him up.

She couldn't help but smile and maintained the teacher's restraint, "This classmate, please read the first paragraph of the text."

Just woke up and dozed off.

Zhu Tong blinked, his reaction was half a beat, his eyes widened again, he picked up the textbook and looked at it, "Oh, good."

This powerful look made a lot of people around him laugh.

Shao Ming couldn't help but bend his lips, just as he was about to make a clearance for him, Zhu Tong had already spoken.

Standard pronunciation and fluent reading.

He read a long paragraph in one breath without any lag, and his lazy voice was very clear in the quiet classroom.

After reading a natural paragraph, the classroom was full of amazement.

Is Zhu Tong still an invisible scholar?

Did he really want to be at the same table with Shao Ming when he started school?

The English teacher was also surprised. She smiled and said, "It's a good read, although this article is not what we learned today."

Zhu Tong: "…"


"Ha ha."

The exclamation turned into a murmur of goodwill.

"It's okay, sit down." The English teacher comforted him, and then said to the others: "It's really easy to get sleepy in the morning, so I'm all refreshed."

The speaker has already walked to the podium.

For the first time, Zhu Tong put the word embarrassment in the dictionary of life, and he was nervous about whether his dozing would affect Bai Yueguang's favorability, so he looked to the side subconsciously.

Shao Ming was also looking at him, and when he saw him looking over, he smiled and said, "It's a good read."

Zhu Tong: "…"

I'd rather die.

A few days later, the school raided the mock exam.

Maths for the first class.

After several days of unremitting efforts, Zhu Tong felt that he had achieved a little in his studies.

for the task.

Prove yourself with your grades.

With great confidence, he picked up the pen, filled in the name of the class, and began to read the first question.

Then the pen stopped.


The author has something to say:

Guess how many marks can Tongtong get?

Thank you to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during the period of 2021-10-0216:57:21~2021-10-0316:16:14~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 庻gui;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!