Chapter 13: Find out

Zhu Tong never expected that his exam would encounter Waterloo on the first multiple-choice question.

He held the test paper in one hand and the pen in the other, and the tip of the pen touched the upper left corner of the scratch paper, making a deep ink dot.


will not do.

It's okay, see the next question.

The first rule of the exam: In order to avoid wasting time, put the questions that have no clue first, and do what will be done first.

I wish the child to follow this rule and continue to do the problem.

During the exam, the classroom was always quieter than usual, with the sound of flipping the test papers and the rustling of the tip of the pen across the paper.

It took Shao Ming more than half an hour to complete the entire test paper, and at this time, he was playing with his pen boredly.

Because it was just a thorough examination, the scale was not very formal, the seats were not arranged according to the scores, but there was a little distance between the same table.

Shao Ming tilted his head slightly, and saw his "tablemate in front" bowing his head and thinking hard, his beautiful brows were slightly wrinkled.

A lot of calculation procedures were densely written on the scratch paper next to him, but the content on the answer sheet was scattered and sparse.

He seemed to be battling a big problem, suffering from being blocked.

When others are distressed, they either scratch their heads or bite the pen, or keep moving their hands to calm down the turmoil in their hearts.

But Zhu Tong is different.

He bit his lip.

His teeth lightly bit his lower lip, and a question was made by him to be extremely aggrieved.

Shao Ming watched from the side and slowly hooked his lips.

After a math test, Shao Ming rarely slept without finishing the questions, but watched the candidates next to him become an eggplant beaten by math.

When the exam was over, everyone around was busy answering answers, while Zhu Tong was in a daze holding his draft.

The second rule of the exam is that you must not find someone to answer the question after you have finished the question, especially those who are above the scumbag and below the academic master.

Because it affects the mood.

In the noisy classroom after the exam, the quiet students and transfer students became a beautiful sight.

Many people looked at their poised appearance and talked about it one after another.

"Zhu Tong is really a scholar, right? So calm after the exam?"

"This is what a scholar should look like, as stable as Mount Tai!"

"I have to say that Xue Shen and Zhu Tong are really handsome. They are so eye-catching."

"Tsk tsk, even being in a daze together is such a good match."


Zhu Tong couldn't hear other people's comments.

He comforted himself in his heart: it's okay, math is lost, and there are other subjects.

If mathematics hadn't discouraged him yet, the afternoon science and comprehensive study taught him how to be a man.

Sometimes you can't be too confident.

After the exam, he walked out of the classroom directly.

Shao Ming was surrounded by a group of students asking for the correct answer. When he looked up, he saw a lost figure at the back door of the classroom.

It just looks... pathetic.

On a street outside the school, day students who had been poisoned by their studies for a day came out to forage.

Rosso followed Shao Ming out of the school gate and glanced at the street, "Brother Ming, where are you going to eat today? How about Bozi Noodles?"

Shao Ming did not answer.

He looked at the school gate, inexplicably, just a little concerned.

He looked at the relatively clean and decorated store opposite, and said, "Go eat hot soup and rice."

"Hot..." Before Rosso's doubtful words were spoken, he had already seen the store opposite, and couldn't help muttering, "What's so good about hot soup and rice?"

The man in front of him had already started to cross the road.

Rosso: "…"

He followed helplessly.

The two walked into the store, Rosso first glanced at the menu hanging above the counter, and his expression of lack of interest changed instantly.

"There is actually boiled fish here?"

The counter waiter immediately smiled: "Yes, we have boiled fish and boiled pork slices, pickled fish and Maoxuewang here."

Rosso turned his head and said, "Brother Ming, we... what are you looking at?"

As soon as his voice changed, Rosso followed Shao Ming's line of sight.

In the corner of the restaurant by the window, a person sat there quietly, very familiar.

Rosso stared: "Isn't that Zhu Tong? It's such a coincidence that he is here too."

Shao Ming said, "Go and order."

Then dropped Rosso and walked straight to the corner.

Zhu Tongzheng is eating gracefully.

Chopsticks in one hand and spoon in the other.

The thick soup was accompanied by rice, and he was about to put it into his mouth.

"Friend, do you mind putting together a table?"

The familiar voice sounded, and Zhu Tong's hand shook, and the soup almost spilled.

He looked up in amazement.

This is a man who does not hide his emotions.

Shao Ming looked at the obvious astonishment in his eyes, and said with a smile, "Is it okay?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

God knows the last thing he wants to see right now is this person.

After two exams, he realized the reality.

his task.

his favorability.

Afraid to fly.

But he couldn't say no right now.

So he nodded somewhat gracefully, "Yes."

Shao Ming sat down unceremoniously.

I don't think it's so deliberate for him to say "table table" with so many empty seats next to him.

After he sat down, Zhu Tong didn't find anything strange, just continued to eat with a sullen expression.

Shao Ming started to turn his phone again, "What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Zhu Tong said: "No."

Shao Ming saw it at a glance: "Didn't you pass the exam?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming smiled, "It's just a test, it's not an important test, I didn't do well this time, just keep trying to do well next time, don't be discouraged."

The right medicine is always helpful.

Zhu Tong scooped the soup for a while, then raised his eyes and said, "Do you really think so?"

Shao Ming: "Of course..."

"Of course he thinks so." A voice interrupted Shao Ming, "Every time he takes the exam, he is the first, and he doesn't understand the mood of our poor students in the exam. He calls it standing and talking without back pain. Don't believe it."

Rosso just came over after ordering.

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The atmosphere was stagnant for a while.

Rosso laughed and said, "I wish classmate Tong, what a coincidence."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Rosso: "…"

Rosso felt as if he was being treated differently.

Then he saw Zhu Tong nodded at him almost reluctantly.

It's a response to him.

Rosso has words of suffering.

Don't you want to see him like that?

Do you think he disturbed their two-person world?

But he also has to eat.

Zhu Tong just felt that the little hope he had just had was dashed again.

He bowed his head and continued to eat.

Rosso sat down next to Shao Ming, glanced at the contents of his bowl, and said in surprise, "Do you have this for dinner?"

Shao Ming also noticed the food in his bowl.

A veritable bowl of hot soup.

Sanxian hot rice looks very bland and tasteless.

Zhu Tong was stunned, then raised his head and said, "Why don't you come here and eat this?"

Isn't this a hot soup restaurant?

Rosso: "…"

He was speechless.

"Classmate, your boiled fish."

The waiter served the food in time, and Rosso, if granted amnesty, assisted the waiter to put the boiled fish, and then looked at Zhu Tong.

Crazy Hint: This is life!

"Since we've made a table, let's eat together, you're welcome."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He looked at a pot of spicy oil soup that was suddenly brought up in front of him, and he felt only two words: stomach pain.

A hot breath entered his throat, and he couldn't help but tilt his head and coughed twice.

Shao Ming: "…"

He pushed the boiled fish to Rosso in silence, "Go to the table next to you to eat."

"No need." Before Rosso had time to wonder, Zhu Tong said, "I'm fine, and I'll be ready to eat soon."


Shao Ming saw that after the soup pot was pushed far away, he really had nothing to do, so he nodded and didn't force it.

The three eat quietly.

No one noticed that two people were passing by outside the store.

"How about a trip to my house's racetrack with me this weekend? I'll take you on a horse."

A boy with a big back followed a teenager, thinking he was a gentleman and showing his diligence.

"Thank you Brother Zhou, but I promised my parents to go back over the weekend, so I might not be able to go."

The boy with the big back is naturally Yuan Shaozhou.

Xia Yang was entangled by him at the school gate, and now he is uneasy even if he wants to eat a meal.

He was very disturbing to Yuan Shaozhou, but there was nothing he could do.

For a person like Yuan Shaozhou, it is better not to offend him.

He may not dare to use some methods on the surface, but the small actions behind the scenes are very disgusting.

He is now being criticized in school for Zhu Tong's affairs. Although Teacher Lu helped him clarify his "unintentional" words, many people still questioned him.

"Did Xia Yang really say that on purpose?"

"It's unintentional. Why didn't he explain after Zhu Tong was beaten? It was Zhu Tong who asked him before he said it."

"Actually, I saw it from a distance at that time. Zhu Tong turned around and was about to leave. When Xia Yang fell, he couldn't see it at all.

"If that's the case, Xia Yang is too inauthentic, isn't he? He doesn't look like this kind of person."


Similar things have been said in private on forums.

Although there are many people who help him speak.

But no one had ever questioned him like that before.

Yuan Shaozhou is now pestering him.

After being explicitly rejected by him, I still don't know how to arrange him.

At that time, he may not be able to stay in a middle school!

He avoided Yuan Shaozhou without a trace and wanted to reach out to take his hand, but politely declined his invitation.

Yuan Shaozhou didn't care either.

What he has now is patience.

He was very angry when he first heard the news that Xia Yang had fallen by the sink.

But when he turned his head, someone told him that Shao Ming rejected Xia Yang in public because Zhu Tong vomited blood.

Shao Ming made it clear that Xia Yang would definitely be disappointed in him.

Maybe he can help Xia Yang vent properly and let him see who is more suitable for him.

He remembered that Shao Ming's mother opened a milk tea shop in the square in the center of the city.

Just as he was thinking, the person walking beside him suddenly stopped.

Yuan Shaozhou looked at Xia Yang's face, and followed his gaze.

In a restaurant next to them, three people at a table by the window were eating boiled fish happily.

Seeing the person sitting opposite Shao Ming, Yuan Shaozhou frowned.

I wish children.

The people he called to teach Zhu Tong a lesson that day are still in the police station and can't get them out.

Who is he?


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-0316:16:14~2021-10-0416:44:57~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 392316122 bottles; 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!