Chapter 22: teach first

In front of the counter, Shao Ming watched one eye-catching comment after another on the computer screen, his expression always calm.

He even moved the mouse casually, refreshed the interface, and there were several new comments.

"Damn, it must be that **** Yuan Shaozhou who is doing tricks behind his back!"

Rosso couldn't help cursing.

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming, then stared back at the computer, frowning: "When did this start?"

Luo Suo said: "Just now, I knew that the surname Yuan was going to be a moth today. I have been staring at the computer today."


Zhu Tong couldn't help but squinted.

I thought that all Yuan Shaozhou people had been admitted to the hospital, and the hospitalization time should stop.

Didn't expect it to come out like this again.

A large number of such remarks are published on this kind of public platform. If others see it, not only will the store not be able to open, but even the daily life of Shao Ming and his mother will be affected, and it will even be difficult to continue living in this city. go down!

Yuan Shaozhou targeted Shao Ming simply because Xia Yang liked Shao Ming, but this kind of thing was not Shao Ming's fault from beginning to end.

Is it necessary to do this just because of this?

Is this something a high school student can do?

It's too much!

Zhu Tong slowly clasped his hands.

Shao Ming watched for a while, then moved his gaze to Zhu Tong's face.

He was suddenly curious, wondering how his tablemates would react when they saw such "conclusive" remarks?

would be surprised? Curious?

Will you secretly measure his reaction? Will you dislike doubt? Or just want to ask something?

But none.

When Shao Ming looked over, Zhu Tong was staring at the computer screen.

He frowned slightly, and his breathing became much faster than usual.

There were obviously no major emotional fluctuations on his face, but Shao Ming suddenly saw his angry look on his face.

Is he actually angry?

Angry about something in someone else's home?

This person's reaction seems to always be able to jump out of his expectations.

Shao Ming's lips curled up uncontrollably.

When Rosso turned his head, he just bumped into his smile, and suddenly said in surprise, "Your eyebrows are on fire, are you still smiling?"

Shao Ming said: "Don't be afraid, the eyebrows can still be tattooed."

Rosso: "???"

Who told you about tattooing eyebrows?

However, Shao Ming was always in a hurry.

Rosso hurriedly asked, "What should I do now?"

Shao Ming said: "Yes, what should we do now?"

Rosso: "…"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong looked at Rosso, who was agitated, and Shao Ming, who was always idle. He couldn't help thinking: whose shop is this?

He moved his lips and hesitated.

Now in this situation, first of all, we have to stop that group of people from continuing to write negative reviews.

Rosso thought of going with him, probably because Shao Ming was unreliable, he lowered his head and took out his mobile phone and said, "I'll find someone to delete the bad review first."

"No." Shao Ming looked up at the store, "Where's the second child?"

Zhu Tong looked confused.

Who is the second child?

Rosso has already said, "He went to the bathroom."

Shao Ming made an "oh" and said, "Then let's wait for him to come back."

Then slide the mouse to continue reading the comments.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Wait any longer, the comments will build up a hundred-story building!

Zhu Tong vaguely realized who Shao Ming was referring to as the second child. When Lu Zheyu came back, he saw Shao Ming throwing his hand at the shopkeeper and pushed the computer forward.

"Your strengths." Shao Ming said, "Take care of it."

Lu Zheyu had changed out of his work clothes and was wearing the school uniform of Gongshui No. 1 Middle School.

Stopped by Shao Ming, he looked down at the time, then raised his head and said, "Continuing to work now counts as overtime, and the salary is doubled."

Shao Ming nodded readily, "No problem."

The two hit it off.

Zhu Tong looked at the person who was about to leave work and walked around behind the counter, walked to Rosso and said, "Let's go."

Rosso quickly made room.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Lu Zheyu looks very powerful.

But did he and Shao Ming... have such a good relationship?

In school, Lu Zheyu spends almost all the rest of the time sleeping on the table except for class time and energy.

He rarely communicates with other people.

A few days before and after the table, the day when the results of the English test were announced, was the only thing Zhu Tong said to him.

His personality is also indifferent, I can't say how indifferent, but it just makes people feel difficult to approach.

But Shao Ming seems to be very familiar with him.

Looking at Lu Zheyu's skillful operation sitting in front of the computer, could it be that he is still a hacker?

"He..." Zhu Tong turned to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming said: "We hit people along the network cable."


The evaluation interface of the food delivery platform in front of the computer has disappeared, replaced by a screen full of code that Zhu Tong can't understand.

For the first time, the intuitive hacker manually operated the scene, and Zhu Tong couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly.

After an unknown amount of time, the computer screen turned on again. Lu Zheyu released the mouse and moved his wrist. He stood up and said, "All the comment accounts have been hacked. You can handle the rest yourself. I'll go to work."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Classmate Lu Zheyu came and walked lightly.

Zhu Tong looked at the time.

Five p.m.

What work do you have at five o'clock in the afternoon?

Isn't he off work?

Zhu Tong suspected that he had heard it wrong, and turned to ask Shao Ming, "What is he doing?"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Go to work."

really work?


Before he could ask again, Shao Ming answered him thoughtfully, "Night shift."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Just finished working in the milk tea shop, and now go to night shift?

Zhu Tong suddenly thought of the dark circles under Lu Zheyu's eyes that were always obvious.

As if he could see what he was thinking, Rosso said next to him: "The second child's family conditions are not very good, so he will be very busy every weekend, and sometimes he will pick up work during school hours."

Zhu Tong said: "Accept the job?"

"Of course it's not that job." Rosso said: "It's just taking orders everywhere, writing songs for some bars or street singers."

Zhu Tong was surprised: "He can still write songs?"

"Yeah, life is forced, so don't worry about skills." Rosso said with emotion: "I heard that he wrote a song for a big star of an entertainment company when he was a freshman in high school, but unfortunately he broke up with the company later."

"Breaking? Why?"

Rosso shook his head, "I don't know the specifics, and the second child refuses to say."

Zhu Tong: "…"

In this small county, it really is Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

No wonder Teacher Shi said that Lu Zheyu was inconvenient to tutor him.

There are so many part-time jobs every week, and I have to take care of my studies. I really don’t have the energy to help others learn.

Just as he was thinking, a hand suddenly came over from his right hand.

At the moment he was talking to Rosso, Shao Ming had already changed his clothes and walked up to him and said, "Let's go."

Zhu Tong wondered, "Where are you going?"

Shao Ming said: "I will send you back to do your homework, otherwise the teacher will make a surprise inspection tomorrow and you will cry."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Who will cry?

If a man bleeds without tears, he never sheds tears when he really bleeds, okay?

But his homework really hasn't been written yet.

I wish Tong a bitter face for a second.

When he got up, he looked at the bright computer screen, thinking that Shao Ming still had something to deal with, and said, "I'll just ask Uncle Liu to pick me up, you..."

"The car can't drive into the square, I'll take you to the intersection."


Zhu Tong could only call Uncle Liu.

When I left, I did not forget to bring the unfinished cup of pudding sago.

Shao Ming looked at the cup of milk tea he cherished with both hands, and couldn't help but smile: "Would you like to drink this?"

Zhu Tong nodded, "Yeah."

Shao Ming said: "Then next time you come, I will do it for you."

The undisguised surprise in Zhu Tong's eyes, "Really?"

He looks like this, it's really like drinking something he likes for the first time.

If this is a performance, then he will definitely become a leader in the film industry in the future.

Shao Ming thought complicatedly and smiled more and more sincerely.

He nodded, "Really."

On the way to the intersection, Shao Ming helped him as he had helped him into the store before.

When he entered, he was too surprised to see Shao Ming. There were too many people around and he was too nervous. He didn't realize anything.

At this moment, he was helped out again. Although there were fewer people around, other feelings became more obvious.

For example, the temperature that Shao Ming posted on his back and arm.

It's hot.

Zhu Tong had never had such close contact with anyone before. He thought he would be very uncomfortable, but in fact the temperature behind him made him feel very secure.

Every time he took a step, when the right foot did not dare to exert force and the center of gravity was unstable, Shao Ming followed him steadily.

Very solid.

Zhu Tong subconsciously looked up at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming looked ahead, not knowing what he was thinking,

Maybe it's a store thing?

Zhu Tong couldn't help but ask, "...What are you going to do about the bad reviews?"

Shao Ming said: "Isn't it already dealt with?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

Didn't Lu Zheyu only hack the accounts of users with bad reviews? Where is this dealt with?

With this wave there will definitely be the next wave.

Black accounts are a cure for the symptoms, not the root cause.


"Don't worry, the soldiers will block the water and cover the soil, and everything will be fine."


What does it mean to be alright?

Hasn't this happened already?

Before the account was hacked, what should I do if those remarks were seen?

What should I do if Shao Ming's mother sees it? What will she think?

What if someone took a screenshot and spread it out?

But what can Shao Ming do?

Make up a rumor to refute the rumor and break the leg!

No matter how those remarks are stopped, there will always be other channels to spread them out.

The best way is to shut up the source of Yuan Shaozhou!

This is not difficult.

Zhu Tong had an idea and turned to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming still had that indifferent expression with nothing at all.

Zhu Tongzhen wanted to ask him directly.

Aren't you tired of living like this?

But the words could not come out of his mouth.

He is the worst at comforting people.

It is unpleasant to hear such unpleasant rumors for no reason.

But the reason why Shao Ming disguised himself with a "don't care" face was that he didn't want others to know his true emotions.

Even if he was really upset, he wouldn't admit it.

In that case, why did he have to tear off that disguised face?

In the end, Zhu Tong didn't say anything. When the two of them reached the intersection, Uncle Liu had already pulled over.

Shao Ming helped Zhu Tong into the car.

After getting in the car, before Uncle Liu's overwhelming worries and complaints came, Zhu Tong said directly: "Uncle Liu, please help me with something."

Uncle Liu: "…"

In the hospital, Yuan Shaozhou was sitting at the head of the bed, calling someone angrily.

"The account was hacked? Isn't what the **** you do about black accounts? You **** tell me now that your account was hacked? Do you think I'm stupid?"

The person on the other side of the phone didn't know what to say again, Yuan Shaozhou cursed again "Fuck" and almost smashed the phone.

Soon the phone rang again, he opened it impatiently, and saw the "evidence" sent by someone else.

A picture showing the pop-up prompt displayed by the login account: Cyberpoliceiswatchingyou!

Yuan Shaozhou: "..."

[Yuan Shaozhou]: What the **** does this string of English mean?

There was a quick reply: the Internet police are watching you.

Yuan Shaozhou: "..."

He didn't understand, he just wanted to teach Shao Ming a lesson, why is it so **** troublesome?

I can't fight, but now I want to play some tricks, and there are always people who jump out to help Shao Ming.

Who is this black account?

Yuan Shaozhou looked at the pop-up window with red eyes, extremely unwilling.

Isn't it a black account?

He wants to see how many accounts that person has hacked!

He opened the address book, found a forum account of a high school student who usually flattered him, and went to the campus forum to log in.

The person who paid for it is unreliable, he goes on it himself!

The operation is exactly the same as the process of giving a bad review to a milk tea shop.

The eye-catching title and attractive content quickly caused a heated discussion on the forum. After posting the post, he quickly found someone to post on the forum.

[Xue Shen's milk tea shop uses raw materials mixed with poppy powder? No way? 】

[I've been to their milk tea shop, and it's so unbearable that I almost vomited, and I don't know why the business is so good. 】

[I don't know about other things, but Shao Ming's mother is a wine girl and he gave birth to him at the age of 18, didn't it spread in junior high school? Does anyone still know? 】

[It's not that the family doesn't enter the same door. Shao Ming's former hotel was closed down because of drugs. Isn't it normal to mix some poppy powder in milk tea now? 】


The following thread contains a bunch of personal attacks on Shao Ming.

There were also some who spoke for Shao Ming, but compared with a group of malicious slanderers, their combat effectiveness was still inferior.

Yuan Shaozhou swiped the comments with satisfaction and shared the post with Xia Yang.

But when he returned to the forum, the screen of his mobile phone showed that the post was gone.

Why did the post disappear?

Who deleted his post? !

Yuan Shaozhou immediately planned to make a WeChat call to someone he knew in the student union, but the call was automatically hung up as soon as he made the call.

The screen shows: The network is not connected.

Yuan Shaozhou: ? ? ?

He's using data, the phone hasn't shut down, how could the network not be connected?

Looking at the upper left corner of the screen again, the signal bar shows... a small but very eye-catching white cross.

no signal.

Yuan Shaozhou: …

In the hotel, Zhu Tong was thanking the principal with his mobile phone.

[Principal]: This is nothing to thank. The campus forum was originally set up for students to exchange and study. It has been lack of management for a long time. If you don't remind me, I don't know that the forum has become so smoky! Must be shut down for remediation!

Zhu Tong simply replied again and turned off the phone.

If the school forum is closed, those who want to gossip will not be able to find the battlefield for the time being.

Keep doing your homework.

There is also a math test paper and a physics workbook.

Just after writing for a while, a coffee cup suddenly appeared on the table.

Uncle Liu put the coffee in front of him and said puzzled: "Young master, why did you ask me to install a signal blocker for the hospital ward?"

Zhu Tong raised his head and said, "Has it been installed?"

"It's installed, Master, of course, the things you ordered will be done for you as soon as possible."

Zhu Tong nodded without explaining, and said, "Then you will help me with other things. Have the gangsters who were sent to the police station released that day?"

Speaking of the gangsters who almost bullied the young master, Uncle Liu's face darkened, "Of course not."

Dare to bully their young master, and if you don't completely reform inside, you will never see the sun outside!

Zhu Tong unhurriedly turned over the math test paper and said lightly, "Then you can run now and fish them out."

Uncle Liu: "???"

"I'll go see them after I fish them out."

Uncle Liu: "!!"

"How about that? Young master, how many times have I talked to you, you can't do such a dangerous thing..."

Zhu Tong interrupted him softly: "you go with me, I believe you won't let them hurt me."


Uncle Liu was immediately moved and carried away.

how many days?

How many days has the young master been in Gongshui County?

This is the first time that the young master has promised to take him by his side!

Uncle Liu didn't even ask the reason.

The question is that their young master is too kind.

He nodded and said, "Okay, I'll go now."

The door of the room was closed, and Zhu Tong glanced at the direction of the People's Hospital through the floor-to-ceiling windows, then lowered his head and continued to do the problem.

After picking out the questions he could do, he took a picture of the questions he didn't do and sent them to Shao Ming.

It was completely dark outside.

The square where the milk tea shop is located became extremely lively.

In the milk tea shop, Shao Ming put on his work clothes again, and at night, the shop was busy again.

Rosso was still sitting in front of the computer at the counter, sorting through the evidence that Yuan Shaozhou had collected during the period from junior high school to high school, bullying students, insulting classmates, and bribing teachers to do whatever they wanted in school, according to Shao Ming's request.

These evidences alone are not enough for Yuan Shaozhou to receive any powerful punishment.

It can be collected together, but it is enough to expand public opinion.

The reason why Yuan Shaozhou was able to act recklessly in Yizhong was that he had an uncle who was the deputy director of the Education Bureau.

Public officials.

From junior high school to high school, he helped Yuan Shaozhou clean up a lot of messes.

Yuan Shaozhou's parents are also wealthy in Gongshui County. Every time Yuan Shaozhou makes a mistake, they never hold their son accountable. They only find the victim and solve it with money in private.

As long as the victims are not held accountable, the school has nothing to do with Yuan Shaozhou.

But if you do too many bad things, you will always capsize.

Rosso said angrily while arranging: "Damn, Yuan Shaozhou dared to force other girls to open a room when he was in junior high school! He didn't even send him to the juvenile detention center for his failed attempts?"

Shao Ming glanced at him from the side and said nothing.

Rosso continued: "It's cheap for someone like this to be sent to the juvenile detention center! If I say Brother Ming, you shouldn't beat him only twice. Before sending him in, let's find a chance to sack him once. ?"

Shao Ming said, "Do you think he needs to be beaten?"

Rosso: "…"

Someone like Yuan Shaozhou is not strong enough, but he likes it. He must be beaten a lot when he gets into trouble, but being beaten won't make him remember for a long time.

He had troubled Shao Ming so many times, directly and indirectly, but he never succeeded, but he never gave up.

To a certain extent, it is also very persevering.


Rosso pouted, took his mobile phone and opened the forum, wanting to see the development of "public opinion" on the forum.

Then he exclaimed "Huh" in surprise.

Shao Ming looked at him inquiringly.

Rosso showed him the phone, "The school forum has been closed down for rectification, Brother Ming, I didn't expect you to have suitors in the student union?"

Shao Ming: "…"

He didn't know anyone in the student council.


The school reorganized the forum, sooner or later, but not all night, but when Yuan Shaozhou targeted him?

But this is not the first time Yuan Shaozhou has targeted him. In the past, Yuan Shaozhou was domineering on the forum. Why didn't the school handle it so efficiently?

Shao Ming looked at the banned forum interface, and inexplicably thought of a person.

Suddenly the phone vibrated continuously, Shao Ming picked it up and looked at it, the corners of his mouth raised unconsciously.

[Shao]: Can't answer the question?

[Wish]: Hmm.

[Shao]: There is no requirement that it must be done today. I will teach you at school tomorrow.

There was a pause over there, and a "good" word came over.

Shao Ming stared at his avatar for a while and thought to himself: Could it be Zhu Tong?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sudden approach of the customer at the counter.

When Shao Ming was busy in the store, Zhu Tong went downstairs directly after receiving the message from Uncle Liu.

A group of people in the hotel's underground parking lot completed a shady transaction.

The next morning, Yuan Shaozhou ignored the doctor's persuasion and forced his father to find someone to go through the discharge procedures for him.

He was so bored he was going to explode after being disconnected all night!

How come there is no signal in such a good hospital?

What's even weirder is that only the ward where he lives has no signal!

No matter how he asked the nurse to change the ward, the "no signal" was always with him.

It's like haunted!

After being discharged from the hospital, he couldn't wait to find a place with a signal to open the school forum.

He wants to see what Shao Ming is like now!

He felt relieved and excited when he thought of the full screen of insults against Shao Ming on the forum, and it didn't even hurt where Shao Ming stepped on.

But when he opened the forum, he only saw a row of announcement prompts: The forum will be closed for rectification from now on, and the recovery time will be notified later.

Yuan Shaozhou: …

He quickly dialed the phone number of a student union member, but the phone hadn't been connected yet, and was suddenly surrounded by several people.

There are also a few familiar faces.

The leader of the group walked slowly towards Yuan Shaozhou with a cigarette and a pocket, "Young Master Yuan, I haven't seen you for a long time, why? Don't you remember how many brothers?"

When Yuan Shaozhou was upset, he was surprised when he saw these people, "Why did you guys come out?"

These are the gangsters he brought to teach Zhu Tong a lesson.

He fished it a few times and couldn't get it out, so he didn't care anymore.

Why did it suddenly come out?

The **** sneered: "Yeah, I'm also curious about how we got out?"

Yuan Shaozhou immediately frowned.

Then he saw a few gangsters with wooden sticks and steel pipes in their hands.

His pupils tightened suddenly, "What do you want to do?"

The leading gangster stretched the telescopic rod in his hand longer and longer, and approached Yuan Shaozhou step by step: "Young Master Yuan, you used to be kind to your brothers, and I don't hide your brother from you. Someone bought you into the hospital, you see. Are you going back to the hospital by yourself, or will we take you in again?"

Yuan Shaozhou stepped back, terrified.

buy him into the hospital? What's the meaning?

He suddenly thought of last night's "no signal" operation that was not painful or itchy but tortured the dead, his eyes widened in amazement and said, "Who? Who asked you to come? Did you also do the signal jammer in the hospital yesterday! "

"Huh, and a signal jammer? Rich people have so many tricks!"

A **** was surprised.

Yuan Shaozhou suddenly thought of something.

rich people...

Not many rich people he knew and provoked.

In this county, it is difficult for others to fish out the people he can't catch.

Unless the victim lets up.

Who is the victim?

Who is rich?

Yuan Shaozhou's expression changed: "It's Zhu Tong! Zhu Tong asked you to come?"

The gangsters have raised their long sticks.

Yuan Shaozhou finally panicked, "How much money he gave you, I'll give you double... ah!"

The gangster sneered: "I'm sorry, Young Master Yuan, you can't afford the money that person gave us!"

Before he finished speaking, a long stick hit Yuan Shaozhou directly on the shoulder.

On the street in the early morning, a cry resounded through the sky.

"Fuck, it's too miserable, the nose is blue and the face is swollen, I don't dare to look at it when I pass by."

"It deserves it, it's all retribution! I thought someone could teach him a lesson, so relieved!"

"Who the **** is looking for someone? Didn't those gangsters follow Yuan Shaozhou before?"

"Who knows? He is lawless in the school. Who knows when he offends who. The wicked have their own grind, that's it!"

"How is Yuan Shaozhou now?"

"What else can I do? I'm in the hospital again. This time the injury is much heavier than when Xue Shen started. After ten days and a half months, I can't get out at all!"

In the school after breakfast, there were discussions everywhere about the wonders we saw outside the school today.

After the gangsters beat people, they didn't send them directly to the hospital, but displayed them at the school gate until the first class in the morning.

Almost every day student who went out for breakfast watched Yuan Shaozhou's tragic condition after being seriously injured.

In the classroom of Class 3, Shao Ming had not returned to the classroom, but there were already many people around his seat.

A girl in the front seat of Tang Nuan said excitedly: "You don't know, I have a cousin who is a nurse at the People's Hospital. She was on duty last night and happened to be on the same floor as Yuan Shaozhou. She told me that someone was in Yuan Shaozhou. A signal blocker was installed outside the hospital's ward, and Yuan Shaozhou scolded the hospital like a lunatic last night for its poor signal, idiot, my cousin, they all know the truth, but no one told him hahahaha."

"Installing a signal jammer? Who did it? It's a show!"

"Shrimp and pig heart! If there is no signal in the hospital, what's the difference between that and going to jail?"

"Absolutely! It's amazing! Yuan Shaozhou really kicked the iron plate this time!"

"He might as well go to the police station and detain him for half a month. At least he is still in good health."


The previous discussion was in full swing, and Zhu Tong was not affected at all, and bowed his head to answer the question.

He still had two big questions left in yesterday's math test.

He suddenly had an idea during his early self-study, and he was trying to figure it out.

Suddenly I heard someone say, "But don't you think it's strange? The incident with Shao Ming just happened yesterday, and Yuan Shaozhou was beaten today."

"Yuan Shaozhou was beaten because he committed too many crimes. What does it have to do with Shao Ming?"

"But this is too coincidental? Yesterday someone broke the news about Shao Ming, then the forum was blocked, and then Yuan Shaozhou also went to the hospital, eh, tell me, what was said on the forum yesterday, will it be true? what?"

The front suddenly became quiet.

Zhu Tong quickly frowned and looked up.

The girl who spoke was Tang Nuan's deskmate, Tian Man.

As soon as she opened her mouth, there were signs that the other girls didn't want to pay attention to her.

But Tian Man didn't realize it at all, "Banning the forum and teaching Yuan Shaozhou a lesson are not something ordinary people can do. How can Shao Ming have this ability, did he find some big man outside?"

He still thought it was funny when he said that, but he laughed halfway through, seeing that no one paid her any attention, his face was a little embarrassed.

Tang Nuan frowned and said, "Tian Man, we have been with classmate Shao Ming for so long. Don't you know who he is? If there is no basis, don't talk nonsense."

Tian Man was immediately dissatisfied: "What is nonsense? Isn't everyone saying that..."


The man in the back seat suddenly spoke up.

Because Zhu Tong rarely communicated with others, he suddenly called Tian Man's name, and the people in front couldn't help but look at him.

Tian Man also turned his head.

Zhu Tong looked at her and said, "I heard that your father abandoned his original wife, and you have cheated in marriage."

Tian Man's expression changed suddenly, and he said loudly, "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Zhu Tong looked at her blankly, "I don't know if it's true, but everyone says so."

A similar sentence, Tian Man's face suddenly turned white.

Tian Man's mother, the junior third, was in the third class, and it was no secret.

Zhu Tong was not involved in these discussions, but heard some.

Everyone else was talking behind Tian Man's back, and no one thought that Zhu Tong would say it directly in front of her.

The back of the classroom fell silent for a moment.

After a stalemate for a while, Zhu Tong said coldly, "If I'm wrong, I apologize to you, but compare my heart to my heart. Do you have any evidence for what you just said?"


Several eyes turned to Tian Man together.

Tian Man's face was pale and he was speechless.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained Bai Yueguang's favorability +1%, and the current favorability is 17%."

I went back from the milk tea shop yesterday, and my favorability increased by 1%.

It's up another 1% today.

Is it because of what he just said?

When Zhu Tong heard the system beep, he looked up at the back door of the classroom.

Shao Ming just walked towards him, looked at the group of people around his seat, and said with a smile, "Yo, it's quite lively?"

The group of people in the daze was startled, and the birds and beasts dispersed.

Tian Man's face became even more ugly when he saw Shao Ming's sudden return.

I don't know if Shao Ming heard what she just said.

She didn't dare to stare at Zhu Tong anymore, and sat back in her seat with a guilty conscience, pretending to be immersed in the problem.

Tang Nuan sat next to her and watched, showing no sympathy at all.

In the past, she thought that Tian Man was just speaking out, but now she felt that the ugly words she occasionally blurted out were her true thoughts at all.

So ignorant.

She smiled apologetically at Shao Ming and turned her head back.

Shao Ming didn't care about the others and sat back in his seat.

I wish Tong Tong kept his head down and asked questions.

Shao Ming didn't bother him, just looked at his problem-solving steps, and reminded lightly, "The formula is wrong."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The tip of the pen paused, and Zhu Tong raised his head.

There was not the slightest bit of momentum on his face that he had just confronted Tian Man.

He paused for a moment, then said, "What formula do you use?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming felt that he was like a little hedgehog. In front of some people, he was aggressive and thorny when he spoke, while in front of some people, he would show his belly unsuspectingly, which was unbelievably soft.

He didn't speak for a long time, and Zhu Tongyanlu looked at him blankly.

Shao Ming's heart skipped a beat when he saw him, he blinked and stared back at his draft book, stretched out his hand and said, "Give me the pen."

Wish Tong handed over the pen.

Shao Ming quickly wrote a series of formulas on it.

Zhu Tong looked at what he wrote, and then looked at the question, his eyes were suddenly clear, and he was about to take the pen back.

As soon as the fingertips touched each other, Shao Ming suddenly said, "You did what happened to Yuan Shaozhou?"


I wish Tong Tong's heartbeat missed a beat in an instant.

In order not to be heard by others, Shao Ming said it in his ear.

The breath is warm, and the breath that does not belong to oneself is full of presence.

Zhu Tong only felt a buzzing sound in his head, and he sat up straight, "He... he is too much."

This time it was too obvious, he never thought he could hide from Shao Ming.

Seeing him avoiding him, Shao Ming smiled, and leaned in again and said, "That's why you can't see it, so you asked someone to teach him a lesson?"

Zhu Tong nodded dryly.

Looking for the gangster he once looked for to attack him, it can also be regarded as repaying his own body with his own way.

"Oh." Shao Ming turned his head and sighed regretfully, "What a pity, I thought you were doing it for me."


Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief and was about to sit up straight when the person who had just turned his head suddenly turned his head back, and even his body turned over, "What's going on with the signal jammer?"

Zhu Tong felt that his shoulders were a little heavy, the two were shoulder-to-shoulder, and a head had come close.

He subconsciously took a breath and held it, so he didn't let himself be too complacent.

However, Shao Ming took an inch and moved a little closer to him, "Huh?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

"The shield is..."

The shield is to prevent Yuan Shaozhou from finding someone to do things.

Since he likes to jump on various public platforms, he wants him to experience the taste of "isolation".

It's too cheap to isolate him for just one day.

So the gangster sent people back to the hospital.

He was thinking about how to explain, when Shao Ming already smiled, "You still said you weren't worried about me?"

Just as Zhu Tong was about to open his mouth, he was choked again, moved to the side uncomfortably, and said, "He should be taught a lesson when he spreads rumors and slanders."

So is it for justice?

Shao Ming didn't quite understand why he refused to admit that it was for himself. He pursed his lips lightly and said with a smile, "Have you ever thought about it, what if what he said was true?"

Since seeing those comments, Zhu Tong seems to have firmly believed in him.

They didn't know each other for a long time, and when he saw those comments, he didn't even have a questioning look.


Shao Ming was puzzled.

Zhu Tong finally turned his head to look at him.

What's the truth?

Milk tea ingredients mixed with poppy powder?

The adoptive father who used to open a bar went to jail?

Or is he a wild child whose biological father doesn't even know who it is?

Zhu Tong wrinkled, suddenly said seriously: "I don't know what kind of people your parents are, but on the first day I came here, Yuan Shaozhou asked me for trouble. You helped me, so you are definitely not a bad person. ."


"Your milk tea shop is very clean. Customers come and go every day. It's not easy to keep the shop clean. It can be seen that your mother is very serious about running the shop. What poppy powder is mixed in the ingredients, I only need to know these two things, I don't need to know other things, they have nothing to do with you now."

Shao Ming: "…"

Has nothing to do with him now...?

Shao Ming didn't expect that he would say such a thing, and looked at Zhu Tong's sincere eyes, he was stunned for a while, then he bent his lips and smiled, and his crooked body quickly sat up straight.

"What are you doing so far away? Do you need a pen?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

The topic changed so quickly that I didn't react for a while.

He looked at Shao Ming, who was sitting upright, and at himself, who had fallen to the edge of the table.

If this man hadn't kept leaning over, how could he be so far away?

This person actually beat him upside down, so shameless?


The author has something to say:

What face do you want in front of your wife?

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-12 16:15:52~2021-10-13 16:32:33~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mines: seven, quietly one;

Thanks Irrigation Camp