Chapter 23: past

The school quickly got the news that Yuan Shaozhou was sent to the hospital.

But things happened outside the school, and no one came to the school for a while, so the school turned a blind eye.

In the hospital, Yuan Shaozhou was lying on the bed with a bruised nose and a swollen face. His head was wrapped in gauze, and one leg was bandaged and hung on the bed.

"I want him to drop out! Mom, you go to school now, go to class 3 to find a boy named Zhu Tong, he found someone to beat me like this! You go to my dad, let him go to uncle, I will definitely Get him out of school! I want him to go to jail!"

Yuan Shaozhou howled loudly, his face that was originally terrifying, because of the pain and anger, his facial features became distorted and terrifying.

Even the woman in front of the hospital bed was startled by him.

But it was her son anyway, the woman's fright was quickly replaced by distress, she held Yuan Shaozhou's hand and said: "Okay, okay, Shaozhou, don't be afraid, mother will be angry for you, you have to rest now, Lie down quickly, be careful the wound opens again."

Yuan Shaozhou seemed to be insane, and shook her hand away forcefully, "Go! Go to my dad! Where is my dad!"

He was hysterical in the ward. Two nurses passing by in the corridor glanced inside at the same time. After looking at each other, they pouted and shook their heads at the same time.

No one went in to remind the hospital to be quiet, and no one went in to comfort the patient.

Anyway, this man is hopeless.

The woman in the ward was startled by his yelling, and went out to make a phone call while reassuring him.

It didn't take long for Yuan Hui to appear at the hospital.

When Yuan Shaozhou saw his father appear, the madness on his face finally subsided, he reached out his hand full of hope, "Dad..."


A crisp slap sound resounded in the ward.

"Husband!" The woman exclaimed in disbelief.

Yuan Shaozhou turned his head back slowly, and looked at his father in disbelief.

The anger on Yuan Hui's face did not disappear, and he pointed at him and said, "Have I ever told you that you should not provoke people you shouldn't provoke! Do you know who you provoke?"

Yuan Shaozhou: "I..."

"The gangsters who beat you have already turned themselves in, saying that you asked them to teach a student named Zhu Tong a lesson. They agreed to get them out after finishing the work, but they didn't do it. They did it for revenge on you. !"

Yuan Shaozhou was confused for a long time.

What's the meaning?

Did you hit him out of revenge?

What about Zhutong?

"No, no!" Yuan Shaozhou said, "It was Zhutong who asked them to beat me! He was the mastermind behind the scenes, Dad, it was Zhutong who deliberately beat me..."

"Where's the evidence!" Yuan Hui angrily scolded, "What the **** is the evidence! The police have records of you sending WeChat transactions and transfers to those gangsters. If you weren't in the hospital now, you should be in the **** bureau now. Talk to the old man!"


"It's not good for you to provoke anyone, go to provoke the prince of the Zhushi Group in City A! You **** have your brains!"

When he said that he couldn't help but want to do it again, the woman next to him stopped him abruptly, "Husband! Husband! Don't hit your son, you will kill him!"

"It's best to beat him to death, to save him from making trouble for Lao Tzu all day long!"


The hospital bed was kicked heavily by him.

Yuan Shaozhou, who was on the bed, swayed, and the wound was pulled so painfully that his breathing was blocked.

But he didn't seem to notice at all, and the whole person was stunned.

How could this be?

He didn't treat Zhu Tong at all!

Why is Zhu Tong doing this to him?

It's Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong and Xia Yang like Shao Ming?


Just by his face?

Why doesn't he die!

Yuan Shaozhou hung his hands by his sides, his fingers almost digging out a hole in the sheet.

Yuan Hui vented a bit in the ward and decided to leave without any consolation: "You can stay in the hospital for me these few days!"

After he finished speaking, he went straight out of the ward.

Yuan Shaozhou lowered his head and said nothing.

His mother comforted him a few words by the side, helped him to lie back on the bed, and said, "Shaozhou, don't worry, this will not be the end of the matter. Mom will go to your uncle, and he will definitely help you."

However, by the time she found someone, Yuan Shaozhou's uncle was already too busy to take care of himself.

In the school, since the exchange forum was closed, the alumni groups with the same decoration have been lively.

I don't know which related household is, and even the internal information of the Education Bureau came.

[Accurate news, Yuan Shaozhou's uncle, the deputy director of the Education Bureau, was reported to be covering up juvenile crimes and has been dismissed for investigation. 】

【Juvenile delinquency? What crime did Yuan Shaozhou commit? 】

[Two years ago, Yuan Shaozhou fell in love with a girl and forced the girl to open a house. Fortunately, someone reported to the police in time. Yuan Shaozhou was originally to be held accountable because his father gave the girl a sum of money and let him His uncle transferred the girl to the city, and the matter was over. 】

[This is only what has been discovered, and how many things have not been discovered yet! 】

[I won't say anything about being domineering in the school and blocking people outside the school. Even this time, the milk tea shop in Xue Shen's house was reported and rumors spread everywhere. It seems that Yuan Shaozhou did it. 】

[Fuck, this is too vicious! 】

[Is he still a person! 】

[Mad, I wanted to say it for a long time! The situation at Shao Ming's house was not at all what the forum said! It's true that his family had opened a bar before, but their bar was closed down, and Shao Ming reported it himself. 】

[I also know about this. I used to live on the same street as Xueshen. His stepfather was a real beast. He drank, gambled, and was violent. Someone saw Shao Ming's mother dragged down the street by the man's hair. ! 】

[And the closure of the bar was five years ago. In the past few years, other people have been operating the milk tea shop quietly, but Yuan Shaozhou actually made a malicious report. It's so special! 】

Without Yuan Shaozhou's concern, some people who wanted to speak for Shao Ming but were afraid of being targeted gradually began to emerge.

In a small school, news always spreads quickly.

It didn't take long for the third class to start discussing this matter.

In his seat, Zhu Tong had just finished writing a test paper when he heard someone talking in the classroom.

Although most of them sympathized with Shao Ming and scolded Shao Ming's stepfather.

But hearing this kind of thing in people's ears always makes people uncomfortable.

Fortunately, it's breakfast time, Shao Ming and the others have gone out to eat and haven't come back.

Rejoicing in my heart, I heard someone swearing into the classroom, "Brother Ming, you are so miserable, with such a stepfather who is inferior to pigs and dogs, it must have been very difficult when he was a child, right? He also wants to ask your mother for forgiveness. , bah, stay in jail for the rest of your life!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Rosso walked into the classroom with a look of indignation.

Shao Ming was with him.

What Zhu Tong was worried about did not happen, Shao Ming's mouth was slightly raised, his expression was as usual, and he parted ways with Rosso in the first aisle after entering the classroom, and then walked back to his seat.

"I haven't seen breakfast for one day. It's like every three autumns. Are you welcoming me with warm eyes? Same table."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He denied it naturally: "No."

After staying with people like Shao Ming for a long time, the immunity will gradually increase.

Shao Ming didn't care either, and took out his phone after sitting down.

The dazzling mirror phone case almost enveloped the entire classroom.

Several people who were discussing together before have returned to their respective seats.

Zhu Tong stared at his phone case for a while, looked up at Shao Ming, and lowered his voice: "Did you send the report materials from the Education Bureau?"

Shao Ming turned his head, and followed his example to lower his voice, and said in a breath, "Yeah, what's wrong?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Always feel weird.

He sat up straight again, shook his head and said, "It's nothing."

If the materials were sent by Shao Ming and the Education Bureau could deal with them so quickly, then those reporting materials would have been sent yesterday at least.

So even if he didn't do anything to Yuan Shaozhou yesterday, he wouldn't be too proud.

Perhaps Shao Ming's calmness after seeing those remarks yesterday was not entirely fake.

Even without his own help, he can't suffer any loss.

But when did he collect those evidence and reporting materials?

It is not so easy for a high school student to find all the evidence that can make a person hit with a single blow.

High school students are still difficult, what about children?

According to others, Shao Ming was only twelve years old when he collected evidence to report his bar.

Where did he get the courage and confidence?

Did he think about the consequences of failure at the time? Have you ever been afraid?

His mother suffered domestic violence, what about him?

Zhu Tong thought, his eyes could not help turning to Shao Ming's body.

A gradation gray round neck T-shirt locked his collarbone into the neckline. The weather turned colder, and the short sleeves were changed to long sleeves. Except for a neck and two hands, he couldn't see anything.

Shao Ming lowered his head along his line of sight and looked at his body. Seeing that the same tablemate seemed to be in a daze, he quietly leaned over and said mischievously: " you have a bad opinion of me?"

The bangs were gently blown away, and blew into his eyes in one breath. Zhu Tong instantly recovered, realizing what Shao Ming said, his face suddenly became hot, and he immediately raised his head and said, "No, I don't mean that."

Shao Ming: "…"

He looked down at his neckline oddly.

The meaning is obvious.

If not, why are you staring at his neck all the time?

Zhu Tong: "I want to..."

I want to see if there is any damage inside!

He paused, and said as if he went out of his way: "Your stepfather, he... did he do anything with you?"

Shao Ming's body froze slightly.

After Zhu Tong finished speaking, he regretted it, turned his head and said, "I'll ask casually, if you don't want to say it..."

"Want to see it?" Shao Ming suddenly interrupted him.

Zhu Tong was startled.

Shao Ming said again: "If you want to see it, just watch it. For the sake of you being my tablemate, I can give you a discount."

Zhu Tong quickly shook his head: "...No need."

Even if there is any injury, it is estimated that nothing can be seen in the past few years.

He was really worrying.

Sorry for the first time!

He was embarrassed and wanted to stagger his seat away from Shao Ming when someone approached him and whispered in his ear, "But can I go back to ask this request again at night? There are so many people in this classroom, how embarrassed I am?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


The author has something to say:

Keep the clip for a thousand words, and add more after the clip [Humble.jpg]

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-13 16:32:33~2021-10-14 12:38:36~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Jun Ruyue; 10 bottles of the female hero's pocket; 1 bottle of 30049264, FX_shirley, Hongmo, Fu Chaosheng;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!