Chapter 25: storm

At the entrance of Aesop International School, a black Bentley has been waiting outside for more than ten minutes.

In the car seat, Qin Junhong was holding a cigarette in his mouth, looking at the school gate from time to time, his expression faintly anxious.

It's been more than half a month.

Zhu Xin was sent away from Zhu's home by Zhu Tong for so long, and he never went back once.

Didn't even make a phone call home.

Zhu Shoushan didn't care either, because she wanted Zhu Xin to stay at her grandfather's house for as long as she wanted, and it would be fine if she never came back.

But Zhu Xin never came back, what about his plan?

Just as he was thinking, a young girl appeared at the gate of the school.

A chiffon white dress was worn on her body, simple yet elegant, pure and energetic.

Qin Junhong made no secret of the surprise in his eyes, and immediately slammed the cigarette and opened the door to get out of the car.

After Zhu Xin left the school gate, he took two quick steps and called out politely, "Brother Qin."

The slightly unfamiliar name made the smile on Qin Junhong's face stiff, and he quickly covered it up.

Zhu Xin walked over and said with a smile: "Why are you here?"

Qin Junhong said, "I drove by your school and wanted to come and see you. How is it? Is it hard to study? Would you like my brother to take you out to relax?"

He said that he wanted to pat Zhu Xin on the shoulder "naturally", but Ren stopped a step away from him.


Zhu Xin kept a short distance from him, "No need, I still have classes in the afternoon."

Qin Junhong said, "Is it an important class? If it's not important, Big Brother can help you ask the teacher for leave."

He had inquired about it, and Zhu Xin's class this afternoon except for one piano lesson, the rest are self-study time.

Zhu Xin smiled again: "It's not an important class, but the exam is about to come, I won't go out to play, thank you for your kindness."

Qin Junhong: "..."

He forced a smile: "Okay, then, when your exam is over, eldest brother will take you to play. Studying is important, but relaxation is also very important. You should pay attention to the combination of work and rest, don't tire yourself out, your family will feel distressed. "

His tone was soft, and there was concern in his expression.

Zhu Xin replied obediently: "Okay, I will pay attention to it myself, thank you big brother."


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Qin Junhong always felt that Zhu Xin was more alienated from him than when he was at home.

He was unwilling to leave like this, and said again: "Well, has Tongtong contacted you recently? Is he okay after transferring to another school?"

Speaking of Zhu Tong, Zhu Xin's eyes suddenly lit up, "Brother, he is very good, he has more energy after transferring to another school, brother, don't worry."

Qin Junhong: "..."

Don't worry about him!

There is more vitality.

Isn't Zhu Tong dying?

Qin Junhong sank when he saw Zhu Xin's brighter smile after mentioning Zhu Tong.

Sure enough, as long as Zhu Tong is still there, Zhu Xin will not have him in his eyes, let alone rely on him!

He paused for a while and said with a relaxed smile: "He's fine. Since he's going to class, you can go back quickly. Big brother will come to see you another day. Call me directly where you want to play."

Zhu Xin responded sweetly, and Qin Junhong watched her go back to school.

But I didn't realize that the girl who had a sweet smile just now turned around and the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

It's faster than Sichuan Opera's face change.

Qin Junhong sat back in the car in frustration, and as soon as he closed the door, he received a call from Qin Manwen.

He frowned impatiently and answered the phone, "Mom."

"Did you go to school to find Xiao Xin?"

He blurted out a question over there, Qin Junhong frowned even more, and said, "Yes, I met, but she didn't come out with me."

Qin Manwen said in a hurry: "Who told you to go to her? How many times have I told you to calm down, you took Zhu Tong's card last time, and his father is still guarding our mothers, you Now go to Xiaoxin, if her grandfather finds out..."

"I legally say it's his eldest brother, what's wrong with me coming to see her?" Qin Junhong said dissatisfiedly: "Mom, can you stop being so timid! You said I shouldn't take Zhutong's card, you know How much money is there? Ten million! You have been married to Zhu's family for almost ten years, has Zhu Shoushan ever given you so much money?"


"Zhu Shoushan has never regarded our mother as his own. I have graduated from college. He has not even given me a decent car, and the car he drove for me has not been transferred to my name. Do you still look at it? Don't understand? If I don't fight for it, are you going to rely on Zhushoushan's charity for the rest of your life?"

Qin Manwen was completely choked up by his words.


"No need, but Mom, I'm measured, so don't worry about it."

After he finished speaking, he hung up the phone, paused for a while, and dialed another number, "...Hey, do you know anyone in Gongshui County?"

In the school, Qin Junhong's sudden appearance caused a lot of influence.

I wish the Xin brothers and sisters to enter the school for one year. With Qin Junhong's intentional promotion, their family situation has become open and transparent in the school.

Qin Junhong came to Zhu Xin in such a high-profile manner again, and soon many people in the school knew about it.

In the girls' bathroom, two girls are washing their hands at the sink.

"Have you seen it? Today, I wish her brother to come to see her. The car he drives is a Bentley, and a car costs at least several million yuan. Sure enough, her father raised this stepson as his own son, right?"

"What kind of son? It's better than his own son. Her father sent her own brother to such a remote school in Gongshui County, which shows that he has given up on him."

"Then what can be done? Who made Zhu Tong's body so bad?"

"Oh, what a pity, he is so handsome, if he is not short-lived, I will try to marry him!"

"You can also marry now. It's not a loss to be a widow of a wealthy family, haha."

"It would be great if Zhu Xin was also a man. Hey, you said, Zhu Tong is so poor, he must not have been given to him by his sister. That's it, the legend of twins..."

A person suddenly appeared in the grooming mirror above the sink, and the voices of the two girls discussing stopped abruptly.

Zhu Xin smiled and walked to the sink next to them to turn on the water, and said gently, "Are you talking about me?"


The two girls glanced at each other with surprise and embarrassment flashing in their eyes.

A girl looked at Zhu Xin, and seeing that she didn't seem to be angry, she smiled and said, "Zhu Xin, we actually..."

"But I can, but I don't want to be in school and hear someone say something about my brother."

She lowered her head to wash her hands, and her delicate and beautiful face did not seem to be any deterrent.

She raised her head and smiled, pulled the toilet paper and wiped off the water, then turned and walked out of the bathroom.

As soon as she turned around, the girl who had just spoken curled her lips and muttered in a low voice: "My father is about to become someone else's, what's there to drag..."

The girl next to her hurriedly pulled him and said, "Stop talking, you..."

"It was originally." The man said: "Just like Zhutong, I don't know when people will be gone, people are useless, but there are a lot of things, there are so many rich sons in our school, I have never seen anything like him. There are too many children, and no one can say anything... Ah!"

Before he finished speaking, the footsteps in front of him suddenly approached.

Before the girl could raise her head, she felt a dull pain in her abdomen, and one foot had already kicked her stomach violently.

"Liao Ling!"

The girl who was watching was startled and looked at Zhu Xin in disbelief: "I wish you..."

"You should be thankful that high heels are not allowed in school, otherwise today, you may have an extra hole in your body."


Liao Ling sat on the ground clutching her stomach, her face pale in pain, unable to say a word.

The other girl forgot to even help someone, looking at Zhu Xin's eyes full of horror.

Zhu Xin's icy expression didn't last long. She glanced at the person who was sitting on the ground and couldn't get up. She kicked the person's legs, adjusted her emotions, and turned to go out.

I suddenly remembered something, turned around and smiled sweetly, "Okay, if you still want to stay in this school, I don't want a fourth person to know about today's events. Although our brothers and sisters are useless, but I don't think it's very difficult to get you to drop out of school."

In the eyes of the two girls, her smile at this moment was more terrifying than a ghost.

The two of them didn't come back to their senses until the footsteps came out of the bathroom.

The whole bathroom was so quiet that you could hear needles falling.

On the playground of Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, it was very lively at the moment.

After the run, the girls gathered on the badminton court, while the boys occupied the basketball court.

After Zhu Tong sent a message to Zhu Xin, and after receiving her aggrieved reply, he turned off his mobile phone and started to do the questions.

When he went down to the teaching building, he took a paper with him by the way.

There was no place to do the questions on the playground, so in the end, he used the stool Shao Ming prepared for him.

He moved the stool to the steps up to the administrative building, used the stool as a table, put a few scraps of paper on the first step, and sat down.

"Brother Ming, pass the ball to me!"

On the basketball court, Rosso's voice was exceptionally loud.

Zhu Tong looked up.

On the field, Shao Ming was jumping on the spot, and the ball in his hand was passed from a long distance to Rosso's hands stably and accurately.

Cooperate tacitly.

It's a good shot.

Zhu Tong looked at it for a while, then lowered his head and continued to answer the question.

At this time, the system said in his mind: "Host, is gym class fun?"

Zhu Tong said: "It's okay."

The sun is just right and the air is fresh.

System: "Is it interesting to do the question?"

Zhu Tong: "It's okay."

I can feel my progress every day and feel a sense of accomplishment.

The system saw that he was enjoying it and couldn't bear it any longer: "Is that mission still done?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


He is doing it.

"Favorability has been on the rise recently," he said.

System: "Did you make it rise?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Speaking of which, it seems that every time it goes up inadvertently.

But that is also going up.

"It shows that I have a charisma."

"How much is your charisma worth?" The system said: "Host, I think you are floating, you have no love in this world, you only have one year, how can you do tasks completely passively? You have to take the initiative to attack. Row!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He felt that a certain sentence of the system was a little familiar.

The tip of the pen paused for a while, and he wrote a series of formulas on the scratch paper and asked, "Then what should I do?"

System: "Have you seen the white moonlight sweating like rain on the court?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

It's true that you sweat when you play basketball, but you don't sweat like rain.

The system said: "Don't you think there is something wrong with him now?"

Zhu Tong said: "What are you missing?"



System crazy hints.

Zhu Tong looked at the girls guarding the side of the court holding water, and even on the other side of the court, there were two high school girls with water in their hands.

The goal is obvious.

Zhu Tong said sincerely: "He is not lacking."


Can the water delivered by others be the same as the water delivered by you?

666 has never encountered such an axis host in his career.

He sighed: "Alas, people have been conscientious in helping you make up lessons for so long, and they don't even have a bottle of water to thank you. Alas, what a miserable moonlight."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The problem is that it can't be done.

He put down his pen and got up, carrying his foot that had just recovered from the serious injury, and walked towards the canteen.

On the court, he had been paying half attention to the people downstairs in the administration building, and he had noticed it when Zhu Tong got up.

After a while, he saw his deskmate sitting back at his "temporary desk" with two bottles of water.

Before sitting down, he adjusted the scratch paper that he was sitting on crookedly, and was careful not to sit on the steps.

Shao Ming couldn't help but smile.

"Brother Ming, what are you looking at?"

Rosso ran towards him with the ball.

Following his line of sight, he was a little surprised.

"He's still doing quizzes?"

It's gym class now!

Rosso sighed: "To tell the truth, Brother Ming, I think you should give way to your position as a student of God. If you don't have good grades, you can be a God of study."

Look at their new classmates, even the physical education class is seriously writing exam papers.

What a great spirit of hard work?

Shockingly weeping ghosts and gods!

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Well, you can let it go."

Rosso: "?"

Without realizing what he was saying, when Rosso turned his head, Shao Ming had already walked out of the field.

"Brother Ming, will you stop fighting?"

Shao Ming walked out of bounds and waved at him: "You guys can fight, I'm tired."

Rosso: "…"

Such a person who can compare his physical strength with a cow, can he still be tired after playing a game of basketball?

Seeing Shao Ming walking straight to the sink, Rosso just thought he didn't want to fight, and didn't care.

Downstairs in the administrative building, Zhu Tong was concerned about the problems he had not yet figured out.

He put the water he bought in the corner of the stool, and he picked up the pen he put down.

Seeing that he began to favor one over another, the system waited for a long time and reminded him, "Aren't you going to deliver water?"

Zhu Tong looked up at the court, and the sound of basketball hitting the ground continued.

He said unhurriedly, "It's not over yet, let me know when they're done."


Zhu Tong did the math, but didn't notice anyone approaching in front of him.

The system noticed it first, "Host."

Zhu Tonggang's thoughts were interrupted again, and he said, "I said, wait for Shao Ming to finish..."

System: "You look up."


Zhu Tong raised his head subconsciously, and only halfway up, there was already a figure blocking the light in front of him.

The stool Shao Ming prepared for him had a backrest.

He turned the stool upside down. At this moment, Shao Ming just folded his arms on the backrest, leaned forward to look at him and said, "Oh, wait for me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong looked at the basketball court, and then looked at the people who had stood in front of him: "You... when did you come here?"

Shao Ming said: "Just now."

Zhu Tong:…

No one came over the basketball court when he just watched it.

The system said helplessly: "He came from the sink."


"He hasn't played for a while."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He seems to have missed hundreds of millions of details.

He blinked and looked at Shao Ming's bangs, which were obviously soaked in water, "Why didn't you fight?"

Shao Ming said, "If you're thirsty, come and ask for a bottle of water at the same table with me."

The two of them turned their eyes to the two water bottles in the corner of the stool at the same time.

Shao Ming said again: "Is it possible?"

I don't know if I can.

Although this water was originally bought for Shao Ming.

But this development is not as expected.

It was agreed that he would send it to Shao Ming to show his classmate love when he finished playing basketball?

The system gloated and said, "Who told you to procrastinate, and now you need someone to come to ask for it, and the favorability you get is flying."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Where did he think that Shao Ming would suddenly come over?

He took a bottle of water and handed it over.

Shao Ming took it over and unscrewed the bottle cap, raised his head and took a sip.

He moves neatly, revealing a perfect jawline when he lifts his head, his Adam's apple rolls up and down when swallowing, and a drop of water from his bangs slides down his ear temples into his neck, slips over his collarbone, and dips into his slightly open neckline.

It is obviously just a drop of water, but it is extraordinarily attractive.

Zhu Tong looked at it for a while, then lowered his head and picked up the pen again.

Shao Ming lowered his head after drinking the water, and shook the half-empty water bottle between his fingertips.

Zhu Tong lowered his eyebrows and blinked occasionally, his thick eyelashes fluttering like a small fan.

Shao Ming curled his lips and smiled, his eyes fell on his test paper, "What questions can't you do?"

Zhu Tong looked up blankly: "Huh?"

Shao Ming said, "Didn't you just say you were waiting for me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

When did he say...

Oh, it was said.

When he got to the mouth, he quickly changed his mouth, "I have a question to ask you."


This useless host.

The water thing is over.

Zhu Tong took the title and showed it to Shao Ming.

Shao Ming leaned forward and lowered his head to help him speak.

On the basketball court, Rosso turned his head inadvertently, saw the picture under the administrative building, and slammed in his heart.

What is he doing there with his **** pouting?

Oh, learning.

This is really a sassy and peculiar learning posture.

The shocked classmate Rosso unkindly took out his mobile phone from his pocket and recorded the scene.

At the same time, there are also several girls who failed to deliver water in the recording screen.

But they chose a more elegant angle.

Well, from the side, this picture is very beautiful.

Before and after a stool, one person lowered his head on the backrest, one person raised his head on tiptoe, and a test paper in the middle was simply a beam connecting love.

"Did you see Zhu Tong passing water to Shao Ming just now? Shao Ming actually took it!"

"It turns out that the wall between me and Shao Ming is called Learning!"

"Relying on learning to get the upper hand? I wish Tong's this position is okay, school is abolished, learning is abolished!"


Zhu Tongyu, who is addicted to learning and unable to extricate himself, knows nothing about the cameras around him.

After some explanations, Zhu Tong felt that there was nothing wrong with doing the questions.

Shao Ming looked down, not knowing whether he was looking at the person who did the question or the question he was doing.

The get out of class bell rang, and Zhu Tong had completed more than half of the test paper.

He got up with a look of surprise, and suddenly his knees softened.

Shao Ming responded quickly and supported him, "Are you alright?"

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Sitting for too long makes my legs numb.

Shao Ming laughed at him and said, "Your legs are numb and you still refuse to rest? Did the paper trick you?"

If he wasn't here just now, wouldn't this young master just fall to the ground?

A person who needs to use disinfectant to disinfect even a little dust on his hands, if he sits on the ground, he is afraid that he will lose his mind?

Zhu Tong moved his numb legs and defended in a low voice, "I didn't feel that when I was sitting... eh?"

He didn't say anything, his waist tightened.

Shao Ming suddenly hugged him and hurriedly took a step to the side, something almost brushed past his ear.

Zhu Tong subconsciously looked up at Shao Ming, but saw that he was looking directly in the direction of the school gate, his eyes darkened.

Zhu Tong also looked over, and a person looked at them with a twisted face like a poisonous snake.

"Yuan Shaozhou! What are you doing!"

"Yuan Shaozhou, are you crazy?!"

"Isn't he in the hospital? Why did he come to school?"

Surprised voices echoed around.

The people on the playground quickly gathered around.

Zhu Tongyu also froze for a moment when his eyes were raised.

I haven't seen each other for a few days, Yuan Shaozhou looks like a different person.

The usual flamboyant big back is gone, and the overly long hair has not been washed for a few days, and it is casually placed on the face.

A pair of eyes were bloodshot.

He stared straight at Shao Ming.

"Did you send the report materials from the Education Bureau?"

Those materials recorded in detail everything he had done from junior high school to high school that was suspected of breaking the law, some of which he even forgot!

Evidence to remember.

In just two days, his uncle was dismissed, he was dropped out of school, and he was questioned by the police station. Even his father's business was affected and he was almost on the verge of bankruptcy!

All his pride was almost destroyed!

Yuan Shaozhou was about to split.

Zhu Tong frowned at him.

Just as he was about to speak, Rosso, who ran over, suddenly said loudly, "Entering the school with a weapon and hurting people, Yuan Shaozhou, are you very majestic?"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the onlookers remembered to look behind Zhu Tong, and they were all surprised.

What fell on the steps was a sharp iron industrial compass, more than twenty centimeters long.

If this smashed on someone, it would have been seriously injured without being stabbed by a sharp end.

Yuan Shaozhou just smashed them in the face!

Everyone looked at Yuan Shaozhou in horror.

Yuan Shaozhou only stared at Shao Ming, "Fuck you, you dare to smack me behind my back!"

"Yin you?" Shao Ming said, "Don't you know there is a saying that if you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself?"

He said this, almost a disguised admission.

Yuan Shaozhou's pupils shrank suddenly, and his expression changed immediately.


Shao Ming is only a high school student, how could he have the ability to obtain such complete evidence!

He turned his eyes, "It's you! It's you who is helping him!"

He suddenly turned his head towards Zhu Tong, Shao Ming frowned suddenly, and his hand tightened unconsciously.

Yuan Shaozhou saw it, and his eyes were even more bloodshot.

"I wish you good luck!" Yuan Shaozhou said, "You sent me into the hospital and installed a signal blocker in my ward! You help Shao Ming collect evidence and let me go to jail! Haha, Shao Ming, you really have Seed! I want a sick seedling to help you!"


His words caused an uproar around him, and they all looked at Zhu Tong.

When Yuan Shaozhou entered the hospital, was Zhu Tong ordered to be beaten?

What's the meaning?

Yuan Shaozhou was still roaring hysterically: "You want me to go to jail? It's hard for me, so don't think about it!"

He rushed up like crazy.

Someone rushed over to the school gate and shouted from a distance, "Yuan Shaozhou! Stop it!"

Yuan Shaozhou had already rushed to the steps, picked up the compass thrown over earlier, lifted it up, and rushed towards Shao Ming.

Zhu Tong's pupils shrank, and without thinking, he reached out and stopped in front of Shao Ming.

Unexpectedly, Shao Ming lowered his head and glanced at the person who came to him from the side. He didn't have time to think about where this person had the courage and confidence to stand in front of him. He raised his foot and kicked out first, while holding Zhu Tong. His shoulders jerked back.

Zhu Tong slammed back into Shao Ming's arms.

At the same time, two people in police uniforms at the school gate rushed over and restrained Yuan Shaozhou.

Yuan Shaozhou was pressed to the ground and struggled hard, with red eyes glaring at Shao Ming: "You wild **** who doesn't even want your own father, just like your mother, you sell it everywhere with your face!"


"And Zhu Tong! You **** shameless! Things that are destined to be short-lived still take care of little white faces! Aren't you **** afraid of dying in bed? Disgusting things!"

The vicious and unbearable words kept spitting out of Yuan Shaozhou's mouth.

Zhu Tong frowned, but before he could even speak, there was a shrill scream from the playground, and one foot directly deformed Yuan Shaozhou's hand holding the compass.


Shao Ming slowly bent down, took the compass from his hand, got up and looked at the two policemen and said, "Disarm the weapon, don't break the law, police uncle?"

The two policemen who restrained Yuan Shaozhou: "..."

They looked at Yuan Shaozhou's trembling hand with pain and thought, are all high school students now so cruel?

But what happened now is that they negligently let Yuan Shaozhou run away first, so it's not too bad to blame.

Taking the compass from Shao Ming's hand, the police looked at Zhu Tong apologetically, and dragged Yuan Shaozhou out of the school gate from the ground.

It was not until the three people disappeared at the gate of the school that the people surrounding the administrative building recovered from their shock.

The teacher and school security who got the news came, and it was a good time to ask for warmth. When it completely calmed down, the bell for the next class rang for a long time.

The onlookers on the playground were terrified.

Yuan Shaozhou's madness is really terrifying!

No one even paid attention to the bunch of crazy things Yuan Shaozhou said.

Only Zhu Tong always remembered.

What makes him a short-lived to take care of the little white face?

Who is he taking care of?

Shao Ming? !


How could Yuan Shaozhou have such a misunderstanding!

He even said it in front of Shao Ming!

On the way back from the playground to the classroom, Shao Ming didn't say a word to him.

I wish Tong Tong was uneasy.

Back in his seat, Zhu Tong secretly glanced at his tablemate.

Shao Ming lowered his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained Bai Yueguang's favorability +5%, and the current favorability is 25%."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The hand Zhu Tong just stretched out to explain silently retracted.



Zhu Tong said: "I think passive is more reliable than active."

The system said: "Don't throw the blame for the initiative, you are the one who is unreliable."

Zhu Tong: "…"

How does this speak? Why is he unreliable?

Just as he was trying to distinguish with the system, he caught a glimpse of a person's line of sight.

Shao Ming supported his head and looked at him, his eyes were complicated: "You just...why did you stand in front of me?"


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-15 10:07:42~2021-10-16 19:30:23~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Quietly 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Houxixi and Nvxia Xiaodou; 2 bottles of red jasmine and wolfberry soaked in chrysanthemum; 1 bottle of Zenghai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!