Chapter 26: riverside

Why stand in front of him?

Shao Ming wanted to ask this question when he was on the playground.

At that time, Yuan Shaozhou rushed over like that, and the hideous expression on his face made the people around him frightened to retreat as far as he could.

Only one person rushed out.

The thin body stood in front of him.

Not only is his strength weak, but it also hinders his performance.

But the subconscious action is heartwarming.

Shao Ming was touched.

Doubt is even more serious.

Can this young master stand up to every friend without hesitation?

Zhu Tong did not expect him to say it so bluntly.

He was stunned for a while, recalled the situation at the time, and said honestly: "He was after you at that time."

Shao Ming: "...Well."

Zhu Tong said: "Because he didn't dare to touch me."

Shao Ming: "…"

Even if you are angry to the point of losing your mind, people are instinctively afraid of what they are afraid of.

In Yuan Shaozhou's eyes, the person who brought him to this point was not himself, nor Shao Ming, but Zhu Tong and the unpredictable Zhu family behind him.

Even if he was at the end of the road, Yuan Shaozhou's instinct to survive made Yuan Shaozhou try his best to avoid situations that would make him worse.

Zhu Tong said: "So I think if I block you, he should stop."

Shao Ming: "…"

He felt that there was a beautiful fantasy in his mind, and it shattered with a "pop".

What is he expecting?

Shao Ming said strangely: "So you are betting on the possibility that he has scruples about you?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "I think this possibility is still very large."


Shao Ming didn't know if he should remind him that the compass that Yuan Shaozhou threw at the beginning was aimed at his head.

Of course, it could also be that Yuan's surname was too weak, and he even lost his head.

Shao Ming didn't know what to think, he suddenly fell silent, and looked at his tablemate from top to bottom.

Zhu Tong looked inexplicable, and also looked up and down at himself, raised his head and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

Is there anything strange about him?

Shao Ming pondered: "I suddenly discovered that you are very good-looking."


"The body proportions are also good."

The waist is very thin, although it is a little thin, but when I hold it in my arms, it feels surprisingly good.

Zhu Tong: "…"

What is this guy trying to say?

Shao Ming raised his head with a smile, leaned over and lowered his voice and said, "If you really want to take care of it, I think I can do it too."


Zhu Tong widened his eyes in astonishment.

Shao Ming continued: "Wait for a long time, if you think you will wrong me and want to give me a name, then I..."

is also acceptable.

The words didn't come out, and his mouth was suddenly covered.

Zhu Tong looked at him with astonishment: "That's all Yuan Shaozhou's nonsense! I didn't..."

Shao Ming looked at him with his eyes bent.

Realizing what he had done, a rush of heat rushed into his brain, Zhu Tong hurriedly retracted his hand, and his five fingers shrunk together like a mimosa.

The palms are hot.

He anxiously said: "I... you..."

After hesitating for a long time, he turned his head back, buried his head and said nothing.

Who does Shao Ming take him for?

It really is to regard kindness as the liver and lungs of a donkey!

Shao Ming looked at his red ears, froze for a moment, leaned over and said, "Are you angry?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong took a deep breath, adjusted his mind, and looked at him a little bit unbearably: "I said I didn't mean that, you don't believe it, don't... don't test me like this."

Shao Ming: "…"


Is he testing?

Shao Ming paused for a while, then suddenly smiled: "I'm joking, not next time."

Zhu Tong looked at him suspiciously.

Shao Ming said sincerely: "Really."

Zhu Tong glanced at the favorability progress bar, and there really was no change.

Should be a real joke.

Zhu Tong looked at him for a while, "I believe you this time."

He emphasized "once".

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Okay."

Then Zhu Tong lowered his head and continued to do the question.

The redness on his ears quickly faded, and his eyes were no longer in a hurry. He concentrated very quickly on the questions.

Shao Ming said in his heart: It's so coaxing.

He raised his head slightly and propped it back with his elbows, leisurely.

The heart is not so leisurely.

He himself knew very well that his words were not a temptation, nor were they entirely a joke.

It's just that when Zhu Tong "explained and clarified", he was a little unwilling, so he couldn't help but want to tease him.

How could he not be reconciled?

Shao Ming smiled in his heart, saying that human nature is really hypocritical, and everyone is the same.

When doubting others, reject others' liking.

Knowing that others don't like it, I can't help but provoke it.

But there are a lot of people who like him. Before knowing that others gave up, he would only feel relaxed.

Why does Zhu Tong become special?

Zhu Tong, who was doing the question, seemed to have encountered a difficulty again, and frowned slightly.

He looked focused, as if nothing could disturb him.

In the system, the progress bar on the interface suddenly increased a bit. The system just wanted to remind the host, but the favorability that had just increased suddenly shrank back.


It was really a cloudy white moonlight.

Zhu Tong didn't know about this subtle change, and Shao Ming didn't even know it.

The afternoon class ended quickly. When he went to eat outside the school, Rosso endured and endured. Sitting at the dining table, he looked left and right, and felt that the atmosphere between the two people eating at the same table was a bit strange.

"You two... quarreled?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Wish. Concentrate on cooking. Tong: "?"

Zhu Tong was about to speak when Shao Ming suddenly said: "Blame me, I said the wrong thing."

Rosso: "…"

This Guoning is quite agile.

Zhu Tong said, "No, I don't like talking much when I eat."

Rosso thought about the state of eating with Zhu Tong these days, and he really didn't talk much.

So the problem lies with his brother Ming!

Isn't his brother Ming a lot of words? Because he led Zhu Tong to talk together, the dining table was lively.

what is it today?

"Brother Ming, must have been frightened by Yuan Shaozhou today, right?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming smiled and gave him the look of "you reorganize the language".

Rosso: "…"

He couldn't afford to offend this man, and looked at Zhu Tong again and said, "By the way, Zhu Tong, Yuan Shaozhou was sent to the hospital, did you really find someone to do it?"

Zhu Tong Jiacai's hand paused and nodded lightly: "Well."

Rosso's eyes widened suddenly, "Damn, is it really you? You also installed a signal blocker outside his ward? Awesome! What the **** is your family doing?"

He was purely curious, but as soon as he said that, the table became quieter.

Quietly weird!

Family, identity, care.

Yuan Shaozhou's words didn't seem to cause any trouble, but they caused waves of different degrees in the hearts of the two of them.

Rosso waited a long time for no response, then looked at this, and then at that.


what? Did he drill the bellows today?

Both are angry?

"Is it inconvenient to say?" Rosso whispered: "Then you don't ask me, don't be so sullen, I'm so embarrassed."

Zhu Tong also knew that it was not good to hang people, so he looked at him and said, "I'm sorry."

"It's alright." Rosso waved his hand vigorously, "I was too talkative, you should eat it, the dishes will be cold in a while."

Zhu Tong nodded and took the dishes again.

Shao Ming sat across from him and looked at him. He wanted to open his eyes and glance at Rosso, then swallowed his words.

When we went back to school after dinner, we noticed that there were many people of the three of them on the way.

Yuan Shaozhou came to the school to make a fuss, and Zhu Tong was completely popular in the school.

There are many people who are curious about his identity.

But there are people around him who are "escorting" him, and if he can't ask, some people fall back and ask the "informer".

It was already late for self-study, and the classrooms of Class 1 and 1 were still very lively.

Xia Yang has been really annoying these days.

First, Yuan Shaozhou was sent to the hospital and dropped out of school. Because Yuan Shaozhou always pestered him, some people thought that he and Yuan Shaozhou were getting close, and they always came to him to inquire.

He repeated over and over again that he didn't know about Yuan Shaozhou, and in his heart he wished to slap all the people who asked him about it, but he still had to keep a smile on his face and had to be patient.

Finally, no one asked about Yuan Shaozhou, and Zhu Tong became their "curiosity" again.

"Xia Yang, do you and Zhu Tong know each other? What exactly does his family do?"

"Did he really teach Yuan Shaozhou a lesson?"

"How is your relationship with him? Can you ask him to hang out with him on weekends?"

"I heard you mentioned the banquet that day. Have you ever attended a banquet together?"


There was a lot of talk around, Xia Yang's hand was slowly clenched.

He hated the mention of "that day" the most.

At the sink that day, he deliberately wanted to mention the banquet, just to let others know that he and Zhu Tong knew each other.

He wanted Shao Ming to know.

Because Shao Ming didn't like him, if he knew that Zhu Tong and him were acquaintances, he would definitely alienate him.

But he deliberately closed the relationship, because Zhu Tong suddenly vomited blood, he deliberately targeted Zhu Tong, but Shao Ming stood on Zhu Tong's side.

After that, he no longer mentioned his acquaintance with Zhu Tong.

But everyone remembers it.

Everyone came to remind him that Zhu Tong had embarrassed him by the sink!

He took a slow breath and said with a warm smile: "We met at a banquet, but I don't know the specific situation very well. It's better for you to ask him about his family affairs, and because he I have been seldom attending banquets because of my poor health, so I also…”

There was no chance to speak to him.

Others couldn't get an answer here in Xia Yang, and they were suddenly lost.

Patiently dismissing the group of people around him, Xia Yang just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard someone muttering in a low voice while turning around, "I thought he knew something, maybe he didn't say anything on purpose? right?"

Someone next to him echoed: "Who knows? But it's really not easy for Zhu Tong to drop Yuan Shaozhou out of school so easily."

"Yeah, this is true love, haha."

Xia Yang's face sank suddenly.

When Yuan Shaozhou targeted Shao Ming, he also wanted to help.

But he came to Gongshui No. 1 Middle School for Shao Ming, which has already made his father furious, and he dared not ask his father for Shao Ming's affairs.

He was just waiting, waiting for things to get bigger, waiting for Yuan Shaozhou to go too far, until things developed to the point where the police could get involved.

He wanted to help Shao Ming by himself.

Or Shao Ming would come to him willingly, as long as Shao Ming spoke to him, he would help him even if he had a strained relationship with his father.

But Zhu Tong was robbed first!

He was just relying on the help of the family, why did he get Shao Ming's special opinion?

In physical education class, the image of Shao Ming holding Zhu Tong tightly in his arms in order to protect Zhu Tong made people's eyes hurt.

And Yuan Shaozhou.

Thinking of Yuan Shaozhou madly pounced on Shao Ming and Zhu Tongshi's twisted faces on the playground, Xia Yang's eyes darkened.

In fact, Yuan Shaozhou had contacted him when he was desperate.

But he didn't reply.

With Yuan Shaozhou's current madness, he wouldn't want to take revenge on him, would he?

I heard that Yuan Shaozhou has now been sent to the juvenile detention center.

He had to find a way to keep Yuan Shaozhou inside for a longer time.

At the end of the evening self-study, Zhu Tong cleaned up the table and turned to look at Shao Ming subconsciously.

In the past two days, his feet were inconvenient, and almost always Shao Ming accompanied him when he left the school and crossed the road.

It was only when he was about to speak that he remembered that his feet were already healed.

Inexplicably lost in my heart.

Just as he was about to say hello and leave by himself, the same table had already stood up.

Shao Ming closed the cap of a pen and threw it into the pen holder, looked at Zhu Tong and said, "Okay? Let's go then."

Zhu Tong: "My feet are already..."

Shao Ming has skillfully supported him.


Bicycles are parked downstairs.

When getting in the car, Zhu Tong hesitated for a while, looked at the distance from the teaching building to the school gate, felt it was a little far, and decided to sit on the back seat of the bicycle.

"Then I'll go first." Rosso greeted them and turned back to the dormitory.

Shao Ming nodded, feeling the slightly tight clothes being grabbed around his waist, and quietly hooked his lips.

The bicycle drove out of the school gate, crossed a road, and approached the side of the road where Uncle Liu parked.

Zhu Tong habitually let go of his hand and planned to jump down, "Thank you..."

A thank you has not yet exited, the bicycle suddenly made a sharp turn when it came to the side of the road.

Zhu Tong lost his balance for a while, his hand that had just been released instinctively tightened, and he hugged Shao Ming's waist tightly: "Go...where to go?"

He has arrived!

The warmth from behind bumped into him, Shao Ming smiled with satisfaction, and said without turning his head, "Take you somewhere."

Zhu Tong: "…"

So where are you going?

The bicycle suddenly accelerated, Zhu Tong held him to maintain his balance, and turned to look at the people who were still waiting on the side of the road.

Obviously, the sudden turn and change of lanes just scared not only Zhu Tong, but also Uncle Liu, who had been waiting for Zhu Tong.

Seeing that his young master was "abducted" away, Uncle Liu quickly got into the driver's seat and had already driven up.

Shao Ming seemed to notice something, and took Zhu Tong directly into a narrow alley that a car could not enter.

Uncle Liu stopped at the entrance of the alley, and the car window slid down, revealing Uncle Liu's frantic face: "Master!"

Zhu Tong didn't know what Shao Ming wanted to do, so he could only turn around and shout to Uncle Liu, "I'm fine, Uncle Liu, go back first!"

Uncle Liu: "…"

Shao Ming: "Pfft."

He laughed in front of him and said, "How do you know you're fine? Aren't you afraid that I'll abduct you and sell it?"

Zhu Tong hugged him and said, "I'm not worth much."

Shao Ming: "…"

After a while of silence, Zhu Tong said again, "Where are you going?"

Shao Ming turned another corner in front of him and said, "We'll be there soon."

He said right away really was right away.

The bike quickly stopped beside a guardrail.



After the car stopped, Zhu Tong jumped out of the back seat.

As soon as I got up, I saw a piece of water reflecting the bright night in the city. Not far away, a wind and rain bridge stood on the water and reflected in the water. The lights were more dazzling than the old palace.

Gongshui County got its name because of the Gongshui River that runs through the whole city.

Zhu Tong has always known that there is such a river in Gongshui County, but he has never been there.

Shao Ming actually brought him to the river!

He turned his head and glanced at Shao Ming, and happily ran to the guardrail.

Lying on the edge of the guardrail, the scene on the river became clearer.

The water surface was sparkling, and the scene reflected in it twisted, as if it was a different world isolated from one world.

I wish Tong a new look.

Shao Ming put the car away, strode towards him and said, "It's been so long since I've transferred schools, haven't you come out to play yet?"

Zhu Tong looked at him and said, "How do you know..."

Yes, I have been studying since I transferred.

Weekends are either at school or at the hotel.

Apart from going to Shao Ming's milk tea shop last weekend, he hasn't been anywhere yet.

Shao Ming said: "Although our county is small, the night view is not bad."

Zhu Tong looked at the large fountain surrounded by neon lights in the middle of the river, and nodded in agreement: "Yes."

His joy was beyond words, and Shao Ming also bent his lips, leaned over and said, "I don't know if this is an apology gift, I wish you a satisfied young master?"

Zhu Tong: "Huh?"

What apology?

Shao Ming looked at him and said, "You haven't spoken to me all night."

Zhu Tong subconsciously said: "How can I..."

Talking for a while.

He didn't seem to have said a word to Shao Ming tonight.

"That's me..." Zhu Tong said, "too much homework tonight."

And what does this have to do with apology?

Shao Ming said, "You didn't ask me a question either."


That's because the homework questions are not difficult.

He blinked in a daze, and said suddenly, "Do you think I'm angry?"

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

Zhu Tong said: "I'm not angry."

Shao Ming: "You..."

"I just don't know what to say to you."


Zhu Tong felt that Shao Ming was too sensitive.

Self-righteous suspicion of him.

Make fun of him by talking to himself.

Now misunderstanding him and getting angry, he brought him to the river on his own initiative.

He suddenly looked at Shao Ming, his face became a little more serious, and said, "I'm afraid to talk to you, if a word is not good and you will misunderstand something, I'm helping you, but I don't mean anything else, just take You are a friend, but at the same time you don't like Yuan Shaozhou."

When he was looking for someone to teach Yuan Shaozhou a lesson, he didn't even think about using this to gain his favorability.

So he said it very confidently.

Zhu Tongdao: "I know that there are many people who like you, and there must be some who approach you with bad intentions, but those who are not cared for, just because you are now, does not mean that you will be the same in the future. You will not be worse than anyone in the future. You can't tell who is taking care of who, so you don't have to pay attention to what someone like Yuan Shaozhou says."

Shao Ming narrowed his eyes slightly.

Zhu Tong paused for a while, then hesitated: "I mean, do you understand?"

Shao Ming, who originally wanted to bring someone out to apologize because he said something wrong in the afternoon: "..."

He curled his lips and smiled: "Do you think that I will not be worse than them in the future?"

Zhu Tong said: "Of course."

Even if you don't know Shao Ming's ending, with his current academic performance, he will definitely do a lot in the future!

Shao Ming looked at the firmness in his eyes and couldn't tell what he felt in his heart.

This man had more confidence in him than himself.

He didn't refute Zhu Tong's words, but smiled and said, "Okay, I understand."


Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

Speaking of which, Shao Ming should no longer doubt and test him in the future, right?

He turned to look at the Wind and Rain Bridge on the river.

The night view of Gongshui County is really beautiful.

At this time, Shao Ming tilted his head again, with playfulness in his eyes: "Then now, do you know what to say to me? Are you still afraid?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Did he accidentally wrap himself in it?

He was stunned by the question.

However, Shao Ming had already turned around and pulled the bicycle over again, "Okay, I won't tease you anymore, come on up."


Zhu Tong said inexplicably, "Where are you going?"

"Take you around the river."

Zhu Tong's eyes lit up immediately, and he sat up obediently.

Shao Ming waited for him to sit still, then turned around and asked, "Have you been to the beach before?"

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "No, I didn't go out much before."

Shao Ming thought of his weak body again.

The hand holding the handlebars of the bicycle tightened, and he reminded softly, "Then hide from the wind, don't catch a cold."

Zhu Tong nodded in agreement, grasping the clothes on his waist.

Near the riverside in the middle of the night, there are not many pedestrians walking on the road.

A bicycle glided by the river.

The evening wind was very cold, and Zhu Tong raised his head for a while and still felt cold, so he shrunk his head behind Shao Ming, feeling that Shao Ming at this moment was really reliable.

The bicycle carried the two people around the river, and when they sent them back to the hotel, they passed by the B&B.

Does he want to open his mouth and let people move back in?


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-16 19:30:23~2021-10-17 16:32:08~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Shadow Dance, Quiet Ya 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 25 bottles of sugar cakes in a bowl; 10 bottles of Qiao Xiaci and Gu Chengsang; 5 bottles of softwa; 2 bottles of Xianyu; 1 bottle of Hongja, Xi, yjtc;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!