Chapter 27: abduct

The bikes were parked downstairs in the hotel.

When Zhu Tong jumped out of the back seat, his legs felt a little stiff.

He was sitting sideways in the back seat.

Hanging with the legs in the air, although it doesn't take much effort, but the position has been maintained for a long time, and there is no place for the legs to rest, which is inevitably a little uncomfortable.

He couldn't help kicking his legs.

Shao Ming understood what happened to him at a glance, and said with a smile, "Let's go, I'll take you up."

Zhu Tong refused: "No need, it's so late..."

"Let's go."

Shao Ming put his hand on his back lightly.

Zhu Tong: "…"

It's like taking care of a child who can't walk well.

Zhu Tong let him half-push himself into the hotel lobby.

The hall is very quiet, except for a young lady at the front desk who is working diligently, there is no one else.

The elevator is also empty.

Going up to the floor where Zhu Tong lived, in the quiet corridor, under the cold, dim light, the footsteps of two people echoed in the corridor at different heights.

People with advanced brains may make up for a paranormal accident.

Shao Ming felt that he had something called conscience being stabbed hard.

He lowered his head and set his eyes on Zhu Tong, "...Are you still used to staying in a hotel?"

Zhu Tong walked upstairs all the way, and there was no discomfort after his legs and feet moved.

He replied, "It's good, it's the same wherever you live."

People who sleep in hospital wards all the year round, as long as they are clean, he does not choose where to live.

Shao Ming: "…"

But the homestay is closer to the school.

He consciously found a reason to persuade Zhu Tong, and was about to speak when a bell rang.


Zhu Tong was taking out his room card to open the door, when the phone in his pocket suddenly rang.

He took it out and looked at it, then glanced at Shao Ming apologetically, and lowered his head to answer the phone: "Hello."

"Tongtong? Is get out of class over?"

There was a clear female voice on the phone. In the quiet corridor, even if the speakerphone was not turned on, the person next to him could hear it clearly.

Zhu Tong responded.

Over there, he immediately smiled and said, "I heard that you have transferred to our city. My aunt has wanted to call you for a long time, but she is afraid of disturbing your rest. How are you now? Where do you live? Are you still adapting to the new school? On weekends Are you free to come home for dinner? Auntie will cook something for you."


A series of problems did not even bring ventilation.

The person on the phone is Zhu Tong's cousin.

The daughter of his grandfather's sister.

Although Grandpa only had one daughter from his mother, he also had other relatives and descendants.

Among them, his cousin, used to have the best relationship with his mother.

Because I feel that being called "cousin aunt" is unfriendly and unpleasant, I have always called myself "little aunt" since I was a child.

Zhu Tong is most afraid of dealing with this cousin who seems to have social bullshit.

He paused for a moment and said stiffly: "No need, auntie, we don't have much time on weekends, so we may not be able to come to the city. I'm staying in a hotel now, and it's fine..."

"Stay in a hotel? How can you stay in a hotel?" There was a moment's shock, "Did Zhu Shoushan arrange it for you? I knew he was unreliable, how could there be such an irresponsible father, Tongtong, wait, Auntie, call that bastard..."

"No aunt." Zhu Tong felt a headache, and hurriedly stopped her and said, "I want to live in the hotel myself, it has nothing to do with him."

After a pause, he said, " can you stay in a hotel?"

Zhu Tong said: "The hotel is very clean and clean, and it is also close to the school."

Cousin: "…"

"Then you can't live in a hotel." The phone muttered and said, "How about I buy you a suite near your school."

Zhu Tong: "…"

so tired.

He said: "I really don't need auntie. The hotel is really good, and I won't be here for long."

My aunt asked suspiciously, "Can't you stay for a long time?"

"Yeah, I'll go back in a year at most."

Either go back vertically, or go back horizontally.

Always going back.

No need to buy any house.

Next to him, Shao Ming leaned on the edge of the corridor, with a slight smile on his face listening to Zhu Tong's timid words in front of his elders, he suddenly heard his last words and turned to look at him.

Zhu Tong didn't notice at all, and continued talking to the person on the phone.

Finally, the aunt's idea of ​​buying a house for him was finally dispelled, and the two chatted for a while before hanging up.

Zhu Tong let out a long sigh of relief.

Looking up, he found Shao Ming looking at him.

He blinked: "What's wrong?"

Shao Ming looked at him and said nothing.

He thought to himself: This man will leave sooner or later.

His time was clear, and when he came to Gongshui County, there really was something going on.

But even if there is no purpose, after three years of high school for one year, after the college entrance examination, each has to go his own way.

They were destined to take different paths.

What is he going to do now?

Shao Ming smiled suddenly and said, "It's nothing, it was delivered successfully, I'll..."



Uncle Liu's anxious voice came from the elevator entrance in the corridor.

The two turned their heads at the same time, and saw Uncle Liu's sturdy body of 1.85 meters approaching extremely fast, standing directly in front of Zhu Tong, watching the "abductor" in front of him vigilantly.

The "abductor" is very self-aware. He looked at Zhu Tong and said, "I'll go first, and I'll abduct you tomorrow."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Uncle Liu's eyes widened instantly, and the vigilance on his face became more obvious.

Zhu Tong wanted to invite Shao Ming to sit in, but when he thought it was too late, he didn't speak.

Watching Shao Ming enter the elevator, Zhu Tong retracted his gaze and looked at the person standing in front of him like a doorman.

"...Uncle Liu, what are you doing?"

Uncle Liu turned to look at him, his vigilant face instantly collapsed, "Master, how can you go out for a walk so late? What should I do if something happens?"

"It'll be fine."

After the words came out, Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment.

How did he come to such a firm conclusion?

In late autumn a year ago, he also secretly ran out of the house at night, and after being found by the servants, he developed a high fever for three days and three nights.

But he came back from the river today, and his body didn't seem to be uncomfortable at all.

On the contrary, I felt very happy because I was relieved. it Shao Ming's fault?

Back in the room, Zhu Tong first opened WeChat.

When Shao Ming took him for a ride by the river just now, he recorded a short video by the river and sent it to Zhu Xin, and he received more than two responses.

It's rare.

He opened the dialog box, saw his sister's reply, pursed his lips and smiled.

[Xiao Xin]: Where are you? How is it windy?

[Xiao Xin]: It's too late, go back.

[Xiao Xin]: Don't catch a cold!

I was as worried as Uncle Liu.

Although caring.

But he sometimes wants to go out and have a look.

Zhu Tong paused for a while, and replied to her: I have returned to the hotel.

He clicked on the video and watched it again. On a whim, he long-pressed forward and clicked Shao Ming's name from the recent contacts.

Downstairs in the hotel, just as Shao Ming stepped on his bicycle, his phone suddenly vibrated twice.

He took out his phone and opened it.

Familiar night scene.

Familiar perspective.

The slowly moving scene in the video was taken by someone behind him when he was carrying Zhu Tong.

To maintain balance, one arm wrapped around his waist, tighter than usual.

He couldn't even remember what Zhu Tong looked like when he held the phone to record the video, he only remembered the temperature on his waist.

Soon there were two more vibrations.

Shao Ming exits the video and swipes down the screen.

[Wish]: Thank you.

【Wish】: I had a great time today.

Shao Ming: "…"

He curled his lips into a smile and typed a reply.

Zhu Tong received the news very quickly, he quickly opened it, and he couldn't wait with his own ignorance.

[Shao]: Next time, hold it tighter, the camera is too shaken.

Zhu Tong:…

The video he worked so hard to record.

The beauty he was eager to share.

Nobody cares.

No one has noticed that the progress bar in the system interface has quietly increased by a few percentages, dropped by a few percentages, and finally stopped at 27%.

A brace.

The system once wondered if it was a bug!

The tip was finally released at a stable value.

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained Bai Yueguang's favorability +2%, and the current favorability is 27%."

Back to school the next day, the classroom was as lively as ever.

Zhu Tong originally thought that Yuan Shaozhou's matter, after he was taken away by the police, except for the occasional discussion in the school, it was basically forgotten.

Unexpectedly, after one night, there will be a follow-up!

"I heard that there is new evidence about Yuan Shaozhou. A girl who transferred from Gongshui County two years ago suddenly came back and wants to sue Yuan Shaozhou for sexual assault, because he was sixteen years old when he committed the crime. Maybe not just sent to a juvenile detention center."

"Who is it? You came back so coincidentally, you want Yuan Shaozhou to be punished for several crimes? This is a great move!"

"It doesn't matter who he is, Yuan Shaozhou deserves it anyway. For someone like him, the more severe the sentence, the better."

When discussing this matter in the classroom, many people turned their attention to him.

When his tablemate set his eyes on him for the third time, Zhu Tong couldn't help but raised his head and said, "It's not me this time."

Shao Ming said, "Well, I know."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Know what else you're looking at?

Shao Ming smiled and said, "I just wanted to ask you, do you have any plans for the weekend?"


Zhu Tong thought about it, he didn't seem to have anything to arrange.

Seeing him thinking, Shao Ming said again: "Do you still want to drink the milk tea you drank last time?"

The sweet and glutinous things in memory instantly stimulated the taste buds, Zhu Tong's eyes lit up, "Think!"

Shao Ming said: "Then I'll go back and make it for you this weekend."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Go back and do it for him...

That means, can he go to Shao Ming's milk tea shop on weekends?

He doesn't have to stay at school alone, or go back to the hotel?

With undisguised joy on Zhu Tong's face, he nodded and said, "Okay."

Shao Ming looked at the happy look on his face and was slightly startled.

After returning to God, I was a little distressed and a little helpless.

He thought to himself: Still kidnapped.

Then I thought: turn it, turn it, turn it.

On the big weekend, the young master stayed in the school alone, which is also pitiful.

In the early morning of the weekend, some students rushed to the Internet cafe impatiently, and some students were still sleeping soundly in the dormitory.

I wish Tong did not have the habit of staying in bed.

Neither did Shao Ming.

I got up early and recited two classical Chinese texts. At eight o'clock, Zhu Tong sat on the back seat of the bicycle that Shao Ming came to carry him under Uncle Liu's resentful eyes.

Although the milk tea shop in the morning is not as busy as in the afternoon.

But today's milk tea shop is a bit more deserted.

In the Shangming Milk Tea Shop, Shao Ming's mother carefully wiped the counter behind the counter.

On a high swivel chair in front of the counter, a woman sat with a handful of melon seeds in her hand, and threw the gnawed melon seed shells on the cleaned ground.

He said in his mouth: "Yujie, it's not my sister who said you, you said how much money can you make throughout the year when you open this milk tea shop? The person I introduced to you is a big businessman. Boss, you can earn several million a year! Isn't this better than your hard work to open a store?"

Shao Yujie raised her head and glanced at her eyes, and said with an embarrassed expression: "Don't throw the melon seed shells on the ground, I..."

"There are no guests now. Wouldn't it be alright to clean it up later? And no guests dare to come to your door now."


Shao Yuhan looked at her dissatisfiedly, "Did you hear what I said? You are thirty-five this year, you are not too young, and you have such an old child. What to be picky about?"

Shao Yujie frowned and said, "He's in his fifties this year, and he's still married..."

"What's wrong with being married? He has promised me that as long as you are willing to marry him, he will divorce his wife immediately, and what's wrong with being over fifty? Qiu Shaoping was forty when he married you, and now it's fifty. More, didn't you marry him back then? What are you doing so hypocritical now?"


Shao Yujie wiped the counter's hand for a while, without refuting, but her face sank, "I won't go with him, you go."

"Oh, you..."

Seeing her sullen face, Shao Yuhan suddenly stopped eating melon seeds and said softly: "Okay, it's me who said the wrong thing, I know you had no choice but to think about Shao Ming even if you don't think about yourself. Ah, your milk tea shop is under investigation again, and it is obvious that someone maliciously targeted you! Can you guarantee that the person targeting you will not attack Shao Ming?"

Shao Yujie's face changed suddenly.

Seeing that she was moved, Shao Yuhan said again: "You orphans and widows, no matter how powerful Shao Ming is, can he compare with those in the society? He is just a nerd, what's the use of good grades? If someone else works, do you still expect him to take you to the top? Listen to my sister's advice and follow Boss Wu, is it better than being the boss' wife yourself?"

"Have you said enough?"

Shao Yujie couldn't bear it any longer, she raised her head and said, "Let's go after I've said enough, I still want to do business."


She made it clear that she didn't want to eat, Shao Yuhan was also annoyed, stood up and said, "Shao Yujie! I only think of you because you are my own sister. You can't open a milk tea shop now, don't you? What else can you do when you are married? Boss Wu is so rich and good to you, that is the good man you can meet only after you cultivated fortune in your last life, don't be ashamed!"

"Since he is such a good man, why doesn't my aunt marry me?"

A laughing voice came from the door of the milk tea shop.

Shao Yuhan's arrogant expression suddenly stiffened, he turned his head slowly, and saw the person who was pushing the door and walked in, his face changed suddenly.

She turned to look at Shao Yujie, who was also stunned. Her chest heaved a few times, and she frowned and whispered, "Think about what I told you, and I'll go first today."

After speaking, he almost hurriedly walked out of the front of the high chair, intending to go straight out.

However, the person at the door did not let go.

Shao Ming looked kindly and said, "Auntie came here after a long time, why are you in such a hurry to leave?"

Shao Yuhan said with a stiff face: "I have something to do when I go back."

"In such a hurry to go back, can't the hole that my uncle embezzled public funds be filled?"

Shao Ming's light-hearted words made Shao Yuhan's eyes instantly anxious, her breathing was stagnant for a long time, and she said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about!"

Shao Ming chuckled and said, "Am I talking nonsense? I don't know how much the good man in your mouth gave you as a lobbyist?"


Shao Yuhan's face changed several times, but she couldn't say anything when she saw Shao Ming's half-smile, but her eyes were bottomless.

It was hard to imagine that Shao Ming was just a high school student.

How did he know about the family affairs?

Shao Yuhan didn't dare to ask, lowered his head and said solemnly: "Get out of the way."

Shao Ming did not move.

Shao Yuhan said anxiously: "Shao Ming! I am your elder!"

"Elder?" Shao Ming pretended to be surprised and said, "You have forgotten what you said a few years ago? You don't have a good memory. Are you free to ask your uncle to take you to check?"


Shao Yuhan's face was ashen.

A few years ago, when Shao Yujie was suffering from unbearable domestic violence, she once took Shao Ming to find her own sister. At that time, Shao Yuhan knew exactly what her sister was living, but she avoided him for fear of being caught by him. Implicated, she called the man in the bar directly, and threatened that she did not have such a sister who was pregnant before marriage!

Zhu Tong, who followed Shao Ming into the store, was shocked by the scene in front of him.

He didn't know what had happened in the past.

But he heard what had just been said.

This woman is Shao Ming's aunt.

She and Shao Ming's mother are sisters.

Is she going to introduce her sister to a married man in his fifties?

Is this something people can do?

Shao Yuhan was ripped off by Shao Ming. He couldn't bear his face, and he didn't dare to target Shao Ming. He could only turn his head to look at Shao Yujie and said angrily, "This is the good son you taught! He has no education at all! He is talking to his elders. How do you speak?"

"You are educated by pimping people?"

A slightly cold voice sounded behind Shao Ming.

Because of his height, Zhu Tong just stood behind Shao Ming, and the two people in the milk tea shop did not see another person other than Shao Ming at the door.

He suddenly made a sound, and Shao Ming turned his head slightly.

Zhu Tong was exposed to the sight of the two people, and he looked blankly at the people who were eager to leave: "People with education are qualified to judge the education of others, do you have it?"


Shao Yuhan looked at the boy who suddenly appeared.

He is thinner and thinner than Shao Ming, his voice is not loud, and he doesn't look very energetic, but he has a noble temperament in his bones.

It made people feel inferior just standing in front of him.

Thinking of what he just said, Shao Yuhan said with an ugly face: "You... Who are you?"

Zhu Tong said: "People who are more educated than you."


Shao Ming: "…"

He couldn't help laughing.

Even Shao Yujie behind the counter couldn't help but smile.

Only Shao Yuhan's face turned blue and white, white and red, "You..."

She couldn't bear it any longer and said angrily to Shao Ming: "Get out of the way, are you still planning to detain me illegally?"

Shao Ming was about to speak, but Shao Yujie said, "Shao Ming, let her go out."


Probably thinking that with the presence of an "outsider" like Zhu Tong, Shao Yujie didn't want to let the "cloak" stay in the milk tea shop.

Shao Ming glanced at Shao Yujie, but didn't move. He raised his chin to Shao Yuhan and said, "Clean up the shells of the melon seeds."

Shao Yuhan said with a cold face: "Don't go too far!"

Shao Ming smiled at her: "And the milk tea fee is settled."


"Auntie, if you don't want to go out yet, it's business hours, and we can treat you well."

Shao Yuhan: "…"

Her chest rose and fell violently, and she almost had a heart attack.

But there are no customers in the store now, and there is no chance for her to make trouble.

She couldn't beat Shao Ming with brute force.

She had seen Shao Ming and others doing their work.

After several measurements, she could only turn around and take a tool to clean the melon seed shells in front of the counter.

Before going out, he said harsh words to the mother and son, saying, "When your milk tea shop closes and there is nowhere to go, don't cry and beg me!"

Shao Ming didn't care and smiled at her: "Auntie walk slowly, don't forget the road if you have a bad memory."

Shao Yuhan: "…"

Isn't that disguised to say that she is Alzheimer's?

She is only thirty-seven!

Shao Yuhan gritted his teeth bitterly, opened the door and left the milk tea shop.

Outside the door, they bumped into Rosso and Lu Zheyu, who were rushing to work. When Rosso saw Shao Yuhan, he had a bad look on his face. He walked into the milk tea shop and said, "Why is she here again? Is the ghost still alive? Is Auntie okay?"

Shao Yujie and Rosso are already very familiar with them.

She smiled behind the counter and said, "I'm fine."

Rosso turned to look at the empty milk tea shop again, wondering, "Why is there no one today?"

Shao Yujie came out from behind the counter and sighed: "The TV station reported that someone drank the milk tea in the store, the drug test was positive, and the case is still under investigation."


"Investigate again?" Rosso said, "I didn't investigate last time."

"Milk tea has been investigated." Shao Yujie said: "Now the investigation is about the drug test of that person. He is a well-known model. She said that the problem occurred when she drank the milk tea in the store."

No one cares about the truth of the matter.

But if a socially influential public figure says that, things will inevitably get bigger.

If things get bigger, the milk tea shop in that population will be affected.

No one will risk their lives, and the milk tea shop has accidents again and again. Even if they are willing to believe their old customers, they will not dare to patronize them again for a while.

Rosso understood what happened, and immediately scolded: "Who the fuck? Which model? She said she was drinking milk tea because of the problem? We just passed the security check, and the relevant departments didn't come out to clarify?"

"You said that the case is still under investigation, but you never try to answer questions?"

Lu Zheyu suddenly said a word.

Rosso frowned.

The food safety department has issued a public notice, which proves that the raw materials of the milk tea shop are no problem.

But the model insisted that her test result was because she drank milk tea from a milk tea shop. Until the problem was found out, the relevant departments could not produce evidence to refute the model's words, and naturally they could not make any clarification.

It is their attitude that they did not stop the milk tea shop from continuing to operate.

But what the people see is not the attitude.

There are no customers in the store, and those who come to work are idle.

Zhu Tong looked at the empty seats in the milk tea shop, but thought of another question.

That model named Shao Ming's milk tea shop, and it was definitely not a coincidence that she said those words.

But the last person who reported that there was poppy powder in the milk tea raw material was Yuan Shaozhou.

Yuan Shaozhou had already entered, and his father and uncle were too busy to take care of themselves.

Who will it be this time?


The author has something to say:

There will be a big pot of rice plot, cohabitation must be arranged, let's take your time~

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-17 16:32:08~2021-10-18 16:05:07~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 5 bottles of Songhuang Jiayun; 253456722 bottles; 1 bottle of red jasmine and Xiaobai;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!