Chapter 28: father

Zhu Tong couldn't understand, Shao Ming's family just wanted to open a milk tea shop quietly, why do people always jump out to do things?

What are they drawing?

To say that Yuan Shaozhou is just pure jealousy and psychological distortion, he can't do anything earth-shattering as a student.

But this time, it's a well-known model and a TV station, and it's not like a student can come up with it.

Could it be that those "rivals" of Bai Yueguang have popped up?

But the fans are only a freshman in high school now!

The plot didn't develop to the point where he was acquainted with those stocks!

Who is the one?

Just as I was thinking about it, something suddenly appeared in front of me.

A book with the same menu was handed to him, with a familiar voice in his ears: "Guest, do you want to order?"


Zhu Tong tilted his head and saw Shao Ming's unstoppable smiling face.

What could make him nervous?

Wish Tong couldn't think of it.

He took the drink list and looked at it.

The drink list of Shao Ming's milk tea shop is not just a simple price list, but also a picture of the finished product.

Zhu Tong almost never drank, and was dazzled.

Shao Ming stood beside him and said, "Turn to the back. The one in front is suitable for cold drinks. The taste of hot drinks is not so good... These are more suitable for you. Which one do you want to drink?"

Zhu Tong asked him, "Can you do it all?"

"Not only do you know how to make it?" Rosso walked over and said, "Half of the drinks in our store are made by Brother Ming. Do you know why the business in the store is so good? Because none of the other stores in our store have them."


Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming again.

It turns out that this person is also interested in researching beverages?

Shao Ming also looked at him and said, "Have you picked it yet?"

Zhu Tong looked down, closed the drink list again, and said, "Let's do the last time, right?"

"Pudding sago?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows with interest.

Zhu Tong wondered: "What's wrong?"

Is that really hard to do?

Shao Ming smiled and said, "I can't see that you are such a dedicated person?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

What's the meaning?

He blinked and said, "I'm not used to doing new things. For the others, I'll try them slowly in the future."


Try it "later" slowly?

Shao Ming narrowed his eyes lightly, took the drink list and said with a smile, "Okay, wait a moment for the guests, I'll make it for you right away."

He "took" the order and went behind the counter, and Zhu Tong's eyes kept following him.

Suddenly aware that something was wrong, when he turned his head, the eyes of several other people in the store fell on him.


Zhu Tong looked at Rosso, "What's wrong?"

Rosso suddenly came back to his senses, "It's okay, I just think..."

You two are quite alone.

It's like there is no milk tea shop crisis.

It's surprisingly harmonious.

Halfway through his words, Zhu Tong was even more confused.

But there are more important things.

He turned his head slightly and looked at the woman standing in front of the counter.

Shao Yujie was wearing work clothes from a milk tea shop, her permed hair was tied behind her head with a headband, and she had light makeup on her face, showing a kind of intellectual beauty unique to her age.

Zhu Tong walked towards her and nodded lightly, "Hello Auntie, I'm Shao Ming's classmate, my name is Zhu Tong."

Shao Yujie: "…"

In fact, Shao Yujie was looking at the boy when she was just ordering.

She had never seen Shao Ming so considerate to anyone before.

Take Rosso as an example of Shao Ming's friends she knew. If Rosso ordered the order, it would be nice that Shao Ming didn't throw the drink list directly into his face from behind the counter.

When did you guide someone so carefully and patiently?

And this person seems to be brought back to the store directly by Shao Ming.

He greeted himself so solemnly, and Shao Yujie didn't know how to respond for a while.

Behind him, Rosso suddenly laughed unkindly, "Zhutong, are you here to see your parents today? What are you doing with such a formality hahahahahaha!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Yujie crampedly.

Shao Yujie's nervousness was overwhelmed by Rosso's several laughs. She looked over and said, "You kid is talking nonsense again."

After speaking, he looked at Zhu Tong again: "Zhu Tong, right? Hello, this is the first time in the store, right? I..."

"He came for the second time Auntie," Rosso interrupted. "He came last weekend too."

Still limping in line under the sun!

Who doesn't say that he really loves Brother Ming after reading it?

But Rosso dared not say that.

He was afraid of being assassinated.

Shao Yujie: "…"

She was away last weekend.

She turned to look at Shao Ming again.

However, when Shao Ming listened to the embarrassing scene on their side, the corners of his mouth rose, but he had no intention of helping to clear the siege.

Make drinks very seriously.

It was Rosso who stood up and said, "Okay, auntie, we are in the store today, you should go back to rest first."

Shao Yujie suddenly froze for a while.

She turned to look at Shao Ming again, with a bit of hesitation on her face, but in the end she didn't say anything and smiled at Rosso, "Okay, I'll go back and ask someone about the investigation, guests today. , if you are bored, just close the store and go out to play, and the wages will be paid."

"Okay aunt, don't worry, we will definitely not wrong ourselves."

Shao Yujie was amused by Rosso, so she went inside and changed her work clothes, she said to Shao Ming, came out to see Zhu Tong, and said apologetically: "Zhu Tong, there is something in the store today, aunty won't entertain you, you... come another day. Let's eat at home, okay?"

Zhu Tong smiled and nodded: "Okay auntie."

Shao Yujie looked back at Shao Ming again, then turned and left the milk tea shop.

Zhu Tong watched people leave, and also looked at the counter.

He felt that the atmosphere between the mother and son was a bit strange.

Since entering the store, there has been little communication between mother and son.

Shao Ming's mother has said more to him than she has said to Rosso!

Shao Ming's response to her was also very dull.

Look... quite raw.

He was puzzled, but he couldn't ask more questions.

Because there was no one in the store, the three idle people found a seat and sat down.

Lu Zheyu sat in front of the counter, as if to complete some work with the computer in the store.

Shao Ming makes milk tea behind the counter.

Two warriors just came and ordered two cups of Yangzhi nectar.

Only Rosso and Zhu Tong sat at a table.

Rosso took a phone and clicked on a voice, someone invited him to play a game.

He glanced at Shao Ming, who was still busy, and then at Zhu Tong, who was sitting across from him, and asked, "You... can you play games?"

Zhu Tong said: "Yes, but I don't like it very much."

Rosso: "…"

He immediately gave up the plan to pull people to open the black.

Just as he was about to ask Zhu Tong what he did when he didn't play games on the weekend, he saw the boy opposite him taking out a stack of practice questions, scratch paper and pens from the canvas bag he was carrying.

Complete tools.


Rosso thought he was simply not human.

But Zhu Tong did not rush to answer the questions, but put the things one by one and looked at the direction of the counter.

Soon Shao Ming walked towards him with a cup of pudding sago.

Seeing the learning tools already placed on the table in front of Zhu Tong, Shao Ming smiled, "At the same table, it's very hard work."

In Zhu Tong's eyes, there was only Similu in his hand. He hurriedly pushed the draft book forward to make room for Similu before saying, "There is nothing else to do anyway."

Rosso, who also had nothing to do: "..."

has been connoted.

But he wasn't completely without anything to do.

He searched the Internet for the news reported by the TV station yesterday.

The news of the TV station reported the results of a model's drug test, but did not announce the model's mention of the Shangming Milk Tea Shop.

It was a Weibo marketing account that relayed what the model said and published pictures of the milk tea shop.

Fewer people watch news on TV these days, and more people surf the Internet.

So the milk tea shop was a disaster.

Rosso found the marketing account that guided public opinion, clicked in and took a look, and spit it out.

"A group of idiots who follow the trend, things haven't been investigated yet!"

The comment area is all rubbish.

[How could our millet be contaminated with drugs? Milk tea is harmful! 】

The model under investigation is called Xiao Mi, and fans affectionately call her "Xiaomi".

[Damn milk tea shop, it is said that it escaped an inspection, what happened to the food safety department? Check it out now, okay? 】

[Poppy is mixed in milk tea, such an immoral thing can be done! must be compensated. 】

[A broken milk tea shop can't afford to lose our millet even if it goes bankrupt! 】

【Xiaomi don't worry, we will always believe in you. 】

"I believe you are a hammer! What kind of person has what kind of fans!"

Rosso said angrily, "Brother Ming, what should we do?"

Shao Ming said, "What do you want to do?"

Rosso said: "Of course it's to find the venue! They can find a model to fix us! Let's find one too!"

Shao Ming looked at him with a smile, "Who are you looking for?"

Rosso froze.

Who to look for?

Not to mention whether they have the ability to find a well-known person for help.

Even if they have this ability, who would be willing to help them when they have something to do with drugs!

Rosso thought, turned his head suddenly, looked at the person sitting in front of the computer at the counter, but still didn't speak.

Zhu Tong also looked at Lu Zheyu, not knowing why.

At this time, Shao Ming said: "Okay, don't worry about it, wait for the investigation results to come out."

Rosso was a little dejected, sitting at the table leaning against the window and said, "But who the **** did this?"

Suddenly thinking of something, he raised his head and said, "It can't be the boss your aunt said, right? Is she here again for that thing? I've never seen such a low-quality person as her. !"

Zhu Tong was stunned.

He was sure that when Shao Ming's aunt said those words in the milk tea shop, Rosso and the others did not go to the milk tea shop.

Listening to him, this is not the first time that pimped woman has done this?

He looked at Shao Ming worriedly.

It's just that he hasn't figured out what to say yet, Rosso has already said for him, "Fuck, will something happen to Auntie?"

Shao Ming snorted lightly: "Boss Wu? He doesn't have the ability."

If the surnamed Wu had this method, there would be no need to ask Shao Yuhan to pimp in the middle.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was very normal, with a sarcastic tone.

But Zhu Tong heard a bit of disdain and contempt.

He suddenly had an idea.

Does Shao Ming know who did this?

Probably because the question was too obvious, Shao Ming suddenly looked at him, "What's the matter?"

Zhu Tong hurriedly shook his head.

Shao Ming leaned over and said, "How did you do today?"

Zhu Tong looked down at the practice questions, "I haven't started doing it yet..."

Shao Ming: "I said Similu."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He hasn't even started drinking yet.

He lowered his head and took a sip, he took a sip, looked up and said, "It's delicious."

"Really? Thanks for the compliment."

Zhu Tong said seriously: "It's really delicious."

Shao Ming looked at him with a helpful expression.

Rosso, who felt that he was superfluous next to him: "..."

Do these two remember where they are now?

At noon, the four people in the milk tea shop went out to have a meal together. After returning, Shao Ming and Lu Zheyu didn't know what to do in front of the computer, while Zhu Tong did an afternoon's quiz in the window seat.

And Rosso was worried all morning, and after receiving Shao Ming's "affirmative reply", he continued to be heartless in the afternoon.

He always seemed to have a mysterious confidence in Shao Ming.

In the evening, Shao Ming sent Zhu Tong back to the hotel.

"Actually, I can go back by myself."

Sitting on the back seat of the bicycle, Zhu Tong had nothing to say.

Shao Ming said: "Now I'll give you a question. Knowing the distance from the square to the hotel, one person walks back to the hotel at a constant speed, or one person rides a bicycle and accelerates back, which is faster?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Can't you just say you ride faster?

But still being able to joke with him seems to be really unaffected.

When I got to the downstairs of the hotel, when Zhu Tong entered the hotel, he was a little hesitant to say anything.

Shao Ming said: "I've been holding back for a day. If you want to say it, just say it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Is he acting so obvious?

A strange color flashed across his face, but Zhu Tong didn't beat around the bush, "As for the milk tea shop, we really have to wait for the results of the investigation?"

Shao Ming smiled and said, "What? Do you want to help me?"

I wish the child silence.

Of course I thought.

But he couldn't make an assertion about it.

He looked at Shao Ming, but before he spoke, Shao Ming said, "No need, I can handle this myself... Do you believe me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"


Still don't believe it?

Thinking of what Shao Ming was busy with in the store in the afternoon, he hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

Shao Ming smiled with satisfaction: "Okay, go back and rest, don't worry about me."

Zhu Tong nodded again.

Back to the hotel but did not rest.

He was willing to trust Shao Ming, so he didn't plan to do anything special.

But it's still possible to help catch up.

He took out his cell phone and sent a message.

There was a quick reply there.

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: Oh, why did the warriors contact me today?

Zhu Tong:…

Cheng Chen, the son of the Cheng family, is the son of his aunt. He started his business at the age of 20 and opened an entertainment company. He has also done well in the past few years.

Ever since he knew that he had transferred to another school due to illness, he had given him the title of Warrior without authorization.

Zhu Tong replied to him: Do you know Xiao Mi?

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: Xiao Mi? who?

【Wish】: A model.

[Cheng's son loves criminals II]: I don't know.

[Zhu]: It doesn't matter if you don't know each other, you can get to know me now and do me a favor.

[Cheng's son loves to commit the crime II]: What are you busy with?

Zhu Tong told the story of Shao Ming's milk tea shop being smeared.

Xiao Mi dared to talk to the milk tea shop about drugs, someone must have done a deal with her.

The police want to investigate, and someone will definitely help her cover it up.

This kind of "insider" investigation in the circle may be more reliable than the police.

However, after he sent the message, it took a long time for a reply there.

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: Did you go to... high school?

Zhu Tong:…

He could imagine the questioning expression on his cousin's face.

What high school could have encountered such a bizarre thing?

Zhu Tong wanted to tell his brother that the world they lived in was bizarre enough.

He was too lazy to explain, so he directly found the Weibo of the marketing account on the Internet and forwarded it to him.

[Wish]: By the way, let's deal with this marketing account.

Take the money and do nothing, let's destroy it together!

There was another long silence. Zhu Tong guessed that he was reading Weibo, and he was about to put down his phone, and the phone screen turned on again.

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: The milk tea shop you are talking about is Shangming Milk Tea Shop? ?

Zhu Tong:…

Is the focus on the milk tea shop?

The point is to smear and frame!

He was about to type a reply when a new bubble popped up on the chat interface.

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: I know, this matter is handed over to my cousin, and I will definitely handle it.

Zhu Tong:…

It turns out that his cousin has such a sense of justice.

After doing this, Zhu Tong went straight to wash up.

On the way back, Shao Ming encountered an "uninvited guest".

Outside the homestay, a person was standing at the gate of the courtyard.

I don't know when I came, and I kept looking in the direction of the hotel.

When he saw the bicycle in sight, the man was obviously refreshed and got up to meet him.

"Shao Ming."

The sudden voice made Shao Ming look up and frowned.

He was unmoved and went directly into the courtyard, but the man stopped at the door of the courtyard, and he was forced to stop.

Shao Ming stepped on the ground with one foot and the pedal with the other, looked at the person blocking the road in front of him, and said coldly, "Is something wrong?"

Xia Yang was about to step forward, but was pinned to the spot by his icy gaze.


Xia Yang paused, "I heard that something happened to your milk tea shop?"

He heard the news and waited here on purpose.

Shao Ming needs his help now.

He was about to take the initiative to speak, but Shao Ming said, "You did it?"

Xia Yang suffocated, his eyes widened suddenly: "How is it possible? How could I do such a thing?"

Then he was a little aggrieved: "how can you think of me so much?"

"Oh, isn't it?" Shao Ming said regretfully, "But there have been many accidents in my milk tea shop. I don't know which one you are talking about?"

Xia Yang was slightly stunned.

Almost all accidents in Shao Ming's milk tea shop have something to do with him.

Because he was rejected by Shao Ming, and because he rejected others for Shao Ming, someone would go to trouble Shao Ming.

But he didn't do it on purpose.

He had no idea that those people would do that!


"It's fine if you're here to apologize, I don't need it." Shao Ming interrupted him, stepping out of the car and intending to push the car into the courtyard, "Get out of the way."

Xia Yang refused to let him go, he gritted his teeth and said, "I'm here to help you, and I have a way to help you solve the current trouble."


Shao Ming glanced at him.

Xia Yang's eyes were slightly bright, and he looked at him in surprise.

Shao Ming slightly opened his lips and gave him a word: "Go away."


Xia Yang's face changed, and his heart became cold.

When Shao Ming approached with the cart, he subconsciously took a step back, seeing people and himself passing by, but he didn't dare to reach out to stop him.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, he clenched his hands tightly and shouted at Shao Ming's back, "I will definitely help you!"

Shao Ming looked slightly cold when he heard the footsteps running far behind him.

After parking the car, he turned around and went back to his room. As soon as he got to the door, the phone rang.

Shao Ming took it out and looked at it, a string of unfamiliar numbers.

He suddenly smiled and swiped to answer: "Hello."

The voice on the phone, with obviously suppressed anger, said word by word: "Shao! Ming!"

Shao Ming opened the door with a relaxed expression, "What? You failed the bid?"

The person on the phone said coldly, "You're a good trick, I'm the one who underestimated you."

Shao Ming said: "Where? You've won the prize. I'm just an ordinary high school student. How can I compare with your methods? It's just a small favor for others."

He said it casually, but he was stunned for a while, as if he didn't expect him to admit it, and then said loudly: "It really is you?!"

Shao Ming said slowly: "It's me, you are on the first day of the new year and I will be on the fifteenth. It's fair to exchange courtesy, isn't it?"

"Shao Ming!" The man said sharply, "I am your father! You actually helped outsiders deal with your own father!"

The word "Daddy" made Shao Ming sneer and said, "Daddy? Are you self-proclaimed?"


"Stop thinking about it, or you can try it!"

After speaking, hang up the phone and block the number.

Open WeChat and receive a transfer.

- Your plan is very successful, and I look forward to the next cooperation.

Shao Ming pursed his lips and smiled, and clicked accept.

On the other side, Xia Yang confidently contacted a little star he knew and asked someone to help stand up and speak.

As a result, he hit a wall as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Drugs? How can this kind of thing be clarified casually? Yang Shao, are you trying to kill me? I can't do this, you can find someone else."

Xia Yang: "…"


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-18 16:05:07~2021-10-1916:04:35~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 15 bottles for me; 1 bottle for red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!