Chapter 29: clean

Finding someone to help clarify things didn't go as smoothly as Xia Yang thought.

Because of his wayward transfer, many people in City A knew about the conflict between him and his father.

He was able to help him, because his father's "instruction" refused to help him.

And some friends he knew well, because they were too risky to help him.

No one knows what is behind the people who are targeting the milk tea shop. If they don't get clarified, they will be beaten down and say that they are in trouble with the milk tea shop that sells poppy milk tea, and their future will be completely ruined!

When Xia Yang was distressed, someone took the initiative to contact him.

It was the person who came to talk to him when he was attending a banquet and said that he could find someone for him.

Someone helped, and someone he knew, Xia Yang didn't think much about it and accepted his help.

However, after two days of waiting, there was no news.

On the other hand, Zhu Tong also waited for two days.

Also no news.

what's the situation?

Can his cousin be reliable?

While Zhu Tong was doing his homework, he occasionally looked down at his phone.

Cheng Chen sent him a message.

[Cheng's son loves crime II]: Your classmate is not simple.

Zhu Tong: ? ? ?

He gave his cousin a question mark back.

[Cheng Family Young Master Loves to Commit 2]: I asked someone to check, the person behind Xiao Mi is quite hidden. Who is your classmate offending?

Zhu Tong:…

Even my cousin said that people who hide deeply are definitely not ordinary people.

How could Shao Ming get involved with such a powerful person?

Zhu Tong asked the system in his brain: "Has Xia Yang met anyone recently?"

The system said: "According to the known data, no."


In short, Shao Ming will not take the initiative to provoke, and must be passively lying.

His troubled and troubled roommate.

Zhu Tong sighed and asked his cousin again.

[Wish]: Can you handle it?

[Cheng's Young Master Loves Crime II]: What does it mean to be able to handle "do"? You don't even have that bit of confidence in your cousin?


[Cheng's son loves crime II]: Wait.

Zhu Tong continued to wait.

I didn't wait for my cousin's "dealing", and I waited for the class cleaning.

"This clean-up is organized by the whole school. In addition to the classrooms and specific areas of the teaching building, the fork next to the cafeteria is also the cleaning scope of our class."

On the podium, Shi Wenshu spoke softly as always, "The monthly exam comes after the cleaning. The school arranges the cleaning at this time to give you a better test environment. The school will have a grading check, and the teacher hopes that you will take it seriously. "

Someone immediately responded.

The allocation of disturbed areas was handed over to the class cadres.

As the squad leader, Tang Nuan took care of the important rules.

Shao Ming and several boys were assigned the task of cleaning the windows.

As soon as he received the task, Shao Ming stood up and said, "As a reward for seven consecutive copies of homework in the next week, who will take this task?"

In the classroom, self-recommendations were heard one after another.


"Brother Ming, look at me!"

"I me me!"

Shao Ming pointed the name of the boy who was the first to speak, "The two windows by the front door of the classroom belong to you."

The boy responded immediately: "Okay!"

The others who were not selected immediately looked regretful.

Obviously this is not the first time this has happened.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Tang Nuan looked at Shao Ming helplessly in front, "You're doing this trick again, can you do it yourself with a sense of class honor?"

Shao Ming said innocently: "Squad leader, you can't say that. Mental work is also labor. I actually have a hard time doing my homework every day."

Tang Nuan: "…"

It's as if you don't have to write your homework if you don't copy it.

Well he does have the capital to not do homework.

Tang Nuan shook his head, looked at Zhu Tong again, looked around in the classroom, and turned back: "Zhu Tong, you... can you be in charge of the podium?"

There is no need to bend over to mop the floor or climb the window, just wipe the blackboard and desk, which is a very easy job.

Zhu Tong knew that the monitor was taking care of him because of his body, and nodded lightly: "Okay."

Tang Nuan: "…"

Really nice and cute.

Compared to the lazy Shao Ming, he is an ideal classmate in life!

After speaking, she looked at Shao Ming again, her eyes seemed to say: Look at others! see you again!

Shao Ming shrugged helplessly at her, slacking off with peace of mind.

Turning his head to meet Zhu Tong's gaze, he curved his lips and smiled: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong said: "What are you doing?"

Shao Ming was puzzled, "Huh?"

Zhu Tong said: "We are cleaning, what are you doing?"

Shao Ming said without changing his face: "I supervise."

Zhu Tong: "…"


He couldn't say anything about the opportunity to be lazy by his strength.

The others have already divided their responsibilities and started to move, and Zhu Tong didn't say anything to him, got up and walked to the podium.

Shao Ming sat leisurely at his desk, waiting for him to return after cleaning the blackboard and the lecture table at the same table.

But he found that after Zhu Tong stepped onto the podium, he looked down at the podium and did not move for a long time.

Shao Ming: "…"

This scene seems familiar.

He suddenly had a bad feeling.

The next second, he saw that his roommate didn't do anything, so he turned around and came back.

Zhu Tong carried the canvas bag hanging beside his desk next to his desk.

Shao Ming asked knowingly, "What are you doing with this thing?"

Zhu Tong said: "The podium is too dirty."

Shao Ming: "…"

He paused in his seat for a while, then got up and followed.

Zhu Tong wiped a clean spot on the podium with a clean rag, put the canvas bag on it, and took out disposable gloves and other tools from it.

Everything was ready, he looked up and turned to see someone standing next to him at some point.

"...Why did you come here?"


Shao Ming looked at his deskmate who had been fully armed and had a new look with complicated eyes.

Pretty much the same as what we saw on school day.

Only this time, he had an extra mask on his face.

Zhu Tong's face is small, and a mask is worn to cover more than half of his face. There is no morbid state on his face, and his eyes are clear and translucent, as if he can't hide anything.

Shao Ming paused and coughed lightly: "I think as a member of the third class, I should still participate in the class's cleaning."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He turned to look at the window assigned to Shao Ming by the monitor.

"But I don't like cleaning windows," Shao Ming said.


"So I decided to take charge of the podium with you, do you still have the equipment?"


Gloves and masks are disposable.

Cleaning tools are also available.

The equipment is definitely there.

Zhu Tong dazedly handed him the canvas bag.

When Shao Ming spontaneously took the "equipment" and put it on himself, Zhu Tongcai rolled his eyes a few beats slowly.

Just tell me if you want to help.

What are you doing around the corner?

Seeing that Shao Ming had put on his gloves, he handed him the mask, "There's a lot of dust on the podium, so let's wear this too."

Shao Ming looked at the mask he handed over and said with a smile, "How many things are in your bag?"

Zhu Tong said: "Not much, just some tools used."

Shao Ming: "…"

He thought to himself: You tools are not available to ordinary people.

He smiled, took the mask and said, "What are we going to do? Same table."

Zhu Tong didn't react for a while, "What?"

Shao Ming said: "I'm a novice, and I'm cleaning for the first time, won't you teach me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was in a trance for a while.

It seems that he has always asked others.

In the hospital, he asked the doctor what else to do.

Back at home, the servant advised him what to do.

When he transferred here, the problem with his studies was that he asked Shao Ming what to do.

It was the first time someone asked him what to do.

This feeling is amazing.

He took the tool and showed Shao Ming a demonstration, "It's very simple, wipe it with a clean rag, then spray it with alcohol and wipe it carefully..."

The alcohol is diluted and the taste is not too strong.

Zhu Tong started from the corner of the table, not even letting go of the dust in the crevice of the corner of the table.

Shao Ming looked at his serious and focused appearance, and the corners of his mouth were always raised.

It's just cleaning, how could he not.

Just watching this man teach so earnestly, he also earnestly learns.

After wiping a corner of the table, Zhu Tongbei raised his head with a sense of accomplishment, "How is it? Isn't it easy?"

Shao Ming said: "...Well."

is very simple.

Just wait for this desk to be cleaned, I am afraid it will be time for dinner.

Fortunately, he followed.

Shao Ming took the tools, "Then you are in charge of the desk, and I am in charge of the blackboard."

The blackboard in the classroom is a push-pull type, and the middle is pulled open, which is an LED display for playing PPT.

Because there are many connections, there are more gaps.

Usually no one pays attention. If you follow Zhu Tong's cleaning method, the amount of work will be relatively large.

However, people who need to clean the windows illegally have no complaints now.

Others in the classroom had long noticed the two men on the podium.

"School God actually did it? Did he change his nature?"

"What force makes a cloud of noble gas work?"

"Don't ask, asking is the power of love."

Classmates love it too!

Tang Nuan and another girl came in through the door of the classroom with a bucket of water. When they saw the person who was wiping the desk seriously, they could not help but stepped forward and said, "Zhu Tong, you don't need to wipe so carefully, there is no dust."

Zhu Tong has already wiped half of it, looked up and said, "Don't you need it?"

The eyes are sincere and innocent, and a little surprised.

Tang Nuan: "…"

What he asked was "No need", but Tang Nuan always felt that what he said was "No need"?

She choked for a moment. Her original intention was not to make Zhu Tong too troublesome. She turned to see Shao Ming in front of the blackboard, and said, "It's not unnecessary... Forget it, just be happy."

Anyway, someone next to take care of.

Rare. Rare.

It's hard to let Shao Ming do it, and it's fine to squeeze him.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He lowered his head and continued to clean the desk.

After wiping the table, he moved to the hole in the table.

The table hole of the lecture table is used to put the chalk box, because the dust cannot be dispersed, and there is a thick pile of chalk dust inside.

Zhu Tong squatted down and glanced at it, and couldn't help frowning in distress.

There is simply no way to start.

He stopped suddenly, and Shao Ming, who was wiping the gaps in the blackboard, turned his head and said, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong said: "Nothing."

He thought about the collective sense of honor that the monitor said earlier.

This is his task.

With a light sigh, he took out all the chalk boxes in the table hole and wiped them with a rag first, but a part of the corner could not be wiped out.

He had no choice but to take a ruler, intending to scratch it lightly in the corner, and his head was closer to the hole in the table.

At this time, the two boys walked in from the door of the classroom arguing. I don't know who rushed to the podium and slammed into the podium.

With a "bang", a piece of dust rustled from the top of the table hole.


He snorted, subconsciously backed away, and bumped into someone's leg.

Shao Ming turned around when he heard the movement, and when he looked down, he saw his deskmate covering his eyes and frowning.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?"

He quickly put down the tools and squatted down, while looking at the two boys who were fighting, "What are you two doing?"

It seems that they realized that they had made trouble. The two people had already froze on the edge of the desk. When asked by Shao Ming, he subconsciously apologized: "Yes... I'm sorry."

Shao Ming ignored them, looked down at Zhu Tong, saw that he was about to raise his hand to rub his eyes, and hurriedly grabbed his wrist, "Don't rub."

He quickly took off his gloves and supported Zhu Tong, "Come on, stand up."

Zhu Tong's eyes were gray, very uncomfortable, and his hands were caught, so he could only stand up passively.

Shao Ming supported him with one hand, approached his face and said, "Let me see, can you open your eyes?"

Zhu Tong shook his head: "No... can't open it."

Card is uncomfortable.

Said to raise his hand again.

Shao Ming stopped him and said, "Don't move your hand, I'll take a look."

Just when I was thinking about whether I could blow it, the door of the classroom banged, and a bucket fell to the ground.

Rosso stood outside the classroom door in shock: "Brother Ming, what are you... doing?"

From his point of view, Zhu Tong was held tightly in his arms by Shao Ming. Brother Ming kept doing what he wanted to do, and Zhu Tong desperately tried to stop something. The distance was so close that it was too ambiguous.

What is this for? !

The classroom is full of people!

No matter how much you can't control it, you can't fool around on the podium!

Rosso felt his worldview had been impacted.

Others in the classroom were also stunned.

Even those who were worried that Zhu Tong wanted to come forward and ask about the situation gave up their thoughts.

Now on to the podium...seems a little too ignorant!

Only the two people who were hugging each other on the podium were still present. Shao Ming was worried about Zhu Tong's eyes, ignoring some of the sights in the classroom, and pulling Zhu Tong out.

Zhu Tong closed his eyes blankly: "Where are you going?"

"Go to the sink and rinse."


When passing by the door of the classroom, Shao Ming said to Luosuo: "Clean up the podium."

Rosso: "…"

"Mission" has been left to him, what do you want to do! !

Before he could scream, the screams of girls in the classroom already overwhelmed him.


I don't know what to be excited about.

Shao Ming took Zhu Tong directly to a sink outside the teacher's office downstairs.

After cleaning today, almost all the other pools in the teaching building are occupied.

After finally clearing the dust from his eyes, one of Zhu Tong's eyes has been tossed a little red.

Like crying.

Shao Ming helped him wipe the water around his eyes and asked, "Is it still uncomfortable?"

Zhu Tong nodded and shook his head again, "Much better."

Shao Ming said: "I told you not to rub it, it turned into a rabbit's eye."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't want to knead either.

But couldn't help it.

He raised his head and said, "It's uncomfortable not to rub."

Shao Ming: "…"

It sounds embarrassing.

He couldn't help but smile, "Who made you so serious..."

After wiping the table, my head almost got into the hole in the table.

But before he finished speaking, looking at the red eyes, Shao Ming couldn't bear to say it again, and turned to say: "It's fine, go back to the classroom?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

The two turned around and walked back. When they were going upstairs from the stairwell, they happened to encounter someone carrying a bucket downstairs.

The bucket was shaking, and Zhu Tong was worried that it would hit him, so he subconsciously leaned towards Shao Ming's side.

But I don't know whether it was intentional or not. When passing by, the bucket suddenly shook violently again. Zhu Tong only felt that the back of his hand lit up, and the water in the bucket had swayed out and splashed on his hand.

He frowned slightly.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry."

The man suddenly apologized.

Zhu Tong thought he didn't do it on purpose, and was about to say that it was all right when the man suddenly stretched out his hand.

The wrist was suddenly grabbed, and the man said, "I'll wipe it for you..."

He moved too fast, and the two people walking up were startled at the same time.

Shao Ming looked at Zhu Tong's hand that was grabbed by others, his eyes suddenly sank, and he was about to make a move, but someone responded faster than him.

Zhu Tong flicked his hand as if he had been scalded. The boy who grabbed his wrist was caught off guard, and was thrown back two steps by him. In a panic, he grabbed the guardrail next to him to avoid falling.

He couldn't believe it: "You..."

Isn't this reaction too big?

Shao Ming didn't expect that Zhu Tong's reaction would be so great, and even bumped into his arms because of the reaction force.

He looked at Zhu Tong because he shook off the raised hand of others, and supported him: "You..."

"I'll go wash it again."

Zhu Tong frowned and glanced at his grabbed wrist, turned around suddenly, and turned to the sink he had just visited.

The person who was shaken off by him and recovered from his panic suddenly said: "Didn't you just splash a little water? I'm water that I haven't used before, as for..."

"If you want to swallow the rag in your hand, I can do it for you."

Shao Ming looked at him coldly.

The man's back was chilled by what he said, and he couldn't make a sound with his mouth open.

Shao Ming followed Zhu Tong downstairs.

Turning the corner, the man seemed to feel that there was no threat, and pouted in dissatisfaction: "Cut, hypocritical."

After saying that, Sayazi ran upstairs.


Zhu Tong's footsteps downstairs stopped, his body froze for a moment, and he walked forward as if nothing had happened.


He is quite hypocritical.

Even if other people's hands are dirty, he won't react that much.

What if one does not grab the guardrail and falls directly?

The word hypocritical, used to go hand in hand with him in the school.

He could always hear people whispering about him behind his back.

I was used to listening to it originally, but it was the first time I heard it after I transferred schools, and I was a little uncomfortable.

Zhu Tong turned on the faucet by the sink and put his wrists under the running water to rinse.

The wrist that was grabbed by the man made him feel sick, and it was not enough to rinse it off, so he rubbed it twice with his hands.

Suddenly someone stood beside him, and Zhu Tong looked up.

It's Shao Ming.

Shao Ming looked down at his hand and said nothing.

Zhu Tong was flustered by him.

Does Shao Ming also think he is hypocritical?

He paused for a while and whispered, "He just grabbed my hand and grabbed a rag."

A dirty looking rag, I don't know if it has been washed.

Shao Ming said softly, "Well, I saw it."

Not just grabbed the rag.

Just a splash of water, what's there to help wipe?

Dare to start directly.

The man clearly did it on purpose.

Shao Ming's eyes were a little cold, but he lowered his head and Zhu Tong couldn't see it.

After washing his hands again, Zhu Tong looked at him and said, "Okay, let's go."

Shao Ming didn't move, and asked a little puzzled: "Are you... afraid of others touching you?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He froze suddenly.

He is afraid of being touched by others.

Unfamiliar temperature and touch, he has always been repulsive.

After the transfer, since he was a newcomer and surrounded by strangers, no one would come to contact him almost as if.

So there are some things he has been hiding very well.

But still exposed.

The knee-jerk reaction is the deadliest.

He stopped suddenly, Shao Ming looked at him for a while, and smiled: "Then I will pay more attention in the future, let's go."

Be careful not to let anyone touch him again.

Shao Ming did not ask Zhu Tong what he had just overreacted about.

Zhu Tong was stunned.

Speaking of which, since he transferred schools, Shao Ming has been in contact with him the most, and Shao Ming has touched him the most.

He said to be more careful in the future?

Pay more attention to what?

What does he mean?

Zhu Tong asked the system: "Why did he ask me if I was afraid of being touched? Did he misunderstand something?"

Shao Ming's meaning of "pay more attention", does he plan to never touch him in the future?

The system said, "You seem rather regretful?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

"I just thought, I should explain it to him," Zhu Tong said.

System: "How do you want to explain? Tell him directly that you are willing to touch him?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why does this sound so ambiguous?

But you are right, how to explain it is the question.

Is he willing to contact Shao Ming?

Definitely would.


Because every time Shao Ming touches him, it is with good intentions.

Because the system mission tied his life to Shao Ming.

Because Shao Ming pays great attention to his image, Zhu Tong instinctively classified him and himself into a group of people.

Also because of Shao Ming's repeated care, he seemed to be used to his touch.

Actually there is no explanation.

He was that kind of person.

Afraid of contact with others, do not want to communicate with people more.

Pay attention to a lot, there are many faults.

He is such a misfit.

But he was inexplicable, and he didn't want Shao Ming to misunderstand him.

What to say?

Before he could figure it out, the two had already walked back to the classroom.

There seems to be more noise in the classroom than just cleaning.

Walking to the door of the classroom, one pair of eyes looked at them both, and then many eyes looked at them.

Zhu Tong: "?"

"Brother Ming, your milk tea shop is on fire!"

A boy near the window held up his mobile phone and suddenly spoke.

Zhu Tong subconsciously looked at Shao Ming.

He doesn't have the same determination as Shao Ming, and now he's a little nervous when he hears the milk tea shop.

What happened when they went to wash their eyes?

Someone immediately greeted him and said, "Zhuo Yunan went to your milk tea shop just now, took a photo and posted it on Weibo, and the online comments all exploded!"

"Why did Zhuo Yunan go to your milk tea shop? Do you know each other?"

"Fuck! That's my goddess! Brother Ming, can you get an autograph for me?"

Curious people swarmed up, Shao Ming listened and smiled lightly: "I don't know Zhuo Yunan."


The people around were silent for a second, thinking of Yuan Shaozhou's ending, their eyes turned to Zhu Tong again.

Zhu Tong looked blank: "Who is Zhuo Yunan?"


On the other side, in the classroom of Class 1 of Senior 1, the students who were also secretly surfing the Internet through the cleaning have also seen the news.

"Zhuo Yunan? Is that the Zhuo Yunan I thought? That little flower that became popular last year? Did she come to our county to film?"

"The photos have been posted! Who is she? She went to Shao Ming's milk tea shop? Wasn't his milk tea shop blocked?"

"Who did you hear about being banned? Nothing, Zhuo Yunan's Weibo post has already been clarified, okay?"

"Could it be that Zhuo Yunan specially posted that Weibo just to help Shao Ming and his family clarify? Who asked for this? Is Yang Yang you?"

Someone suddenly looked at Xia Yang.

Xia Yang was also a little stunned by the sudden news.

The person who promised to help him find someone has not heard from them for the past two days. He had already given up hope. He didn't expect that the person would be a blockbuster if he didn't speak up. He actually found a heavyweight like Zhuo Yunan?

He was about to answer someone when he suddenly received a message.

- Young Master Yang? Your worry seems a little superfluous, isn't this already dealt with?

Xia Yang's face changed slightly.

He replied: Didn't you find Zhuo Yunan?

- You think too highly of me, Zhuo Yunan is not someone who can be hired with money.

Xia Yang: …

Not the one he was looking for? Who would that be?

Xia Yang's palms were slightly tight.

Is it Zhu Tong again?

No, not possible.

Zhu's family has business dealings with their family, and he knows what's going on there.

Although the Zhu family is considered powerful and powerful in City A, their business is rarely involved in the entertainment industry. Even if they occasionally invest, they cannot find a celebrity like Zhuo Yunan.

But if it wasn't Zhu Tong, who would it be?

It is true that the Zhu family is rarely involved in the entertainment industry, and Zhu Tong knows very little about the artists in the circle.

Since the death of his mother, his grandfather has rarely communicated with Zhu Shou Shan, his son-in-law, and he is not allowed to mention their relationship to others.

After more than ten years, Zhu Shoushan didn't even mention his mother anymore, and almost no one knew the relationship between him and his grandfather.

Naturally, no one will know the relationship between Zhu Tong and Cheng Chen.

Cheng Chen's actions caused the online public opinion to turn instantly.

It was released simultaneously with Zhuo Yunan's Weibo, as well as the police's investigation results on Xiao Mi.

The complete chain of evidence shows that Xiao Mi's drug test result was positive because of her own drug use, and he himself hadn't even been to this place in Gongshui County.

【Laugh to death! Buying a cup of milk tea requires an assistant to buy it across the city. How could Xiao Mi tell such a lie? 】

[Oh, it's hard for people to break the law, so why don't people make excuses? It just so happened that the milk tea shop was maliciously reported some time ago, but was the drug girl caught the opportunity? 】

【giao! What a miserable milk tea shop, was maliciously reported and used twice? 】

[I heard that the person who maliciously reported the report is still a student, and has been prosecuted and placed in the bureau. 】

[This small milk tea shop has endured too much. 】

[Fortunately, I have been to the same milk tea shop with Yunan, and put the picture as proof! 】

【Fuck! Who is the handsome guy in this picture? Is this beauty real? 】

[What kind of poppy powder do you need with this face? Chong little brother, I have to go to this milk tea shop once! 】

[I'm going to check in where my goddess has been! Where is this? Ask for an address online! 】

Online discussions are in full swing, I wish Tong was miserable at the moment!

He didn't expect his cousin to be so big!

After cleaning the podium and sitting back in his seat, he couldn't wait to send a message to his cousin.

[Zhu]: I asked you to find evidence to clarify, but I didn't ask you to invite celebrities!

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: You don't understand this, cousin, this is called cutting grass and rooting! If you want to make the person behind you have scruples, you must show your strength, rub his face on the ground, and what is the use of collecting evidence of a model taking drugs?

Zhu Tong:…

It seems reasonable.

[Zhu]: But you can hire an artist with less influence.

At least not someone like Zhuo Yunan with fans of all ages!

[Cheng family son loves to commit the second]: How can you prove your cousin my strength?

Zhu Tong:…

He understood.

His cousin is really second!

Intuit will make trouble for him!

Looking at Zhuo Yunan's fans who had gathered around the seat, Zhu Tong could only repeat: "I really don't know Zhuo Yunan, and her blogging has nothing to do with me."

He is really innocent.

In short can not admit, absolutely can not admit!

Otherwise, Zhuo Yunan's fans in the entire school will drown him in tears of anticipation!

Don't turn him into a signature delivery machine!

A girl said disappointedly: "It's really not you?"

Zhu Tong nodded and said, "It's really not me."

"Who would that be?" Another girl asked, "Could it be Xia Yang?"

Zhu Tong immediately denied: "It's not him!"

Even if he can't recognize it, he can't let Xia Yang take advantage of it!

The girls were stunned for a moment, then came up and said, "How do you know it's not him? Could it be..."

Zhu Tong said: "It's not me."

"Then how do you know it's not Xia Yang? Do you know who it is?"

Zhu Tong's face darkened: "I don't know"


"Are you finished?" A voice next to her interrupted the girl's words, "Can you give me back my tablemate when you're done?"

Girls: "…"

Just as Zhu Tong was about to turn his head to look, a hand suddenly went around his back and lightly placed it on his shoulder.

Shao Ming looked at a few girls and said with a playful smile: "You girls who are chasing stars are so ungodly, how can you always think about taking shortcuts? Of course, you have to fight for them by yourself. Is that right?"

For girls of this age, signing autographs is nothing more than wanting to show off to their peers.

Others have no obligation to satisfy their vanity.

Although Shao Ming was smiling, he indirectly broke the girls' minds.

Several girls were suddenly embarrassed, looking at the embarrassment on Zhu Tong's face, and apologizing.

After apologizing, he left in embarrassment.

Zhu Tong suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the girl who had left, and then at Shao Ming, who had come to help him out of the siege.

While glad that Shao Ming did not "touch him again", he was a little sorry.

He just guessed that there were so many people looking for it, and the milk tea shop didn't know how busy it was.

He looked at Shao Ming and said, "I'm sorry."

"It doesn't matter," Shao Ming said.

Zhu Tong: "…"

"You don't even know why I apologize."

Shao Ming said: "It doesn't matter what it is."


Zhu Tongxin said, did this person see something?

Before I could confirm it, the squad leader's seat in front was occupied by someone.

Rosso looked like the rest of his life after the catastrophe, looked at the front of the classroom and said, "Finally gone, this group of girls who are chasing stars is so terrifying, we boys are still low-key!"

Zhu Tong suddenly stared, "You are also... a fan of Zhuo Yunan?"

Seeing his vigilant face, Rosso smiled and said, "Don't worry, I don't ask you for an autograph, I'm a Buddha!"


Shao Ming looked at him and said, "Then what are you doing here?"

Rosso: "???"

Can't he come without doing anything?

Can't he ask someone to learn to share his thoughts or something?

Can we still be brothers?

At the sight of Shang Shao Ming's impending expulsion order, Rosso's face was straight and straight to the point: "The newly built canteen behind the third year of high school is going to open today. I heard that the recipe is very tasty. Let's try it later?"

Zhu Tong was slightly startled.

New canteen?

He hasn't eaten in the school cafeteria since he entered school.

Shao Ming said directly: "You guys go, I'll go out to eat with me at the same table."

"Don't." Luo Suo said: "It's interesting to have a lot of people? Can we go together?"

Shao Ming said, "I'm not used to dining halls."

"Bullshit." Rosso said with a look of contempt: "In the first year of high school, you rushed to the cafeteria faster than anyone else, when..."

After saying his words, he paused and looked at Zhu Tong.

It seems that since Zhu Tong transferred schools, they haven't been to the cafeteria much.

Zhu Tong obviously also noticed something.

He glanced at Shao Ming and then at Rosso: "The new cafeteria?"

Rosso nodded subconsciously: "Yeah."

Zhu Tong said: "I can try it."



The author has something to say:

Finally got it here _(:з」∠)_

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-19 16:04:35~2021-10-2016:52:55~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Yunxi for children; 253456722 bottles; 1 bottle of Hongja and Zishujin;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!