Chapter 30: stomach pain

He was so simple, the two of them were stunned at the same time.

Shao Ming lightly kicked Rosso under the table, "I'm tired of eating, can't I?"

Rosso: "…"

Already thinking about it.

In fact, when he realized that Zhu Tong never went to the cafeteria, he already regretted it.

The previous misunderstanding on the podium was cleared up after Zhu Tong and the others left the classroom.

He cleaned the desk hole after that.

Seeing that Zhu Tong has completed half of the results, he has already recognized the degree of Zhu Tong's cleanliness.

Want him to eat a big pot of rice in a crowded canteen?

It is estimated that the cafeteria should be cleaned up first.

Just as he was about to say it, Zhu Tong said, "Didn't you say it's a new cafeteria?"


Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming again, "You haven't eaten in the new cafeteria."

So where did you get the idea of ​​being tired of eating?

And the new cafeteria...should be cleaner, right?

Shao Ming: "…"

"You may not know much about the food in our school." Shao Ming reluctantly told the young master who "doesn't know how to eat", "Even if it's a newly opened canteen, you can't expect too much from it..."

"I've never eaten in a cafeteria." Zhu Tong said.


Shao Ming paused and said, "Do you really want to go?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

In fact, he could see that Shao Ming was taking care of him.

Because he never goes to the cafeteria, he accompanies him to eat outside the school.

Rosso has also been eating with them off-campus.

Around is Zhu Tong, no matter how out of place he is, he will be burdened by being taken care of for so long unknowingly.

It's just a meal in the cafeteria, he thinks he can overcome it.

And since he transferred here, he always has to make changes.

The word "hypocritical" on the stairs was a word he was used to listening to, because Shao Ming was present at the time, which made him particularly concerned.

Shao Ming stared at him for a while, then smiled and said, "Okay, then let's go to the cafeteria in the afternoon."

Rosso: "…"

Are you tired of eating?

Brother Ming, what about your principles?

But the goal was achieved, and Rosso didn't make a trip in vain. He got up and said, "Then it's settled. I'll take a seat in the afternoon, and you can come later."

Zhu Tong thanked him.

The two-class cleaning was over, and the last class in the afternoon was English.

The cleaning of the podium was so successful that when the English teacher came to class, he almost thought he had entered the wrong classroom door.

She stood at the door of the classroom, looked up at the class listing on the door frame, and looked at the familiar students in the classroom before walking up to the podium with a look of surprise.

"When did your class change a blackboard?"


The students in Class 3, who had seen her surprise and had been waiting for her to speak, burst into laughter.

The English teacher looked puzzled.

A girl closest to the podium raised her hand and said, "Teacher, it's the cleaning today."

The English teacher said, "Nonsense, you haven't cleaned up before? When has the podium been so clean?"

"It's a real teacher!" Another person said: "Zhu Tong is in charge of the podium today, you didn't see it, he did it seriously, he used alcohol disinfection and descaling agent, and even brushed the crevices with crevices. After brushing it, does it shine? Do you think our classroom has a new look?"


The English teacher suddenly looked at Zhu Tong in surprise.

Zhu Tong looked slightly stunned, as if he did not expect that he would be suddenly cued.

Because of Zhutong's good grades in English, the English teacher has a special preference for him. When I came to class and saw the podium that was clean and even bulingbuling, I only felt that the inevitable fatigue in the afternoon had been dispelled, and my whole body and mind were much more relaxed. .

She smiled at Zhu Tong, and said to others: "Since you know that others are serious, you should learn from others, and pay more attention to hygiene in the future, and don't waste the fruits of Zhu Tong's labor."

A student in the classroom immediately responded: "I see, I must learn from Zhu Tong."

"It is said that the podium is the facade of the classroom, and it is true. After the blackboard is cleaned, I think our entire classroom is much brighter!"

"After a comparison, I found that cleaning the windows is simply irresponsible, and the water marks on the glass have not been cleaned!"

"It's great to wish Tong Tong to be transferred to our class. Not only is he eye-catching, but he even cleans a podium."

A girl turned to look at Zhu Tong and said with emotion, "It would be nice if he was my roommate."

The girl's tablemate said: "Okay, okay, you go and talk to the school god, I don't mind sitting at the same table with the school god."

"I don't dare, I'm afraid our group will be destroyed."

"Ha ha ha ha…"

English teachers are easy-going, so English class is always fun.

Seeing that the topic was out of control, the English teacher clapped their hands on the podium to calm them down and start the lecture.

Zhu Tong listened quietly.

Although they are all talking about him, the voice of the discussion now is not the same as before.

In his previous school, there was also general cleaning, but there were mostly young masters and young ladies who had been raised and raised from childhood. Few people were willing to do the labor. Sanitation was done by the most inconspicuous people in the school.

He occasionally gets his hands on it.

But no one will praise him.

"What's the matter with Zhutong? What are you pretending to be a model worker? It's not too bad!"

"Haha, maybe someone else really loves labor?"

"It's a lot of work. There is always a smell of alcohol disinfectant on his seat. It smells bad!"

"Be quiet, be careful if he hears you and fires you directly!"

Only words of this kind entered his ears.

He couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled, feeling that he had found another reason besides Shao Ming that he would not regret transferring.

Then look at the blackboard.

Shao Ming helped him clean the blackboard.

On a whim, he took the draft, turned a new page, and wrote two words right at the top left: Thank you.

The draft book crossed the line and reached Shao Ming's desk.

Shao Ming looked down and raised his eyebrows slightly. Below the two words he wrote, he wrote another line of words neatly.

[How do you want to thank? ]

The draft was pushed back again.

Zhu Tong took it over for a while, he thought about what Shao Ming did when he asked others to help clean the windows, and continued to write: [I will help you write your homework? ]

Shao Ming who received the reply:…

He looked at the two lines on the draft.

Different from the font of his partial script, Zhu Tong's font looks like italics, which is square and upright, but it is a little more rounded than the original, and it looks cute.

Shao Ming admired the words of the two for a while, then picked up the draft book and tore off the page of "dialogue" neatly.

When Zhu Tong heard the voice, he turned his head and looked puzzled.


Shao Ming folded the page and stuffed it into the stack of books on his desk, then leaned over and said in Zhu Tong's ear, "Don't desert during class time."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The bell rang soon after class, and Zhu Tong saw for the first time the speed of Rosso rushing to the cafeteria.

Almost before the English teacher finished the get out of class, he had already rushed out of the classroom through the back door and mixed into the crowd of people outside the corridor who were also rushing to the cafeteria.

Just for a meal at the new cafeteria?

Zhu Tong did not understand very much.

If a meal is going to be rushed to the cafeteria at such a speed, he would rather not eat it.

He turned to look at Shao Ming: "When you were a freshman in high school..."

Also rushed through the cafeteria like this?

It's so unremarkable!

But he was interrupted by Shao Ming before he could finish speaking, "Okay, let's go too."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He reasonably suspects that the incident of Gao Yichong's cafeteria has been included in Shao Ming's black history.

Because the cafeteria was newly opened, there were a lot of people who came to eat at the new cafeteria. When they arrived, there were already long queues in front of each window.

They are in the middle window.

There are people all around.

Zhu Tong instinctively felt a sense of suffocation.

"Are you ok?"

Shao Ming lined up behind him and asked in a low voice.

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Shao Ming saw that his face was not very good, and frowned slightly: "Don't force it, if it doesn't work, we will..."

"It's okay." Zhu Tong said, "I want to get used to it."

Shao Ming: "…"

I wish Tong Tong felt alright.

Although they are strangers to the left and right, they are all acquaintances.

Must be an acquaintance.

The person in front of him is Lu Zheyu.

We have known each other for a long time, but Lu Zheyu has never eaten with them.

According to Rosso, Lu Zheyu only eats in the cafeteria.

Just as he was thinking, the person in front suddenly turned around.

Zhu Tong: "…"

What's wrong?

He felt that the person in front of him gave him a very meaningful look.

Before he could speak, the man turned his head back again.

Zhu Tong: "?"

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained Bai Yueguang's favorability +2%, and the current favorability is 29%."

Zhu Tong: "!"

Before he could think of Lu Zheyu's eyes, Zhu Tong turned to look back again.

Shao Ming looked at him and said, "Okay, just tell me if you feel uncomfortable."

It was before answering his words.

Zhu Tong nodded and said "OK".

Turning his head a little strange.

How did the favorability level increase at this time?

The system said: "Maybe you think the way you experience life is more inspiring?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

In fact, the system is not quite sure.

Shao Ming's favorability was unstable twice, and he still hasn't found out what the problem is.

Soon after queuing up to the window, Zhu Tong didn't have the heart to think about what was there or not, so he had a meal with Shao Ming and the others to find Rosso.

Rosso was worthy of the title of "Little Master of Seats" awarded to him by Shao Ming, occupying the most spacious seat in the corner, leaving the most corner seat to Zhu Tong.

The new canteen is indeed relatively clean, the tableware and plates are brand new, and the seats do not need to be cleaned again.

"I said the new cafeteria is worth trying, right? There are dry roasted pork ribs! The taste is pretty good, Brother Ming, try it!"

As soon as he sat down, Rosso couldn't wait to speak.

Shao Ming ignored him and said to Zhu Tong, "Do you have a taste?"

Zhu Tong nodded, took a piece of spareribs, and took a bite.


A little hard.

Rosso's eyes brightened: "How is it? Is it delicious?"

Zhu Tong raised his head, really couldn't bear to deny him, and didn't want to brush off his good intentions for occupying a seat in the cafeteria, so he nodded and said, "Very good."

"Really?" Rosso looked at Shao Ming again.

Shao Ming scolded him with a smile: "You didn't do it, what are you babbling about?"

Rosso said: "It means that my decision to bring you to the cafeteria was a wise decision."


Shao Ming also took a sip, and felt that the taste was really good, and he did not refute it, which was regarded as agreeing with his words.

The food at Gongshui No. 1 Middle School is not bad, three dishes and one soup, one dry-roasted pork ribs, one vinegar-leavened cabbage, and one shredded potato.

Zhu Tong finished eating a piece of spareribs, and then sandwiched shredded potatoes. He paused for a while as soon as he entered the mouth.

Shao Ming keenly noticed, "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong looked at him and shook his head: "Nothing."

so spicy.

This shredded potato is sour and spicy!

He can't eat spicy food.

But you can never spit out what you eat.

And the shredded potatoes… delicious.

Young Master Zhu, who was banned from eating spicy food since he was a child, seems to have opened the door to a new world.

The taste is crunchy, sour and delicious.

Zhu Tong hesitated.

He said to the system in his head: "I remember you said that if your favorability exceeds 30%, you can prevent minor illnesses and disasters?"

The system said: "Yes."

"Stomach pain should be considered a minor illness, right?"


Zhu Tong: "…"

Now the favorability has reached 29%.

Eating some shredded potatoes shouldn't be a big problem, right?

I wish Tong Tong a little thirsty.

He was chewing shredded potatoes in his mouth, and the tip of his chopsticks landed on the grid of shredded potatoes on the dinner plate, with eagerness in his eyes.

Any of his expressions are understandable.

He eats very slowly, and his every move seems to follow some rules, very elegant, making people feel that watching him eat is a kind of enjoyment.

At the table, Lu Zheyu ate seriously without saying a word, and Rosso had finished eating before they came and was waiting for them.

Seeing that the person opposite him was always looking at others, he couldn't help laughing at him and said, "Brother Ming, why are you acting like an old mother, how do you stare at people like this to eat?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming glanced at Rosso and managed to shut him up before starting to settle his own food.

Zhu Tong didn't dare to eat more, but he couldn't help but tasted two bites, and ate half full of bibimbap with vinegar and cabbage.

Just as he was about to clear the plate and get up, someone suddenly said, "I wish you a child."


A voice sounded, and the four people at the table raised their heads at the same time.

Zhu Tong looked at the people who had come to the table.

do not know.

He said lightly, "Is something wrong?"

"I came to you specially." The man smiled, staggered his body, and pulled a person behind him forward: "I heard that my brother accidentally splashed water on your hand in the stairwell before, I brought him here to apologize to you."

"What splashed on him was to splash some water on his hands..."

"Shut up!" Seeing his brother's reluctance, the man tugged at him and said, "Don't you apologize?"

When he said this, Zhu Tong saw the person behind him clearly, and his face suddenly sank.

That person was the one who complained about Zhu Tong's "hypocrisy" in the stairwell when he was cleaning.

Zhu Tong didn't have a good impression of him, and naturally he didn't have a good face, so he directly said to Shao Ming: "Let's go."

Shao Ming's eyes were slightly cold, and he got up with a smile: "Okay."

"Hey, wait." The man stopped him again and said, "I'm here to apologize to you sincerely..."

As soon as he stretched out his hand, his wrist suddenly tightened. Before the man could react, his wrist folded backwards, and with a "click", the wrist joint seemed to have been dislocated.

The man's pupils clenched for a while, his wrist was in severe pain, and he retreated subconsciously.

Shao Ming let go at the same time.

The man stepped back a few steps and bumped into a dining table, looked at Shao Ming and said, "Are you crazy?!"

He lowered his head and held his hand.

Well, it's just an illusion.

There is no misalignment.

Shao Ming said leisurely: "Oh, I'm sorry, before your brother suddenly started to do something to my tablemate and scared my roommate. I thought you were going to do it too, so you did it subconsciously. Are you alright?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

When was he freaked out?

Well, he did get a little frightened.

Shao Ming and Zhu Tong were the focus at school, and many people stared at them during dinner.

There was a sudden conflict at this moment, and more people were paying attention to this side.

"Isn't that Zhou Sui two brothers?"


"Zhou Sui and Zhou Rui, from the school basketball team, one is a sophomore and one is a senior, and the senior is the elder brother Zhou Sui."

Zhu Tong originally didn't intend to pay attention to these two people, but Shao Ming suddenly moved his hand, listening to the surrounding discussions, the two seemed to be quite famous in the school.

Some things are better made clear.

Shao Ming's insincere explanation has already made Zhou Rui jump out, "Shao Ming, what nonsense are you talking about? When did I start a fight with him..."

"You're holding a dirty rag after cleaning and wanting to wipe my hands at the same table. Isn't that called hands-on?"

Shao Ming pretended to be surprised.

Zhou Rui suddenly choked.

Luo Suo followed Shao Ming. Hearing this, he was surprised: "Fuck! Didn't you say you were careless? Take a dirty rag to wipe people's hands? You are so arrogant!"

Someone next to him said, "Didn't you say it was just a little splash of water?"

There were more voices of doubt around, and Zhou Sui's two brothers looked a little ugly.

Zhu Tong looked at the person whose wrist was twisted by Shao Ming.

At first, it was inexplicable that this man approached him and said he wanted to apologize.

On the surface, he wanted to apologize, but he said it was careless.

There is also a younger brother who clarified that "just splashed a little water".

What is there to apologize for just "splashed a little water accidentally"?

Do you want others to think that he is making a big fuss?

Or do you want to show their sincerity and generosity?

He had thought what happened in the stairwell was an accident, but now it looked like it had been planned.

But Zhu Tong was not interested in their purpose, and said directly: "Your brother is right, he just splashed some water, there is nothing to apologize for, he is not convinced, I don't need your apology so much."


Zhou Sui's wrist no longer hurts.

He originally just wanted to talk to Zhu Tong through an apology.

He apologized so sincerely, shouldn't Zhu Tong follow the steps and make him a friend?

Zhu Tong's character seems to be different from what that person told him.

Zhou Sui frowned. Seeing that Zhu Tong was about to pass in front of him with a dinner plate, he blurted out, "Actually, it was your brother who asked me to come to you."


Zhu Tong paused and turned to look at him.

"My name is Zhou Sui, from the third and second class of high school. You may not know me, but you always know Qin Junhong, right?"

Zhu Tong paused, then said solemnly, "Who did you say brought you here?"

"Speaking of which, the flood washed the Dragon King's Temple." Seeing that he was finally willing to face him, Zhou Sui suddenly laughed, not noticing the change in Zhu Tong's tone, but instead gave Shao Ming a provocative look.

He also heard all kinds of rumors about Shao Ming and Zhu Tong in school.

How about a good relationship?

What about the same table?

Can you be closer than a brother who grew up in a family?

He approached Zhu Tong and said, "Qin Junhong is your brother, right? He asked me to take care of you at school, but I was busy participating in the basketball game some time ago and couldn't take care of it. Your brother told me, you..."

"I think you are mistaken."


Zhu Tong looked at him and said coldly, "My surname is Zhu, and I don't have any brother surnamed Qin. You've got the wrong person."

The smile on Zhou Sui's face suddenly froze.

Without waiting for him to speak again, Zhu Tong walked directly to the dining hall door with his plate in his hand.

Zhou Sui frowned in place.

Didn't Qin Junhong say that Zhu Tong had a good relationship with him?

When Zhu Tong heard his name, what was the reaction?

He has not had time to output a bunch of words about the relationship between the two, and the people have gone far.

Zhu Tong walked forward with a calm face, his heart was surging with coldness.

Qin Junhong found someone to take care of him in Gongshui No. 1 Middle School?

How does he want to take care of him?

How could he reach out to such a remote county high school?

What about Xiaoxin's school?

Zhu Tong was anxious for no reason. He came to the cafeteria to eat without his mobile phone. He was in a hurry to go back to the classroom to make a phone call.

He had just walked to the door of the cafeteria, when suddenly a hand wrapped his shoulders, and he was forced to retract the leg that he stepped out of the cafeteria.

A voice sounded in his ear, "Are you going to pack the dinner plate back to the classroom?"

Zhu Tong bowed his head following his words, holding a plate firmly in his hand.


He turned to look at the person talking in his ear.

Shao Ming took the dinner plate from him and said softly, "Wait for me here for a while."

Zhu Tong stood blankly on the spot.

The system comforted him and said, "The host doesn't have to worry too much. The thing you are worried about happened after the college entrance examination. I wish Xin is safe now."


A gust of wind blew from outside the cafeteria, and Zhu Tong calmed down a little.


The accident happened after the college entrance examination.

And Xiao Xin is not at Zhu's house now.

Grandpa is not his irresponsible father, he will take good care of Xiaoxin.

It's that he's too sensitive.

Hearing Qin Junhong's name, he was confused.

Zhu Tong rubbed his forehead angrily.

When Shao Ming and the others put their dinner plates back, the four of them walked to the classroom together.

On the way, Rosso put his eyes on Zhu Tong several times, but finally he didn't dare to speak.

That Qin Junhong... who is he?

"Brother, who is the Qin Junhong you are talking about?"

In the cafeteria, Zhou Rui had the same confusion.

Zhou Sui hadn't recovered from Zhu Tong's just-cold attitude, and when he heard the words, he said, "You don't need to worry about it."

Zhou Rui was immediately dissatisfied: "Don't worry, you still ask me to get close to Zhu Tong? I hate talking to people like Zhu Tong the most. They look like they are so high and high all day long. Let me apologize to him, do you see him taking your love?"

Zhou Sui said with deep eyes, "His family is rich, it's amazing."

Zhou Rui sneered: "What's wrong with money? Looking at his short-lived appearance, he can't enjoy any more money."

The onlookers scattered after Zhu Tong and the others left, and Zhou Sui didn't think there was anything wrong with what his brother said.

He looked at the direction where Zhu Tong and the others were leaving and smiled, thinking to himself: he can't enjoy it, someone can enjoy it for him.

Class three, after Zhu Tong returned to his seat, he still contacted Uncle Liu.

The person Qin Junhong found was more reassuring to watch.

After that, he sent a message to Zhu Xin.

This time, Zhu Xin was slow in replying to the news, and Zhu Tong received her reply after a class.

Just as I was about to reply to her letter, my stomach suddenly cramped.

I wish Tong Tong's conditioned reflex to become stiff.

After a while, he asked the system uncertainly, "If your favorability exceeds 30%, it can prevent minor illnesses and disasters, right?"

System: "...You haven't exceeded 30% yet, and the reward has not been issued."

Zhu Tong's heart suddenly froze.

He is only 1% off!

He held his last hope, "I only took two bites."

System: "You once just fell flat and broke a bone."

Zhu Tong said bitterly, "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

The system said: "I remind you that you will spit out the shredded potatoes you eat?"

Because of his constitution, Zhu Tong's stomach pain only depends on whether he eats spicy food or not, there is no difference between one bite and two bites.


Wish Tong was desperate.

After another spasm, the familiar pain began to spread, Zhu Tongxin was completely cold, and he said: It's over.

Shao Ming felt that his deskmate was a little strange today.

…very strange.

After returning from the cafeteria, he didn't say a word.

The one person I love to study the most, didn't do a single question all night.

In his first class, he stared at his phone frequently, as if he was waiting for someone's news.

In the second class, I stopped looking at my phone and started sleeping on the table.

I didn't wake up until the second class break.

Are you in a bad mood?

Shao Ming looked sideways at the back of his tablemate's head, frowning unconsciously.

Is it because of the two people I met in the cafeteria?

The man mentioned Zhu Tong's brother.

Although Zhu Tong denied it.

But what if the guy named Qin Junhong has nothing to do with him? How could he react like that?

If it's his brother, why don't he have a different surname?

Shao Ming had a guess in his heart.

At this time, a girl in the front row came over to collect her homework, and looked at the face of the person who was lying on the desk a little troubled.

"...Zhu Tong?"

The girl let out a soft cry.

I wish the child did not move.

Shao Ming turned his head to look over, and his tablemate seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Seeing him, the girl looked like she had seen a savior, and said in a low voice, "That...have you written the physics workbook for the two of you? It's about to be handed in."

Shao Ming glanced at an exercise book in a stack of books at the corner of Zhutong's desk, and reached out and took it out for him.

When I handed it to the girl, I suddenly heard a very low... □□?

Shao Ming suspected that he had heard it wrong, and looked down at his tablemate: "...Zhu Tong?"

Still no response.

Shao Ming's heart was slightly tight, and he wrapped his hands around his shoulders, trying to help him up.

Zhu Tong suddenly cried out in pain: "It hurts..."

It sounded like a low cry that had been suppressed for a long time.

Shao Ming straightened the person, and his expression changed suddenly.

The person who was lying on the desk just now seemed to be sleeping, and he was sweating profusely at some point.

He clutched his stomach tightly with one hand, frowned tightly together, and his face was pale.

Shao Ming took a breath.

The girl who had just finished her homework also noticed something was wrong, she was shocked, and worried: "What's wrong with him..."

Before he finished speaking, Shao Ming had already stood up, pulled Zhu Tong's chair back a bit, and lowered his body to pick him up.

Tang Nuan just heard the movement and turned around, only to hear "Squad leader, please ask for leave".

Then the speaker had already rushed out from the back door of the classroom with his desk in his arms.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-2016:52:55~2021-10-2117:03:31~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: seven 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: pupil 10 bottles; red jasmine, 300492641 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!