Chapter 31: Hospital

During the evening self-study break, the main activity of the students is the communication between the front and the back.

Suddenly someone went out with a person at the back door of the classroom. It was like a humanoid drama player, which instantly attracted the attention of the whole class.

Even students from other classes walking in the hallway noticed.

"Who carried whom out?"

"Zhu Tong? What happened to him?"

"Hey, Zou Ling, what happened?"

Rosso looked at the two empty seats in the corner of the classroom and called out to the girl who had just finished her homework.

Zou Ling was still looking outside the corridor, and she said, "I... I don't know, I just saw Zhu Tong covering his stomach, it seemed to be in severe pain."

Rosso: "…"

Cover your stomach?

excruciating pain?

Giao! He won't get into trouble, will he?

Downstairs in the classroom, Shao Ming wanted to ask how Tong Tong was doing, but he swallowed the moment he bowed his head when he wanted to speak.

Zhu Tong leaned tightly into his arms, resting his forehead against his neck.

The forehead was sweating, but the temperature was cold.

Zhu Tong grabbed his collar with one hand and pulled it tightly.

It seems that even if you are held in your arms, you have to curl up tightly together to feel better.

Shao Ming was a little annoyed.

This man was so hurt that he didn't even notice it for a whole class.

The distance from Gongshui No. 1 Middle School to the county hospital is not far, but it is not close either.

He tried to keep himself as steady as possible.

Zhu Tong only felt a colicky pain in his stomach, and even a little heavier breathing would make the pain worse.

He was held in his arms, and he was a little bumpy when walking. He could only keep tightening his hands to make himself hang on the "support" a little tighter and make his body less sway.

Got to the hospital soon.

The emergency room doctor who was still on duty near ten o'clock in the evening was also shocked when he saw a student walking in with a "koala" in his arms.

"What's up with him?"

Shao Ming: "I don't know."


"Then let him lie down first."

The doctor got up and opened a floor-to-ceiling curtain to reveal a simple hospital bed.

Shao Ming glanced at the bed that was obviously used for preliminary examination.

I don't know how many people lay on a bed during the day.

He frowned and didn't let go, "No need, can you give him pain relief first?"


What's the matter with this student?

How can he check without lying down?

Shao Ming also reacted, and hesitantly said, "Is there a cleaner bed?"


The doctor on duty took them to a temporary ward.

"The sheets were changed in the morning, and no one has been lying down. Put him on it."

Shao Ming nodded and stepped forward, lowered his body and put the person on it.

He leaned, and Zhu Tong felt his body suddenly fall, and subconsciously tightened his arms: "It hurts..."

A very low nasal sound, like a spoiled child.

Shao Ming: "…"

Suddenly a little reluctant to let go.

Because of the change of position, the profile of the face that was originally rubbing against his neck was stuck to his face without hindrance.

Gives the illusion of rubbing shoulders.

"Are you ready?"

The doctor with only the patient in his eyes was very puzzled, and there was urgency in his words.

In the end, the worry overwhelmed the tangle, and Shao Ming freed his collar from Zhu Tong's hand and gave him his hand.

The moment he straightened up, Zhu Tong instantly turned over again, shrinking himself into a ball on the bed.

It can be seen that people's hearts are also pulled into a ball.

As soon as Zhu Tong lay down, his strong consciousness collapsed a little, and he was groggy, even answering the doctor's questions in a daze.

After a simple examination, the doctor stood up and said, "The preliminary judgment is that it is a stomach problem. Further examination is required for the specific situation. Go to register first... Are you a family member?"

Shao Ming said: "No."


The doctor glanced at their clasped hands.

Shao Ming frowned and looked at the person on the bed without explaining.

The doctor was not interested in the patient's personal relationship, so he nodded and said, "That's ok, go make an appointment and go through the hospitalization procedures..."

"No...not hospitalized."

Shao Ming's hand tightened by Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong pulled him hard, and said with the strength that he wanted to embed his nails: "I'm not hospitalized, don't...don't tell Uncle Liu."

Uncle Liu knew that grandfather would also know.

He will be transferred back to City A overnight!

You may also be forced to transfer schools!

His voice was weak, but there was an indescribable stubbornness.

Shao Ming didn't understand what he was stubborn about.

Do you want your family to know?

It was also the last time he vomited blood for an examination. He seemed to be very repulsive that his family knew that he was admitted to the hospital.

Why did he transfer from City A to such a far place in Gongshui County?

Is it related to his "brother" that Zhou Sui mentioned?

After only a moment of distraction, Shao Ming held him and followed him: "Okay, I won't be hospitalized, just register."

His tone was soft and magical.

Zhu Tong was successfully appeased by him, the strength in his hand was slightly loose, and the pain intensified after tossing, and he lowered his head and placed his forehead on the back of Shao Ming's hand.

Full of trust and dependence.


The patient's own decision, the doctor does not say much.

I just couldn't help it, and looked at the two more times.

After a series of examinations, the doctor gave Zhu Tong medicine.

Medications work.

After being tortured by pain all night, when the pain eased, Zhu Tong was sober, but he didn't even want to lift his eyelids.

The ward was quiet.

He closed his eyes and thought: Is Shao Ming still in the ward?

Is it already gone?


Others kindly sent him to the hospital, and they have done their best.

He was just lying in the ward alone, and he was gone after a sleep.

The familiar smell of disinfectant in the ward made Zhu Tong fall asleep quickly.

He had a dream.

I dreamed of when he was hospitalized before.

When he was very young, he was hospitalized due to illness, and there were still many people who often visited him.

But since the number of hospitalizations has increased, fewer people have come.

Even if people still visit him, there are various purposes.

When he was ten years old, his father went to see him in the hospital after three months. After less than ten minutes, he was about to leave after receiving a call.

Zhu Tong didn't want to let him go.

He was not good at expressing since he was a child, and that time he mustered the courage to pull his father's sleeve.

He could see the embarrassment on his dad's face.

Zhu Shoushan said to him, "Tong Tong good, Dad still has something to deal with. Will I come to see you later?"

Zhu Tong dare not say bad.

Although reluctant, he nodded.

Before leaving, Zhu Shoushan seriously explained to his aunt who took care of him.

"Take care of the young master, call me if you need anything."

The aunt asked: "Miss Zhu Xin is very concerned about Young Master Tong, and wants to come to the hospital to have a look, you see..."

"The most important thing at her age is to learn how to run to the hospital? Tell her that her brother is fine and will be discharged soon. You don't need to let the young lady know about this kind of thing in the future."


After Zhu Shou Shan left, until Zhu Tong was discharged from the hospital, he never appeared again.

Disappointment has become the norm.

Loneliness can also become a habit.

But occasionally he woke up alone in the ward in the middle of the night, and he would regret it.

He often thinks that if he could be a little bit more sloppy that day, if he could act like a spoiled child like other children, and hold on to his father's sleeve and not let go, would his father stay with him for a while longer?

But just think about it.

He couldn't even remember when he last acted like a spoiled child.

What is coquettish like?

At this time, a surprised voice sounded in the emergency doctor's office: "Stomach bleeding?"

Shao Ming was a little stunned.

The doctor nodded and said, "According to the test results, there is slight stomach bleeding. I don't know what happened after the medication. My suggestion is to stay in the hospital for observation."

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming didn't reply him directly, he just nodded and said, "I see, thank you doctor."

He left the ward after Zhu Tong fell asleep.

When he returned, Zhu Tong was still asleep.

He sat down on the chair beside the hospital bed and looked at the sleeping man on the bed.

When he brought Zhu Tong to the hospital, he did not expect the situation to be so serious.

Stomach bleeding.

Doctors say that stomach bleeding may be caused by long-term irregular diet or eating spicy food.

Eating irregularities do not exist.

During the time at the same table, Zhu Tong ate every meal on time.

Eat healthy too.

As for irritating food... Except for the dishes eaten in the cafeteria in the afternoon, Zhu Tong has never been exposed to any irritating food.

Compared to what Zhutong used to eat outside of school, the food in the cafeteria could be described as "rough" for him.

Rough and rough!

The conclusion is: Zhu Tong's stomach bleeding was caused by eating a large pot of school meals.

Why did he never go to the cafeteria before?

Just because you can't adapt to the dining room environment?

Not knowing the reason, Shao Ming was a little angry.

Does Zhu Tong know that he can't eat the big pot rice in the school cafeteria?

Certainly know.

Because he obviously liked the hot and sour shredded potato, but he hardly touched it.

He knew he had a food taboo.

Now that you know, why do you agree to go to the cafeteria to eat?

I've told him not to be brave.

Because it won't refuse?

Still don't want to refuse.

As a person, Zhu Tong can speak coldly to those who don't like it, and open his heart to those who agree with him.

Perhaps for him, going to the cafeteria was just a trivial compromise.

I didn't expect to pay such a high price.

Very clumsy.

And very sincere.

Looking at the person who was sleeping on the bed, with a relaxed and vulnerable face after the pain, the little bit of annoyance in Shao Ming's heart was quickly extinguished.

became helpless.

Why can't you take care of yourself like that?

If he doesn't want to be known by his family after he goes back to the hotel instead of the classroom today, what is he going to do?

Abruptly stay up all night?

Thinking of this person lying on the table and enduring a whole evening of self-study, Shao Ming felt that he could definitely do something like staying up all night in a hotel room.

Suddenly thinking of something, Shao Ming took out his phone and looked at the time.

School has ended.

The person who took Zhu Tong back was probably already waiting outside the school.

He dug out Rosso's WeChat and sent him a message.

[Shao]: Take Zhu Tong's mobile phone to the hospital.

I didn't remember it at all when I came out.

When sending WeChat, Shao Ming put one hand on the bedside lightly. After sending a message, his fingertips suddenly warmed, and something was posted.

There are also several fingers, the owner of the hand is still asleep, it should be unconsciously reached.

Fingertips touch, and different temperatures are transferred to each other.

Wish Tong's fingers are slightly cool.

Your fingers are warm.

Shao Ming looked at it for a while, suddenly stretched out his little finger and hooked the tip of Zhu Tong's little finger that was also "single".

The person in the sleep seemed to feel something, the little fingers were slightly folded, and the fingers of the two people were ambiguously and intimately clasped together on the edge of the hospital bed.

Shao Ming: "…"

At the same time, the favorability progress bar on the system interface finally broke through the 30% mark and soared forward.

When Zhu Tong woke up and opened his eyes, the sun had already shone into the ward.

His brain was clear and his body was light. The heart-piercing pain last night seemed to be a dream, and he did not leave any sequelae.

Zhu Tong sat up from the bed, puzzled.

He also had stomach problems before.

Almost every time I fall ill, after the pain is relieved, I feel exhausted, and I still have lingering fears when I think of the pain.

Why is it so easy today?

Could it be that the county where the protagonist is located has a bonus to the medical effect of the hospital?

"Congratulations to the host for getting Bai Yueguang's favorability +6%, the current favorability is 35%, the system stage rewards have been issued, please check the host."

Just thinking about it, a mechanical sound prompts in my head.

Zhu Tong: "…"

So he feels so relaxed now, is it because of the system's stage rewards?

When did this favorability increase?

The system went online with a "ding": "Of course it was last night."


last night?

Yes, it was Shao Ming who sent him to the hospital last night!

What about others?

Zhu Tong looked around subconsciously.

However, the ward was empty, and there was no one alive except him.

I wish Tong Tong felt a sense of loss.


The system was about to remind him when the door of the ward slammed softly and was pushed open from the outside.

Zhu Tong subconsciously turned his head to look over, his eyes widened slightly.

Shao Ming walked in with two lunch boxes, met his gaze, and smiled slightly: "Why is this expression? You don't want to see me?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He shook his head hastily: "No, I thought..."

thought you were gone.

Shao Ming carried the lunch box over and opened it on the bedside table, "Are you hungry? Have some porridge first."

Zhu Tong didn't look at the lunch box in his hand, but stared at the person walking in from the door of the ward.

Shao Ming held up a bowl of porridge and handed it to him. Seeing him in a trance, he smiled and said, "If you want me to feed you, you can."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He reacted slowly for a while, then shook his head and said, "No need."

Taking the hot porridge from Shao Ming's hand, Zhu Tong took a sip with a spoon and suddenly stopped.

Shao Ming said: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong hesitated: "...I didn't brush my teeth."

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming took back the porridge in his hand and put it back on the bedside table.

Looking at the time, it's only less than seven o'clock, so you can eat later.

He looked up and asked, "Does your stomach still hurt?"

Zhu Tong shook his head.

No one spoke, and the ward became quiet.

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming and wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

He wanted to ask Shao Ming why he was here?

Where did he sleep last night?

What about early self-study?

And his stomach problem, what did the doctor say?

Before he could organize the language, Shao Ming had already spoken. He took out a plastic bag from the bedside table and said, "The doctor prescribed some medicine and said that if the pain is relieved, it is ok not to be hospitalized for the time being, but you should pay more attention to your diet. "

When he said "watch your diet," he stared straight at the person leaning against the bed.

Zhu Tong was stared at by him and felt guilty. He nodded and took the plastic bag. After thinking about it, he raised his head and said, "Last night... Thank you."

Although Shao Ming didn't say anything, Zhu Tong knew how much he struggled last night.

Accompanying him for the examination does not count. Just taking him from school to the hospital is enough to toss him.

Thinking about it, he looked at Shao Ming again, thinking that this man is really powerful.

He was also 1.75 meters tall. Shao Ming carried him from school to the hospital, his face was not blushing and he was not out of breath.

He looked up and down the man, and suddenly his eyes met, he was stunned, and then quickly staggered his gaze.

Shao Ming did not "shrink", looked at him and said, "The doctor said you had stomach bleeding last night."


"Did you know you can't eat spicy food?"

Zhu Tong nodded hesitantly.


Shao Ming said, "Do you know why you go to the cafeteria?"

Is this Xing Shi's guilt?

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming's rare serious look, his hanging heart suddenly fell to the ground, and he was surprisingly at ease.

He thought that the "stimulant food" in Shao Ming's mouth was the hot and sour shredded potato, and quietly defended: "I didn't know the shredded potato was spicy before I ate it."

Shao Ming vaguely felt that something was wrong.

Did he say that the spicy food is shredded potatoes?

That shredded potato, Zhu Tong didn't eat a few bites at all, did he?

Just as he was about to ask, Zhu Tong said again, "I've never eaten spicy food, so I tried two more bites."

Shao Ming: "…"

"Have you ever eaten spicy food?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

He has a lot of taboos, chili is the most untouchable.

Even if no one else mentions it, he never touches it himself.

This time it was pure surprise!

He looked sincere.

Shao Ming suddenly thought of his novel appearance of drinking milk tea in a milk tea shop.

How many things does he have that he has never tasted?

Shao Ming suddenly realized that he seemed to have misunderstood this young master who lived a luxurious and exquisite life.

He didn't ask any more questions about eating in the cafeteria.

With a sigh, Shao Ming said again: "Then you have a stomachache in your self-study class, why didn't you tell me?"


Zhu Tong was stunned, lowered his head, and said in a lower voice: "It's all made by myself, what can I say."

Afraid not to be said to be self-inflicted.

Shao Ming said complicatedly: "Just because of this? You are so angry that you can't even come out of the class without saying a word?"

Zhu Tong turned his face away and said nothing.


Shao Ming felt that the anger he finally suppressed last night came out again.

He took a deep breath, picked up the lunch box, and said, "Let's go."

Zhu Tong raised his head: "Where are you going?"

Shao Ming looked at him and said, "Go back to brush your teeth and eat, young master."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He seemed to hear a deep sense of powerlessness.

Coming out of the hospital, Zhu Tong followed Shao Ming without a single step.

When he saw Shao Ming pushing the bicycle out, he appropriately expressed his surprise.

Shao Ming explained appropriately: "It was sent by Rosso last night."


Familiar return route, familiar means of transportation.

Zhu Tong sat on the back seat of the bicycle in a familiar posture, and was taken to a familiar door by Shao Ming.

...the door?

Looking at the courtyard gate of the B&B that he would pass through every time he returned to the hotel, Zhu Tong was stunned in the back seat.

Why did you stop here?

Just wondering, Shao Ming said, "We're here, come down."

Zhu Tong: "Are you there?"

Shao Ming looked back at him with a funny look, "Since you insisted on not being hospitalized last night and not letting your family know that Uncle Liu couldn't wait for you outside the school, he bombarded your mobile phone for half an hour without interruption, so I I answered the phone for you and told Uncle Liu, you stayed at my house last night."


"Are you going back to the hotel?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Going back now, will Uncle Liu hug him and cry?

Shao Ming said again, "Are you getting off the bus?"

Zhu Tong jumped out of the back seat in a daze.

He walked into the courtyard in front, and Shao Ming pushed the cart behind him, his lips slightly raised.


The author has something to say:

Abduct the daughter-in-law back first, and then find a chance to stay √

Uncle Liu roared: What have you done to my young master! !

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-21 17:03:31~2021-10-2215:59:39~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 Yanxi;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Yanxi; 10 bottles of cats and cats who do not eat zucchini; 9 bottles of Xixi, ... 9 bottles; 2 bottles of the small pavilion in the south; ;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!