Chapter 32: stay overnight

B&B Zhutong only came here once at the beginning of the school year, and after that, he counted the gates and refused to enter.

Standing in the courtyard again, the unique courtyard scene will still make his eyes shine.

Shao Ming parked the bicycle behind him, saw him stunned in the yard, stepped forward and said, "Why don't you go in?"

Zhu Tong turned his head and said, "Where are you going?"

Shao Ming: "…"

He sighed and stepped forward to lead the way.

There are not many rooms in the homestay, there are only four accommodation rooms in total.

One single occupancy, one double occupancy, and two luxury suites upstairs.

Zhutong booked a single room when the school started.

Being brought into his rental house by Shao Ming, Zhu Tong glanced at the apartment with two bedrooms and one living room, and asked in confusion, "You... live alone?"

Shao Ming said: "Otherwise?"

Zhu Tong: "Why does one person rent a two-bedroom house?"

Will the rent be much more expensive?

Shao Ming looked at him like a curious baby, raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "Maybe I'm waiting for its other owner?"

Zhu Tong turned to look at him in surprise.

How long is this person planning to stay here?

Shao Ming is only in high school now, what kind of "another master" did he get in high school?

Unless puppy love.

But Shao Ming doesn't look like someone who would fall in love early.

His eyes were too "innocent", Shao Ming was a little helpless, and honestly said: "Because the living room of the double room is bigger."

Zhu Tong immediately put on a "so it is" expression.

Shao Ming: "…"

He felt complicated for a moment and pointed in one direction: "The bathroom is over there, go wash."

Zhu Tong nodded, then turned around and said, "I didn't bring any toiletries."

Shao Ming said: "Use mine first, there is a spare set in the bathroom cabinet."


In fact, Zhu Tong wanted to take a bath, but as time did not allow, he did not bring a change of clothes.

Walking into the bathroom, Zhu Tong looked at the environment habitually.

There is only one bathroom in the double dorm room, but the place is spacious enough, the shower room is separated by floor-to-ceiling glass, the washbasin is cleaned very well, the floor is dry and clean, and there is no uncomfortable place in sight.

Zhu Tong went to the sink to turn on the water and looked at his face reflected in the mirror.

He looked at it for a while, and felt that his complexion was much better.

It seems that the system reward is really useful.

But how did the favorability increase?

He was in so much pain last night that he was unconscious, and he didn't seem to have done anything to increase his favorability.

And his stomach hurts like a ghost, he should be very embarrassed, right?

...not out of sympathy?

Zhu Tong shook his head, too lazy to think about it.

It is already late for the morning self-study, so there is no longer any delay.

He took out Shao Ming's spare set of toiletries from the bathroom cabinet, and quickly washed up and left the bathroom.

Shao Ming just warmed up the porridge and served it on the table. When he saw the door of the bathroom open, he asked, "Have you washed it? Come and eat."

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Handing the spoon to Zhu Tong, Shao Ming looked at him and asked casually, "Is it still a habit to use the bathroom?"

Zhu Tong said: "It's good."

Shao Ming said: "That's good."

Zhu Tong: "?"

what would be good?

Before he could speak, Shao Ming had already sat down opposite him.

His hair is not messy, and it looks like he has already taken care of and washed.

When was it done?

Before going to the hospital to bring him breakfast?

It wasn't even seven o'clock, when did he get up? When did you sleep last night?

Zhu Tong wanted to ask him, but he didn't know how to say it. Should he thank him or apologize first?

How much trouble did he cause people yesterday?

Thinking in disbelief, he held a spoon in his hand and scooped a mouthful of shredded chicken porridge into the corner of his mouth.

"Be careful hot..."


The prompt was a step slower, and Zhu Tong suddenly shrank his hands, his body trembled slightly, but there was no next step.

Shao Ming looked at him uneasy: "Are you all right?"

Zhu Tong raised his head stiffly and said, "It's hot."

Shao Ming: "…"

You don't look like you've been burned.

Is it slow to respond or tolerable?

Shao Ming said: "Do you know what the average person's reaction is to being burned?"

Zhu Tong: "...what?"

"It sticks out its tongue to dissipate heat."


Zhu Tong was at a loss for a moment, then suddenly stuck out the tip of his tongue a little and sipped it between the two lips.

Shao Ming was stunned.

Zhu Tong quickly retracted the tip of his tongue, "So?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong also felt it very seriously and commented: "It doesn't seem to be useful."

It still hurts.

Shao Ming smiled helplessly, got up and poured him a glass of water, "Keep cold water in your mouth for a while... The porridge is still very hot, eat it slowly."

Zhu Tong took a sip of water, picked up the spoon again, and whispered, "We're already late."

Shao Ming didn't hear very clearly: "What?"

Zhu Tongdao: "We are late for early self-study, so let's eat quickly."

Shao Ming: "…"

Does this person remember that he was in the hospital last night in pain to death?

Rosso was absolutely right when he said he was "disabled and strong."

He said helplessly: "I have asked the teacher for leave, you don't have to go to school this morning."

Zhu Tong wondered: "But the monthly exam is coming soon."

Shao Ming looked at him for a while, saw that he was in good spirits, and asked, "Want to go back to school?"

Zhu Tong nodded.

Shao Ming smiled, "Okay, let's go back to school after eating."

Zhu Tong suddenly cheered up, "Okay."

He lowered his head to scoop the porridge, of course he didn't forget to blow it this time.

After finishing the meal and tidying up the table, Shao Ming told him to take medicine again, and the two of them went out to go back to school.

Zhu Tong walked in front, and suddenly turned around and said "thank you" when he left the courtyard.

Shao Ming said, "Didn't you thank him when you were in the hospital?"

He bent over to push the bicycle, Zhu Tong stopped and waited for him, and said, "Thank you at the hospital for taking care of me last night."

"Oh, what are you thanking now?"

Zhu Tong looked at the courtyard of the homestay, "Now thank you for helping me hide from Uncle Liu last night, and buying me breakfast and lending me your bathroom."

He listed them one by one. Shao Ming had never seen someone as serious as him before. He raised his head and wanted to make fun of him, but when he saw Zhu Tong's sincere and serious face, he was stunned for a moment.

He pushed the bicycle with both hands and pondered, "What do you think of this homestay?"

Zhu Tong's standard answer: "Very good."

"Look." Shao Ming said with a straight face, "This homestay is very close to the school."


Zhu Tong nodded hesitantly.

Shao Ming added: "The environment here is good, and the lady boss is also good. If you can stay and surf the Internet, you can cook by yourself. The conditions are not worse than the hotel, right?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously nodded again, not quite understanding what he meant.

Shao Ming finally got to the point, "Have you ever thought about moving out of the hotel..."


A very resentful voice interrupted someone's invitation to speak up.

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong heard the voice and looked towards the door. Before he could see the person clearly, he had already been pulled out of the courtyard gate. Uncle Liu took him and looked up and down.

Zhu Tong finally found the opportunity to speak: "Uncle Liu, I'm fine."

Uncle Liu ignored him at all, confirmed that he was okay, and turned his head to glare at the person who followed behind pushing the bicycle.

Shao Ming looked at him innocently.

Uncle Liu said, "Did you answer the phone last night?"

Shao Ming nodded and smiled: "It's me."

Uncle Liu glared at him fiercely.

With his unilateral tension, Zhu Tong couldn't help but stand in front of Shao Ming and said, "Uncle Liu, last night I..."

"Why didn't you answer the phone last night, Master? How could you not answer my call? How could you go to sleep at someone else's house? How could you not call me if you didn't go back?"

Face to face with a bunch of questions.

The crying that was hiding and hiding still did not escape.

Zhu Tong Yizhi: "I..."

Why don't you answer the phone?

He couldn't answer the phone at all last night!

But Zhu Tong never lied much since he was a child, and choked for a while.

He paused and said, "Actually, I stayed at his house yesterday so that he could tutor me..."

"Why doesn't tutoring answer my phone?"


Uncle Liu is already on the phone with the phone.

Zhu Tong also knew that he must have been frightened and frightened all night.

"His phone was on mute." Shao Ming suddenly stepped forward behind him, his chest resting on his shoulder, and explained to Uncle Liu with a smile, "He was taking a shower, and I only saw your call later."

"Later I saw why I didn't let the young master call me back..." Uncle Liu said with a pause, then turned to look at Zhu Tong in disbelief: "Master, are you still taking a shower at his house?!"


The streets in the early morning were very quiet, but Uncle Liu had been suppressing the fire all night, and he had used up almost all of his lung capacity, and his voice was clear and loud.

Zhu Tong seemed to see a few gossip heads sticking out of the residential building opposite.

He suddenly had a headache.

Shao Ming said something bad about taking a bath.

Is he the kind of guy who just takes a shower in someone else's house?

But there seems to be no better excuse than taking a shower.

Zhu Tong sighed and said, "It's true Uncle Liu, we are about to take the monthly test. I did not do well in the last test, so I wanted to sprint for tutoring. He has good grades in school. If you don't believe me, go to school and ask. teacher."

Uncle Liu: "…"

Of course Uncle Liu knew that Shao Ming's academic performance was good, and he secretly investigated the day the young master was abducted to the riverside.

Indeed a good student.

Otherwise, he wouldn't really let the young master stay at "other people's house" for one night.

"Master." Uncle Liu said, "It's good to want to study, but your body..."

"I'm in good health!" Zhu Tong said, "Look, am I feeling much better today?"

Uncle Liu looked at his face seriously and was slightly startled.

It seems to be much better.

Uncle Liu frowned again and said, "Then you can't either..."

"I see, I'll call you later." Zhu Tong gave him a sedative, "I promise."

Uncle Liu: "…"

Uncle Liu compromised a bit. He glanced at Shao Ming and then at Zhu Tong: "Then how long are you going to study?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

How long is the tutoring?

Before Zhu Tong could react, Shao Ming said, "It is estimated that after the monthly test."

Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming again, nodded hesitantly and said, "Well, after the monthly exam."

Uncle Liu: "…"

After another moment of silence, Uncle Liu sighed and said, "I will bring what you need before noon."

Zhu Tong: ? ?

What are you doing with his stuff?

Shao Ming has politely said: "Then Uncle Liu will have to work hard."

Uncle Liu had mixed feelings in his heart, turned his head and hummed, and turned away.

Shao Ming smiled and watched him leave.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Zhu Tong paused for a while, then asked puzzled, "What did he mean by moving things over?"

It's not like he's not going back.

Shao Ming was already pushing his bicycle towards the school, "Don't tell me you only sprint for one day?"

Zhu Tong Si thought: "I can go back to rest after tutoring."

Shao Ming stopped and looked at him.

Zhu Tong looked puzzled.

Shao Ming said: "I think we can make a fake show."

Turn lies into reality.

Zhu Tong: "What kind of fake show is really doing?"

Shao Ming asked him, "Do you want to take the monthly test?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "I want to."

Shao Ming: "Are you sure?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Not much.

"So I'll tutor you." Shao Ming said, "Otherwise, you stayed overnight at my house for tutoring and you have to go back. Wouldn't that make Uncle Liu think that my tutoring skills are poor and I didn't take good care of you?"


"I worked hard to take care of you all night, and you have the heart to put me in such an unkind place?"

Is that what injustice is used for?

Zhu Tong was a little confused by him.

He received a lot of care from people yesterday, and he definitely didn't want Uncle Liu to continue to misunderstand Shao Ming.

Shao Ming's worries were well-founded, but he always felt that something was wrong.

"Okay, come up, you'll be late if you don't leave."

Shao Ming stepped onto the bicycle and indicated the position of the back seat.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Aren't they already late?

In the direction of the hotel, Uncle Liu walked for a while and turned around. Looking at the two people who were riding a bicycle, he took out his mobile phone and called the old man back: "...Young master is fine, he has come out of the hospital."

What else was said on the phone, Uncle Liu answered "yes" and hung up the phone.

Zhu Tong and the others walked into the teaching building, just in time for the bell for the morning self-study. The students of each class rushed out of the cafeteria like beasts, so that Master Zhu in the stairwell happened to experience the taste of a simulated earthquake.

Always meet "acquaintances".

"You're back?"

"Are you OK?"

"What happened to you last night?"

With an unusually warm greeting, Zhu Tongyi nodded in response, and was guarded by Shao Ming by the fence to go retrograde in the crowd, making it impossible for him to move for a long time.

I would have come back later if I knew it earlier.

The story that he was taken to the hospital by Shao Ming last night was spread in the school by some means, and the line of sight that was ambiguous along the way was not broken.

In a relatively active alumni group, there was no idle time in the group during breakfast and dinner.

[I heard that Zhu Tong was admitted to the hospital again last night. 】

[I saw with my own eyes that it was the hospital that Shao Ming took him to, or the princess hugged him! 】

[Study God Boyfriend Force Max! I must marry him like this in the future! 】

【Shouldn't you be concerned about why Zhu Tong went to the hospital? 】

[Didn't the people in Class 3 say it was a stomachache? It is said that the pain is quite severe, and the waist can't straighten up. 】

[Zhu Tong's body is really troubled. 】

【It's really miserable...】

In the third and seventh class of high school, Zhou Sui sent a message to Qin Junhong while watching the discussion about Zhu Tong in the alumni group.

[Zhou Sui]: Your younger brother is really a real sick beauty, and he has entered the hospital again. You are an older brother, and your younger brother is in the hospital, wouldn't you say anything? I can greet you if it's not convenient for you.

In other words: ask for money.

Reply there quickly.

【Qin Junhong】: Do the things I told you well, and you will have no less money.

[Zhou Sui]: This is not easy to handle, Master Qin, what your brother said is completely different from what you said. After I mentioned your name, he didn't buy it at all. He had a cold face and a fierce expression. You are really related. very good?

Qin Junhong was processing a document that Zhu Shoushan handed over to him, and frowned when he saw the new message on his phone.

Zhu Tong not buy his account?

how come?

They ate and lived together in the same villa for so many years, and Zhu Tong's attitude towards him has always been Wen Xun polite.

He lives in the hospital all year round, and every time he sees him by himself, his attitude is also very good.

When he was critically ill, he gave 10 million cards as he was told, which showed that Zhu Tong trusted him very much.

If it wasn't for Zhushoushan's last words, he didn't even plan to ask for the card back.

When he heard his name, his face became cold, and he was fierce?

how is this possible?

Qin Junhong didn't believe it at all.

Maybe it was just an excuse for Zhou Sui to dislike the lack of money and wanted him to add more money.

But he didn't break it either, and took the phone to reply.

[Qin Junhong]: Our relationship is really good. He trusts me very much. He must be cruel to you because you are too reckless. The person he doesn't trust is you. What you have to do is to gain his trust. What should you do? Don't I need to teach you?

Zhou Sui in the classroom sneered when he received his reply.

Is the relationship really good?

After having a good relationship, let him gain trust and try to destroy him?

[Zhou Sui]: The relationship between your brothers in a wealthy family is really "extraordinary".

Unabashed sarcasm.

Qin Junhong saw the news, his face changed and his eyes darkened.

[Qin Junhong]: Don't worry about the things that shouldn't be yours. When things are done, someone will naturally pay the debts owed by your family. If you can gain the trust of Zhu Tong, it's up to you to play whatever you want.

Zhou Sui:…

He looked at the last sentence Qin Junhong sent, and narrowed his eyes with interest.

How would you like to play?

It's a good suggestion.

He closed WeChat and opened the previous alumni group. After watching for a while, he got up and left the classroom.

In the second-year teaching building of high school, after Zhu Tong returned to the classroom, he went to the office again.

Shi Wenshu asked about his condition.

Zhu Tong didn't mention his stomach bleeding, just said it was a common stomach problem.

Seeing that he was in good spirits, Shi Wenshu didn't ask any more questions, and let him go back to the classroom after a few words of concern.

As soon as I returned to my seat, I wished Tong Tong began to do the quiz again.

The front-seat monitor and the others hadn't come back from breakfast. Rosso unceremoniously occupied the monitor's seat and looked at the two learning machines at the same table complicatedly.

Shao Ming looked up at him and said, "If there is something to say, there is a fart."

Rosso said: "I have nothing to say to you."

Shao Ming: "…"

That is to talk to his roommate?

Shao Ming tilted his head, just in time for Zhu Tong to look this way.

Rosso said suddenly: "Stomach bleeding! How did you do it?"

It was hard for him to imagine that a meal in the school cafeteria could cause stomach bleeding!

Zhu Tong: "…"

He also wanted to know how this was done.

Rosso sighed again: "I'm not blaming you, but why didn't you tell me earlier that you can't eat in the cafeteria? Although it is possible for a brother to insert a knife in both sides, this knife can only be inserted at a critical moment, you say You got stomach bleeding just because you accompany me to have a meal, how much pressure do I have?"

Zhu Tong: "...Sorry."

Rosso said in shock: "I caused your stomach to bleed? You still apologize to me?"

Is he more stressed?

Shao Ming scolded him: "You're still putting money on your face, who said he went to the cafeteria for you?"

Rosso said loudly, "Not for you either!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He felt a pain in the brain.

Shao Ming glanced at Zhu Tong, then looked at Rosso, and said with a smile: "What are you doing here? If you have something to say, go away."

Rosso froze for a moment, deflated: "I'm here to apologize."

Although he didn't do it on purpose, it was indeed his suggestion to go to the cafeteria to eat.

But because I seldom apologize to others, I feel a little awkward and don't know how to say it.

He was still in high spirits just now, but suddenly his head drooped again.

Zhu Tong had never dealt with such a situation, so he subconsciously waved his hand and said, "I'm fine, you don't need to..."

"Okay, I've accepted your apology for my roommate, you can get out."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Rosso: "…"

Then Rosso really got out, leaving a sentence "Young people should cherish their bodies" before leaving, in the tone of someone who has come over.

Zhu Tong was dumbfounded by him.

But somehow it's funny.

The class bell rang quickly, and two math classes were scheduled in the morning. Thinking that the monthly exam was approaching, the math teacher simply used two classes to do a quiz, and the questions were all more complicated and difficult to solve.

Zhu Tong only solved five questions in two classes.

He was a little distressed.

"Can't do it?"

After class, seeing that he was still staring at a few questions in the math quiz, Shao Ming came over and asked.

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Write down what you can't do, and I'll teach you when you go back in the evening."

The time between classes is too short to explain clearly.

Hearing him mention "night" so naturally, Zhu Tong was stunned for a moment, then hesitantly said, "You really want me to live with you?"

Shao Ming asked back, "You don't want to?"

Zhu Tong: "...No."

"Does that mean you don't want to study?"

Zhu Tong shook his head.

Shao Ming thought for a while: "Do you like that homestay?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "I like it."

Shao Ming hammered the hammer and said, "That's it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He wanted to say something, but someone suddenly shouted at the door of the classroom: "Zhu Tong, someone is looking for it!"

Zhu Tong looked at the door and saw no one.

He said to Shao Ming, "I'll go out."

Out of the classroom door, I found a girl waiting outside with a plastic bag in her hand.

When the girl saw him come out, she smiled and handed him the plastic bag, "Someone asked me to give it to you."


Zhu Tong looked down, the packaging in the plastic bag looked a little familiar.

These are some of the more common stomach medicines.

Zhu Tong frowned slightly and said, "Who asked you to send it?"

The girl smiled and said, "It's a senior in the third grade... Oh, he left a card inside."

The girl flipped through the plastic bag, took out a card and handed it to him.

Zhu Tong raised his hand to take it, and his face suddenly sank.

-Take good care of yourself.

Signed: Zhou Sui.

In the classroom, Shao Ming watched his deskmate walk out of the classroom calmly, and then walked back with a black face, carrying a plastic bag in his hand.

When he walked back to his seat, he was about to speak when he heard his deskmate say, "Did you know anyone in your senior year of high school?"

Shao Ming: "…"

There seems to be murder in this.

He smiled and said, "Yes, what's wrong?"

After another get out of class was over, someone called Zhou Sui out of the back door of the classroom of Class 3 and 7.

Zhou Sui walked out of the classroom as if expecting that someone would come to him.

A boy asked him with a plastic bag: "You gave these medicines to Zhu Tong?"

Zhou Sui looked at the plastic bag in his hand and smiled: "Yeah, didn't he have a stomachache last night? I care about him..."

Before he finished speaking, the boy with the medicine suddenly walked into their classroom, threw the plastic bag into the trash can at the back of the classroom, and then turned around and said, "He asked me to bring the medicine back and throw it in in front of you. Trash can, let me tell you by the way, get away."

Zhou Sui: "…"


The author has something to say:

Uncle Liu is also a good actor _(:з"∠)_

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-2215:59:39~2021-10-2316:22:51~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of cats and cats; 5 bottles of fox glass; 2 bottles of red jasmine; deep sea, 300492641 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!