Chapter 33: live together

In the ten minutes between classes, except for those who run to the bathroom, few people will leave the classroom.

Zhou Sui has been in No. 1 middle school for more than two years. Because he played well in basketball, he was also famous in the third year of high school. Suddenly someone came to the classroom to look for him, and people who were idle would inevitably take a second look.

Zhou Sui expected that Zhu Tong would return the medicine he sent, and was about to take the opportunity to show that he was only concerned, but he did not expect that Yu Fang would do this.

Throwing the things he sent straight into the trash?

Say it so bluntly?

Not only outright rejection, but also a wave of disgust and humiliation attacks?

Others in the classroom were also taken aback.

They are all in the same class, and they know Zhou Sui well. He is usually a mild-mannered person, but he is a little careless. He has dated an unknown number of girlfriends in school, and there are endless ways to pursue people.

But Zhou Sui's previous pursuits were basically girls, and he never failed.

Now this is... hitting a wall?

And the boy who just threw the plastic bag in the trash said who was the medicine for?

wishing children?

Is it the Zhu Tong they thought?

That sick beauty who recently made a big splash in school in her second year of high school?

Zhou Sui even stared at that sick beauty?

Someone in the classroom immediately joked: "Yo, brother Sui, you are very brave, are you a tough pick for bones?"

"This little boy is very ruthless, how much disgust is it to be able to do this?"

"Enough, so neat!"

"Zhou Sui, you have today too, hahahaha."

The sound of joking and sarcasm all around made Zhou Sui's heart stun until his breathing almost stagnated.

He reluctantly maintained his superficial demeanor and looked at the boy who came to deliver the things: "This... Did Junior Brother Zhu Tong misunderstand something? I gave him medicine because his brother asked me to take care of him in school, nothing else."

The boy was unmoved by his words, "Oh", and said, "I'm only responsible for leading the words, you have to explain yourself to tell people..."

After talking for a while, he said again: "But people said to let you go away, I don't think it is necessary to explain."


Boys can be said to be god-level fill-up players.

Zhou Sui kept a smile on his face and couldn't help but grit his teeth fiercely, but before he could speak, the boy had already turned around and left the seventh classroom.

The rest of the seventh class immediately surrounded them with gossip on their faces.

"What do you mean, Zhou Sui? You still know his brother Zhu Tong?"

"Is it true? I heard that Zhu Tong's family is not easy. You actually know his brother? How did you know him?"

Zhou Suiping calmed down and said with a smile, "I met him by chance while playing basketball in the city."

He drew closer to the relationship between him and Qin Junhong, but he scolded Qin Junhong over and over again in his heart.

So I'm sure I hope Tongyu trusts him very much.

Trust the shit!

If you really trust him, how can you, as his "friend", have this attitude?

Is it because he doesn't believe that he is Qin Junhong's "friend"?

Not impossible.

Zhou Sui quickly calmed down, sent the gossip around him, and took his mobile phone to send Qin Junhong a message.

In the second grade teaching building, after the last class in the morning, Zhu Tong just turned on his mobile phone when he received a WeChat message from Qin Junhong.

【Qin Junhong】: I heard that Zhou Sui was looking for you at school? I'm sorry, I was just worried about what trouble you would encounter in school. I didn't intend to tell you, but he missed the point.

[Qin Junhong]: But he is not malicious either, I hope you don't mind.

Zhu Tong:…

What a straight face of Weiguang who gave silently without asking for anything in return.

Tong Tong's mood, which had just been washed and purified by a chemistry class, was instantly shrouded in smog.

He said in his mind, "Can I go back and kill him now?"

The system reminded: "The host's current favorability has not reached 50%, and there is a risk of a heart attack. It is not recommended to try too hard."

Zhu Tong frowned suddenly.

It is not difficult to pay Qin Junhong's mother and son, but it is difficult to have reason and evidence.

Qin Junhong's mother and son have not done anything that people and gods are angry with. Although Zhu Shoushan and Qin Junhong's mother and son have no feelings, they care about their face and are most afraid of trouble.

It is almost impossible for him to drive Qin Junhong's mother and son out of Zhu's house without any basis.

Zhu Tong doesn't care what his father thinks, but Xiao Xin was taken care of by Qin Manwen since he was a child, so he will definitely have feelings.

To get people out, inevitably there will be trouble.

Trouble is a trivial matter. In case of a heart attack in the process of solving the trouble, you will get yourself involved when the trouble is not done.

Not worth it.

Let's brush up on the sensitivity first.

After weighing it, Zhu Tong sighed and blocked Qin Junhong.

Shao Ming leaned against the window sill next to him, watching his every move.

Since he returned to the classroom with a plastic bag, he seemed to be in a bad mood.

The reason for the bad mood is not hard to guess.

Just why does Zhu Tong hate Zhou Sui so much?

Although Zhou Sui is indeed quite annoying, Zhu Tongyu's attitude of Zhou Sui seems to be more than just "disgusting".

Even Yuan Shaozhou, who he "personally" taught him a lesson, failed to arouse too many negative emotions in him.

But now... my face is almost stretched into dough.

It's cute though.

Zhu Tong's emotions have always been restrained, and even when he is angry, he expresses his thoughts expressionlessly.

What is it that can make him fluctuate so much?

Shao Ming looked at him for a while, then suddenly took a pen and poked his face with the end of the pen cap.

The cap of the pen was slightly cold, and Zhu Tongxiao was startled and turned his head subconsciously.

"Do you need me to remind my deskmate, what time is it?"

Zhu Tong: "...what time?"

"Time for lunch."


Shao Ming said, "Are you going?"

Zhu Tong finally calmed down, nodded and said, "Go."

He lowered his head and took the pen that he had not used for a long time in his hand, closed the cap, and turned to organize the books on the desk.

Shao Ming withdrew his hand and waited patiently for him to clean up.

Before throwing the pen back into the pen holder, he glanced at the pure black cap, then looked at Zhu Tong's face that he had just stabbed with the pen cap, thinking about the feeling of the depression just now, and couldn't help raising his lips. .

Very soft.

Just don't know how it feels.

Zhu Tong didn't know what he was thinking. He tidied up the table according to his previous habit, and habitually opened the table hole to get the food box for breakfast. When he saw the empty space in the table hole, he realized that he seemed to have forgotten. something important.

Usually, Uncle Liu helped him prepare breakfast and brought it to school, and when he returned at noon, he would take the food box back.

No food box today because he didn't have breakfast at school today.

He suddenly looked at Shao Ming: "We..."

As soon as he opened the table hole, Shao Ming knew what he was going to do, and naturally he knew what he wanted to ask, but pretended to be puzzled: "Huh? What?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He wanted to ask if they really wanted to live together?

But he seems to have asked.

While hesitating, Uncle Liu suddenly called.

Zhu Tong: "…"

When the two returned to the homestay, Uncle Liu was already waiting in the courtyard.

He still had the same bitter and bitter face that morning, and Shao Ming didn't have a good face.

Zhu Tong felt guilty, but at the same time was not in the state.

Why did he suddenly live here?

"Isn't it bad to live here? How convenient is it to get a good impression on a building near the water?"

The sound of the system resounded in the brain.

Wish Tong's heart is a little complicated.

When the school started, because he rented a room here, Shao Ming suspected that he almost went to heaven.

Now he came back here again and stayed in Shao Ming's room.

This should be... an improvement, right?

At least it means that Shao Ming has no doubts about him.

But to live with Shao Ming, he was inexplicably a little nervous.

"Why don't I stay in the single room next door?"

After taking the glass of water that Shao Ming handed him, Zhu Tong said hesitantly.

Shao Ming saw his nervousness and was about to speak when Uncle Liu, who was helping him clean up the room, suddenly came out and said: "Master, the room is all cleaned up, I live next door, no matter what happens, I will rush as soon as possible. here!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Shao Ming with a warning.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He turned to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming shrugged helplessly.

Zhu Tong sighed.

Uncle Liu blocked his way back.

It wasn't over yet, Uncle Liu was afraid that he would be swallowed by someone, and he told him thousands of instructions.

In the end, Zhu Tong couldn't bear it any longer, so he politely invited Uncle Liu out.

Being disturbed by Uncle Liu, Zhu Tong was not so nervous.

He closed the door and walked back to the living room, sat down on the sofa, and looked at the person on the sofa opposite.

Shao Ming is calm, and still has the mind to peel the apple. An apple has been peeled in half and has not been broken. It seems that he wants to completely peel off the peel.

Zhu Tong paused and said, "I can't afford it, I want you to accompany me to tell lies."

Shao Ming lowered his head and raised his eyebrows.

This person still thinks that he let people live in just to make a lie?

He smiled and said, "It's okay, of course I will make up for the lie I lied."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Lies are for his sake.

Still wanting to say something, Shao Ming suddenly said, "Are you hungry?"

Zhu Tong was stunned for a while, suddenly realizing that they hadn't had lunch yet.

"...a little bit."

Shao Ming handed him the peeled apple, "Eat an apple pad first."

Zhu Tong looked at the apple in his hand, looked up and said, "What about you?"

Shao Ming said, "I'll go fix our lunch."

Saying that, he shoved the apple directly into Zhu Tong's hand, and Zhu Tong took it subconsciously and said slightly, "You cook by yourself?"

"Yeah, what would you like to eat? Master?"


Zhu Tong also stood up, a little surprised that this person could still cook.

Shao Ming has skillfully tied his apron.

Seeing Zhu Tong following up with an apple, his eyes sparkled with curiosity, he couldn't help but hook his lips.

Like a little asshole.

He didn't say anything, just turned his head to look in the direction of the door.

Seeing how nervous Zhu Tong looked just now, Uncle Liu could see that he was very concerned about Zhu Tong.

But since I care about Zhu Tong, as long as I go to the school to inquire about what happened last night, I should know that Zhu Tong didn't go back all night for tuition at all.

What if he knew they were lying? Why didn't it crack?

Really let Zhu Tong move to his side.

Shao Ming pursed his lower lip unconsciously.

Did he think too much?

City A, in a duplex villa.

As soon as Cheng Qingsong received a call from Uncle Liu, the housekeeper walked in with a stack of high-definition photos washed out.

The person in the photo is his grandson.

There is also a handsome boy.

The photos were taken from multiple viewpoints, and the locations were not uniform.

There were two people riding bicycles together, his grandson was supported by others, and the princess was holding him.

Every pose is intimate.

The expression of his grandson in the photo did not contain any rejection or disgust.

Is this really his grandson?

His grandson who had to bathe and disinfect his body immediately when touched by a stranger?

Cheng Qingsong, who had never been so close to his grandson, had a very complicated mood when he saw these photos.

He turned to look at the person who had been standing next to him—the family doctor he found for Zhu Tong.

"Tongtong's condition improved, is it really because of the child in the photo?"


The author has something to say:

I didn’t sleep well last night with insomnia, my brain is a little dizzy, take a rest, and grow thicker tomorrow_(:з」∠)_

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-10-23 16:22:51~2021-10-2415:51:41~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of red jasmine;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!