Chapter 34: take care of

At first, Zhu Tong proposed to be discharged from the hospital and transferred to another school, but Cheng Qingsong did not agree.

Gongshui County is a remote area and the school conditions are poor. Zhu Tong has never been exposed to the wind, rain, bumps, and bumps. He has to pay more attention to food, clothing, housing and transportation than ordinary people. How could he go to school in such a place?

I was just out of the ICU at the time.

But Zhu Tong's diagnosis made him have to compromise. The doctor said that it was a miracle that his grandson was able to get out of the ICU that day. Even if he survived that time, his body would not last long, so let him try his best to help his grandson fulfill his wishes. If the patient is in a good mood, he may be able to support it for a while.

So he nodded, but he didn't expect it would really work.

Zhu Tong's sickly physique was actually followed by his mother, even more serious than his mother.

His mother Cheng Lan was also in poor health since childhood. When she knew that her life was not long, she was afraid that her father would be sad and lonely. She gave herself up to others when she didn't like Zhushoushan, and gave birth to two siblings, Zhutong. Years passed away.

Cheng Qingsong firmly disagreed with Cheng Lan's decision. No father would want his daughter to marry casually for this kind of thing.

But Cheng Lan was too stubborn, and the father and daughter had troubles because of this.

What Cheng Qingsong regretted most was because Cheng Lan got angry with her when she got married, and she didn't even take care of her grandson and granddaughter.

So after Cheng Lan's death, when he asked Zhu Tong who they wanted to live with, the brothers and sisters did not hesitate to choose their father who was closer to them at that time.

It's ten years in a flash.

In the past ten years, he has been busy in various ways. Although he is concerned about Zhutong's brothers and sisters, the three grandparents rarely meet each other.

So when Zhu Tong suddenly called him that day and wanted to send Zhu Xin over to take care of him, he was actually a little flattered.

Surprise followed by anger.

How could Tongtong send Xiaoxin to take care of him for no reason?

Is it that the deflated calf in Zhushoushan is not good to their brothers and sisters? Then the answer turned out to be: in order to be filial to his mother.

Cheng Qingsong:…

As expected of his mother's son.

The idea is the same.

He thought that even if Zhu Tong wanted to go outside to take a look before he died, he wouldn't be able to last long in a place like Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, but he didn't expect it to be almost a month, and he didn't "can't stand it", and he was even a little... happy?

The family doctor said: "Looking at Young Master Tong's attitude towards that child, it should have something to do with it. Before he was discharged from the hospital, Young Master Tong had a cardiac arrest in the ICU. His condition was very dangerous. It is a miracle that he is so alive and kicking, I think it has a lot to do with his mentality, I have sorted out what happened to Master Tong with that child after transferring to another school, you can take a look."

The doctor handed him a document.

Cheng Qingsong took it over with a complicated mood.

"As far as I know, after Master Tong transferred to another school, he asked to be at the same table with Shao Ming, and then moved into a homestay, but for unknown reasons, the young master moved out later."

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

"Afterwards, the young master encountered a group of gangsters outside the school, and it was Shao Ming who helped to clear the siege."

In the back, Zhu Tong entered the hospital for the first time, entered the hospital for the second time, and entered the hospital for the third time, all accompanied by the boy named Shao Ming.

The two often eat together, and Shao Ming often "robs" Uncle Liu's job after school.

Cheng Qingsong originally suspected that the man had ulterior motives for approaching Tongtong, but the more he looked, the more he felt that his grandson seemed to be posting backwards?

Even if your foot is sprained, you go to the milk tea shop to find someone, and you line up properly?

He taught the bad students in school without telling others, and asked his cousin for help for the sake of other people's milk tea shop?

These were things that were simply unthinkable before.

When did his grandson become so warmhearted?

Looking at it this way, his grandson is more like the one with ulterior motives!

And trouble others more.

As early as when Zhu Tong entered the hospital for the first time after transferring to another school, Cheng Qingsong asked someone to investigate Shao Ming. He is a good student with excellent academic performance and good care for his grandson. It can be said that he is meticulous.

Cheng Qingsong had to admit that he was ashamed.

Meeting such a person at the new school, it is no wonder that Tongtong is in a happy mood.

Cheng Qingsong put down the document and picked up the stack of photos. After looking at it for a while, he handed it to the housekeeper and said, "Take it and destroy it, don't let Xiaoxin see it."

The little girl was "abandoned" by her brother, and she is still aggrieved to this day.

If she saw these photos, she would probably think that his brother didn't want her because of his "sister-in-law", and he would lament the sadness of the world.

The housekeeper took the photo and asked, "Where is the young master..."

Cheng Qingsong paused and sighed: "Let him go. As long as his body is fine, don't let anyone disturb him."

The butler responded immediately, turned around and went out.

Gongshui County, inside the homestay.

The lunch break was long, but due to the sudden "moving" and Uncle Liu's instructions, Shao Ming did not prepare a complicated lunch, and two bowls of tomato and egg noodles were quickly served on the table.

"Try it, does it suit your taste?"

Zhu Tong sat down at the table with him.

Although he didn't do it, he watched the whole process, watching a few simple ingredients turn into cooked food with a rich and attractive color in a pot.

It looks very appetizing.

Shao Ming gave him a pair of new chopsticks, "Mix it when you eat, be careful not to burn it."

Zhu Tong nodded and took the chopsticks.

He had never eaten food that was out of the pot before. Generally, the food delivered to him was at a moderate temperature and could be eaten directly. Most of them were nutritious meals matched by a nutritionist.

After transferring to another school, in various noodle restaurants outside the school, the advertisements on the signboards were all spicy noodle soup, and he never went in.

This was the first time he had eaten noodles after transferring to another school. Looking at the steaming noodle soup in front of him, he didn't know what to say.

On the opposite side, Shao Ming had already started stirring with chopsticks. After mixing for a while, he picked up a chopstick and blew it twice and sent it directly into his mouth.

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was stunned for a while, followed Shao Ming's way and folded the noodles. He blew a small mouth, but he felt that it was not safe, so he turned his head and blew.

Shao Ming raised his head, just in time to see the scene of him blowing noodles clumsily with his head tilted, he couldn't help but smile.

It seems that the bowl of porridge was not lightly scalded in the morning.

He took another porcelain spoon and handed it to Zhu Tong, "If it's too hot, you can eat it after it's cooled for a while. Let's drink the soup first."


Zhu Tong thought: He must have been stupid when he just blew his face.

He decisively gave up and continued to blow noodles, took a spoon and scooped a mouthful of rich soup, blew lightly twice, and carefully put it into his mouth.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "How does it taste?"

Zhu Tong's eyes brightened slightly and nodded, "It's delicious."

Shao Ming: "It seems that I am good at cooking."

Zhu Tong was stunned, he suddenly realized something.

He lives here with Shao Ming now and eats the noodles that Shao Ming made for him. He doesn't seem to have paid for it.

How much is this bowl of noodles?

He suddenly looked at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming wondered: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Tong thought: Will he be a little too fussy when he asks the price of this bowl of noodles now?

They have eaten together a lot, and Shao Ming and Rosso never seem to care about who pays the bill.

And now Shao Ming cooks the noodles himself, so it's hard to set the price.

Is it at cost or market price?

It doesn't seem like a good idea to eat white food.

He moved his lips, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly had an idea: "I'll wash the dishes later."

Shao Ming: "...what?"

Zhu Tong said: "I said I'll wash the dishes in a while."

Shao Ming paused for a while before saying, "Why?"

Zhu Tong was dumbfounded for a moment, "You cook, shouldn't I wash the dishes?"

Shao Ming said strangely: "You used to go to other people's houses to eat, is that the same?"

Zhu Tong said: "I have never eaten at someone else's house."

Banquets don't count.

He had no friends before, nor had he been to other classmates' homes, and it was impossible to live in other people's homes. He seemed to be out of touch with his peers, and he didn't know how to get along with friends.

Should he and Shao Ming be friends now?

But why does Shao Ming look unhappy?

Is his proposal a bad idea?

His relaxed and natural words made Shao Ming have mixed feelings in his heart.

He suddenly thought that Zhu Tong had told him that he rarely went out.

He used to think that rarely going out just meant "house", but now it doesn't seem to be that simple.

"Never been there once?"

Zhu Tong thought for a while, then nodded: "Well."

Shao Ming: "…"

What was his life like before?

Based on his family, many people should invite him to dinner at home, right?

Why haven't you been there?

Don't want to go? Still nowhere to go?

Shao Ming looked at him with complicated eyes for a while, and said, "No need, I brush faster. Go take a shower, didn't you want to take a shower in the morning?"

"..." Zhu Tong said stunned: "How do you know that I am..."

"You have written disgust on your face."

It's hard for him to wear yesterday's clothes for an extra morning.

Zhu Tong: "…"

Seeing him pause, Shao Ming said again: "Okay, let's eat quickly, it won't taste good after a while."

It shouldn't be so hot after a while.

Zhu Tong nodded again and lowered his head to eat the noodles.

The two bowls of noodles were cleaned and cleaned, Shao Ming skillfully carried the bowl into the kitchen, Zhu Tong took a rag to wipe the table, Shao Ming saw it, just smiled, but did not stop it.

After wiping the table, Zhu Tong entered his room.

No one has lived in the vacant room, but Shao Ming has always cleaned it. The room is very clean, and even the windows are polished.

Zhu Tong took a change of clothes from the closet and prepared to take a shower.

He had used the bathroom in the morning, and the difference was that there was a set of his toiletries in the bathroom cabinet.

Zhu Tong stood in front of the bathroom cabinet for a while before turning around and walking into the shower.

Compared with the hotel, the only disadvantage of the homestay is probably that there is no bathtub in the double room.

Zhu Tong studied the switch on the shower, started to undress, and then took off the shower to run water.

What just came out was cold water, and when the temperature got hot, he hung up the shower again.

Drenching his head with hot water, he temporarily turned off the shower while washing his hair.

He had used the shower before, and he was not used to it. After washing his hair, he closed his eyes and turned on the spray head, and suddenly his whole body was jolted.

Not cold, but hot.

Why is the water so hot all of a sudden?

Zhu Tong instinctively took a step back and reached out to turn off the switch in a panic.

At the same time, there was a rapid knock on the door.

Shao Ming still had a dish towel in his hand, he suddenly remembered it while washing dishes, and reminded anxiously: "By the way, the water temperature is not constant temperature, after the water is hot, remember to turn the switch back a little, otherwise it will hot!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Reminder is too late.

There was a fine stinging pain in the back of the neck.

There was no response from the bathroom, and Shao Ming felt tight, "Zhu Tong?"

"It's okay." Zhu Tong replied, "I see."

Shao Ming: "…"

Why is he so worried?

But people said it was fine, he couldn't push the door to look inside, so he had to go back to the kitchen.

In the bathroom, Zhu Tong washed for more than ten minutes. After washing and drying, he stood in front of the face mirror, opened his collar and looked at the back of his neck. The burnt area was already red.

"Didn't you say there are no minor illnesses or disasters?" Zhu Tong thought distressedly.

The system didn't have a good air: "Minor illnesses and disasters can be avoided, but nozuonodie can't be avoided. The hot water is because your skin is too tender."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Forget it, it doesn't hurt so much anyway.

He tidied up his clothes, opened the door and walked out of the bathroom.

When passing by the living room, he saw Shao Ming still sitting on the sofa, and said in a daze, "Why haven't you rested yet?"

Can't sleep for long during lunch break.

Shao Ming didn't speak, stood up and walked towards him.

Zhu Tong was startled, and subconsciously wanted to step back, but Shao Ming had already stepped forward and pulled his collar away.


Zhu Tong suddenly took a breath.

Shao Ming's hands were slightly loose, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Are you okay?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The set of clothes he just changed was originally rather large, so it was strange to have the collar ripped off like this.

Uncomfortably, he tried to pull the collar back, "It's alright, it'll be fine in a while."


Shao Ming looked down at him.

Zhu Tong also lowered his head, his freshly dried hair was fluffy and soft.

Shao Ming sighed: "My fault, I forgot to tell you... Come here and take off your clothes."

Zhu Tong raised his head in amazement.

Shao Ming had already turned around and walked into the living room. When he looked back, he saw that people were stunned and didn't follow him. He couldn't help laughing: "Give you some medicine. Burns are not a trivial matter, and scars are ugly."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Not even scars.

He saw that Shao Ming had already brought out the medicine box from the TV cabinet, and hesitantly said, "I still don't need it, I..."

Shao Ming turned to look at him: "Do you take it off yourself or should I help?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

The clothes are front-buttoned, and it is not troublesome to take them off. Zhu Tong sits on the sofa sideways, bows his head slightly, and completely exposes the part from the back of his neck to the back.

He watched Shao Ming take out the medicine from the medicine box, and hesitantly stretched out his hand: "I'll do it myself."

Shao Mingdao jokingly said: "Are you afraid that I will take advantage of you? Don't worry, I will not touch you with the cotton swab."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He didn't mean it that way.

After a moment of stunnedness, the cotton swab dipped in medicated oil had already been attached, and it was a little cold.

Shao Ming looked at the redness that spread from the back of his neck to his back, and couldn't help frowning, "Why didn't you say anything?"

Zhu Tong paused and said, "It's really okay."

Shao Ming: "…"

He dipped a little medicated oil on his back and rubbed it lightly on his back, until the redness was more severe, and the person in front of him couldn't help but tremble.

Shao Ming stopped immediately and asked, "Does it hurt?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously wanted to shake his head, but suddenly stopped and nodded again: "A little bit."

Shao Ming: "...then I'll take it easy."

He eased his movements again, turning the cotton swab gently, letting the medicated oil "roll" on his reddened skin.

The back of his neck was red, and other places were red, but the color was a little lighter. It should be a thin red that was steamed by hot water, making his cold white skin look a little warmer than usual.

Just too skinny.

Shao Ming rubbed his head up unconsciously and looked at Zhu Tong's slightly lowered profile.

He seemed a little nervous, his body tense.

But he didn't resist either.

He does not resist himself.

From the very beginning, Shao Ming felt that he was different to himself and others.

But Zhu Tong stressed several times that he had no other intentions for him... He also believed this.

Because if you have such thoughts, Zhu Tong will definitely not be able to hide.

Zhu Tong is a completely different person from him.

Happiness, anger, sadness and joy are all on his face, and he speaks and does things according to his own thoughts. Although he is not in good health, he can still live freely.

He came to him inexplicably, and he should have been someone he could not avoid.

But inexplicably, the two suddenly had an intersection.

Zhu Tong seems to care more about and knows how to maintain a "safe distance" between two people than he does.

It was he who started to care inexplicably and took the initiative to shorten the distance.

It even brought the two people closer together.

Shao Ming couldn't explain why he suddenly let Zhu Tong move back to the homestay, but he just thought that this person was still silent until he had a stomachache, but after lying on the hospital bed, he hugged him without letting go and shouted pain in his ear. It looks like I can't leave this person alone.

Even if the intention is unclear, even if there are many things in him that cannot be explained clearly, he can't ignore it.

He wants to take care of Zhu Tong.

Thinking of the movement in his hand, he suddenly paused.

take care of it?

He looked at the large red mark on Zhu Tong's back and smiled bitterly.

On the first day of taking care of him, he burned someone. If this person knew what he was thinking, he would have to run away immediately.

He collected Piaoyuan's thoughts and concentrated on applying medicine.

Zhu Tong didn't know what kind of medicine he was rubbing, but it was cold and cold, which effectively relieved the stinging pain.

As the pain subsided, other sensations increased.

The tiny cotton swabs were gently rolled on his skin, causing a tingling sensation, especially when rubbing it on the neck, where he was extremely sensitive, and he always shrank his neck unconsciously.

"Okay... okay?" he couldn't help but ask.

Shao Ming wiped the excess medicated oil on the cotton swab and said, "Okay."

Zhu Tong couldn't wait to get dressed.

"Wait a minute." Shao Ming said: "Don't rush to put on your clothes, the medicine is all on your clothes... Did you get hot on the front?"

He suddenly straightened Zhu Tong's body that was sitting on his side, and the moment they faced each other, the two were startled at the same time.

Zhu Tong took off his clothes and rubbed the medicine, and naturally he was not wearing the front. Under his slender neck, he could see the beautifully shaped collarbone.

Shao Ming's eyes were fixed.

Zhu Tong was startled, he grabbed the hands on both sides of the clothes and put on the clothes at a speed that he had never experienced before: "...There is no ironing in front."

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming was a little embarrassed at first, but someone reacted ahead of him, but he calmed down, let Zhu Tong put on his clothes, looked at his neck and said, "Did anyone tell you, Do you have a nice neck?"

Zhu Tong has already started to button up, "No."

He thought that no one would say anything in front of a patient to compliment the patient's good looks.

Because it doesn't make sense.

Only Shao Ming.

Thinking about it, he looked up at Shao Ming, and said "thank you" first, then looked at his neck, and said seriously, "Your neck is beautiful too."

There are obvious Adam's apples, and there are **** boys who can't help but envy.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "Of course, what's wrong with my whole body?"

After speaking, he turned his head to dispose of the used cotton swab and put the medicine back in the medicine box.

Zhu Tong: "…"

There should be no word modesty in this person's life dictionary.

After a lot of tossing around at noon, there was not much time left for the lunch break. The two of them didn't sleep at all. After cleaning up, they went straight back to school.

Although there was no lunch break, Zhu Tong didn't feel sleepy unexpectedly, probably because the medicated oil on the back of his neck refreshed him.

He was in a good mood originally, but when he returned to his seat and saw an extra gift box on his desk, he was in a bad mood again.

I have seen shameless, never seen such shameless!

Just thinking about what to do with this gift box, Men Rosso suddenly rushed in at the back of the classroom, standing next to the desk and slammed, "You two, I worked so hard to go to the restaurant to reserve a table, but you guys actually went back with me on your back. Open the small stove, I waited in the restaurant for half an hour, you guys... eh? Who brought this gift box?"

The full of complaints was immediately distracted by the gift box.

Zhu Tong said without raising his head, "Stupid."

Rosso was shocked: "You can call yourself a fool?"

After having known each other for so long, he had never heard such an unstyled word "idiot" come out of Zhu Tong's mouth.

With a curious look on his face, he looked down at a card in the gift box, and immediately pouted, "It's really an idiot."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The gift box was delivered by Zhou Sui.

This time the card says "apology".

- I was reckless before, but I'm really your brother's friend, and I think he's told you.

Zhu Tong felt that he was sloppy in blocking Qin Junhong, and he should block it after the first time he received the news.

Shao Ming glanced at the gift box, picked it up and handed it to Luo Suo: "Go and deal with it, I'll reimburse you double the money for the reservation."

Rosso was instantly refreshed: "Okay dad."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The desk became clean again, and Zhu Tong breathed a sigh of relief.

However, dealing with "gifts" is only a temporary solution, not the root cause. Zhou Sui's high-profile pursuit of Zhu Tong quickly spread in the school.

There was talk everywhere at dinner time.

"Zhou Sui pursues Zhu Tong? When did it happen?"

"Just today, gifts have been sent for several rounds, but they have all been rejected."

"Didn't Zhou Sui only chase girls before? When did you start chasing men?"

"Pursuit of excitement, since homosexuality was legal a few years ago, has this kind of thing been rare? And I wish Tong is so good-looking, it doesn't matter if it's a man or a woman!"

"But Zhu Tong doesn't look down on him, right? I heard that the things he sent were thrown into the trash can."

"Harm! As long as the iron pestle is sharpened into a needle, who knows."

In the classroom of Class Two and Three of Senior High School, the third time he received the task of "disposing of garbage", Rosso was no longer enthusiastic at the beginning. He looked at Zhu Tong two people with a strange expression, and said with emotion: "You and Brother Ming are worthy of it. It's the same table, one is entangled by Xia Yang, and you have another follower here, a brother and a brother, who are specially attracted to the dog skin plaster."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Shao Ming looked at him with a smile.

Rosso immediately shut up.

Shao Ming said: "Go and deal with the things, and then ask the second child, if I have a job here, he will take it."

Rosso turned his head to look at Lu Zheyu, who was not distracted by the gossip, and nodded his head: "Okay, no problem."

After Rosso left, Zhu Tong looked at Shao Ming and said, "Why are you looking for Lu Zheyu?"

Shao Ming said: "There is something."


Zhu Tong didn't even bother to ask him what was wrong, he was very annoyed now.

He had to figure out a way to do it once and for all.

After the evening self-study, Zhu Tong followed Shao Ming out of the teaching building, but met Zhou Sui downstairs.

Zhou Sui also got a bicycle from nowhere, looked at him on the playground and said, "Zhu Tong, don't know if I have the honor to send you back?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Really haunted.

He was too lazy to answer, and followed Shao Ming to the place where the transportation was parked to pick up his bicycle.

Make it clear that he is air.

Zhou Sui's eyes darkened, and his face was still gentle: "It's said that I'm your brother's friend, why don't you believe it? Although your brother is not related to you by blood, he is your legal brother after all. If you don't rob you of property, you don't need to be so unhappy with him, right?"

He deliberately raised his voice, and suddenly many eyes on the playground looked at them with gossip on their faces.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-24 15:51:41~2021-10-2517:45:37~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 17 bottles of Jingya; 2 bottles of Night Lights and Qinzhi; 1 bottle of Hongjas;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!