Chapter 35: speak bluntly

The students in the school, apart from studying every day, pay the most attention to entertainment and gossip, campus anecdotes and people who are in the limelight in their spare time.

Because of Yuan Shaozhou's incident, almost no one in the second year of high school didn't know about Zhu Tong, and no one didn't know that this person was not easy to mess with.

But their understanding is very one-sided. In order to be afraid of people gossip, few people dare to make friends with Zhutong directly, but they don't dare to understand it doesn't mean they don't want to understand.

It turns out that Zhu Tong has a brother?

Or a brother who is not related to him by blood?

What happened when Zhou Sui suddenly mentioned "robbing property"?

A giant drama was about to be staged, and almost everyone who heard Zhou Sui's words stopped on the playground.

Zhu Tong's face sank and looked at him.

The lighting on the playground is not very good, but I can see Zhu Tong's ugly face.

The corners of Zhou Sui's lips rose, unavoidably a little proud.

He said that on purpose.

Except for the medicine at the beginning, everything he sent out after that was in vain, and Zhu Tong made it clear that he didn't want to see him.

It was obvious that Qin Junhong had already sent him a WeChat message.

If it wasn't for him not believing that he was Qin Junhong's friend, then there was only one explanation - Zhu Tong, like Qin Junhong, was a person who only did superficial skills but was actually different.

Zhu Tong didn't trust Qin Junhong at all.

Thanks to Qin Junhong's self-proclaimed cleverness, he thought that everyone in the Zhu family had been deceived by him.

But it doesn't matter if Zhu Tong doesn't trust Qin Junhong, he has a way to make Zhu Tong unable to refuse him.

Zhou Sui said: "Your brother really cares about you, I'm afraid that you won't be able to adapt to the school here. I have asked me to take care of you a few times. You have been sick and hospitalized for all these years, and he is helping your father and taking care of you. If you don't accept his love, you don't have to be so indifferent to his friends."

His tone was relaxed, causing an uproar in the crowd.

"What do you mean? The things Zhou Sui gave to Zhu Tong weren't to pursue him, but were explained by his brother Zhu Tong?"

"I heard that Zhu Tong threw all those things, don't you want it?"

"Listening to Zhou Sui, Zhu Tong's brother is very kind to him, but Zhu Tong's attitude seems a bit strange."

"A brother who is not related by blood... is he a step-brother? A step-son also seems to have the right to inherit. Zhutong doesn't like his brother, will he..."

Zhou Sui's few words are very informative.

Brothers who have no blood relationship, Zhu Tong's father must be married for the second time. Listening to Zhou Sui's meaning, Zhu Tong's father still values ​​his brother very much, and Zhu Tong is not in good health. The reason why his father values ​​his brother is self-evident. .

What is the reason why Zhutong doesn't like his brother?

There were discussions around.

Zhou Sui listened to their various guesses with satisfaction.

Zhu Tong and Qin Junhong pretended to be a harmonious brotherhood in front of outsiders. There are always so many hypocritical people in these rich families.

But since they disguised each other, they definitely didn't want to tear their faces in front of outsiders.

He approached Zhu Tong in the name of Qin Junhong. If Zhu Tong didn't want to be called "careless", "jealous" and "not knowing what to do", then he could no longer blatantly reject him!

Zhou Sui looked at Zhu Tong triumphantly. He wanted to know how Zhu Tong could save the "relationship" between him and his brother in front of outsiders.

When he looked up, he found that Zhu Tong was just looking at him blankly.

That look, as if he was just a trivial jumping beam clown!

The smile on Zhou Sui's face froze.

Zhu Tong opened his mouth and said, "He cares so much about me, how many times has he ignored my wishes and asked you to give me those things?"

Zhou Sui: "…"

Zhou Sui smiled and said, "That's just my opinion, I have a good relationship with your brother, you are his brother, I naturally have to take care of you, I don't know what you like, so I picked a few more for you. , where did you think you would be so heartless?"

Then he sighed, "I know you have some misunderstandings about your brother because of your family affairs, but you can't spoil your brother's kindness like that."

He said "your brother" one by one, and his tone was completely helpless to a "brother".

Because of a misunderstanding at home? Is there any misunderstanding?

The elder brother has high hopes from the family, but the younger brother is too weak and sick to take care of it. Surely he will not be reconciled, right?

It sounds like Zhu Tong is making trouble out of nowhere.

The discussion that stopped because Zhu Tong opened his mouth started again.

Zhu Tong Shen listened.

He never mentioned family affairs at school, and Zhou Sui's affairs were not meant to be dealt with at school at all.

But there are people who are ignorant and insist on making trouble in the school.

In that case, don't blame him for not giving face.

Just as he was about to speak, his shoulders sank slightly, and a hand was placed on his shoulder from behind him.

A familiar and pleasant voice sounded in his ear: "I think it's you who misunderstood? Senior."

Shao Ming had already pushed the bicycle over, steadying the bicycle with one hand and holding Zhu Tong with the other, looking at Zhou Sui who was standing opposite.

Zhou Sui saw him appear, his eyes darkened.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "The reason why Zhu Tong rejected you has nothing to do with his brother."

Zhu Tong looked at him unexpectedly, not understanding what he meant by suddenly saying this.

Zhou Sui did not speak.

Shao Ming suddenly sighed, "It's actually because of me."

Zhu Tong: "?"

He rejected those things because he hated Zhou Sui, what does it have to do with Shao Ming?

Others looked over curiously.

Shao Ming said, "It's my fault that I am too jealous. Zhu Tong threw away all the things you gave to coax me."

Zhu Tong: "???"

other people:"!!"

What jealousy is too strong?

Others give Zhutong things, why should Zhutong coax you? !

What is your relationship?

A pair of unbelievable eyes looked at the two of them.

Zhu Tong also looked at Shao Ming in amazement.

His surprise was too obvious, Zhou Sui knew at a glance that he was talking nonsense, and Zhou Sui suddenly laughed: "This junior, are you joking?"

Shao Ming suddenly tightened his hands, leaned his head against Zhu Tong, and said with a smile, "Senior, do you think I'm joking?"

Zhou Sui: "…"

The smile on Zhou Sui's face narrowed by two points.

Because Zhu Tong did not resist.

Qin Junhong told him that Zhu Tong was very repulsive of contact with outsiders. At home, he never had contact with anyone except his sister, and he seldom even spoke.

But now he is being held by Shao Ming in his arms, and he has no intention of resisting at all.

It doesn't matter whether Shao Ming's words are true or not, the actions of the two have already caused the surrounding gasps to rise and fall.

Since Zhu Tong's transfer, the school forum has built a CP building for Shao Ming and Zhu Tong, but not long after, the forum was closed, and the CP building "collapsed".

But the forum went upstairs and collapsed, and the building in the hearts of the sisters did not collapse.

Now that Shao Ming suddenly said these words, it can be said that it was earth-shattering, and it exploded among the girls.

The playground suddenly sounded a wider range of discussions than the discussion of the "big drama".

The scene gradually got out of control, Zhou Sui's expression changed, and he said, "You..."

"As for me, I'm not only jealous, but also possessive." Shao Ming interrupted him and said, "So if the senior sends something else, it's hard for me to guarantee that I won't do anything."

He smiled and said harsh words, with a strong smell of gunpowder, but untimely screams broke out on the playground, some people quickly raised their mobile phones, and the flash lights on the playground flashed like a reporter's interview scene.

No one cares about the gossip about the wealthy.

After all, gossip is just an unfounded guess, but the sudden candy is real!

It was still hammered by the master himself!

Other people's CPs are still on the way to make up their minds, and their CPs have been officially announced?

Yong is still their Ming Ge Yong!

Zhou Sui broke it out in one sentence: "Junior, have you finished the show?"

It was clear that he wanted to save Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong's head was short-circuited for a while and he also reacted. Shao Ming was only worried that he would make this decision.

He smiled at Shao Ming and said, "Don't worry, I'm fine."


Shao Ming looked down at him, he didn't play anymore, but he didn't let go.

Zhu Tong also let him put his arms around him, looked at Zhou Sui and said, "I don't know what you are waiting for me downstairs today to say these words, you said that Qin Junhong asked you to take care of me at school? I think I and I His relationship isn't that good yet."


Zhu Tong said: "There is no misunderstanding between me and him. I did get sick and was hospitalized for several years, but he visited me in the hospital only a handful of times. I really can't talk about how much he took care of me. I didn't need him to take care of me before. I don't need it now, let alone show any concern from him, to come to my new school for a show."

Zhou Sui did not expect that Zhu Tong would so directly separate his relationship with Qin Junhong.

He said that Qin Junhong's concern for him was just a show?

Isn't he afraid to tear his face with Qin Junhong?

Zhou Sui was not reconciled that the "conflict between the giants" was so easily covered by him, and he subconsciously said: "Zhu Tong, your brother..."

"Also." Zhu Tong suddenly looked directly at him, his voice cold: "If he really cared about me, he wouldn't let a disgusting person like you jump in front of me and respond to me."



This can be said to be ruthless, Zhou Sui was choked up by what he was about to say, and the last smile on his face disappeared.

He clenched the hand holding the bicycle sharply.

What did Zhu Tong say to him?

Say he's disgusting?

He never thought that the word "disgusting" would be put on his head?

Some people in the crowd whispered: "Whatever you say, is it too much to say that people are disgusting?"

"It seems that the relationship between Zhu Tong and his brother is really bad. To be so ruthless, isn't Zhou Sui his brother's friend?"

"Do you really believe in the brotherhood that Zhou Sui said? Zhu Tong refused Zhou Sui from the very beginning. Didn't Zhou Sui rush to scold him?"

"I think what Zhu Tong said makes sense. Zhu Tong can even send Yuan Shaozhou to the hospital. Does he want anything? Does he need someone else to send it? Isn't this a show?"

The surrounding sounds made Zhou Sui's face more and more ugly. He was about to refute, but Zhu Tong had turned to Shao Ming and said, "Let's go."

Shao Ming glanced at him and replied, "Okay." Seeing that Zhou Sui seemed to have a tendency to speak, he smiled again: "Senior, who would you like to take in the future, I suggest you change your transportation, although I have been imitated and never surpassed. , but when I see someone imitating me, I’m also very disgusted.”

Zhou Sui's words were choked in his throat again.

He stared at the bicycle he was riding to take Zhu Tong back, only to feel that a mouthful of old blood was choked up and he couldn't spit it out.

Who the **** is imitating?

The bike he always rides!

But obviously Shao Ming's words have been heard by the onlookers.

Most of the onlookers were high school sophomores. These days, I often see Shao Ming carrying Zhu Tong out of school. Zhou Sui came to look for Zhu Tong today, and he happened to propose to use a bicycle to take Zhu Tong back. What is this imitation?

Someone had already started to have an opinion on Zhu Tong because of his words, but now he feels ashamed.

With such obvious ulterior motives, Zhou Sui's words cannot be believed at all!

It is estimated that it is impossible to catch Zhu Tong who deliberately ran to answer people.

Also, what is Zhu Tong's brother's friend, so it seems that Zhu Tong's brother is not a good thing.

The giants are really deep, and they can't trust the one-sided words of others.

Talking about Zhu Tong on the playground suddenly turned into talking about Zhou Sui and Zhu Tong his "brother", and some of them were still immersed in the sugar jar just now, and they were all accompanied by uncontrollable screams when they left.

Zhou Sui stole chicken without losing rice, standing on the playground to be discussed by others, as if he was being publicly executed.

Shao Ming had already carried Zhu Tong out of the school gate.

Back at the homestay, just after getting off the bike, Zhu Tong angrily ran to find Uncle Liu.

Just now, Zhou Sui mentioned Qin Junhong several times on the playground, and Zhu Tong had an idea.

Although Zhou Sui suddenly came to him, although he was very reluctant, it was also an opportunity.

Because of his lack of favorability, he can't go back for the time being, and he can't do anything to Qin Junhong.

But since everyone has delivered it to your door, how can you not use it?

Since Qin Junhong dared to contact Zhou Sui in person, he should not try to be alone.

Zhu Tong told Uncle Liu that Zhou Sui had harassed him at school in the name of Qin Junhong. Uncle Liu was furious when he heard it, and quickly launched an investigation on Zhou Sui.

Uncle Liu's reaction was so intense and his anger was so strong that Zhu Tong once suspected that Uncle Liu was his father.

After Uncle Liu went out, Zhu Tong returned to his "temporary residence".

Shao Ming is sitting on the sofa playing games.

He is probably the kind of so-called talented player, Zhu Tong has never seen how hard he works, but he can take the first place in the exam every time.

After a while at the door, Zhu Tong walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Shao Ming's mobile phone sounded from time to time the skill voice of the game character.

He even played games casually. Hearing the movement at the door, he turned his head and said, "Are you back?"

Zhu Tong let out an "um".

"Who's back? Brother Ming, have you returned to your home today?"

The voice of the person who played with Shao Ming was very familiar, it was Rosso.

Shao Ming didn't intend to reply, but suddenly paused, glanced at Zhu Tong, and replied, "No."

"No? Who didn't you talk to?" Rosso said: "You brought someone back? Fuck, let's talk about being a single dog. Brother Ming, are you doing **** behind my back?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong wondered: "What do you mean by color?"

The other side of the game was shocked: "Fuck! It's still a man... No, that voice sounds familiar!"

Shao Mingren smiled and said, "It's Zhu Tong."

"You and Zhu Tong do color?!"


The game interface was silent, Rosso was silent, and coughed dryly, "Is it Zhutong? Why is Zhutong there with you?"

Shao Ming said: "He lives here temporarily."

"Oh, so... why does he live with you?! You..."

Unable to bear Rosso's surprise over there, Shao Ming interrupted him directly: "Forget it, I hang up, you can play by yourself."

"What? Brother Ming promised to fly me tonight? How could you be so unkind? You..."

Before he finished speaking, Shao Ming operated the game interface a few times and directly pressed the lock screen.

The living room was immediately clean.

Zhu Tong: "…"

So what do you mean by color?

But he vaguely figured out some meaning based on the situational dialogue, so he rationally didn't ask any more questions.

Shao Ming didn't speak either, and the living room was eerily quiet.

Shao Ming didn't ask him anything about what happened on the playground.

Zhu Tong didn't know how much he heard at the time, nor what he would think when he heard Zhou Sui's words, but Shao Ming stood up to speak for him at that time, and he should have been on his side.

He was silent for a while, then turned his head and said, "Thank you."

Shao Ming took the phone in his hand and rotated it, looked sideways at him and said, "What are you thanking for this time?"

Zhu Tong said: "Thank you just now... just saying those words on the playground."

Shao Ming deliberately said: "What did I say on the playground?"


Zhu Tong turned his head and met Shao Ming's eyes.

There was a smile in his eyes, a familiar indiscretion.

Zhu Tong was stuck for a while, and he couldn't say what Shao Ming said on the playground.

Shao Ming is jealous for him and wants him to coax or something...

Zhu Tong pondered: "I know that you are afraid that I will be gossiped, others will care about me, and I even threw things away. In addition to what Zhou Sui said, it sounds like I really don't know the good or the bad."

Zhou Sui directly introduced his family relationship, a biologically ill son, a second-married stepson, and his attitude towards Zhou Sui was enough to make people think of a rich and powerful drama.

At that time, no matter how he answered, he could not avoid gossip.

"Actually, it doesn't matter what they say. What Zhou Sui said and what I said, they believe whoever they want to believe. No matter how they guess it's their business, it won't affect me."


Shao Ming looked at him and said nothing.

Zhu Tong waited for a while without making a sound, and looked up to see Shao Ming looking at him with a resentful expression, he said stunned: "What's wrong?"

"Although I'm very glad that you can be so optimistic." Shao Ming played with the taste: "But you ignore my intentions in front of so many people, it seems that I am so self-indulgent."

Zhu Tong was startled: "I..."

That's right. Shao Ming's words caused a lot of misunderstandings. He didn't seem to say anything at the time.

Zhu Tong thought about it and said seriously: "I will explain it to them tomorrow."

Shao Ming: "…"

Shao Ming said tiredly: "There is no need to explain. In fact, I don't mind what others say."

Zhu Tong: "…"

"But thank you anyway."

Shao Ming said: "No thanks."

Really no thanks.

He said those words, in fact, it is not all acting.

Seeing the gift from Zhou Sui, even though it was someone Zhu Tong hated, he couldn't tell... sour.

He asked Rosso to dispose of those gifts, not only to help Zhu Tong, but also to keep himself out of sight and out of mind.

Some of the words said in the play on the playground are somewhat sincere.

Shao Ming lowered his eyes slightly.

Suddenly the phone vibrated.

He unlocked and flipped through the new messages he received, and suddenly smiled.

Shao Ming said, "Do you want Zhou Sui to drop out of school?"

Zhu Tong: "?"

Why do you say this suddenly?

But he hardly hesitated: "Think."

He has already asked Uncle Liu to do it, and there should be results soon.

Next to him, Shao Ming suddenly handed over his mobile phone, which was a message from Lu Zheyu.

Zhu Tong tilted his head to look, his eyes slightly brightened: "Zhou followed his dad to gamble and borrow usury?"

Shao Ming nodded: "His father not only gambled by himself, but also gambled with Zhou and his two brothers. The money he owed could not be paid, so he borrowed usury loans and is now being charged. His father originally wanted the two brothers to drop out of school. He worked part-time to earn money, but Zhou Sui and his father promised to help him pay off the arrears within a month, so he stayed in the school."

Zhu Tong: "…"

It seemed that Zhou Sui was in urgent need of money, so he hooked up with Qin Junhong.


"How did you know that?"

He looked up at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming said casually: "Oh, Lu Zheyu once worked in a place near Zhou Sui's house, so I just asked about it."

Zhu Tong: "…"

He was stunned for a while, and said with emotion, "Lu Zheyu is amazing."

How many places has he worked?

You can find out so many things just by listening.

When he praised others so sincerely, Shao Ming was inexplicably aroused a little desire to win. He paused and said, "Actually, it is not difficult to find out. The county town is not very big, and I can find it in my words."

Zhu Tong looked at him, nodded and said, "Well, you are also very good."

Shao Ming: "…"

"Also" is great.

There seems to be no distinction.

Zhu Tong has already taken his mobile phone and read the news carefully.

Shao Ming said from the side: "How is it? Does it work?"

"Of course it's useful." Zhu Tong said.

Zhou Sui's family and character alone, and his connection with such a person, were enough to make his father disappointed with Qin Junhong.

Qin Junhong's disguise already has cracks, and he will tear them apart step by step.

Seeing him looking bright, Shao Ming curled his lips and smiled: "It's good to be useful."

Zhu Tong looked at him again and said, "Did you specifically ask Lu Zheyu to find it?"

Did you say "something happened" in the classroom before, did you mean this?

Shao Ming did not deny it.

Zhu Tong paused and said, "Why are you helping me?"

Shao Ming said, "Then why did you send people to beat Yuan Shaozhou?"


He hit Yuan Shaozhou because he was not used to it.

Shao Ming smiled and said, "I'm just like you."

Zhu Tong: "…"


He smiled, thanked him again, and forwarded the message Lu Zheyu sent him to himself, and then to Uncle Liu.

Then holding the phone, suddenly there is a question.

What is Qin Junhong's purpose for letting Zhou Sui approach him?

Just to harass him?

While he was thinking about it, Shao Ming received a new message. He opened it, and his eyes suddenly sank.

[Second child]: [Picture] The chat record I copied from Zhou Sui's mobile phone.

[Second Child]: Other chat records have been cleared. This is a screenshot of Zhou Sui.

The record of the picture is Zhou Suihe, an unknown person.

Cleared the chat history, but left a screenshot, which should be the "chip" that Zhou Sui left for himself.

The screenshots are pretty straightforward.

[Don't worry about the things that shouldn't be yours. When things are done, someone will pay your family's debts for you. If you can gain Zhu Tong's trust, it's up to you to play whatever you want. 】

how to play.

Shao Ming looked at those words and rubbed his back molars coldly.

"Your father... is he good to you?"

He lowered his eyes and spoke casually.

Zhu Tong didn't know why Shao Ming suddenly asked his father, but he was curious for a while after listening to Zhou Sui's words, and thought about it: "I can't tell if it's good or not, anyway, I'm not short of food."

Shao Ming: "…"

Just not short of food.

Shao Ming's eyes darkened, looking at the screenshot Lu Zheyu sent him.

The screenshots can't tell who the person who sent the message is, and it can't be used as evidence.

But it's not hard to guess.

With such a dirty and even vicious step-brother, and an irresponsible father, Zhu Tong refused to contact the family after several visits to the hospital. It seemed that all of a sudden he had an explanation.

He transferred to Gongshui County, does it have anything to do with his step-brother?

Just thinking about it, the people next to him suddenly came up, and Zhu Tong said, "When do you usually go to bed?"

Shao Ming paused and said, "What happened before twelve o'clock?"

Zhu Tong: "Then do you have time now?"


Shao Ming suddenly smiled and said, "Yes, Master, what do you want to do?"

Zhu Tong didn't hear the joke in his words, and said seriously: "I have a few math problems that I don't know, and I want to ask you."

Shao Ming: "…"

He forgot that this person moved here for tutoring, and suddenly laughed: "Why do you love studying so much?"

Zhu Tong was startled by his question.


The favorability gained by studying is already saturated, why is he still studying so hard?

But there are a few problems that he can't solve, and he is very uncomfortable.

And since it is based on the favorability of learning, what if the grades fail to improve, and the favorability drops again due to the efforts made without results?

It's better to keep your current learning attitude.

His positive thoughts made System 666 almost want to give him his number.

No problem, full marks for logic!

After Zhu Tong figured it out, his eyes became more and more firm when he wanted to ask Shao Ming for advice.

Being stared at by him with such a firm gaze, Shao Ming's thoughts would stop.

He smiled helplessly: "Come on, what questions can't you do?"

At the same time, the favorability progress bar on the system interface repeated the process of soaring and falling again, and finally settled at 36%.


It really bugged.


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who voted or irrigated nutrient solution for me during 2021-10-2517:45:37~2021-10-2616:17:34~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 1 bottle of Hong Jasmine and Jiusi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!