Chapter 36: monthly test

In the evening, I solved the math problems that I had forgotten all day, and I wished Tong a good night's sleep that night. The sudden change to a new environment did not affect his sleep at all.

Back to school the next day, I expected to hear some "gossip".

But it was not malicious speculation. Surprisingly few people paid attention to what Zhou Sui said on the playground last night.

In the morning self-study, sitting in the seat and reciting the text, sometimes people in the front of the classroom look at them frequently.

"...Have you seen the photos in the group? They actually announced it on the playground yesterday! I hate it so much, why didn't I leave the teaching building later! Malatang mistaken me!"

"Isn't it just a joke? How can you say it so blatantly if it's really serious? Lao Yang was catching puppy love on the playground yesterday!"

"The point is not whether they have anything to do with them, but their attitude! One dares to say it and the other dares to admit it, so why don't you drink?"

"In this way, Shao Ming seems to be really unusual for Zhu Tong. Now the back seat of his bicycle has become Zhu Tong's special seat."

"Isn't it? Just rush to this, I can have **** with them for a hundred years!"

"Come on, after you saw the photo last night, it didn't delay you continuing to line up to buy Mala Tang."


A girl who was listening to the conversation laughed mercilessly.

The girl who threatened to have **** for a hundred years: "..."

The girls who were talking were quite far from their seats. Zhu Tong couldn't hear what they said, but he could guess.

He turned to look at Shao Ming, wondering if it would be better to explain.

But Shao Ming was addicted to endorsement and was unmoved. It seemed that he really "don't mind", so Zhu Tong gave up the idea of ​​explaining.

At breakfast, there is a wonton shop outside the school. Three people eat breakfast, two people chew it slowly, and one person devours it.

Rosso solved his bowl of wontons as quickly as possible, put down the bowl and chopsticks, looked at the two people sitting across from him and said, "Tell me, when did you two secretly go to Chencang?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

He turned to look at Shao Ming.

Shao Ming said without hesitation, "Noon yesterday."

Rosso: "??"

Wasn't that when he was put on the pigeons when he booked the table yesterday?

Rosso was shocked, "Brother Ming, I'm not your best brother anymore."

Shao Ming followed his kindness: "It's my fault to let you doves. I'll treat you to a big dinner on the weekend."

Rosso said: "Two meals."

Shao Ming: "No problem."

Rosso recovered in an instant: "It's about the same."

Zhu Tong: "…"

These two are very skilled at answering each other.

He chose to eat wontons silently.

Rosso propped up his chopsticks in the bowl he had already swept away, and said puzzledly, "But why did you suddenly move to Brother Ming, Zhu Tong?"

Zhu Tong said: "The monthly exam will be taken soon, and I will go to tutoring."

Shao Ming added next to him: "Last night, I wrote the questions until midnight, are you coming?"

Rosso: "…"

Rosso looked at them both like hell.

At the same time, he was puzzled: why are the people around him so non-human?

To be able to know so many non-human beings, to some extent, he is also very powerful.

He shook his head decisively: "I don't care."

He also can't pay the rent for the homestay.

More importantly, refusing tutoring is simply suffering!

After breakfast, when returning to school, Shao Ming went to the convenience store and took a can of snacks.

"Sandwich milk balls, have you eaten?"

Zhu Tong shook his head and said, "No."

Shao Ming opened the jar and took a milk ball and handed it to him: "Try it?"


Zhutong doesn't have the habit of eating snacks. In order to prevent him from craving some things he can't eat after tasting it, he never prepares any snacks at home.

He had almost never seen the snacks that his peers had eaten.

Zhu Tong didn't know why Shao Ming suddenly bought this. He had been at the same table for so long, and he didn't seem to have seen Shao Ming eat any snacks.

What he was holding in his hand looked like a candy ball. It should be okay to eat one, right?

And he will no longer suffer from minor illnesses or disasters.

Zhu Tong reached out and took it, peeled off the candy wrapper, and put one in his mouth. After chewing it, his eyes lit up slightly.

The milk ball is rich in milk, soft and glutinous, the taste is delicate and dense, sweet but not greasy, and has a light fruity aroma, which is very delicious.

"What kind of sugar is this?"

Zhu Tong subconsciously said it, and only after asking did he realize that Shao Ming seemed to have already said it when he gave him the candy.

Shao Ming repeated: "Sandwich milk balls."

Saying that, he put the jar in Zhu Tong's hand again, "I bought it for you."

Zhu Tong: "…"

Why did you buy him candy all of a sudden?

But he really liked this candy, took it with a smile, raised his head and said, "Thank you, how much is this?"

Shao Ming: "…"

Just watching this young master happily eating candy and a little bit of sadness was suddenly lost by this "ask price".

Shao Ming looked down at him for a while, then turned around and said, "Let's go, I'm going to be late for class."

Zhu Tong: "…"

The monthly exam is approaching soon. The day before the monthly exam, the class did a simple cleaning and arranged the exam room.

Looking at the desk where he and Shao Ming were separated again, Zhu Tong felt a little distressed.

This monthly exam needs to be conducted in a separate exam room.

He was assigned to the sixth examination room.

The thought of sitting on an unfamiliar desk that he didn't know belonged to, made him feel awkward and repulsive.

Can he skip the exam?

He drooped his head, suddenly a hand stretched out beside him, and a box of unopened things was placed on his desk.

Zhu Tong suddenly refreshed: "What is this?"

Shao Ming said, "Roll with meat floss and seaweed... What were you thinking just now?"

Zhu Tong has been attracted by the new snack.

Shao Ming has always bought him all kinds of snacks these two days, sometimes from outside the school, sometimes from the school canteen. The taste is changeable. Every time his taste buds have a new experience, he takes good care of him. His "appetite", there is no stomach discomfort after buying it.

The only bad thing is that Shao Ming refused to accept the money, and Zhu Tong could only return it to him in return.

After unpacking and tasting a seaweed roll, Zhu Tongcai said, "I'm thinking about the seat."

Shao Ming raised his eyebrows, "Don't want to change seats for the exam?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

You definitely don't want to change, but that's the school's rules.

Just get over it.

He shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Shao Ming: "…"

Zhu Tong handed the snack box in his hand to Shao Ming and asked, "Do you want one?"

Shao Ming smiled and took one from the box.

On the day of the monthly test, Zhu Tong, who usually went to the battlefield with the test tools, walked into the sixth test room, and found that the seat he was taking the test was surprisingly clean.

In the corner of the sixth exam room, the exam is about to start, and the people in the seats have not left.

"Zhao Rong, the bell is about to ring, why don't you leave?"

The girl named Zhao Rong said, "Wait a while, I have to wait for the person who came to my seat for the exam to come and explain to him that my new table must not be soiled."

Someone laughed and said, "Isn't it just a table for your baby? What about you?"

"It's strange. Your desk legs that you glued on with glue have lasted for more than a month and it's fine. Why did you suddenly scrap it yesterday? Old Yang also gave you such a new desk, so interesting. ."

Zhao Rong said proudly, "What's so strange about this? It must be my big sister and my personality. I might be able to get a few more multiple-choice questions correct in this monthly exam."

"Is No. 281 here?"

Suddenly a voice interrupted Zhao Rong's showing off with her tail raised.

As soon as Zhao Rong heard it, she knew that it was the examinee who was sitting in her seat, and she immediately said: "Yes, 281 is here for me. After waiting for you for a long time, I will tell you that you can sit here, but my seat is a new one. Yes, you can..."

There was a sudden pause before the words were finished.

The people surrounding her desk stepped aside because of the examinee's arrival, exposing the examinee who had just questioned to Zhao Rong.

Seeing who was coming, Zhao Rong froze for a while.

The one who spoke out was a delicate-looking boy, a handsome gentleman with outstanding temperament.

Is it Zhutong? That's fine.

The third class, Zhu Tong, cleaned his desk with a full set of tools 360 degrees on the first day of school. His glorious deeds have spread throughout the school.

Whoever does not love clean Zhu Tong will not love clean.

Zhu Tong actually took the exam in her seat?

Even looking at the young man who suddenly appeared in front of her, Zhao Rong had a feeling that her seat would be disliked.

And I wish Tong He...really good-looking.

Zhao Rong suddenly saw God.

Seeing that she suddenly stopped, Zhu Tong nodded and said, "Well, I will pay attention to hygiene."

Zhao Rong: "…"

God, what did she just say? Will it be a bad attitude?

She got up abruptly and said, "It's okay, you can use my seat as you like. The new seat I just changed yesterday is guaranteed to be clean!"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Not understanding why she changed her attitude, Zhu Tong nodded and smiled: "Thank you."

Zhao Rong: "…"

Giao! The sound is also nice! It looks better when you smile!

The girl's heart trembled with excitement, gave up her seat, and rushed to the examination room reluctantly.

Zhu Tong and others left the classroom and sat down in their seats.

The girls' seats are indeed cleaner than the surrounding desks.

And the girl just now said it was a new seat.

It seems that this exam is quite lucky.

Zhu Tong bent his lips, and his tense nerves instantly relaxed because he was afraid that the seat would not fit.

However, when the exam started, he realized that he was relieved earlier.

The first test was English, and the invigilator was an "acquaintance" who was not familiar with him.

Lu Shiman.

Because of the shortage of teachers in Gongshui No. 1 Middle School, Lu Shiman not only served as the head teacher of Xia Yang, but also took charge of the English class of a class in the second grade. She was in charge of the invigilation of the second grade in this exam.

As soon as Lu Shiman entered the classroom, he took a stack of test papers without raising his head and divided them into several parts for the students to pass on. He paused, then frowned.

Zhu Tong did not respond.

He was here for the exam, not to see the invigilator to criticize him. As long as Lu Shiman didn't come to hang around with him, it would be easy to ignore someone.

A few minutes later, Zhu Tong said: He was sloppy.

Lu Shiman is simply a leprosy - not biting people, shy!

During the exam, she stood in Zhu Tong's place and stared at his exam paper motionlessly.

I wish Tong Tong was choked to death by the smell of perfume on her body!

If he hadn't gotten better now, he would have been coughing more than ever.

After barely finishing listening, Lu Shiman was still standing beside him watching.

Zhu Tong couldn't bear it any longer, and planned to take a mask from his pocket and put it on.

Lu Shiman still remembered the holiday when Zhu Tong harmed the students in his class. The invigilator found that Zhu Tong was in her examination room and wanted to stand next to Zhu Tong to put some pressure on him.

She knew that Zhu Tong got a perfect score in the last mock test.

Obviously the scores in other subjects are so poor, but English got full marks.

More than once, she heard the English teacher of Class 3 show off Zhu Tong's English grades and fluency in front of other teachers. She wanted to use Zhu Tong's other grades to refute it, but she was scolded back by someone.

"It's okay to have poor grades in other subjects. His English is so good, and he will definitely be a big deal in the future."

Lu Shiman: …

What can you do with English grades alone?

He only got full marks in one test, can he still get full marks in the test again and again?

With the intention of making Zhu Tong poor in the exam, Lu Shiman has been standing by his side since the exam.

Suddenly seeing Zhu Tong put her hand into her clothes pocket, her expression changed, and she grabbed Zhu Tong's hand directly: "Who made you cheat in the exam? Are you too arrogant?"

There was a loud shout in the classroom, and the people in the exam were shocked and scared at the same time.

Zhu Tong was grabbed by Lu Shiman's wrist, and the mask, which had not been firmly grasped, suddenly slipped from his fingertips and fell to the ground.

He frowned and looked at Lu Shiman: "I didn't cheat."

"You are still arguing!" Lu Shiman pointed to the thing that fell on the ground: "This is the evidence!"

She lowered her body and picked up the mask on the ground, and opened it in front of the entire classroom, her determined face suddenly stagnant.

She turned the mask over and over in disbelief.

Nothing at all.

She frowned.

Zhu Tong said solemnly: "I'm not used to the smell of perfume on the teacher's body, so I want to wear a mask to cover the smell."

Lu Shiman suddenly stared: "You..."

Just before I could speak, I heard a girl next to Zhu Tong muttering: "That's right, it's too choking, and she's still standing here with us..."

Lu Shiman: "…"

She was so breathless that she felt her chest heaving violently, and she slapped the mask back on Zhu Tong's table, "Don't do these little tricks during the exam, and if I find out again, it will be treated as cheating!"

Zhu Tong didn't go to get the mask that she had moved, but took a new one out of his pocket, put it on himself, and then took the answer sheet and began to paint the answer.

Lu Shiman was about to be mad at him, and the warning did not act as a deterrent.

Seeing that Tong Tong was writing on the answer sheet unaffected, she felt sullen for a while, turned around abruptly, and "accidentally" touched Tong Tong's elbow with one hand.

Zhu Tongzheng's hand slipped sharply on the answer sheet, and a long trace instantly appeared on the answer sheet.


Zhu Tong looked at the "destroyed" answer sheet with a cold face.

Lu Shiman also turned his head and glanced, seeing that there was only a pencil scratch on the answer sheet, and he didn't take it seriously.

Anyway, the pencil scratches will go away as soon as they are wiped off. A student doesn't dare to make a big fuss about such a little thing. It's just a lesson for him to dare to contradict the teacher.

She turned around and walked towards the back door of the classroom without any psychological burden.

At this time, Zhu Tong suddenly got up, took the answer sheet and walked out.

Lu Shiman was shocked: "Zhutong, where are you going? Do you still have any rules for students!"

However, Zhu Tong ignored her at all, and went straight out of the classroom.

Once he finds fault, he can ignore it for the exam.

But for such an obvious target, he was not so generous.

Outside the teacher, Yang Can went upstairs after inspecting the examination room from the first floor. He turned his head at the stairwell and saw a student walking out of the examination room.

"That candidate, which class are you from? What do you do during exam time?"

When Zhu Tong heard the voice, he turned his head and saw the person walking by the stairs, he simply stood still.

Yang Can quickly recognized him, "Zhu Tong? What are you doing?"

Zhu Tong was straightforward and handed the answer sheet to Yang Can and said, "Mr. Yang, the invigilator damaged my answer sheet."


Yang Can's eyes widened.

There is such a thing.

He just took the answer sheet, and Lu Shiman, who quickly came out of the examination room when he heard the voice of the grade director, thought of what Zhu Tong had just said, and suddenly said loudly: "What damage? Why is your student spitting blood? Teacher Yang, yes In this way, when I was just proctoring the exam, the distance between the desks was too narrow. When I was passing by, I accidentally touched the elbow of classmate Zhu Tong, which only made a scratch on his answer sheet, and the scratch was wiped off. That's it, it doesn't affect the grading at all, who would have known that this kid would make such a fuss."

Lu Shiman was so anxious that she didn't expect Zhu Tong to be so courageous, and she went directly to the grade director!

But there was only one scratch on the answer sheet, so she didn't have to be afraid.

Yang Can looked at the answer sheet, and then looked at Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong said: "Mr. Yang, it's not just the scratches on the answer sheet. During the exam just now, the invigilator indiscriminately slandered me for cheating. After finding out that it was a misunderstanding, not only did he not apologize, he also threw his temper on the table and interfered with other students' exams. Later, when I was filling out the answer sheet, I deliberately bumped my elbow, which seriously affected my test mentality and delayed my time for answering questions."

He stated in a bad mood, Lu Shiman tried to interrupt him several times, but couldn't find a chance to speak.

Listening to Zhu Tong's words, Yang Can's face gradually became ugly, "Mr. Lu, is that so?"

Lu Shiman suddenly said aggrieved: "Mr. Yang, it's not like this, I just accidentally touched him..."

"Mr. Lu's words are exactly the same as what he said last time." Zhu Tong sneered lightly.

Lu Shiman's expression changed.

Yang Can said, "What was the last time?"

Zhu Tong said: "Last time, the students in Mr. Lu's class were deceived for hitting me. Mr. Lu once asked me to let me give up the investigation. I didn't agree. Mr. Lu may think that I am too heartless because of this."

Lu Shiman: "I..."

"And let you give up the investigation?!" Yang Can suddenly glared at Lu Shiman: "Mr. Lu, is what he said true?"

Yang Can also knew that Xiang Chuan vomited blood into the hospital for no reason.

But he still didn't know that Lu Shiman was secretly asking students to give up.

It's a big mistake to do something to someone for no reason, and even vomit blood. Can such a serious matter be abandoned?

Lu Shiman was caught in a desperate situation by Zhu Tong's few words, she clenched her hands tightly, and tried her best to argue: "Mr. Yang, this is really not the case, just because classmate Zhu Tong suddenly put his hand into his clothes pocket, I I really thought he was cheating..."

"Mr. Lu has been standing next to my seat since the beginning of the test. You mean that I know you are staring at me, and I deliberately cheated under your nose?"

Lu Shiman: "…"

Lu Shiman's face was pale, and he couldn't think of words to argue for a long time.

Yang Can didn't bother to listen to her explanation, so he went directly to the examination room and asked a few students.

The students were hesitant at first, but soon gave up.

"Mr. Lu made it difficult for Zhu Tong first, and kept staring at Zhu Tong throughout the exam."

"Zhu Tong wanted to wear a mask because Mr. Lu had too much perfume on his body. Mr. Lu even slapped the mask back on the table, which scared me to death at the time."

"I stared at Zhu Tong for so long and accidentally bumped into him, that's too careless."

"Isn't it clear that you don't want us to take a good test by training students to pat the table in the test room?"

The complaints in the examination room made Lu Shiman's pale face flush again.

After figuring out the cause and effect, Yang Can's face was not good-looking, he walked out of the classroom again, and said to Zhu Tong: "Go back and continue the exam, don't delay your grades."

Zhu Tong hesitated for a moment, then nodded and returned to the classroom.

As soon as Zhu Tong left, Lu Shiman looked at Yang Can, forced a smile, and said, "Mr. Yang, I really..."

"Mr. Lu." Yang Can interrupted her and said, "You are a teacher, how could you do such a thing?"

Lu Shiman looked aggrieved and his voice trembled, "I..."

Yang Can said again: "I am invigilating the sixth examination room now, you go back and reflect."

After a pause, he said again: "I will report today's events to the school and apply to revoke your position as the head teacher of the first grade."

Lu Shiman's face was completely bloodless: "Mr. Yang!"

Her eyes were full of disbelief.

Cancel the head teacher?


She just taught a student a lesson!

Because of Zhu Tong, she lost the selection of outstanding teachers in the city, and now because Zhu Tong wants to remove his head teacher?

What will the teachers and students in the school think of her when she is dismissed?

Does she still have the face to stay in?

However, Yang Can ignored her, turned around and entered the sixth examination room, leaving Charmaine alone in the corridor, too late to regret it.

Because of Lu Shiman's "delay", the sixth examination room was allowed to extend the examination time by ten minutes.

As soon as the exam was over, because of the delay in the sixth exam room, curious people asked a little, and Zhu Tong's glorious deeds quickly spread throughout the second high school teaching building.

"You're awesome, Zhu Tong, you're still arguing with the invigilator during exam time!"

As soon as he returned to Class 3 classroom, Rosso leaned over to Zhu Tong's seat and looked at him with admiration.

Although she did it herself, Zhu Tong didn't like to discuss these things, so he said softly, "She asked for it by herself."

"Of course, whoever flirts first is cheap, I heard it in the exam room next door."

Rosso took the exam this time in the seventh exam room, only separated from the sixth exam room by a wall.

Rosso said: "At that time, we could hear the voice of the female teacher clearly next door, and we thought it was really a student who was caught cheating, but it was Oolong! It's fine if you don't apologize if you've wronged the student, but you deserve to lose your temper. She was kicked out of the examination room by Lao Yang."

Only students have been kicked out of the exam room by the invigilator, and this is the first time a teacher has been kicked out of the exam room. It's a shame!

After an exam, it was rare that the classroom didn't nervously answer each other's answers, and they were all discussing about the sixth exam room.

Zhu Tongzhi was cradling a piece of classical Chinese while reciting a piece of classical Chinese. He was a little bit distracted by the noise in the classroom.

Suddenly a box of biscuits was handed over.

Zhu Tong turned his head to look over.

Shao Ming smiled at him: "Do you want to eat?"

It's obviously the same smile as usual, but now it looks particularly infectious.

I wish Tong Dunjue felt much better, nodded and said, "Eat."

Shao Ming raised his lips slightly.

He didn't mention it, but in his heart he had the same idea as everyone else: his deskmate was really good when he woke up.

The two solved a box of biscuits, and when Zhu Tong was checking the time on his mobile phone, he received a WeChat message from Uncle Liu.

Things seem to be done.

A city Zhujia villa.

Since Zhu Tong and the others moved out, apart from Zhu Shou Shan, who is hardly home, only Qin Junhong's mother and son remain in the villa.

Qin Manwen enjoyed it, and he didn't need to spend more time pretending, but Qin Junhong seemed to have a lot of thoughts these two days.

In the living room on the first floor, Qin Junhong sent Zhou Sui a message in the past two days, and the replies he received were very perfunctory.

Zhou Sui did not mention the progress of him and Zhu Tong, and only asked him to give some money first, otherwise the transaction would be ended.

Qin Junhong also didn't know the news that he was blocked by Zhu Tong.

Zhu Tong often didn't reply to messages before, and he didn't think much about not replying this time, nor did he send any new messages to Zhu Tong.

But he didn't know Zhu Tong's current situation for a few days, and Zhou Sui's attitude was also very wrong. He vaguely felt that there was a problem, but he couldn't figure it out.

He finally couldn't help it, and sent another message to Zhu Tong.

As a result, I received a prompt: The message has been sent, but was rejected by the other party.

Qin Junhong was suddenly shocked.

Was rejected by the other party? !

Zhu Tong actually blocked him? !

how can that be?


Before he could understand, the door of the villa suddenly opened, and a figure walked in.

The maid at the door whispered, "Mr. is back?"

The man ignored it, watched for a while at the door, and walked straight to the living room.

Qin Junhong subconsciously stood up and said, "Uncle Zhu."

Zhu Shoushan looked at him for a while with a sullen face, and said, "I heard that you asked someone to take care of him at Tongtong's school?"

Qin Junhong was horrified.

Zhu Shoushan know? Who told him? How much does he know?

Zhu Tong blocked him and told Zhu Shou Shan about it?

What does he mean?

Qin Junhong didn't have time to think about it. He held down the stormy waves in his heart and said as calmly as possible: "Uncle Zhu, who did you listen to?"

Zhu Shoushan said solemnly, "Is there such a thing?"

Qin Junhong paused and nodded: "That's the case, I'm worried about Tongtong..."


A loud slap sounded in the living room.

Qin Junhong was beaten in the head, and said angrily, "You did a good job!"


The author has something to say:

Regarding the issue of low favorability, there are not obvious hints in the previous article, let's take a guess?

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-26 16:17:34~2021-10-2715:12:14~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Xue Yunyao 50 bottles; I 11 bottles; Xu Xiaohe 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!