Chapter 37: debt collection

The sudden slap slapped Qin Junhong who wanted to explain, and the maids who were standing in the living room exited the villa one after another and closed the door of the villa tightly.

Qin Junhong was stunned for a while, then turned to look at Zhushoushan, and said in disbelief, "Uncle Zhu?"

Zhu Shoushan slapped him and was still not relieved. Seeing that Qin Junhong was just about to reprimand, there was a rush of footsteps on the stairs, and a woman heard the movement and ran down.

"What's going on here?"

Qin Manwen saw Zhu Shoushan's face full of anger on the stairs, and quickly ran over to stop him between "the two fathers and sons".

Seeing the bright red slap print on Qin Junhong's face, Qin Manwen's heart jumped twice, tentatively holding Zhu Shoushan's arm, "Shoushan, what's wrong? Is there anything I can't say?"

Zhu Shoushan said: "You ask what good thing your son has done?!"

Qin Manwen looked at Qin Junhong again.

Qin Junhong was resentful when he slapped him, and his tone was not very good, "I just found someone I know in Tongtong's school to take care of him."

Qin Manwen was stunned for a moment.

Looking for someone to take care of Zhu Tong?

Although Zhu Shoushan has always forbidden their mother and son to intervene in Zhu Tong's transfer, but such a trivial matter will not cause such a big temper, right?

She was about to persuade her, but Zhu Shoushan sneered: "Take care? You take good care of you. Find someone with a bad character who is riddled with gambling debts to go to school to take care of Tongtong! You even brought the matter to the old man, you..."

He said that he was about to start again, but Qin Manwen stopped him without a trace, and hurriedly reprimanded: "Junhong, what's going on?"

Gambling debt? Also of inferior character!

Looking for such a person to take care of Zhu Tong?

How could her son do such a stupid thing?

Qin Junhong felt a buzzing sound in his head when he heard "gambling debts".

How did Zhu Shou Shan know about Zhou Sui's family situation?

How did he know so soon?

He said that he still made trouble in front of the old man?

old man...

Thinking of the man who had only met once, and who was dignified and dignified despite being old, Qin Junhong suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

How could he forget Mr. Cheng?

But didn't Cheng Qingsong ignore the two brothers and sisters Zhu Tong for so many years?

Although he helped arrange Zhu Tong's transfer, when did he become so concerned about Zhu Tong's affairs?

Qin Junhong was terrified, but also responded quickly: "What is gambling debt? What is low character? Uncle Zhu, what are you talking about? The person I am looking for is Tongtong's school basketball team. I met him on the basketball court. Nice people..."

"You're a nice person?" Zhu Shoushan was so angry that his eyes almost popped out of his sockets, he suddenly opened his briefcase and took out a stack of photos, which he slammed into Qin Junhong's face, "That's what you said about a nice person, Take a good look at yourself!"

A stack of photos slammed into Qin Junhong's face with a "pop", then slipped off his face and scattered on the ground.

Qin Manwen lowered his head, and his face turned pale instantly.

In the photo is a scene of a person interacting with different girls, and there are some pictures of playing cards and smoking with a group of people at the gambling table.

How could Junhong know such a person?

Qin Junhong had already guessed which photos Zhu Shoushan would throw over, he looked down, pretended to be unbelievable, and said with wide eyes, "How could it be..."

Zhu Shoushan said: "Others are pursuing Tongtong in your name in the school, and they keep saying that they are entrusted by you to take care of Tongtong. Do you still want to say that you don't know this person?"

Qin Junhong raised his head quickly and said in a panic, "No, Uncle Zhu, he... I really don't know who he is. When he went to play in City E, he was clearly..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhu Shoushan suddenly raised his foot and kicked him violently.

"Ah, Junhong!"

Qin Manwen did not expect that Qin Junhong had been kicked to the ground, his face twisted in pain.

But Qin Manwen didn't dare to help, so he turned his head and said, "Shoushan..."

Zhu Shoushan pointed at him and said, "You don't even know what other people are and still let someone take care of Tongtong, what kind of heart do you have!"

How dare you blatantly pursue his son in school!

How dare he dare to be that kind of incompetent person!

This kind of thing is only known to the old man who let him tell him.

From the time Cheng Lan married him, Cheng Qingsong looked down on him everywhere, occasionally helping out in business matters, and scolding him occasionally.

Until now, if it wasn't necessary, he would never speak to the Cheng family again when he encountered any trouble.

He married Qin Manwen and entered the door, in order to take better care of the Zhutong brothers and sisters, so that the old man could not pick out his thorns.

As a result, what did Qin Junhong do?

Mr. Cheng called his office today and reprimanded him in front of his subordinates, leaving him faceless!

Zhu Shoushan became more and more angry the more he thought about it, he just wanted to kick him again!

Qin Junhong had already got up and sat on the ground, but he didn't stand up again. He lowered his head and said, "This is my fault, Uncle Zhu, I will go and apologize to Tongtong."

He did not say that he was blocked by Zhutong.

Thinking about it now, it's very likely that Zhu Tong also knew about Zhou Sui's family, so he blocked him.

Now that Zhu Tong already knew, it was impossible for him to pay attention to Zhou Sui. Zhou Sui didn't tell him about such an important matter at all?

If it wasn't for Zhou Sui not talking, how could he be so passive today?

Still want to make money from him? There are no doors!

Qin Junhong gritted his teeth secretly, wishing he could tear Zhou Sui into eight pieces immediately!

But it doesn't matter, he really "doesn't know" about Zhou Sui's things.

The chat records have been cleared. Even if Mr. Cheng wants to be held accountable, he has no evidence. He will go to Zhu Tong to apologize, but if it doesn't work, he will go to Zhu Xin and ask her to intercede for him. Big, will definitely help him!

With a calculation in his heart, Zhu Shoushan suddenly said: "From today, don't let me know that you are looking for someone to go to Tongtong and Xiaoxin's school! Don't go to see them either, if you dare to contact them secretly, you will give I'll get out of Zhu's house!"

Qin Junhong was startled and raised his head sharply.

Don't let him see Zhutong and them?

How about that!

It's just that he hasn't spoken yet, Qin Manwen has already said: "No, Junhong will definitely not. Don't worry, I will take good care of him and won't let him disturb Tongtong and Xiaoxin's study."

Qin Junhong: "..."

Zhu Shoushan gave Qin Junhong a condescending look, with that look as if he was looking at some trash, he hummed and turned upstairs.

On the ground, Qin Junhong rested his hands on the floor, his knuckles turning white.

Seeing that there was no one in the living room, Qin Manwen immediately lowered his body to help him, but was thrown away by Qin Junhong.

Qin Manwen also froze: "I know what you are angry about, but what else can you do now? Let the Cheng family know everything. I didn't say that just now. Do you think you still have a chance to get close to their brothers and sisters?"


"I'll say it again, calm down and wait for Xiaoxin to come back no matter what, do you hear me?"

Qin Junhong didn't speak, his eyes looked at the direction of Zhushou Mountain going upstairs, his eyes were dark and unclear.

He doesn't understand.

Zhu Shoushan has a pair of children, Zhu Tong is destined to be short-lived, and the notice of critical illness has been issued several times. Zhu Xin is also destined to marry. In the end, he is the person who can best help Zhu Shoushan manage and control the company. Why is Zhu Shoushan right? His attitude?

Why despise him?

One day, he will make Zhu Shoushan pay for today's contempt and insult!

His eyes were full of resentment and unwillingness, but his emotions quickly subsided, and he stood up with Qin Manwen's help.

The Cheng family and Cheng Qingsong quickly got the information about what happened in the Zhu family's villa.

Hearing the result of Zhu Shoushan's handling, he frowned and said, "Just beating and scolding for a lesson? Nothing else?"

The housekeeper nodded: "Nothing else."

Cheng Qingsong: "…"

His breath fluctuated several times, and he said disappointedly: "The guy who can't support the wall with mud."

Zhu Tong didn't know what happened to Zhu's family. He was immersed in the monthly exam for the past two days. After the monthly exam was completed the next day, he felt at ease both physically and mentally.

"It seems that the tutoring results are good."

Zhu Tong just stretched out in his seat when someone spoke next to him.

After the exam, the seats that were separated by the same table were re-joined.

I wish Tong Tong was really lucky in this exam. Not only did he sit in the exam seat for a girl, but also a girl took his seat, and he also "loved" his desk very much.

Hearing Shao Ming's opening, he turned his head to look over, with a faint smile on his face, he nodded and said, "Well, this time I have a lot fewer empty questions than the last time, and the total score should be 500. "

Shao Ming: "…"

Suddenly realizing something, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly: "Empty question?"

Zhu Tong said: "Yes."

Shao Ming: "…"


He forgot the way Zhutong answered the questions on the exam.


"Brother Ming! The exam is over, do you want to celebrate this afternoon?"

As soon as Shao Ming spoke, he was interrupted by Rosso who rushed over.

He paused and glanced at Zhu Tong, thinking that he had already passed the exam, and it would be useless to say it now, so let's wait for the results to come out.

He smiled and looked at Rosso again: "A monthly exam, how do you want to celebrate?"

Rosso also knew what he was worried about, and vowed: "Don't worry, I'm looking for a full-flavored shrimp gourmet shop this time, and there are shrimps in all flavors... By the way, I wish you are not allergic to seafood, right?"

Zhu Tong nodded and said, "I'm not allergic."

Rosso looked at Shao Ming again: "How about Brother Ming?"

Shao Ming said: "Okay, listen to you."

Rosso immediately "Oye" and jumped back to his seat happily.

Zhu Tong watched him jump back and couldn't help but smile.

Rosso always seemed so heartless, as if nothing could upset him.

He turned to look at Shao Ming again... He couldn't understand anything.

This man is so good at hiding.

He took another look at the favorability of the system interface. The two days of tutoring increased by a few percentage points, and now it is 40%.

He inexplicably thought of what Shao Ming had just said: the tutoring results were good.

It does work.

Others in the classroom were busy bringing back the books that had been packed under the table for the exam. Originally, the school had arranged a self-study class after the exam, but Shi Wenshu knew that they just finished the exam and didn't have the heart to study by themselves. Let them leave get out of class twenty minutes early.

In Quanwei Shrimp Restaurant, Zhu Tong took a picture of the box and sent it to Zhu Xin before the waiter served the food.

At first, taking pictures was just to "report safety", but now, it seems to have become a habit.

He sent the photo without waiting for a reply, and just turned off the phone.

On the other side, Zhu Xin was also eating. She was cutting a piece of steak gracefully, but when she heard the phone beep, she put the tableware and turned on the phone.

Seeing the photo sent by her brother, she subconsciously smiled, and suddenly saw another person with half of her body in the photo.

She is no stranger to this person. In all the photos her brother has sent her, this person has a high appearance rate.

Sometimes it's profile, sometimes it's front, there are half-length photos, and there are full-body photos.

Almost every photo of him not showing his full face is because he is very close to the person taking the photo.

Zhu Xin stared at the handsome guy in the photo for a while, and suddenly a phone call came.

In the box, the waiter brought in several plates of shrimp with different flavors. Zhu Tong just put on plastic gloves, and the screen of his mobile phone suddenly lit up.

When he saw the caller ID, he was slightly startled.

Why did Xiaoxin call him?

Is she not angry anymore?

Zhu Tong's eyes flashed with joy, and he took off the gloves he just put on.

"Sorry, I'm going out to answer the phone."

His tone was a little eager. Rosso already had a spicy crayfish in his hand, and said strangely, "Who called? He seems very happy."

Shao Ming took a five-spice shrimp tail, peeled the shrimp, put it on the plate in front of Zhutong's seat, and said softly, "I don't know."

Rosso was still looking at the door of the box and joked, "Could he have a girlfriend?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly felt a chill on his back, turned his head, and met his brother Ming's half-smiling gaze.

Rosso's body defense mechanism instinctively warned, he hurriedly said: "Just kidding, haha."

Shao Ming took his eyes back.

Rosso: "…"

He concentrated on peeling the shrimp, and suddenly realized something.

No, he said that Zhu Tong had a girlfriend, what did Brother Ming "threaten" him for?

Forget it, he didn't dare to ask.

Outside the box, Zhu Tong pressed the answer as soon as he went out: "Xiao Xin."


There was no answer, and Zhu Tong said again, "Xiao Xin?"

"elder brother."

An aggrieved cry.

Zhu Tong couldn't help but smile: "What's wrong?"

Zhu Xin said: "Have you finished the monthly exam?"

Zhu Tong also told her about going to a classmate's home for tutoring for the monthly exam.

Zhu Tong said: "Well, I just finished the test today."

There was a sudden boost of energy over there, "Then you are going on vacation, right? When will you be back on National Day?"


National Day?

Zhu Tong was stunned.

Yes, it's the National Day holiday soon.

Zhu Tong looked back at the box and said hesitantly, "I... may not be able to go back on National Day."

The phone was silent again.

I wish Tong Tong a moment of apprehension.

After a while, the **** the phone gave a cute "hum" and said, "Did you find my sister-in-law over there, so you won't come back?"

Zhu Tong: "…"

Sister-in-law... what sister-in-law?

He was shocked: "How is it possible? No, I didn't come back because... Because I didn't pass the exam this time, I want to hurry up and study for my homework."


After Zhu Tong finished speaking, he held his breath.

He didn't believe it himself.

Speaking of which, he didn't even seem to have explained to Xiao Xin why he changed schools.

After a long silence on the phone, Zhu Tong paused and wanted to comfort her a few words, but suddenly he said, "Then... Are you okay?"

Zhu Tong suddenly warmed his heart, raised his lips and said, "I'm in good health, don't worry."

Zhu Xin said, "You'll be fine."

She didn't ask Zhu Tong why she didn't go back, the brother and sister hung up the phone after saying a few words.

She is so sensible, and Zhu Tong is both relieved and guilty.

It's really guilt to cheat!

He sighed and turned back to the box.

After Zhu Xin hung up the phone, he didn't move for a long time looking at the screen that was down, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

In the box, when Zhu Tong returned to his seat, there was already a plate of peeled shrimp in his seat.

He looked at Shao Ming in surprise: "You peeled it for me?"

Shao Ming said: "Well, I'm afraid that if you don't come back, Rosso will be wound up alone."

Rosso: "??!"

He doesn't eat five-flavored ones, so what is he clearing?

But why does Brother Ming seem to be in a bad mood?

Rosso looked at Shao Ming, then at Zhu Tong, and said tentatively, "Who did you just... call? Been out for so long?"

Zhu Tong put on his gloves again and said, "My sister called."

Rosso was surprised: "You still have a sister?"

Zhu Tong nodded: "Yes."

Rosso looked at Shao Ming again.

Just now, the low air pressure in the box seemed to disappear.

Rosso: "…"

With the two lessons of his brother Ming being pursued by boys and Zhu Tong being pursued by boys, it is difficult for him to think about this situation now.

Shao Ming ignored his scrutiny and said to Zhu Tong: "Eat it quickly, it won't taste good if it's cold for a while."

Zhu Tong gradually became accustomed to Shao Ming's meticulous care for him, probably because he was in debt, so he would pay it back slowly in the future.

He smiled and nodded: "Yeah."

Rosso: "…"

When I went back to school after dinner, there was some noise at the school gate, and I could vaguely hear some voices.

"...The debt collection has come to the school gate, are you crazy?"

"Isn't Zhou Sui's family rich? He spent so much money on gifts when he was chasing girls. How could he be in debt?"

"I heard that it was a gambling debt. The debt collectors called. His dad couldn't get the money, so he went to the school to find Zhou Sui and the two brothers."

"Can't you? Can't be a father? How much money can two students have?"

"That's hard to say, didn't you just hear Zhou Sui's father shouting at the school gate? Zhou Sui promised him to help him pay off his gambling debts within a month. Maybe he really has some channels."

"Speaking of a few days ago, Zhou Sui pursued Zhu Tong with great fanfare at school...Fuck, he wouldn't be doing it for the money of Zhu Tong's family, right? With a month left, where did he get his confidence?"

"That's right, if I think we can match Zhu Tong in our school, we are the only students who are studying gods...Fuck, learning gods!"

The girl who spoke just said two people, and people appeared at the school gate.

The incident at the gate of the school seemed to have just happened, and the onlookers had not dispersed, and the voice of discussion was not small.

Rosso was very curious, so he caught a person to inquire about it, and couldn't wait to run back to share the news with the two.

"We missed a big show today! Zhou Sui's father asked his son for money and wanted to go to school. Ha, I asked the student's son for money. There is such a strange thing in this world!"

Zhu Tong was also surprised, "...Where are they?"

Luo Sui said: "Zhou Sui thinks his father is ashamed and has already dragged him home."


Zhou Sui took his father back to the house. The family that seemed to be quite wealthy had been turned into a mess by the creditors.

Father Zhou made a fuss at the school gate. His face was still blue at the moment. He looked at the smashed things on the ground, grabbed Zhou Sui and said, "Look, see what the smashed home looks like? You say a If you get the money within a month, where is the money? Ah? Where did you get the money? What did Lao Tzu do to support you? Lao Tzu has supported you for more than ten years! What the **** did you promise to give Lao Tzu!"

Zhou Sui was questioned by his father by the collar. He couldn't bear it anymore, and he threw him away. He said with a cold face, "If you keep yelling in front of me, you won't even want to get a penny."

Father Zhou was stagnant, and subconsciously let go.

Zhou Sui walked to the window and called Qin Junhong again.

Still can't connect.

Since the last time he asked Qin Junhong to give some of the money first, Qin Junhong has never replied to his news.

Zhou Sui didn't know if he found something, but he still had news that Qin Junhong could compromise.

He contacted the middleman who had helped Qin Junhong connect, and sent his screenshots of chat records.

Received a reply quickly.

[If anyone can believe you, you can send out the records. ]

After all, it's just a screenshot, it can't prove that the person who is in contact with Zhou Sui is Qin Junhong.

Qin Junhong contacted Zhou Sui, but he did not use his own WeChat account.

Looking at the remarks from the opposite side that "dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water", Zhou Sui suddenly realized this, as if someone was strangling his neck in an instant, and he couldn't get up and down in one breath.

"Oh shit!"

His face was ugly and he uttered a foul language. He threw the phone out with force, and fell heavily to the ground, instantly shattering into pieces.

As soon as Father Zhou saw his reaction, the fire that had just been suppressed rose up again: "What do you mean by dropping your phone? Could it be that you can't get the money? If you can't get the money, what kind of school are you going to go to! I tell you, today if you If you can't get the money, I will sell the two of you to pay off the debt! Useless things! Two losers, I have raised you two for so many years!"


The rough voices in the house were deafening, and Zhou Sui frowned at his mercy, unable to say anything.

At the position of the door against the wall, Zhou Rui looked at his father and brother who were almost scrambling in the middle of the mess, with panic and confusion in his eyes.

He hadn't seen his mother since he could remember. He heard from the neighbors that he ran away because his father was gambling and his mother couldn't stand it.

When I was a child, I didn't know what gambling was. I only remembered that a group of people often came to play mahjong at home, and he couldn't sleep in the middle of the night.

The first time he played at the poker table, his father was out of luck, and he pulled him to change his luck. After winning once, he tasted the sweetness and gradually discovered the fun.

He never thought gambling was such a big deal before, because no matter how much money he owed, his brother would always fill the hole for him.

His brother is very powerful. It seems that he always has enough money. He doesn't know where the money comes from, but he doesn't care, as long as he has the money.

He always felt that his brother was his role model. He could make money, have different girlfriends, and represented the school's basketball team to play in the city.

In his cognition, his brother will never fall.

But what happened now?

What went wrong?

What should he do now? Will he be expelled?

He doesn't want to be expelled!

In the panic, he suddenly thought of something, and he glanced at Zhou Sui.

That's right, Zhu Tong.

His brother must have come to this point because he offended Zhu Tong, he can go to Zhu Tong to intercede and ask him to let them go!

Yes, he went to Zhu Tong.

Zhou Rui thought in despair, stopped looking at his crazy father in the room, opened the door and escaped.


The author has something to say:

Thank you to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-10-27 15:12:14~2021-10-28 17:04:15~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Lonely root number three and one;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Lonely root number three; 1 bottle of Hongja and Mu Yichengzhou;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!